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View Full Version : looking for food processor

3rd February 2005, 09:22 PM
Hi, i living in US and i looking for a food processor mainly for making chapati dough. if anyone knows about such food processor or such site please let know.

3rd February 2005, 11:43 PM
u can mix chappathi dough in ultra wet grinder too. it comes out good. my friend has kitchen aid stand mixer and it is good for mixing chapathi and poori dough.kitchen aid and cuisanrt food processors are also good for not only making dough but also cutting vegetables. if ur purpose to buy is only for dough then these items are expensive, but they'll be useful for chopping,grating etc.

10th February 2005, 08:47 PM
thanx kz.u mean to say ultra wet grinders which are generally used for making idli dosa batter. it is the one i can buy from india or any indian site.

11th February 2005, 12:19 AM
Yes, the ultra wet grinder, u can buy it here in Us or from india, in india we get 110 V also. but using it for small quantity of chapathi dough is not worth it as we have to clean the grinder etc, cleaning is a big work. i use it only when i have ot mix large quantities of chapathi dough. but it mixes the dough well.

13th February 2005, 07:57 AM
thanx kz.

2nd March 2005, 05:51 AM
I haven't had any luck mixing the dough in Ultra wet grinder. The dough that I tried to make was warming up due to the constant friction of the stone on which it is being kneaded. Can you please detail how you could make the dough...
