Tks a lot 4 ur advice ppl.! Feeling a lot better after reading them!
Yea I've realised thru sum bitter (but not my own!) experiences tat girls today will not b 100% the same as u expect them to fact um, I'd always wanted to marry a girl who dressed traditionally etc. etc.......main reason y I wanted to return to India & settle there......but then I've realised lately tat the i mportant thing is not if they look traditional but if they r traditional at heart! altho in my heart of hearts I do hope I find a girl who still is traditional in everything.....always felt they jus used to look d best tat way but then the most important thingz r our values/morals, whether or not u drape urself in six-yard lengths of cloth.....
And IMO its also important tat girls shudn't go for materialistic issues like guy's salary/income etc.!