OK, here is my list (not in any specific order)

1. The majestic guitar postlude of 'iLaya nilA'
-This piece needs no introduction...very popular and one of those where one waits for the ending of a very nice song. It mostly resembles the pallavi but where it strays is what's really beautiful and the tail end is very sweet. (Movie - payaNangaL mudivadhillai)

2. The classic prelude of 'rAkkammA kaiyaththattu'
-Very popular again, even non-IR fans can identify the song when the strings start. The interesting part is, the effect continues even after the pallavi has started as the strings respond to each line of SPB (Movie -dhaLapathi)

3. The second interlude of 'madai thiRandhu'
-அப்படியே நம்மை வானத்தில் பறக்க வைக்கும் இசைக்கோர்ப்பு...it starts slowly with just harmonium and a timing sound, a variation of the pallavi, joined by some powerful drum sounds and then comes the violins - wow - majestic ! The chorus is again of very good order with excellent bass guitar backing, smoothly leading us to the saraNam. One of those many examples where Raja gives something extra in the 2nd interlude than the first. (Movie - nizhalgaL)

4. The second interlude of 'idhu oru pon mAlaippozhudhu'
- I used to wait for this song from AIR Trichy on Sundays when they used to play new songs at 1 PM...what a treat this interlude was...this piece alone can be developed into a full fledged instrumental track IMHO...it starts with a mild flute / jaladharangam sounds and then runs like a sweet stream...when it reaches the single violin phase we're already in a different world. Raja's presence of mind adds a quick, short, multi string conclusion to bring us back to 'vAnam enakkoru bOdhi maram'...என்ன சுகமான அனுபவம்
(Movie - nizhalgaL)

5. The second interlude of 'nee dhAne endhan pon vasantham'
-I'm not so happy about the amount of recognition this got, though this whole album was a big hit despite the dismal failure of the movie. pani vizhum & rOjavaiththAlAttum were more popular and adorable, but this part is the cream IMHO, showcasing the enormous talent of Raja...It's got to be some powerful string instrument that plays the lead melody, supported by excellent orchestration and the brilliant / mirattal guitar sound is the plum on the cream! (Movie - ninaivellAm nithyA)

Five more to follow...