5 A celebrity keeps student excited (6) AFLAME
7 Crew gets old dresses (8)BANDAGES
9 Perfect chance to tour the south (4)BEST
10 Old-fashioned rock genre has a 50's beat (10) OUTGENERAL
11 Brand new chai caterers (12)CAHARCTERISE
13 Compassionate tone enthralls lover (6) HUMANE
15 Boys held by law for wreckage (6) RUBBLE
18 Trim, fashionable girls now changing into robe (8,4) (DRESS)(IN)(G G)(OWN*)
21 Mom dancing when drunk? Impressive (10) COMMANDING*
22 Turned on by jolly type (4) (NO<=)(RM)
23 Short, skinny trousers proper for coastal resort (8) BRIGHTON
24 Time of day in New York now (6) TRENDY

1 Bugs bachelor with endlessly dreadful recital (8) BACTERIA
2 Grand choir arranged over middle of opera (6) HEROIC
3 Lower pants (8) INFERIOR
4 Grace men with flowers (6)RACEME
6 Expand // shelf (5,3) FLESH OUT
7 Friend lacking resistance to trouble (6)BOTHER
8 Minute cutting tool lifted for an evaluation (4)EXAM
12 Fresh folder we opened (8)FLOWERED
14 Drug that for married one in motherhood is paradise (8) [-m/a](+E)TERNITY
16 Order beer and gin with northern starter (8)BEGINNER
17 Give out a small warning (6) ASSIGN
18 Lady given silver as compensation (6)DAMAGE
19 Oppose rebellious teenager without hesitation (6)NEGATE
20 Give gold entry (4)DOOR

Very good!