thanks yathu.
ya the biggest minus seems to be the singing. i had no formal training in vocal (it is my first time singing, i don't even sing in the bathroom lol) but due to time constraints I was in a position to sing it. the instrumentations are in the keys but it might be so that there are some pitch problems with my vocals making it seem as tho the orchestration is off. But the orchestration is perfectly in tune/pitch.
ya i've done by arengetram in mrdangam so it should have been natural for me to go wild with the arrangement but I preferred to keep it simple since adding a complicated rhythm will disrupt the flow of the song since there is already a lot of fast paced pieces in there. also ya thats a base guitar but its digitally altered to make it sound different.

overall i really respect your comments and I whole-heartedly agree that your criticisms are very valid and I will pay attention next time when it comes to singing especially. thanks again for taking your time.
btw yathu, what did you think about the quality? i know you pay a lot of attention to the quality of songs (recording not musical).

Quote Originally Posted by Yathu
Finally listened to it! Here’s my initial thoughts:

Firstly, the whole piece is GREAT for a first attempt.


- The opening with the alaap/ Hindustani (/whatever it’s called, I don’t know the technical name!) bit was nice.
- The rap is pretty decent too. Liked the bomb effect that you added when he says “bomb, bomb, bomb”
- The additional instrumentation you used after the rap bit is good. Especially the bass guitar (is that bass guitar?) The mrithangam is also good but I thought you could maybe do a different kinda rhythm(?) (not sure of the exact terminology! You’ve done an arangetram right? )

Things you could improve (I guess its easier to criticise than praise! ) :

- The main vocals. I think they’re done by you Thinesh? Have you had formal vocal training? There seems to be some pitching problems. I think you’re different intrumentations layers may also be in different keys. I’m no expert, but this is just my opinion.
- Maybe you could change the “aahing” sounds and “orchestral hits” with actual vocals, it’d make it sound more professional I think.
- At some places the music seems to overpower the vocals.

Overall, definitely a good attempt. Great lyrics for a good cause.

Keep up the good work Thinesh. All the best to TK Productions.