Quote Originally Posted by podalangai
"Cricket civilizes people and creates good gentlemen. I want everyone to play cricket in Zimbabwe. I want ours to be a nation of gentlemen." -- Robert Mugabe
Genuine or not, what a statement !

Quote Originally Posted by podalangai
“What a magnificent shot! No, he’s out.” - Tony Greig.
Typical Greig-ian overenthu When did this happen ?

Quote Originally Posted by P.G.Wodehouse
There are few pleasanter or more thrilling moments in one's school career than the first over of a big match. Pleasant, that is to say, if you are actually looking on. To have to listen to a match being started from the interior of a form-room is, of course, maddening. You hear the sound of bat meeting ball, followed by distant clapping. Somebody has scored. But who and what? It may be a four, or it may be a mere single. More important still, it may be the other side batting after all. Some miscreant has possibly lifted your best bowler into the road. The suspense is awful. It ought to be a School rule that the captain of the team should send a message round the form-rooms stating briefly and lucidly the result of the toss.

from Prefect's Uncle