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4th February 2005, 09:05 PM
Where can i get horse gram from??
-from Indian store or american store?

What is it named on the packet -horse gram or _____?

Can anybody give me recipes using horse gram.
Also I had heard from my friend that they make pudi/podi/powder from horse gram??Anybody recipe please...

And why don't we start this thread on beans/legumes/pulses/etc.
with facts and nutritions as well along with recipes..


4th February 2005, 09:09 PM
Recipes in english and hindi names please...

10th February 2005, 01:25 AM
Pasi Payar Kozmabu (Whole moong dal )

Whole Moong dal - 11/2 cups
Onion - 1 cup finely chopped
Garlic - 3-4 cloves
Tomato - 2 finely chopped
Cumin Seeds - 1 tsp.
Turmeric Powder - 11/2 tsp.
Mustard Seed - 1 tsp.
Karipatha - 1 sprig
Red Chilly - 3-4 asp per taste
Salt as per taste
Oil - 3 tbsp.

Dry roast the moong dal in a kadai till it starts giving very good aroma. It should start to brown a little. Remove from heat and wash well with cold water. Pressure-cook the dal with 2 cups of water, 1/2 cup of onions, all the garlic, tomatoes, turmeric powder, cumin seeds and salt for upto 4 whistles. Remove from heat and wait for pressure to release. Heat oil in kadai. Add the mustard seeds; once they stop spluttering add the karipatha and red chilies broken into pieces. Fry for few secs and add the onions. Fry the onions till they start browning. In the mean time, puree/mash the contents of the cooker with a masher or a hand held pureeing device. Add the fried onions to the dal and serve hot.

15th March 2005, 08:16 PM
looks like they have created a new thread on dals....So I dont think so people will even go through thread topics to get to this thread.
But anyways whoever wants to share their recipes here can happily do it. I visit this thread everyday.

16th March 2005, 08:40 AM
I know a dhokla kind of breakfast item made of horsegram, urad dhal and rice. If ur interested I'll post the recipe.

16th March 2005, 09:46 AM
Pls post it tomato...I've been looking for horsegram recipes for a long time now...Also,post any other recipes that U know that's made using horsegram...

16th March 2005, 10:34 AM
Hi tomato,
sure ...I'm interested in any kind of recipes made from beans/legu......
Thanks..waiting to see ur recipes

16th March 2005, 10:18 PM
Here is a copy of recipe which had posted in crockpot recipe thread and this microwave recipe will be ready in 30-40 minutes

Name of the recipe is-
M3P (Mint, methi, moong sprouts pulav)

I came up with this recipe recently when I had to prepare lunch box for my office and had these veggies in small quantities left and did not have time for any cutting and normal cooking ..

Serves 2 (just by itself and nothing else)

1-Basmati rice- 1.5 cups
2-Mint - 1 sprig chopped
3-methi leaves - 1/2 cup chopped
4-Moong sprouts - 1/2 cup (may be more or less as u prefer)
5-ginger garlic paste- 1 heaped tsp
6-Green chillies - 2 chopped
7-coriander - 6-10 big sprigs chopped
8-elaichi- 2
9-clove- 3
10-dalchini- .5 X 1.5 inch stick
11-garam masala pwd- 1 tsp
12-bay leaf- 2
13-salt- 1.5-2 tsp (ur taste)
14-red chilli pwd- if u think u need after u add green chillies
15-lime juice- 1-2 spoons

In kadai add seasoning as usual and then add 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9 , 10 and 12 and immediately add in the order of 4, 3, 2. and saute for a while like 3-4 minutes and then add 11 and mix it and then add washed basmati rice and half of the chopped coriander. saute for a while till u smell all flavours blended(as u normally do for any pulav or rice) and now put this microwave rice cooker and add water 3.5-4 cups of water (this proportion and also the microwave time depends on ur microwave strength) and then add salt and taste and if u think u need more spicy taste add the red chilli powder and mix everything well in water. and now microwave for 18-20 minutes and after microwave do not open for 5-10 minutes. and after that open and fluff the rice and add remaining coriander and lime juice.

M3P is ready
enjoy with any raita/pickle!!
I'm very excited about this recipe..
Please let me know ur feedbacks...

17th March 2005, 08:50 AM
This is the recipe for horsegram dhokla.

1/2 cup horsegram
1/2 cup urad dhal
2 cups rice ( the kind u use for idli or dosa)
salt to taste
2-3 green chillies chopped (optional)
1'' piece ginger chopped (optional)
2tbs bits of fresh coconut (optional)

Soak horse gram and urad dal together in a bowl for 4-6 hrs. Soak rice seperately in a bowl for 4-6 hrs.
First grind the Hgram+uraddal. with a little water just like u would do for Idli. When it is almost done; rinse, drain and add the soaked rice. Grind it coarsely.
The consitecny and texture should be like Idli batter. Once the batter is done remove it in a large vessel and add salt. let it ferment for 6-8 hrs or overnight.
Add the g.chillis, coconut, ginger. Mix well. Grease a shallow bowl with oil. pour the batter in the bowl. Take care not to fill it more than 2/3 its volume ie allow room for rising. Put the bowl in ur steaming equipment and steam for 15 mins or till done. Repeat steaming for the remaining batter. alternately u can steam it in 2 bowl one stacked on the other.
After steaming cool and cut into squares or diamonds. Can be eaten with butter or chutney/pickles of ur choice.

With the same batter u can also make thick dosa and serve with chutney.

The name of the dhokla is 'Rumdann' in konkani. It is traditionally eaten with a dribble of coconut oil and mango pickles.
The dasa of the same batter is called 'Dhoddak'.

17th March 2005, 08:52 AM
Hey but what is all this fuss abt horsegram , why r u guys interested in its recipes, is it very good for health?

Dev, can u shed some light on the goodness of this gram?

17th March 2005, 09:20 AM
Hi Tomato,

Horsegram dhal is a very good source of iron & calcium.

17th March 2005, 05:00 PM
I have read long ago in this forum that horsegram is good for lowering cholestrol. Here is the link