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  • (1) PEACOCK : 91 % and Above

    3 14.29%
  • (2) ELEPHANT : 81 % - 90 %

    3 14.29%
  • (3) LION : 71 % - 80 %

    2 9.52%
  • (4) PARROT : 61 % - 70 %

    9 42.86%
  • (5) COW : 51 % - 60 %

    1 4.76%
  • (6) DOVE : 41 % - 50 %

    2 9.52%
  • (7) TIGER : 40 % and Below

    1 4.76%
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Thread: Your Psychological "SELF-EVALUATION" Quiz.!

  1. #1
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    Your Psychological "SELF-EVALUATION" Quiz.!


    This is an Interesting Self-Judgement, based on the update Scientific MIND- STUDY

    Each and every person is.. Unique.... and Different from others by his Principles on Life and ...Mind-application on problems. Consequently person to person, the decisions vary on one and the same problem .... irrespective of the Intelligence or the Wisdom of the person concerned.

    Such varied characters can be easily adjudged and discerned when even the brothers of a same family or the Close friends take different sorts of decisions... when placed under one and the same or similar dilemma or embarassing situations.

    On this basis of Self-Study ...You can Evaluate.... Yourselves..... How?... What do You have to do?...


    (1) Quiz Questions are furnished here-below along with the Optional Solutions thereon. You have to read these hypothetical situations one by one.

    (2)Select one of the Optional- Answers (Solutions)... Amongst the 6 to 8 Quiz solutions provided ... select the one ... which you would adopt ... if you were so placed in.

    (3) Note-down the Mark-score applicable for it.

    (4) Similarly..... read each question and select your solution followed by your noting-down the respectiove marks.

    (5) On completion of answering all the Questions.... Total up the marks.

    (6) From the list of 7 categories detailed at the bottom of this page you can find out your character as a Person... on the basis of marks-range scored.


    (1) This is NOT.... an.... INTELLIGENCE--TEST ... but a....... MIND--TEST... So the Top-Scorer is neither meant as the wisest nor others as the inferior by the degree of Intelligence or Wisdom.

    (2) All the Questions must be answered... and the accrued marks summed- up.

    (3) Gender words as Wife / Husband.. Son / Daughter.. Father / Mother.. etc.. may be deemed Vice-Versa too

    (4) Seven categories of personages named as Peacock, Lion etc. based on Marks scored is just a Label of Identity, and has no relevant significance with the so named creature

    (5)SINCERELY.... True to Your Conscience.... irrespective of the due Marks.... You have to select your optional-solution as you feel proper in your case, under those circumstances if you were placed in.

    So to say...which is the.... "BEST SOLUTION"... is Not the Point here.... but...

    ... What will be .... Your Approach.... amongst these .... Feasible Options....

    ... if YOU were placed under these Hypothetical Situations of DILEMMA .

    . according to your own independant THOUGHTS .Life-Code-of-Practice?

    ... is the only Consideration here.

    ... So please DON'T TRY TO GAIN the Maximum marks... somehow....

    ... by marking the Higher or the Highest Score ... "More" or "Different" from what you exactly ...know and feel... about YOU... as You are ...

    ... And... If deviated... it will be Only SELF-DECEPTIVE .... contrary to your True-Picture.

    ************************************************** **
    __________________________________________________ _______________________________

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  3. #2
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    (Q-1). GIFT-DILEMMA --

    You have just entered a Clothe-Shop with your Consort (Wife/ Husband) along with your Daughter .... to buy a Dress ... as her Birth-day Gift ... falling just the next day... with not much Interval time in between, for a wide-try.

    At the Counter... you all the three... are much delighted to see a particular dress... which is quite impressive to all of you alike .... Your lovely daughter jumps up and frantically appeals to you to somehow get it for her...

    So you approach the Manager near the Counter... He says... it is just sold out... cleared from shelf …. for billing and payment at Cash-counter... by the Party waiting there.

    Then you ask him to get another one exactly the same in all respects.... No stock.... It is the only authorised Store in the Town .... to import such stuff of a particular brand.

    :What will you do... under such a Situation?

    (A)Will approach the Stranger-Buyer (who had already selected the article and waiting to pay at the counter) and request him... to forego his right... and permit you to have it?... And may even offer to pay a Compensation for it? //...06...// *

    (B) Will offer the Shop-keeper a higher Price on Bargain.... competing with the waiting Buyer? //...08...// *

    (C) Will ask the Shop-keeper ... to show different approximate choices... and try to convince your daughter to reconcile?

    (D)Will claim your superseding right and argue / fight with the Shop-keeper... that you are the Regular Customer... patronising for several years... while the other person... has recently come to the town... and this is his first visit to the Shop.?
    //...05...// *

    (E) Will try in a hurry.. in various other shops too... and choose the Best amongst the available options..... and say... "My dear Daughter ... accept this one we have chosen for you... and just get satisfied for the present.... with what is available at the moment... I will get you the same sort of dress... by asking your Uncle to urgently buy and rush to us from USA"?
    //...04...// *

    (F) Anything Positive ... without foregoing the celebration?.
    //.. 03..//.

    (G) Drop the idea of Purchasing anything secondary to your liking and manage without any Gift.

    (H)Will leave it to your Wife and Daughters' discretion.... which you will accept


    (2) Your elder Brother.... Once upon a time affectionate during your childhood days.... Turned hostile after his marriage.... Bitter-Relations now ... Since committed grave Injustice to you in Property-sharing.... tantamounting to Cheating / Breach of Trust….. Out of contact for several years .... but your affection to his children is unaffected to the least degree .... because they continue to be much attached to you....keeping aloof in the Elders mis-understandings....

    Surprisingly you get a personal letter from your brothers daughter informing that your Brother has been posted as the District-collector at your Town Also a Marriage-invitation enclosed ..... that her marriage will take place in the near future at your town… detailing her inebilty to meet you…. but appealing to somehow make it possible to attend... to bless her your most affectionate since her childhood days..... Brothers present position as collector may help you in your new Business-Venture Your wife is not in favour of attending... while your children are anxious to.

    What will you do.... ???

    (A) Will ignore your wife's words and attend the Marriage as a lonely visitor .... with a mental attitude prepared to confront any Ill-treatment by such inimical Brother.... you being an un-invited Guest for him. ... But will briefly talk to only the Bride who invited you..... and... after the presentation of Gift ... return silently...
    //...10...// *

    (B) Will try to convince your wife ... and take your whole family with you....spend the full duration of marriage with the marriage-party ... trying to revive the good relations with your Brother and other relatives... forgetting the past wounds.... as well as ignoring their present unpalatable Reciprocation? ...
    //...08...// *

    (C)Will not attend the Marriage... but will only send the Marriage-Gift... along with an affectionate letter blessing the Couple... through some outsider as Messenger... But will arrange to meet her later at some othervenue. ..and bless the couple.
    .//...05..// *

    (D)Will attend the Marriage.... but argue with your Brother and others... "See... I have attended the Marriage even without your formal invitation... because after all your daughter is also equally my daughter .... also take-up the matter with the Dignitaries of the town for mediation."
    //...06...// *

    (E) Will ignore the whole Development.... tear-off the Invitation and Letter... and will keep quiet? //...02...//

    (F) You will do something else positive... without anybody from your side attending the Marriage? //...03...//

    (G) Will Leave it to others Discretion... which you will accept ..... // ...02...//


    You have purchased... a House from the children of a Rich Wicked Miser.An Old-construction ancestral property mostly ill-gotten by cheating, betrayal, and the like from such criminal unlawful and immoral offenses pathetic and unjust grabbing of others wealth .... by the Miser Father of the prsent Seller-children…

    But the Children ... had deserted the Rich Father in his old age.... making him suffer and breathe the last.... without any human-support or attendance on him even while in bed during his last days.

    You have arranged for dismantling the old structure… for constructing anew as per your dreams….. Suddenly your contractor rushes to you secretly one night... and informs that he got a Treasure-Box containing heavy amount of Cash by Gold Coins, Gems and Jewelleries, worth of Several millions... found concealed under the Floor of the old house....

    What will be your Reaction and further Step.?

    (A)Will inform the Police and the Tahsildar and hand over the Treasure to them stating.... After all ... I bought only the House... not this hidden wealth... for which I have neither a Legal nor a Moral right to own or claim for. So I consider this as the Government property." ?
    //...12...// *

    (B)Will secretly call for the Children... your Seller... and Say..."This is your ancestral wealth... which legally and morally belongs to you the Descendants .... and not to me since I have not paid for it nor recorded so in the Sale-deed... and So You only deserve to have it... But Keep the matter as Secret." and then hand over to them... being the legitimate Sellers and Owners of Ancestral property.
    //...08...// *

    (C)Will share with the Children the Sellers... advising them to maintain the Secrecy of the deal.
    //...06...// *

    (D)Will tell the Contractor... " Oh You are so Honest and Sincere to me.... That is why God has rewarded you. So have the whole wealth for you... but maintain the Secrecy."… You will tell the Contractor and hand over the whole Wealth to him?

    (E)Will only share with the Contractor and also reward the workers for their Honesty.... advising all to maintain the Secrecy.

    (F)Will own the whole Treasure for yourselves stating.... " See God has given me this Treasure because I am born with Luck to own this... Otherwise why it did not come to the notice of anybody else until I could get access at my free will?... So I alone deseve to have it fully... but I will reward the Contractor and his workers concerned in some other ways to ensure maintainance of Secrecy.

    (G)Will search for the past losers from whom this wealth was unjustly grabbed by the Miser ... and tell them... "See The Children of that Miser do not deserve to have it.... either in the capacity as Legal Heir nor in the capacity as my Sellers... because they have failed in their duty to their Father ...especially during his last days.... whereas this is the wealth got from you all... So it has come back to you through me... since sent by God... So have it.... but maintain the Secrecy..." Saying so, you will distribute the wealth amongst them at your discretion... as you feel they are due.
    //...05...// *

    (H) You will deposit secretly in one or more of the Temple Hundis.... stating.... "Oh God I don't want to own this ill-gotten money attached with Heavy amount of Sins... Unclaimed Money is God's Money. So please accept this"
    //...10...// *

    (I) Any other Options Positive?.... maintaining the Secerecy?

    (J) Will Leave it to others Discretion .... which you will accept... whatever it may be.


    While you are walking on the Pedestrian-path alongside a busy Road ... Suddenly a Gruesome major accident occurs... just in front of your eyes... in the broad day-light.... One Super-speedy running car dashed against the Motor-bike from behind .. causing major injuries to a family of two adults and two children.... the innocent Victims on the Bike.... a clear violation of Traffic--rules by the Car .... Driven by an Influential Big-Shot of the City.... escapes by running helter skelter... after the cruel dash....

    What will be your Reaction?

    (A) Will immediately note down the Fast-running Car number.. then rush to the spot to do your best . and inform the Police as well as the nearerst Hospital.... without concealment of your identity..... Subsequently narrate the whole Truth to the Police as well as at the Court of Law.?
    //...12...// *

    (B) Will inform the Police and Hospital on phone without revealing your Identity?.
    //...08...// *

    (C) Will Ask somebody nearby to do the needful and then pass off.?

    (D)Will ignore the event and after moving off the spot will watch the further developments from a distance silently.?

    (E) In addition to reporting to the Police and Hospital... With the permission of the police, you will try to find out the Identity of the Person and inform the Victims close concerns.?
    //...10...// *

    (F) Any other Option Positive?

    (G) Will join with the others activities following the Stranger-Leader's Instructions.


    Your Bosom Friend right from your childhood days.... gets admitted to the Hospital.... due to some sudden major Sickness at the age of about 40 .... after prolonged treatment.... Declared impotent.... while his young Wife, Sister-like to you from early days for whom too you are the Well-wisher from the days prior to her marriage .... seeks your help to convince the Sickly Husband ... for permitting her to accept the advancements of her Ex. Lover … now a Young Widower... inviting for renewal of Love…. and have the Behind-the-Curtain relations as his Concubine .......

    Your Reaction ?

    (A) Will advise her... "See my dear Sister... it is unfair as also a Sin.... on your part... to even dream of doing any injustice to your loyal Husband..... and also unethical to get tempted towards another person beyond the legal, logical and moral bounds of Marriage.... a Holy Act of Sacrament.... Please imagine your Husband under similar Circumstances… will you appreciate him if he takes the same stand…? So control your passions and desires. Be a loyal wife reciprocally as you proved so far... Inform your forsaken Lover that the past is passed for ever and cannot be resurrected .. Don't forget ... so far You had enough of Conjugal-pleasures....from your Husband which many young people are deprived of, even during their whole Life-time... irrespective of their Potentive-Vigour... So be contented with it… thanking God.
    //...12...// *

    (B) Will confidentially convey his wife's thoughts to your Friend and act as per his Advice whatever it may be.
    //...10...// *

    (C) You will advise your Friend to allow her to go ahead as per her Wish

    (D) You will convince both the Couple... and get her remarried to her old Lover.... with an assurance that your Sickly Friend should not be deserted... but taken care of as a Moral Commitment for his whole Life.
    //...08...// *

    (E) Will advise her to have Secretive Relations with the Lover without the cognizance of anybody including her Husband

    (F) Will seek somebody else advice. and act accordingly.

    (G) Will ignore the whole Development and keep off.

    (H) Will advise the Ex. Lover not to interfere in the peaceful wedded life of his Ex- Lover-lady... and that his Love-affair is a closed chapter, from the time she married to another person... and so he should not take undue advantage of her delicate situation..." and also repeat the same in strict words with the Lady.
    //...06...// *



    You love a Girl...your Neighbour... you Lovers are determined to somehow achieve the wedlock positively.... both of you are well-educated and well-placed in Life..... for Self-dependency…. But. both the parents' mutual-relation is quite bitter. So your Matrimonial-proposal is summarily rejected by both the sides.

    How will you further approach the matter?

    (A) Will patiently try to convince both the sides parents and then only marry Till such time patiently wait?
    //..08...// *

    (B) Will Ignore their feelings and marry as you like.... and get separated from the Parents.

    (C) You will approach others to convince both the Parents and mediate.
    //...06...// *

    (D) Will secretly get married... and then try to convince them subsequently.
    //...04...// *

    (E) Drop the idea convincing the Lover that your affectionate Parents wishes have to be be honoured.

    (F) Will seek some Friends Advice..... and just follow.

    (G) Some other Positive idea resulting in the Success of Love-marriage but without Rupture with anybody



    Your affectionate Son.... a Bright student ... gets interested in Astronomy & Space-Science subjects... and expresses to you his Life-Ambition for its relevant Advanced Studies... wishing to have his Career as a Space-Scientist ....

    ... which idea you dislike being Quite Contrary to your personal ambitions on him to make him as a Businessman by studying MBA.... Whereas you wife's ambition is to make him a Medical-Professional... and take over her Late Father's Hospital… The Boy totally hates both these way of Ambitions of parents.

    Your Reaction and Approach?

    (A) Will advise your Son and Wife, that the Business-career is the best in the present days and on completion of Management-Studies... you have two options either to get employed in any leading organisation... or ... take up the management of your company... by which all of us can be happy.

    (B) Will firmly assert ... that ever since you had expressed frankly ... your long-cherished ambition... which cannot be ignored just by a spurt of just a Boy's desire... who is not capable to decide what is good for his future. I.... the Head of Family... can only be able to decide. So you both have to obey my orders.
    //...08...// *

    (C)Patiently discuss with the Boy... based on your Comparative-analytical study on Factors …Pros and Cons on all the three options... and ask him to come back with his comment on it.... But you will decide finally.
    //...04...// *

    (D) Same as above.... but ask the Boy to decide at his will..... which you will accept

    (E) Will persuade your wife that only your idea is the best... and ask her to somehow convince the Boy to your way.
    //...05...// *

    (F) Will lure the Boy with some attraction to him... and thus make him fall on your line.

    (G) Will Threaten him... that if not agreed... I will take it as grave disobedience of the Parent and further sever my Father-Son relations for ever.
    //...06...// *

    (H) Ask some influential Man to convince the Boy to your way.... by offering the Mediator some consideration.

    (I) Will ask your wife to decide as she feels proper

    (J) Will just accept the Wishes of the Boy... and Implement it being his personal Ambition

    (K) Will do anything else Positive


    (Q-8) HANDICAP-DEAL --

    You are travelling in a Tourist bus. Suddenly the person beside you makes your dress dirty... He not even attempts to wipe out your dirtied dress ....which act on his part... you feel as his Ill-manners... So you scold him... Then you come to know he is Blind.

    What will be your next Gesture??

    (A) Will apologise to him... yourselves wipe off your dirty dress... and will try to help him further during his travel.... showing kindness.
    //...06...// *

    (B) Will say ."Oh! Blind !! I see... that is all right... However what you done is wrong.... You have not even expressed sorry... So what I scolded was nothing wrong... So you must apologise to me... because it is entirely your fault and I am the innocent Victim of your carelessness."...
    //...08...// *

    (C) "See this mannerless person taking undue advantage of his physical handicap... I don't want to sit by his side anymore... please allot me some other seat away from him..." you will say to the Tour-manager.

    (D) Will just silently clean the dress... and will not talk further to him
    //...04...// *

    (E) Will do anything else positive.

    (F) Just accept what the Manager and other Tourists say


    (Q-9). MORAL-BATTLE --

    You are financially well-affluent living in your Ancestral House at a Prime Locality of multi-importance in a fast developing Town.

    Its Site-location is considered as the most ideal one in the town for a Public High School .. to be raised up anew.... for which there is heavy demand in the whole town, since there are no schools in the vicinity... eventually forcing the Students to go to the adjacent town at 30 miles away. So the Municipality as well as the public supported by your friends request you to sell away the House with Site at a reasonable current Market-price. Some other intimate friends suggest you to donate this property towards such a Noble cause for the Children you being affluent.... while the Town-Municipality as well as the people are under a tight financial crunch to meet their demands

    Besides, it is also a prime Commercial-centre of highly competitive demand for Constructing a Shopping-Complex. So several prospective Buyers lure you with exhorbitant offers, giving you enough scope to jack-up your acceptable demand-price. ..a best opportunity to have a lofty gain.

    But Your parents and children except your wife... are not in favour of parting with their longstanding Residence... being the Ancestral House of their best comfort in all respects apart from the Sentiment-factor as their Lucky-house which they wish should pass on further to your posterity.
    Whereas your wife is anxious not to miss the best opportunity to make a huge gain with the Bargain-price by selling, irrespective of the Scope of any Buyer either for School or Commercial- structure.

    What will be your Approach?

    (A)Will endeavour to convince all the Legal-heirs as well as your parents and then donate the House-Site with Buildings towards the Noble-cause of the urgent demand of the Society for a New School on a condition that one of the Buildings in the premises should be named after your Parents, it being the Ancestral property. On this proposal you will shift your Residence to another suitable location
    //...12...// *

    (B) Will offer for the School at a Nominal Sale-price.
    //...10...// *

    (C) Will sell it on Bargain-price for Commercial-purposes. But donate by cash an attractive sum for the School.
    //...08...// *

    (D) Will sell it on Bargain-price for Commercial-purposes and refuse totally for the School stating that you have no sole rights on the Property being the ancestral one.

    (E) Secretly sell away at Bargain-price and avoid meeting others.

    (F)Will leave it to your Parents and Wife to decide which you will silently abide by.

    (G) Any other Positive option.

    (H) Will sell to the Commercial Buyer, and purchase the adjacent Land-plot which you will transfer for the School at a nominal price.



    You are an Executive-Employee of a Large Industrial-Group companies and have risen up only by means of hardwork and dedicated involvement in the commitments of your Employer and so could rise up step by step from a low position to a high status as the present Executive in the course of long years.

    You are functioning as the Acting GM since more than 6 months… since left vacant suuddenly…...earned good reputation all around…. awaiting for your next due promotion to that post looking forward towards the approval from the Board of Directors

    But suddenly your boss calls you and introduces to a Stranger as the newly appointed GM…over you… who is far below your worth in every sense of fitness for the post….. and then privately consoles you…. that due to political pressure he had to appoint the Stranger well-influential in the Government and the Market as well . And this is only a Temporary arrangement for just one year after which that Stranger will be shifted to the new company under contemplation… at which time your promotion will be considered…. To his present position.

    Your Reaction?

    (A)Will accept the Advice of the Boss whole-heartedly and sincerely continue unaffecterd by the change and reconciling from the disappointment.
    //...08...// *

    (B)Expressing your sentimental objection will seek for transfer to the only post available in another company within the Group even though lower position.
    //...06...// *

    (C) Will express to your Boss on your disappointment and frustration to continue in the company offering Resignation with the idea of changing the Employer. Come what may
    //...10...// *

    (D) Will not show any Reaction but silently resort to Legal-Remedy antagonising the Management… for which you have adequate supportive documents in your favour.

    (E)Any other positive choice of your own?

    (F)Will silently accept the advice of the Boss but start managing half-heartedly.

    ================================================== =======================

  4. #3
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    (1) PEACOCK : 91 % and Above :--- You are the Perfectionists... Cent- per- cent Puritans...Nothing secondary will be acceptable to you... You will have good respect in the Society... but you will be always grumbling that many have not understood you properly. As much as you are the Idealist, you expect others also to follow you. ... Generally you prefer Solitude... Others comment that you are of Reserved-type... Frequent misunderstandings and disputes between you and others -. Pinch of the Generation-Gap, You feel more than others... Very paticular about Privacy, Individuality.... and Life-Principles

    (2) ELEPHANT: 81 % -- 90 % :-- You will be selectively idealogist but accomodative to circumstances....Make friends easily.... Worthy suggestions and advices from others you will consider, but insist that your decision should be honoured by others. Good Leader in the Family and Career..- Emulative Gentleman of Empathy - Believes much in Team- Spirit.

    (3) LION 71 % -- 80 % :--- You are Straightforward - Very particular about Truth and Justice to you and others - Well-knowledgeable - Attach much importance to Prestige - Expect Your words must be honoured as Gospels of unquestionable commandments.... You always try to stick up to the Ideals and Principles laid down by the Great, but sometimes fail due to your own lacunae - Competent, dynamic ,cautious Royals coupled with Leadership qualities

    (4) PARROT: 61 % -- 70 % ::--- You are the most Practical- person ...Friend of all... but often critricised by Family-members that you are not doing your best to them... more than to outsiders - You know how to enjoy life without getting entrapped.... Very difficult for others to judge you as to what will be your reaction to circumstances... since it will vary from time to time on your own... but for your every decision and approach, you will be able to justify it as correct and that it is the best apt under the relevant circumstance. So to say you are the Man of Reality giving due importnce for Introspection.

    (5) COW 51 % -- 60 % :--- Ever-welcome person by all... since others find and feel something useful and needy in you..- Others seek your Friendship more than you towards them - Attach high degree of importance to Moral-Values and Character in life - Soft-natured but shrewd in judgement of others although appears innocent - Not much interested to find fault or criticise others, even if it be genuine - Though well received and your views respectfully heard, you do not normally get the due recognition... especially in time... may be delayed Reward.- Used to quickly become Popular ... mainly because of your pleasing Manners and impressive Behavior with others.

    (6) DOVE 41 % -- 50 % :--- Although you are clever and hardworking, people comment on you as a person who does not know how to make Life worthy for yourselves, on which you will dispute.- You are often criticised by others. that you are taking matters too light... and that you are easy going, while you feel such blames as undue... Others stealthily learn or take ideas from you but make use of your abilities to their best advantage at your back.

    (7) TIGER Below 40 % :--- You are capable of making your Life comfortable under all circumstances, taking the best advantage of the situation ... Even though clever you do make mistakes in judging others who find it easy to stab on your back... Often criticised by the elders that you are yet lot to learn on Life ... even though you are sure that you are quite wise and well-competent... Often you get trapped into unnecessary controversies ... Easily get angry or frustrated... Moody and temperamentel ...Feeling Life is often fluctuating....Giving much importance to Fate.-- your family members more worried about you, than you... about you. __________________________________________________ _______________________________[/tscii][/tscii]
    Spend it MEANINGFULLY Spread effectively.

  5. #4
    Senior Member Seasoned Hubber scorpio's Avatar
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    Hi Sudhama,

    Really, you have taken pains for such a long post. I too wonder why no one has replied inspite of the topic having more than 90 views. probably, everyone is too shy to keep the findings to themselves??

    Well, let me break the ice, I 've been declared as a -

    LION 70 % -- 80 % :---
    You are Straightforward - Correct but not as straightforward as Roshan, I must admit.
    Very particular about Truth and Justice to you and others - Correct, truth and justice to me, about others- I dont know.
    Well-knowledgeable - This is for others to say!
    Attach much importance to Prestige - Yeah, I'm a Scorpio afterall.
    Expect Your words must be honoured as Gospels of unquestionable commandments.... My husband is the best person to justify.
    You always try to stick up to the Ideals and Principles laid down by the Great, but sometimes fail due to your own lacunae - Partly true, I always live by my own policies, I never wander from my ideals and expect others to do the same!!
    Competent, dynamic ,cautious Royals coupled with Leadership qualities - If not, how else can I survive in my career?? Akash knows best!
    Your attitude determines your altitude!

  6. #5
    Senior Member Devoted Hubber Akash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpio
    Mu husband is the best person to justify.
    This was catchy !! JG wud take this as notes .......

  7. #6
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber Roshan's Avatar
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    I'm the the parrot ( 60 - 70)

    PARROT: 60 % -- 70 % ::--- You are the most Practical- person ...Friend of all... but often critricised by Family-members that you are not doing your best to them... more than to outsiders -
    I'm practical I know but I have not received any criticisms of this kind so far.

    You know how to enjoy life without getting entrapped....

    Very difficult for others to judge you as to what will be your reaction to circumstances... since it will vary from time to time on your own..
    True !! but I have no idea as to how others judge me on this ! Must try to know !

    but for your every decision and approach, you will be able to justify it as correct and that it is the best apt under the relevant circumstance.
    Yes!! Absolutely correct !!

    So to say you are the Man of Reality
    Hey !! thats great !! but not the Man but the Woman of reality

  8. #7
    Senior Member Seasoned Hubber scorpio's Avatar
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    Does that mean we can expect a change of avathar from the peaceful dove to a colourful parrot?
    Your attitude determines your altitude!

  9. #8
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber Roshan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpio

    Does that mean we can expect a change of avathar from the peaceful dove to a colourful parrot?
    mmm.. paakalaam !!

  10. #9
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Aha! I am the cow! So who is the elephant? The remaining person who cast the vote?
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  11. #10
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sudhaama

    (4) PARROT: 60 % -- 70 % ::--- You are the most Practical- person ...Friend of all... but often critricised by Family-members that you are not doing your best to them ... more than to outsiders
    100% Correct, I get criticised that I help Outsiders more than Family members, but to me outsiders / insiders are all same

    Quote Originally Posted by Sudhaama
    You know how to enjoy life without getting entrapped
    Nope, never, I am just living for the sake I am born, I used to enjoy life when I was teenager, but now Life after death interestsme more than anything

    Quote Originally Posted by Sudhaama
    .... Very difficult for others to judge you as to what will be your reaction to circumstances... since it will vary from time to time on your own...
    Nope, I am never moody person, always the same

    Quote Originally Posted by Sudhaama
    but for your every decision and approach, you will be able to justify it as correct and that it is the best apt under the relevant circumstance.
    Nope, I am never like, this shows ones ARROGANCE & IGNORANCE
    I accept whole heartedly when I am wrong, and don't have any 'EGO' problem to apologise to any one


    Though we are both Parrots, quite a contradictory personalities huh

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