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28th October 2015, 10:04 PM
Author - Virarajendra

Brief study on the recent Earthquake in Afghanistan and a similer occurance in A.D.125



On the 26th of October 2015 there occured an Earthquake in North-East Afganistan the tremour of which was felt also in Pakistan and and in North India. The following is an abridged report on same that appeared in Indian Express News Paper and follwed by Yahoos News Wesite.

".....Monday’s powerful tremors in North India came almost exactly six months after the April 25 Nepal earthquake that killed nearly 10,000 — over a 100 of them in India. The epicentre of that quake was (at Jurm in Afghanistan north of Peshawar of Pakistan and Kabul of Afghanistan) ........where Monday’s quake was centred. Monday’s quake was measured 7.5 on the Richter scale - Nepal was 7.8 - and the extent of death and destruction appears to have been far less.


Depth matters

The seismic focus of Monday’s earthquake lay 212 km under the earth’s surface, compared to just 10 km in Nepal. The depth was the reason strong tremors were felt in Delhi - even though the quake was weaker than the one in Nepal, and its epicentre was located almost twice the distance away.

“Earthquakes originating deep inside the earth spread much wider as they move towards the surface. As a result, they are felt even far away. The energy carried by an earthquake declines with its depth, but its sphere of influence increases, as long as there is an effective medium for propagation of the waves. The terrain in Afghanistan extending into northern India has lots of solid rock which is conducive to wave propagation,” said Ajay Paul of the Dehradun-based Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology……"

"……The surface of the Earth is divided into 7 major plates and several minor ones. They move a few centimetres a year, riding on semi-molten layers of rock underneath the crust. As the plates move, they pull apart or collide, unleashing the powerful movements known as earthquakes......" Courtesy Indian Express

The following is a Video also explaing the Theory of Earthquakes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShGv1yHVYPs=player_embedded Courtesy Indian Express

The region "Peshwar" of Pakistan, and the "Kashmir" Region of India where the Earhquake effects has taken place recently, also finds an important place in the Chola History of India, during the period of Rajendra Cholan - 1 (A.D.1011-1044).

The great Tamil Epic Poetic work of Kerala in South India, namely the "Manimekalaii" composed by the Tamil Poet Seeththalai Saaththanaar from Kodungallur in Kerala (in Thiruchchur district) - the former capital city of the Tamil Chera kings of Chera Nadu, where Tamil was 'sole prevalent language' of that country upto beginning of thirteenth century (A.D.1201) make reference to this region as Gandara country. Incidently in the early days before the thirteenth century "Chera Nadu" was counted as one among the "Muth Thamil Nadu" (Three Tamil Countries) other being the Chola Nadu and Paandiya Nadu of the South of India.

In the great Kerala Tamil Epic "Manimekalai" in the chapter nine titled "Peedikai kandu Pirappu unarntha kaathai" the Poet gives a very interesting reference to a similer earthquake that took place in "Gandhara Nadu" two decades earlier to the year he composed his poetic work "Manimekalai" being around A.D.125. This reference is as follows:

".....காந்தாரம் என்னும் கழி பெரு நாட்டுப்
பூருவ தேயம் பொறை கெட வாழும்
அத்திபதி எனும் அரசு ஆள் வேந்தன்
மைத்துனன் ஆகிய பிரமதருமன்!
ஆங்கு அவன் தன்பால் அணைந்து அறன் உரைப்போய்
"தீம் கனி நாவல் ஓங்கும் இத் தீவிடை
இன்று ஏழ் நாளில் இரு நில மாக்கள்
நின்று நடுக்கு எய்த நீள் நில வேந்தே!
பூமி நடுக்குறூஉம் போழ்தத்து இந் நகர்
நாக நல் நாட்டு நானூறு யோசனை
வியன் பாதலத்து வீழ்ந்து கேடு எய்தும்
இதன்பால் ஒழிக" என இரு நில வேந்தனும்
மா பெரும் பேர் ஊர் மக்கட்கு எல்லாம்
"ஆவும் மாவும் கொண்டு கழிக" என்றே
பறையின் சாற்றி நிறை அருந் தானையோடு
இடவயம் என்னும் இரும் பதி நீங்கி
வட வயின் அவந்தி மா நகர்ச் செல்வோன்
காயங்கரை எனும் பேர் யாற்று அடைகரை
சேய் உயர் பூம்பொழில் பாடி யெய்து இருப்ப
எம் கோன் நீ ஆங்கு உரைத்த அந் நாளிடைத்
தங்காது அந் நகர் வீழ்ந்து கேடு எய்தலும்
மருள் அறு புலவ! நின் மலர் அடி அதனை
அரசொடு மக்கள் எல்லாம் ஈண்டிச்
சூழ்ந்தனர் வணங்கித் தாழ்ந்து பல ஏத்திய
அருளறம் பூண்ட ஒரு பேர் இன்பத்து
உலகு துயர் கெடுப்ப அருளிய அந் நாள்....."

Gandhara region was an ancient country in the North-West region of former India, encompassing the present Peshawar region of Pakistan extending up to the Swat valley and north eastern Afghanistan and the Sri Nagar region in it's east falling within India. {Refer above Map}

From the above reference in "Manimekalai" it is to be noted, among the various provinces of this large country (பெரு நாட்டு) the Gandhara Nadu of the second century A.D. one was known as "Puruvadesa" ("Purva"desa="Aathi" Nagar="ancient" city the Sri Nagar).

It is of much historic interest to note this province was conquered by the greatest Tamil Emperor of Tamil Nadu and India namely Rajendra Chola - 1 (A.D.1011-1044) in the year A.D.1022, driving away the Persian conquerer Mahumad of Gazni - the Kabul of Afganistan who earlier captured and occupied this province.


In the course my 'deep Research Studies' made on "Tamil History Under Cholas" (findings of which have already been published in this "Mayyam Website" and "Ponniyin Selvan Website" under various captions over last twelve years) the evidences in connection with the above are as follows.

"......The great Tamil Epic - Manimekalai specifically states that "Purvadesam - was in the Gandhara country" which encompassed the south Kashmir region. Further Al-Beruni states "....Udunpur in Purvadesa.....". Udunpur is undoubtedly the present Udhampur of south Jammu & Kashmir - a derivation from Udunpur to Udhumpur and then to Udhampur.

The latter three (Masunidesam, Panchapalli and Naamanaikkonam) were the regions of Uttarapatham. Rajendra Cholan - 1 claims in one of his inscription from Kulampandal (Gangaikonda Choliswarem temple) that he also won the "kings of Uttarapatham". Dharmasastra of Manu states Uttarapatham lies to the west of the place where river Sarawathi disappears. Great Indian Epic Mahabharata states ".....the Yavanas, Kambojas, Gandaras, Kiratas, and Barbarahs who were born in Uttarapatham......", which were all situated in north-western India. Nepali Manuscripts says "....Purushapuram territory in Uttarapatham.....". Purushapura is the present Peshawar in the upper Sind valley region of present Pakistan. Kaviya Mimansa states the Uttarapatha lay on the western side of Prthudaka. The Prthudaka was formerly situated north of present Delhi. The foregoing findings indicates to us somewhat accurately the regions covered by Uttarapatham, which was conquered by Rajendra Cholan - 1......"

After his capture of this region of Purvadesam of Uttarapatham region and the Gangetic region simultaneouly, and the region of Kadarem (the Kedah and Perak provinces of present Malaysia) overseas in the year A.D.1025, he was given the title as "Purvadesamum, Gangaiyum, Kadaramum konda Rajendra Choladevar". This title appears in his "Meikeerthi" (True Glory) found engraved in many Temple Inscriptions in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra and Sri Lanka".

to be continued

4th October 2017, 07:46 AM
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