I like my pasta with white sauce and this is how I make it.

Boil pasta with a pinch of salt and when it is cooked, drain it and leave it aside.

Stir fry veggies of your choice like corn, mushroom, pepper, onion, peas, beans, carrot! Fry a pod of chopped garlic as well, add all this to the pasta.

Now in a pan take a table spoon of butter and add a spoon of plain flour to it, keep stirring it till it gets cooked and the raw smell is gone, to this add mustard powder ( a pinch) or mustard paste, a teaspoon of tomato ketchup and stir it in, to this add milk little by little and stir it well taking care that lumps are not formed. if you have one of those hand held mixies, then you can stir the milk in and use the hand held to make sure there are no lumps. Add this sauce to the pasta veg mix. Top this up with grated cheddar cheese and stick it in the oven till the cheese browns....

This is pasta bake ready for you