Quote Originally Posted by Punnaimaran
...and our Tamil films have played a big role in promoting such dialogues as a part of their "comedy".
Couldn't agree more with you on that. Films have always been a major influence on the society. Sad to see the way the mass medium getting mis-used grossly.

As for reservation for women, I am totally against it. Why reservation? Aren't we all born equal? Why can't women get out there and change the perspective? Why do they need reservations to be able to do anything?

I vividly remember my college days - a bus starts from Presidency college - then the only co-ed college in Chennai. All the girls used to occupy general seats forcing the boys to occupy seats reserved for women. By the time the bus crossed Queen Mary's and Ethiraj, all men were standing and all seats were occupied by girls.

Even though it was a teenage prank played by the girls, I believe that it does paint a picture of what happens in a reservation. We all experience firsthand what is happening in the government sectors where reservation is enforced.

Anyone who was looking for a job in the mid 70s to the mid 90s, would for sure have faced the obstacle of reservations - not only for getting a job, but for even getting a promotion.

Treat every one as equals. Women are as much capable of doing anything that a man can do. We have classic examples in Indira Gandhi, P.T. Usha, Kiran Bedi to name a few. They have all been pioneers in their chosen fields, and I am sure there were no reservations.
