Article by Padmanabha

[tscii]When epigraphists took the estampage of the rock inscription at the Parthivapuram Vishnu temple in erstwhile Vilavancode taluk of Nachinadu, much surprise was in store for them.

This particular inscription was the first ever evidence which revealed that a famous University called Kanthallur Salai akin to Nalanda and the Taxila had existed in Thiruvananthapuram 1200 years ago. Further research led them to the conclusion that the University was functioning on the premises of Valiasalai Mahadevar temple. Surprised

Kanthalur Salai widely known as the Nalanda of the South was looked upon as a model by the people of that time. It was modeled on the educational institution of the Buddhists and the Jains.


Kanthalur and Parthivapura Salai were established by the Ay King Karunandadakkan in 850 AD and 857 AD respectively.

Each salai provided boarding to 95 chattar(students). The Huzur office inscriptions specify the rules and regulations of the Salai.

Vyakarana, Mimamsa and Paurohitya were the important subjects. The mode of reciting the Vedas was specified in copper plates. Fine and fasting were imposed on students who used abusive language and fought each other. Gambling was considered an offence. Students from 26 Aryan countries came to Kanthalur Salai for higher studies.

The phrase “KANTHALUR SALAI KALAM ARUTHARULI” found in various inscriptions were given different interpretations. The accepted version is that the King is pleased to make an endowment and fix the number of Kalams that is the dinner plates that is number of Brahmins to be fed in the institution.

A decorated elephant was let loose and its route back to the temple formed the terrootyr of Parthivapuram. “Along with Vizhinjam Kanthallur too functioned as an army camp. Srivallabha Perum Panaikal Aviyalandradakkan records say designed arms for Ko Karunandadakkan. Though the Ay kings were Saivites they constructed Vishnu temples a proof for their tolerance.

Kanthallur was destroyed followed by the attacks of Rajendra Chola(1019) Rajadirajan (1046) and Kulothungan (1070)

It was Kavi Mamani Desivinayakam Pillai who established the Kanthallur Salai and Valaiasali Mahadevar temple are one and the same.

The beautiful sculptures in the temple have been white washed. Decorative motifs on the pillar and outer walls of the sanctum sanctorum have been unfinished coat of color to the effect that the craftsmanship is beyond recognition.

The latter day administrators are unaware of even that fact that inscriptions of Rajendra Chola and Ravi Varma are present in a mutilated state in the temple which bear eloquent testimony to its antiquity.