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View Full Version : You disagree with leftists

10th February 2005, 03:55 PM
The divide between ideologically disparate groups is getting wider and other threads are affected because of the hostility. So whoever wants to bash up the leftists, wherever they might be in the universe, this is your thread !!! use it to post opinions against them, analyse their posts in other threads here. Use it for constructive criticism.

10th February 2005, 04:00 PM
'True' leftist have become an endangered species. Thanks to the 'self claimed' leftists.

10th February 2005, 04:05 PM
'True' leftist have become an endangered species. Thanks to the 'self claimed' leftists.
True leftists?Did something like that roemed the planet even in theprehistoric time?Now we have some clue to the extinction of dinosaurs :twisted: .

10th February 2005, 04:16 PM
They did BlahBlah. I myself didnt like them much but atleast their word and deed matched.

10th February 2005, 04:17 PM
Ah aaaah,leftists-what do we do with them?They seem to be a bunch of people without a goal at present.Some of their policies are actually good(concern for senior citizens,the labour class,caste free society etc)&most of them live a very simple living(I am referring to the ideologically committed cadre/leaders&not the so called intellectualls) but all this gets washed away by their hi profile 'secular'stand.They seem to equate secularism to minority appeasement(most parties now take the same stand)&they have total contempt for ONLY THE HINDU RELIGION&IT"S TEXTS.I wonder why because they should actually have contempt for everything religious.This hypocrisy that the present day leftists are following is what makes them a laughing stock.For example they&their intellectual followers like Girish Karnad,U.R.Ananthmurthy etc made a big hue&cry by calling for a ban on the Shobha Yatre at the Datta Peetha in Chickmangalur(Karnataka).The govt followed suit&the entire programme was converted into a govt function.Result-the public boycotted the fete leaving the govt red faced.But these fellows maintained a silence when Benny Hinn came&the govt rolled the red carpet.Will any left supporter come here&explain why?They accuse the RSS/BJP of practising vote bank politics,what they do is also the same :x .In their quest to support the labour class,they have stagnated Bengal&Kerala.Add to that the support to the likes of Lalu Yadav,their servitude to Sonia Gandhi,the zeal to fill history with their ideas etc etc.So how can they claim that they are a different group with lofty ideals.Bakwaas,they are just a hypocritical bunch who will do anything to capture power all in the name of keeping out 'Communal forces'(i am tired of listening to this)

10th February 2005, 04:24 PM
Well said Cinefan

10th February 2005, 06:10 PM
We have decided not to allow any more such sensitive topics. Not even borderline cases. Sorry.