Mandangi says:
Love marriages should be encouraged. It does not mean hating arranged marriages. There is no rule that all people must fall in love. People who do not fall in love can have arranged marriages.
Some people commit suicide by love failure. There is no need to commit suicide by love failure. We can do many attempts for love. Loving wife after arranged marriage is also not wrong.
so how many attempts does guy have to make before he knows he's arranged marriage material...even though the soon-to-be wife advocates suicide for the fellow cause she doesn't want to know how she is going to be loved after her arranged marriage...will that still mean he should stick to arranged marriage even though love marriage is encouraged...after all didn't the all previous attemptees already get a taste of this guy's loving...and then up and left....there's got to be something many attemptees prove that this guy's just a worthless player if at all that? And then the poor arranged gurl (who has no attempts of her own) has a good understanding that well this guy has been tried on too many times for her liking..