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16th May 2015, 06:42 AM
குறுக்கிடுவதற்கு மன்னிக்கவும்.
நடிகர் திலகத்தைப் பற்றி விமர்சிப்பதைத் தவிர்த்தல் நலம்.
கோபால் சொன்னது போல் அவர் தொடாத விஷயமே நடிப்பில் இல்லை. காமிரா, எடிட்டிங், என திரைப்படத்துறையின் ஒவ்வொரு நுணுக்கமும் அறிந்த கலைஞன். அவரவருடைய சுதந்திரத்தில் அவர் தலையிட விரும்பாத காரணத்தால் தான் சில தவிர்த்திருக்க வேண்டிய படங்கள் உருவாகக் காரணமானார்.
எங்கோ அடிமட்டத்தில் இருந்த தமிழ் சினிமா ரசனையை வலுக்கட்டாயமாக மேலே இழுத்து வந்து உச்சாணிக் கொம்பில் அவர் உட்கார வைத்ததால் தான் நம்மால் இன்று தமிழ் சினிமாவில் பல்வேறு புதிய பரிமாணங்களை பல்வேறு கால கட்டங்களில் காண முடிகிறது.
வணிக நோக்கில் அவர் நடித்த படங்கள் வசூல் பிரளயம் ஏற்படுத்தியவை என்பதைப் பலமுறை அவர் நிரூபித்து விட்டார். என்றாலும் அவர் அதனையே கருதாமல் தமிழ் சினிமாவை மேல் நோக்கி ஏற்றிச் சென்றதால் தான் நம்மால் பீம்சிங் போன்ற உன்னத இயக்குநர்களைக் காண முடிந்தது. பின்னாளில் பல இயக்குநர்கள் இவர்களை ரோல் மாடலாகக் கொண்டதும் அதனால் தான்.
தன்னுடைய மொத்த படங்களின் எண்ணிக்கையில் கிட்டத்தட்ட மூன்றில் ஒரு பங்கு எண்ணிக்கை அளவிற்கு அவரை வைத்து இயக்கிய இயக்குநர்கள் பணியாற்றினார்கள். ஒரு சில இயக்குநர்களின் படங்களைத் தவிர பெரும்பாலான இயக்குநர்களின் படங்களில் அவருடைய நடிப்பில் வித்தியாசம் நிச்சயம் தென்படும். அந்த ஒரு சில இயக்குநர்களின் படங்களிலும் ரசிகர்களுக்கான சில காட்சிகள் போக பெரும்பாலான காட்சிகளில் அவர் நடிப்பில் ஒரு கோட்டுக்குள் இருக்கும்.
உடை விஷயம், உடல் விஷயம் என சில படங்களை இங்கு ரசிகர்கள் குறிப்பிட்டிருந்தனர். அவை எண்ணிக்கையில் மிக சொற்பமே. இன்னும் சொல்லப் போனால் அவை வணிக ரீதியாக வெற்றி பெற்றவை. ஒரு கலைஞன் கலைக்கு தன்னை அர்ப்பணிப்பது மட்டுமின்றி வணிக ரீதியாகவும் அதனை எதிர்கொள்ள வேண்டும். அதைத் தான் அவர் செய்தார்.
வயதுக்கு ஒவ்வாத இளம் நடிகையருடன் நடித்தார் என்பது அவருக்கு மட்டுமே பொருந்தக் கூடிய விஷயமல்ல. இந்த குற்றச்சாட்டுக்கு ஆளாகாத கலைஞர்களை யாராலும் கூற முடியாது.

பாலு மகேந்திராவின் லட்சியப் படமாக நடிகர் திலகத்துடன் அவர் இணைந்து பணியாற்ற முற்பட்டதும் அவரும் அதற்கு இசைவளித்ததும் கிட்டத்தட்ட படம் துவங்கும் வரையில் போய் பின்னர் நின்று போனதும் நமக்கு துரதிருஷ்டமே. சந்தர்ப்ப வசத்தால் தன் மகளையே ஒரு விலைமாதாக அந்த விடுதியிலேயே சந்திக்க நேரிடும் ஓர் தந்தையின் கதை அப்படத்தின் கரு.

ஒரு சில படங்களை வைத்து அவரை விமர்சிப்பது ஏற்றுக் கொள்ள முடியாது.

சினிமாவுக்கு வந்த புதிதிலேயே தன் வயதிற்கு மீறி தந்தை பாட்டன் போன்று முதியவராக நடித்தவர் நடிகர் திலகம்.

அவருடைய பங்களிப்பின்றி தமிழ்த்திரையுலகம் புதிய உச்சங்களைக் கண்டிருக்காது என்பதே உண்மை.

பின்னாளில் பல புதிய கலைஞர்கள் புதிய பாதையில் பயணிக்க சாலை அமைத்தவர் நடிகர் திலகம். அவர் இருந்த தைரியத்தில் தான் ஸ்ரீதர் பீம்சிங் போன்ற பல இயக்குநர்கள் புதிய விஷயங்களை சினிமாவில் கொண்டு வந்தார்கள்.

இது அன்புத் தம்பி கமல் அவர்களின் திரி என்பதால் இதற்கு மேல் இப்பதிவை நீட்டிக்க விரும்பவில்லை.

படித்ததற்கும் வாய்ப்பிற்கும் உளமார்ந்த நன்றி.

16th May 2015, 09:05 AM
வணக்கம் - எனது மன்னிப்பை ஏற்றுக்கொள்வீர்களாக - நடிகர் திலகத்தை பற்றி வேண்டும் என்றே விமர்சனம் செய்வது போல் ஏற்றுகொள்ளக்கூடாது - அவர் 70களில் நடித்த படங்களின் தரம் அவருடைய ஈடில்லா திறமைக்கு தீனி போடும் வகையில் இல்லாததையும், சினிமாவின் போக்கு திசை மாறிக்கொண்டிருந்த சமயத்தில், ஒரே மாதிரியான திரைக்கதை வடிவமைப்பை கொண்ட படங்களையே அவர் செய்ய வேண்டிய கட்டாயத்தை பற்றி கேட்பது ஒரு வித அங்கலாய்ப்பு போலதானே தவிர, அவர் மேல் உள்ள மரியாதையையோ மதிப்பையோ எந்த விதத்திலும் குறைத்துக்கொள்ளவில்லை.

16th May 2015, 09:51 AM
அங்கங்கே சிதறிக்கிடக்கும் உத்தமவில்லன் பற்றிய எனது கருத்துக்களையெல்லாம் இங்கே கதம்பமாக கோர்த்திருக்கிறேன். ஒரு கோர்வையாக, வரிசையாக இல்லாதிருப்பதாக உங்களுக்கு தோன்றினால் பொறுத்தருளவும்..

16th May 2015, 11:06 AM
குறுக்கிடுவதற்கு மன்னிக்கவும்.
நடிகர் திலகத்தைப் பற்றி விமர்சிப்பதைத் தவிர்த்தல் நலம்.
கோபால் சொன்னது போல் அவர் தொடாத விஷயமே நடிப்பில் இல்லை. காமிரா, எடிட்டிங், என திரைப்படத்துறையின் ஒவ்வொரு நுணுக்கமும் அறிந்த கலைஞன். அவரவருடைய சுதந்திரத்தில் அவர் தலையிட விரும்பாத காரணத்தால் தான் சில தவிர்த்திருக்க வேண்டிய படங்கள் உருவாகக் காரணமானார்.
எங்கோ அடிமட்டத்தில் இருந்த தமிழ் சினிமா ரசனையை வலுக்கட்டாயமாக மேலே இழுத்து வந்து உச்சாணிக் கொம்பில் அவர் உட்கார வைத்ததால் தான் நம்மால் இன்று தமிழ் சினிமாவில் பல்வேறு புதிய பரிமாணங்களை பல்வேறு கால கட்டங்களில் காண முடிகிறது.
வணிக நோக்கில் அவர் நடித்த படங்கள் வசூல் பிரளயம் ஏற்படுத்தியவை என்பதைப் பலமுறை அவர் நிரூபித்து விட்டார். என்றாலும் அவர் அதனையே கருதாமல் தமிழ் சினிமாவை மேல் நோக்கி ஏற்றிச் சென்றதால் தான் நம்மால் பீம்சிங் போன்ற உன்னத இயக்குநர்களைக் காண முடிந்தது. பின்னாளில் பல இயக்குநர்கள் இவர்களை ரோல் மாடலாகக் கொண்டதும் அதனால் தான்.
தன்னுடைய மொத்த படங்களின் எண்ணிக்கையில் கிட்டத்தட்ட மூன்றில் ஒரு பங்கு எண்ணிக்கை அளவிற்கு அவரை வைத்து இயக்கிய இயக்குநர்கள் பணியாற்றினார்கள். ஒரு சில இயக்குநர்களின் படங்களைத் தவிர பெரும்பாலான இயக்குநர்களின் படங்களில் அவருடைய நடிப்பில் வித்தியாசம் நிச்சயம் தென்படும். அந்த ஒரு சில இயக்குநர்களின் படங்களிலும் ரசிகர்களுக்கான சில காட்சிகள் போக பெரும்பாலான காட்சிகளில் அவர் நடிப்பில் ஒரு கோட்டுக்குள் இருக்கும்.
உடை விஷயம், உடல் விஷயம் என சில படங்களை இங்கு ரசிகர்கள் குறிப்பிட்டிருந்தனர். அவை எண்ணிக்கையில் மிக சொற்பமே. இன்னும் சொல்லப் போனால் அவை வணிக ரீதியாக வெற்றி பெற்றவை. ஒரு கலைஞன் கலைக்கு தன்னை அர்ப்பணிப்பது மட்டுமின்றி வணிக ரீதியாகவும் அதனை எதிர்கொள்ள வேண்டும். அதைத் தான் அவர் செய்தார்.
வயதுக்கு ஒவ்வாத இளம் நடிகையருடன் நடித்தார் என்பது அவருக்கு மட்டுமே பொருந்தக் கூடிய விஷயமல்ல. இந்த குற்றச்சாட்டுக்கு ஆளாகாத கலைஞர்களை யாராலும் கூற முடியாது.

பாலு மகேந்திராவின் லட்சியப் படமாக நடிகர் திலகத்துடன் அவர் இணைந்து பணியாற்ற முற்பட்டதும் அவரும் அதற்கு இசைவளித்ததும் கிட்டத்தட்ட படம் துவங்கும் வரையில் போய் பின்னர் நின்று போனதும் நமக்கு துரதிருஷ்டமே. சந்தர்ப்ப வசத்தால் தன் மகளையே ஒரு விலைமாதாக அந்த விடுதியிலேயே சந்திக்க நேரிடும் ஓர் தந்தையின் கதை அப்படத்தின் கரு.

ஒரு சில படங்களை வைத்து அவரை விமர்சிப்பது ஏற்றுக் கொள்ள முடியாது.

சினிமாவுக்கு வந்த புதிதிலேயே தன் வயதிற்கு மீறி தந்தை பாட்டன் போன்று முதியவராக நடித்தவர் நடிகர் திலகம்.

அவருடைய பங்களிப்பின்றி தமிழ்த்திரையுலகம் புதிய உச்சங்களைக் கண்டிருக்காது என்பதே உண்மை.

பின்னாளில் பல புதிய கலைஞர்கள் புதிய பாதையில் பயணிக்க சாலை அமைத்தவர் நடிகர் திலகம். அவர் இருந்த தைரியத்தில் தான் ஸ்ரீதர் பீம்சிங் போன்ற பல இயக்குநர்கள் புதிய விஷயங்களை சினிமாவில் கொண்டு வந்தார்கள்.

இது அன்புத் தம்பி கமல் அவர்களின் திரி என்பதால் இதற்கு மேல் இப்பதிவை நீட்டிக்க விரும்பவில்லை.

படித்ததற்கும் வாய்ப்பிற்கும் உளமார்ந்த நன்றி.

Good point sir! Respect

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
16th May 2015, 11:43 AM
Uttama villain Review links updated! - http://goo.gl/MSBVxv (hub link only!)

can find the same in my siggy too!

16th May 2015, 03:13 PM
Watched it...manorajan portions are very good and 18th century portions are boring and reminds me of last half an hour of mma...cried for two or three scenes...chance less acting by kamal....this movie will be a very profitable venture for all of them I think movie budget will be around 7 or 8 crores(kamal got overseas rights and satellite rights)....so surely a profitable venture...

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
16th May 2015, 03:31 PM
sat rights are with lingu only!

17th May 2015, 09:17 AM

17th May 2015, 12:49 PM

'Uttama Villain' did not exactly set the box-office on fire but it nevertheless appealed to hard core Kamal Haasan fans and thereby turned out to be a break-even project.

17th May 2015, 06:36 PM

'Uttama Villain' did not exactly set the box-office on fire but it nevertheless appealed to hard core Kamal Haasan fans and thereby turned out to be a break-even project.

The type of genre UV is and something that required deeper understanding of the sequences in them, its unlikely it could get beyond average/above average category. The delay dented its collections more. Yet it did well overseas including US where it surpassed most and is in top 10.

17th May 2015, 06:38 PM
Delayed release impacts Kamal Haasan’s ‘Uttama Villain’ at box office
"Uttama Villain" has failed to create ripples at the box office due to its delayed release.

Actor-filmmaker Kamal Haasan-starrer Tamil period-drama “Uttama Villain” has failed to create ripples at the box office due to its delayed release, says a trade pundit.

“Two weeks since its release, the film is yet to break even. The reason for poor show at the box office is the delayed release. Had the film released as initially planned on May 1, it would’ve opened to record collections,” trade analyst Trinath told IANS.

Ramesh Aravind-directed “Uttama Villain”, which was a highly anticipated release, was to hit the screens on May 1 worldwide.

Due to some financial issues between the film’s makers and financiers, the release of the movie was stalled on first day. It released on May 2.

“Big budget star vehicles rely heavily on the collections of the opening weekend. For ‘Uttama Villain’, an opening day collection of nearly Rs.10 crore was expected going by the pre-release buzz. But since the release got delayed, the numbers were affected,” he said.

Uttama Villain release delayed, early morning shows cancelled
VFX work delays release of Kamal Haasan's 'Uttama Villain'
Kamal Haasan's 'Uttama Villain' to release April 2

The film is said to be loosely inspired by several events in Kamal’s life. It narrates the story of a superstar on the brink of extinction.

While the film was received well by the multiplex audiences, it was welcomed to lukewarm response in B and C centres due to its semi auto-biographical narrative tone.

Trinath says Aishwarya Dhanush-directed Tamil film “Vai Raja Vai”, which released along with “Uttama Villain”, ate into the business of the latter due to its delayed release.

“People who had come to the cinemas to watch Kamal’s film on the first day ended up watching ‘Vai Raja Vai’. Even the screens that were originally booked for ‘Uttama Villain’ had to screen Aishwarya’s film to accommodate the crowd,” Trinath said.

“Due to the delayed release of Kamal’s film, ‘Vai Raja Vai’ collected a whopping Rs.3.3 crore on the first day in Tamil Nadu. It was a small film and was received reasonably well by the audience,” he added.

Kamal has already moved on to his next Tamil-Telugu bilingual film titled “Thoongaavanam”, which is set to go on floors on May 24 in Hyderabad.


17th May 2015, 06:39 PM
Wonderful to speak to Nachiketa over phone. Oru manthayil iruntha irandu aadugal ........ meendum santhitha pothu ..... pesa mudiyavillaye ....... NT oda gnanaoli mathiri aayidichu. Just realised that Nachiketa is my estranged childhood friend ........ what a twist !!!

17th May 2015, 08:14 PM
welcome back Doctor... good to know that you two got connected thru our hub... Me and Nachiketa have spoken couple of times over phone as well.. pls continue... Thoongavanam shooting unga hospital-la nadakkum-nu sonneega.. edhaavadhu updates irundhaa andha threadla post pannunga...

17th May 2015, 08:16 PM
Sure. Tq CR

17th May 2015, 08:18 PM
From 1985 to 1995, me and Nachiketa would have spent all summer holidays together. He used to come from chennai. Whole day we used to hang out on my house terrace and discuss kamal, NT, Ilayaraja mainly and lot of cricket. I used to call him Rameez Raja and he used to call me sathi sukanya for some weird reason.

17th May 2015, 08:21 PM
All this while I know him as nachiketa on the hub but didnt know it was my friend itself. Its more than a decade since we met last. We have seen singaravelan day one , oru thayin sabatham, ninaivu chinnam, captain prabhakaran, and many other movies together in pondy theaters and 100s and 100s of movies on VCR in my house. Every nite , cricket on our terrace with a 100 watts bulb for lighting. And endless dumbcharades. He is 3 years mu senior so learnt a lot from him about old tamil movies.

17th May 2015, 09:05 PM
hi doc.. we need u here. whats the final verdict of uv?

17th May 2015, 09:07 PM
Avarage grosser ....... if first 2 days opening wasnt spoilt by idiocy .... could have scraped thru to mild hit.

17th May 2015, 09:08 PM
VR 2 release aaga ellaam valla iraniyanai praarthikkiren.

17th May 2015, 09:21 PM
Second half un ecessary tiger scenes and one minister resigning scenes and ottran scenes ..... firstey remove panni ..... oru flashback kuthu pattu shooting with simran or some other ex heroine ...... would have made a lot of difference. 10 percent loss of artism and 30 percent more reach to audience. Good trade off it would have been. Aana yaaru sollarthu nammalukku ?

17th May 2015, 09:23 PM
Papanasam producer kitta kaalla vizhunthu kenjirukken .... 150 minutes mela padam vekkatheenga. Thatavu seidhu first half crisper aakungannu. Try pannuromnnu pronise pannirkaapla. Paapom.

17th May 2015, 09:42 PM
Papanasam producer kitta kaalla vizhunthu kenjirukken .... 150 minutes mela padam vekkatheenga. Thatavu seidhu first half crisper aakungannu. Try pannuromnnu pronise pannirkaapla. Paapom.

Papanasam-la kamalOda thalaiyeedu edhuvum illa... he just introduced Jeyamohan to Jeetu joseph and left to both of them to decide on the small changes to suit TN audience. As per the people who watched original, almost Most of the shots in the movie are similar to Dhrishyam. As every one know it was a BB in Malayalam, every one expect this one to be a hit and profitable to producers.

17th May 2015, 09:43 PM
WC back doc...

rightly mentioned abt the tiger ,ottran scenes ( venki sir these were the ones i had mentioned about right after watching the movie )

but now after 4 watching i finally get it..the entire 8th century has been told in a way one would read a novel , the tiger / ottran scenes would be a separate chapters on their own

17th May 2015, 09:58 PM
looks like more of family audience are watching the movie this weekend. As doctor mentioned some entertaining songs and comedy would have made the movie more satisfying to the summer mood of the family audience. comedy dialogues by Kamal definitely not equivalent to Crazy mohan's. Crazy mohan's dialogues would have entertained more people.

17th May 2015, 10:00 PM
3 ministers .... one post govinda and then prod gnanu resigns. Still he continues to advise the king. Unnecessary sequence .... no story value ... no comedy whatsoever.

17th May 2015, 10:12 PM
KH should have some one like late Sujatha who can give advise on these kind of things. Someone who is not associated with the cast and crew should watch the movie and give suggestion to the editor.. Two and half hoursla story-ya properaa solla mudiyalainaa shooting start pannavae koodathu...

17th May 2015, 10:16 PM
Second half un ecessary tiger scenes and one minister resigning scenes and ottran scenes ..... firstey remove panni ..... oru flashback kuthu pattu shooting with simran or some other ex heroine ...... would have made a lot of difference. 10 percent loss of artism and 30 percent more reach to audience. Good trade off it would have been. Aana yaaru sollarthu nammalukku ?

Welcome back..these are the ones I exactly said in my review hub for negatives after watching the movie..

17th May 2015, 10:18 PM
KH should have some one like late Sujatha who can give advise on these kind of things. Someone who is not associated with the cast and crew should watch the movie and give suggestion to the editor.. Two and half hoursla story-ya properaa solla mudiyalainaa shooting start pannavae koodathu...

Also I heard panchu arunachalam use to advise during Aboorva Sahodhargal days to make it more crispier and entertaining..Also KSR will do a bit but even he cant help for MMA..ippa kooda irukuravargal anaivarum jaalras..

17th May 2015, 10:23 PM
Avarage grosser ....... if first 2 days opening wasnt spoilt by idiocy .... could have scraped thru to mild hit.

thanks. 'no loss' and above all 'ave gross' for an art movie is enough for me. im totally robbed of this movie due to some shittish marketing by the makers. im shifting to papanasam mode (albeit reluctantly) see you ppl there.

17th May 2015, 10:26 PM
thanks. 'no loss' and above all 'ave gross' for an art movie is enough for me. im totally robbed of this movie due to some shittish marketing by the makers. im shifting to papanasam mode (albeit reluctantly) see you ppl there.

you were able to watch the movie ?

17th May 2015, 10:34 PM
Also I heard panchu arunachalam use to advise during Aboorva Sahodhargal days to make it more crispier and entertaining..Also KSR will do a bit but even he cant help for MMA..ippa kooda irukuravargal anaivarum jaalras..

yes.. Panchu helps modifying scenes to appeal more entertaining... Avaru maadhiri oru AaL thevai.. Some of the current generation directors are good too. But our man should listen to them right...

17th May 2015, 10:36 PM
Heard from a friend that Kamal's character in Papanasam is a hardcore Sivaji fan. Can anyone throw light on this?

17th May 2015, 10:50 PM
In the trailer Kamal daughter asks him ..... nethi mudiya yenpaa sururti surutti vidureenga ? Kamal replies that he has been doing that for past 30 years and its Sivaji style.

17th May 2015, 11:27 PM
Kamal decided to help Lingu out by doing a 30c movie for him to offset loses incurred due to UV delay and so forth. Gnanavel Raja helped Lingu out from EROS by buying rights for the movie paying 15c more than market price. Will be good news if break even is reached.

18th May 2015, 12:15 AM
All this while I know him as nachiketa on the hub but didnt know it was my friend itself. Its more than a decade since we met last. We have seen singaravelan day one , oru thayin sabatham, ninaivu chinnam, captain prabhakaran, and many other movies together in pondy theaters and 100s and 100s of movies on VCR in my house. Every nite , cricket on our terrace with a 100 watts bulb for lighting. And endless dumbcharades. He is 3 years mu senior so learnt a lot from him about old tamil movies.

thayin sabatham, Ninaivu chinnam - padamellaam paarthavaraa neenga? romba romba porumaisaali neenga

18th May 2015, 12:16 AM
Second half un ecessary tiger scenes and one minister resigning scenes and ottran scenes ..... firstey remove panni ..... oru flashback kuthu pattu shooting with simran or some other ex heroine ...... would have made a lot of difference. 10 percent loss of artism and 30 percent more reach to audience. Good trade off it would have been. Aana yaaru sollarthu nammalukku ?

you mean 'katthaazha kannala suthhadhaa' style item song would have saved the day?

thadaigalai meeri sarithiram padaikkarennu pidivaathamaa irukkaarey ivaru - idhellaam avaraanda saathiyamaa?

18th May 2015, 12:25 AM
Also I heard panchu arunachalam use to advise during Aboorva Sahodhargal days to make it more crispier and entertaining..Also KSR will do a bit but even he cant help for MMA..ippa kooda irukuravargal anaivarum jaalras..

For AS, panchu was the story writer. Appu clicked with the masses because they sympathised with his cause. This sympathy was missing for Nandu 'cos masses had difficulty in understanding him.

18th May 2015, 06:11 AM
Second half un ecessary tiger scenes and one minister resigning scenes and ottran scenes ..... firstey remove panni ..... oru flashback kuthu pattu shooting with simran or some other ex heroine ...... would have made a lot of difference. 10 percent loss of artism and 30 percent more reach to audience. Good trade off it would have been. Aana yaaru sollarthu nammalukku ?
Welcome back Dr. Agree with your comments, he needs to change his think tank, get rid of the yes men...today watched Vijay awards, watched him dance with shruthi, same energy level, nice steps...chanceless...

18th May 2015, 07:30 AM
you were able to watch the movie ?

no :banghead:

18th May 2015, 08:06 AM
I feel like it's time that KH finally collaborates with Crazy Mohan for real this time. It's been long overdue and I'm sure if he really wants to make the big bucks and win the audiences back with laughter, now's the time. Even a 5thanthiram sequel would be awesome. Plus, it would give KSR a relief and maybe a proper comeback. Or something new and funny would be great. And if possible, get Sridevi on this. [/pipe dream].

18th May 2015, 08:58 AM
ஸ்டில்களுக்காகவே பிறந்த கலைஞன் கமல்!

18th May 2015, 08:59 AM

18th May 2015, 08:59 AM

18th May 2015, 09:03 AM
திருவிளையாடல் டி.எஸ்.பாலையா!

18th May 2015, 09:13 AM

18th May 2015, 06:22 PM
He is so cute as uttaman with those Child like expressions and gethu matured expressions manoranjan <3 one film I wud never get bored of

18th May 2015, 08:02 PM
Is it Average or Below avg/disaster?

Koimoi reports total collection of 70C, BW reports Chennai collection of 3.25 C with Below average verdict.

Orey confees and Opposite fans/anti fans are going beserk. *sigh* too tired to respond.

18th May 2015, 08:07 PM
Dont even bother to respond

18th May 2015, 08:33 PM
Second half un ecessary tiger scenes and one minister resigning scenes and ottran scenes ..... firstey remove panni ..... oru flashback kuthu pattu shooting with simran or some other ex heroine ...... would have made a lot of difference. 10 percent loss of artism and 30 percent more reach to audience. Good trade off it would have been. Aana yaaru sollarthu nammalukku ?

Welcome back Dr.Sir :)

18th May 2015, 08:37 PM
Is it Average or Below avg/disaster?

Koimoi reports total collection of 70C, BW reports Chennai collection of 3.25 C with Below average verdict.

Orey confees and Opposite fans/anti fans are going beserk. *sigh* too tired to respond.

who cares about opposite fans ? Can they even dream of putting up a movie like this, let alone run ... Anyways, the verdict is not fully out yet and if what you read is true, 70C is close to break even/average gross imo.

Is it still running in TN ? UV is in 3rd week run in most overseas locations:


18th May 2015, 09:01 PM
I think the following is correct interpretation about the 8th Century portion.


18th May 2015, 09:07 PM
who cares about opposite fans ? Can they even dream of putting up a movie like this, let alone run ... Anyways, the verdict is not fully out yet and if what you read is true, 70C is close to break even/average gross imo.

Is it still running in TN ? UV is in 3rd week run in most overseas locations:


Koimoi link:

18th May 2015, 09:10 PM
Now everyone is available ,As we are heading towards end stage of discussion so instead of BO discussion can we discuss about nuances that is new before closing this thread and moving on to other thread Papanasam and ThoongaVanam..venkiram has put nicely in blog..

For me the "Intha kadhai inge irukaiyil song" seems to be crucial song and starting point for the audience to feel screenplay as seamless between real life portions and drama..That song can be taken in both ways..
If you observe purely from drama point of view "uttaman intro,uttaman kadai were told already" and "intha kadhai Inga irukaiyil" song is used to explain another story "Muttarasan kadhai"..
If you observe as the movie point of you as whole after Kamal-daughter conversation Kamal is fainted and admitted to hospital with sontha kadhai ,soga kadhai and movie shifts easily to drama portions with same song "Intha Kadhai inge irukaiyil"..
For me its brilliant and I am not sure whether others felt the same way..

18th May 2015, 09:26 PM
Koimoi link:

Thanks Nick. The website talks about collections in 2 week run. 3rd week run is going on many places overseas and I'm hoping domestic is also into 3rd week. If that's the case, break-even should be breached soon. Its about clear now that the loss of 1st couple of days has impacted the margins. Its nice of Nammavar to help Lingu out to offset some loses if any ..

18th May 2015, 09:28 PM
Slight dig, but if Lingu wants to make real profit, Nammavar should get rights of Vishwaroop2 to Lingu. There, TN matter solved and he can focus on other states. End dig.

18th May 2015, 09:34 PM
Slight dig, but if Lingu wants to make real profit, Nammavar should get rights of Vishwaroop2 to Lingu. There, TN matter solved and he can focus on other states. End dig.

The problem is whether Nammavar has any say on VR-2 rights. I thought its completely with Aascar unless something has changed since his bank issues.

18th May 2015, 09:44 PM
Slight dig, but if Lingu wants to make real profit, Nammavar should get rights of Vishwaroop2 to Lingu. There, TN matter solved and he can focus on other states. End dig.
எதுவும் கட்டாயம் கிடையாது. கருணையின் அடிப்படையில் உதவலாம். படத்தை வெளியிடுவதில் ஏற்பட்ட பிரச்சினைகள், வெளியாகும் தேதி குறிக்கப்பட்டும் சொன்ன நாளில் வெளியாகாமல் நாள் கடந்து வெளியானது என கமலுக்கும், ரசிகர்களுக்கும் இழைக்கப்பட்ட ஏமாற்றத்திற்கு திருப்பதி சகோதரர்கள்தான் கடன் பட்டிருக்கிறார்கள்.

19th May 2015, 05:53 AM
Second half un ecessary tiger scenes and one minister resigning scenes and ottran scenes ..... firstey remove panni ..... oru flashback kuthu pattu shooting with simran or some other ex heroine ...... would have made a lot of difference. 10 percent loss of artism and 30 percent more reach to audience. Good trade off it would have been. Aana yaaru sollarthu nammalukku ?

The fact that it did not cross $1 M in the US/Canada market is puzzling.

19th May 2015, 05:55 AM
Slight dig, but if Lingu wants to make real profit, Nammavar should get rights of Vishwaroop2 to Lingu. There, TN matter solved and he can focus on other states. End dig.

KH should have nothing to do with Lingu. Bad move with UV could be compounded. Not blaming Lingu as the sole reason but he takes the lion's share. Eros's troubles with Linga caused a ripple effect.

19th May 2015, 06:37 AM
The fact that it did not cross $1 M in the US/Canada market is puzzling.

Not puzzling at all. VR ran for 4+ weeks with 100% occupancy first week end and nearly full second weekend and so forth. I was there during its 100% full day first weekend and again on the 4th weekend with about 50-60%. VR made 1.2M odd in the US with that kind of occupancy. UV did not have the crowds like VR and had only 60%-70% occupancy first weekend and lesser there after. I'm glad it did what it did in the US.

19th May 2015, 07:39 AM
can sum1 give the exact BO status? ave gross, below ave, hit..im confused. till last week many tabloid declared it as hit and suddenly BW brings this up. cant believe.

19th May 2015, 08:04 AM
I think it is a "no loss to anyone"...

19th May 2015, 08:36 AM
The 10 Underappreciated Films of Kamal Hassan

10. Uttama Villain (2015)
This is the latest to join the list of underrated Kamal Hassan films . ( It is still running in cinemas and not yet released in the north of India ,so you can still do yourself a favour by watching in the theatres.)

Uttama Villain is one of the finest films written in Indian Cinema , the film shares the same problem as other Kamal Hassan films .It is a highly self indulgent film and requires an intellectual mind to appreciate. May be our audience don't prefer going through all this intellectual stuff and are quite happy with films like Kanchana . Though Uttama Villain can be termed as a moderate success the film could have done much better at the box-office ,despite the financial problems during the release which caused a delay in the theatrical release .

This film about mortality and immortality is definitely going to take some time for our audience to start raving it ,may be a few years from now.


19th May 2015, 09:39 AM
UV is definitely not an under appreciated film of Kamal Hassan. Movies like Alavanthan, Mumbai Express, Anbe Sivam can be considered as such but definetly not UV. Whoever wrote this article and including UV must have been a _________. UV's popularity impacted due to 2 days late release but pulled in general audience at many abroad countries and TN cities. Its an average collection movie.

19th May 2015, 09:52 AM
can sum1 give the exact BO status? ave gross, below ave, hit..im confused. till last week many tabloid declared it as hit and suddenly BW brings this up. cant believe.
the first 2 day revenue loss due to the goof up in the release, spoiled it for UV .. Thirupathi Brothers' loan was more than the budget of UV .. As they are producing multiple projects .. Lingu promised the financiers distribution rights, in case of not repaying on time .. but at the same time, he sold it wholesale to Eros .. hence this amounts to double selling .. Eros backed out and sabotaged the movie .. didnt release it outside south india .. Studio green took over the rights at the last moment to bail out lingu .. also Rajkamal seems to have helped Thirupathi Brothers.. ie gave back some money, so that TB pays off its debts ..

in the end, things are settled for now .. UV has lost atleast 15- 20 C in the first two days !! had there been a proper release, this would have been classified as Hit for sure .. but the opening weekend accounts for atleast 30-40% of the collection for big movies..

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
19th May 2015, 10:24 AM
Not puzzling at all. VR ran for 4+ weeks with 100% occupancy first week end and nearly full second weekend and so forth. I was there during its 100% full day first weekend and again on the 4th weekend with about 50-60%. VR made 1.2M odd in the US with that kind of occupancy. UV did not have the crowds like VR and had only 60%-70% occupancy first weekend and lesser there after. I'm glad it did what it did in the US.

not crossing $1M in US Canada shows they too want masala fight action film only (even like VR its ok!) and not interested in classics like UV :(

19th May 2015, 10:52 AM
not crossing $1M in US Canada shows they too want masala fight action film only (even like VR its ok!) and not interested in classics like UV :(

Sakala anna.. dnt you even feel that creativity also better presented with something that excite people for a mass media like this.. ? Manasa thottu sollunga..!!

19th May 2015, 11:05 AM
Sakala anna.. dnt you even feel that creativity also better presented with something that excite people for a mass media like this.. ? Manasa thottu sollunga..!!

Excitement is also very subjective.
Some people get excited by Shakeela's "glamour"; some get excited by Rajini speaking punch dialogue written by the dialogue writer; Some get excited by Vadivelu falling in cow dung; Also some get excited by seeing Anbe Sivam.
Many of us liked UV ! ! !

19th May 2015, 11:11 AM
Sakala anna.. dnt you even feel that creativity also better presented with something that excite people for a mass media like this.. ? Manasa thottu sollunga..!!

So you want to present like kanchana..
The don/godfather based movies can be made classic as well as it can appeal to mass audience like Nayagan,devar magan..
What you are expecting from UV to appeal masses...
All i can say is Kamalhaasan has done the best possible way to present classic autofiction movie like UV to appeal masses..
What can you say about people calling movie as slow? hari,lawrence movies go like non-sense jet speed without logic and after watching that people saying UV as slow but its the normal presentation only..

People are excited and whistle,clapped for dialogues like "Road'u rough'ah iruku, Route'u tough'ah irukunu enkita edhachum kadhai sonna naan rough aagiduven" but not excited for real life based dialogues between kamal-jayaram,kamal-daughter,kamal-son,etc which were superb..

Neenga manasa thottu sollunga where our people taste is going??

19th May 2015, 11:23 AM

I agree with you that uthama villain is not a wash-out in box-office. Kamal has experimented with audience with european style style of movie making(Fellini,Bergmen) of internalising the movie making in a auto-fiction style of flow. But his compromise of uththaman episode let him down badly with shoddy approach which lacked humour or sensibility. Kamal's strength is kamal and weakness also Kamal. Instead of making use of the talents around him ,he tried to do everything by himself. As an actor,he is becoming stale and lack freshness.(He didn't age gracefully)His drift from Selvaragavan,Miskin are all costly lapse for him distancing from young talents.

These are only my views as an ardent fan of Kamal.Uthama villain is brilliant in parts and not a complete Film.

19th May 2015, 11:30 AM
Sakala anna.. dnt you even feel that creativity also better presented with something that excite people for a mass media like this.. ? Manasa thottu sollunga..!! ok.. how many non-masala/action movies touched 1M at the US box office ?? the answer is zero .. VR is not masala.. but still its action ..

19th May 2015, 11:33 AM
the fact of the matter is, the historical portion in UV was not upto Kamal standards .. the contemporary part of the movie has appealed to a significant section of the audience and thats why its not a debacle at the BO .. for a class movie, it has collected very well, inspite of losing the first two days..

19th May 2015, 11:37 AM

I agree with you that uthama villain is not a wash-out in box-office. Kamal has experimented with audience with european style style of movie making(Fellini,Bergmen) of internalising the movie making in a auto-fiction style of flow. But his compromise of uththaman episode let him down badly with shoddy approach which lacked humour or sensibility. Kamal's strength is kamal and weakness also Kamal. Instead of making use of the talents around him ,he tried to do everything by himself. As an actor,he is becoming stale and lack freshness.(He didn't age gracefully)His drift from Selvaragavan,Miskin are all costly lapse for him distancing from young talents.

These are only my views as an ardent fan of Kamal.Uthama villain is brilliant in parts and not a complete Film.

For almost 7 years now I am hearing many commenting KH as narcissistic for doing all the thing and not going for other directors?
Some 5-7 years back these people commenting KH must work with selvaraghava,Ameer,Bala,myskin etc..now where are they?
Selva,ameer,bala already out..Myskin after Mugamoodi debacle all the films are just average and doesnt have new idea..ARM,gautam surviving on Aracha maavae araikurathu..
Now the people are commenting he must work with nalan kumarasamy,karthik subbu,blah blah..how many movies they made and what are the varieties..Baring few movies all they do is gangster/don/thriller kind of movies or intense love stories..first let them make another 2 movies and they also will be out like Selva,Ameer,bala..But kamal will stand tall..

Its stupid to put the break on kamalhaasan creativity for his experimental movies like UV,VR..may be the producer can stop as its his money and for the same reason i want kamal to produce all his experimental movies..There will be some negatives like some scenes in 2nd half periodic portions in UV but Kamalhaasan creativity in UV is far far better than so called selvaraghavan,ammer,bala,myskin,etc..

For Blockbuster sake kamal can work with these directors as the combination will bring more anxiety but definitely not from creativity point of view..

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
19th May 2015, 11:44 AM
As an actor,he is becoming stale and lack freshness.(He didn't age gracefully)

Age wise, there is none who ages much more slowly and beautifully as kamal sir. And he is not using Botox too. Botox will make ones skin hard and kamal cannot act in the scene with ajayram where even his கன்னக்கதுப்பு was acting! The above lines can be said as the most funniest dumb lines, on kamal! Sorry sir, but i mean it.

But his compromise of uththaman episode let him down badly with shoddy approach which lacked humour or sensibility. Kamal's strength is kamal and weakness also Kamal. Instead of making use of the talents around him ,he tried to do everything by himself. His drift from Selvaragavan,Miskin are all costly lapse for him distancing from young talents.
So if any of these so called young talented directors were given a chance, would them hav made the 8th century portion a superhit?!? And what eamples? Selva's period attempt Aayirathil Oruvan flopped badly.

19th May 2015, 11:51 AM
Very sincere request ..... lets not discuss NT in the thread. NT and KH span different generations and also acting genre. When fans of non sense heroes are coming and throwing shit here, lets hear positively to comments from senior NT fans. At least the discussion will be healthy. KH and NT compare and contrast mattum vendaam.

19th May 2015, 11:52 AM
lets take the case of so-called young directors.. actually these guys are no more young..

Selvaraghavan - total waste of time
Bala - he is repetitive but impactful..
Gautam - lacks creativity and very very repetitive
ARM - lacks sarakku.. but does make an impact with the masses.. ideal candidate for a mass masala BB .. best substitute for Shankar (old shankar) .. new shankar is a waste of time and money

Mysskin - the only worthy candidate ... dropping his movie is a big disappointment .. Kamal needs to understand that mysskin's writing wont be up to his liking, but he makes up for it with this direction and presentation ..

19th May 2015, 11:56 AM
lets take the case of so-called young directors.. actually these guys are no more young..

Selvaraghavan - total waste of time
Bala - he is repetitive but impactful..
Gautam - lacks creativity and very very repetitive
ARM - lacks sarakku.. but does make an impact with the masses.. ideal candidate for a mass masala BB .. best substitute for Shankar (old shankar) .. new shankar is a waste of time and money

Mysskin - the only worthy candidate ... dropping his movie is a big disappointment .. Kamal needs to understand that mysskin's writing wont be up to his liking, but he makes up for it with this direction and presentation ..

+1 for highlighted..the only person kamal can consider from creativity point of view is Mysskin..his direction and presentation,camera angles were different with less dialogues and intriguing BGM..

19th May 2015, 02:07 PM
i dont think bala can be boxed along with the aforementioned directors. he is class apart in terms of characterization and story telling - except for the weak avan ivan....

but i do not think there is any chance of kamal as a creator needing to be in a bala film - coz bala already brings out powerful performances from everyone ...rajkiran in nanda etc

other than that kamal in anyother directors movie is gonna be a kamal movie...

19th May 2015, 02:34 PM
i dont think bala can be boxed along with the aforementioned directors. he is class apart in terms of characterization and story telling - except for the weak avan ivan....

but i do not think there is any chance of kamal as a creator needing to be in a bala film - coz bala already brings out powerful performances from everyone ...rajkiran in nanda etc

other than that kamal in anyother directors movie is gonna be a kamal movie...

Kamal should work with other directors only for mass blockbuster movies..for that he can go for ARM ..

MMA pola mokkai padam koduthuruntha intha discussiona jeeranichikalaam but his last 2 movies VR and UV were classic and good compared to other directors movies..than why do we need other directors?

19th May 2015, 04:52 PM
iMoviesUSA @SIMoviesUSA · May 15

#Lion 2 days BO $74K from 60 locs. Avg!! Today is key
#UttamaVillain 2 wks (Tamil) USA & Canada - $660K, Average!! (Telugu) - $56K, Poor!!

19th May 2015, 06:10 PM
Selva and Bala are waste according to me.

I feel he should collaborate with ARM. Gautham is good but only if his second half is tighter in storytelling. But ultimate is Shankar. He is the money maker. I would like to see Indian-2 following Senapathi's escape to Singapore.

19th May 2015, 06:20 PM
Ayya ..... adutha kamal padam appo naan 40s la thaan paakanunaa .....

19th May 2015, 06:26 PM
Thalaivan irukkindraan ...... loosely based on the early evolution of the mumbai underworld highlighting the role of police in foddering Dawood in order to curtail trail groups of Haji Mastan, Varatharaja muthali etc etc and how they burn their fingers by developing their own number one underminer ......... KH as D , Nagarjuna as Mastan, ....... itha vidavaa shankar kizhichira poraaru ? ?

19th May 2015, 06:27 PM
If he doesnt announce thalaivan irukkindraan by 2015 end , we are the unluckiest fans on earth.

19th May 2015, 07:03 PM
Excitement is also very subjective.
Some people get excited by Shakeela's "glamour"; some get excited by Rajini speaking punch dialogue written by the dialogue writer; Some get excited by Vadivelu falling in cow dung; Also some get excited by seeing Anbe Sivam.
Many of us liked UV ! ! !

What a reply!!!! Fantastic one..

19th May 2015, 07:06 PM
Kamal as D ? post Basha none of the Mumbai based movies succeeded. That's why KH is keeping the script, but not starting..

19th May 2015, 07:10 PM
Kamal as D ? post Basha none of the Mumbai based movies succeeded. That's why KH is keeping the script, but not starting..
Ok Kanmani and Thuppakki would beg to differ

And TI hindi is going to floors from November. Already sometime back the Hindi producers confirmed the subject and going to floors date.

19th May 2015, 07:19 PM
Thalaivan irukkindraan ...... loosely based on the early evolution of the mumbai underworld highlighting the role of police in foddering Dawood in order to curtail trail groups of Haji Mastan, Varatharaja muthali etc etc and how they burn their fingers by developing their own number one underminer ......... KH as D , Nagarjuna as Mastan, ....... itha vidavaa shankar kizhichira poraaru ? ?

It may be better to keep details under wraps...a movie (even if loosely based) on someone like Dawood would face opposition from other entities

19th May 2015, 07:55 PM
not crossing $1M in US Canada shows they too want masala fight action film only (even like VR its ok!) and not interested in classics like UV :(

என்னமோ ஏதோ அமெரிக்காவுல உள்ள தமிழ் மக்கா எல்லாரும் அப்படியே இலக்கியத்துலயும் இதிஹாச நூல்களையும் படிச்சு, எல்லாம் கரைச்சு குடிச்ச மாதிரி பேசறீங்க?

17D இல்ல 25E/B busல footboard அடிச்சு Albertலயும் Devi complexலயும் ல black டிக்கெட் எடுத்து முதல் நாள் முதல் show பார்த்த அதே கும்பல் தான் இங்கயும் குப்ப கொட்டுது - அதோ Dr garu சொன்னாரே, Hyderabadல தியேட்டர்குள்ள ரகள பண்ணின மக்காஸ் - அதே attitude தான் இங்க இருக்கற தேசி மக்களுக்கும்.

இந்தியாவிலேர்ந்து அமெரிக்கா வந்துட்டா உடனே ரசனையும் மாறிடுமா என்ன? ரசனை ஒன்னும் பார்த்து புரிஞ்சு மாறனும் இல்ல, attitudeல மாறனும் - அந்த மாதிரி எல்லாம் பெரிய paradigm shift in appreciative senses எல்லாம் இன்னும் ஏற்படவில்லை.

19th May 2015, 08:02 PM
Ok Kanmani and Thuppakki would beg to differ

And TI hindi is going to floors from November. Already sometime back the Hindi producers confirmed the subject and going to floors date.

No man. TV will be still on at that time.

19th May 2015, 08:03 PM
Sakala anna.. dnt you even feel that creativity also better presented with something that excite people for a mass media like this.. ? Manasa thottu sollunga..!!

ஐயா - அடிப்படை அளவுல there is a HUGE GAP not only between Tamil cinema and Hollywood, but even Mexican directors make phenomenal strides - while we continue to insist on item songs, punch dialogs etc - something very weird about what we expect - நம்ம ஊர்ல எடுக்கற படங்கள்ல 'வச்சா குடுமி சிறைச்சா மொட்டை' கதை தான்..

Example: தசவதாரம் படம் ஒரு மாசத்துக்கு மேல இங்க ஓடுச்சு - எனக்கு ஒரு தடவைக்கு மேல போக விருப்பமில்லை ($15 ஒரு காரணம்) - UV is relatively a far better, nuanced film - and its taken off after 2 weeks just when I wanted to take some ppl with me to watch something far different from the regular bollywood fare they are all familiar with.

If such films are not encouraged by fans, then there is not much scope for Tamil cinema…

19th May 2015, 08:05 PM

I agree with you that uthama villain is not a wash-out in box-office. Kamal has experimented with audience with european style style of movie making(Fellini,Bergmen) of internalising the movie making in a auto-fiction style of flow. But his compromise of uththaman episode let him down badly with shoddy approach which lacked humour or sensibility. Kamal's strength is kamal and weakness also Kamal. Instead of making use of the talents around him ,he tried to do everything by himself. As an actor,he is becoming stale and lack freshness.(He didn't age gracefully)His drift from Selvaragavan,Miskin are all costly lapse for him distancing from young talents.

These are only my views as an ardent fan of Kamal.Uthama villain is brilliant in parts and not a complete Film.

Even if brilliant in parts, as a whole UV is a much better film than the standard fare we get from Tamil cinema - such is the huge gap between Kamal and the others..

19th May 2015, 08:13 PM
Uthama Villain- The Revealed and the Unrevealed
May 4, 2015 by karthik S

In an era where social networking rules every day and every moment of our lives, where virtual contacts take precedence over the real ones, a life which we seemingly assume exists for eternity – What if out of the blue, you are told that eternity is indeed an illusion and that you might not even have sufficient time to bid people good bye. Uthama Villain explores this theme and much more and has an indelible impact long after we leave the screens.

Kamal Haasan plays the role of Manoranjan, a matinee idol revered by his umpteen fans. Aided by his influential financier father-in-law, he reaps the benefits of commercial cinema, only to be jolted by a life threatening crisis (brain tumor), which urges him to introspect and leave behind a legacy. As with success, even disaster hunts in pairs- Manoranjan gets to know from Zakaria (played by Jayaram) that he has a daughter Manonmani through his lover Yamini, who was unfortunately left in the lurch years ago, courtesy his father in law’s deceit. When you lose your way, who better to reach out than your mentor?

And who better than his also real life mentor K Balachander, who plays the role of the aptly coined ‘Marghadharisi’. The scene where KB misconstrues Kamal’s real life story for reel has been deftly handled. The same scene mocks how scripts are written on the fly and also takes a dig at how cancer has been beaten to death in cinema, long before the audience get to do so for this film. They decide to make a comedy movie called ‘Uthama Villain’ (Not only is the irony in the title, but also in making a comedy movie, which dates some centuries back, as Manoranjan’s last creation). As Marghadharisi narrates to the heroine Pooja Kumar, he very deftly explains to the audience what to expect in the movie within the movie (I shall term them as ‘Uthaman portions’ henceforth)- “Villu Paattu kathai sollum, Thaiyyam kalam sellum’’; True to his statement, we see Villu Pattu sequences narrating the story of Uthaman, a Thaiyyam artist who repeatedly escapes death and is believed to have attained the power of immortality. The soon to be dead artist playing an immortal artist- Irony continues.

The movie cuts back and forth between the Manoranjan and Uthaman sequences, but with real purpose. Uthaman escapes death after being pushed in water and we cut to witness Manoranjan bleeding profusely as he plays the role. How artists indeed depict roles that are in total contrast to what they experience in real life?

As the timid Uthaman character develops love towards the seemingly mad princess Karpagavalli played by Pooja Kumar, we cut to Manoranjan portions showing how he opens up to his family about his health crisis. As the thought of his inevitable death haunts them, we cut back to Uthaman portions which depict him singing the curse of immortality ‘Saagavaram Pol Sogam Undaa?’- Irony continues. After an emotional moment with his wife played brilliantly by Oorvasi, Manoranjan also reveals his affection for his doctored lover (lover doctor?), played by Andrea. We cut back to the Uthaman portion where we have a similar triangular love story -Uthaman, Karpagavalli and Mutharasan, the king played by Nasser. Uthaman wins the trust of the people around him, like how Manoranjan did.

The best part is yet to come- Manoranjan can never die peacefully till he is accepted by his daughter Manonmani; The moment it happens, it marks the completion of transformation of ‘Manoranjan, the Villain’ to ‘Uthaman, the hero’. To illustrate it further, we have the dialog panning out ‘En Uthirathin Vithai En Uyir valartha Sathai’ as Manonmani accepts Manoranjan as her dad, and we cut to a similar conflicting father child story in ‘Iraniyan and Prahaladhan’.

As they agree to make Uthama Villain, Manoranjan and Marghadharisi do not have a readily available script, the time was in fact running out. I assume that to address this, Manorajan takes inspiration from his personal story- The characters in the present day portions do not map exactly with the Uthaman portions, but their character sketches definitely draw a parallel. And what better way to summarize it than the climax- The soon to be mortal Manoranjan becomes immortal through art after playing the role of Uthaman, who was seemingly immortal to start with and transformed himself to the mortal king. The whole story is in fact how the Villain Manoranjan becomes a Uthaman in real life as he progresses playing his role.

This review would be incomplete if I fail to mention this gem of a scene- Manoranjan explaining his son Manohar about his imminent death. Manohar angry at his dad because of his rift with him mom Oorvasi throws the cricket ball hard at his dad. As his dad explains his medical condition, Manohar quickly reconciles and even volunteers to gather the ball for his dad. Death reconciles people, isn’t it? When Manoranjan enquires his son about his dream and his plans for life, the son politely asks him why he was doing so now. The dad replies he wanted to always, but never did so. That moment makes us really think -What a great leveler death is ? How we assume everyone and everything would stay with us, only to be proved on the contrary. And in that moment, comes out the lovely truth that despite his aversion, the son’s dream was to write a great script for his dad. The scene also depicts a few fans peeping over thinking it is some movie scene and remarking that Manoranjan would get an award for this- If you cannot cry seeing this scene, I doubt you would ever so.

Ghibran’s soul stirring music is as important as the screenplay. The Thaiyyam number, Saagavaram, Kaadhalaam Kadavul Munn and the folklore stories are an absolute treat to watch, and so are the background scores for Uthaman-Karpagavalli romantic scenes, Yamini letters, Guru-Sishya, Father-Son/daughter.

Uthama Villain indeed has its own set of flaws- the less engaging screenplay on occasions (First half party scene, talk show scene, second half Kamal Haasan-Pooja Kumar love sequences and some repetitive comedy); The VFX reveals itself on occasions; The sharp dialogs with amazing word play can be savored only if your Tamil language skills are good, which isn’t definitely an unfair expectation. Intense movies like this definitely take time to grow on you; The first time I watched, I was looking for a seemingly familiar format, and the randomness made me slightly disappointed. Only to realize, so is life. The movie made a huge impact on watching again; It was unfair of me to expect a movie depicting ‘a life cut short’ to be cut short to make a racy script.

Apart from narrating his artistic ambition of living beyond his life and creating a legacy, Kamal Haasan also succeeds in narrating how the ones whom we hold dear are all it matters over other commercial pursuits. Uthama Villain narrates that death is not one to be feared; Rather than living a life of death (monotony), it is better to find life in death, Let us celebrate death by leaving a lasting legacy!


19th May 2015, 08:59 PM
there is a HUGE GAP not only between Tamil cinema and Hollywood, but even Mexican directors make phenomenal strides - while we continue to insist on item songs, punch dialogs etc - something very weird about what we expect

Couldn't agree more !

19th May 2015, 09:08 PM
ஐயா - அடிப்படை அளவுல there is a HUGE GAP not only between Tamil cinema and Hollywood, but even Mexican directors make phenomenal strides - while we continue to insist on item songs, punch dialogs etc - something very weird about what we expect - நம்ம ஊர்ல எடுக்கற படங்கள்ல 'வச்சா குடுமி சிறைச்சா மொட்டை' கதை தான்..

Example: தசவதாரம் படம் ஒரு மாசத்துக்கு மேல இங்க ஓடுச்சு - எனக்கு ஒரு தடவைக்கு மேல போக விருப்பமில்லை ($15 ஒரு காரணம்) - UV is relatively a far better, nuanced film - and its taken off after 2 weeks just when I wanted to take some ppl with me to watch something far different from the regular bollywood fare they are all familiar with.

If such films are not encouraged by fans, then there is not much scope for Tamil cinema…

Beg to differ. UV is quite well received in the US ... just cannot be compared to VR or Dasa. Those are action oriented fast paced movies unlike UV. Despite, UV rated an average Kamal movie has grossed more than 1/2 million, $660k to be precise which is more than what the best next gen star movies have achieved in the United States. UV continues to do its 3rd week run in my location and a few others which is pretty good considering most successful movies baring a few from TN are out in 2 weeks.

19th May 2015, 09:10 PM
As an actor,he is becoming stale and lack freshness. என்ன இப்படி பேசுறேள்? முகத்தை கோரமாக்கிக் கொண்டு, தாடைகளை கடினமாக அசைத்து அசைத்து பேசும் நல்லசிவத்தின் நடிப்பை ஒத்த ஒன்றை நான் இதுவரை எந்த இந்தியப் படங்களிலும் கண்டதில்லை.

உத்தமவில்லனில் நடிப்பில் ஜொலித்த இடங்கள் நிறைய. நீங்கள் படத்தைப் பார்த்துவிட்டுத்தான் இப்படி பேசுகிறீர்களா?

19th May 2015, 09:41 PM
Selva and Bala are waste according to me.

I feel he should collaborate with ARM. Gautham is good but only if his second half is tighter in storytelling. But ultimate is Shankar. He is the money maker. I would like to see Indian-2 following Senapathi's escape to Singapore.

Shankar could revive the 'Indian Thatha' ! Impact 'Indian Thatha' created that time ... wow!

19th May 2015, 09:43 PM
Beg to differ. UV is quite well received in the US ... just cannot be compared to VR or Dasa. Those are action oriented fast paced movies unlike UV. Despite, UV rated an average Kamal movie has grossed more than 1/2 million, $660k to be precise which is more than what the best next gen star movies have achieved in the United States. UV continues to do its 3rd week run in my location and a few others which is pretty good considering most successful movies baring a few from TN are out in 2 weeks.

Really? thats not what our hubbers are claiming - if it has done/doing well in the US, then am happy

19th May 2015, 09:46 PM
Shankar could revive the 'Indian Thatha' ! Impact 'Indian Thatha' created that time ... wow!

If it happens that will be great. One thing is would kamal listen to other people's scripts, if he can open up himself a little there could be some interesting collaborations. Not sure why such things never materialize, he could have collaborated with crazy on UV for humor quotient...

19th May 2015, 09:50 PM
Ok Kanmani and Thuppakki would beg to differ

And TI hindi is going to floors from November. Already sometime back the Hindi producers confirmed the subject and going to floors date.

I meant Gangster movies... Thanks Nickji for the info.. Cofirmation on TI Hindi is a welcome news though, that too it is going to be done by Hindi producers..

19th May 2015, 09:55 PM
No. Impossible. Who confirmed and when ?

19th May 2015, 10:01 PM
If its that Pankaj kapoor film producer Arora statement few months back that you mean ....... I can tell you be prepared to get disappointed.

19th May 2015, 10:12 PM
No. Impossible. Who confirmed and when ?

There were rumors that Kamal would do Amar hain after Uttama villain release...


19th May 2015, 10:13 PM
If its that Pankaj kapoor film producer Arora statement few months back that you mean ....... I can tell you be prepared to get disappointed.

oh... Is KH thinking to produce through RKFI?

19th May 2015, 10:18 PM
If its that Pankaj kapoor film producer Arora statement few months back that you mean ....... I can tell you be prepared to get disappointed.
Do tell. Any update on that end?

19th May 2015, 10:34 PM
No. There is no producer available for the 200 crore project.

19th May 2015, 10:57 PM
After Viswaroopam, I started thinking that he should not try for any High cost movies except Marudhanayagam. His scripts should be simple and powerful like Mahanadhi which would have scope for acting and less controversial. Taking a movie based on real stories might bring in controversies and unwanted delay in release. Even if he is going for pucca commercial movies, let that be having lesser budget. He has proved enough that his movies can rake in collections even if it is High budgeted. UV is a classic example. If the first two days collection is not lost, it would be sitting pretty now with reasonable profit.

19th May 2015, 11:06 PM
No. There is no producer available for the 200 crore project.

Thala 200C nu naan namba maatan..
10A costliest movie made in India nu sonnaanga but we know its not..for VR 100C apdi ipdi nu sonnaar innaiku TOI la 60C budget nu sollirukaar..
TI budget will be maximum 120C..

19th May 2015, 11:10 PM
There were rumors that Kamal would do Amar hain after Uttama villain release...


There will not b romance anymore for kamal movies but media idiots for all his movies saying "he will b romancing 2,3 heroines"..

19th May 2015, 11:12 PM
Off screen romance irukkalaamolyo ......

19th May 2015, 11:21 PM
Off screen romance irukkalaamolyo ......

Adhu illaamaiyaa..
Manasu thottu sollunga sir "60 kamal kaadhalithathu cinemavaiya illai indraiya varalakshmiyaiyaa"..
2ndumae thaan..

19th May 2015, 11:25 PM
Off screen romance irukkalaamolyo ......

:lol: yeah.. possible.

19th May 2015, 11:28 PM
Adhu illaamaiyaa..
Manasu thottu sollunga sir "60 kamal kaadhalithathu cinemavaiya illai indraiya varalakshmiyaiyaa"..
2ndumae thaan..

in my office there are some other states guys were saying that Kamal keeps more than one heroine in all his movies just for his off screen romance. Of course these guys are still saying that he is around 50. I have not shown to them that I knew Kamal is 60+ now...

19th May 2015, 11:38 PM
in my office there are some other states guys were saying that Kamal keeps more than one heroine in all his movies just for his off screen romance. Of course these guys are still saying that he is around 50. I have not shown to them that I knew Kamal is 60+ now...

Which of the two in UV is he 'keeping' !!???

19th May 2015, 11:40 PM

19th May 2015, 11:41 PM
Come on .... topic change

19th May 2015, 11:45 PM
Sorry not a choice .. ok move on.

20th May 2015, 12:42 AM
After Viswaroopam, I started thinking that he should not try for any High cost movies except Marudhanayagam. His scripts should be simple and powerful like Mahanadhi which would have scope for acting and less controversial. Taking a movie based on real stories might bring in controversies and unwanted delay in release. Even if he is going for pucca commercial movies, let that be having lesser budget. He has proved enough that his movies can rake in collections even if it is High budgeted. UV is a classic example. If the first two days collection is not lost, it would be sitting pretty now with reasonable profit.
Agree to this...Big budgets are too risky given the way TFI is right now especially with respect to financing and distribution - total chaos...

20th May 2015, 01:26 AM
என்ன இப்படி பேசுறேள்? முகத்தை கோரமாக்கிக் கொண்டு, தாடைகளை கடினமாக அசைத்து அசைத்து பேசும் நல்லசிவத்தின் நடிப்பை ஒத்த ஒன்றை நான் இதுவரை எந்த இந்தியப் படங்களிலும் கண்டதில்லை.

உத்தமவில்லனில் நடிப்பில் ஜொலித்த இடங்கள் நிறைய. நீங்கள் படத்தைப் பார்த்துவிட்டுத்தான் இப்படி பேசுகிறீர்களா?

I like the way he made things up. Calling himself as Kamal fan and insulting his acting so we can see this one as very neutral view rather than biased. Don't give too much importance for posts like this.

20th May 2015, 02:09 AM
Agree to this...Big budgets are too risky given the way TFI is right now especially with respect to financing and distribution - total chaos...
Then how do u explain the benchmark for I's success if Aascar is in doldrums financially thus giving a domino effect for Vishwa 2? Sila pans BB solraanga (Dr Kenny Pans in generally who panned UV calling it utter diaster and such. )

20th May 2015, 02:22 AM

Dr - this is too much - yen Andreavukku yenna kurachhalgaren?

20th May 2015, 08:05 AM
in my office there are some other states guys were saying that Kamal keeps more than one heroine in all his movies just for his off screen romance. Of course these guys are still saying that he is around 50. I have not shown to them that I knew Kamal is 60+ now...

Innocent people..many NI and AP folks believe he is in early 50s

20th May 2015, 08:26 AM
Then how do u explain the benchmark for I's success if Aascar is in doldrums financially thus giving a domino effect for Vishwa 2? Sila pans BB solraanga (Dr Kenny Pans in generally who panned UV calling it utter diaster and such. )
I feel Aascar is cheating banks here but would have invested the profits hand-in cash,black and white money in some other place or hidden somewhere..
95 crores kadanaam..I cant believe..he is still releasing English dub movies..

same applies to thirupathi bros..
have you note the tweet from trisha ex ..aaga motham eros/thirupathi bros kootu sernthu drama pantaanga

Varun Manian ‏@Varunmanian · May 18
Alas, I'm not removing my tweets dir/ prod. I give as good as I get. Bring it on.

Varun Manian ‏@Varunmanian · May 18
This director/ producer said he came with only a "Manja Pai" and is ready to go bk with the same. Well he's headed in the right direction :)

Varun Manian ‏@Varunmanian · May 18
Amazed to see an article in DC today abt a producer/ director buying a new film when he owes so much money to several of us.

20th May 2015, 08:32 AM
Look at this -



To get mentioned by reviewers on Rotten Tomatoes itself is a big deal - and to have garnered 83% Fresh rating is super cool!

Nammaalu yendha range la irukka vendiyavaru? adhukku badhila, his films are getting caught in producer/financier chaos - kodumai...

21st May 2015, 03:11 PM

Hindi movies have a bigger market in the USA .. cunningly, all bollywood have their posters only in English ..

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
21st May 2015, 03:27 PM
So far 5 times watched. UV is a worldclass movie. Kamal has successfully sold an AnbeSivam/Mahanathi to relatively more and more of audiences who didnt watch those movies in theaters. Also he has successfully shut the mouth of his own dear fans who were sad and said that the writer kamal was missing since virumaandi. Last but not least, he has shown the budding new crop of talents that they cannot make a movie which can even just scratch the most outer surface of the film maker called KamalHaasan, ever in their lifetime!!

This film has performance which pulls us inside, in each and every scene. the most powerful scenes in this film are

Kamal-Jayaram meet(after the interview)
Kamal-KB meet
Kamal-Daughter meet
Kamal-Son casual talk (which ends emotional)
and the 2 scenes of letters being read
finally climax

there are lot of micro emotions, reactions, dialogs which will go missing easily. and once you discover them also, it will add to your liking of the scene.

If a movie of this kind is missed, then its really rotten tomato only!

21st May 2015, 04:03 PM
This film has performance which pulls us inside, in each and every scene. the most powerful scenes in this film are

Kamal-Jayaram meet(after the interview)
Kamal-KB meet
Kamal-Daughter meet
Kamal-Son casual talk (which ends emotional)
and the 2 scenes of letters being read
finally climax

+ I liked those expressions in Kadhalaam Kadavul mun song
Urvashi's acting in hospital
meeting of KB and Vishwanath..

21st May 2015, 10:34 PM

Hindi movies have a bigger market in the USA .. cunningly, all bollywood have their posters only in English ..

VR has (ONLY) an audience review/score...

Market or not, Kamal continues to make grand strides - all for nothing - at least avara inspiration aa yeduthikittu TN cinemavilayaavadhu mathanvangalum yedhaavadhu seivaangalaanu paartha, adhuvumilla..

So he will continue to work his rear end off to achieve his standards of excellence and never get his due while others in TN cinema wont strive to create their own standards of excellence...

naduvula, box office potti punnaakku vera

21st May 2015, 11:22 PM
VR has (ONLY) an audience review/score...

Market or not, Kamal continues to make grand strides - all for nothing - at least avara inspiration aa yeduthikittu TN cinemavilayaavadhu mathanvangalum yedhaavadhu seivaangalaanu paartha, adhuvumilla..

So he will continue to work his rear end off to achieve his standards of excellence and never get his due while others in TN cinema wont strive to create their own standards of excellence...

naduvula, box office potti punnaakku vera

correct sonninga.. enna panrathu..

was tol UV is Average is not a lost to the producer, then we should be fine with the venture right?? It still goes on for another few weeks and could be hit isn't it..

22nd May 2015, 01:51 AM
correct sonninga.. enna panrathu..

was tol UV is Average is not a lost to the producer, then we should be fine with the venture right?? It still goes on for another few weeks and could be hit isn't it..

It is not a hit. Average grosser and not a wash out like anbe sivam, aalavandhan Etc. Infact ,recently movies like Kanchana, VIP grossed much better than Linga,UV Etc. Its high time Kamal and Rajini took stock of themselves and tried to give much better Quality Films. They cant carry themselves long.

UV is brilliant in patch and losing out with purposeless Uththaman Episode. Kamal had a burning desire to direct Nadigarthilagam and Iyakkunar Sigaram.He did wonderful work with Nadigarthilagam. But K.B is a question mark?Is it a fitting tribute to his Guru?

No doubt Kamal's bottom is still higher than others Top. UV is a significant landmark Film and a good beginning for internalised private Film making not joining the mainstream. We can follow this path to give movies have a specific unique appeal.

22nd May 2015, 02:41 AM
Kamal had a burning desire to direct Nadigarthilagam and Iyakkunar Sigaram.He did wonderful work with Nadigarthilagam. But K.B is a question mark?Is it a fitting tribute to his Guru?

No doubt Kamal's bottom is still higher than others Top. UV is a significant landmark Film and a good beginning for internalised private Film making not joining the mainstream. We can follow this path to give movies have a specific unique appeal.

தடுமாரிட்டீங்க! கே பி அவர்களுக்கு, இது வரை 20வதர்கும் மேலான வருடங்களாய் கமல் ஒரு நடிகராக படைப்பாளியாக செஞ்சது மட்டுமில்லாம, உத்தம வில்லன் மூலமா செஞ்சது great tribute - you have to keep in mind KB sir's failing health at the time of the film's shooting....

Kamal has done to NT and KB no one else even imagined - by doing so, he has raised his own stature

22nd May 2015, 06:02 AM
It is not a hit. அதனால என்ன? இப்படி ஒரு கலையம்சங்கள் நிறைந்த, பின்நவீனத்துவ கூறுகள் உள்ள ஒரு படைப்பு நல்ல சினிமா ரசனையுள்ளவர்களை மகிழ்ச்சியில் ஆழ்த்தியதும், பொதுஜன குடும்ப மக்களை பார்த்து ரசிக்க வைத்ததுமே பெரியதொரு சாதனைதான். வரும் காலங்களில் ஒவ்வொருமுறையும் தொலைக் காட்சியில் இப்படம் ஒளிபரப்பப் படும்போது பார்க்கும் மக்களின் எண்ணிக்கையை கணக்கில் கொண்டால் படைப்பு மாபெரும் வெற்றியாக அமையும். அந்த வகையில் அன்பே சிவமும் வெற்றிப் படம்தான். காலப்போக்கில் மக்களால் நிராகரிக்கப்படும் படங்களுக்கு மத்தியில் கமலின் படங்கள் பெரும் அங்கீகாரம் தனிப்பட்டது. இந்தியத் திரைப்பட வரலாற்றிலேயே எந்த சினிமாக் கலைஞனுக்கும் வாய்க்காதது கமலுக்கு மட்டுமே.

Infact ,recently movies like Kanchana, VIP grossed much better than Linga,UV Etc.
கமலின் படங்களில் ரொம்ப சுமாராக சிலவற்றை பொருக்கி எடுத்தாலும், அவை கூட நீங்கள் குறிப்பிடும் படங்களின் தரத்தோடு மேம்பட்டு இருக்கும். எந்த விதத்திலும் ஒப்பீடு செய்யக் கூட தகுதியில்லாப் படங்கள் இவை.

Its high time Kamal and Rajini took stock of themselves and tried to give much better Quality Films. They cant carry themselves long.
அறிவுரைக்கு பஞ்சமில்ல. முப்பத்தி மூணு வயதிலேயே தேவர் மகன் என்ற படைப்பை செதுக்க முடிந்திருக்கிறது கதை, திரைக்கதை, வசனத்தால்.. கலையம்சம் பொருந்திய வணிக வெற்றிப் படங்களின் வரிசையில் இந்த வயதிலும் தொடர்ந்து தசா, விஸ்வரூபம் போன்ற படைப்புக்களை அளிக்க முடிகிறது. இந்த 'கமல் ரஜினி' என்ற வார்த்தைப் பிரயோகமே இருவரும் ஒரே காலத்தில் சினிமாத் துறையில் செயல்பட்டு வரும் கலைஞர்கள் போன்ற வரலாற்று ஆவணங்களுக்கு மட்டுமே பயன்படும். அதனால் எல்லாவற்றுக்கும் கமலையும் ரஜினியையும் இணைத்து ஒரு வார்த்தையை உருவாக்குவதில் எந்த அர்த்தமும் இல்லை. இருவரும் சமமாக ஒப்பிடப் படக் கூடியவர்களே இல்லை.

UV is brilliant in patch and losing out with purposeless Uththaman Episode.
உத்தமவில்லனில் சிலாகிக்க பல விஷயங்கள் இருக்கின்றது. உத்தமன் படலத்தில் கூட, பாடல் காட்சிகள் அட்டகாசம். அதனால் ஒட்டுமொத்தமாக ஒருவர் உத்தமன் படலத்தை நிராகரிக்கிறார் என்றால் அவரது ரசனைதான் அங்கே நகைப்புக்குரியது.

But K.B is a question mark?Is it a fitting tribute to his Guru?
உள்ளூர் பள்ளித் தலைமையாசிரியரை உலகப் பல்கலைக் கழகத்தில் ஒரு நாள் பாடம் எடுக்க வாய்ப்புக் கொடுத்ததே பெரிய விஷயம். Obviously UV is a fitting tribute to KB. Even KB not acting in UV, the way KH reads out the his own poem on KB would be a fitting tribute. ஏனெனில் படத்தின் மையக் கருத்தோடு தனது குருவினை தொடர்பு படுத்துவதே கமல் பாலச்சந்தருக்கு செய்யும் மிகப்பெரிய பாராட்டாக கருதுகிறேன்.

UV is a significant landmark Film and a good beginning for internalised private Film making not joining the mainstream. We can follow this path to give movies have a specific unique appeal.
UV is one of the significant landmark films under Kamal's umbrella. Apoorva SagothararkaL, Thevar Magan, Hey Ram, Mahanathi, Virumandi and Avvai Shanmugi are already in the list of milestone films.

22nd May 2015, 09:23 AM

I agree with you and sorry for juxtaposing Kamal& Rajini. Kamal is far ahead in his artistic pursuits. But Kamal also joins the bandwagon in making his movies mega budget. According to me Private movie making is meant for connoisseurs only and should be made in shoe-string budgets for limited audience. Uththaman Episode lacks humour,Pun and purpose and choice of Actress is veru inappropriate. Nasser also gave sub-mediocre performance. Songs ,you know better than me. Even now, I am saying Uthama Villain is a good beginning .

22nd May 2015, 09:50 AM
I agree mostly with Gopal. My imaginary retrospective correction for UV which would have reduced shooting time , expenditure as well as made it more humorous.
Story set in 1960s. Nasser is a rich and arrogant village landlord and chieftain surrounded by henchmen and jaalraas. Rest of the story same. Uttaman is a theru koothaadi from the neighbouring province.
Uthaman intro can be a tribute to NT satyavan savithri therukoothu from Navarathri. Remember even that episode talks about mortality and immortality.
Village scenario ..... no need of shoddy special effects . Less budget. Contemporary humour. Kamal in village comedy setting after a long time ..... maybe after singaraveln first 20 minutes. Hiranya nadagam also part of theru koothu.
More scope for comedy, less budget and more mass appealing.
Matter nalla vanthu reach aagi irukkalaam.
Retrospective wisdom.

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
22nd May 2015, 10:13 AM

அன்புள்ள திரு சூர்யா,
கமல்ஹாசனின் தனிப்பட்ட வாழ்க்கை பற்றி ஒரு வரி கூட இவ்விமர்சனத்தில் இல்லை. கட்டுரையின் தலைப்பு ‘உத்தம வில்லனும், கமலஹாசனும்’. எனவே கமலஹாசன் என்னும் திரைக் கலைஞன் பற்றிய விமர்சனமும் இதில் உள்ளது. கமலஹாசன் படங்களில், அவசியமே இல்லாமல், கதைக்குத் தேவையே இல்லாத போதும், அவரது பாத்திரங்களும், கதைகளும், சம்பவங்களும் அவரது தனிப்பட்ட நம்பிக்கை, கொள்கைகளைப் பிடித்துத் தொங்கிக் கொண்டு இருக்கையில் அந்தத் தொங்கல் பற்றி விமர்சித்து எழுதுவது அவசியமாகிறது. இது பற்றி ஒரு தனிக் கட்டுரையே எழுதலாம். சுருக்கமாக : விக்ரமில் தேசத்துரோகி ஏன் ஒரு பிராமண மாமியின் கணவனாக இருக்க வேண்டும்? தேவர் மகனில் மதன் பாப் ஏற்ற வக்கீல் பாத்திரம், அவ்வை சண்முகியில் ரவிக்கை அவிழ்ப்புக் காட்சி, அன்பே சிவத்தில் வரும் ரயில் திருடன் மற்றும் அவன் குரு பந்துலு, திருநீறணிந்த ‘போற்றி, போற்றி’ படையாச்சி, மன்மதன் அம்புவில் தாயார் உஷா உதூப் மகன் மாதவன் உறவு, விஸ்வரூபத்தில் சற்றும் அவசியமில்லாமல் சிக்கன் சாப்பிட அழைக்கப்படும் பாப்பாத்தியம்மா, எல்லாம் இன்ப மயம் முதலியார், காதலா காதலாவில் காட்டப் படும் முருகர், பம்மல் சம்பந்தம் பரமசிவன், சிம்ரன், இப்போது நரசிம்மர்… – இவற்றுக்கு எதிராக புடம் போட்ட தங்கங்களாகவே வரும் இதர மதப் பாத்திரங்கள். இப்போது உத்தம வில்லனில் கூட ‘யா அல்லா’ என்னும் பூஜா குமார், கத்தோலிக்கராக இருப்பதால் பரந்த மனதோடு இருக்கும் ஜேகப் ஜெயராம். இவை அனைத்துமே இப்படங்களுக்குத் தேவையானவை அல்ல. இவை தவிர்க்கப் பட்டிருந்தால் ஒரு சிறு மாற்றமும் கதைக்கோ, பாத்திரங்களுக்கோ ஏற்பட்டிருக்காது. முழுக்க முழுக்க கமலஹாசன் தன் துவேஷத்தின் தாகத்தைத் தீர்த்துக் கொள்வதற்காக மட்டுமே சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளவை. எனவே விமர்சனத்துக்குரியவை.

My reply (yet to be approved)

@tekvijay on May 21, 2015 at 9:29 pm said:
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மூன்றாம்பிறை – ஸ்ரீதேவி தொலைந்தபின்னர் தேடும்போது சாமி கும்பிடுதல்,
தேவர்மகன் – மாசறு பொன்னே வருக அம்மன் பாடல்
விருமாண்டி – சிறுதெய்வ வழிபாடு
ஹேராம் – வைஷ்ணவ ஜனதோ
குணா – அபிராம பட்டர் உருவகம், அபிராமி அந்தாதி பாடல், டைட்டிலேயே க்ரெடிட் கொடுத்தது
மகாநதி – ஸ்ரீரங்கம் கோவில் சார்ந்த பாடல், காட்சி
தசாவதாரம் – கணக்கில்லா வைணவ போற்றல் பாடல் வரிகள், காட்சிகள். படமே விஷ்ணுவின் 10 அவதாரங்களுடன் ஒப்பிடப்பட்டது. என்னப்பா கமல் திடீர்னு ஆத்திகரா மாறிட்டாரா என ஒரு சாராரும், நான் அப்பவே சொல்லல! கமலுக்குள்ள ரொம்பநாளா ஒரு வைணவ ஆத்திகர் ஒளிஞ்சிட்டிருக்கார்னு என சிலர் சொன்னது.
“எல்லாரையும் அந்த அல்லா தான் காப்பாத்தினார்” என கலிஃபுல்லா சொல்லும்போது, “இல்லை இல்லை, காப்பாத்தினது பல்ரம் நாயுடுவின் முட்டாள்தனம் தான்” என சொல்லாமல் சொல்வதுபோல், பல்ராம் நாயுடு பறக்கும் ஹெலிகாப்டரை அப்போது காட்டுவது…
விஸ்வரூபம் – முதல் பாடலில் ஆண்டால்/கண்ணன் போற்றி வரிகள்,
உத்தமவில்லன் – முதல் தெய்யம் பாடலில் – சிவமே தவமே, இன்னும் சில சிவன் போற்றி வரிகள், அர்ஜுனன் தவம், பாசுபதாஸ்திரம் வாங்கும் காட்சி. கடைசி இரணியன் பாடலில், ப்ரகலாதன் மூலம் ஹரி போற்றும் வரிகள்.

இப்படி கமல் தன் படத்தில், இந்து கடவுள்கள் போற்றும் வரிகளும் குறைவில்லாமல் தான் வைத்திருக்கிறார். இன்னும் கூட விடுபட்டவை ஏதாவது இருக்கும். சொல்லப்போனால் கமல் ரஜினியைவிட அதிகமாக இந்துத்துவ போற்றி காட்சிகள் வசனங்கள் கதைகள் தன் படத்தில் வைத்திருக்கிறார். ஆனால், கமலை குறை சொல்லும் இந்து ஆத்திகர்கள் இதையெல்லாம் கணக்கிலெடுக்கமாட்டார்கள்!

22nd May 2015, 11:03 AM
இன்னொரு தவறான கருத்து 34 வயதிலேயே இதனை சாதித்தவர் இப்போது எவ்வளவு சாதிக்க முடியும் என்பது? வயதாக ஆக படைப்பு திறன் மற்றும் கலையுணர்வு குறைந்தே வரும். 90% கலைஞர்களுக்கு அவர்கள் சாதித்த உன்னதங்கள் 20 இலிருந்து 40 வரையே. சில விதிவிலக்குகள் இருக்கலாம். படைப்பு திறன் ,sexual libido ,unfulfilled desires &dreams இவற்றோடு சம்பந்த பட்டு பிணைந்தது. வயதாக ஆக இரண்டு energy level களும் குறைந்தே வரும்.

22nd May 2015, 12:18 PM

My reply (yet to be approved)


Kamal is generally misunderstood by many ppl having religious affirmations....... yeah he might be harsh on some (mostly hindu) religious practices & practitioners and could be offending to those who believe and practice it, but generally i have found Kamal having very deep learning and understanding about GOD.. .... a movie like Anbey Sivam appealed more to my understanding on GOD than Baba which tried on similar theme....... and i believe atheism is nothing but a subset of any religion as it does the cleansing thing about the religious beliefs...only when you question some practice, you either correct yourself or you get an understanding on why you are doing that and continue to do that ...... otherwise dirt will keep on accumulating in a religion.... (on a side note it is unfortunate we have mostly half baked theists or atheists these days.....

apart from that, nitpicking on character names and scenes is something that is done purely to malign some one...... it is akin to saying Shankar (or Sujata) exhibiting softness on brahmins by showing that Anniyan spares brahmin characters and killing only other caste characters.......

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
22nd May 2015, 01:01 PM

Kamal is generally misunderstood by many ppl having religious affirmations....... yeah he might be harsh on some (mostly hindu) religious practices & practitioners and could be offending to those who believe and practice it, but generally i have found Kamal having very deep learning and understanding about GOD.. .... a movie like Anbey Sivam appealed more to my understanding on GOD than Baba which tried on similar theme....... and i believe atheism is nothing but a subset of any religion as it does the cleansing thing about the religious beliefs...only when you question some practice, you either correct yourself or you get an understanding on why you are doing that and continue to do that ...... otherwise dirt will keep on accumulating in a religion.... (on a side note it is unfortunate we have mostly half baked theists or atheists these days.....

apart from that, nitpicking on character names and scenes is something that is done purely to malign some one...... it is akin to saying Shankar (or Sujata) exhibiting softness on brahmins by showing that Anniyan spares brahmin characters and killing only other caste characters.......

Well said, rsubras!

22nd May 2015, 05:25 PM
IMO - overseas profitable, domestic average(A, B centers) to below ave (C centers), overall breakeven ...

22nd May 2015, 05:57 PM
Ahaa ..... naanga type adicha thaaippaal ellaam rathamaa veliya poyiduchaa ......

22nd May 2015, 06:34 PM
IMO - overseas profitable, domestic average(A, B centers) to below ave (C centers), overall breakeven ...

Yes. UV must be a break even.
PN will be super hit. Already families eagerly waiting.
Toonga Vanam is going to become another racy thriller - another superhit.
Next 2 years look promising.
(VR2 - Will become a bonus)

22nd May 2015, 07:52 PM
It is not a hit. Average grosser and not a wash out like anbe sivam, aalavandhan Etc. Infact ,recently movies like Kanchana, VIP grossed much better than Linga,UV Etc. Its high time Kamal and Rajini took stock of themselves and tried to give much better Quality Films. They cant carry themselves long.

UV is brilliant in patch and losing out with purposeless Uththaman Episode. Kamal had a burning desire to direct Nadigarthilagam and Iyakkunar Sigaram.He did wonderful work with Nadigarthilagam. But K.B is a question mark?Is it a fitting tribute to his Guru?

No doubt Kamal's bottom is still higher than others Top. UV is a significant landmark Film and a good beginning for internalised private Film making not joining the mainstream. We can follow this path to give movies have a specific unique appeal.

Kamal and Rajani can never be bracketed together on any aspect. They are both very different, both in their choice of films, talent etc. Their paths will continue to be very different going forward also.

I would keep the Uttaman episode. In principle, it was great (on paper) to show a good contrast with happenings in Manoranjan's real life -- an idiot king craving for eternal physical life. But some of the comedy was flat and subtle (may be some European sensibility somewhere). Graphics was not up to mark. Pooja was a slight miscast (imagine Sridevi for this role). Additional dramatization, sharpness would have taken it to the next level. Imagine a grand dance competition involving Uttaman and the princess at the start of the Uttaman episode. Blame it on Ramesh Aravind :)

22nd May 2015, 08:08 PM
Kamal and Rajani can never be bracketed together on any aspect. They are both very different, both in their choice of films, talent etc. Their paths will continue to be very different going forward also.

I would keep the Uttaman episode. In principle, it was great (on paper) to show a good contrast with happenings in Manoranjan's real life -- an idiot king craving for eternal physical life. But some of the comedy was flat and subtle (may be some European sensibility somewhere). Graphics was not up to mark. Pooja was a slight miscast (imagine Sridevi for this role). Additional dramatization, sharpness would have taken it to the next level. Imagine a grand dance competition involving Uttaman and the princess at the start of the Uttaman episode. Blame it on Ramesh Aravind :)

She still looks beautiful at her age, in fact much better than Jaya prada (Dasavatharam), Kamal could have used Sridevi for some role in this movie ...

But Pooja is an eye candy for sure :p

22nd May 2015, 10:30 PM
இன்னொரு தவறான கருத்து 34 வயதிலேயே இதனை சாதித்தவர் இப்போது எவ்வளவு சாதிக்க முடியும் என்பது? வயதாக ஆக படைப்பு திறன் மற்றும் கலையுணர்வு குறைந்தே வரும். 90% கலைஞர்களுக்கு அவர்கள் சாதித்த உன்னதங்கள் 20 இலிருந்து 40 வரையே. சில விதிவிலக்குகள் இருக்கலாம். படைப்பு திறன் ,sexual libido ,unfulfilled desires &dreams இவற்றோடு சம்பந்த பட்டு பிணைந்தது. வயதாக ஆக இரண்டு energy level களும் குறைந்தே வரும்.

i do not agree to it.....rabindranatagore , satyagit ray , martin s , kannadasan , vaali etc in the literature and entertainment world ..if u take the scientific area its even more prominent

though i agree to ur point of creativity comes along with the urge to learn and do new things..the above mentioned folks never rested believing they have done it all..they always had the libido - and that is the point why they are different than the rest

Avadi to America
22nd May 2015, 11:39 PM
i do not agree to it.....rabindranatagore , satyagit ray , martin s , kannadasan , vaali etc in the literature and entertainment world ..if u take the scientific area its even more prominent

though i agree to ur point of creativity comes along with the urge to learn and do new things..the above mentioned folks never rested believing they have done it all..they always had the libido - and that is the point why they are different than the rest

Gopal sir talks about general scenario (probably with 99% confidence level).. but the people you mentioned are mostly outliers.

in fact, most of noble laureates best work was done before the age of 40

23rd May 2015, 01:26 AM
"sexual libido" matter எல்லாம் பதிவு செஞ்சா OKவாம் - இன்னும் விட்டா erectile dysfunction, இல்ல கமல் சரியா காயகல்பம் / சிட்டு குருவி லேகியம் எடுத்துக்கல - MGR மாதிரி தங்க பஸ்பம் சாப்புடல அப்படி எல்லாம் போஸ்டிங் கூட வரும் - அதெல்லாம் தப்பே இல்லை...

ஆனா நாங்க philosophy, deism, critical thinking மாதிரி கொஞ்சம் academic/deepஆ பதிவு செஞ்சா delete பண்ணிடுவாங்களாம் - mods super rules!

23rd May 2015, 05:29 AM
ஐயய்யோ, நான் ஏதோ யாரையும் குறிப்பிடாமல் சாதாரணமாக படைப்பு திறன் பற்றி எழுத போக, இங்கேயும் வம்பா? பொதுவாகவே, creativity சார்ந்தவை அனுபவம் அதிகமாக அதிகமாக உன்னதம் கண்டு வளருவதில்லை.அதற்கு காரணம்தான் சொன்னேன்.

23rd May 2015, 05:52 AM
i do not agree to it.....rabindranatagore , satyagit ray , martin s , kannadasan , vaali etc in the literature and entertainment world ..if u take the scientific area its even more prominent

though i agree to ur point of creativity comes along with the urge to learn and do new things..the above mentioned folks never rested believing they have done it all..they always had the libido - and that is the point why they are different than the rest

இது படு தவறான வாதம்.

சத்யஜித்ரேயின் உன்னதங்கள் அப்பு trilogy (பதேர் பாஞ்சாலி,அபராஜிதோ,அபுர் சன்ஸார் ),சாருலதா,ஜல்சா கர் எல்லாமே அவருடைய 35 ஆம் வயதுக்குள் சாதித்தவை. பின்னாட்களில் எடுத்ததெல்லாம் படமே அல்ல.

கண்ணதாசன் 53 வயதில் இயற்கை எய்தினார். அவருடைய காதல்,தத்துவம்,அரசியல் ,தன்னுணர்வு சார்ந்த இயற்கை பாடல்கள்,இலக்கியத்தை இலகுவாக்கி கொடுத்த பாடல்கள் எல்லாமே அவருடைய 30 வயது முதல் 40 வரையே எழுத பட்டன.

வாலி எழுதிய உன்னத பாடல்கள் என்று அவரே குறிப்பிட்டவை ,அவர் அறிமுகமான 32 வயதிலிருந்து 42 வயதுக்குள் எழுத பட்டவை. (இதயத்தில் நீ, படகோட்டி, இரு மலர்கள் என்று நீளும்).பின்னாட்களில் பழக்கத்தின் பால் எழுதி தள்ளினாலும் சிறந்தவை என்று சொல்ல முடியாது.

நடிக மேதை நடிகர்திலகத்தின் ,அதி உன்னத நடிப்பு திறன் கொண்ட படங்கள் 1958-1973 வரை அவரது முப்பது வயதில் இருந்து 45 வயதுக்குள் வந்தவை.

கலைஞானி கமலின் மிக சிறந்த பத்து என நான் கருதும் படங்கள் 1987 முதல் 1999 வரை வந்தவை .(அவருடைய 33 வயதில் இருந்து 45 வரை)

குருதத் இள வயதிலேயே மரணம்.(தற்கொலை). அவருடைய பியாசா,காகஸ் கி பூல் எல்லாமே இளம் வயது.

இன்னும் இசை மேதைகள் விஸ்வநாதன்,ராமமூர்த்தி,இளையராஜா,ரகுமான் எல்லாருடைய உன்னதங்களும் 20 முதல்- 45 வயது வரையே.

இன்னும் பாரதி, ஜெயகாந்தன்,மௌனி,புதுமை பித்தன்,ஆதவன்,அசோக மித்திரன் என்ற எழுத்தாளர் வரிசை.

(உலக அளவில் செல்லாமல் நமக்குள்ளே கணக்கெடுத்தவை)

23rd May 2015, 06:14 AM
ஆனா நாங்க philosophy, deism, critical thinking மாதிரி கொஞ்சம் academic/deepஆ பதிவு செஞ்சா delete பண்ணிடுவாங்களாம் - mods super rules!

IRIR 123 ,

philosophy ,psychology ,sociology ,history எல்லாமே எனக்கு அல்வா மாதிரியாயிற்றே. theism VS Deism எல்லாம் விவாதிக்கும் போது நம்மளையும் கூப்பிடுங்க. ஏதோ கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சம் தெரியும்.புரியும்.Existentialism,structuralism,Pos t-Modernism can also be good subject to ponder about. Why edit these good things?

23rd May 2015, 09:58 AM
IRIR 123 ,

philosophy ,psychology ,sociology ,history எல்லாமே எனக்கு அல்வா மாதிரியாயிற்றே. theism VS Deism எல்லாம் விவாதிக்கும் போது நம்மளையும் கூப்பிடுங்க. ஏதோ கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சம் தெரியும்.புரியும்.Existentialism,structuralism,Pos t-Modernism can also be good subject to ponder about. Why edit these good things?

Existentialism,structuralism,Post-Modernism - not interested and irrelevant..

Deism is a more relevant topic wrto Kamal's ideas

23rd May 2015, 10:51 AM
Aandavar darisanam again at Film nagar cultural club, Hyderabad tomorrow 11 30 am for the press launch of Thoongaavanamuuu

23rd May 2015, 05:31 PM
Please discuss ONLY Kamalahassan in this thread... all digressions will be removed.

For discussions on Ilaiyaraja, go here:


23rd May 2015, 05:36 PM
Aandavar darisanam again at Film nagar cultural club, Hyderabad tomorrow 11 30 am for the press launch of Thoongaavanamuuu

Please post details in ThoongaVanam thread .. this thread is meandering into other discussions.

24th May 2015, 08:11 AM
Please post details in ThoongaVanam thread .. this thread is meandering into other discussions.

ok. Im leaving to meet KH now

25th May 2015, 05:20 AM

25th May 2015, 11:23 AM
About to receive the God of Indian cinema .... the king of entertainment. ..... into my office. Excitedddd.

26th May 2015, 08:11 AM
About to receive the God of Indian cinema .... the king of entertainment. ..... into my office. Excitedddd.

wow!! picture pls sir :)

26th May 2015, 08:25 AM
Pics edukkala. Vanthaaru. 10 mts paathaaru pesinaaru. Poyitaaru. Juice or coffee please sir sonnen ..... he held my hand with both his hands and said ...... No please. Lot of work pending. He treated me as a friend.

26th May 2015, 09:25 AM
Pics edukkala. Vanthaaru. 10 mts paathaaru pesinaaru. Poyitaaru. Juice or coffee please sir sonnen ..... he held my hand with both his hands and said ...... No please. Lot of work pending. He treated me as a friend.

sir ninga sema gifted... I had a chance to meet Kamal sir n shake hand once, the whole week I cant sleep well!!!

26th May 2015, 12:51 PM
Pics edukkala. Vanthaaru. 10 mts paathaaru pesinaaru. Poyitaaru. Juice or coffee please sir sonnen ..... he held my hand with both his hands and said ...... No please. Lot of work pending. He treated me as a friend.

Nerla paaka epdi irunthaar..yunnum ilamaiya irunthaara..hair,face skin,etc..just asking bcoz in some of the scenes in UV he looks old..
But amazing at this age he is working round the clock in all departments..
All to get ready for Thalaivan Irukindraan??

26th May 2015, 03:25 PM
Pics edukkala. Vanthaaru. 10 mts paathaaru pesinaaru. Poyitaaru. Juice or coffee please sir sonnen ..... he held my hand with both his hands and said ...... No please. Lot of work pending. He treated me as a friend.

Good to hear that Doctor...During your discussion by any chance you mentioned about the Hub and the discussions going on?

27th May 2015, 08:08 PM
WoW! UV deleted scenes


27th May 2015, 08:14 PM
I saw all these in the movie also. May be they deleted these in some places.

27th May 2015, 08:25 PM
Scene 1,2 & 3 are new.

The remaining was there when I first saw the movie and was deleted during my 3rd viewing.

27th May 2015, 09:05 PM
உத்தமவில்லன் நீக்கப்பட்டகாட்சிகள் அனைத்தும் ஏற்கனவே பிரிமியர் காட்சியில் நீக்கப்படாமல் பார்த்தவைதான். ஒருசில காட்சிகள் கதைநகர்விற்கு முக்கியமானவை. குறிப்பாக உத்தமன்-கற்பகவல்லி குகைக்காட்சி. அதெல்லாம் நீக்கப்பட்டால் தொடர்ச்சி அறுந்துபோய்விடும். அந்தோ பார்வையாளன்!

2nd June 2015, 06:46 PM
உத்தமவில்லன் நீக்கப்பட்டகாட்சிகள் அனைத்தும் ஏற்கனவே பிரிமியர் காட்சியில் நீக்கப்படாமல் பார்த்தவைதான். ஒருசில காட்சிகள் கதைநகர்விற்கு முக்கியமானவை. குறிப்பாக உத்தமன்-கற்பகவல்லி குகைக்காட்சி. அதெல்லாம் நீக்கப்பட்டால் தொடர்ச்சி அறுந்துபோய்விடும். அந்தோ பார்வையாளன்!

Any news on the BO Status? Hit, BE, average grosser etc...
to me, it had a good run..

2nd June 2015, 08:25 PM
Any news on the BO Status? Hit, BE, average grosser etc...
to me, it had a good run..

Average to Hit overall. If the opening had not got impacted, it would have been between Hit to Super Hit.

For a classic movie, this is a great run.

2nd June 2015, 10:04 PM
Average to Hit overall. If the opening had not got impacted, it would have been between Hit to Super Hit.

For a classic movie, this is a great run.

I guess so.. but there are somewebsites and they are bringing it down.. so wasn't sure

6th June 2015, 01:31 PM
Midwest Movies

We are glad to announce both #OKKanmani and #UttamaVillain turned out be profitable ventures in OH.. #Mass Thanks to all ��
Dublin, OH

8th June 2015, 01:59 AM
Midwest Movies

We are glad to announce both #OKKanmani and #UttamaVillain turned out be profitable ventures in OH.. #Mass Thanks to all ��
Dublin, OH

yep, seems like a hit only in Ohio, apparently flop elsewhere ..

8th June 2015, 04:41 AM
I think Kamal should have changed the Uttaman backstory to the 80s comedy with Crazy Mohan writing the majority of the screenplay. Would have offered better comic relief at the same time, not alientated the audience who coudln't fathom the 8th century thamizh and indulgence. That puli scene was the worst.

10th June 2015, 09:26 PM
என்னங்க.. எப்போ பார்த்தாலும் பாக்ஸ் ஆபிஸ் புராணமே பாடிட்டு இருக்கீங்க. வெளியிடுவதில் தாமதம், சொன்ன தேதியில் தமிழகத்தில் வெளியிடும்போது நடந்த குளறுபடிகள் என பலவித காரணிகள் இருக்கையில் பாக்ஸ் ஆபிஸ், break-even ஆகிடுச்சா என புலம்புவதை விடுங்கள்.

10th June 2015, 09:33 PM
என்னங்க.. எப்போ பார்த்தாலும் பாக்ஸ் ஆபிஸ் புராணமே பாடிட்டு இருக்கீங்க. வெளியிடுவதில் தாமதம், சொன்ன தேதியில் தமிழகத்தில் வெளியிடும்போது நடந்த குளறுபடிகள் என பலவித காரணிகள் இருக்கையில் பாக்ஸ் ஆபிஸ், break-even ஆகிடுச்சா என புலம்புவதை விடுங்கள்.

Venkki sir - was only responding to previous poster(s). And time to move on. Most if not all know about how the movie did ... there's never a need to overplay or underplay. It is what it is.

11th June 2015, 06:52 PM
-deleted with warning-

11th June 2015, 10:44 PM
yep, seems like a hit only in Ohio, apparently flop elsewhere ..

u have any detail on the loss figures? Based on the recent updates from Producer side sources, the movie is break even for the producers... Lingu had losses from his previous ventures and it had effect during the release time. stop saying about loss story without any proper details...

12th June 2015, 12:18 AM
u have any detail on the loss figures? Based on the recent updates from Producer side sources, the movie is break even for the producers... Lingu had losses from his previous ventures and it had effect during the release time. stop saying about loss story without any proper details...
எதுக்கு வம்பு? நான் எது போ ட்டாலும் admin delete பன்னி வார்னிங் கொடுகரப்ல .. படம் ஹிட்னு வச்சிகோங்க .

லிங்கா படம் வந்தப்போ சில பேரு விழுந்து விழுந்து fieldwork பன்னாங்களே அப்ப இப்டி யாரும் கேக்கல..:fatigue:

12th June 2015, 10:49 AM
எதுக்கு வம்பு? நான் எது போ ட்டாலும் admin delete பன்னி வார்னிங் கொடுகரப்ல .. படம் ஹிட்னு வச்சிகோங்க .

லிங்கா படம் வந்தப்போ சில பேரு விழுந்து விழுந்து fieldwork பன்னாங்களே அப்ப இப்டி யாரும் கேக்கல..:fatigue:

Field work pannathu Kamalin "singaravelan" film fansa or trichy singaravelan & co va..no producer or distributor declared loss for UV..

12th June 2015, 10:54 AM
Hahahaha.. Obviously pr218 is a coward rajini fan hubber.. Please come in your original id, then I shallshall consider a fight

13th June 2015, 01:56 AM
Hahahaha.. Obviously pr218 is a coward rajini fan hubber.. Please come in your original id, then I shallshall consider a fight

what is coward rajni fan hubber? theliva pesunga.. athu enna original id fake id? apram enna considering fight? why do you need to fight with me?

USV, UV neenga rendu perum than overtime field work panninga.. 200 kodikku vithu 30 kodi lossnu singaravelan sangoothuna udane edho jesus second coming mathiri redpix and other lofur website link, arai vekkattu twipples ithellam manchi manchi kondanthu linga threadla kottuninga.. ore oru report atha post pannathukku edhukku ivlo tension?

also you guys are unbeliveable.. still debating average to above average? muppathu kodikke ivlo mukkalu.. unga padamellam 100 kodi easiya collection panna evlo aatam aaduvinga.. yappa.. ella edathulayum padam pappadam than.. aana ohiyola mattrum hitnu distrubutor soltaru..

13th June 2015, 08:31 AM
Who provoked other fans in Lingaa thread first and who provoked first here in this thread? the great tamizh sangam..check that 1st..
Dhoda Lingaa 3000 Kodi collection pannuchaan but distributor/theater owners yunnum dharna panraaanga..
idhu varaikum evanum UV loss nu poraatam pannala..VR,10A collection pathi theriyaathu pola..unmaiyaalumae oduna padathukku solrathukkum odaatha padathukku 3 days la 100C nu Inga yaarum kadhai vidala..

15th June 2015, 01:03 AM
what is coward rajni fan hubber? theliva pesunga.. athu enna original id fake id? apram enna considering fight? why do you need to fight with me?

USV, UV neenga rendu perum than overtime field work panninga.. 200 kodikku vithu 30 kodi lossnu singaravelan sangoothuna udane edho jesus second coming mathiri redpix and other lofur website link, arai vekkattu twipples ithellam manchi manchi kondanthu linga threadla kottuninga.. ore oru report atha post pannathukku edhukku ivlo tension?

also you guys are unbeliveable.. still debating average to above average? muppathu kodikke ivlo mukkalu.. unga padamellam 100 kodi easiya collection panna evlo aatam aaduvinga.. yappa.. ella edathulayum padam pappadam than.. aana ohiyola mattrum hitnu distrubutor soltaru..
athaavathu Linga 200c - 30c = 170 crores collection panniduchaam .. nallathu .. enjoy pannunga ..

15th June 2015, 08:09 AM
athaavathu Linga 200c - 30c = 170 crores collection panniduchaam .. nallathu .. enjoy pannunga ..

No Anban - you are WRONG.
Distributor will not get complete collection. Part will go to theaters. So if distributor spent 200C and received 170C, it woulld have collected 250C gross.
Do not underestimate Linga collection please.

15th June 2015, 11:57 AM
No Anban - you are WRONG.
Distributor will not get complete collection. Part will go to theaters. So if distributor spent 200C and received 170C, it woulld have collected 250C gross.
Do not underestimate Linga collection please.

:lol: :lol:

Uttama Villain is different from the mass masala movies and we need not compare with Lingaa kind of movies. KH has proved enough in Tamil Film industry that he could make money spinners when required. He has chosen a path to do movies which has scope for acting and different story line... Let us enjoy the movie and nuances rather than comparing with the movies which are aimed only at BO success...

15th June 2015, 06:43 PM
:lol: :lol:

Uttama Villain is different from the mass masala movies and we need not compare with Lingaa kind of movies. KH has proved enough in Tamil Film industry that he could make money spinners when required. He has chosen a path to do movies which has scope for acting and different story line... Let us enjoy the movie and nuances rather than comparing with the movies which are aimed only at BO success...

I 100% agree. I was not comparing. I was correcting the mistake in Anban's calculation. Linga collected 250C and not 17C0 unlike he said.
No comparison with Uttama Villain. It will be a sin if I compare !

15th June 2015, 07:25 PM
athaavathu Linga 200c - 30c = 170 crores collection panniduchaam .. nallathu .. enjoy pannunga ..

>>> 200 kodikku vithu 30 kodi lossnu singaravelan sangoothuna udane

olunga padingappa.. 200 kodikku EROS vithatha Singara velan than sonnaru.. avare 30 kodi athanala lossnrar..

neengallam anna paravai mathiri.. ungalukku thevaiyana mattera mattum eduthukittu mathatha ignore panniduvinga.. :idontgetit:

15th June 2015, 09:12 PM
>>> 200 kodikku vithu 30 kodi lossnu singaravelan sangoothuna udane

olunga padingappa.. 200 kodikku EROS vithatha Singara velan than sonnaru.. avare 30 kodi athanala lossnrar..

neengallam anna paravai mathiri.. ungalukku thevaiyana mattera mattum eduthukittu mathatha ignore panniduvinga.. :idontgetit:

ha ha..eemu kozhi,10 padayappanu oora aemaathi vithathaathaavum sonar ungal singara velan,avarukku ku mattum 30kodii loss,vendhar moviesku vera loss..ellathukkum maela eros kae loss nu adhoda south manager sonnathu nyabagam irukkatum..
yunnoru vishayam gavaninga...FIR filed against actor wife..kochadaiyaan padam prachanaiyae yunnum mudiala..irunthathu onnae onnu adhuvum last 10 yearsla pochu..

22nd November 2015, 12:18 AM
சுயநலம், நம்பிக்கைத்துரோகம் போன்றவற்றால் குற்றவுணர்வு மேலோங்கி கூனி, குறுகி கண்ணீர் கரைபுரண்டு தள்ளாடும் சொக்கு ஒருபுறம். இழந்த காதல், காதலி என எண்ணிலடங்கா ஆதங்கத்தால், இயலாமையால் குற்றவுணர்வு தன்னை முழுதாக ஆட்கொண்டாலும் நிலைகுலையாமல் எதிர்புறத்தில் மனோரஞ்சன் தளும்பி வழியத் துடிக்கும் கண்ணீரை கட்டுப்படுத்தும் ஒவ்வொரு முயற்சியும் நடிப்பின் சிகரத்திற்கே நம்மை கைப்பிடித்து அழைத்துச் செல்பவை.


கமல் தனது படத்தில் சக நடிகர்களுக்கு இடம் கொடுக்காமல் தானே திரையை நிரப்பி ஆளுமை செலுத்துவார் எனப்பேசும் கடைந்தெடுத்த மூடர்க்கூட்டம் இதுபோன்ற காட்சிகளை ஒன்றுக்கு பலமுறை பார்த்தாவது பித்தம் தெளிய முயற்சிக்கலாம். என்னே ஒரு குணச்சித்திர நடிப்பு எம்.எஸ்.பாஸ்கரிடமிருந்து.

22nd November 2015, 12:19 AM
.. only in kamal films.. nagesh sivaji got their national awards.. :notworthy:

22nd November 2015, 12:36 AM
தேவர் மகன் - சிவாஜி, ரேவதி, கௌதமி, நாசர், காகா ராதாகிருஷ்ணன், வடிவேலு
அபூர்வ சகோதரர்கள் - நாகேஷ், மனோரமா, ஸ்ரீவித்யா
மை.ம.கா.ராஜன் - ஊர்வசி, நாகேஷ்
சதி லீலாவதி - கோவை சரளா, ரமேஷ் அர்விந்த்
நம்மவர் - நாகேஷ், கௌதமி
குருதிப்புனல் - நாசர், கௌதமி, அர்ஜுன்
மகாநதி - பூர்ணம் விஸ்வநாதன், கொச்சின் ஹனிபா, s.n.லட்சுமி, ஷங்கர் ( துலுக்காணம்)
அன்பே சிவம் - மாதவன்
ஹேராம் - அதுல் குல்கர்னி
அவ்வை சண்முகி - ஜெமினி கணேசன், மணிவண்ணன்
தெனாலி - ஜெயராம்
விருமாண்டி - பசுபதி, சண்முகராஜன்
உன்னைப் போல் ஒருவன் - மோகன் லால்
விஸ்வரூபம் - ராகுல் போஸ்
மன்மதன் அம்பு - சங்கீதா, திரிஷா
உத்தமவில்லன் - பாலச்சந்தர், ஆன்டிரியா, எம்.எஸ்.பாஸ்கர்
தூங்காவனம் - பிரகாஷ்ராஜ், திரிஷா

இப்படி நிறையச் சொல்லலாம்.