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17th February 2005, 02:51 PM
This is a topic inspired by Praveen Kumar Mandangi. In his website he mentions having to travel 20 Kms to catch a train which would take him to his destination. There are many of us who have travelled long distances to reach their schools/colleges/worplaces. For instance, in the amazing city of Mumbai/Bombay thousands of people daily begin their day at 4 AM to catch a train leading to the city. Similarly people travel from Thiruvallur to Chennai everyday to work in offices and study in colleges. Their movement in itself gives rise to an amazing travel culture. It could be the 'bhajanavalis' in mumbai or card playing groups between thiruvallur - chennai and Gummidipoondi - Chennai train routes. Such vibrant movement also has created long lasting friendships and business ventures. Such a culture has also been depicted in movies and novels. Eg., the Shivaji, Saritha movie 'Thunai' directed by Durai. Railways. in these instances is seen not to link just two places, but thousands of hearts and minds. Throwing open this thread for you all !!!

17th February 2005, 05:31 PM
Prefer own car, unless i'm in chennai, I would rather be on the auto....in japan, the bullet train....., in london, the underground ..I really think it depends on whre we are really....in Kl , am sure more and more will vote for LRT...

17th February 2005, 10:19 PM
Going by your own car surely is the most comfortable way to get to your office. But is it interesting? If you take the public transport, you may get the chance to meet a lot of interesting people, listen to rumour mills in action and watch interesting episodes played out before us. For me a ride in cycle to college was the most memorable one, the fun gets tripled if there is someone riding with me. I was lucky in that regard in my school days, my brother use to take me 'doubles' in an old model bicycle, later I promoted to having singles ride to my school some 8 kms from my home. It was fun all the way particularly racing against approaching rain clouds!!!

18th February 2005, 06:15 AM
You're right abt the public transportation. I would not mind taking it if I am not in a rush to get to work........cos' apart from the gossips :lol: , we can enjoy the scenaries & scenarios along the way, whereas, when you're behind the wheel, eyes have got to be on the road! During college, I used to walk! It usually took me abt 30 - 45 mins to get to the college but I loved every second of it. Being in a different country made it all the more enjoying...my friends and I used to joke, sing all along ......I miss that life!! :cry:

18th February 2005, 08:28 AM
NM wrote:

It usually took me abt 30 - 45 mins to get to the college but I loved every second of it.

Given huge traffic problems in some cities, you can sometimes reach faster by cycle or walk!! :lol: :lol:
Added advantage is the lack of guilty feeling of having polluted the airspace with carboncaeous emissions associated with a petrol/diesel driven vehicle!!! One more member in the team of "Captain Planet" :thumbsup:

18th February 2005, 10:42 AM
Travel to workplace in public transport is sure interesting. My first job was in a rural town in northest part of Chennai and I used to travel there for full 2 hours by 1 train and 2 buses. As I was the youngest working member in the ladies' compartment of the train, I was looked after like a darling by many elderly women and pampered. I used to gape at them when they all will discuss their family probs with each other loudly and they will always end their talk saying I will not face such issues when I settle down in life. Choo sweet of them :D

There was a terrible experience too. After marriage, I got shifted to South Chennai and travel was more time-consuming. Suddenly, one day, I realised that I was being followed by one guy all thru' my travel. He used to stand in the bus-stop, get into the same bus, alight where I get down, get into the same train and follow me till my house. Newly married, I felt so delicate to even share this with my in-laws and was shell-shocked. After some days, he used to make rude gestures and will religiously follow me every evening. Once, when he showed me a 100 rupee note bundle and mouthed vulgar words, I thought that was the limit and told my husband who was at home early about the stalker.

When my hubby came out to see him, he started running and it was like some cinema with my hubby chasing him on his bike, leaving me shivering with fear. Finally, he was handed over to the police station and turned out that he had done such things with many girls previously ! :shock:

Whenever I think of the torture I went thru' for few weeks, I feel afraid even now. :cry:

18th February 2005, 11:12 AM
I travel my company bus. The traffic if so horrible and scarry I dare not take my car. Leave driving to the proffesionals. As after as joy of driving is conserned I prefer long drives to country side.

18th February 2005, 12:30 PM
lets get back shall we???
Whatever you said simply underlines the plight of being a working woman in India. At the same time, you are lucky to have considerate in laws and a dashing hero for your hubbie. Convey thanks from the hub for bashing up the stalker and saving one of the most active and intelligent hubber!! :D
I would recommend you posting this hair raising adventure of yours in "Violence Against women " thread too.
How are you travelling now? Hope not in the same bus and same route :? :?:

18th February 2005, 12:37 PM
Thanks for the concern JG. :)

That incident happened few years back and being my first job, I was scared to make an issue out of it till the guy made me to break down. What if I was asked to quit the job by my family? Thank God, it didn't happen that way!

I will contribute few of my experinces on violence against women, especially some that happened in my workplace.

Lucky I am, now I work in the heart of the city and have risen up in career to have my own transport.

18th February 2005, 12:51 PM
Good for U, scorpio!! :wink: :wink:

Well....that reminds me of one incident during college days. As I said earlier, I used to walk, right? Once I discovered another route that would take me through the woods and a tunnel, which leads straight into the heart of the town..Unfortunately, just soon after I "discovered" that route, there were incidences of stalking, flashers and sexual harassment & rape, too... :shock: :shock:
But, me, being me, of course, thot nothin' of that and continued to use that route whenever I decide I need a break and a solitary walk!
So, one day, just as I was entering the tunnel, I saw this silhouette of a tall guy, long hair, singing something.....and then, that figure started walking towards me..... :shock: :shock: I was terrified, can't shout, frozen with terror.....and all sorts of "things' came into my mind!!!! But, I just couldn't turn and run - I just froze!!!
A few minutes later, I heard him laugh out loud and then, a girl came into the tunnel from the opposite direction and hugged him, laughing too!!
Phew!! you can imagine my RELIEF!!! Apparently that guy was trying to scare his girlfriend but I happened to enter the tunnel and he thot' to start the FUN!! 'Till today, my heart beats fast whenever I remember that incident!! I shudder whenever I think what would happened if it was a real maniac?? :roll: :roll:

18th February 2005, 01:57 PM
NM wrote:

I shudder whenever I think what would happened if it was a real maniac??

Blonk queen of the hub having such fears ??? unimaginable !
I guess even if there was a real maniac, he would not stand a chance against your blonks on the head!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

For my second job, I used to cycle to the workplace as it was somewhat nearby (some 6 -7 KMs). One day as I was cycling along in the main road, I suddenly felt as if my speed had picked up and I wasn't even pedalling. Then to my horror, I realized that a motorcycle was pushing me! In a couple of seconds, I fell on the side of the road with my ankle badly bruised and bleeding. The bike guy didn't stop and he sped off. My good old philips cycle was badly damaged. Thanks to a nearby doctor who helped me in dressing up the wound. In chennai as in all Indian cities, there are no separate cycle paths and one has to brave the maniacal motor cyclists who among other things are seen holding a cell phone in one hand while speeding at 70 KMPH. The most difficult thing being a cyclist in India is to take a turn immediately at a traffic light. All the autos , bikes and cars will be vrooming upon signal turning yellow and the poor cyclists have tomake the turn before these 'raging bulls' surge ahead in the traffic. Apart from this one incident, I have always enjoyed cycling. In fact after our college, I met 3 of my schoolmates and we cycled all the way from Perambur to Annanur (beyond Villivaakkam). The total distance would be anywhere between 40 to 45 kms one way. We enjoyed all the way talking and racing!!! I later met a guy in the unreserved section of the train from Mumbai to Gandhidham (near the infamous Bhuj). This guy had cycled all the way from Bhuj to Bombay!!! That distance would be somewhere between 650 to 700 Kms!! My grandfather used to travel from Thiruvanmiyoor(near Adyar) to Kanchipuram on cycle in 1940s every week!!! I guess it comes in the genes!!

18th February 2005, 02:00 PM
"My grandfather used to travel from Thiruvanmiyoor(near Adyar) to Kanchipuram on cycle in 1940s every week!!! I guess it comes in the genes!!"

JG, :lol: True!

Can very well appreciate your cycling between Perambur and Annanur ( I live in the middle of these 2 places!).

18th February 2005, 02:02 PM
Blonk queen of the hub having such fears ??? unimaginable !
I guess even if there was a real maniac, he would not stand a chance against your blonks on the head!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now...don't U start that again!!! :evil: :twisted: :lol: :lol:

18th February 2005, 04:28 PM
JG, i can smell some thing interesting!!
Hope you will start some thing what NM does'nt want you to ;)

18th February 2005, 05:15 PM
Today I am a housewife. Even if i do, some occasional
job for someone, ITS SITTING IN FRONT OF MY PC. When I commute
I commute by auto.

Initially when I was In bangalore, I loved to travel by bus. Its clearly sectioned between men and women travellers.

When I was in chennai, before marriage, I HAD THE WORST EXPERIENCE, WHICH PROBABLY most bus commuters(women) have in chennai. Anyday I would rather prefer walking than taking PTC bus.

I used to commute from NANGANALORE to (THEYNAMPET/stthomas mount)
during my adolescence and later during college times.

I have experienced SICK THINGS IN BUSES by the so called decent men commuters. ITS LITERAL SEXUAL HARASSMENT under the roof of PALLAVAN BUS.

Its the worst experience which leaves indelible painful scar in one's mind.

I had times when I used to pray, for NOTHING, EXCEPT MY SAFE TRAVEL in PTC.

I am now a happy woman, having a 4 wheeler to flaunt my financial status, but the memories of those PTC BUSES HAVE LEFT a very bitter taste in me.


We used to carry, safetypins and other things to safe guard ourselves.

It is true that girls who were 13 or younger who are yet to discover her womanhood, were TORTURED in ptc buses.

I am the most happiest person to know, THE SEATING ARRANGEMENT IS CHANGED IN BUSES T HESE DAYS.

18th February 2005, 05:53 PM
That's really pathetic to hear it!! that's really bad.... Even i heard those things. That's really worst thing that could happen to women, the other harrashments could happen once, that too unknowingly, all on sudden..... But going in bus by thinking "Will it happen today??" is WORST ON EARTH!![/url]

18th February 2005, 06:01 PM
//But going in bus by thinking "Will it happen today??" is WORST ON EARTH!!//

yup..It was a night mare. Later though we can develop 'the art of fighting back', as a little girl of 13 or 12 its tough. But it does give u a strength to face all hooligans in the world.

Learning in hard way, such SPINLESS RUTS are equally TIMID, without guts. Since they KNOW what they do is wrong, when questioned in a harsh tone, they shee away or crumble down.


18th February 2005, 06:15 PM
Easy, Shakthi!!
First ppl should know about Love, first of all!! then they will understand Lust is worthless.... ppl mind setting will change, when era changes all the new generations will have fresh way of thinking and approaching things.

18th February 2005, 09:41 PM
Indian culture, they say is at crossroads. I would rather say after reading scorpio and Shakthi's posts that it is in a gutter and the stench is getting unbearable. I would strongly advice them (Scorpio and shakthi) to post again in violence against women thread too. I seriously think of taking all sensible posts and sending it to someone who can understand the real pain women are suffering in our "ancient" land.

As far as Chennai travel by bus is concerned, shakthi you have been spared the worst as you did not happen to travel in North chennai. The bus routes are infrequent and always jam packed in peak hours. Add to that the domestic chores that working women have to do before leaving their homes. So there is no chance for them to beat the peak hour. The whole bus would be tilting to one side and every single person in the bus would be standing on somebody's toes. College going "youth" creating ruckus and pickpockets practising their blade skills have the best time of their life in such situations. These pick pockets, one can be guarded against them, but these "college youths" of chennai who have not been taught any values at home wander from bus to bus harassing everyone that come in their way like pack of rugrats are a huge nuisance. When are parents of our country going to stop discriminating between male and female childs and start bringing them up both as responsible citizens? GOK :( :(
Anyway I still get nightmares at the sight of 29L, 29 and 29Cs packed fully and pick pockets trying to 'blade' me. One good thing the harrowing bus journey did was to make me more alert.
What doesn't Finish you off, definitely makes you more stronger. I guess...

19th February 2005, 12:52 AM
i am so very shocked about what Shaktiprabha said....i know @ 13 sometimes staring is enough to make your skin crawl...but anything more than that i dont want to think about it! Glad to know you're better off now Shakti...as for railways i really atleast once want the oppurtunity to ride india's rails....i remember i always somewhat of a scaredy-cat was terrified with my first bus ride to school...using public transit...on the second day i got on the wrong bus (i got one not noticing the bus sign....cause i use to be self-conscious abt me specs and wouldn't put them on unless i was in class :oops: ) anyways i asked does this go to Clarkson and the busdriver said yeah...but we had a catholic school by the same name....luckily when i saw it going the wrong way i got off and called my dad to come get me...at first he was scared then he spent up my quarter by laughing so hard he couldn't talk...so i had to call him back :x :P
just the other day the busdriver had the wrong direction sign up and i got on but when he went the other way i wasn't panicked because i knew how to get back home thru another route... :D

i know this experience is really juvenile but well i always was the very shy type...even now whenever i have to face something new...you know i still catch myself holding my mom's hand when we go to the store :lol:

19th February 2005, 02:24 PM

Well, writing about these in violence against women or anyother thread wont stop such nonsense. would it?

Anyway thx querida and others who did understand the pain I was trying to portray. I am unable to verbally say so many things explicitly for the fear, that it may turn indecent discussions.

Whenever I remember or try to explain about such things, I cant but CONTROL MY WILD TEMPER else, I am afraid I would go violent in hurting them with my words.

Like I said, 13 year old, faces it, has impact, and believe me, IT TAKES LONG LONG LONG TIME, for the scar to heal(it does not heal, just minimises).

Let me put it unashamedly, my parents were not aware of such traumas (even if they know, autos or other things were not affordable for that long a distance) but for a long long time, I DETESTED ANY MAN touch, even as simple as a HANDSHAKE. IT MADE ME PUKE.

It takes long time, to come out of it, esp when I never took any special guidance, or did not even share it with anyone except friends(who also went thro the same).


I am not sure of north chennai, but believe me OUR BUS always used to be tilting to one side, full like a pregnant lady, and we need not clutch on to any bar, cause it would be jam packed, that no one can fall. The smell, sweat, breathlessness, cheap touches...........SICK ....

THATS ALL I CAN SAY. I am afraid, the more I write, I may lose my temper drastically. So lemme just stop here. Thanks for listening :)

May be not a repetition of this messege, but, I do have one more thign to say in 'violence against women'.

20th February 2005, 08:08 AM
never underestimate the power of the hub!
At some corner of this world if someone reforms, thats more than enough. As a guy, when travelling in crowded buses, all I was conscious about was my wallet. Whether it is there or not. I knew for a fact that the perverted section among 'Indian Males' is pretty crowded one. But the extent of corruption I used to think was not that much. From your posts and that of scorpio,I realise that it takes just one per bus isn't it? Add to this mix of perverted people the hanging romeos who want to simply look at all ladies in the ladies section and display their macho style of hanging from footboard, I can only begin to imagine how horrible travelling to workplace/college/school would it be for any female in India. Also add the males who don't believe in reservations for women even in buses!!! I was witness to a big fight in 29C between an old woman and a young man in 20s over the seat reserved for ladies. The conductor guy was very silent and with no one to support, the old lady gutsily went on with it till she secured her right!! I understand that not all women can afford to lose their energy for a seat. Added to that the old lady can afford to do it coz of her age. If it were any younger woman, then I cannot imagine the line of argument the guy would have taken.

21st February 2005, 12:40 PM
As guys,I think we will never understand the plight of women travelling by buses/trains.Sometimes my wife was forced to take a bus to office(In Bommasandra,17 kms from house)when she missed her company van or when she had to stay back late&everytime she came back with a bitter experience.She had a cycle to school&a two wheeler to college&her first two jobs,so this experience was new to her.She dreaded taking the bus which meant that she tried her level best to go/come by company van.There have been times when I have dropped&picked her up.Now of course she uses a four wheeler.My cousin who uses the bus to college has got numbed to indecent behaviour.She doesn't travel by certain buses&despite care being taken,if someone tries to be cheap,she just shrugs it&moves away.it's a shame that over population,bad infrastructure&perverted minds are taking away the joy of a bus ride.No wonder every day so many two/four wheelers are being registered.

21st February 2005, 02:20 PM
//If it were any younger woman, then I cannot imagine the line of argument the guy would have taken.//

oh u bet!

The very COMMON ARGUMENT we used to get, if we ask any man who is rubbing against a woman, is "nee enna pathiniya!"

I remmeber a lady who answered back saying

"I may or may not be a paththini, BUT I DONT LIKE U RUBBING AGAINST ME"

WOWWW WHAT A WAY TO GIVE BACK! (though I would have rather had her, slap that guy tight till he faints! X()


I assume here the seating arrangments in blore is much better, with clear marking of men and women. Well, its not that we dont have bitter exp otherwise (esp with some women!....the way they talk back.....sheesh god!)

21st February 2005, 04:28 PM
When has seating arrangements acted as a deterrent?Also with the kind of population here&pressure on bus services it's unlikely that you will get a seat in peak hours(unless you start from the terminus).Standing women in a bus load of people is the time when perverts start their work right?The problem is that the majority of such people are actually educated/cultured !.This clearly shows education does nothing to improve the mindset of people.

21st February 2005, 05:43 PM

How about banning motor vehicles inside city boundary (assuming the city has transport problem). The only mode of transport will be Bycycles

1) No Polution.
2) Economical.
3) Min injury out of accidents.
4) Healthy
5) Minimum Traffic problems.

This is a crazy idea but note Amsterdam city is a motor free city.

21st February 2005, 09:22 PM
And how do the physically challenged and senior citizens go around?
Getting back to the topic, I had a friend who used to travel from Thiruvallur to Perambur everyday to school. He did this for about 5 years from his 5th standard to the 10th standard. Since the train timings were such that he always came to school 30 minutes late. The school authorities gave whole load of punctuality crap initially. His parents had long discussions with school authorities and convinced them. But we used to feel bad for him as he would come late and leave as soon as the school finishes while we would be having extended PT periods. Once my father got transferred to thiruvallur, we would go with him to Thiruvallur on saturdays. The broad gauge travel was fun as we got to see a whole lot of different people. A group of communists discussing some problem, a group of pentacostal christians singing songs and a whole cross section of the society thinking, talking and moving. The journey on the metre gauge (no longer there :cry: ) is more colourful more noisy and at peak hours all the issues discussed earlier also crop up. But the stations on the line from Beach to tambaram are more vibrant and the journey is more entertaining compared to the relatively sober central to Thiruvallur route. Regarding the line from central to gummidipoondi which I have seen to be very busy, dont have much info as I haven't travelled in the route. I hope someone can post regarding that route.

22nd February 2005, 02:02 PM
I personally preferred to use the electric train to that of pallavan bus, if travelling by train option was available. Somehow I felt that train journey was less tiring. Travel wise I felt that Hong kong had the best infrastructure and transit systems better than any western city. The centralised "Octopus" card system for transit and the chance of travelling by tube rail, ferry, bus and the old fashined tram made travelling in Hong kong a joyful experience! :)

Hemant Trived1
22nd February 2005, 07:15 PM
Travelling to work place is something that's very interesting topic.

If I had known in advance that my last work in California is going to involve four and half hours of journey by walk,bus, bart, bus and bus and walk in that sequence, I would never have accepted GC in first place. :(

When I landed a job in Livermore Shiva Vishnu Temple , I was not at all amused as I knew it was going to be a marathon journey everyday. :cry:
I used to wake up at 4.30 am, get ready by 5.20 am, walk two furlongs to the bus stand, catch the bus of 5.35 to Bart station at San Leandro.
Catch 6. 11 train to Pleasanton. Run to bus stand again, catch bus number 10 and go to Springtown bus terminus. Wait for 20 minutes there and catch the bus going to Livermore Shiva Vishnu Temple . get down at bus stand and walk tothe Temple.I used to reach by 8.45 am
Evening was the reverse order.starting at 5.20 pm. reach home by 7.30 pm.

If it were not for those interesting characters I met on buses and trains, it would have been very difficult .

There was this interesting afro-american driver who became my pal . He would wait for me at Pleasanton if I was delayed a bit. Another old American lady bus driver who used to drive Springtown bus, also waited for me.
Then there was a Philipino lady who could not speak any language except Philipino lingo.. She would give a very warm smile . Then there was a crazy forty something American who would always pick his nose every two minutes, look at his watch, play with the paper inserted in his ring and lick the finger which was scavanging the nose. It was really aweful.
There was one mason/painter who used to run to the liquor store in the evening at springtown bus terminus and polish off a beer before boarding the bart.

There was this paraphlegic Indian girl Rebecca born in Delhi but was adopted by American couple . She was all smiles and talked to me about Delhi . She used to bring her infant son in a pram.
She would travel from Springtown to Pleasonton.

There was one lady who almost daily asked for loose change as she used to have none for the bus and always forgot to pay back.
Last interesting person used to come to Pleasanton bart station in the evenings.
He was totally mad but used to paint beautifully.
Daily he would select a subject and start drawing on any piece of paper he could lay his hands on and then after sometime, go away.

Thus these people made my journey interesting.

23rd February 2005, 02:05 AM
i don't know how many countless hours i spend waiting at the bus stop....what i usually end up doing is walking to the fourth stop if i'm early and if not stand at my bus stop....and sing/hum all the songs i can think of until of course someone comes by...but usually the bus stop (31) near my house is hardly ever crowded...most days i am there alone..the fourth stop is a bit more crowded...there is tops only ten people who on this bus and it always...always comes late or between bus scheduled times :x it use to be apart of a longer more frequently used route(13)....and even then had problems with time...but most of the time it was alright. after this bus(1) i have to take another to go to uni...this one i like for different reasons it is a busy route so always punctual and gets there fast...the only way i have facilitated my way home(evening travel is always delayed) is taking alternative routes...it's odd there is a bus(1C-E) that takes to a stop and then its connecting bus(1 -W) takes me back over the same route and then some and i have longer distance to walk home but i get there earlier than when taking the normal bus! (i use this route on nice sunny days) :D

Yes one of the things i do really like is meeting people on the bus...especially if they have a cute baby or smile nicely or are just friendly...some ppl just stare and stare and leave you feeling really uncomfortable..and sometimes we have such good conversation that your stop seems to come to soon... :D the elderly always have so much to tell...always later they say that it was nice to talk to you...not many kids your age consider talking to us... :( but most of the time i love walking! :thumbsup:

23rd February 2005, 08:40 AM
Interesting things about bus travel is the relationship that develops between passengers. Currently I walk 10 minutes before reaching the bus stop where my company bus comes. There are 5 of us who get into the bus from that stop. I am the only guy from Chennai, rest of them all are kannadigas. However they were so polite and warm that we instantly struck a good rapport. Particularly one person who is the eldest among us and a well read person, is so warm and friendly that I shed all the negative ideas I had about kannadigas in general which I had before coming to Bangalore. I have started picking up kannada fast. Just like the hub, no topic is taboo and the level of conversation sometimes gets too abstract (like Rohit's threads in the hub) and someone will bring it down to the level of laymen and there will be jokes all around(just like the hub). All this chatter happens at 6-35 to 7-15 AM in the chill mornings in Bangalore and I was having this opinion of Bangalore that it was a sleepy city!!! :D

23rd February 2005, 11:09 AM
Sleepy city&Bangalore??????????That was a loooooooooooong time ago my friend.Nowadays the earlier you leave home the more likely you are bound to get stuck in traffic. :evil:

Also I am very curious to know on what basis you had a negative impression of Kannadigas earlier.

Bangalore/Karnataka has always been known as very hospitable&genial

Hemant Trived1
23rd February 2005, 11:18 AM
Bangalore is no sleepy city.
Once known as Pensioner's paradise... 8)
Now it is pensioner's Hell. :twisted:
But people are so well behaved and kind, there are no two words to describe that. :)
I have come to love Bangalore ...no matter what.
Traffic or no traffic. :roll:
Only thing I find it difficult is, BUS ROUTS are all in Kannada. :cry:

23rd February 2005, 11:21 AM
Cinefan asked:

what basis you had a negative impression of Kannadigas earlier
What other basis? Only based on cauvery issue. Now that I am on the other side of the river, I am able to see things in the right perspective. One more bias gotten rid off. and many more to go.
After I came to Bangalore I get an impression that people here are are more docile, otherwise how can they remain so patient in spite of sickening traffic jams and pothole filled roads!!! :twisted: :x

23rd February 2005, 11:31 AM
After I came to Bangalore I get an impression that people here are are more docile, otherwise how can they remain so patient in spite of sickening traffic jams and pothole filled roads!!! :twisted: :x

Yes indeed.Haven't you heard of the most commonly used phrase here"Swalpa Adjust maadi".It's this mentality of taking everything in stride which has resulted in the govt taking the people for granted :twisted:

The cauvery issue is very emotive&most problems arise because of the way politicians twist the issue for personal gains.A one-on-one meeting between the farmers of both states will help in both sides understanding the problems of the other&coming up with a solution.Till then some vested interests will continue to indulge in stupid acts like preventing release of Tamil films,forcing cable operators to take off Tamil channels&God forbid riots.A Ramadas/Thirumavalavan is present in Karnataka also.

23rd February 2005, 11:35 AM
getting back to topic at hand, i cannot imagine how many of those who voted "Own car" are in a city like Bangalore? Guess it must have been a difficult decision for them. Whenever I see a traffic jam near BTM flyover I feel like "Michael Douglas" in his car in "Falling Down"!!! :twisted: :evil: :twisted:

23rd February 2005, 11:48 AM
Since we are talking of Traffic jams in bangalore,let me give you an example of it:My wife left home at 8.55 in the morning(Driving a car)today to office 17.5 kms away in Bommasandra.She called now(11.40)to tell me she has reached-a frustrating 2.5 hours drive.the reason-an accident near kudlu gate,which has been cleared but people in an hurry have started to go on to the otherside of the road blocking oncoming traffic.Those people, in revenge :D have come to this side causing complete chaos.

23rd February 2005, 11:50 AM
Since we are talking of Traffic jams in bangalore,let me give you an example of it:My wife left home at 8.55 in the morning(Driving a car)today to office 17.5 kms away in Bommasandra.She called now(11.40)to tell me she has reached-a frustrating 2.5 hours drive.the reason-an accident near kudlu gate,which has been cleared but people in an hurry have started to go on to the otherside of the road blocking oncoming traffic.Those people, in revenge :D have come to this side causing complete chaos.

I was involved in the otherside driving :oops:

23rd February 2005, 11:54 AM
Ayyo Sandeep,Why do drive like that in the first place&then get embarassed :D

23rd February 2005, 11:54 AM
The company where I am deputed to changed timings to 7-15 AM , I can see why. Today morning our bus crossed that place. It was nothing but a lorry which had crashed into the median. But our traffic police probably were having a benne dose! :lol: leaving every commuter to have their foot in their mouths!! Long live BMP and Bangalore traffic police!!!

23rd February 2005, 11:58 AM
Sandeep wrote:

I was involved in the otherside driving

Hmm no wonder Bangalore is the way it is! :huh:

23rd February 2005, 11:58 AM
There it is,a simple thing like a lorry crashing in the median has resulted in so much man hours&fuel being wasted apart from leaving hundreds irritated. :twisted:

23rd February 2005, 12:34 PM
2 hrs to travel 9 kms!!! I just lost my patience. hehehe

Bikers where using the nearby grounds to go. Then I saw another car going through the other side and then I DID IT :oops: :oops:

But to tell the true it was fun to see the other side drivers utterly confused :twisted:

23rd February 2005, 04:27 PM
Bad boy :evil:

23rd February 2005, 05:06 PM
You can never tell what lurks inside the minds of the people despite the calm exterior, can you?
Just watch how Bangalore burns during Cauvery/Rajkumar issues.
I lived a year in Bang and have an absolutely poor impression of it - People are lazy, lazy, lazy.(well, i reserve high expectations from south indians and maybe I am harsh that way).

One of my pals, a brilliant chap doing research in a great institution was nearly mauled in Bangalore being a tamilian. Now he's a top notch scientist in US and doesnt want to think of Bangs as anything more than a city of goons.

23rd February 2005, 05:07 PM
JG, nice to know you are from Big Blue. I WAS in "Blue" :D

23rd February 2005, 05:45 PM
An impression of a city is formed by personal experiences right,so everyone will have a different opinion.But to come to a conclusion based on one incident is very unfair.

23rd February 2005, 08:13 PM
I would second Cinefan's opinion in this regard. I have had some bad experiences in Pune and Cochin, In fact years back when I got admission in UMR (Missouri Rolla), there was a communique from the school asking me not to take the 7-30 bus from Airport to university campus. :? So I cannot say Missouri is a bad place right? something like that...
Aiyya walrus u have overtaken scorpio in regards to responding to statements made in another thread at a different time. You must be some sort of time travelling naradar, who pops up here and there in myths and history.
Whats the english word I am looking for....
Anachronism :idea:

24th February 2005, 01:07 AM


24th February 2005, 04:06 AM
Sp, I was about to request you to head the agitation demanding Thiruvalluvar statue in MG Road :lol2:
Next you can launch a morcha to protest adding of sugar in Bangalore sambar :lol2:

24th February 2005, 09:36 AM
Shakthi wrote:


After seeing M.G.Road ..... he he heeee I became one 8) :P :tongueout:

24th February 2005, 09:45 AM
Due to "Madras Eye", you had to go all the way to Bangalore for this purpose. Oh, what a pity! :D

24th February 2005, 10:09 AM
Aiyyo walrus anna!!
M.G.Road and koramangala forum are two places likes of which male chauvinistic madras will never get to see.
viva la Bangalore!!!
viva la M.G.Road (Mahatma ji forgive)

24th February 2005, 10:27 AM
My God,looks like Jai will very soon be successfull in potraying Bangalore ONLY as a place of gorgeous looking females. :D.
Vere ehtuvume kannukku theriyaleya?

24th February 2005, 10:39 AM


Sure Shakthi,count me for one! :D Bangalore always makes a sense of belonging to me. 8)

24th February 2005, 10:45 AM
We visited Bangalore in 1997. That city attracted me in those days. I dont know whether it is beautiful now also or not.

24th February 2005, 11:09 AM
Cinefan wrote:

My God,looks like Jai will very soon be successfull in potraying Bangalore ONLY as a place of gorgeous looking females. .
Vere ehtuvume kannukku theriyaleya?

vere enna theriyanum???
What else should be seen?
I am like the arjun who sees the eye of the bird alone and not the canopy. I used to go to lalbagh once in a while, but traffic and congestion have cut that short. Nowadays, Weekend mornings cricket and weekend evenings M.G.Road and Forum. Whatever is left of these bachelor days should not be spent in regret . I can understand your predicament . You have tied the knot and being so truthful to your spouse everything else that was the canopy is before your eyes now!! :lol:

24th February 2005, 11:34 AM
I can understand your predicament . You have tied the knot and being so truthful to your spouse everything else that was the canopy is before your eyes

I wish my wife reads this :D As for going around M.G.Road&the Forum staring with tongue out,I also do that right in front of my wife.The only difference is i do it more after coming back home which makes her feel she is more gorgeous than the ones walking around those places. :wink:

24th February 2005, 11:42 AM
cinefan wrote:

The only difference is i do it more after coming back home which makes her feel she is more gorgeous than the ones walking around those places.

poor thing! she doesn't know that you are rewinding images of the day and playing them back again!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

24th February 2005, 04:07 PM
that was a good one :D

25th February 2005, 09:20 AM
My friends tell me that Bangalore has literally exploded in the last five years. Before that tell me how u used to go to college or school? Was it BMTC or your own transportation? I am curious because in Chennai, college students create all kind of ragalai(ruckus) in the name of going to college in bus. Particularly the buses 15 series which go via pachaiyappas college, there will be song and dance in the bus everyday. To top the whole kodumai they celebrate "Bus Day" and destroy good buses. How were your college days bus travel?

25th February 2005, 09:45 AM
cinefan wrote:

The only difference is i do it more after coming back home which makes her feel she is more gorgeous than the ones walking around those places.

poor thing! she doesn't know that you are rewinding images of the day and playing them back again!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

:rotfl: semma timing :D

25th February 2005, 09:57 AM
small digression:

Cine fan! You are coming tomorrow for the game right?
Sandeep! You are also in Bangalore right? can u join us. treat it as a punishment for driving on the wrong side. :lol:
end digression...

hey walrus anna! which college you studied and how did you travel to your college. Dont tell me that u studied in anna university and you live in adyar , so u walked..

25th February 2005, 10:28 AM
i am not a chennai-ite. I studied Oceanography in Atlantic College of Engineering :D

ada pavi, UMR attend panninaya illaya? :shock:

[Listening in loop to Chinna kuyil paadum paatu kekudha....Mottai-na mottai dhaan and hail Chitra! ]

25th February 2005, 10:41 AM
Cine fan! You are coming tomorrow for the game right?

Yes.Actually i have a seminar to attend from 9.15 which means I need to leave by 8.30.If I get up early,will be there by 7.15,otherwise will SMS you.

As for my school days,I would walk as the distance was very less.I studied in Chennai from the 5th to the 10th standard where again it was 'Nataraja Service'for the first two years&then a cycle.I used the cycle for the 1&2nd PUC here in Bangalore,then it was a TVS 50&then a Kinetic.It's true that traffic wise Bangalore has become bad in the last 5 to 6 years.J.P.Nagar main road which would become deserted by 7.30pm is now busy till 10.30&the number of vehicles on the road is phenomenal.I have used a BMTC bus very very rarely&so don't know the joys!of travelling by it.

25th February 2005, 10:55 AM
walrus anna wrote:

ada pavi, UMR attend panninaya illaya?

In Paraasakthi sivaji style
panna vittirukkalaam.
pannavittaargala indha Jai ganesanai?
Kaal kadukka visa queue vil nirka vaithu kammal pottu anuppi vittaargalaiya.

Anyways no regrets! Software mother adopted this electronic child and I am happy for that.

walrus anna also wrote:

I studied Oceanography in Atlantic College of Engineering

wow! This is the first time I am hearing this from anybody!
and usual question, tsunami nna ennaa?

second question.. How did you get to your workplace/college/school/nursery..?

7-15 to 8-30 schedule Cine fan ji... can we make it to 7-00 to 8-30? one small game can be accomodated as by 8-30 big Infy gang comes and gotta play 15 - 20 overs game for them.

Cycling in Bangalore must have been quite an exercise with all those up and down roads....

25th February 2005, 11:10 AM
7-15 to 8-30 schedule Cine fan ji... can we make it to 7-00 to 8-30? one small game can be accomodated as by 8-30 big Infy gang comes and gotta play 15 - 20 overs game for them.

Cycling in Bangalore must have been quite an exercise with all those up and down roads....

If I need to make it to that schedule I need to be there by 7.00 right so that i can have a couple of small games &leave by 7.45,let me see.The problem is I am a late sleeper( my dictator rests whole day&expects his parents to play with him in the night :D ),so getting up early needs lot of motivation&mental strength :lol: .Motivation is there,do I have the mental strength ,will get to know tmrw :D
BTW ,If you start from 7.00&then play 20 over games with the Infy gang by 8.30,when do you finish?

Cycling ,negotiating this traffic&the up/down roads is a problem but a decade back it was a pleasure as the roads would be practically empty&I was fortunate(unfortunate!)to go to a college quite near to the house.

25th February 2005, 11:43 AM
we generally finish the game around 10-30 tops. thats why, if u are there around 7 to 7-10 then we can have a 6 over game till the infy gang comes. I think you can comfy leave by 8-30 to 8-35.

I liked the roads in malleshwaram . all those tree clad roads, ideal for cycling.

25th February 2005, 11:46 AM
we generally finish the game around 10-30 tops. thats why, if u are there around 7 to 7-10 then we can have a 6 over game till the infy gang comes. I think you can comfy leave by 8-30 to 8-35.

I liked the roads in malleshwaram . all those tree clad roads, ideal for cycling.

You play for about 3 to 31/2hrs,amazing.

Malleshwaram has also lost it's charm,it was an excellent place to live in before.

25th February 2005, 11:48 AM
ellaam UMR-ku ketta neram :D

i took school bus/walked to school and took bus to college(only on the days when i attended ;))

25th February 2005, 12:09 PM
walrus anna wrote:

ellaam UMR-ku ketta neram
My brother says otherwise :wink: Sure scorpio would have said the same :lol: :lol:
walrus anna also wrote:

bus to college(only on the days when i attended )
Why boss ? some practical oceonography on the beach in college time??? :wink: :wink: :lol:

cinefan wrote:

You play for about 3 to 31/2hrs,amazing.

Once you start playing, you will forget the passage of time boss.

1st March 2005, 11:42 AM
Some 20 years ago, when my family was in chengalpattu, the nearest school was a Ramakrishna mission school and it was some 3 to 4 kms away. There was no transport from my father's quarters. There was but one orderly who used to take us to the school all by walk. He was an innocent person, and myself and my brother bonded with him instantly. He used to tell all sorts of interesting stories about his village and his family. He also told me so many stories on jackal, leopards and panthers across the hill nearby the quarters. It used to take 30 to 40 mins daily one way, but we had a lot of fun. Particularly when there was tamarind season. On the way there were lot of tamarind trees with juicy fruits. We used to stone and collect a bagful on the way home!! There was also another fruit , very nutty, we used to call it "Gorikalikka" or gori kadalai. It was tasty too. Too bad for us that after a year we had to shift to chennai.

Hemant Trived1
1st March 2005, 12:38 PM
During late seventies, I was staying in CIT Colony Mylapore in Actress Surya Kantham's house.
I used to catch Bus #5 to go to Parry's corner.
A now famous photographer/director of Tamiz cinema who had a photo studio in Broadway was my daily companion.
He would tell me of his dreamds to join film photography some day and make a name for himself.
He used to sweat profusely only in palms.

We used to have on 45 something person dressed in pure white dhoti and shirt accompany us from Murry's gate.
We had named him "Drill Machine" :lol:
His eyes were like drills . They used to get riveted on any good looking girl's body.

He would go towards ladies seats and stand right above any college/office going girl and stare at her well endowed body with a TOP VIEW. :twisted:

He was so clever that as soon as the girls became wise when they felt two drills piercing their bosoms, they would invariably look up but he was so fast that he would start reading Dina Thanthi which he kept handy in one hand.

Then there was an old man who was HOMO , he would seek out boys and make passes at him. :roll:
There are some more interesting characters whom we will discuss later.
Right now wife calling for Lunch.

Hemant Trived1
1st March 2005, 03:15 PM
It was GUHAN who was my travel companion from Alwarpet Home Needs bus stand . Last I heard of him was that he has become well known and well appreciated cine photographer. !!

1st March 2005, 11:00 PM
I had a good time going through the posts which took me, 14 years back, to my college days. I used to take a private bus from Trichy to my college in a village where I did my Bachelors. It used to be an hour long joruney one way, every day for around 2 years. It used to be fun filled travel with music, boys trying to get girls attention by cracking jokes(ours was a co-ed)...

Once on way back home, the bus was packed full of students, professors and villagers. The driver was driving the bus slowly, for whatever reason, and stopped at a petrol bunk to fill the tank. The old man in front of us goes.. "eNNa kammiya irundhurukku.. adhana paathen vandi moLLama pOvudhen-nu".. Everyone started laughing out and it was so funny...

2nd March 2005, 03:12 AM
RC, nice to hear your confessions :lol: :lol: :lol:

2nd March 2005, 03:53 AM
Enga PP pakkam paaka mudiyuradhilla? appappo etti paarunga..

2nd March 2005, 04:16 AM
nice to know you are the same RC. Spoke to jn, Chutti last week. You, SP were not there. C~P, magix and vetti paechu gang have own blogs and nowadays we are busy there :)

2nd March 2005, 08:18 AM
That was cool! In my college bus, the professors and the girls always occupied the front rows and the boys will have to go to the rearmost portion of the bus. We used to follow it as an unwritten rule, except for certain dashing romeos who would sit in one row after the rows i which girls used to sit. most of the older professors would get down early and the songs and jokes will start shortly. In the middle of that too, seniors and juniors would be spied upon by certain 'ettappans'. Any incident of a senior making fun of junior also would reach the principal's ears promptly. After certain incidents, the bus went absolutely quiet and I switched to City bus.
BTW which option you voted for?

2nd March 2005, 07:54 PM
My college, then, did not have a college bus and we had to take the Government run bus or the private bus. Most of us preferred the later because of the timings and, ofcourse, the music. So the girls and boys werent restricted to specific areas. We even used to reserve seats for our favourites (both boys and girls) :). Being regulars on the bus, that was a privilege we got ;)

3rd March 2005, 08:41 AM
The college bus was so boring that sometimes, I would feel why not just cycle to college, which I did once in a week (the distance bet my home and college was just 12 - 13 Kms he he he :D ). It was interesting to see old chennai (parts like Villivakkam) and modern chennai (anna nagar and arumbakkam) wake up and go through motions as I cycle along. It is definitely an unforgettable experience.

8th March 2005, 01:30 PM
Whatever you said simply underlines the plight of being a working woman in India. At the same time, you are lucky to have considerate in laws and a dashing hero for your hubbie. Convey thanks from the hub for bashing up the stalker and saving one of the most active and intelligent hubber!! :D
I would recommend you posting this hair raising adventure of yours in "Violence Against women " thread too.

Yea, me too recommend! And not only I've heard many such disgusting tales abt guys in Madras (sorry can't get used to callin it Chennai!) but an equally pathetic experience hap'd in front of me eyes w/ my own mother (whoz 61 now!) at Central Station back in 2001..... :evil: 'think I mentioned this in the thread titled "Things u like abt ur city(?)....."
There were a couple of these auto-drivers who kept pestering us just as we arrived there from Hyd'bad & were walkin out of the station......my mother 4 sum reason declined, but they still kept getting in our way until my mum got irritated and told them to leave us......then one o the guys gave a sarcastic smile, said sumthing (cudn't hear wat even tho I know Tamil) & actually clapped my mum on her shoulder while walking away! Don't they even respect old ladies there?!! :evil:
But damn! the really worst part (tat makes me fret w/ guilt even today when I think abt it) was tat I just gaped at the whole situation & didn't retaliate at tat guy 4 his behaviour w/ my mother!
I do feel awkwardly cowardly & ashamed of myself thinking abt tat incident, still confused abt y exactly I didn't do nething then! :(
I donno if it was bcos I was facing such an incident 4 the first time in my life and thus experiencing a kind of shock (esp. since I always considered Madras as a conservative/traditional city!) or bcos we were in a hurry to get to the US consulate early (which was futile neways since my Visa was rejected then!).....I never brought up the issue w/ my mother & neither did she but I still feel I shud've more than just stare at the whole thing tat day! :(

9th March 2005, 01:02 AM
don't be so hard on yourself Lordstanher...i'm sure your mother rather have you safe and one piece than have you all bloodied up from fighting with a bunch of utterly useless fellows...again how could you just expect such a thing to happen and that to your mother! Shame on them! :x Let this incidence rest and be glad that nothing horrible came of it!

9th March 2005, 01:30 PM
don't be so hard on yourself Lordstanher...i'm sure your mother rather have you safe and one piece than have you all bloodied up from fighting with a bunch of utterly useless fellows...again how could you just expect such a thing to happen and that to your mother! Shame on them! :x Let this incidence rest and be glad that nothing horrible came of it!

Thanks, Q! Yea I'm glad nothing worse hap'd there......but I guess it cud've been worse in the case of younger women.....as Scorpio once faced herself! :(
It did teach me to be a bit bolder tho, since I wud be solely responsible 4 my wife in future! I was intrigued to read abt scorpio's hubby who taught tat stalker a proper lesson by nabbing him/successfully handing him over to the police......unftly not all women (in this case in Madras) r tat lucky everyday!

9th March 2005, 01:37 PM
vere enna theriyanum???
What else should be seen?

Well, JG, wat abt all the gardens in B'lore?? Twas once famous 4 those rite (altho I can rem. only Lalbagh from my only trip to B'lore in 1996)....

I used to go to lalbagh once in a while, but traffic and congestion have cut that short.

Hmm......yea I've heard tat traffic in B'lorez even worse than in Bbay :lol:
But is Lalbagh still well-maintained btw??

You have tied the knot and being so truthful to your spouse everything else that was the canopy is before your eyes now!! :lol:

U cudn't hav said it better :wink:

14th March 2005, 12:37 PM
I feel I have missed out on certain discussions here. Anyways, I missed out one particular mode of transport for reaching workplace. That is the famous "Ferry". There are varieties of ferries, right from the boats that operate in the backwaters of Kerala to the slow moving but mega size ferries in Goa and Bihar (operating across Ganges). I had experience of travelling in ferry only when I was touring HongKong. The hong kong island had a beautiful queen's pier from which ferries take people to various outlying islands. These ferries are modern and fast. The way they thud across the south china sea is an exciting experience. The ferry comes with a free classified news paper and that gets snatched up in no time. Back home, ferries in India must be one of the riskiest modes to get to your workplace as regular accidents in ganges every year demonstrate.

13th April 2005, 02:55 PM
Finally! What about cycle rikshaws of Chennai?
I somehow escaped the ordeal of being packed into a cycle rickshaw with some 10 other kids. The entire cycle rickshaw would look like some kind of vegetable cart with all the lunchbags and water bottles hanging out of the rickshaw as the rickshaw puller (poor guy) trods through crowded by lanes. I have always preferred taking the bus to the terrible cycle rickshaws. Later on Chennai became more cruel and packed children into autorichshaws and fortunately my parents have been kind enough not to leave me like a likely packed sardine can. I cannot even imagine how those kids adjusted to the feeling of being packed like some object inside a small auto.:evil: I guess it is one interesting but cruel way of going to school.

13th April 2005, 03:02 PM

I think you've covered almost everything except probably Elephant ride and horse ride. Why dont you get them arranged on your Jaanavaasam and enlighten us how the ride was?? :wink: :wink:

13th April 2005, 03:07 PM
To describe how people used elephants and horses to reach workplace, I have to go in a time machine atleast some 300 years back. :wink: You can ask your "friend" about how travelling in elephants and horses in peak hour 300 years back felt like!! :wink: :lol: Talking of that, i remembered how Hary commutes to reach the Hogwarts school of magic. Maybe you can enlighten us on that!!!

13th April 2005, 03:12 PM

Hogwarts express will be very much out of place in this thread.

BTW, which 'friend' are u talking about?? You really want to ask some aavis who lived 300 years before to find out how it was????

Did you read in the papers about Actor parthiban's battery operated car that suddenly got into flames and was burnt fully while re-charging?? He is contemplating to file a suit against the makes of 'Rewa' the small battery operated car that runs on Chennai roads.

13th April 2005, 03:21 PM
Thats very sad!
I had 'reva' in my mind to buy. Anyways will wait for the 'hybrid' cars to make and entry in India. As far as the " Aavi" help, why not? It is a good idea. Maybe we can get some clues to some hidden treasure. If you go ahead and dig one out, remember this "humble" thambi :wink:

13th April 2005, 03:30 PM

Enna vambula matta vekka paakariye!!!

On the question of using aavi help to get hidden treasures, heard that Director Bakiaraaj got in touch with his first wife-Praveena's aavi to know where she has kept her money, jewels etc etc after she passed away unexpectedly in Jaundice.

13th April 2005, 04:12 PM
You seem to have too much of insider info. How do u mange to do it?

13th April 2005, 04:28 PM
While not getting in between the 'aavi'conversations between Akka&Thambi,let me give out a small piece of info which Jai might know-The Mainis who produce the reva are Bangalore based&I think this was the first instance in the last 5/6 years the car has been on the roads that such an incident has been reported.

13th April 2005, 04:56 PM

Parthiban says that he was approached by Rewa manufacturers who asked him to keep mum about the whole issue and his burnt one will be replaced with a new car. He claimed that for the benefit of the public, he wanted the incident reported in the media. The skeletal remains of the car after burning were also published. Entha puthula entha pambu irukumne theriyala!


We'll talk about aavis in some other thread. It is too much of a digression here pa.

13th April 2005, 05:27 PM

Parthiban says that he was approached by Rewa manufacturers who asked him to keep mum about the whole issue and his burnt one will be replaced with a new car. He claimed that for the benefit of the public, he wanted the incident reported in the media. The skeletal remains of the car after burning were also published. Entha puthula entha pambu irukumne theriyala!

Ya,I read that.But the Reva has been on the roads in Bangalore for quite sometime&an incident like this(even if not involving a high profile individual)would have been sniffed out by an alert&sensation craving media.I feel this was a freak incident,just one of it's kind.