Headshot [Indonesia: Indonesian/English: 2hrs : Martial Arts (Action)]

Release dates :
September 2016 : 22nd L'etrange Festival Paris / TIFF
December 2016 : Indonesia
March 2017 : World Wide (in selected countries/theatres)

Directed by Mo Brothers [Kimo Stamboel, Timo Tjahjanto (Writing Credits)]

Starring : Chelsea Islan, Julie Estelle, Iwo Uwais & Sunny Pang

"This story might sound familiar to you. Ishmael. There was once a rumour about a mysterious young man. Everytime he appears he leaves a scene of massacre that turns the whole beach blood red." - Headshot

Rated VERY R : due to high violence during action sequences, audience discretion is advised.

An artistic portrayal of gore and violence, using the Indonesian martial arts Pencak Silat, as seen in Iwo Uwais previous films (Raid 1, 2 and IPL2).

A boss of a drug cartel, Lee, escapes prison. An amnesiac with a headshot, named Ishmael by his treating doctor, is found on a beach shore. Ishmael swims in the the blood of his enemies to find his past.

Prison Escape - Hideout shootout - Hospital Hassle - Inside Bus Combat - Police Station Attack - Forest Fight - Beach Brawl - Bunker Duel => A stylised ultra violent action exhibition.

Mo Brothers excellent direction with original camera works (the arrest of Lee, breaking ankles, man vs sharp objects ...) and an outstanding soundtrack (the one during Police Station Attack is extrodinary) with an exceptional display of Pencak Silat martial arts (the hits & blocks and the artists quickness are amazing) admist breaking bones and torn flesh, makes Headshot a lovely display of awesomeness.

Beautiful Julie Estelle, cute Chelsea Islan, 'as usual energetic' Iwo Uwias, terror eyed Sunny Pang and his monsterous henchmen, together procreate a pretty deadly action film.

Headshot - Scarface