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Vidya Pai
3rd February 2005, 09:50 AM
Pls post some tried and tested recipes using Avocado. I'm told they r highly nutritious.
I just make milk shake and also an icecream like dessert with it. Both come out delicious, but more recipes r welcome.
Pls post both sweet and savoury recipes.

4th February 2005, 01:10 AM

Can you please post your avocado milkshake recipe?

Thanks in advance! :)

Vidya Pai
4th February 2005, 09:19 AM
Avocado Milkshake

1 Ripe avocado( cut lengthwise around the seed, twist the two halves to separate and scoop out the flesh)
2 cups milk,
4-5 tsp sugar

Put all the ingredients into the blender and blend till smooth.
U can also add a few Ice cubes or alternately u can use chilled milk and also chill the avocado prior to making shake.

Chilled Avocado Dessert

2 ripe avocados
1/2 cup whippig cream ( u can also use full cream milk instead)
6-8 tsp sugar (or more acc to taste)

Scoop the flesh from avocados and mash it with the back of a fork.
U can also run it in the mixer. Mix the sugar well into the mashed avocado. Fold in whipping cream. Chill before serving this Heavenly Delight. U may also add slivers of pista as a topping to this, just before serving.

9th February 2005, 04:44 PM
The simplest recipe I know that you can make out of avocados is guacamole. Its mexican and very yummy. Here's the recipe:


2 Avocados - ripe
1 small onion - very finely chopped
cilantro or coriander leaves - fresh - abt half a fist
cherry tomatoes - 2, finely chopped
Lemon juice - 2-3 tablespoon
Salt to taste


Deseed the avocados and scoop out the fruit into a bowl. Use a fork to mash it up. You can even use a hand blender if you want. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Serve with dry toast or panini-bread.


To spice it up, you can add some green chilli paste to it.

Hope you like it.

9th February 2005, 10:15 PM
In addition to the ingredients truebluemoon had mentioned, if you would like to add a spoon of sour cream to make guacomole that would make it more cremier.


Vidya Pai
21st February 2005, 04:38 PM
Hi truebluemoon, I tried ur guacamole recipe. It tasted good. thanx for the recipe.
Nalabaagam I'll try ur tip next time since I did not have any sour cream on hand. Pls do tell me what else u use sour cream for.

24th February 2005, 07:02 PM
Here is Mexican Guacamole recipe. This will make a nice dip at parties. Just be sure to use ripe avocados soft when squeezed.

2 ripe Avocados
1 Ripe vine tomato OR Roma tomato, diced
2 - 4 Green Chili - seeds removed & chopped
1 small onion - choped
4 tbs. fresh coriander (cilantro), chopped
1 Large lime juice (or lemon juice)
2 - 4 clove garlic
2 tbs olive oil
Salt to taste, 1/3 teaspoon should do.
2 tbs Sour Cream (optional)


I use electric blender.
Put onion,garlic,chili in the blender with juice 1/2 lime and blend. When the mix is nice paste add the coriander and olive oil and blend for till it is nice paste. Add the tomato and the avocado flesh with rest of lime juice and blend.

Scoop the paste into a bowel and mix with the sour cream and salt to make your Yammy Guacamole.

I like the rough black skin avocados. Should be soft when squeezed, same with the green avocados. Cut avocados in halve. With a sharp knife hit seed in center lift seed out no mess.

25th February 2005, 04:11 AM
Avocado and Lime Ice Cream

2 Ripe Avocadoes
100 grm granulated sugar
grated rind of 1 Lime
Juice of 1 Lime
300 ml whipping cream
4 egg yolks
2 egg whites
Few unsalted pistachio nuts

Beat the egg yorks in a bowl. Heat the cream and sugar in a saucepan stirring well till the sugar dissolves. As the cream rises to the top of the pan (@ the point of boiling) removve from the heat.

Gently pour the beaten egg yolks into cream/sugar mix in small amounts from height (say 6") above the saucepan (this stops the mixxture curdling) and stir the pan. Allow mixture to cool, stirring it occasionally, then chill.

Cut avocados in halve. With a sharp knife hit seed in center lift seed out. Scoop the avacado flesh and mash into soft paste with lime rind and lime juice.

Beat the avocado/lime paste with the chilled custard (ie cream/sugar/egg mix). Check for sweetness. Ice cream should be quite sweet before freezing as it loses sweetness when it is ice cold. Add extra sugar if required.

Pour the mixture into shallow container and freese it until it is slushy. Beat it one or twice as it freeses to stop large ice crystals forming.

Beat the egg whites until softly stiff and fold into ice cream. Return the mixture to the freezer. Freeze until the mixture is firm. Cover the container and leave it in the freezer. Use it within four weeks. Decorate with pistachio nuts before serving.


Geetha Mouly
3rd March 2005, 04:27 PM

For a quick and tasty eat of avacado, we scoop out the flesh and mix it with powdered-jaggery(has iron). The kids love it too.


3rd March 2005, 07:19 PM

Any other healthy recipes for kids with avacado. My son loves the Guacamole which is less spicy. Yet to try the milkshake.