On a parallell note. Here's another interesting question. I think it is Peter Singer's qn, or he himself was quoting someone else. Here goes:

Scenario A
Pregnant mother goes to the doctor. After check-up doctor says :' given the current state the baby will be born with a deformity, however take this pill and the there'll be no problem'. The woman can well afford the pill but she refuses to take it. the kid is born with a defect.

Scenario B
Woman goes to doctor before conception. Doctor says, given your state the child you conceive will be deformed. Wait for three months, you'll be okay by then. After that the child you conceive will be healthy. The woman disregards the advice and goes ahead and conceives the child. the child is born deformed.

Can the child so born ask the question: 'Why did you do this to me' to its mother ? Will she have a defense ? Is there a difference in the two scenarios ?

Answer hubbers