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23rd January 2014, 10:54 AM
Hi all,

Not sure where to post this, so decided to put it here. Please check out my first serious attempt at film-making and give your feedback. This film was shot in Bangalore over three days in 2013. Dialogs are mainly in English.

I am a big fan of IR and the dialogs and BGM reveal this.



23rd January 2014, 10:52 PM

I have watched part of it...

Will watch the rest later and then comment...

So far, quite good...

It would be nice if you could share some technical details as well... e.g.

....................- What camera(s) did you use?
....................- How did you do editing?
....................- How much did this cost overall?
....................- Are you a trained or professional writer/director/actor?
....................- etc...


24th January 2014, 04:54 AM

Watched it fully...

So they went to Karthik's home... what did they do? Can we make our own assumptions?

Hey! I just meant... I'm assuming they played Scrabble...

Not bad for a first attempt... But I feel certain things could have been done differently...

Keep working!


25th January 2014, 09:37 AM

Thanks for your review. film was inspired by a Jeffrey Archer short story. I did not explicitly show what they did there - viewer can make their own assumptions. Also, it was only 60 to 70% of what I wanted to do. since it was my first time, due to logistics and timing constraints we could not re-shoot some scenes and had to compromise a bit in the script.

about myself: I have been in the US for 15+ years - work in the software industry. I have always been interested in films, and took a short course in film-making a few years ago. I was very active in the early 2000s on the tfmpage discussion site, but then stopped posting there though I am still very much interested in tamil film music.

I worked out of India the last two years and took the opportunity to make this film. It is my first film. I used semi-professionals in bangalore for cinematography, music, and editing. all of them work full-time in IT and do this on the side. I did the dubbing and bgm recording/mixing in a studio in bangalore. total cost came to around Rs.80,000. We rented a Canon 5D Mark 2 camera for the shoot.

26th January 2014, 06:15 AM

Okay Tigger2, here are some of my thoughts… please don’t be offended by my comments, I thought I’d offer some “constructive criticism”…

Those of you who haven’t seen the film – please be aware there are spoilers ahead!!

My interpretation of the basic situation in the story – a young man comes across an attractive young woman. He pursues this young woman, they have some pleasant conversation, and end up spending the night together. The following day, the young man finds out that the young woman wasn’t quite who he had imagined her to be.

My interpretation of the story from Karthik’s point of view: he’s the owner/manager of a restaurant, he comes across an attractive young woman, seems to believe he has found love at first sight. He pursues her, talks to her, and begins to think there is a possibility of an interesting, meaningful relationship. They spend the night together, and the following morning, he finds out that the young woman is/was actually married, and has a child. Nevertheless, they both seem to agree that their meeting was pleasant, and they will take the happy memory with them.

My interpretation of the story from Preethi’s point of view: she’s a dentist, she is/was married and has a child, but she does not appear completely happy or satisfied with her profession or even with her marriage. She was waiting for someone to join her at the theatre, but unfortunately they had to cancel at the last minute. She meets this pleasant young man who seems very interested in getting to know her, and feels flattered by the attention he is showing towards her. Maybe she did not get this kind of attention from her own husband? Maybe she really felt the need for a genuinely emotionally meaningful relationship with someone, and she feels there is a possibility of such a relationship with Karthik? She is a little nervous, but eventually they spend the night together. The following morning, she did not feel that she could tell him that she was married, but eventually, they met once more, maybe for the last time, and they appear to part company on pleasant terms.

Dialogue – I felt some of the dialogue was not very strong. “I wonder how people manage to fall in love without listening to his music…” or “you sat through a whole play without understanding it… for me… that’s so romantic…” or “I want to try your coffee” or “I’ll remember last night for the rest of my life…” or “I too will remember last night…” etc. Er… sorry, but I really didn’t feel very impressed by that dialogue…

Rather than Preethi not knowing anything about Ilayaraja’s music, I would suggest it would have been more interesting if they had a detailed conversation about one of his songs, and they both begin to enjoy the discussion as they begin to debate some of the finer points, e.g. they could debate why did Ilayaraja compose so many songs in "Keeravaani" Raagam?, and realise they have something in common, or something like that… (I mean, well… I once had a long, very interesting conversation with an attractive young lady about music, and I was really astonished to find out how similar our musical tastes were… everything from rock and metal, to film scores and “classical” stuff… it was a very interesting conversation… but we did not go home together ;-)) Then, they could move on to other topics of conversation… stuff that Yuppies like to discuss… articles they read about in Time magazine or India Today, etc. (that’s one way Yuppies like to show off their credentials, I think) And why not move sideways? You talked about Ilayaraja, why not introduce us to other musicians who are probably less well known? That way, both your protagonist Karthik and you (as the writer/director) can make much more of an impact on us, your audience…

I would have expected Preethi to be in a “bad mood”/irritated/annoyed (at the start) – because someone failed to meet her when she was expecting them! I thought maybe she had actually been waiting for her husband, rather than her sister, and I thought she would have been really disappointed and hurt… but she didn’t seem to show any sign of that… And I would have expected that she would be more reserved at first, maybe she would initially show her irritation towards Karthik, and then gradually feel more comfortable over the course of the rest of the evening… I would say that Preethi should have had perhaps even less dialogue in the beginning… the character should have had more “mystique”… she should express herself through the expressions on her face, and by her general behavior… she should have had less smiling in the beginning – maybe the scene in the theatre where everyone laughs, she should have remained silent (to indicate she is not in a good mood) – we should be shown the expressions on her face to try and understand her thoughts… particularly through the look(s) in her eyes… her eyes should tell us whether she trusts Karthik or not… when she realizes that Karthik sat through the play just for her, she shouldn’t say that that was romantic, but should have been speechless, and her eyes should show that she was touched… and the camera/cinematographer should help with close-up shots of her face and eyes…

I would also suggest that maybe Preethi should have had a different hairstyle – I thought maybe a hairstyle like the one worn by Amala Paul in the film “[i]Kaadhalil Sodhapuvadhu Eppadi” (http://www.chikbuk.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/amala_paul_salwar_kameez1.jpg) (it’s quite a common hairstyle for young women, but I don’t know what it’s called) – I think that would have made her “stand out” – it would have made her look more youthful and more attractive, and in the last scene (i.e. where Karthik finds her at the Dental hospital) the “neutral” hairstyle, i.e. to give her a more “professional” appearance was appropriate – this would have clearly depicted the contrast between the two sides of the character – on one side, a consummate professional, on the other side, a young woman, with her womanly needs and desires.

And why “Preethi”? You could have tried a more interesting name… something like Revathi, Gayathri, or Avantika, for example.

I felt that in the last scene, the story should have been left “unresolved”, i.e. Preethi should have avoided meeting Karthik, and he soon leaves, and then we see a look of sadness in Preethi’s eyes, or something like that… Or perhaps it turns out that Preethi is not actually from the same town/city – maybe she is from another town/city nearby, 50 miles away… this would add to the character’s “distance”… taking an evening to go to the theatre to watch a play was a chance for her to “escape” from the emptiness of her actual real life? This would add to Karthik's sense of astonishment when he finds out that she is not quite what he had expected...
And I had to watch the last scene once more to fully grasp the story – I realized, watching it the second time, that Karthik was not actually smiling, and he walks away… I would say the camera should have made this clearer… the angle from which it was filmed leaves some ambiguity… This is actually a very important detail… if Karthik smiles, then the story has a very different meaning altogether…

And, interiors… think of coffee shops… I do go to coffee shops regularly, not for the coffee though… it’s for the atmosphere… the furniture, the lighting, the music, the general ambience, etc. It all goes together to create the right kind of warmth for people to have relaxing conversations, etc. You could have shown us some long/wide-angle shots of the interior of Desmond’s to establish the atmosphere of that scene more strongly.

Overall, visual quality of the camera was good – good definition, vivid colours (I felt there was a preponderance of reddish hues), but I felt that the camera could have worked more closely with the artists – as I said, by showing us things that the dialogue cannot tell us.

Sound quality, recording, editing, etc. was good – crisp. Music – good, but too much use of synthesizers… I felt acoustic guitar might have been more appropriate at certain points…

And, as a general storytelling technique, I have found that it is important to ask the question, “What were the characters doing before the story?”, i.e. if they hadn’t met, what would they be doing? Karthik, at the start of the film, was talking to someone on the phone, and he told them “he knows it’s urgent”… You can tell us just a little bit more about that… adds to the detail and therefore adds to the realism… And “What did they do after the story?” Life goes on, even after the emotions burn out (but the memory remains, and can add a certain colour of its own). It would be nice to know where the characters were two years later…

But of course this is a short film, with constraints of time, logistics, budget considerations, etc. And you are the writer/director/creator of this story, your interpretation was probably completely different… please don’t be offended by my comments… forgive me if I got it unacceptably wrong… I have no film-making experience, but I tried writing some short stories a little while ago, and I know how it is… sometimes I had ideas which I thought were interesting, but not enough time or energy to develop things fully, so I had to abandon my efforts…

And sorry if my comments are unhelpful…


26th January 2014, 11:39 AM

I am not at all offended.. on the contrary I am flattered that you analyzed the film to this extent and came up with so many suggestions. in this day and age, time is at a premium, so the fact that you spent so much time on this feels good! you probably also got so absorbed that you forgot this is my first attempt at film-making... :)

Your interpretation of the story from POV of main characters is accurate. one thing I wanted to convey that might not have come out correctly was that she was not looking for an affair. she was impressed by the attention he paid her and on an impulse decided to prolong the experience by inviting herself to his house for coffee. at that time she did not realize the implications of what she was getting into.

I will try to respond to your other points.

some of the dialogs, especially the original note she wrote was from the book. hero's addition "I too..." was my own. I wanted to convey that he understood her completely and did not try to play the victim, or consider her a bad woman. The comment on IR was a thought that really crossed my mind when I was enjoying one of his songs.. and I decided to use it. plus it gave an opening to reveal that she had never fallen in love before. I am fine that you did not like the dialogs.. you cannot please everyone!

I feel there was not enough time to build up common interests between them. that would have spoiled the story... plus as it is there was too much conversation and not enough action.

I don't think it would have helped showing her as annoyed at the start. I envisioned her as a guileless and innocent character, a class woman beautiful inside and out, and very comfortable in her skin. i.e. not someone who dresses up in the latest fashion to impress others.

Preethi means love in Kannada. that's why I used that name.

I am not sure if showing Karthik's face at the end would have helped. He revealed his thoughts in the note and walks away with no hard feelings.

since this is my first film, it was definitely a learning experience. I was director, production manager, and set boy at the same time. writing the script is just half the battle. making a film requires a lot of planning and good assistants to help. I did not have much time to pay attention to detail or reshoot some of the scenes that did not come out the way I wanted. due to lack of planning for nighttime lighting, we could not also shoot some scenes that I wanted when they were in the moving car, or when they were walking to where he parked his car. so we ended up shooting a lot of the dialogs when they were in the stationary car at the signal.

In any case, thanks again. I hope to do better at my next attempt.

pavalamani pragasam
26th January 2014, 01:43 PM
tigger2, are you sure you want to hear my review? Well, technically it is OK! (I enjoyed that bit about the notorious autowallahs of B'lore!) Nothing lacking. But...the content is not to my taste. Definitely not my cuppa! My strict set of values refuse to be bent by all the forceful 'modern' trends I see around me!!! This is my narration of the story as I perceived it: Karthick sees a good 'figure' standing alone. His interest is aroused instantly. Luckily for him he gets to buy her extra ticket and sits next to her to watch a Kannada film he doesn't understand!Keeps casting lascivious looks at her in the dark, gallantly offers snacks and follows her outside the theatre to see her off. Again luck is on his side and her inability to get an auto makes her accept his offer to drop her at her place. Polished modern youth they are they stop at Desmonds and he never takes his eyes off her being congeniality itself through the party. To a complete stranger she tells her disappointment at becoming an orthodentist as per the desire of her dentist parents and not following her passion for dancing. The prey is an easy one, he feels. He adds about his sad return from the US to take up family responsibilities. Nice bonding! Huh! Preethi's eyes widen when she learns that he doesn't have to pay there, that he owns the place. From then she is all smiles and brightness. Odious and obvious. She proposes coffee. He says he prefers his home coffee to any coffee shop coffee. Mind you, he is not still openly inviting her to his place! A very decent 'gentleman'. But she has no scruples about inviting herself to his place at night. Such brazen attitudes and approaches of 'modern' females are subjects for my deep concern and scorn! She is 'ready' for anything. She is not afraid. And everything follows ditto as per both their calculation. The 'starved' woman is satisfied- her note says it. But, alas, it is an anti climax for our hero(called romantic by Preethi for sitting through a movie he doesn't understand-confident anticipation, I call it) and his replying note says it- oh, the bitch doesn't understand it!!!
I warned you, tigger2! Can't help it. I make no secret of how I can't empathise or sympathise with 'starving' women! I have better standards for women (and men too!).Old hubber friends who know me will vouch for it.
The youngsters in my family hasten to warn me against watching any of these new movies being released lately to save me from hypertension. I have literally stopped watching movies! My interest lies in participating in essay contests about closure of tasmac!!! I stopped visiting a females site after the 'modern' upstarts started showing crass attitudes towards my articles.
Instead of depicting realism, the truthful occurrences and indirectly getting them endorsed, accepted, normalised why not try to uphold precious values? Why not depict the beauty of love differentiating it from lust? Lust is a common instinct we share with beasts; love is purely human, unique to the intellectual, intelligent, consummate species!

26th January 2014, 03:42 PM
நான்கு படங்கள் எடுத்த பின்பும் இயக்குனர்கள் தடுமாறும் இந்த காலத்தில், முதல் படத்திலேயே அழகாய் ஒரு ஓவியம் வரைந்திருக்கிறீர்கள். உங்கள் தாடியிலும், ப்ரீத்தியின் முகத்திலும் சிரிக்கும் போது கூட சின்னதாய் ஒரு சோகம். இது போன்ற படங்களுக்கு அப்படி தான் இருக்க வேண்டும்.

முதல் சந்திப்பிலேயே நம்ம ஊரில் ஒரு பெண் அருகில் அமர்ந்து படம் பார்க்கும் பெண், ஒரு ஆணை நம்பி காரில் ஏறி, டின்னர் சாப்பிட்டு, இரவில் வீடு வந்து தங்கி காபி குடித்து தங்குவது என்பதெல்லாம் நம்ப இயலாது தான். வெளிநாடுகளில் கூட இது சாத்தியம் இல்லை. கலாச்சார சீர்கேடு என்று சிலர் சொல்ல கூடும். அது அவர்கள் இஷ்டம். தனிமையில் செய்தால் சரி, அதுவே யாருக்கும் தெரிந்தால் அது தவறு என்று சொல்லும் காலம் இது. ப்ரீத்திக்கும், கார்த்திக்கும் முன்னரே ஒரு கனெக்ஷன் இருந்தது போல் காட்டி இருக்கலாம். (பள்ளி, காலேஜ் அல்லது சிறு வயதில் பக்கத்து வீடு போன்ற....)

படம் எடுக்க பட்ட சூழ்நிலையும், இடங்களும் அழகு. கேமரா கோணங்களும், பின்னணி இசையும் உறுத்தாத அளவிற்கு நன்றாகவே இருந்தது. நல்ல முயற்சி.. வாழ்த்துக்கள்.

26th January 2014, 06:05 PM

PP ma'am!! Can I respectfully say a few things...

First of all, this is a short film - less than twenty minutes long! So the story had to be presented in a condensed form, which is why the events in the story appear to proceed "too quickly"!!

Second, as Tigger2 stated, Preethi is a guileless, innocent character... she invited herself to Karthik's place impulsively... she felt comfortable with him and felt he was a nice person, felt she wanted to get to know him... she did not have any other intentions... she later seems to feel she should have thought through the implications more carefully!!

Third, well how shall I say this... how do we know whether the story is about lust, or about love? Or maybe it's just about an innocent friendship (at least from Preethi's point of view)? It's our assumption as viewers... I mean, how do we know what they did at Karthik's home? Maybe Karthik had a piano or a guitar at home, maybe he played some Ilayaraja songs for Preethi... or maybe she told him more about dancing... not only Bharatanatyam, maybe she also wanted to discuss some of the great ballets like Swan Lake or Sleeping Beauty, maybe she had some ideas about how to adapt those tales to an Indian fashion and present through Indian dance forms, maybe Karthik had a similar artistic interest... or maybe they talked about Karthik's preference for cafe au lait rather than a latte... or maybe Preethi actually explained what the play was about (considering that Karthik actually doesn't know Kannada)... maybe Karthik told her more about what he studied when he was abroad, etc... or maybe they were just playing Scrabble ;-)... They spent some time together, two innocent people doing completely innocent things!! It is not fair to assume that all "modern" youth have abandoned "traditional" values and that they are purely driven by selfish desires...

BUT, at least to some extent, I would agree... the first time I watched it, I had doubts... particularly the scene of Karthik waking up from his bed in the morning, and asking himself if it was all a dream... seems to hint at something in particular, but still does not actually explicitly say anything...
And I do understand your comments... and I have to agree... although I consider myself to be a "modern" youth, I feel uncomfortable with certain attitudes that I see in other people of my own generation or a few years younger than me... but the thing is, these are not exactly "modern" developments... we are all human beings, and natural human behaviour does not always meet "ideal" moral standards... what is different these days is that there is more "openness"... people are willing to discuss things more "openly" than before, and I feel that is a good thing... BUT, in my opinion, it would be best to discuss that in a different thread!!

The point here is Tigger2 has made his first short film - he spent Rs 80,000 on this film, he spent a lot of time and effort on it as well, so I would say - respectfully - it may not be perfect, but I want to give all the encouragement I can!!

And I'm sure Tigger2 will consider your comments and think about why the story was interpreted in this way and perhaps consider presenting a story in a slightly different manner next time?

All the best!!

Just by the way, can I suggest these films - if you haven't seen them already - "The Station Agent (http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Station_Agent)" (2003), "Last Chance Harvey (http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_Chance_Harvey)" (2008), and probably also "Lost in Translation (http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_in_Translation_(film))" (2003) - all three films about lonely people finding friendship/love in unexpected situations...


pavalamani pragasam
26th January 2014, 08:03 PM

PP ma'am!! Can I respectfully say a few things...

First of all, this is a short film - less than twenty minutes long! So the story had to be presented in a condensed form, which is why the events in the story appear to proceed "too quickly"!!

Second, as Tigger2 stated, Preethi is a guileless, innocent character... she invited herself to Karthik's place impulsively... she felt comfortable with him and felt he was a nice person, felt she wanted to get to know him... she did not have any other intentions... she later seems to feel she should have thought through the implications more carefully!!

Third, well how shall I say this... how do we know whether the story is about lust, or about love? Or maybe it's just about an innocent friendship (at least from Preethi's point of view)? It's our assumption as viewers... I mean, how do we know what they did at Karthik's home? Maybe Karthik had a piano or a guitar at home, maybe he played some Ilayaraja songs for Preethi... or maybe she told him more about dancing... not only Bharatanatyam, maybe she also wanted to discuss some of the great ballets like Swan Lake or Sleeping Beauty, maybe she had some ideas about how to adapt those tales to an Indian fashion and present through Indian dance forms, maybe Karthik had a similar artistic interest... or maybe they talked about Karthik's preference for cafe au lait rather than a latte... or maybe Preethi actually explained what the play was about (considering that Karthik actually doesn't know Kannada)... maybe Karthik told her more about what he studied when he was abroad, etc... or maybe they were just playing Scrabble ;-)... They spent some time together, two innocent people doing completely innocent things!! It is not fair to assume that all "modern" youth have abandoned "traditional" values and that they are purely driven by selfish desires...

BUT, at least to some extent, I would agree... the first time I watched it, I had doubts... particularly the scene of Karthik waking up from his bed in the morning, and asking himself if it was all a dream... seems to hint at something in particular, but still does not actually explicitly say anything...
And I do understand your comments... and I have to agree... although I consider myself to be a "modern" youth, I feel uncomfortable with certain attitudes that I see in other people of my own generation or a few years younger than me... but the thing is, these are not exactly "modern" developments... we are all human beings, and natural human behaviour does not always meet "ideal" moral standards... what is different these days is that there is more "openness"... people are willing to discuss things more "openly" than before, and I feel that is a good thing... BUT, in my opinion, it would be best to discuss that in a different thread!!

The point here is Tigger2 has made his first short film - he spent Rs 80,000 on this film, he spent a lot of time and effort on it as well, so I would say - respectfully - it may not be perfect, but I want to give all the encouragement I can!!

And I'm sure Tigger2 will consider your comments and think about why the story was interpreted in this way and perhaps consider presenting a story in a slightly different manner next time?

All the best!!

Just by the way, can I suggest these films - if you haven't seen them already - "The Station Agent (http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Station_Agent)" (2003), "Last Chance Harvey (http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_Chance_Harvey)" (2008), and probably also "Lost in Translation (http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_in_Translation_(film))" (2003) - all three films about lonely people finding friendship/love in unexpected situations...

:sigh2:Wish I were gullible enough to believe all your funny 'may be's! Why should Karthick look shocked/dismayed at seeing Preethi's family photo? This being his 1st attempt and the expenses and trouble of having done it etc has no relevance since I clearly had agreed about the technical quality of the film and clarified about my having problem only with the content and concluded suggesting examplary themes for betterment and upholding the dignity of the human race- all purely personal! No offence meant!

26th January 2014, 10:27 PM
:sigh2:Wish I were gullible enough to believe all your funny 'may be's! Why should Karthick look shocked/dismayed at seeing Preethi's family photo? This being his 1st attempt and the expenses and trouble of having done it etc has no relevance since I clearly had agreed about the technical quality of the film and clarified about my having problem only with the content and concluded suggesting examplary themes for betterment and upholding the dignity of the human race- all purely personal! No offence meant!

There is no doubt about the quality of the film making, all of you are agreeing to that as well which is a great encouragement for the director.

Ilango Thangavelu had less resources in making this one, but the quality is no less compared any recently successful ran box office kollywood hits. If this man had a proper story discussion by having intellectual assistants, then whatever we are discussing here would be been raised over there.. but it is all still good. It is a lesson for director Ilango and I guess he would defenitely consider the 'what if' and 'May be' options in his future projects.

27th January 2014, 02:06 AM
நான்கு படங்கள் எடுத்த பின்பும் இயக்குனர்கள் தடுமாறும் இந்த காலத்தில், முதல் படத்திலேயே அழகாய் ஒரு ஓவியம் வரைந்திருக்கிறீர்கள். உங்கள் தாடியிலும், ப்ரீத்தியின் முகத்திலும் சிரிக்கும் போது கூட சின்னதாய் ஒரு சோகம். இது போன்ற படங்களுக்கு அப்படி தான் இருக்க வேண்டும்.

முதல் சந்திப்பிலேயே நம்ம ஊரில் ஒரு பெண் அருகில் அமர்ந்து படம் பார்க்கும் பெண், ஒரு ஆணை நம்பி காரில் ஏறி, டின்னர் சாப்பிட்டு, இரவில் வீடு வந்து தங்கி காபி குடித்து தங்குவது என்பதெல்லாம் நம்ப இயலாது தான். வெளிநாடுகளில் கூட இது சாத்தியம் இல்லை. கலாச்சார சீர்கேடு என்று சிலர் சொல்ல கூடும். அது அவர்கள் இஷ்டம். தனிமையில் செய்தால் சரி, அதுவே யாருக்கும் தெரிந்தால் அது தவறு என்று சொல்லும் காலம் இது. ப்ரீத்திக்கும், கார்த்திக்கும் முன்னரே ஒரு கனெக்ஷன் இருந்தது போல் காட்டி இருக்கலாம். (பள்ளி, காலேஜ் அல்லது சிறு வயதில் பக்கத்து வீடு போன்ற....)

படம் எடுக்க பட்ட சூழ்நிலையும், இடங்களும் அழகு. கேமரா கோணங்களும், பின்னணி இசையும் உறுத்தாத அளவிற்கு நன்றாகவே இருந்தது. நல்ல முயற்சி.. வாழ்த்துக்கள்.

உங்கள் பாராட்டுக்கு மிக்க நன்றி!
I tried to follow the original story as much as possible. சாத்தியம் இல்லை - உண்மை.... ஆனால் என்னை கவர்ந்த அழகான கதை.

27th January 2014, 02:29 AM
tigger2, are you sure you want to hear my review? Well, technically it is OK! (I enjoyed that bit about the notorious autowallahs of B'lore!) Nothing lacking. But...the content is not to my taste. Definitely not my cuppa! My strict set of values refuse to be bent by all the forceful 'modern' trends I see around me!!! This is my narration of the story as I perceived it: Karthick sees a good 'figure' standing alone. His interest is aroused instantly. Luckily for him he gets to buy her extra ticket and sits next to her to watch a Kannada film he doesn't understand!Keeps casting lascivious looks at her in the dark, gallantly offers snacks and follows her outside the theatre to see her off. Again luck is on his side and her inability to get an auto makes her accept his offer to drop her at her place. Polished modern youth they are they stop at Desmonds and he never takes his eyes off her being congeniality itself through the party. To a complete stranger she tells her disappointment at becoming an orthodentist as per the desire of her dentist parents and not following her passion for dancing. The prey is an easy one, he feels. He adds about his sad return from the US to take up family responsibilities. Nice bonding! Huh! Preethi's eyes widen when she learns that he doesn't have to pay there, that he owns the place. From then she is all smiles and brightness. Odious and obvious. She proposes coffee. He says he prefers his home coffee to any coffee shop coffee. Mind you, he is not still openly inviting her to his place! A very decent 'gentleman'. But she has no scruples about inviting herself to his place at night. Such brazen attitudes and approaches of 'modern' females are subjects for my deep concern and scorn! She is 'ready' for anything. She is not afraid. And everything follows ditto as per both their calculation. The 'starved' woman is satisfied- her note says it. But, alas, it is an anti climax for our hero(called romantic by Preethi for sitting through a movie he doesn't understand-confident anticipation, I call it) and his replying note says it- oh, the bitch doesn't understand it!!!
I warned you, tigger2! Can't help it. I make no secret of how I can't empathise or sympathise with 'starving' women! I have better standards for women (and men too!).Old hubber friends who know me will vouch for it.
The youngsters in my family hasten to warn me against watching any of these new movies being released lately to save me from hypertension. I have literally stopped watching movies! My interest lies in participating in essay contests about closure of tasmac!!! I stopped visiting a females site after the 'modern' upstarts started showing crass attitudes towards my articles.
Instead of depicting realism, the truthful occurrences and indirectly getting them endorsed, accepted, normalised why not try to uphold precious values? Why not depict the beauty of love differentiating it from lust? Lust is a common instinct we share with beasts; love is purely human, unique to the intellectual, intelligent, consummate species!

thanks for the support! I will try to address pp's points.

thanks for your review. you have some valid points, but for the most part I thought it was a little extreme and you made a lot of assumptions to reinforce some stereotypes that you have about men.

first off, I liked the fact that the story turns upside down some stereotypes. usually it is the man who is looking for a one-night stand and it is the woman who looks for a long term relationship. in this case karthik was really impressed with her and when he saw the word "forever" in her note, he went in search of her thinking that the relationship will be forever. that's why he was so disappointed when he saw that she was already married. of course she just meant that the memories will be with her forever.

I did not show him looking at certain parts of her body in the theater. so how did you assume that his glance was "lascivious"? he was just admiring her. fyi men can keep looking at woman and enjoy their beauty without having dirty thoughts! also, this is a guy who has been in the US for a few years and got to experience the world, someone in his 30s. your usage of "figure", "prey" etc. implies some sex-crazed teenager which is not the case.

I would also take issue with your use of the words "starved" woman, since you are assuming that she was sex-starved at home. I did want to show that she was starved, but emotionally, not physically.

one of the issues in society is that no one cares what damage happens to a woman's psyche emotionally. but the moment she does something with her body physically everyone is up in arms against it. why the double standard? were you this offended by movies like bama rukmani, rettai vaal kuruvi etc even though in those movies the hero was two-timing two women? how about praying to Gods like Murugan, Krishna etc that have two women by their side? do you scrupulously avoid praying to these Gods because they have two wifes?

btw I am not advocating that women start getting into extra-marital relationships. i am just saying that in this story, a woman did spend the night with another man, but it was under very special circumstances and she herself decides that it was a one-off event that will never happen again. so give her a break! do not label her as "loose" and "sex-starved".

One thing in the film that I did not want was to show Preethi as naughty, but she purposely made her facial expressions and voice inflection naughty around the time she invited herself to his place in the restaurant. this might have misled you. If I had a choice I would have re-shot that scene, but I ran out of time. I should have instructed her properly before the scene, but I guess she did not get it.

pavalamani pragasam
27th January 2014, 08:05 AM
thanks for the support! I will try to address pp's points.

thanks for your review. you have some valid points, but for the most part I thought it was a little extreme and you made a lot of assumptions to reinforce some stereotypes that you have about men.

first off, I liked the fact that the story turns upside down some stereotypes. usually it is the man who is looking for a one-night stand and it is the woman who looks for a long term relationship. in this case karthik was really impressed with her and when he saw the word "forever" in her note, he went in search of her thinking that the relationship will be forever. that's why he was so disappointed when he saw that she was already married. of course she just meant that the memories will be with her forever.

I did not show him looking at certain parts of her body in the theater. so how did you assume that his glance was "lascivious"? he was just admiring her. fyi men can keep looking at woman and enjoy their beauty without having dirty thoughts! also, this is a guy who has been in the US for a few years and got to experience the world, someone in his 30s. your usage of "figure", "prey" etc. implies some sex-crazed teenager which is not the case.

I would also take issue with your use of the words "starved" woman, since you are assuming that she was sex-starved at home. I did want to show that she was starved, but emotionally, not physically.

one of the issues in society is that no one cares what damage happens to a woman's psyche emotionally. but the moment she does something with her body physically everyone is up in arms against it. why the double standard? were you this offended by movies like bama rukmani, rettai vaal kuruvi etc even though in those movies the hero was two-timing two women? how about praying to Gods like Murugan, Krishna etc that have two women by their side? do you scrupulously avoid praying to these Gods because they have two wifes?

btw I am not advocating that women start getting into extra-marital relationships. i am just saying that in this story, a woman did spend the night with another man, but it was under very special circumstances and she herself decides that it was a one-off event that will never happen again. so give her a break! do not label her as "loose" and "sex-starved".

One thing in the film that I did not want was to show Preethi as naughty, but she purposely made her facial expressions and voice inflection naughty around the time she invited herself to his place in the restaurant. this might have misled you. If I had a choice I would have re-shot that scene, but I ran out of time. I should have instructed her properly before the scene, but I guess she did not get it.
Thanks, tigger2, for your explanations! I don't make compromises! I 'give her a break'? Never! Sorry. So, like always, let us agree to disagree agreeably! FYI, I do not worship those mythological gods you mentioned. My personal theism is one supreme power in control of the cosmos, Providence, and no idols or formal worships for my reverence. Down the ages of history, even now in many persons' lives, we see polygamy. Harlems and the monarchial habit of marrying the defeated king's daughter increasing the size of their harlems were accepted as normal politics in an age of lesser civilisation and refinement of human dignity and perception of such values. We have come up a long way. What is happening now is a relapse!!!!! A shameless descent in our moral values. Mammon rules, egoes rule, vanity rules. I am not a Taliban but I can't help being a little puritanical in my moral standards. As I said before my grievances with 'modern' trends and new-fangled ideas of women's liberation and a lot of feminism blah-blahs are infinite!!! Let me repeat again that I'm only voicing my personal opinions and no offence meant.

4th February 2014, 12:51 AM

awesome for a first effort! :)

It was warm, honest, straight from the heart and strung some notes!

Thats all is needed! 'Craft' will come; 'Soul' is the more immediate requirement and your work has it.

Loved the BGM, esp. the Raja's "vizhiyile"....that woman was beautiful and she did not look naughty at the guy at all! that was Perfect!

I can think of Mr & Mrs. Iyer and George clooney's "Up in the air" - in the sense that one is reminded of those films but definitely your work is Native and it speaks from the heart!

4th February 2014, 02:05 AM
:sigh2:Wish I were gullible enough to believe all your funny 'may be's! Why should Karthick look shocked/dismayed at seeing Preethi's family photo? This being his 1st attempt and the expenses and trouble of having done it etc has no relevance since I clearly had agreed about the technical quality of the film and clarified about my having problem only with the content and concluded suggesting examplary themes for betterment and upholding the dignity of the human race- all purely personal! No offence meant!

Did not watch the short film. But the story sounds like George Clooney's "Up in the air"! :)

4th February 2014, 02:09 AM
"Because it is a "short-film" everything has to be shown in a short-time. One need to understand that!" :lol:

This would justify any flaws in the movie or not?! :)

4th February 2014, 04:26 PM
I agree with you mam!!

4th February 2014, 04:27 PM
Nice Movie Elango, liked it!!

4th February 2014, 07:52 PM
Mr. Elango.. Very good attempt. I could not believe this was your very first attempt. Excellent making shown there. The dark background in those car travel scenes added more beauty to their budding relation and the way Raja enters into that was a sync perfect. Content wise, I liked the plot. Your way of travel with the plot also nice. But given a chance, I would avoid keeping that climax scene insted I would end it with that girl entering into her house where her In-Law opens the door and the script from her at his house revealing her marriage and her kid.

4th February 2014, 08:05 PM
What is a "novel idea" or plot a "creator" can come up with, these days in our society?

One could go to "star wars" or "harry potter" or "lord of the rings" or "spiderman". Usually such ideas can be NICELY EXECUTED without any "forbidden love" or trying to bring reality to typical men's "sexual fantasy world".

Such thoughts hardly come out from easterners. What else they can really do to bring a "novel plot"?

Bring out men's "fantasy sexual world" as if it happens for real. Yeah, that's a new plot, new idea! new only to the "real world". But it is always existed in a fantasy world. Is this plot not one of such "itchy thoughts" of mens' fantasy world? yes it is. But today our "IT world folks" is stepping towards to see such fantasy world to become real. So, such ideas can be sold for sure! But it will not reach the general audience unless there is some serious message in it besides the fantasy. Do anybody see any such "worthy message" here?

One can simply answer, YES or NO!

If you answer yes, "please SHOW ME" that would be my next question! :)

4th February 2014, 09:52 PM

Human relationships and emotions are the manifestation of Miracle in this world. "Ethics" is the Keyword, not morals.

The climax reinforces "ethics".

The content pisses off Moral high horses!

4th February 2014, 09:55 PM

4th February 2014, 11:42 PM

Human relationships and emotions are the manifestation of Miracle in this world. "Ethics" is the Keyword, not morals.

The climax reinforces "ethics".

The content pisses off Moral high horses!

If "YES" is the answer here, WHAT is the "serious message" told here in this short-film other than cowardly man who does not want any commitment but mere sex, loves to have "one night stand" with any unknown woman!

I have morals and I am sure everyone knows what are "good ethics".Forming sentences using "morals" and "ethics" DO NOT CONVEY "any message" here, unfortunately!

I dont want to pretend like I understood the "untold message" here! :)

5th February 2014, 04:06 AM
-deleted with warning-

5th February 2014, 09:06 AM

Thanks very much for your positive feedback. feels good!


awesome for a first effort! :)

It was warm, honest, straight from the heart and strung some notes!

Thats all is needed! 'Craft' will come; 'Soul' is the more immediate requirement and your work has it.

Loved the BGM, esp. the Raja's "vizhiyile"....that woman was beautiful and she did not look naughty at the guy at all! that was Perfect!

I can think of Mr & Mrs. Iyer and George clooney's "Up in the air" - in the sense that one is reminded of those films but definitely your work is Native and it speaks from the heart!

5th February 2014, 09:06 AM

Nice Movie Elango, liked it!!

5th February 2014, 09:09 AM
thanks for the feedback!

in the climax, the fact that she was already married was a real shock for Karthik. he could have lashed out at her. I wanted to end it by showing that he had no hard feelings, that he understood her perfectly and was willing to move on. doing it any other way would have diluted that effect.

Mr. Elango.. Very good attempt. I could not believe this was your very first attempt. Excellent making shown there. The dark background in those car travel scenes added more beauty to their budding relation and the way Raja enters into that was a sync perfect. Content wise, I liked the plot. Your way of travel with the plot also nice. But given a chance, I would avoid keeping that climax scene insted I would end it with that girl entering into her house where her In-Law opens the door and the script from her at his house revealing her marriage and her kid.

5th February 2014, 09:22 AM

a movie does not need to have a message. I was not trying to make a K Bhagyaraj movie.. :)
but I liked the takeaway from this movie that a woman who strays outside of marriage is not necessarily a bad person.


If "YES" is the answer here, WHAT is the "serious message" told here in this short-film other than cowardly man who does not want any commitment but mere sex, loves to have "one night stand" with any unknown woman!

I have morals and I am sure everyone knows what are "good ethics".Forming sentences using "morals" and "ethics" DO NOT CONVEY "any message" here, unfortunately!

I dont want to pretend like I understood the "untold message" here! :)

5th February 2014, 09:51 AM
thanks for the feedback!

in the climax, the fact that she was already married was a real shock for Karthik. he could have lashed out at her. I wanted to end it by showing that he had no hard feelings, that he understood her perfectly and was willing to move on. doing it any other way would have diluted that effect. I beg to differ. Anyway, let us agree to disagree.

5th February 2014, 10:21 AM
உங்கள் தாடியிலும், ப்ரீத்தியின் முகத்திலும் சிரிக்கும் போது கூட சின்னதாய் ஒரு சோகம். இயக்குனரே நடிகருமா? கடைசியில் பெயர் போடுவதற்கும் காணொளி பதிப்பாளரின் பெயரும் வெவ்வேறாக இருக்கிறதே!

pavalamani pragasam
5th February 2014, 02:48 PM

a movie does not need to have a message. I was not trying to make a K Bhagyaraj movie.. :)
but I liked the takeaway from this movie that a woman who strays outside of marriage is not necessarily a bad person.

New concepts and new trends upheld a la Jesus Christ mode(ie old trends and customs making a comeback, actually, a down slide!): a woman straying outside marriage is not necessarily bad! Message to piss off Moral high horses! Got it? All married and unmarried and divorced women out there: heartening news for you! :huh: Not old enough yet to learn/understand men's dictionary!!!:noteeth:

5th February 2014, 07:03 PM
trigger 2: I never feel comfortable to comment on any creator's effort face to face. My morals wont allow such. So, I should appreciate the effort u put spending lots of money. All the best and wish you all success.

I did not say "that woman" is a bad person. Did I? If you carefully look at it, it is men who create such woman to satisfy their "sexual fantasy".

Men make it look like women love that too! That is how they manipulate women from old days. They continue doing that even today. Anyway, I am only concerned about the SERIOUS consequences of "such one-night stand" or "casual sex" when someone is cheating on their partner who trusted her/him.

In general, men want to "fool around" without any "long-term" commitment. They enjoy such "sexual fantasy" coming true. Nobody controls them living single and fool around all their life. BUT THEY WONT! That's the funny part!

This movie shows only about two people's emotions. I wanted to show you that it can have serious consequences (like this unfaithful scene) unlike someone claiming here that human emotions (JUST SEX) as miraculous blah blah bullshit. Men justify their weaknesses by talking this kind of BS using words like "miracle" "ethics" "moral horses" etc.

They are cowards. They are "too quick" in everything. Such men are useless to women! Especially YOU NEED TO HEAR that from WOMEN! Again dont fool around hearing Mens' opinion on how women feel about such worthless "quickies"!

pavalamani pragasam
5th February 2014, 07:15 PM
Well said, thamiz!

5th February 2014, 08:17 PM
I think Semantics is important here. I said the woman is not necessarily bad.. I did not say what she did was not bad...
or in other words, condemn the action if you want to, but do not condemn the person.

that is what I want to point out.. especially in the movie.. when a man does something bad, he is forgiven, and all is well. In movies usually, when a woman does something bad like this, she is either killed off, or put in jail, or something bad happens to her. I wanted to change that.

New concepts and new trends upheld a la Jesus Christ mode(ie old trends and customs making a comeback, actually, a down slide!): a woman straying outside marriage is not necessarily bad! Message to piss off Moral high horses! Got it? All married and unmarried and divorced women out there: heartening news for you! :huh: Not old enough yet to learn/understand men's dictionary!!!:noteeth:

5th February 2014, 08:34 PM

criticism is fine as long as it is not over the top. so you are good... :)

I have had different reactions from women for this movie. some really liked it. some did not and said it was not believable. some empathized with the character, and said they could relate because they have been controlled all their life. One girl did not mention anything about what happened that night.. she was so intent on the fact that in her life too she was not allowed to choose a career or a husband herself. She did not say this, but I would like to think that to her, the fact that the girl cheated on her husband was not that relevant.

to me, the fact that she may or may not have slept with this stranger is a detail in the movie, not the main crux of the movie. so when people fixate on this issue alone ignoring everything else in the movie, it throws as much light on the commentators as it does on the movie-creator.

trigger 2: I never feel comfortable to comment any creator's effort face to face. My morals wont allow such. So, I should appreciate the effort u put spending lots of money. All the best and wish you all success.

I did not say "that woman" is a bad person. Did I? If you carefully look at it is men who create such woman to satisfy their "sexual fantasy". They make it look like women love that too! That is how they manipulate women right from old days. They continue doing that even today. Anyway, I am only concerned about the SERIOUS consequences of "such one-night stand" or "casual sex" when someone is cheating on their partner who trusted her/him.

In general, men want to "fool around" without any "long-term" commitment. They enjoy such fantasy coming true. Nobody controls them living single and fool around all their life. BUT THEY WONT! This movie shows only about two people's emotions. I wanted to show you that it can have serious consequences (like this unfaithful scene) unlike someone claiming here that human emotions (JUST SEX) as miraculous blah blah bullshit. Men justify their weakness by talking this kind of BS using words like "miracle" "ethics" "moral horses".

They are cowards. They are "too quick" in everything. Such men are useless to women! YOU NEED TO HEAR that from WOMEN! Again dont fool around hearing Mens' opinion on how women feel about such worthless "quickies"!

5th February 2014, 08:39 PM
no.. the hero is an actor from Chennai named Jayaprakash. His next commercial release is yaazh, where he has a character role. I did appear in a few scenes.. :) in the opening few minutes I am standing at the bus-stop. I can also be seen entering just before the pair leaves the restaurant.

இயக்குனரே நடிகருமா? கடைசியில் பெயர் போடுவதற்கும் காணொளி பதிப்பாளரின் பெயரும் வெவ்வேறாக இருக்கிறதே!

5th February 2014, 10:26 PM

criticism is fine as long as it is not over the top. so you are good... :)

I have had different reactions from women for this movie. some really liked it. some did not and said it was not believable. some empathized with the character, and said they could relate because they have been controlled all their life. One girl did not mention anything about what happened that night.. she was so intent on the fact that in her life too she was not allowed to choose a career or a husband herself. She did not say this, but I would like to think that to her, the fact that the girl cheated on her husband was not that relevant.

to me, the fact that she may or may not have slept with this stranger is a detail in the movie, not the main crux of the movie. so when people fixate on this issue alone ignoring everything else in the movie, it throws as much light on the commentators as it does on the movie-creator.

My criticisms are general, on men-women issues. Not just on the creator!

Let me get into that.. It is true you have not shown anything explicitly but..

Our hero is kind of shocked when he learns that she has a child and partner! Here is where the problem comes. I wonder WHY? He should have anticipated that "possibility" too! Does he think, she is just imported to "this world" "as an attractive woman" when he started ogling at her?

The night "they spend together" was so short that and she did not even have time to reveal whether she is a "mother" or "wife" or anything about herself.

May be they are like-minded people had a chat about IR music and all that. That is not such big deal! That will never make that night special, imo.

Like I said, "strangers" always look fresh. When they get to know the "truth" about each other, and their background they will look like "such a bore". The "stranger" will fall in a category you already met and got bored with it. They wont look special anymore. That is why people go for such short-term relationship looking for a "stranger". Because they can't take the TRUTH or REALITY! They want to be ignorant and stupid on purpose! Their "ignorance" make them special for that night. Next day, she wont be special anymore. Because the hero learns that she is another normal woman! :lol:

5th February 2014, 10:36 PM
Hehe! Dubaakkur moralist & first rate male-chauvinist Rajinikanthu movies always send out MESSAGES like :

"பொம்பளைங்கன்னா அடக்கமா இருக்கணும். பஜாரித்தனம் பண்ணக்கூடாது. ஆம்பளகிட்ட அடங்கி நடக்கணும் அடாவடித்தனம் பண்னக் கூடாது" et al...

We usually Don't see criticisms for cr*p like that from most morality Policewomen who preach from their Oracle pedestal!

Infact, Balachander's movies through 1970s and 80s had this Rebellious - sometimes even adulterous portrayal of woman, and women loved his Films!

Truth is always Stranger than fiction and sometimes even wilder than Pornography!

People who grew out of Ambulimama stories and Rajinikanth films should not have much difficulty in appreciating that "Grey" is the color when it comes to Human Emotions and Black or White usually dont work!

The Short film in question is absolutely true to its premise and well executed. The climax says it all and it happened to 2 mature people not some teens with wet dreams!

Again Ethics VS Morals should sum it up.

There was a time when Woman were not allowed to expect that an Husband should take care of "all" her needs or her most "intimate" needs. We had a Kanimozhi who divorced her first husband because he was impotent! (can you believe that?!)

If a woman in her moment chose to have a relationship with someone and decided that it was a one-off and left it behind her - thats her choice.

Myths being exploded here:

1) Ah! IT people build these adulterous stories

Bang: It happens to all sections of the society

2) No matter what a woman cannot and wont do stuff like that

Bang: A woman can and will do whatever a Man can do..its nature... She is not a "doll" to be manipulated or Key-operated. That kind of cr*appy portrayal usually comes from Prudes or uptight maniacs who would usually be a nightmare to their partners!

3) These portrayals are from wet dreams of Men who "prey" on Woman.

Bang: Actually, it takes a lot of Maturity and respect towards woman - to earn this Kind of Love/relationship from woman, which usually would be based on ethics.
Slam-dunk guys get bimbos not "woman!"

The sociological dimension of it are a vast subject which needs to be handled by Woman/Men who dont Salivate at the Machismo of the Screen Heros and/or Worship celibacy!

5th February 2014, 10:53 PM
no.. the hero is an actor from Chennai named Jayaprakash. His next commercial release is yaazh, where he has a character role. I did appear in a few scenes.. :) in the opening few minutes I am standing at the bus-stop. I can also be seen entering just before the pair leaves the restaurant.


Jayaprakash stars in Yaazh? He is not the lead actor though?....

Coming back to your short film... There are some subtle moments like when she is waiting for (presumably) her hubby, to go to her Favorite Drama - he doesn't turn up right..indicating he does not give much respect to her Sensibilities and her "rasanai"... then this guy goes with her (getting the ticket from her) and later when she realises that he put up through a full length Girish Karnad drama without knowing the Language - just to be impulsively with her!

That's romantic!

Even in Mrs & Mr Iyer - similar theme had been explored..

BaluMahendhra slightly touched this in his "Marupadiyum".

5th February 2014, 11:08 PM
It is always men who LOUDLY says what WOMEN like or dislike! Men are IGNORANT and they should keep their loud mouth shut and let women SPEAK what they like.

WE DID NOT learn late writer sujatha was a MCP until his wife opened her mouth after his death!

That is how the world is. IGNORANT!

We need to talk to KB's wife how much she enjoyed "adultery" KB portrayed in his movies.

Why it is always some loud-mouthed men who tells WHAT women like or does not like!

pavalamani pragasam
5th February 2014, 11:12 PM
Hehe! Dubaakkur moralist & first rate male-chauvinist Rajinikanthu movies always send out MESSAGES like :

"பொம்பளைங்கன்னா அடக்கமா இருக்கணும். பஜாரித்தனம் பண்ணக்கூடாது. ஆம்பளகிட்ட அடங்கி நடக்கணும் அடாவடித்தனம் பண்னக் கூடாது" et al...

We usually Don't see criticisms for cr*p like that from most morality Policewomen who preach from their Oracle pedestal!

Infact, Balachander's movies through 1970s and 80s had this Rebellious - sometimes even adulterous portrayal of woman, and women loved his Films!

Truth is always Stranger than fiction and sometimes even wilder than Pornography!

People who grew out of Ambulimama stories and Rajinikanth films should not have much difficulty in appreciating that "Grey" is the color when it comes to Human Emotions and Black or White usually dont work!

The Short film in question is absolutely true to its premise and well executed. The climax says it all and it happened to 2 mature people not some teens with wet dreams!

Again Ethics VS Morals should sum it up.

There was a time when Woman were not allowed to expect that an Husband should take care of "all" her needs or her most "intimate" needs. We had a Kanimozhi who divorced her first husband because he was impotent! (can you believe that?!)

If a woman in her moment chose to have a relationship with someone and decided that it was a one-off and left it behind her - thats her choice.

Myths being exploded here:

1) Ah! IT people build these adulterous stories

Bang: It happens to all sections of the society

2) No matter what a woman cannot and wont do stuff like that

Bang: A woman can and will do whatever a Man can do..its nature... She is not a "doll" to be manipulated or Key-operated. That kind of cr*appy portrayal usually comes from Prudes or uptight maniacs who would usually be a nightmare to their partners!

3) These portrayals are from wet dreams of Men who "prey" on Woman.

Bang: Actually, it takes a lot of Maturity and respect towards woman - to earn this Kind of Love/relationship from woman, which usually would be based on ethics.
Slam-dunk guys get bimbos not "woman!"

The sociological dimension of it are a vast subject which needs to be handled by Woman/Men who dont Salivate at the Machismo of the Screen Heros and/or Worship celibacy!
A very characteristic post with lots of assumptions, generalisations, insinuations and blatant accusations-unwarranted. Never have I spared Balachander from my scathing, strong criticism! Old posts in this very forum and my address in a ladies college and my blogs can vouch for it. This practice of propagating a belief that women think like this, women feel like this, women are suffering like this, women are liberated like this is profitable, sensational grist for mill- fills the coffers, keeps the media abuzz. Lots of big shots have done this to be in the lime light. How eager mature, respectful men are to herald a world of super relationships! What a farce! Mainly such glib talks make most women refrain from voicing their criticism. A futile exercise, indeed! How amusing to take the women's views heard by the film-maker about the movie as the real opinion of the vast majority of the population! A real beautiful world does exist in spite of everything!!! Thank God! Nothing -no tidal waves of new-fangled ideas-can shake the rock of integrity and dignity of both men and women. Our moustached bard put it as common for both the sexes. It takes two to tango!!!

5th February 2014, 11:16 PM
>> assumptions, generalisations, insinuations and blatant accusations-unwarranted <<

That's spread right thru this thread!

Everyone's got their opinion and this can work both ways - aint it?!

5th February 2014, 11:18 PM
It is always men who LOUDLY says what WOMEN like! Men are IGNORANT that they should keep their loud mouth shut and let women SPEAK what they like.

WE DID NOT learn late writer sujatha was a MCP until his wife opened her mouth after his death!

That is how the world is IGNORANT!

We need to talk to KB's wife how much she enjoyed "adultery" KB portrayed in his movies.

Why it is always some loud-mouthed men who tells WHAT women like!

Shouldn't we Ask Latha rajinikant about how she loved the Crude Chauvinism of Rajinikanth's movies?

Or perhaps with his Daughter Aishwarys rajinikanth who Slippered his Obsolete Conservative male chavinist BS with the way she married?

5th February 2014, 11:25 PM
Shouldn't we Ask Latha rajinikant about how she loved the Crude Chauvinism of Rajinikanth's movies?

GO TALK to her RIGHT NOW! YOu got my approval! I wonder why do you need my approval to approach her!

5th February 2014, 11:27 PM
சரியா பிடிச்சிங்க ஜீனோ! தமிழில் மசாலாப் படம் என்ற பெயரில் குடும்பத்தோடு இரண்டரை மணி நேரம் நம் வாழும் வாழ்க்கைக்கு கொஞ்சமே உதவாத மோசமான கருத்தாங்களை பார்த்து ரசிப்பார்களாம். பெண்ணடிமைத் தனத்தை தூக்கிப் பிடிக்கும், பெண்களை கொச்சைப் படுத்தும் இரட்டை அர்த்த வசனங்கள் என தமிழ் மசாலாப் படங்களே சீர்கெட்டுப் போன நிலையில் இதுபோன்ற குறும்படங்களை மட்டும் கத்தி முனையில் அணுகுவது முரண்.

என்ன செய்யலாம் இந்த குறும்பட மாந்தர்களை? உதிரிப்பூக்கள் போல, உயிரோடு நட்டாற்றில் இறக்கிவிடலாமா?

5th February 2014, 11:33 PM
சரியா பிடிச்சிங்க ஜீனோ! தமிழில் மசாலாப் படம் என்ற பெயரில் குடும்பத்தோடு இரண்டரை மணி நேரம் நம் வாழும் வாழ்க்கைக்கு கொஞ்சமே உதவாத மோசமான கருத்தாங்களை பார்த்து ரசிப்பார்களாம். பெண்ணடிமைத் தனத்தை தூக்கிப் பிடிக்கும், பெண்களை கொச்சைப் படுத்தும் இரட்டை அர்த்த வசனங்கள் என தமிழ் மசாலாப் படங்களே சீர்கெட்டுப் போன நிலையில் இதுபோன்ற குறும்படங்களை மட்டும் கத்தி முனையில் அணுகுவது முரண்.

என்ன செய்யலாம் இந்த குறும்பட மாந்தர்களை? உதிரிப்பூக்கள் போல, உயிரோடு நட்டாற்றில் இறக்கிவிடலாமா?

If you mean the moral police:

Kids chould be chided and perhaps made to sit in the corner on a chair!

Prison term, conviction - ellAm not needed!!

pavalamani pragasam
5th February 2014, 11:37 PM
சரியா பிடிச்சிங்க ஜீனோ! தமிழில் மசாலாப் படம் என்ற பெயரில் குடும்பத்தோடு இரண்டரை மணி நேரம் நம் வாழும் வாழ்க்கைக்கு கொஞ்சமே உதவாத மோசமான கருத்தாங்களை பார்த்து ரசிப்பார்களாம். பெண்ணடிமைத் தனத்தை தூக்கிப் பிடிக்கும், பெண்களை கொச்சைப் படுத்தும் இரட்டை அர்த்த வசனங்கள் என தமிழ் மசாலாப் படங்களே சீர்கெட்டுப் போன நிலையில் இதுபோன்ற குறும்படங்களை மட்டும் கத்தி முனையில் அணுகுவது முரண்.

என்ன செய்யலாம் இந்த குறும்பட மாந்தர்களை? உதிரிப்பூக்கள் போல, உயிரோடு நட்டாற்றில் இறக்கிவிடலாமா?

ஏன் இந்த கொலைவெறி? யார் மசாலா படங்களை பார்த்து ரசித்தார்கள்? :roll: கத்தி முனையில் அணுகியது அசிங்கமான புது கலாசாரத்தை!:twisted: அதை ஆதரிக்கும் அணுகுமுறையை!:twisted:

5th February 2014, 11:44 PM
>> அசிங்கமான புது கலாசாரத்தை <<

சகுனி மகா முனிவன் புதிதாய் என்னத்தை எழுத வேணும்? வியாச முனிவரே விவரமாகத்தானே எழுதியிருக்கிறார்- திரௌபதிக்கு முந்தியவள்களின்
'கற்பு' பாரம்பரியத்தை! திருதிராட்டினர், பாண்டு, விதுரர், கர்ணன், தருமர், பீமன், அர்ச்சுனன், சகுலன், சகாதேவன்- இவர்கள் யாருமே கணவன்-மனைவி கூடிப் பிறக்கவில்லையே!

Hahahaha! Then what's New?

>>அசிங்கமான புது கலாசாரத்தை <<

5th February 2014, 11:48 PM
ஏன் இந்த கொலைவெறி? Please read your initial posts in this thread.

யார் மசாலா படங்களை பார்த்து ரசித்தார்கள்? :roll: Majority.

கத்தி முனையில் அணுகியது அசிங்கமான புது கலாசாரத்தை!:twisted: அதை ஆதரிக்கும் அணுகுமுறையை!:twisted:

Its your personal view Madam.

5th February 2014, 11:56 PM
Venkiram sir:

Everybody is sharing their personal view. But some men here are speaking for women and what they say what women like! I wonder why?! Let KB's wife and Latha Rajnikanth speak for themselves just like Sujatha wife revealed about how she was treated by her husband! OK!

pavalamani pragasam
5th February 2014, 11:56 PM
>> அசிங்கமான புது கலாசாரத்தை <<

Hahahaha! Then what's New?

>>அசிங்கமான புது கலாசாரத்தை <<
"பரசுராமன் அவதாரம், மனோகரன் மனிதன்"-இதிகாச கதைகள், இட்டுக்கட்டிய காட்டுமிராண்டிக்கதைகள் பண்டைய கால, பகுத்தறிவும், பல விதமாய் மனித மேன்மையை பகுத்தறியும் நாகரிகமும் வளராத விட்டலாச்சார்யா மாடல் கதைகள் இன்று என்ன விதத்தில் பொருந்தும்? ஆமை போல் ஐந்தடக்க சொன்ன வள்ளுவம் மறந்து மக்கள் மாக்களாய் மாறியது புது 'நாகரிகமே'!

6th February 2014, 12:05 AM
Venkiram sir:

Everybody is sharing their personal view. But some men here are speaking for women and what they like! I wonder why! Let KB's wife and Latha Rajnikanth speak for themselves just like Sujatha wife revealed about how she was treated by her husband! OK!

அப்படி ஒவ்வொருத்தரின் மனைவியையும் வெளிப்படையாகச் சொல்லித்தான் தெரிந்துகொள்ளணும் என அவசியம் இல்லையென நினைக்கிறேன். பெண்ணடிமை, ஆணாதிக்கம் என்பது எதோ ஆண் சமூகத்திற்கு மட்டுமே உரித்தானது அல்ல. அப்படிப்பட்ட சூழலில் தலைமுறை தலைமுறையாய் வாழ்ந்து வரும் அடிமைப் பெண்களும்தான். நிறைய வீட்டில் பெண்களுக்கு பெண்ணடிமைத் தனத்தை போதிப்பது கூட பெண்கள் தான். அதனால குரல்களுக்கு ஜெண்டர் முத்திரை போடவேண்டாம் என்பது என் நிலைப்பாடு.

6th February 2014, 12:12 AM
"பரசுராமன் அவதாரம், மனோகரன் மனிதன்"-இதிகாச கதைகள், இட்டுக்கட்டிய காட்டுமிராண்டிக்கதைகள் பண்டைய கால, பகுத்தறிவும், பல விதமாய் மனித மேன்மையை பகுத்தறியும் நாகரிகமும் வளராத விட்டலாச்சார்யா மாடல் கதைகள் இன்று என்ன விதத்தில் பொருந்தும்?
ஆமை போல் ஐந்தடக்க சொன்ன வள்ளுவம் மறந்து மக்கள் மாக்களாய் மாறியது புது 'நாகரிகமே'!

காமத்துப்பாலை எழுதிய கோமகனும் வள்ளுவன்-தான்!

காமத்துப்பால் - 1 களவு இயல்
109 தகையணங்குறுத்தல் - குறள் 1082

நோக்கினாள் நோக்கெதிர் நோக்குதல் தக்கணங்கு
தானைக்கொண் டன்னது உடைத்து

புதுக்கவிதை உரை:
பார்த்தேன் நான் அவளை
பார்த்தாள் அவளும் என்னை
வெறுமனே அவள் பார்த்தாலே
அந்தப் பார்வை எனைக்
கொன்று குவிப்பதாய் இருக்க
ஒரு படையையே
தன் விழிகளில் திரட்டி
பார்த்துத் தொலைத்தாளே


செங்கால் மடநாராய்!
தென் உறந்தை சேறியேல்,
நின் கால்மேல் வைப்பான் என்
கையிரண்டும் - வன்பால்க்
கரை உரிஞ்சி மீன் பிறழும்
காவிரி நீர் நாடற்(கு),
உரையாயோ யான் உற்ற

( அழகிய நாரையே, தெற்கேயுள்ள
உறையூருக்குச் செல்வாயானால்,
உன் காலைப் பிடித்துக் கும்பிடத் தயார்.
தேகத்தின் வலிமை காரணமாகக் கரையின்
மேல் உராய்ந்து, உராய்ந்து ஏறிய மீனானது
மறுபடியும் நீரில் விழுந்து விடுகிற மீனின்
தேகக்கொழுப்பு சோழனுக்கு யான்
உற்ற காதல் கூறுவாயக!)


துடியடி, தோல்ச்செவி தூங்குகை, நால்வாய்ப்
பிடியே! யான் நின்னை இரப்பால், கடிகமழ்தார்ச்
சேலேக வண்ணனொடு சேரி புகுதலும், எம்
சாலேகம் சார் நட.

(கெஞ்சி கேட்டுக்கொள்ளுகிறேன்.
வாசனை கமழும் மாலை சூடிய,
சந்தனம் பூசிய பாண்டியனோடு,
ஊருக்குள் பிரவேசிக்கவும் அதாவது,
நீராடிவிட்டு உன்மேல் ஏறி
ஊருக்குள் மன்னன் புகும் போது,
எங்கள் வீட்டு ஜன்னலை ஒட்டி
நடந்து வரவேண்டும்.
நான் அங்கு நின்று கொண்டிருப்பேன்
விஷயம் தெரிகிறதா, பிடியே?)

{அரசனைக் கண் குளிரப் பார்த்துவிட வேண்டுமென்ற
ஆத்திரம் அப்படி இருக்கிறது அந்த பெண்ணுக்கு !}

6th February 2014, 12:14 AM
அப்படி ஒவ்வொருத்தரின் மனைவியையும் வெளிப்படையாகச் சொல்லித்தான் தெரிந்துகொள்ளணும் என அவசியம் இல்லையென நினைக்கிறேன். பெண்ணடிமை, ஆணாதிக்கம் என்பது எதோ ஆண் சமூகத்திற்கு மட்டுமே உரித்தானது அல்ல. அப்படிப்பட்ட சூழலில் தலைமுறை தலைமுறையாய் வாழ்ந்து வரும் அடிமைப் பெண்களும்தான். நிறைய வீட்டில் பெண்களுக்கு பெண்ணடிமைத் தனத்தை போதிப்பது கூட பெண்கள் தான். அதனால குரல்களுக்கு ஜெண்டர் முத்திரை போடவேண்டாம் என்பது என் நிலைப்பாடு.

The point here is if some MEN are pretending feminists would not make them as feminist. Because men are manipulative. They manipulate everything. Let men speak for themselves and of course they can share their personal view. This is 21st century. You still want to speak for women and what they like as if THEY DONT HAVE a mouth? Is that hard to understand??

6th February 2014, 12:17 AM
காமத்துப்பாலை எழுதிய கோமகனும் வள்ளுவன்-தான்!

Agreed. I think he was ANOTHER MAN?

Or, vaLLuvan was a girl?

Educate me, please!

6th February 2014, 12:20 AM
The point here is if some MEN are pretending feminists would not make them as feminist. Because men are manipulative. They manipulate everything. Let men speak for themselves and of course they can share their personal view. This is 21st century. You still what to speak for women and what they like as if THEY DONT HAVE a mouth? Is that hard to understand??

Some "kondai" at some point of time in early 20th century:

Let "believers" (read Shudhras) Speak for themselves why should Erode Ramasamy Naicker and his Atheist henchmen speak of God and the varna created by God?

another kondai:

"Pottu kattuthal"(Read forcible temple prostitution) is a Pure Hindoo belief system. and it is a right of the brahmin poosari!
Atheists cannot protest what believers should do inside temples!

6th February 2014, 12:22 AM
Agreed. I think he was ANOTHER MAN?

Or, vaLLuvan was a girl?

Educate me, please!

PP quoted Valluvar: ஆமை போல் ஐந்தடக்க சொன்ன வள்ளுவம்

I quoted kAmaththuppAl kuRaL!

6th February 2014, 12:24 AM
PP quoted Valluvar: ஆமை போல் ஐந்தடக்க சொன்ன வள்ளுவம்

I quoted kAmaththuppAl kuRaL!

I reminded you that vaLLuvan is another MAN. He could not have understood women feelings just like other men here who speak for women! That's all.

6th February 2014, 12:27 AM
I reminded you that vaLLuvan is another MAN. He could not have understood women feelings just like other men here who speak for women! That's all.

Bah! are you seriously listening to yourselves speaking?!

ஒரு பொண்ணு மனசு இன்னொரு பொண்ணுக்குதாம்மா தெரியும்?!

6th February 2014, 12:32 AM
Bah! are you seriously listening to yourselves speaking?!

ஒரு பொண்ணு மனசு இன்னொரு பொண்ணுக்குதாம்மா தெரியும்?!

Men are always pretending like THEY UNDERSTOOD women as well. They are stupid if they think so!

6th February 2014, 12:39 AM
சரி "வெள்ளி வீதியார்" - பெண்தான்!

நற்றிணை 335

நெய்தல் திணை

நற்றிணை 335, வெள்ளிவீதியார், நெய்தல் திணை - தலைவி சொன்னது

திங்களும் திகழ் வான் ஏர்தரும் இமிழ் நீர்ப்
பொங்கு திரைப் புணரியும் பாடு ஓவாதே
ஒலி சிறந்து ஓதமும் பெயரும் மலி புனற்
பல் பூங் கானல் முள் இலைத் தாழை
சோறு சொரி குடையின் கூம்பு முகை அவிழ
வளி பரந்து ஊட்டும் விளிவு இல் நாற்றமொடு
மை இரும் பனைமிசைப் பைதல உயவும்
அன்றிலும் என்புற நரலும் அன்றி
விரல் கவர்ந்து உழந்த கவர்வின் நல் யாழ்
யாமம் உய்யாமை நின்றன்று
காமம் பெரிதே களைஞரோ இலரே.

The bright moon rises to the sky,
and the swelling ocean’s waves
hit the shores relentlessly with loud noises.
In the groves with many flowers
the thorny-leaved screwpines open their tight buds
like vessels that pour out rice,
and the wind spreads its undying fragrance.
The black ibis on top of the big dark palmyra tree
cries in pain and distress without a pause,
and it is bone chilling.
A fine lute is stroked all night with no break,
and I do not wish to survive.
The music is sad.
My desire is great and my lover is not here to heal.

திங்களும் திகழ் – splendid moon, வான் ஏர்தரும் – rising on the sky, இமிழ் நீர்ப் – flowing water, பொங்கு திரைப் – abundant waves, புணரி யும் – ocean also, பாடு ஓவாதே – sound doesn’t stop, ஒலி சிறந்து – with loud noises, ஓதமும் – flooding waters, பெயரும் – move, மலி புனல் – abundant waters, பல் பூங் கானல் – grove with many flowers, முள் இலைத் தாழை – thorny leaved thāzhai, சோறு சொரி – pouring rice, குடையின் – vessel, கூம்பு முகை அவிழ – opening its tight buds, வளி – wind, பரந்து – spreads, ஊட்டும் – pour, விளிவு இல் நாற்றமொடு – undying fragrance, மை இரும் பனை – dark big palmyrah palm trees, மிசை – above, பைதல – sadness, உயவும் – in distress, அன்றிலும் – anril bird, என்புற – bones, நரலும் அன்றி -without stopping the noise, விரல் கவர்ந்து – stroke (strings) with fingers, உழந்த – sadness, கவர்வின் – desirable, நல் யாழ் – good yāzh, யாமம் – night, உய்யாமை – wish to not survive ,நின்றன்று – does not stop, காமம் பெரிதே – my desire is great, களைஞரோ இலரே – my lover who can remove it is not here

திங்கள் வானை உழுதுகொண்டிருக்கிறது.
கடல் அலையால் உறங்கவில்லை.
கடலலை (ஓதம்) வந்து வந்து போய்க்கொண்டிருக்கிறது.
தாழை மணத்தைப் பரப்பிக்கொண்டிருக்கிறது.
தாழைமேல் இருக்கும் அன்றில் பறவையும் தன் துணையுடன் நரலுகிறது (ஒலித்துக்கொண்டிருக்கிறது)
என் யாழ் என் விரல் தடவாமல் ஏங்குகிறது.
என் காமம் மிகப் பெரியது. அதைக் களைபவர் இல்லை. (என் செய்வேன்?) - என்று கவலைப்படுகிறாள் தலைவி.

6th February 2014, 01:03 AM
இன்னொரு பெண்பாற் புலவரோடு இப்போதைக்கு முடித்துக் கொள்வோம்!

குறுந்தொகை 126, ஒக்கூர் மாசாத்தியார், முல்லை திணை - தலைவி தோழியிடம் சொன்னது

இளமை பாரார் வள நசைஇச் சென்றோர்
இவணும் வாரார் எவணரோ எனப்
பெயல் புறந்தந்த பூங்கொடி முல்லைத்
தொகுமுகை இலங்கு எயிறாக
நகுமே தோழி நறுந் தண் காரே.

Kurunthokai 126, Okkūr Māsāthiyār, Mullai Thinai – What the தலைவி said to her friend

He did not think about youth
when he went desiring wealth.
He has not come back
and I wonder where he is. The rows of bright buds
on the delicate mullai
vines nurtured by the
fragrant, cool rain appear
to laugh at me, my friend.

- Translated by Vaidehi

“With scant regard for the joys of youth
He left from here seeking his fortune.
He has not yet come back!
Where could he be now?”
When thus we are worried,
The season of rain, cool and fragrant,
With its assemblage of buds,
Of the rain-fed mullai vines
Serving as its glittering teeth
Laughs at us!

- Translated by Dr. A. Dakshinamurthy

இளமை பாரார் – does not think about youth, வள நசைஇச் சென்றோர் – went with desire for wealth, இவணும் வாரார் – hasn’t come back, எவணரோ வெனப் – wondering where he is, பெயல் புறந்தந்த – protected from the rain , பூங்கொடி முல்லைத் – delicate mullai vine, தொகு முகை – buds in a row, in a bunch, இலங்கு எயி றாக – beautiful teeth – இலங்கு literal meaning is fame, renown, glory, நகுமே தோழி – will laugh my friend ,நறுந் தண் காரே - sweet cool rainy season.

6th February 2014, 01:05 AM
சரி "வெள்ளி வீதியார்" - பெண்தான்!

What are you saying? Is this "heroine" wants to sleep with some other man or a stranger than her own husband or lover??

Is that how you understood this poem or what?

6th February 2014, 01:28 AM
What are you saying? Is this "heroine" wants to sleep with some other man or a stranger than her own husband or lover??

Is that how you understood this poem or what?

என் காமம் மிகப் பெரியது. அதைக் களைபவர் இல்லை. (என் செய்வேன்?) - என்று கவலைப்படுகிறாள் தலைவி.

You got it from a woman - how she feels about her desires. Its about a women's desires. It could be anything. veLLi veethiyaar and the avvaiyaar who lived in the athiyamaan's times were truly liberated women (she was not a old woman, she was young, lovely and shares/drinks kaL with athiyamaan!)...

The original discussion was about the woman's feelings and how she impulsively acts on her feelings.

All the quotations form ancient texts are to reinforce that the act of chosing to love, chosing a partner has been equitable to both sexes.
Nothing new, except for moral police!

6th February 2014, 01:31 AM
"பாலை" என்னவெல்லாம் செய்யும் என்பதை "பசலை" உற்ற பெண் அறிவாள்!


6th February 2014, 05:03 AM

So there’s been some comments about the “morals” and/or “ethics” of the characters/situation/events in the story…

Can I just ask… if we knew that Preethi was a very kind-hearted, compassionate and unselfish person, what would we think of her? I mean, if she was a doctor, who had spent a lot of time and effort providing some kind of free service to poor/disadvantaged people? Maybe she donated a lot of her own money to charity? Maybe she sponsored an academic education for economically disadvantaged students? Maybe she did a lot to provide help/support/assistance to people who needed it? And I'm sure there could be so many other admirable things about her as a person that we haven't been told about here (remember, we've only had a twenty-minute window into her life story)...

Would you still judge her negatively for just one event in her life when she did something that she later regretted?

I would – very, very respectfully – make this suggestion to the writer/director of the film – maybe the reason why a number of commentators apparently didn’t empathise with the Preethi character was because we have limited information about her background? Maybe if we knew more about her, maybe even just a little bit more – about her personality/her nature – over the years, her other personal likes, dislikes, hopes, fears, desires, anxieties, previous achievements, future aims, other joys and disappointments in her life – maybe if we knew a bit more about her, maybe, just maybe, we would be less inclined to apply our standards to her actions, maybe we would understand her just a little better...

The above comment not intended in any way to be a harsh criticism, just a very respectful suggestion you may wish to take into consideration when writing your next script/making your next film, etc.

As I stated earlier, while I have no experience of making films, I have previously tried my hand at writing short stories, so I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about the art of story-telling. That’s where my opinions/ideas originate from, although of course I’m not a professional nor any kind of expert! One tip which may be useful - of course you're almost certainly aware of this already – you could try writing the script backwards – i.e. start at the end of the story, and from there, work out how it might have all begun... this is the kind of story where the situations drive the characters, not the other way round... just my thoughts :-)

Best wishes!


pavalamani pragasam
6th February 2014, 08:05 AM
What are you saying? Is this "heroine" wants to sleep with some other man or a stranger than her own husband or lover??

Is that how you understood this poem or what?
Male assumptions! :rotfl:

pavalamani pragasam
6th February 2014, 08:09 AM
"பாலை" என்னவெல்லாம் செய்யும் என்பதை "பசலை" உற்ற பெண் அறிவாள்!

Who disagreed with that? Who advocates celibacy? Not we! ஒழுக்க நெறி பிறழாமல் வாழவே விரும்பும் மானமுள்ள பெண்ணினம்! விட விரும்பவில்லையே ஆணினம்!

pavalamani pragasam
6th February 2014, 08:15 AM

So there’s been some comments about the “morals” and/or “ethics” of the characters/situation/events in the story…

Can I just ask… if we knew that Preethi was a very kind-hearted, compassionate and unselfish person, what would we think of her? I mean, if she was a doctor, who had spent a lot of time and effort providing some kind of free service to poor/disadvantaged people? Maybe she donated a lot of her own money to charity? Maybe she sponsored an academic education for economically disadvantaged students? Maybe she did a lot to provide help/support/assistance to people who needed it? And I'm sure there could be so many other admirable things about her as a person that we haven't been told about here (remember, we've only had a twenty-minute window into her life story)...

Would you still judge her negatively for just one event in her life when she did something that she later regretted?

I would – very, very respectfully – make this suggestion to the writer/director of the film – maybe the reason why a number of commentators apparently didn’t empathise with the Preethi character was because we have limited information about her background? Maybe if we knew more about her, maybe even just a little bit more – about her personality/her nature – over the years, her other personal likes, dislikes, hopes, fears, desires, anxieties, previous achievements, future aims, other joys and disappointments in her life – maybe if we knew a bit more about her, maybe, just maybe, we would be less inclined to apply our standards to her actions, maybe we would understand her just a little better...

The above comment not intended in any way to be a harsh criticism, just a very respectful suggestion you may wish to take into consideration when writing your next script/making your next film, etc.

As I stated earlier, while I have no experience of making films, I have previously tried my hand at writing short stories, so I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about the art of story-telling. That’s where my opinions/ideas originate from, although of course I’m not a professional nor any kind of expert! One tip which may be useful - of course you're almost certainly aware of this already – you could try writing the script backwards – i.e. start at the end of the story, and from there, work out how it might have all begun... this is the kind of story where the situations drive the characters, not the other way round... just my thoughts :-)

Best wishes!

Can't understand how the woman's charitable nature can justify her lust?:roll:

6th February 2014, 08:05 PM
Bipolar: The short-movie was presented here and asked to share everyone's opinion. Some say that they love this. Some others say, I dont like this because that's against my beliefs and my morals.

The creator accepts both appreciation and criticisms and he knew that those are going to happen.

Now, one who does not like are labeled as "moral police"! Any open-minded man should be able to respect any criticisms!

You judge the heroine's attitude and let others judge the heroine's attitude as well.

Now, what are you expecting from others?

Should they judge the same manner you judge? Then SOMETHING wrong with YOU!

* The problem is Men are amazing animals in the universe. They created "prostitution" and "pornography" vicitimising "women" but they pretend like they care about women's feelings more than their owns!

* They pretend like feminists to the world and some unknown chicks. But their wives know what kind of cheats they are. They wont let the wives speak what they feel. They will speak for their wives too just like our writer, late Sujatha, until they die!

They cant satisfy their wives' desires as they act like an MCP with her. But they come out to public and worry about feelings an "attractive bimbo" who is yet to see the life and "REAL MEN"! This is what they have been doing.

pavalamani pragasam
6th February 2014, 08:33 PM
Neatly summed up!

7th February 2014, 02:00 AM
BTW, I'm curious - what's an "MCP"?

7th February 2014, 02:06 AM
A male chauvinist pig (MCP) was a term used in the 1960s among some feminists for some men, usually men with some power (such as an employer or professor), who believed that men were superior and expressed that opinion freely in word and action.

7th February 2014, 02:15 AM
My theory is men forced and convinced and brainwashed some women that they really like what these perverts want to do! It is a "mind game" men playing with women to get what they want.

If evolution is true, men and lions are "cousins" :lol:

You know what lion does when it kills another lion and take over its pride?

It kills the husband leaves the wife ( "lioness") alive but kills all the innocent "cubs" ( daughters and sons of the lioness) completely. Then it convinces the widow "lioness" to be his wife and have his children! The lioness lives with the murderer who killed her family completely, as a wife!

You could see the same with the "civilized men" in a "civilized manner" even today! Men manipulate women! They make them believe whatever he wants to do as her likings!

7th February 2014, 02:42 AM

Can I just mention - many of the comments here are about morals, ethics, feminism, etc. etc.

I'm really more interested in discussing the art/technique(s) of storytelling and/or scriptwriting - screenplay/dialogue-writing, editing, camera angles, etc.

So really I'm not trying to make any comments on morals or ethics here - I don't feel this thread is the best place for that discussion.


7th February 2014, 02:45 AM
All yours, bipolar! You can start and carry on your discussion as you wish. I promise you, I am not going to come in your way anymore! All the best! :)

7th February 2014, 04:05 AM
All yours, bipolar! You can start and carry on your discussion as you wish. I promise you, I am not going to come in your way anymore! All the best! :)

Okay, no I didn't mean it that way....

In any case, I think I have said all I have to say on this topic. I too am stepping away from this discussion...

Possibly later on, I might start some other threads to discuss some stories/scripts that I have tried... I'll be posting either on the Stories page or the TV/serials page...

8th February 2014, 09:15 AM
wow! in a few days this thread got into such a heated debate. I don't really have time to reply to every individual post, so please bear with me.

I am more liberal than conservative, especially on social issues, but I would take issue with you branding others as "moral police". moral policing is when some try to impose their morals and values on others, i.e. actually forcing people to behave the way they want by intimidation, passing laws etc. In this case thamiz, pavalamani etc are just expressing their valid (from their perspective) concerns that society is degenerating. I don't agree with them, but I can see where they are coming from.

this was my first attempt at film-making. there was quite a bit that I wanted to show in terms of how Karthik impressed Preeti, but could not due to inexperience. I could not show much about Preeti's character since I wanted to conceal that she was married till the end. everything has a +ve and a -ve. Due to my nature I always look at the positives. I feel that under the right circumstances, when two people are together, even if it is but for a brief period, nothing else matters. if they enjoy each others company and understand each other, then everything else just melts away. it may be idealistic, but I strongly feel this way. so even if I did build up her character in terms of the good she has done in her life, some will still view her as bad, and some will give her the benefit of the doubt and view her as good.

you all will be happy to hear that I have the broad outline of my next story. no controversies, extra-marital affairs or anything like that! :)
it's about this desi guy who comes to the US with the sole aim of earning money, then returning to India and enjoying the rest of his life. his family is in debt, so he slums it out here without experiencing much that the US has to offer. eventually though, when it gets closer to the time he returns, he falls in love with this single mom (american or abcd - not decided), and at the same time his wedding is fixed in india with a girl from a rich family. how does he resolve this?

8th February 2014, 10:26 AM
I feel that under the right circumstances, when two people are together, even if it is but for a brief period, nothing else matters. if they enjoy each others company and understand each other, then everything else just melts away. it may be idealistic, but I strongly feel this way.

tigger2: I congratulate you for having the courage to portray what you felt were real human feelings and situations (சில நேரங்களில் சில மனிதர்கள்!) in your first venture into movie making. I liked the finished product; considering that this was your first venture, and the limitations involved in making a short movie with possibly limited resources. I am sure that the feelings expressed on these pages by the reviewers would be helpful to you. My only advice to you is to continue to be true to yourself and how you feel about people, their feelings and the situations and circumstances. Whatever you create, there will be people who love it or people who will hate it with a passion. I hope you will not start making movies just to make people like them. Looking forward to your next production! :)

11th February 2014, 03:55 AM
thanks Raagadevan for your encouraging words.
Yes, I do intend to only make films that appeal to my sensibilities and that strike a chord with me. I like breaking stereotypes. Hopefully I will have a script ready this year for my next short film!

tigger2: I congratulate you for having the courage to portray what you felt were real human feelings and situations (சில நேரங்களில் சில மனிதர்கள்!) in your first venture into movie making. I liked the finished product; considering that this was your first venture, and the limitations involved in making a short movie with possibly limited resources. I am sure that the feelings expressed on these pages by the reviewers would be helpful to you. My only advice to you is to continue to be true to yourself and how you feel about people, their feelings and the situations and circumstances. Whatever you create, there will be people who love it or people who will hate it with a passion. I hope you will not start making movies just to make people like them. Looking forward to your next production! :)