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View Full Version : 1 million Indians in UK but no indian football player in UK

6th February 2005, 08:38 PM
Why can Black and White but no Indian football player be seen in England football team, although there is a big community of Indian people living in UK who watch (but don't play) crazily and confortably cricket on their armchair ?

Cricket is not very famous in England. But we can see no UK-born Indian in the English cricket club team, but UK-born Indian don't do sport at all, they keep studying in their room without going out and they are getting fatter.

Vikash Dhorasso is the first Indian football player in France where 20000 Indian people live, whereas no one play football in UK where 1000000 Indian people live !

7th February 2005, 07:11 AM
Whats so big about that? 1 billion indians in india and no decent indian footballer :lol2: :lol2:

7th February 2005, 10:37 AM
Soomy,for one thing, we have to consider the ratio of Indians against others.So one million may not be such a huge part of the UK population.
Next,Indians have never been a big sporting community,whether in their homeland or abroad.That is why we are still proud of P.T.Usha and Milkha Singh who haven't won even a bronze medal at the olympics. :D

7th February 2005, 05:35 PM
Indians dont have the kind of aggression and determination required to excel in international sporting events.

The Indian attitude of "chaltha hey" dont work in sports.

7th February 2005, 06:46 PM
What do you mean by 'Chalta Hey' ?

7th February 2005, 10:22 PM
What do you mean by 'Chalta Hey' ?

"Chalta Hey" in Hindi slang for "Its acceptable"

But now it has become a slogan for the Indian sloppy attitute. Our nature of accepting injustice, rotten state of our society and defeat.