Quote Originally Posted by irir123 View Post
"....As the jihad heats up in the West, the media is becoming more clumsy and desperate in its attempts to deflect attention away from the jihad and back to its favorite bogeyman, "right-wing extremists." - Pamela Geller.

The level of cognitive dissonance + political correctness + self-abuse + censorship throughout the liberal media - is the reason why right wing fascism is on the rise in Europe.

In India, how much blood has been spilt recently since 1993??

Yet the world never cared - meanwhile the liberal media chose every opportunity to highlight their sense of perceived intolerance in the subcontinent - what is unfolding in Europe was all waiting to happen but nobody would listen even when someone screams out the inevitable - and yet watch out for homilies from the liberals & blaming everything other than the real set of reasons/threat..



Feel sorry for Europe as such with their liberal and open borders policy ... UK has 1st/2nd gen from Pakistan raised and living in UK working against the same country which made them. They have zero nationalism and operate freely from their own pockets within London.

Now with refugees arriving from Syria it is said that some 800000 will reach Germany this year. I wonder how many jihadis are in the making. I'm not kidding here. Paris attacks were master minded by a someone raised in Europe (Belgian) and ones taking advantage of recent refugee influx.

Paris terror attacks: Belgian-born Abdelhamid Abaaoud 'identified as mastermind'

All this in the name of political correctness ?