Quote Originally Posted by Surya
It doesn't.
Well, that does establishe something for you to ponder over and explore its wider and deeper implications over the whole issue and see how all these fragmented pieces of information fit together.

Quote Originally Posted by Surya
But we're talking about Religious Persecution. And Religious Persecution is usually committed on a person because of their religion, or what they call themselves to be.
The persecutions or genocide are never committed on religions themselves, simply because they are intangible and conceptual entities. One can never catch a religion and physically kill it. Religions do not act; it is the followers of religion who act. Therefore, it follows that the law of karma and reincarnation are only applicable to the one who acts and not to the religion.

And as far as Hinduism is concerned, it strongly asserts that no karma goes without consequences. Every consequence has its own karmic history behind it. There simply is no first cause for the karmic deeds. A true Hindu can only hope to empty his karmic account of bad karma in his present life, for any action that qualifies for bad karma, carries dire consequences. There simply is no immunity against bad karma. Therefore, whether it is a religious persecution committed on a person or genocide committed on the masses, they all are the consequences and the they all are attributable to personal or collective bad karma. That is what happened in the past, that is what is happening in the present and that is what may happen in the future if one goes by the law of karma and reincarnation.