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2nd February 2005, 10:00 AM
Today people get easy access to internet pornography.Many watch it often.

Is there is anything wrong in seeing it?

What are the possible bad after-effects of watching it?

Please discuss!

2nd February 2005, 03:39 PM
wrong, if it is minor. Nothing wrong if it is above 16. Again, wrong if it is from lab or work. Nothing wrong if it is from library, home.

2nd February 2005, 06:21 PM
Sex means different things to different people...
..an act of self realisation
...spiritual experience (Osho)
...a beautiful expression and extension of love between two persons
.. expression of domination
.. revenge
.. sickness of mind

Porno is nauseating or enjoyable depends upon what you are ..

Sex with your beloved and sex with a prostitute is the difference between a sqirrel eating an apple on a tree and a hyena eating a carcass :(

4th February 2005, 12:38 PM
I'd like to quote Shiv Khera who in his book "You can win", has rightly described pornography as "de-humanisation of women and children (girls)".....and once she openly, shamelessly sells her body out to the world, what dignity does a girl/woman hav left at all?? At one point, she won't even be looked upon as a HUMAN BEING w/ FEELINGS....
IMO, neone who cud even think of approving pornography (wherever u do it from, whoever is involved) is an incorrigible PERVERT! After all, just THINK- it may appear to those who enjoy it as a momentary pleasure, but then a girl/woman's entire reputation is permanantly ruined by indulging in these kind of undesirable acts!
And DON'T go on saying tat its only we Indians who feel so bcos of our culture etc etc....the damage is the same, whatever society/culture they happen to be from! We must strongly stamp out this evil activity based on sadistic pleasures and momentary desires/impulses! Afterall, even men who don't mind watching girls/women in this manner do hav wives/mothers/sisters, right??

6th February 2005, 01:51 PM
It really depends on the person and their morale values. I don't think that Pornography is a very hot idea. Espicially the activities that porn leads into is the worst thing that a man could ever do to his health. Well, I can't say that as a fact. I was brought up advised to use Hinduism as my guide to life, so many will probably differ on that matter.
Another point is that, I think that woman should be seen as humans also, and when a man looks at porn, he looks at her as just a piece of meat, and not as a person. There are arguments that the women who come to that profession don't expect to be seen as humans, but in a lot of cases, espicially the Indian Sites, many women don't even know that they are being taped. That's also a violation of their rights.

Any arguments for pornography?

8th February 2005, 02:01 PM
um.....wat makes u say tat women in India don't know tat they r being taped? Do u mind explaining further?? How cudn't they when most of em r facing the camera while doing it! And since they do it bcos they r paid for it, I thot they obv. shud know tat they r being taped, rite?!

8th February 2005, 10:52 PM
Of Course, There are women who know that they are being taped, but there are many that don't. I don't know much since I don't really look at anything, but there was a scandal a few years ago, when a bunch of Indian sites were taken down etc, because it was illegal, since many of the "Actors" or whatever had no idea what was going on.

9th February 2005, 11:24 AM
Porn of any sort,[whether,internet,cd,printed] is sickening.I have seen people who are addicted to this.It can be harmful to the person addicted to it.I have heard that a person who is used to watch porn is likely to develop a behavioural deviation,where he will not be happy or satisfied in marital sex!Such people will prefer watching porn rather than making love with his own wife! :?

9th February 2005, 12:47 PM
yea I agree tat pornography causes behavioural perversity....IMO, its even worse than prostitution 'cos in the latter, ppl. usually know wat kind of women r involved in it, their background etc. and wat to expect from them....but pornography, on the other hand, can be performed by just abt neone who has access to a camera/web cam & the net! Since even girls/women from 'decent' backgrounds r found to be indulging in this, men who watch them will tend to get an illusion tat basically no woman is actually decent or reputation-conscious and cud thus look at ne & every female as sex-objects!
On a personal note, I really can't believe tat Indian women hav so willingly (& foolishly!) become victims of this perverse pastime lately! Imagine....the same Indian women who used to tell their kids not to watch English movies on TV cos they were 'vulgar'....now personally indulging in sumthing much more despicable!
'guess this is wat the 'kalyug' is all abt.....?

10th February 2005, 06:35 AM
Such people will prefer watching porn rather than making love with his own wife! :?

That's true, I heard that studies a few years ago showed that a man who looks at porn everyday, is more likely to stop performing with his partner.

10th February 2005, 01:59 PM
Ok then we should implement a law which says

All pron pictures should contain a warning "Watching this picture is injurious to your health. May effect you sex life and is addictive".

Ofcource you can have captions like "Made for each other" in large size near it.

Bad Boy
10th February 2005, 03:38 PM
Porn of any sort,[whether,internet,cd,printed] is sickening.

People I am quite sure you all are talking as if you had been the pornography itself.

When you go to sperm bank what do you get first? Yes, porn material.
What do you do next without going into details? You deliver the sperm
What happens next? you get paid

I am for pornographic materials because,

There are also much nicer cows than your own one!
What do you do if your cow don't want to milk you? you got to milk your self.
Viagra is expensive.

10th February 2005, 03:41 PM
99.99% of people in this hub has such great ideals I wonder why the bad once except Bad Boy dont use internet.

Bad Boy
10th February 2005, 05:08 PM
99.99% of people in this hub has such great ideals I wonder why the bad once except Bad Boy dont use internet.
All the informative sites are closed after getting to know about BB.

11th February 2005, 09:17 AM
Ok then we should implement a law which says

All pron pictures should contain a warning "Watching this picture is injurious to your health. May effect you sex life and is addictive".

Ofcource you can have captions like "Made for each other" in large size near it.

This is funny .
But this, porn is completely wrong !!

You can really justify it as right !

11th February 2005, 09:24 AM
The practice can lead to serious personal and family problems. Some have admitted that watching pornography has prevented them from developing close relationships with others. They don't want people around while they indulge their passion for pornography. People tend to fantasize when they watch pornography, and fantasy does not equip a person to cultivate strong relationships or to deal with life in the real world. Can a pastime that alienates people from those who care the most about them be truly innocuous?

This page tells more about the side-effects of porn. (good!!) http://www.watchtower.org/library/g/2000/6/8/article_02.htm

11th February 2005, 01:29 PM
Educating people about the good or bad effects (in this case bad) of anything is great. But now a days there is too much of moral policing. Everybody telling everybody else what is the right thing to do.

That is why I mentioned of Wills Cigerrette Pack caption. They tell us that "Cigerrette smoking is injurious to health" and at the same time they are selling it. 'Deed not match Word' so are all of us.

15th February 2005, 01:30 PM
Some internet cafes put notice Browsing pornographic sites is restricted. Internet cafe owners should also install softwares for blocking pornographic sites.

15th February 2005, 02:22 PM
Who will pay for their losses.

The fact is internet is single most widely used in India for pronography (ignore internet traffic caused my companies) and sex chat.

15th February 2005, 08:18 PM
Internet is used for many purposes. Internet centers which are restricting pornographic sites are not facing losses.

18th February 2005, 05:26 PM
Educating people about the good or bad effects (in this case bad) of anything is great. But now a days there is too much of moral policing. Everybody telling everybody else what is the right thing to do.

That is why I mentioned of Wills Cigerrette Pack caption. They tell us that "Cigerrette smoking is injurious to health" and at the same time they are selling it. 'Deed not match Word' so are all of us.
Educating children is easy but not elders.

21st February 2005, 11:21 AM
4 persons have mentioned it as right !?

kali mutthi pocchu doi !!

21st February 2005, 08:27 PM
After some months i will return back to my childhood town Srikakulam(AP) and i will setup an internet cafe. There i will install site blocking softwares and block pornographic and violence oriented websites in my internet cafe. I will not face any problem in that business. Internet is used for many purposes other than sex and violence oriented websites browsing.

21st February 2005, 11:50 PM
Do u mean that more people should have said it's wrong, or right? :lol2:

22nd February 2005, 09:28 AM
Do u mean that more people should have said it's wrong, or right? :lol2:

I know that many people see porn using internet !!
But, still it can't be classified as a right one.
It's obv. wrong!!
Whether someone sees it or not is a matter of personal choice.
But no one should vote it as right !!

22nd February 2005, 09:30 AM
Yes that true. :D
Atleast 3/4 of the people have said that it's wrong. :D

22nd February 2005, 11:50 AM
In internet there are many useful sites other than pornographic and violence oriented sites. Internet cafes can get more income even they restrict pornographic and violence oriented sites. In India even talking about sex is taboo. How many people watch pornographic sites in our country?

22nd February 2005, 11:56 AM
How many people watch pornographic sites in our country?

I say 144237.Any doubts? :)

22nd February 2005, 12:02 PM
My morality says pornography is wrong.

But I dont have authority to impose it own others.

Everyone of us do things that may be considered moraly wrong. Unless and until we are able to be the perfect MORAL PERSON none of us can impose our morality on others.

First clean yourself,
Then clean the your house,
Then go out to clean.

22nd February 2005, 12:07 PM
Internet cafe owners have responsibility to restrict pornographic and violence oriented sites in their cafes. Some internet cafe owners are restricting such sites in their cafes. In some towns of Andhra Pradesh police also check internet cafes whether any people are browsing pornographic sites or not. If any person is found browsing pornographic site he will be imposed fine of Rs 5,000.

22nd February 2005, 12:23 PM
What is the fine for watching the movies songs and music albums. What about the fact that it is legal to watch Adult rated movies. What about pubs and late night partying (If you have been in these you know it is live porn).

Now dont tell me that you will start a pub and you will restrict all this.

22nd February 2005, 01:01 PM
Maintaining pub and maintaining internet cafe are different different matters. Dont compare internet cafes with pubs. Internet is source of communation and knowledge. Pubs are only for physical enjoyment. Pubs are only seen in cities. Internet cafes are even seen in small towns. There are many useful websites on internet. Internet should be used for right purposes only. Not for promoting vulgarity and violence.

22nd February 2005, 01:50 PM
Hey Mangandi,

I am comparing internet pronography with pub culture and new era movie songs and music videos. If you had a little sense you would have understood that.

22nd February 2005, 01:53 PM
I have seen some internet centers which restrict pornographic sites. Those inter cafes are not facing financial losses. Personal intrests of some browsers is not related to me. I dont allow immoral activities in my internet cafe.

22nd February 2005, 01:59 PM
Your ideals are very close to that of RSS or Shiva Sena.

Who are you to decide what others should see. Oh I forgot you are a DICTATOR (CAPS for shouting).

Oh you are a MORAL POLICE.

22nd February 2005, 02:04 PM
I am not RSS or Shiv Sena activist. According to my opinion browsing pornographic and violence oriented websites is wrong. So i dont allow such websites in my internet cafe. My decision is not related to religious fundamentals.

22nd February 2005, 02:05 PM
I am not RSS or Shiv Sena activist. According to my opinion browsing pornographic and biolence oriented websites is wrong. So i dont allow such websites in my internet cafe. My decision is not related to religious fundamentals.

But your mentality and methods are same as them. Your thought, word and actions are same or even worse than them whatever the reason behind it be.

Plus as a religion hinduism was very open to sexuality and even pronography. It was seen with an artistic view.

I am not saying that present day porn is artistic in anyway.

22nd February 2005, 02:50 PM
I am not RSS or Shiv Sena activist. According to my opinion browsing pornographic and violence oriented websites is wrong. So i dont allow such websites in my internet cafe. My decision is not related to religious fundamentals.

You don't allow such pronographic or violent sites in your cafe?

I have heard of a story when one fellow beats up another guy saying,"the cow you are about to buy has eaten the grass I am about to plant",same story sir? :lol:

Or infact you own a cyber cafe? :?

23rd February 2005, 09:44 AM
But your mentality and methods are same as them. Your thought, word and actions are same or even worse than them whatever the reason behind it be.

Plus as a religion hinduism was very open to sexuality and even pronography. It was seen with an artistic view.

I am not saying that present day porn is artistic in anyway.
In communist countries like China also pornographic films are strictly banned. Chinese are not hindu's. They cannot be RSS or Shiva Sena followers.

23rd February 2005, 01:59 PM
Actually I rem. reading tat psychological studies hav proven tat pornography is one of the causes 4 violence against women cos it gives men the impression tat women enjoy being abused/harassed/tortured and all kinds of otherwise perverse forms of sex...still, ironically in countries like the US, pornography is actually legal! I read in India Today last yr tat they even hav 'adult web design' schools in the US...... :shock:

23rd February 2005, 06:52 PM
In England government imposed heavy tax on pornography for controlling pornography. In India pornography is not legalised. But some theatres often play pornographic cinemas. Pornography is also shown in internet. There are some softwares for blocking pornographic sites in computer. Those softwares can be installed for preventing view of pornographic sites in public computers. In India people who watch pornography are less. In our country even talking about sex is taboo. Violence cinemas are more dangerous than pornographic cinemas. But number of people who oppose pornographic cinemas is more comparing to the number of people who oppose violence cinemas.

24th February 2005, 10:11 AM
A few monts back I went to a small internet browsing center in chennai.
I saw a bunch of school going children watching porno !!
(One boy was operating the computer and some 4 boys stood around him watching the porno sites.)
They must be 7th/8th class students.
I was really shocked to see that !!!!!
The center owner took no care regarding what was going on.
I think the ban should be made compulsary in all the internet cafes !!

24th February 2005, 10:13 AM
I am not RSS or Shiv Sena activist. According to my opinion browsing pornographic and violence oriented websites is wrong. So i dont allow such websites in my internet cafe. My decision is not related to religious fundamentals.

That's good !

24th February 2005, 10:15 AM
If children get attracted to sex oriented sites their studies will be definitely spoiled.

24th February 2005, 02:23 PM
I think the ban should be made compulsary in all the internet cafes !!

Enforcing a ban is not a big prob....implementing it is! This is the prob. w/ pretty much everything in India....they just make laws but never maintain them (ie,make sure they r being followed)...

24th February 2005, 02:25 PM
A friend here tells me he once read in sum other forum abt this incident.....
He didn't say which part of India this hap'd but it all started w/ this rich college girl who visited Dubai and bought a small, sophisticated digi. camera there.....she too hap'd to be staying in a hostel sharing a room w/ 2-3 other girls.....so she wud daily put the camera into 'video' mode and leave it sitting on her shelf from where it cud video the whole room......so whenever the girl's roommates were in the room, dressing/undressing/changing their clothes, the camera was always taking a live video of them......she'd thereafter transfer the saved videos into a PC and email them to all the well-known porn sites, 4 which she was getting paid regularly!
Until one fine day, she was finally caught & wud've been reported but pleaded w/ the other girls to let her go, promising to leave the hostel and the college itself, which she did!
But wat I'm pointing out is the irony- they caught her then let her go- jus maybe bcos she was a girl! :banghead:
And Imagine there must be god-know-how-many girls in India indulging in such a henious crime....so much 4 following our 'culture'! :evil: :evil:

24th February 2005, 02:29 PM
Without relating to enforcement i will voluntarily restrict pornographic and violence sites in my internet cafe.

24th February 2005, 02:39 PM
A few monts back I went to a small internet browsing center in chennai.
I saw a bunch of school going children watching porno !!
(One boy was operating the computer and some 4 boys stood around him watching the porno sites.)
They must be 7th/8th class students.
I was really shocked to see that !!!!!
The center owner took no care regarding what was going on.
I think the ban should be made compulsary in all the internet cafes !!Will that center owner ignore even his own children watch porn sites? Not only business, morality is also important for person.

24th February 2005, 10:10 PM
Nothing is bad!! :twisted:

Everything is 4 good! 8) 8) :wink:

One day or de other....
even a minor will hav its pleasure!! So nothing is wrong until u understand it in a right spirit!!! 8) :wink: 8) :twisted: 8)

:arrow: :arrow:

26th February 2005, 06:17 PM
Pornography is against our culture. People who have cheap impression on culture only support pornography.

27th February 2005, 08:31 AM
It's physically bad. If u have read the earlier posts, u'd see that many people have said that it's phisically damaging as well as psychologically. :)

nirosha sen
27th February 2005, 01:27 PM
Yeah porn is a whole lot of fantasy Pa!!

Just like Indian movies that has beautiful people dancing at a drop of a hat, we have these actors trying out their scenes in acrobatic postures, Pa!!

But if it's available for public consumption, it's hard to keep it controlled but we must as children are way too impressionable!! :shock:

27th February 2005, 01:34 PM
Leagally, it can't be banned or anything, since we live in a democracy. The best that can be done is to educate ppl on the harmful aftermath, like the ones mentioned before. :)

Regards. 8)

28th February 2005, 12:31 PM
Leagally, it can't be banned or anything, since we live in a democracy. The best that can be done is to educate ppl on the harmful aftermath, like the ones mentioned before. :)

Regards. 8)

Thats my point.

We are a free society. Educating is fine but not forceful enforcement of your will.

Then again the people who educate should understand that unless they are 'right in life' themselves their teachings will not hold good.

28th February 2005, 01:06 PM
Then again the people who educate should understand that unless they are 'right in life' themselves their teachings will not hold good.

True. There's no point in teachers teaching things, if they don't follow it themselves.

1st March 2005, 12:22 PM
In response to the last few posts here tat insist on educating ppl. against it rather than banning the whole thing, I'm afraid I'll hav to express a diff. of opinion here.....sorry in advance if wat I'm gonna say is gonna cause disagreement among the rest of u....but personally I've felt tat in a country like ours where ppl. seldom follow nething tat they're 'educated' abt, educating them abt the harmful effects of this issue and so on is unlikely to do ne good in their case! :P
For eg., quoting wat Sandeep had earlier pointed out abt the warning on cigarette packets saying tat smokingz harmful 4 health.....tats no doubt educational but how many smokers actually take it seriously?? Even here in Singapore, where the cig. packs even hav pics. of health probs. caused by smoking.....not to mention numerous ads/campaigns by activists worldwide.....but ppl. still liberally buy them and smoke regularly, rite??
This is bcos cigarettes r still allowed to be sold legally to public hence they obv. won't give it up 4 the sake of morals or health-wise issues!
IMO, the same goes 4 pornography......if u think its harmful/evil enuff to educate ppl. against it, then banning it by law has to be the best alternative.....nip the evil in the bud as the saying goes....
I mean, knowing the mentality of our ppl. the only way to 'set them rite' if u think it necessary, is to prevent the creation as well as access to such activity in our country.....
As 4 us being a democracy, well......if they cud ban even married couples from holding hands/hugging in public in our 'democracy' in the name of indecency, then surely banning sumthing far more 'indecent' as pornography shudn't be a problem I think....? :wink:
---Sorry again 4 ne offences caused by my above argument---

1st March 2005, 03:11 PM
You do have a point lordstanher. Educating is not going to help much. But is "Banning" right. What all will you ban and who decides what to ban and what not to. What right does one human (or 1000 human) has to restrict another person as long as his action is not one of agreesion.

Say a man and a women has consentual sex outside marraige (Its illegal in India). But who am I or you or the vast population to punish them for that.

1st March 2005, 03:24 PM
Say a man and a women has consentual sex outside marraige (Its illegal in India). But who am I or you or the vast population to punish them for that.

Say this man and woman (who happens to be your child) has consensual sex outside marriage, would you punish her for it?

Makes you see things in a diferrent light when matters are closer to home, does'nt it?

1st March 2005, 04:14 PM
Sorry Ratchasi,not a valid point.When you discuss some thing in a bigger canvas it shouldn't be taken 'closer home'.

Ther are many female social activists in India who want prostitution to be legalised and sex workers issued id cards.So can I walk into their house and ask them whether they are available?
What Sandeep said was his opnion on a particular issue and shouldn't be personalised. :x

2nd March 2005, 01:00 PM
What right does one human (or 1000 human) has to restrict another person as long as his action is not one of agreesion.

Well now, if u look at it tat way, pornography is by all means an act of 'agression'! Atleast by Indian standards, going by our culture/values tat our women esp. were known to uphold for all these decades, it really does turn out to be an act of agression against the sanctity of Indian womanhood on their part! Make sense? :wink:
Do just think abt it, all those times when our 'Bharatiya Naris' advised their kids against watching English movies and calling Westerners 'culture-less, value-less' ppl. and criticisng their ways...but today most ironically, among these 'Naris', there r women who turn out to be pretty much the same in their ways! Talk abt double-standards in societies! :evil:
But neways, this is limited to my personal opinion......I knew tat not all ppl. wud agree.....I wudn't counter-argue ne further on this lest I get branded as an RSS/VHP/SS etc. supporter :wink:

2nd March 2005, 01:09 PM
Its foolish if someone brands anybody for sticking to his values. Here in this case Indian values and culture.

I am not saying that our culture or values are in anyway miss placed. I myself dont like pronography (internet, movie or magazine or real life), but I am against imposing it on others.

Moral values change from person to person. For instance some find holding hands in public as immoral, for others it may be public kissing, or it may be gay rights. Believe me there are peaple who dont like girls and boys being friends :?

So who decides the limits?

2nd March 2005, 01:09 PM
Ther are many female social activists in India who want prostitution to be legalised and sex workers issued id cards.

Apologies for digressing from the topic in discussion, but just wanna add here....even tats one thing tats not going to be of much use in India! Cos if they thot they cud solve a prob. like tat by simply issuing ID cards, then it'd be all the more easy 4 girls/women to be forced into prostitution cos in our country u can get a fake ID by just bribing the authorities concerned!
Aren't there 'n' no. of ppl. w/ fake Driving liscences even tho they r unfit to drive vehicles, in our country?! :wink:

2nd March 2005, 01:17 PM
The intension of legalising is to
1) counter AIDS (once legalised social work among prostitutes become less of a hastle)
2) protect their rights as humans. Legalising will help them react to abuse. For instance a 'customer' beats up a prostitute but she can't go to police/court as she herself will be punished.

Do you think any women is not becomming (forced or otherwise) prostitute because of law. I doubt it. The only ditterant in India against prostituition is the social morality.

In my opinion Law needs to be chnaged such that Instead of punishing the prostitute the people using her 'service' should be punished.

2nd March 2005, 01:39 PM
When you discuss some thing in a bigger canvas it shouldn't be taken 'closer home'.

I agree. However, the crux of the matter is morality.
To make that point, I merely made the scenario closer to home.
It was not my intention to corner Sandeep.

What makes a society?The answer would be you, me and everyone around us.

So, how is it possible to discount one's family from society?

2nd March 2005, 01:45 PM
In my opinion Law needs to be chnaged such that Instead of punishing the prostitute the people using her 'service' should be punished.

Ideally, that should be the way, Sandeep.
Unfortunately, reality is far from that.

2nd March 2005, 02:05 PM
When you discuss some thing in a bigger canvas it shouldn't be taken 'closer home'.

I agree. However, the crux of the matter is morality.
To make that point, I merely made the scenario closer to home.
It was not my intention to corner Sandeep.

What makes a society?The answer would be you, me and everyone around us.

So, how is it possible to discount one's family from society?

When it comes close to home/family, people seldom do the right thing. I dont know what I will do to my daughter (parental feeling have not yet grown in me) but yes that will be an emosional decision and not necessarily the right one.

3rd March 2005, 08:44 AM
What makes a society?The answer would be you, me and everyone around us.

Well said, Ratchasi, u do hav a point there :clap:
And from this, I might point out tat this is y I'd felt tat moral values need to be inculcated among most-if not all ppl. in a society, since society is nothing but all the ppl. in it (inc. u & me).....
As individuals we mite tend to think tat we (or other certain individuals) r not sole representatives of a whole society or culture neways, so our/their actions (in this case tat of pornography) wudn't necessarily result in nething sacrilegious/against the society but if every individual goes on thinking tat way then ultimately the entire society wud end up in disarray.....!