[tscii]Oh, well all in festival mood still.
I made this mutton masala with mock mutton.
It was a super hit with friends. Try it friends.


First Masala:
100 grms shallots
2 tsp chillie powder
2 tsp coriander powder
2 cups of water
Grind all together.

Second Masala:
2 tbs oil
3 tsp coriander seeds
½ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp aniseeds
4 small onions
2 sprigs curry leaves
¼ cup grated coconut
Fry all well and grind to smooth paste

½ kg mutton pressure cooked with turmeric powder
2 green chillies sliced
1 cup ground tomato
2 tsp ginger garlic paste

4 sliced shallots
1 sprig curry leaves
½ tsp aniseeds
1 inch cinnamon stick
3 cardamom pods
2 star anise flower
1 tbs oil
Salt to taste


Pour the first masala in a pot. Add in the green chillies.
Add in also the ground tomato, salt and boiled mutton.
Let it simmer and boil, so the raw smell goes.
Add in the ginger and garlic paste. Let it boil.

Now add in the second masala. Let it come to a nice boil.
Taste for salt and chillie (heat)

In the meantime, heat a pan with the oil.
Add in the cinnamon stick, cardamom pods, and anise flower.
Add in the aniseeds, curry leaves and shallots.
Fry till the shallots turn lightly brown.
Pour this in the boiling curry. Mix well.
Remove and serve with rice, roti or idli.

NOTE: Add liquid as to how you like your gravy.

