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Thread: Political correctness - rabble rousing - current affairs..

  1. #1
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    Political correctness - rabble rousing - current affairs..

    All the self-righteous morons returning the awards - while staying silent during the Emergency, during the 1984 anti-Sikh riots etc..

    The divisive morons should go on a vacation to Syria or Mosul, Iraq and experience the taste of liberty and then come back..
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
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    And miles to go before I sleep"
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    I read a story about a man and his son. The son, though in his mid--20s was jobless and refused to do any work.
    In frustration, the man told the son to go find at least Rs1,000 or he would have no meals in the house.

    As always, the mother came to his rescue and secretly gave him the money.

    In the evening, he gave the money to his father, who suspecting foul-play threw away the money saying that it wouldn't have been honestly earned. The son looked embarrassed and went to bed hungry.

    The next day, the father said the same thing - no money, no meal.
    This time the son went out, did many odd jobs and returned with the money.

    Again, the father threw away the money, saying that he didn't work for it.
    This time the son got angry and took back the money, saying that it was his sweat and he deserved the money.

    Moral of the story: Deserving money (or awards) will not be rejected.
    Never argue with a fool or he will drag you down to his level and beat you at it through sheer experience!

  4. #3
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    Nov sir - what is happening now is way beyond the simplistic situation you are portraying..

    Under the pretext of citing growing intolerance in India, a bunch of self-righteous people are doing something, while for more than 50 years, they had no problems with riots after riots, mass murders happening all the time..

    The level of self-indulgent smug arrogance at display is something the leftist elitists have for long been known for.

    Now that the entire Indian public has brought to power a party/govt showcasing their collective intent, this 'intellectual' gang cannot stand the present scenario and hence all of this 'award returning' nonsense..
    Last edited by irir123; 12th November 2015 at 09:41 AM.
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"
    -Robert Frost

  5. #4
    Senior Member Senior Hubber rajeshkrv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by irir123 View Post
    Nov sir - what is happening now is way beyond the simplistic situation you are portraying..

    Under the pretext of citing growing intolerance in India, a bunch of self-righteous people are doing something, while for more than 50 years, they had no problems with riots after riots, mass murders happening all the time..

    The level of self-indulgent smug arrogance at display is something the leftist elitists have for long been known for.

    Now that the entire Indian public has brought to power a party/govt showcasing their collective intent, this 'intellectual' gang cannot stand the present scenario and hence all of this 'award returning' nonsense..
    People are not returning awards just based on riots. forget awards. it's the right which is in question. if you want to march the way they are saying fine , but do not force others.

  6. #5
    Senior Member Senior Hubber kirukan's Avatar
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    In a positive note at least now they have an environment now to raise their voice fearless which they couldn't do for 50 years being spineless....

  7. #6
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    "....As the jihad heats up in the West, the media is becoming more clumsy and desperate in its attempts to deflect attention away from the jihad and back to its favorite bogeyman, "right-wing extremists." - Pamela Geller.

    The level of cognitive dissonance + political correctness + self-abuse + censorship throughout the liberal media - is the reason why right wing fascism is on the rise in Europe.

    In India, how much blood has been spilt recently since 1993??

    Yet the world never cared - meanwhile the liberal media chose every opportunity to highlight their sense of perceived intolerance in the subcontinent - what is unfolding in Europe was all waiting to happen but nobody would listen even when someone screams out the inevitable - and yet watch out for homilies from the liberals & blaming everything other than the real set of reasons/threat..
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"
    -Robert Frost

  8. #7
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    And wait - it won't be long before the likes of Arundhati Roy et al, come out with sugar-coated bull sh*t about this incident
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
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    And miles to go before I sleep"
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    In India, meat and murder threaten Modi's inclusive agenda

    -By Rupam Jain Nair; Reuters: Oct 5, 2015

    Asgari Begum, mother of Akhalaq Saifi, who was killed by a mob, mourns his death inside her house at Bisara village in Uttar Pradesh, India, October 2, 2015.

    The murder by a Hindu mob of a Muslim man rumored to have slaughtered a cow has thrown a spotlight on the hardline, polarizing agenda of some followers of Indian Prime Minster Narendra Modi, undermining his promise of development for all.

    On a tour of Silicon Valley last month where he was feted by U.S. tech gurus and Indian emigres, Modi won a pledge from Microsoft to provide low-cost Internet for 500,000 villages to back his vision of a globally networked "Digital India".

    One such village is Bisara, 50 km (30 miles) from the capital New Delhi, where a crowd of assailants broke into Mohammed Akhlaq's home last Monday night, beat him to death and dragged his body out into the street.

    The local member of parliament, Mahesh Sharma, is also Modi's culture minister and has hit the headlines of late with statements that show a different side to their ruling Hindu nationalist party. In one recent speech, Sharma vowed to cleanse public life "polluted" by Western influences.

    Visiting Bisara this week to pay his respects to Akhlaq's family, Sharma said the killing could have been an "accident".

    "How can the leader call my husband's murder an accident?" Akhlaq's widow Ikraman, who suffered facial injuries, told Reuters at the family home. "I don't think the minister knows the difference between an accident and murder."

    Critics say Sharma's comment implicitly condoned Akhlaq's lynching and pandered to fringe Hindu militants who have recently become active in the district.

    Eating beef is a taboo for many Hindus, who make up 80 percent of India's population of 1.25 billion people, but not for the country's 175 million Muslims.


    Communal clashes had never erupted in Bisara, home to 400 landowning Hindu and 35 Muslim families, even when religious riots have broken out in the region. In 2013, 65 people died in sectarian strife around the northern town of Muzaffarnagar.

    But an announcement by a Hindu priest over his temple loudspeakers that Akhlaq had butchered a cow and that his wife was cooking beef for dinner brought a sudden end to the village's tradition of tolerance, according to family members and villagers who heard the call.

    Within minutes a mob stormed into Akhlaq's house, vandalized the kitchen in search of beef and beat the 56-year-old blacksmith to death with bricks and stones. His body was dragged out in front of his family.

    Akhlaq's youngest son, who suffered severe head injuries, is fighting for his life in a hospital intensive care unit after undergoing two brain operations.

    His widow says he was killed for a crime he did not commit.

    "Even now I can't believe that my Hindu neighbors killed my husband. My neighbors were like my extended family," said Ikraman, who will spend a month in mourning in a room near the bloodstained murder scene.


    Local Muslims say Akhlaq's killing was a pre-meditated attack aimed at polarizing the village on religious lines by militant Hindu groups loyal to Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which won power in the May 2014 general election.

    Sharma and Modi are both members of an umbrella group, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), that is the BJP's ideological parent. The movement propagates an ideology of Hindutva, or Hindu-ness, which asserts that India is a Hindu nation.

    Police have arrested seven Hindu youths over the murder and one paramilitary soldier accused of planning the attack. Investigators are also searching for Hindu activists who spread rumors and online posts stating that Akhlaq had stored 6 kg (13 lbs) of beef in his refrigerator.

    The region holds village council elections next week and Bisara has, in the wake of the killing, become a magnet for campaigning politicians. One BJP lawmaker accused of instigating the Muzaffarnagar riots came to Bisara on Sunday and warned of a "befitting reply" if the suspects were prosecuted, according to news reports.

    Many Indian states, including the country's largest Uttar Pradesh, where Bisara is situated, have banned cow slaughter for more than two decades.

    Modi's party has, in states where it rules, clamped down further on eating beef - even though India is the second largest exporter and fifth biggest consumer in the world. In recent months, government leaders have advocated a national ban on cow slaughter.


    Critics say tougher anti-beef laws discriminate against Muslims, Christians and lower-caste Hindus who rely on the cheap meat for protein.

    The crackdown has, meanwhile, provided cover for the rise of Hindu vigilante groups.

    Such groups attack cattle trucks, track religious conversions in villages and towns, and warn Hindu girls against falling in love with Muslim boys. Modi has expressed no disapproval towards them.

    "Those who spread this poison enjoy his (Modi's) patronage," political analyst Pratap Bhanu Mehta wrote in the Indian Express. "This government has set a tone that is threatening, mean-spirited and inimical to freedom."

    ​Sharma's office said the minister was demanding an independent federal investigation into Akhlaq's murder. ​Calls on Sunday to three officials in Modi's office went unanswered.

    At least 16 men from Bisara joined a new militant Hindu outfit called the Samadhan Sena (Solution Army) in August. The group is not formally tied to the RSS but two members told Reuters they would enforce its agenda in every village.

    "Akhlaq should not have butchered a cow," said Ajay Singh, a member of the Samadhan Sena in Bisara. "He should not have forgotten that India belongs to Hindus first."

    (Editing by Douglas Busvine and Alex Richardson)
    Last edited by raagadevan; 16th November 2015 at 11:49 AM.

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    Indians slam murder of 'rationalist' intellectual

    By Drew Parker on August 31, 2015

    – Murder of academic who had angered right-wing Hindu groups sparks anger in India

    MUMBAI, India – The killing of an outspoken Indian academic has prompted angry reactions a day after he was shot dead on Sunday.

    Malleshappa Madivallapa Kalburgi, who was shot on his own doorstep, was known for views that had angered some right-wing Hindu groups.

    Since 1989 he had been the target of death threats over writings that were accused of being blasphemous and calls for his own Lingayat beliefs to be considered separate from Hinduism.

    “The assassination is deplorable and condemnable,” author Subhash Gatade, who has written on right-wing groups, told Anadolu Agency on Monday.

    “It is a part of larger pattern unfolding in South Asia,” Gatade said, comparing Kalburgi’s murder to the killing of four secular bloggers in Bangladesh this year and the assassination of politician Salman Taseer in Pakistan in 2011.

    TV anchor Sagarika Ghose also made the link, tweeting: “Those who gloat about killing of Bangla bloggers: what about killing of rationalists Dabholkar, Pansare, Kalburgi on India’s streets?”

    Kalburgi’s killing was the third such murder in the past two years in India, allegedly by right-wing Hindu groups.

    In 2013, another intellectual, Narendra Dabholkar, who had campaigned against superstitions, was killed in the western state of Maharashtra.

    In February, Govind Pansare, a communist leader and social activist was killed in Maharashtra for holding protests against toll-tax collection.

    Kalburgi’s last rites were performed on Monday noon in the south Indian town of Dharwad with television images showing mourners shouting “we want justice.”

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    Don’t let Hindu fanatics dictate India’s future

    -AMRIT DHILLON; The Globe and Mail, Oct. 08, 2015 6:00AM EDT

    (Amrit Dhillon is a journalist based in New Delhi.)

    What Indians eat for dinner became a matter of life and death last week. A Hindu mob, hearing rumours that a Muslim family was keeping beef in their fridge, descended on their home in Bisara village, near the capital, and dragged out a man and his son. Using bricks and rods, the attackers killed the father, Mohammed Akhlaq; his 22-year-old son was left with severe brain injuries.

    The mob formed after the village priest announced on the temple loudspeaker that the Akhlaqs had slaughtered a cow and kept the meat in their fridge. Hindus worship the cow and most do not kill it (although millions of Hindus do eat beef), but the Akhlaqs are Muslim, for whom beef is not prohibited. And although the slaughter of cows is banned in the state of Uttar Pradesh, where the attack took place, consumption of beef is not. In any event, the family insisted they had not killed a cow and that the meat in the fridge was mutton, not beef.

    In a bizarre move, the police have taken the meat to a laboratory for testing to see if it is beef or mutton – a ridiculous act that effectively legitimizes the mob actions; even if it were beef, the mob had no right to murder a man because of his eating habits.

    This is the kind of India that right-wing Hindu fanatics want to create – a place where their religious beliefs dictate what Indians wear, what rights women are allowed, what you can eat for dinner, a place where the minorities (mainly Muslims and Christians) know their “place,” which is to cower before the Hindu majority.

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, has always been closely affiliated with jingoistic Hindu groups aiming to usher in Hindu rule. Ever since Mr. Modi came to power almost 18 months ago, they have sensed that this is their big opportunity to push their conservative cultural agenda. One crucial aspect of this agenda is to ban beef throughout India, depriving millions – Muslims, Christians and millions of Hindus, too – of their right to eat it.

    BJP ministers have made scandalous remarks in public and in Parliament that have been designed to incite hatred of Christians and Muslims. Mr. Modi didn’t condemn the ministers, let alone sack them. He has allowed a climate of fear to be created. Muslims and Christians wonder what they will be targeted for next.

    It is time for Mr. Modi to speak out and stand up for tolerance and basic freedoms. He has made a couple of broad remarks indicating that, for him, all Indians are equal, but these comments have been so sweeping as to be meaningless. He needs to address his ministers’ poisonous comments specifically and make clear where he stands. Otherwise, Hindu extremists will, understandably, assume that they have his tacit concurrence and feel emboldened.

    Last week, Mr. Modi was in the United States to drum up the foreign investment India needs for development. He is wasting his time if he fails to realize that a country that allows mob killings and medieval witch hunts is not an appealing place for foreign investors.

    If he is serious about development, he needs to stamp out ideas that are inimical to development, because being modern involves more than just swanky airports and swish restaurants. It’s also about the mind.
    Last edited by raagadevan; 16th November 2015 at 11:48 AM.

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