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View Full Version : Tamil community on the internet

17th February 2005, 01:58 PM
can anyone tell me, has the internet made a difference to the idea of a tamil identity amongst overseas tamils? Are you a tamil residing outside India/Sri Lanka? What do you make of the various tamil websites?

21st February 2005, 12:16 AM
Abramimi, I am from Singapore /Tamil/, There are alot of tamil websites/ However, it is predominantly related to Sri Lanka Tamils/It does serve to unifiy tamils all over the world, it is a networking tool. if only we Tamils are united, we will be a dominant race forging ahead in all frontiers/ MY E MAIL ADDRESS IS jackselvaraju2004@yahoo.com

21st February 2005, 09:22 PM
Hi there, I'm a Sri Lankan Tamil living in Denmark... In the first 9 years of my time in school I was the only foreinger although the school had more than 500 pupils.. so internet really makes a difference, but it's only recently that I begun to visit Tamil pages frequently..

31st December 2006, 03:16 PM
Unity among Tamils is must.