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21st February 2005, 12:48 PM
Some usernames on this hub are funny, some are misleading (ahem, excuse me!), some look so real to real-life name, some look like acronyms, some look like spelling mistakes :lol:... whatever be, our username identifies us to fellow hubbers in this wonderful community.

Why don't we share the reason/ story behind our username??

Starting with mine, it's my sunsign. Didn't want to use my real name or initials, so I opted for that for easy rememberance. Honestly, never imagined it would cause so much of discussion on the hub :D

What's your story??

21st February 2005, 12:53 PM
Mine is very simple....just initials..my name and my dad's (ir also constantly reminds me of a dearly departed ex....) :cry:
Nothing glamourous!! :wink: :wink:

21st February 2005, 12:58 PM
Its simply my first name.

nirosha sen
21st February 2005, 01:01 PM
:lol: Mine's a pseudonymn of course!! Sens are such smart people, so decided to be one for the writer in me!! But beyond that, it's a convenient barricade to protect my own privacy!! :D

Nirosha lives in Cyberspace and for the papers Pa!! :wink:

21st February 2005, 01:28 PM
Usually, i am called by my First name, Calling with Second name is Normal, so i just divided my 2nd name into 2 and took the 2nd part of it!!

my name is in this format :

<X> <Y>Akash!!

21st February 2005, 01:42 PM
Mine is just the middle name and I only use it in the hub and also when corresponding with my hub friends.

21st February 2005, 02:09 PM
My surname is Mandangi. Generally people use their first names. But i use my surname in most of the portals i use.

21st February 2005, 03:09 PM
wow kewl topic at last!

My username story is kinda unusual. I have said it time and again in other egroups which I participate, and ppl are TIRED OF hearing it.

Anyway here it goes.

My name is Prabha. Ages back, when I used to post here (around 3 years back), I was initially posting as 'THINKER'.(too confident about my ablity i guess :lol:).

Then when I posted or replied in poetry section, ppl used to address ME AS "mr.thinker". That used to irritate me a lot.

(why is it, thinkers need to me male eh?)

THen i thought, I should keep a feminine name, (but did not wanan use my real name, for the fear of misuse)

During those days, there was a T.V serial of banupriya named

So I started posting as 'SHAKTHI'.

The prob did nto stop. "hi.mr.shakthi' used to be the replies I would get. (Why is not shakthi a female name!!)

So I started using 'Shakthipriya'. Many ppl who knew me as 'shakthi', did not like my new name.

So I went back to 'Shakthi'. Recently, I felt, nothing wrong in using my name, but not many were comfy calling me 'PRABHA'.

I had to prefix "Shakthi" to my name So thats the story of


(dont bash me if its not intersting :lol:)

21st February 2005, 03:19 PM
:cry: Such a brief explanation!!
Peyar Pirantha Kadai!!

21st February 2005, 03:22 PM
So nothing interesting so far guys?You have something interesting here.And it is related to the old hub.So guess what-will you please? :lol: :lol: :lol:

21st February 2005, 03:32 PM
// Such a brief explanation!!
Peyar Pirantha Kadai!!//


I thought of explaining more....like a story :))

Spared u guys...MONDAY AFN...all of u must be snoring on ur desk....:P (except ladies ofcourse :lol)

21st February 2005, 03:39 PM
Yea, we guys prefer Snoring to Gosshiping!!

21st February 2005, 03:53 PM


Talking ill about anyone

I was talking about myself.

I disagree it is gossip.

Sometimes talking about oneself is refered to as 'BLOWING ONE'S OWN TRUMPET' or BOASTING or braging.

I assure u, it was NONE OF THOSE. I shared the story as per the topic started.

Anytime, if anyone is bored, or is busy with work, or prefers snoring, I ASSUME they can skip any post. Good luck and happy snoring.

21st February 2005, 03:59 PM
Hi SP,

Thanks for a nice story..

Brief as Blah Blah says, thats typical you, isn't it? :wink: :wink:

21st February 2005, 04:01 PM
Hi SP,

Thanks for a nice story..

Brief as Blah Blah says, thats typical you, isn't it? :wink: :wink:

Come on!That was said by that running fellow! :x :D

21st February 2005, 04:01 PM
//Spared u guys...MONDAY AFN...all of u must be snoring on ur desk....Razz (except ladies ofcourse :lol) //

I said for this SP!! Guys prefer snoring rather gals prefer Gossiping.. I have'nt said it for yr Brief Explanations :)

21st February 2005, 06:26 PM
I am what you see... :D Simple.. No camaflague..

To think of it... your user name tells a lot about you.. not what it is outwardly.. but what is said, what is unsaid, what is implied directly or ironically.. what you want others to see you as.. Whether there is an attempt to create something that others want to see you as..

That way Mr. Mandangi is more straight forward than most of us. And you look at his postings.. straight from his mind..not duplicity whether you like it or not.

Nirosha Sen... afraid?!!

Akash.. secretive?! Though looks simple, not so.. cutting and chopping making it a code..

blahblah? .. This one beats me... laughing at himself? great!!

NM ... I am here... Switch off the light.. don't see me.. guess my gender?!! My god!! how could any body mistake you for a man?!!

Scorpio.. You want to be identified, yet scared?? ..Same as above as far as gender goes..

Shaktiprabha ... "THINKER"?!!! :lol: That's a revelation..So that was you!!! I remember an interaction with you ages ago..

Roshan.. Middle name?! Didn't quite get it..

21st February 2005, 06:33 PM

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Really enjoyed reading your post!!!
"NM ... I am here... Switch off the light.. don't see me.. guess my gender?!! :lol: :lol: Seriously, I didn't know it implied all those things!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
"My god!! how could any body mistake you for a man?!!"...well...Akash, Surya, Shakthi did!! :tongueout: :poke: Anyway, this was good to end my day!!

21st February 2005, 07:19 PM
Akash.. secretive?! Though looks simple, not so.. cutting and chopping making it a code..


nirosha sen
21st February 2005, 07:37 PM
Yup, I do have fear of all kinds of riff-raff out there!! :x

Cyberspace on the other hand has no frontier Pa!! So, it's a lawless zone!! One that I might timidly step into with trepidation in heart but try to come out unscathed and unfettered if possible!!

:lol: Hey I'm only Human Pa!!

21st February 2005, 09:45 PM
//Shaktiprabha ... "THINKER"?!!! That's a revelation..So that was you!!! I remember an interaction with you ages ago.. //

Wonder whats so hilarious shekhar????

Anyway intersting bits of facts! THough nothing can be guessed from my name i understand....(may be thats me...CLUELESS :lol:)

I am eagerly waiting for 2 of the members to write here.....

they are.........

1. blahblah
2. hehehe walrus


21st February 2005, 09:46 PM
No guesswork needed to get my username right. As far as the missing 'h' is concerned, it is because of 'pazhakka dhosham'. As all Jaiganesh es of the world beat me in getting the full user name, I patented jaiganes all over the web. In the same swing, I resitered myself as jaiganes and only then I realized that Jaiganesh was very much available for taking. :lol: :lol: :? :shock:

22nd February 2005, 06:14 AM
I happen to come across forumhub many many years ago, precisely around the time Mudhalvan was released.

It so happened that one of my juniors, not knowing that I am a senior teased me by singing 'alagane ratchasiye' song...call me vain but what do you expect when vengayams and sultans were reigning the hub then?

So I decided to use ratchasi as my nick ever since. :)

22nd February 2005, 07:12 AM
Oh So the a stands for Alagana?

Wow! How long has the HUB been around???? Admin/Mod, Could u guys please answer this? :)

Mad Max
22nd February 2005, 07:25 AM
I happen to come across forumhub many many years ago, precisely around the time Mudhalvan was released.

It so happened that one of my juniors, not knowing that I am a senior teased me by singing 'alagane ratchasiye' song...call me vain but what do you expect when vengayams and sultans were reigning the hub then?

So I decided to use ratchasi as my nick ever since. :)

Vengayam was a great satirist. I still remember his last post in the roll of honor thread where he imitated the posting styles of the hubbers. Too bad he left the hub.

I wonder what happened to Krishna who was always picking fights with Ashok and Uncle Sid.

22nd February 2005, 08:18 AM
Oh So the a stands for Alagana?

Wow! How long has the HUB been around???? Admin/Mod, Could u guys please answer this? :)

Since 1997.

22nd February 2005, 08:40 AM
ok Blahblah i'll try and guess...let me see you probably put up a great retort/reply and the hubber which it was directed to couldn't comprehend how to answer back...so just to insult you the hubber says all you said was blah blah as in boring and unimportant...even though it was far from the truth. :wink: How was that? Am i even close? :?: :huh: :D

22nd February 2005, 08:48 AM
Roshan.. Middle name?! Didn't quite get it..


I do have a long name - with my surname it comes to 5 long words (?). It's because my Dad and Mom had their own choices of names for me and ultimately ended up naming me with both their choices :)

Roshan is one of those names which comes in the middle. My name and its meaning has been discussed a couple of times in the hub. Once when there was a discussion about my gender Shakthi said Roshan means - "Light" ( as usual Shakthi thought I was a male :lol: ). And in Arabic it is "World". What ever the language - I'm happy that my name has some good meaning :D

22nd February 2005, 10:05 AM
Akash.. secretive?! Though looks simple, not so.. cutting and chopping making it a code..


No Akash, I didn't mean anything negative.. I only implied that the exercise is so clever, that you have your identity yet so hidden that even your friends may not relate this name to you. You should have been in Army Intelligence!! :) :)

Wonder whats so hilarious shekhar????

If you don't remember, then I won't tell you. It is better this way.
As such you are treating me like a pariah, and if I tell you, you will forever shoot poisoned arrows at me!! :lol: :wink:

22nd February 2005, 10:32 AM
"Come on!That was said by that running fellow! "

Oops, Blah Blah, echoose me and redirect credits to Akaasu!

22nd February 2005, 10:57 AM
There's nothing interesting in my name.When i came across this forum in Dec 2003&decided to post,I used 'Kamalfan'a couple of times but then it was too restrictive.Since this is primarily about films&music,I thought 'Cinefan'would be an apt choice.

22nd February 2005, 11:03 AM
you have your identity yet so hidden that even your friends may not relate this name to you. You should have been in Army Intelligence!! :) :)

Hummm Scorpio Identified my Second Name :x

22nd February 2005, 11:10 AM
Hi all,

Thanks for yr participation, as Roshan said elsewhere, this thread is really cool 8) (Now, JG, don't accuse me of cross-thread chasing).

Shekhar, liked yr analysis, as usual. Initially, I wanted to use my initials -RR , but as our admin had already hijacked it, chose my sun sign instead.

Before I began this thead, I had formed an opinion about most hubbers here, after all, its our usernames that identify us here, isn't it? Will share it, now that many of you have shared yr story.

NM - Could guess it should be initials, easy to remember too.

Sandeep and Shekhar- I was right in guessing that should be real names.

Akash- This guy fooled me. thought he belongs to the above list in the beginning, now, I guessed his second name and have started staring at those in my ofice with that name, if he is the ever running hubber :x

Niro- I knew u were a mallu and hence, couldn't fix that 'Sen' to a Keralite. Thanks for yr explanation. Does yr real name rhyme with Nirosha?

Roshan- I thought it is yr first name, but anyways, close guess.

Mandangi - No points for guessing that, so obvious. Bold enough to give full name, photo :wink: and a lengthy address!

SP - I have seen u in the old hub as Shakthipriya. As mentioned ealier, you get full marks for such a detailed explanation.

JG - Honestly thought of it either as a spelling mistake or a person deeply interested in Numerology. Now, I know the truth!

a. ratchasi - Was about to ask u if u r a Shankar fan, you replied first though!

I'll add my guesses right away about others who are yet to share their story!

Querida- Why don't u enlighten me with the real meaning of yr name?

mellon- First, thought as a spelling mistake with an extra 'l' instead of 'melon'. Pl. share the reason.

Cinefan - Do u really spend half yr salary on seeing movies? Ennappa reason?

Cindy- The glowing ex-avatar went well with this name. I always thought this is a nick. Correct?

BlahBlah, hhhw, Idiappam - Pl. share y story. Touch nuts to crack ( not u, but yr usernames :lol: )

r_kk - Have a feeling that r is yr initial and name should be some krishnakumar or something similar.

Rohit, aravindhan, sonu gopi, surya, PP, Raghu, Hemant - Think these are real names.

arr - A R Rahman fan-aa?? Illa initial-aa?

NOV - Ah! All capitals- Is this an acronym? Or were u born in November??

Will share more about others as and when I decipher !! :P

22nd February 2005, 11:13 AM
OOps, Cinefan,

Before I finished typing that lenghty post, u'v replied! Thanks 8)

22nd February 2005, 11:18 AM
Good guess!
Before I come out with mine guys,did you all notice one guy called Supreme?Just go to his posts,[only six of them] consider the language and context and form an opinion,will you?I have formed mine already. :lol: :banghead: :rotfl:

Clue: This guy joined just three days back. :twisted:

Warning:Don't make life difficult for people. :roll:

22nd February 2005, 11:26 AM
NOV - Ah! All capitals- Is this an acronym? Or were u born in November??Very simple and known to old-timers of this forum. :)

Namma-Ooru-Velan :lol:

22nd February 2005, 11:57 AM
Hi all, Initially, I wanted to use my initials -RR , but as our admin had already hijacked it, chose my sun sign instead

I was right in my guessing regarding your user name ! :D

NM - Could guess it should be initials, easy to remember too.

Sandeep and Shekhar- I was right in guessing that should be real names.

I thought the same !

Akash- This guy fooled me. thought he belongs to the above list in the beginning, now, I guessed his second name and have started staring at those in my ofice with that name, if he is the ever running hubber :x

Never made an attempt to guess ! :)

Niro- I knew u were a mallu and hence, couldn't fix that 'Sen' to a Keralite.

Right from the beginning I knew that she was a mallu though she was talking more about Tamil :) The Sen part therefore confused me as well.

Roshan- I thought it is yr first name, but anyways, close guess.

I always wanted to stick to my own name but did not want to use my first name coz, it's something really uncommon. Hence settled with Roshan.

Mandangi - No points for guessing that, so obvious. Bold enough to give full name, photo :wink: and a lengthy address!

Correct!! :)

SP - I have seen u in the old hub as Shakthipriya. As mentioned ealier, you get full marks for such a detailed explanation.

As usual I had no problem with the gender issue here but I thought Shakthi was her own name.

JG - Honestly thought of it either as a spelling mistake or a person deeply interested in Numerology. Now, I know the truth!

I thought it was something to do with numerology :lol:

a. ratchasi - Was about to ask u if u r a Shankar fan, you replied first though!

I have seen her in Tamil film section during the time of Mudhalavan release. The term 'azhagaana ratchasi' was very popular at that time and it became her obvious choice I guessed.

Querida- Why don't u enlighten me with the real meaning of yr name?

Querida has given some explanation about her name I remember. It means 'darling' in some language which I cant remember now. Queri, why dont you give your explanation.

mellon- First, thought as a spelling mistake with an extra 'l' instead of 'melon'. Pl. share the reason.

She is my good old friend hence have nothing to say :D

Cinefan - Do u really spend half yr salary on seeing movies? Ennappa reason?

I have seen him only in the Tamil film section in the old hub and knew that he was a Kamal Hassan fan. So nothing confusing about his user name.

Cindy- The glowing ex-avatar went well with this name. I always thought this is a nick. Correct?

I agree with scorpio on Cindy's avatar. But I think 'Cindy' is part of her own name.

BB, MM, Geno - I couldnt help the feeling that all three are the same person :? Confused to the core!

I hav no confusion at all here. Obviously all three are different and all the hubbers know it very well. BB and MM have given lengthy explanations on their user names before. As for geno - again he is my good old friend and let me leave the explanation to him though I know I have rightly guessed the reason behind his nick. :D

BlahBlah, hhhw, Idiappam - Pl. share y story. Touch nuts to crack ( not u, but yr usernames :lol: )

Yeah! please share your stories !!

r_kk - Have a feeling that r is yr initial and name should be some krishnakumar or something similar.

I think it's his initials !!

Rohit, aravindhan, sonu gopi, surya, PP, Raghu, Hemant - Think these are real names.

All the old hubbers know that Raghu is an ardent fan of Raghuvaran. He used to post as Raghuvaran before. Therfore I think it's his nick and not the original. As for the rest I know PP uses her own name and I guess the others too use their own names.

arr - A R Rahman fan-aa?? Illa initial-aa?

Did not attempt to guess though it reminds AR Rahman.

NOV - Ah! All capitals- Is this an acronym? Or were u born in November??

And finally NOV. As usual NOV is confusing with his nick too ... though to some extent I know a handle he used in the old hub :wink:

22nd February 2005, 12:12 PM
So I am one of the most wanted,right? :?

I was there in the old hub too and was using my real name then.Many times,the discussions disintegrated to verbal abuse and I had to try too hard to keep my cool.Rarely I paid some of the guys back,the way they asked for it.I saw that my name reveals some of my identity[like religion,state,language etc] and I had the feeling that some of the old hubbers are prejudiced just because of these things while they do not know anything about myself or my attitude. :x :x

When this hub was opened I expected it to go the same way.[though fortunately it didn't].So I concealed my real name and having some sense of humour and as I can laugh at myself,when I thought about a username,it came to my mind instantly-BLAHBLAH :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And that was all what was going on in the old hub too. :lol: :lol:

22nd February 2005, 12:14 PM
Dr. Scorpio, Ph.D in Nick Names!!
Roshan the Research Guide!!

22nd February 2005, 12:14 PM
my name reveals some of my identity[like religion,state,language etc]

YAH :huh:

As if we dont know now.

But yours is one avathar that meets your screen name. Bugs Bunny always keeps chattering ("Blah Blah")

22nd February 2005, 12:18 PM
I had the feeling that some of the old hubbers are prejudiced just because of these things while they do not know anything about myself or my attitude. :x :x

This is the reason why most of the hubbers dont use their own name!! Specially because of certain arrogant- foolish - religious fanatics !! :twisted:

having some sense of humour and as I can laugh at myself,when I thought about a username,it came to my mind instantly-BLAHBLAH :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh! blahblah !! now I think I should have guessed it :cry: knowing very well about your sense of humour :D

22nd February 2005, 12:37 PM
Numerology! me ????
good heavens NO!!
If it would have been numerology, then I should have written it as Jaiganeshu or Jaaiganesh as my friend who is an expert in numerology tells me. I told him No thank u! I have some what poor memory so I never use encryptes usernames anywhere. This is after I lost couple of logins to mailboxes because I had chosen very complicated nick names. :lol: :lol:
I also refrained from using my last name as my mexican friend told me that it sounded like a (spanish) vegetable name!!! :lol: :lol:

nirosha sen
22nd February 2005, 12:53 PM
I'd like to crack the Mellon code - could it be a translation for Kalyani Pushini????? Which could mean, her name is Kalyani?????

As for Blah-Blah - The cat is already outta the bag, Pa!! But I prefer Blah-Blah - very enigmatic!! :lol:

Querida - It was Spanish, Pa!!

Walrus???? What's your excuse????? :D

Supreme - Not Andavan are you???? Watching too much Selvi, Pa!! :lol:

22nd February 2005, 12:57 PM
Supreme - Not Andavan are you???? Watching too much Selvi, Pa!! :lol:

Watch what you really need to Niro! See his posts and don't you think that you have seen him somewhere over the past week? :lol:

I guess even this guy is beautiful and confident. :lol:

22nd February 2005, 01:05 PM
Supreme, UN just called for Ban on Human Clone!! :D

22nd February 2005, 01:25 PM

suresh is my name but happened to spell wrongly as suressh... :cry: that is my usernames sOgak kathai....

if and all i would want to know about ones user name that would be "veenaapponavan"s..... highly contracdicting....


22nd February 2005, 01:37 PM
For me using surname is best option. There are many people named Praveen all over India. But people with my surname are seen only in some parts of Orissa and Andhra Pradesh. So i use my surname as user name in most of the portals.

22nd February 2005, 02:53 PM
For me using surname is best option. There are many people named Praveen all over India. But people with my surname are seen only in some parts of Orissa and Andhra Pradesh. So i use my surname as user name in most of the portals.
You simply didn't answer our questions Sir,in case you really undestood?

22nd February 2005, 04:03 PM
Just time pass.
Internet anagram finder informs me that the user name I have chosen has a perfect anagram of "A Sane Jig", meaning a sensible dance or jump.
Visit this

for cool anagrams.

Some of our hubbers nicks turn out to be nteresting anagrams.

22nd February 2005, 05:38 PM
I still don't understand why you need protection from your own name? What are you paranoid about? Whom are you afraid of and What are you afraid of?

Akash wrote:
[ Do you think this voyage will continue until we get Person of dream? Laughing :

Even if you don't get the person of dream, in the voyage, you will have a lot of variety, don't you?? Smile Wink

Akash wrote:
[ Then regarding what you missed Wink. after reading this, your wife will make you feel, what you not gonna miss Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Shekhar wrote:
Do you think I am a fool?! My wife doesn't know about FH and I will ensure that she will never know!! Wink

were'nt you scared of yr WIFE that day?? regarding yr Identity :lol: :lol:

22nd February 2005, 06:45 PM
No Gals ...this name has no connection at all to my real name... as i was thinking of a webname, my kid brought a magazine with Cindy Crawford on a full page...and just gave that name... and of course ..the email ID given is also created then just for this, as i worried giving out ID in the web will invite more troubles....

nirosha sen
22nd February 2005, 06:53 PM
Right thing to do Cindy!! :D A girl can't be too careful enough in this big bad world, Pa!! Sigh.......

I sure miss Dr Veena!! Pavum! I wonder if she had done anything foolish or not........

Blah-Blah anything in the Kerala papers, Pa??? Could you please check out Thrissur area or something???? Ennikum korya veshmum thanne!!

22nd February 2005, 07:01 PM
Right thing to do Cindy!! :D A girl can't be too careful enough in this big bad world, Pa!! Sigh.......

I sure miss Dr Veena!! Pavum! I wonder if she had done anything foolish or not........

Blah-Blah anything in the Kerala papers, Pa??? Could you please check out Thrissur area or something???? Ennikum korya veshvum thanne!!

Even if the Malayalam papers report it ,we won't come to know,for it is not a doctor,not a Veena,not even a lady! :lol: :lol:

By theway,I liked your comment about Veena joinin Mandangi in that History distorted thread.Right match indeed! :lol:

22nd February 2005, 07:04 PM
Hey Cindy !!

Though I thought 'Cindy' was your original name.. the thought about Cindy Crawford crosses my mind when ever I see your glittering avatar. I even thought of mentioning it when posting about your user name. She is my favourite and I consider her as one of the most beautiful women. :)

Good to see you back with that glittery avatar !! :D

22nd February 2005, 07:07 PM
Hey Cindy !!

Though I thought 'Cindy' was your original name.. the thought about Cindy Crawford crosses my mind when ever I see your glittering avatar. I even thought of mentioning it when posting about your user name. She is my favourite and I consider her as one of the most beautiful women. :)

Good to see you back with that glittery avatar !! :D

Why don't I see a single woman with the user name 'Naomi' here?She is my favourite. :evil:

22nd February 2005, 07:11 PM
Why don't I see a single woman with the user name 'Naomi' here?She is my favourite. :evil:
Don't you see it??? Nao Mi :lol: :lol: :lol:

22nd February 2005, 07:14 PM
No Gals ...this name has no connection at all to my real name... as i was thinking of a webname, my kid brought a magazine with Cindy Crawford on a full page...and just gave that name... and of course ..the email ID given is also created then just for this, as i worried giving out ID in the web will invite more troubles....I like Cindy too, just saw her on tele yesterday, on Oprah's show.....and GOOD to see your avatar back! Missed it ..

22nd February 2005, 08:07 PM
Yes this sparkling avatar is my permanent one...wont go away...
and some special avatars on some particular days.. like pongal panai on pongal day, x-mas tree on dec 25th, happy new year avatar on jan 1st, and the previous loving rabbit with a heart was chosen on valentines day.. and then never got time to pots here or change it back...

22nd February 2005, 08:09 PM
Right thing to do Cindy!! :D A girl can't be too careful enough in this big bad world, Pa!! Sigh.......

I sure miss Dr Veena!! Pavum! I wonder if she had done anything foolish or not........

Blah-Blah anything in the Kerala papers, Pa??? Could you please check out Thrissur area or something???? Ennikum korya veshmum thanne!!

You still believe Veena was real???? I am sure he/she is around here with another name...

23rd February 2005, 12:52 AM
a number of ppl have already deciphered it...one person actually looked it up in the dictionary! you know who you are :wink: well it's spanish for darling/beloved...i took spanish for three years and that was my nick in that class...and have kept it since then...i was going to use Sayang but then changed my mind...cause if someone started in malay i'd be running for cover! :P :D

23rd February 2005, 12:55 AM

suresh is my name but happened to spell wrongly as suressh... :cry: that is my usernames sOgak kathai....

I thought it was actually done on purpose and that it was original 8)

Namma-Ooru-Velan sorry :oops: i don't understand the most important word...what's velan mean? :huh: i want to know what's so funny too please :D

23rd February 2005, 01:05 AM
Good guess!
did you all notice one guy called Supreme?Just go to his posts,[only six of them] consider the language and context and form an opinion,will you?I have formed mine already. :lol: :banghead: :rotfl:

Clue: This guy joined just three days back. :twisted:

Warning:Don't make life difficult for people. :roll:

as if one wasn't enough! :roll: :lol:

23rd February 2005, 01:07 AM
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many replies in just 24 hours (except hehehewalrus who prefer not to disclose the story behind his name!)


Enna numerology padi, double 's' sollitaangaLa? :lol:

I also would love to know 'VEENAPONAVAN's reason to post
as 'VEENAPONAVAN'. You know in marketing, u have a term called
'NEGATIVE marketing'.

You attract others, by doing something outrageous, or naming
urself in a questionable manner. May be veenaponavan tried it.

Following names sometimes made me wonder...

* I wanna know WHY MALLIGAI is called malligai

* One old hubber ( I think he or she does not write anymore)
who addresses herself IN THE FORM OF *ALPHABETS*.

* Querida..I always thought is a FRENCH WORD TO MEAN SOMETHING akin to 'INTELLIGENT'.

* Nirosha Sen, I assumed was a 100 PERCENT SHUDH, PURE, BENGALI.

* Akash, a delhite!? or a mumbaite? (may be something like akash upadyay, or akash verma? to add along :lol)

Thats about it I guess!....

Its funny, we assume something when we read a particular name. We draw a mental picture of a person, based on their style of writing. Sometimes THEY ARE TOTAL CONTRADICTORY to what we assumed :))

Raghu: always thought HE WOULD LOOK LIKE A twin brother of

good luck.


So many old hubbers are here with new names. There are some
fools like me, who stick on to our names, and never let
anyone go crazy with guesses. Can anyone come out with


I hear PPL SAY...


Thats typical you!"

Those comments cant be given, by new acquaintances.
Anyway.... its either i am too transparent, or..
I am lazy enough to tax my brains to guess whoz who.

Nice game though...

WHOZ WHO ???????????

23rd February 2005, 04:39 AM
Sp, I can tell the origin but it will cost you $20 :D

Reminded of Satellite Samiyaar, the numerologist advises Crazy Mohan to change his name from Sivaraman to Savaraman. The phone conversation is very funny:

- "Note it down: S-S-I-V-A-A......Oh, Siva-la moonu A add panniteengala? Seri, Raman-la vara A-la adjust panniduvom! SSIVAAARAAMTWXZAN"

-"Yennaya Sivaraman-la XYZ ellaam sollara?"
-"Yo, adhellam silent ya, unna yaaru adhellaam pronounce panna sonna?" :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

23rd February 2005, 05:39 AM
alright hehehewalrus if you won't let us know than that is just your given right but that doesn't stop us from making assumptions abut it :poke:

when i first encountered your name i either thought you were alluding to the walrus in Alice in Wonderland and the famous lines:

"“The time has come,” the Walrus said,
“To talk of many things:
Of shoes—and ships—and sealing wax—
Of cabbages—and kings—
And why the sea is boiling hot—
And whether pigs have wings.”

or that you like to laugh heartily..either one... :roll: :D

23rd February 2005, 07:03 AM
Namma-Ooru-Velan sorry :oops: i don't understand the most important word...what's velan mean? :huh: i want to know what's so funny too please :D
You confound me Querida!
What is there to understand in the name "Velan"?

Mad Max
23rd February 2005, 08:24 AM
Hi all,

BB, MM, Geno - I couldnt help the feeling that all three are the same person :? Confused to the core!

We aren't. You are probably confused due to the FBI Maran posts in the old hub. Ask Roshan and others and they will testify that we are different individuals.

BB is currently in Jaffna doing some Tsunami relief work and that is why he is not posting at the moment.

23rd February 2005, 09:03 AM
-- OOPS !! SORRRRRY ---------

Mad Max
23rd February 2005, 09:13 AM
-- OOPS !! SORRRRRY ---------

Sorry for what?

23rd February 2005, 09:19 AM
In the deluge of posts by our friends, I could not trace mine and asked NOV abt it. Later I went back 3 pages to find my last posting (which I thought would be there in the last page or one before . how silly of me). So I apologised for the outburst. Nothing controversial!!!
/*** DIGRESSION ****/
btw! I watched mad max only recently! I liked the character, but the movie made me uneasy particularly the concept of anarchy and lawlessness leaving innocents at the mercy of marauding bikers!! That should rank among the top ten most disturbing movies of hollywood along with escape from NY.
/**** End digression ***********/

Mad Max
23rd February 2005, 09:27 AM
Mad Max is staged to happen during the post-apocalyptic time.

Toecutter, Bubba Zanetti, Goose! Interesting characters aren't they?

Watch MM2:The Road Warrior if you get the chance. Great action movie. More exciting than MM1.

PS: It isn't a Hollywood movie. It was an Australian production featuring an unknown aussie actor named Mel Gibson.

23rd February 2005, 09:43 AM
sure I will give it a watch. Thanks for the suggestion MM. Maybe we can open a separate thread on movies depicting apocalypse and anarchic times in future like "soldier", "cyborg", "T1 and T2" . what u say?

23rd February 2005, 09:46 AM
when i first encountered your name i either thought you were alluding to the walrus in Alice in Wonderland and the famous lines:

"“The time has come,” the Walrus said,
“To talk of many things:
Of shoes—and ships—and sealing wax—
Of cabbages—and kings—
And why the sea is boiling hot—
And whether pigs have wings.”

or that you like to laugh heartily..either one... :roll: :D

Querida, you are not the first one :D Another good friend of mine who understood my purpose quoted this very poem and asked me if he could become hahahacarpenter :lol2: :lol2:

BTW, Spanish is a rough sounding lang. Some of the spanish syllables in the hispanic channels sound harsh like the grating of a file - French is always the softest and sweetest :D

23rd February 2005, 10:02 AM
walrus anna wrote:

Another good friend of mine who understood my purpose

SO you have a purpose behind this name???
I am amazed!! I usually avoid people with purpose (ever since I saw The Big Kahuna ), in your case though, I will make an exception. :lol: :D

23rd February 2005, 10:04 AM
walrus anna wrote:

Another good friend of mine who understood my purpose

SO you have a purpose behind this name???

it is a harmless one :D

JG thambi, I am most likely younger to you(unless you meant anna in the political sense) :lol2:

23rd February 2005, 10:19 AM
walrus anna wrote:

(unless you meant anna in the political sense)

Of course!! How could it be otherwise. :wink: :wink: :lol:

23rd February 2005, 10:36 AM
scorpio ji!!

what does your quote mean "arise , awake ...." Now that you have been designated the blonk queen of the hub by the "blonk empress" herself, I would like to know what is your goal (or purpose) is? :roll: :roll:

23rd February 2005, 10:40 AM

Why do you ask questions when you already know the answer?? :lol:

Anyway, I always have a soft corner for you as you are from North Chennai like me!!

23rd February 2005, 10:46 AM
scorpio ji wrote:

Anyway, I always have a soft corner for you as you are from North Chennai like me!!

Means I get a respite from blonks!!!??? :lol: :lol:
shouts ike goundamani
ESCAPE !!! Great Escape!!! :D :lol: :lol:

23rd February 2005, 11:43 AM
walrus anna wrote:

(.... in the political sense)

Of course!! How could it be otherwise. :wink: :wink: :lol:

JG, I am not Shilpakumar :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

23rd February 2005, 11:48 AM
Varungaala HM HHHWalrus Vaazhga Vaazhga!! :thumbsup: :clap:
Indha kooval podhumaa innum konjam venumaaa

23rd February 2005, 08:17 PM

23rd February 2005, 09:08 PM
Hi to scorpio!

Nice thread :)

I'd like to crack the Mellon code - could it be a translation for Kalyani Pushini????? Which could mean, her name is Kalyani?????

Geno - Short for genocide perhaps????!!! Very, very intriguing!! Mmm..........

Hmmm... why would you be this adversarial Nirosha? :o

mellon - I don't know why she chose this name, but I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with pumpkins or other produce :evil:

geno - Roshan and other friends know what geno means; it is a lovable futuristic puppy in one of Sujatha's (Thamizh writer) sci-fi novels.

As for the BB, MM and geno being the same person - ludicrous idea! They each have distinctly different styles of writing and I don't see how they could ever be confused for each other :roll:
Seems like scorpio isn't that new to the hub :wink:


It's interesting to know that this is part of your real name, I thought you picked it up as a nick :)

Nobody's hiding anything by choosing to go with a pseudonym. It is just so unpredictable what people could do with your information that people are just wary of giving their real names. For some, who post from work, this sort of a precaution is necessary because their entire life histories can be obtained off the internet and no one can tell what trouble-mongers would not do to bother folks, whom they can't have a rational argument with.

23rd February 2005, 09:21 PM

23rd February 2005, 09:58 PM
Namma-Ooru-Velan sorry :oops: i don't understand the most important word...what's velan mean? :huh: i want to know what's so funny too please :D
You confound me Querida!
What is there to understand in the name "Velan"?

when you wrote namma ooru velan :lol:<<<you put this emoticon beside it so i thought there was some joke to the word velan...the confusion lies in the fact that i do not know what the word velan even means...

23rd February 2005, 10:24 PM

vElan - indicates one who wields the vEl which is a kind of spear. Most commonly used to refer to the thamizh god Murugan.

Namma Ooru Velan (Velan of our town)- probably the initials NOV stand for something else and he made this up to sound funny! :)

23rd February 2005, 10:39 PM
OOOOOOH (lights going off)

thanx so much Cygnus!!! :D ...hey Cygnus has your sweet swan gone south for the winter?

ok now i understand...so that's a good analogy for your username you show your strength by wielding words here don't you NOV-san :roll: :lol:

23rd February 2005, 10:55 PM
OOOOOOH (lights going off)

thanx so much Cygnus!!! :D ...hey Cygnus has your sweet swan gone south for the winter?

aww Q! What wit and humor!! For now, it's warm and cozy down in the South!

It was intended to be a placeholder anyway (but I'm glad you liked it so much to call it sweet) and I was too lazy to choose a new pic. May be I'll get a better looking stargazer lily soon. :)

24th February 2005, 12:13 AM
Nice topic, Nice going thru it all.......

Mine's easy 2 guess...I like happy optimistic people, happy feelings, etc.

With all the hate & prejudice diff ppl of diff communites hv out there, I just decided 2 use my closest identity - Indian.

And so I am a Happy Indian.

Personally I dislike my own name quite a bit - its long winded, casteist, a little rare & can b cumbersome 2 use.

And could never manage 2 find a pseudonym sounding like a real name, like Cindy (as much as i (& many ppl) can try, guess can never associate Cindy Crawford as a mum, so was surprised u hv a kid(s)) and Nirosha (I really thot u were an ashol (real) Bangali, nyan aebhyarasi poyee (hope i got that right)).

Frm the old hub, always knew BB, Geno and Mad Max were 3 very different ppl, but with their wee bit of over-lapping ideologies, they cud b confusing 2 those who didn't interact with them much :lol:

Neither did I ever imagine BB, like he wrote in some other thread, is someone in his 40s :shock: He always sounded and continues to sound so young :lol:

Querida chose a nice name. Perhaps her mates nick-named her 4 who she really is :) . She inspired my avatar.

I liked the name Fridge in the old hub. Wonder why no one took it up in this new hub.

24th February 2005, 01:15 AM
hi happy indian, good user name u have!
thx for sharing.

your post made me ermemebr FRIDGE.

V. friendly and intersting lady.
Wonder if she is here, in anyother name?

Also SKAN!!!!!

There are very few hubbers, whom I have been
down to earth comfy in addressing.

And one is SKAN(I.E. SKANTHAVELU..guess I miss him:)...nice chap)

and ofcourse the other hubber, whom Ive been most
comfy is NONE OTHER THAN 'Raghu' :)

Why raghu has not posted, as to WHY he is raghu :lol:

Mad Max
24th February 2005, 05:22 AM
sure I will give it a watch. Thanks for the suggestion MM. Maybe we can open a separate thread on movies depicting apocalypse and anarchic times in future like "soldier", "cyborg", "T1 and T2" . what u say?

I guess we may have to wait for the "International Movies" forum to be migrated for that! It will be an interesting topic though.

24th February 2005, 06:26 AM

vElan - indicates one who wields the vEl which is a kind of spear. Most commonly used to refer to the thamizh god Murugan.

Namma Ooru Velan (Velan of our town)- probably the initials NOV stand for something else and he made this up to sound funny! :)God!
How the drama unfolds!! Does the Cy in your name stand for "cynic?" ;)

Velan is my household name, which is derived from my actual name. When I started posting in TFM Pages 10 years ago, I used the complete form, namma ooru velan, and since it was such a chore, shortened it NOV. There is absolutely no other explanation to this.

manusaala summaa NOVaadikkaathinga!

nirosha sen
24th February 2005, 06:42 AM
:rotfl: Now I can really giggle all the way to the kitchen, Nov!!

By the way, is your full name Velayutham?????!!!! I know, I know!! I sound like the queen in Rumpelstiltskin, Pa!! :lol: But nevertheless an intrigue is just that!!

Mad Max
24th February 2005, 07:21 AM
geno - Roshan and other friends know what geno means; it is a lovable futuristic puppy in one of Sujatha's (Thamizh writer) sci-fi novels.

I did not know that, even though I am a good friend of Geno.

I read that story a long long time ago when it first appeared as a thodarkathai in AV and really enjoyed it. Geno was a lovable AI robot pup in the story. What was the name of that story? Is it available anywhere?

24th February 2005, 07:39 AM
How the drama unfolds!! Does the Cy in your name stand for "cynic?"

NOV, no points for guessing I'm a bit of a cynic :wink: Poor Q has been asking why your statement was funny and I volunteered a 'probable' explanation, that's all!!

If it is your real name why then did you put the 'laugh' emoticon next to it and not the 'smile' or 'happy' icon? That's what confused us!

I did not know that, even though I am a good friend of Geno.

I read that story a long long time ago when it first appeared as a thodarkathai in AV and really enjoyed it. Geno was a lovable AI robot pup in the story. What was the name of that story? Is it available anywhere?

Hi M&M!

I am assuming that's origin of geno's username. I can only corroborate that anecdotally. Well, once in the old hub someone asked if geno is short for 'genius' and someone asked the questioner " haven't you read Sujatha's novels" but geno himself did not clarify that.

Anywho, the names of the novels were 'en iniya iyanthira' (DD made a televised version that was terrible) and 'meendum geno' :)

BTW, I see you're back to your 'old motto', I personally liked the 'new motto', but if it suits you....I'm no one to judge :)

Mad Max
24th February 2005, 07:58 AM
Also SKAN!!!!!

There are very few hubbers, whom I have been
down to earth comfy in addressing.

And one is SKAN(I.E. SKANTHAVELU..guess I miss him:)...nice chap)

Hmmm....Are you the same Shakthi whom he used to call as "Shakti Akka"? But that was ShaktiPriya...

Mad Max
24th February 2005, 08:00 AM
BTW, I see you're back to your 'old motto', I personally liked the 'new motto', but if it suits you....I'm no one to judge :)

Just for a little time...while I am dealing with a certain hubber known as HindiLadka. Then I will be back as nice, lovable Daffy! :mrgreen:

24th February 2005, 09:55 AM
NOV wrote

How the drama unfolds!! Does the Cy in your name stand for "cynic?"

Translation: The Swan or the Northern Cross
This URL

says that cygnus is a constellation.

There is also a e-transaction system by that name.

This URL says cygnus is a publisher of mind body spirit related books

So the chances are:

1. Cygnus is an ornithologist(bird watcher).
2. Cygnus is an astronomy student.
3. Cygnus is a e-transactions expert using the system by that name often
4 Cygnus is an avid writer or reader of mind-body books by that name.
5. None of the above.

My guess is option 1.

24th February 2005, 10:00 AM
Nobody's hiding anything by choosing to go with a pseudonym. It is just so unpredictable what people could do with your information that people are just wary of giving their real names. For some, who post from work, this sort of a precaution is necessary because their entire life histories can be obtained off the internet and no one can tell what trouble-mongers would not do to bother folks, whom they can't have a rational argument with.

Sure Cygnus.. I completely agree with you. My observations were only statements sans judgment. I know it is foolish to be brave when the threat is real.
You have a right to decide your cyber identity depending upon your situation and perception. I have absolutely no qualms about it. I am just lucky that I am in a situation where I can use my real name. I am not a fool either. I have exposed my mind, but have hidden a large part of my life. I have also successfully refrained from bringing out my pains and tears on to the hub.

24th February 2005, 10:27 AM
Why raghu has not posted, as to WHY he is raghu :lol:
No way you can get him for 2 weeks, he planned for Heavy Biceps work out for next 2 weeks :)

24th February 2005, 10:41 AM

awww..you went to all that trouble :) ...sorry the answer is (5) None of the above.

But you got the constellation thing right. I was torn between Cassiopeia and Cygnus and for obvious reasons (can't imagine how you guys would've ragged me if I were a new hubber with such a weird name) chose Cygnus :)


I appreciate your openness. It's hubbers like you and my good friends from 'ulagam' and kavithaigal section, that make it worth the while for me in the Hub :D

24th February 2005, 10:59 AM

Q wrote earlier :

hey Cygnus has your sweet swan gone south for the winter?

Then I remembered your previous avatar of swan.
thats the reason I put my money on the option 1. anyways cool nick!

24th February 2005, 11:07 AM
[quote="Cygnus"]Hi to scorpio!

Seems like scorpio isn't that new to the hub :wink:


You guessed it right!

nirosha sen
24th February 2005, 11:31 AM
Scorpio - Are you Punnahai perhaps????? :roll:

24th February 2005, 11:37 AM
No, No, Niro!

I've surfed the old hub extensively but never posted :)

Perhaps, my change of project has given me more time to actually participate :wink:

nirosha sen
24th February 2005, 12:01 PM
:shock: Happy Indian???? - ashol Bangali-ya????? Entha Pa!! Yenna language ithu????? :lol:

24th February 2005, 12:11 PM
Scorpio,That old Harry was much better and cute.Too bad that you changed him.

24th February 2005, 12:14 PM

For me, Harry is always cute! :wink:

Changed my avtaar twice this morning, did u see the latest one??

Hmm, will search for more cute photos now!!

24th February 2005, 12:17 PM
blah blah wrote:

Scorpio,That old Harry was much better and cute.Too bad that you changed him.
That harry looked more like senthil. This new harry looks like "Khaja" sheriff. I will wait for "Omakuchi" Harry to show up. :lol: :lol: BTW I heard that in some schools in USA Harry Potter and his friends are banned because they promote witchcraft. Is it true?

24th February 2005, 12:21 PM

How dare u compare Harry with Senthil and of all, Khaja sheriff?? :twisted:

Yes, HP novels top the list of banned books every year and also the list of 'most read' books. :lol:

Rendu page-a intha thread-la ore digression. Shekhar will now re-consider his 'Thread snapper' awards!

24th February 2005, 12:51 PM

Hi M&M!

I am assuming that's origin of geno's username. I can only corroborate that anecdotally. Well, once in the old hub someone asked if geno is short for 'genius' and someone asked the questioner " haven't you read Sujatha's novels" but geno himself did not clarify that.

- in that novel, i remember sujatha explaining the origin of the name geno.... as it was a name of greek philosopher or scholar... may be i am wrong.


24th February 2005, 01:43 PM
Why don't we share the reason/ story behind our username??
Starting with mine, it's my sunsign. Didn't want to use my real name or initials, so I opted for that for easy rememberance. Honestly, never imagined it would cause so much of discussion on the hub :D
What's your story??

sorry forgot to tell u- I'm a HP fan as well! 'think I even saw a thread relating to this...?
Well, as 4 my username, I don't know how ppl. might take this but I put the 'lord' after Lord Voldemort in HP......found the name impressive in a way, yea even tho I know hez evil......tats y contended myself w/ just the 'Lord' bit..... :wink:
And 'Stanher' is actually short 4 Standard Herald, an old car tat I own (in India).....twas popular back in the '60s/70s.....thos of u w/ older memories mite rem....?
tats abt it......

24th February 2005, 01:47 PM
Hi Lordstanher aka Lord Voldy,

Thanks for sharing that!! Pretty difficult to remember if u have too many usernames in many portals, isn't it?

There is a thread -Any HP /JKR fans here- in Misc. section but it would be in some back pages, why dont u participate and give some life to it?

24th February 2005, 01:53 PM
Hmmm....Are you the same Shakthi whom he used to call as "Shakti Akka"? But that was ShaktiPriya...[/quote]

Yeah, I am same shakthi alais, shakthipriya alais shakthiprabha. I had briefed enough about the evolution of MY NAME in this same thread.

He used to call me Shakthi akka. He even wrote mails to me, in my daily busy chores, I kinda over looked it and did not reply him :(

Skn was fun and kewl.

24th February 2005, 11:58 PM
seems like you guys are having a nice chat....is it too late for a 'newbie' to join in?


dr- what i do
#- not what i deal, but my name plus an extra h

25th February 2005, 12:36 AM
Hi Doc,

I am a newbie too. Just sitting on the sideline and trying get the hang of this. Welcome to the Hub.

25th February 2005, 06:49 AM
Hi, here to explain my user name: Reena. I got it because im....WEIRD! kadawal padhi merigum padhi! :D

25th February 2005, 06:54 AM
Hi, here to explain my user name: Reena. I got it because im....WEIRD! kadawal padhi merigum padhi! :D

hm.......ooook...... :?

Reena, Long time no see. :) R u ok? :?

Mine is just one of my names. :)

25th February 2005, 07:04 AM
thanks buddha

is that brixton south london you're referring to?

25th February 2005, 07:05 AM
Mine is just one of my names.

What a coincidence, that is so true with mine too!! :lol:

25th February 2005, 08:36 AM
hey newbies join in just explain why you chose such a name or take a guess on another's meaning...no need to feel left out... :D

Buddha_Brixton did you follow my remedy for your hangover? :P

25th February 2005, 08:56 AM
There is absolutely no other explanation to this.

manusaala summaa NOVaadikkaathinga!

aww NOV-san i'm just was clueless didn't mean nothing by it

25th February 2005, 09:06 AM
Hey Querida!
Internet Anagram server says that your nick is an anagram for "IRAQ DUE". I guess it is no longer the case... :lol: :lol:

25th February 2005, 09:07 AM
Hi Doc

is that brixton south london you're referring to?

Yeh, I'm a south London girl/boy

Hi Q

Buddha_Brixton did you follow my remedy for your hangover?

Not yet, I got the weekend to try. May be on sunday

25th February 2005, 09:44 AM

25th February 2005, 09:51 AM
Hi Kukubird, :)

Well come to the Hub. :D I love and play music.

25th February 2005, 10:02 AM
Hey kukubird! welcome to the hub. Please use the introduce yourself thread(the sticky one) to introduce yourself formally to the hubbers.

25th February 2005, 10:07 AM
Welcome kukubird, buddha and dr 'hash'!

NOV: I just browsed through tfmpage and figured out that NOV is listed as one of the most important abbr.s there. So you weren't joking then! (testimonial to my cynicism, I had to make sure you were telling the truth :lol: )

Sorry for the misconstruction!! :)

Mad Max
25th February 2005, 10:59 AM

25th February 2005, 01:16 PM
Welcome buddha_brixton (such along name! :shock: ), dr. # & kukubird (kistook u for kannuma, of the same avatar!!) :lol: :lol: Hope u all have many more moons of happiness with the hub....

25th February 2005, 02:41 PM
There is a thread -Any HP /JKR fans here- in Misc. section but it would be in some back pages, why dont u participate and give some life to it?

Sure will chek it out soon! Pity I don't hav my own net conncn. here else wud've spent more time online.....esp. in this forum!

25th February 2005, 03:43 PM
Yeh, I'm a south London girl/boy

We thought you are a man. But you seem to have some doubt!! :lol: :lol:

25th February 2005, 10:21 PM
Hey Querida!
Internet Anagram server says that your nick is an anagram for "IRAQ DUE". I guess it is no longer the case... :lol: :lol:

you know what when i have posted like this elsewhere posters always ask if im underhandedly reffering to al_queda....especially when i posted as la_querida....go figure...anyways you continue with your dance a sane jig :P

25th February 2005, 11:50 PM
:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

26th February 2005, 07:37 AM
Ha! Dare you to find the begining, the middle and the end! If you can't, then that's Idiappam!

26th February 2005, 08:34 AM
Sorry, Idiappam.

I am afraid I cant accept your dare.

I rather place the idiappam on a plate and start eating it.
Of course with lots of chicken curry poured on it! :D

26th February 2005, 10:13 AM
Sorry, Idiappam.

I am afraid I cant accept your dare.

I rather place the idiappam on a plate and start eating it.
Of course with lots of chicken curry poured on it! :DOh!Oh! Ratchasi....am hungry now.....!!! idiappam with chicken curry..yummy yummy!! :wink: :D :D

nirosha sen
26th February 2005, 11:08 AM
try idiappam with stew curry!!! Absolutely, heavenly!! :D

26th February 2005, 10:25 PM
Welcome kukubird, buddha and dr 'hash'!

NOV: I just browsed through tfmpage and figured out that NOV is listed as one of the most important abbr.s there. So you weren't joking then! (testimonial to my cynicism, I had to make sure you were telling the truth :lol: )

Sorry for the misconstruction!! :)No probs Cygnus. :)
You just brought back some memories.

The first thread I started ... and what a mess I made in intro page...


My id then... Topic started by Nammaooruvalen (@ on Tue Jul 15 21:22:46 EDT 1997.

note the date of posting. :D

27th February 2005, 08:35 AM
Nothing beats Iddiappam with Thenga Paal, or Kurma!!!! YUMMMMMMM!! :D

nirosha sen
27th February 2005, 12:48 PM
Boy Nov, that was a good thread and I read Vaali's name mentioned too!! This is the same Kavinyar Vaali in the the final episodes of Annamalai?????

I'm impressed Pa!! :)

27th February 2005, 01:06 PM
Vaali has been around since the 60s. After Kannadhasan, he is the most talked about lyricist of that era. In fact he has to be the most prolific of lyricists and is still writing lyrics for several films, including the yet to be released Best Friend.

I think his first debut into movies (acting) was in the 80s in the movie Poi Kaal Kudhirai. You will find a thread on Vaali, in Memories of Yesteryears section, with plenty of contributions from rajesh.

27th February 2005, 11:21 PM
What is the character played by Vaali in Poikaal Kudhirai, can you refresh my memory?

28th February 2005, 05:54 AM
Niro, how do you make stew curry?

28th February 2005, 06:56 AM
Niro, how do you make stew curry?
Was abt to ask the same... :D :D

28th February 2005, 07:51 AM
For those yet confused and find irrationality. I changed my user name from Urme to Guyana after I was referred to as the off-spring of a slave - subsequent to the movie Guana 1838 where Urmila an innocent girl from Bombay, acted as a slave. But I still wanted to keep some identify as to where I was born. May be it was not a very smart thing and had I given it some more thought as to why I was changing it, I may have picked another name, but then I was only focusing on the move and wanted some connection with my prevous positing in case of any future confusion.

28th February 2005, 09:52 AM
Hi every body !!! :D Good to see more interesting stories about user names.

geno - Roshan and other friends know what geno means; it is a lovable futuristic puppy in one of Sujatha's (Thamizh writer) sci-fi novels.

Yes!! You are correct. And as long as I know Sujatha is one of geno's favourite writers. He had said it long time back in Ulagam thread and we have had discussions on Sujatha' s work many a times in Ulagam thread and KavithaigaL section.

As for the BB, MM and geno being the same person - ludicrous idea!

I too felt the same. :x

They each have distinctly different styles of writing and I don't see how they could ever be confused for each other
Seems like scorpio isn't that new to the hub

Hey that was cooooool 8)

28th February 2005, 09:56 AM

Good to see you with an avatar :D

28th February 2005, 10:00 AM

Good to see you with an avatar :DHv to confess, I just found out RR has given that link in one of the threads.........love the unicorn, besides yr dove and queri's EYE!! ..hee hee.....

28th February 2005, 11:14 AM
I rather place the idiappam on a plate and start eating it.
Of course with lots of chicken curry poured on it! :D

Wow!!! idiappam with chicken curry !! Great combination!! but shoud add a little thEngaai paal too. Idiappam goes well with thEngaai paal.

Idiappam and hot prawn curry is also a good combination!!


aamaa.... idiappathukkum vaazhaipooviRkum enna sambantham? :roll:

28th February 2005, 12:04 PM
Hi Hubbers,

Now that most of you have shared the story behind yr username, why don't we now share the reason behind our avtaar?? Our avtaar too contributes towards understanding about our fellow hubbers, isn't it?

My story is straight forward. Being a Harry Potter fan, I chose him as my avtaar. Have formed a policy to change the avtaar once in every 100 posts, to break off from monotony!!

NOV - Is there a way to edit the title of this thread to include 'avtaars' too????

28th February 2005, 12:38 PM
I came across th epicture of a prarie dog in National Geographic. I kinda found it cute and had that as my avatar.When I read this article (http://www.desertusa.com/dec96/du_pdogs.html), became a fan of Prarie dogs. I also think that they reflected my busy burrowing attitude. Also they suffer from too many predators like I do (from blonking marauding female posters). :cry: :cry:

28th February 2005, 01:19 PM
The reason behind my Avatar ..

The hubbers who have been in the old hub know how bad the situation had been there at one time. Obscene languages, personal attacks, fanaticism, faking IDs and what more !! All these nasty stuff really made me feel sick . Only after visiting forumhub I understood there exist animals in the form of humans. Then came this new hub with more controls and close monitoring. All I wanted was to see some sort of peace prevailing in this new hub. I just wanted to symbolize that. Hence selected the dove initially. Actually I had the idea of going for another avatar later, but since everybody liked the "heavenly" dove I just thought of settling with it.

I had two choices finally. One was Picaso's 'peace dove' and the one I'm using now. Picaso's was very conventional and hardly anyone would know that it was his. Besides I was keen in selecting one that should match the back ground colour and the font color used by the hub coz, thats more important to make the avatar more attractive (Querida's and Cindy's are good examples).

This is the story behind my avatar and it has nothing to do with my personal character. Though I prefer peace, I would always agree that it's necessary to fight it out, when ever and where ever it matters.

I would hardly agree that Avatar reflects one's perosnality. Pshycologically it is the reflection of one's expectation - the way you expect others to form an opinion about you. It's not a reflection of your own character or personality most of the time. In my opinion, more than the avatar - the ideas and opinions expressed here reflect one's character and personality to a large extent.

And when some one selects a celebrity as the avatar, it's obvious that he or she is an admirer/fan of that personaity. For example we all know that Joe is a die hard fan of Sivaji Ganeshan and geno an ardent fan of Kamal Hassan. And now scorpio - a fan of Harry Potter.

nirosha sen
28th February 2005, 05:19 PM
Good one Scorpio!! I think it's abt time, more of us opened up our true feelings, now that we are all comfortable with each other.

Aishwarya Rai - Why her??? Well, when I first started at the Hub, there was this thread in the Eng. Lit. section. It was started by a very disturbed individual whom I shall call as Zero!! Camille would attest to my allegations, Pa!!

For some reason, this person took such delight in tarnishing and maligning Ash that from initial amusement, my dismay turned into outrage!! So after a few, verbal fisticuffs over her vitriolic attacks, I decided to stop replying to this deranged individual!!

Out of pique, and my admiration for this beautiful and talented Indian beauty, and South Indian one at that, I decided on her as my avataar, Pa!!

Ash, Ash!!!! May she soar on angel's wings to greater heights, Pa!!

Eppadi, namba story?????!!!! :D

28th February 2005, 05:24 PM
niro akka,

kalakiteenga, vazhakkam pola!

I think the main reason behind many male hubbers frequenting the hub is your avtaar!

28th February 2005, 05:37 PM
Nirovin Avathar,
Mei marekke veikkindrethu..
Roshanin vellai parevei,
Ameithiyei kodukkindrethu......
BlahBlah vin Bunny,
Ennei sirrike veikindrethu..
Ennudeiye avatharoo,
En kadenthe kaalethei nyabegem paduthiyethu..... :wink: :wink:

28th February 2005, 05:42 PM
Why I don't have an avatar?
I myself am not very sure. :roll: I sure would be uncomfortable with any, as I feel frozen, and I want my thoughts to flow...

28th February 2005, 05:43 PM
Why I don't have an avatar?
I myself am not very sure. :roll: I sure would be uncomfortable with any, as I feel frozen, and I want my thoughts to flow...
Try waterfall.... :wink: :wink:

28th February 2005, 05:59 PM
I tried many pictures, but all weren't matching the pixel size... and was nudging NOV and RR to adjust the allowed pixel levels.. (dunno if they remember..) actually was searching for Cindy Crawford's pictures... this glittering Cindy was one of the pick i got from google.. so thought of keeping it until i get one good picture with less pixels.. and NOV said why not this, as this one looked better... Velan sonna sariya irukkumnnu atheye avataraga save pannitten. appram Sekhar sonna mathiri frozen-a illama eppovume jagajagannu surusuruppa irukkira mathiri oru avatarnnu thonichu.

Thats all folks!

nirosha sen
28th February 2005, 08:11 PM
Shekhar - How abt a runaway chariot, Pa!! With Karunan or is it Aditya as your Charioteer, you are everywhere like Suryan!! :lol:

nirosha sen
28th February 2005, 08:12 PM
NM - What kaddanthe kaalam is that Pa???? Tell Aunty Niro!! Is it sad or happy???? :o

1st March 2005, 06:14 AM
NM - What kaddanthe kaalam is that Pa???? Tell Aunty Niro!! Is it sad or happy???? :oDear Dr N,
Well it actually reminds be of the M&B days..ha ha..ha...the first time I read abt unicorn was in one of those books...good old days..bet you remember reading them too.....since then, unicorn and horses have been my fav .. :wink: :wink:

1st March 2005, 09:47 AM
Shekhar - you are everywhere like Suryan!! :lol:

Oh yea.. I am just meandering around the threads just for fun. :)
But I seriously miss the serious, thought provoking disucssions we used to have in the old hub a couple of years ago. In fact there was so much of serious discussions, and fun was almost absent. It was then I started putting in jocular comments just to thaw the icy atmosphere!
But now it is the otherway round. Lots of fun and fun loving hubbers around.. great to visit the hub. But intellectually not satisfying.. :roll:

1st March 2005, 10:03 AM
But now it is the otherway round. Lots of fun and fun loving hubbers around.. great to visit the hub. But intellectually not satisfying..

Exactly Shekhar!! There's nothing much to talk or learn. I really miss the old hub and some excellent contributors. Everything is gone now. As you said once, the new hub is like a girl clad with attractive clothes and make up but with no intelligence. :cry: :cry:

1st March 2005, 04:43 PM
Regarding my avatar, its 'Sonic' games character!! Sonic was my first favourite game, i used to play it a lot, when i was kid.

When i was in college,i came across this GIF accidentally!! you know, i could'nt stop laughing after seeing this crazy, running guy!!..... Don't you feel, how serious that guy's face is!! and he is keep running as if he is the only person who is focused a lot, a BIG DEAL only.... i felt very funny when ever i see that. Then when i joined in, there was a provision to add avatar, so i just added HIM there!!

1st March 2005, 04:51 PM
But now it is the otherway round. Lots of fun and fun loving hubbers around.. great to visit the hub. But intellectually not satisfying..

Exactly Shekhar!! There's nothing much to talk or learn. I really miss the old hub and some excellent contributors. Everything is gone now. As you said once, the new hub is like a girl clad with attractive clothes and make up but with no intelligence. :cry: :cry:

You mean the new hub is like a "GIRL" :rotfl:

1st March 2005, 04:52 PM
Hi guys,Here is my favourite passtime.

Take a post of Akash.Observe his running avtar.Click the stop button.Now see what position he is in.Make him run again.Stop and see the next pose.Repeat the same.Don't get addicted t it. :wink:

1st March 2005, 05:39 PM
You mean the new hub is like a "GIRL"

Once Shekhar tried to make a comparison between the new hub and the old hub with two types of women. One who wears attractive clothes and make up but has no intelligence and the other who looks simple but intelligent. The new hub is more or less like the former. That's what I meant. 8)

1st March 2005, 06:13 PM
Once Shekhar tried to make a comparison between the new hub and the old hub with two types of women. One who wears attractive clothes and make up but has no intelligence and the other who looks simple but intelligent. The new hub is more or less like the former. That's what I meant. 8)

I fail to however understand, as to why INTELLIGENCE AND NON-INTELLIGENCE has always to be compared with women?

Why is it its taken for clear assumption that BEAUTIFUL woman or AN ATTRACTIVE WOMAN, in many case is DUMB?

It is not true always. Well for a change we can also assume nice well dressed good looking man, who cannot conduct any intelligent conv.

No, its the not the question of male chauvanism or otherwise. Its just the AGE OLD boring theory, OF COMPARING beautiful women(cause women are bound to be bountiful, or is atleast expected to be) to
be a moron(in many likely cases)!!!

2nd March 2005, 08:29 AM
I fail to however understand, as to why INTELLIGENCE AND NON-INTELLIGENCE has always to be compared with women?

Because there exist only one type of men - and they are usually dumb!! :lol:

3rd March 2005, 11:58 AM
Alright...so here I am..Scorpio...are you listening?

My name is Badri...so no big deal about my user name. I was inclined towards scorpio, that being my proud sunsign, but the name was already taken...so I decided to be more honest and come right out with my own dear darling name!

But my Avatar...any Asterix fans out there? You'd probably understand why I chose that as the avatar. I am an out and out fan of Asterix Comics.

I mean, what sheer wit, what puns, what wonderful play of language!!!

You can read each comic like a 100 times (I probably have) and laugh all the more each time cos you understand newer and newer jokes - the names, the phrases...

I used to really like Shaw and Saki for satire and parody and wit, but Asterix takes the cake for sheer intelligent humour of the highest order.

3rd March 2005, 12:00 PM
Thx Badri, here I am, very much listening...

Why 99 in yr username? The year you got married? :wink:

3rd March 2005, 12:03 PM
Why 99 in yr username? The year you got married? :wink:

Or you met your beauty?...or had your first cutie?...Tell us fast! :lol: :lol:

3rd March 2005, 12:05 PM
Ok...but promise not to laugh...

I created my first email id that year...sbadri99...so I stuck to that for all user names..

Pretty lame, eh? :lol:

3rd March 2005, 12:30 PM
Ok...but promise not to laugh...

I created my first email id that year...sbadri99...so I stuck to that for all user names..

Pretty lame, eh? :lol:

Sorry Badri,I didn't promise not to laugh! :lol2: :rotfl: :rotfl: :lol2: :poke:

3rd March 2005, 12:32 PM
This, coming from the blahblah bunny?

3rd March 2005, 12:37 PM
This, coming from the blahblah bunny?
Yes,but a Capriconian one.Not a Scorpio :( :idea: :cry:

Sorry to spoil the Scorpio party :(

Kavitha Ravi
3rd March 2005, 01:57 PM
Can someone kindly explain to me in details as to how to add the avatar (picture ) to your name. Thanks

3rd March 2005, 02:05 PM
Can someone kindly explain to me in details as to how to add the avatar (picture ) to your name. Thanks


Just click the profile button which is there right on the top of this page. It would direct you to your own profile. There at the bottom you get the option of adding your avatar. Make sure the hight and witdh of your avatar doesnt exceed 100 pixels and the size should not be more than 6kb.

Looking forward to seeing your avatar. Good Luck !! :)

3rd March 2005, 02:06 PM
Hi Kavitha,

Welcome! :)

Go to yr profile, there is an option to upload avtaar along with a choice fo selecting pre-made avtaars. You can also choose one from yr harddisk if u wish. After that, don't forget to share the reason behind choosing yr avtaar in this thread! :D

3rd March 2005, 02:07 PM
Ooooooooooooooops Roshan, you're faster than I think!

4th March 2005, 12:55 PM
Ayyayo Akka...ithu enna Avataram??? I did recommend your changing it and come to grips with reality, but athukkaga, ippadiya????

Brother JG: What are you going to christen the new Harry after Omakuchi Harry?

4th March 2005, 12:55 PM
Kan drishti Harry???


4th March 2005, 01:32 PM
Thambi Badri,

I have been changing my avtaar and signature line once every 100 posts. Just happened to cross 300 posts, and hence changed taking a leaf out of Querida's avtaar.

Whether u and JG like it or not, it will remain till I cross 400!

Naan enna Niro-vaa, avtaar-kku ellam election nadatharathukku??

nirosha sen
4th March 2005, 01:38 PM
Well all said and done, the next one, could I have one of Harry on his Nimbus 2000, please.......

Vin Gardium Levi-ossaa!! :D

4th March 2005, 01:41 PM

Actually had one like that when I crossed 200. BlahBlah bunny cried that he wanted to see only innocent close-ups.. so I changed to 'Omakuchi' Harry as described by JG.

Hmm, let me cross another 100, then your wish will be granted!

4th March 2005, 01:54 PM
Cool scorpio akka!
This new "DOrik-kannu" harry also is hilarious!! :lol: :lol:
Next go for "Dirty Harry" (our famous clint eastwood), showing complete lifecycle of the potter family. :roll: :lol:
Long live DOrik kannu Harry!
Long live DOrik kannu Harry fan Akka Scorpio!!!

4th March 2005, 02:01 PM

Just think of the devil and there it posts!! :lol:


ippo thrupthiyaa?

4th March 2005, 02:16 PM
badri wrote:

Kan drishti Harry???

Kan Drishti Ganapathi maadhiri Kan Dhrishti harrya? Like in movies, if you popularize this, then we can see in chennai every house will have this "DOree Harry" picture in the entrance.!!! :lol: what scorpio akka? OK va?

4th March 2005, 02:36 PM

Your avatar looks very dull. It's too small too. Earlier one was better I feel :)

4th March 2005, 04:20 PM

Your avatar looks very dull. It's too small too. Earlier one was better I feel :)
Bad,too bad!Let the poor carrot eater live on! :cry:
Anyway,I too feel the same way.So I will keep him as a substitute till I can find a better bunny. :D

4th March 2005, 04:29 PM
Bad,too bad!Let the poor carrot eater live on! :cry:
Anyway,I too feel the same way.So I will keep him as a substitute till I can find a better bunny. :D

What made you change the Avatar? Got influenced by others? :roll:

4th March 2005, 05:14 PM
What made you change the Avatar? Got influenced by others? :roll:

Change is what leads all of us.Anything that is stagnant can't inspire people.Just a simple advice.Make some changes in your bedroom or living room today.You will feel it is a new house and something new is happening in that house.What is the fun in having the same bunny for ten years?However, he has been my 'brand image' and I don't mind going back to him. :wink:

HUBBERS PLEASE NOTE:Bugs bunny returns due to extreme pressure from fans :wink: .

4th March 2005, 05:57 PM
What made you change the Avatar? Got influenced by others? :roll:

Change is what leads all of us.Anything that is stagnant can't inspire people.Just a simple advice.Make some changes in your bedroom or living room today.You will feel it is a new house and something new is happening in that house.What is the fun in having the same bunny for ten years?

Yea... try changing your wife!!! :wink: :)

4th March 2005, 07:58 PM
Yea... try changing your wife!!! :wink: :)
Shekhar, don't lead me into temptations :evil: :lol: :lol:

Kavitha Ravi
4th March 2005, 10:25 PM
Dear Roshan and Scorpio, thanks a ton for the explanation.
Kavitha is my name. ravi is my hubby's.
I love to watch the cartoon series in my younger days.
So Wilma is my avatar. I hope I got her name correct.
Thanks. Kavitha Ravi

4th March 2005, 10:30 PM
KR Hi!

it's Betty you got....Wilma has orange hair :D

5th March 2005, 12:10 AM
Yendha cartoonayum vittu vekka maatiya? :D

5th March 2005, 07:04 AM
Hi Hehehewalrus...been awhile....been busy? not even a hi? :D

KR watched cartoons in her younger days....i'm still living out my younger days so yeah i'll enjoy all the cartoons, hubbing and goofing around as i want! :P

5th March 2005, 08:01 AM
Miss Jetson: "Dad, i need your credit card to buy cosmetics?"
George Jetson: "Money doesnt grow on trees!! It should be spent on useful things."
Jetson Jr. : "A toy fire engine for instance"
:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

Querida, hope this aint happening in your home :P

5th March 2005, 11:00 AM
Hi Hehehewalrus...been awhile....been busy? not even a hi? :D

KR watched cartoons in her younger days....i'm still living out my younger days so yeah i'll enjoy all the cartoons, hubbing and goofing around as i want! :P

That's Querida!!! I envy your sense of humour !! :)


Good to see you with an Avatar :D Congrats !!

Kavitha Ravi
5th March 2005, 02:28 PM
Dear Querida, thanks for pointing out the mistake.
Now it's red head :lol:
Thanks Roshan

Kavitha Ravi
5th March 2005, 02:32 PM
Ops! orange head :D :D :D

6th March 2005, 03:24 AM
Miss Jetson: "Dad, i need your credit card to buy cosmetics?"
George Jetson: "Money doesnt grow on trees!! It should be spent on useful things."
Jetson Jr. : "A toy fire engine for instance"
:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

Querida, hope this aint happening in your home :P

well no cause that's the future at present we still have money trees :P

7th March 2005, 04:35 AM
The me is back after the weekend!!

Scorpio wrote:


ippo thrupthiyaa?

Very much. Thanks, JG.

Yes, that was the idea, Kann Drishti Harry!! :rotfl:

7th March 2005, 05:14 AM
-Deleted- :wink:

7th March 2005, 03:09 PM

Enna avtaar ithu?? Dress potta Aishu gif kedaikalayaa? Agony aunt ippadi pasanga manasula agony create pannalaamaa??

7th March 2005, 03:19 PM

Enna avtaar ithu?? Dress potta Aishu gif kedaikalayaa? Agony aunt ippadi pasanga manasula agony create pannalaamaa??
Don't worry.It is very clear that all the men here are of great character. 8) 8) 8) No Viswamitra's here. 8)

7th March 2005, 03:24 PM

Enna avtaar ithu?? Dress potta Aishu gif kedaikalayaa? Agony aunt ippadi pasanga manasula agony create pannalaamaa??

Scorpio, Now i understand y your looking that close in yr avatar!!

just c what's displayed, y you have to imagine about what does'nt shown and y you have to assume as if its not there?? Good you r not a guy and don't have Camera Mobile Phone!! :wink:

7th March 2005, 03:31 PM
what akka! do u want any help?
I also have posted against this disturbing avathar of niro. It is more an avathaaram (avathaarama irukku) than an avtar. And Akaasu I know why you want to support Niro in this avatar:wink: :rotfl:

7th March 2005, 03:36 PM
And Akaasu I know why you want to support Niro in this avatar:wink: :rotfl: Come on, does'nt it seems to be Classic :wink: :wink: ... Kalaiyya rasing-appa... Ragalai pannatheenga

7th March 2005, 03:42 PM
Kalayai rasikkara aala nee?
(Eng translation: are u the person who is a connoiseur?)
NOV i request you to appoint Scorpio akka as the censor board for avatars chairman. What akka Ok dhaane?

7th March 2005, 03:46 PM
Yea, then she will say "Akash is running, only with shoes" -- nnu :oops:

7th March 2005, 03:49 PM
Yea, then she will say "Akash is running, only with shoes" -- nnu :oops:

Exactly, and the prairie isn't wearing a vest and so is the 'Rettai pinnal Gundu' in Badri's avtaar!

7th March 2005, 03:56 PM
akka wrote:

the prairie isn't wearing a vest
says who? i am wearing the new clothes stitched specially for the emperor :wink: :lol:

nirosha sen
7th March 2005, 06:53 PM
:rotfl: Ok Pa!! A much sedate Ash returns for now, but wait till the next change, Pa!!!!! :roll:

7th March 2005, 09:23 PM
"arihant" cause it's my name!! "007" cause i'm like Mr. Bond (dat's wat my frnds say!!!) :wink: 8) :twisted:

7th March 2005, 09:35 PM
arihantarihant007 did you know i nominated you for scariest avatar in another thread... :lol:

7th March 2005, 09:37 PM
:rotfl: Ok Pa!! A much sedate Ash returns for now, but wait till the next change, Pa!!!!! :roll:

oooh Nirosha stop being such a pushover...stick to what your like..you keep this up and everyone will have something to complain about each avatar you put up...make Ayishu proud :D

8th March 2005, 01:11 AM
Ilavenil- vasanthakalam. After coming to USA, I have started appreciating "Spring Season". Ilavenilkalam is tamizh translation of spring. Since it is a very pleasant season, it appears to be a feminie name to me. Nizhalin arumai veyilil theriyum solluvanga--> ippo, veyilin arumai USA-il theriyuthu. I don't like hero/heroine worship, so, I just picked a non-real but feminine avatar I liked. Doesn't my avatar look studious(like me?) Just kidding. :wink:

8th March 2005, 04:52 AM
Ilavenil- vasanthakalam.

Pretty poetic, Ilavenil.

so is the 'Rettai pinnal Gundu' in Badri's avtaar!

Akka: That rettai pinnal gundu (humph!) is called Obelix, for your kind info!

And he doesn't wear a vest, because he didn't expect Kann Dristhi a.k.a Dory Kannu Harrys to peer at him like that!

Ok Pa!! A much sedate Ash returns for now

Niro: Now, she is better to behold, pa.

8th March 2005, 07:11 AM
Ilavenil- vasanthakalam. After coming to USA, I have started appreciating "Spring Season". Ilavenilkalam is tamizh translation of spring. Since it is a very pleasant season, it appears to be a feminie name to me. Nizhalin arumai veyilil theriyum solluvanga--> ippo, veyilin arumai USA-il theriyuthu. I don't like hero/heroine worship, so, I just picked a non-real but feminine avatar I liked. Doesn't my avatar look studious(like me?) Just kidding. :wink:

It is indeed a beautiful tamizh name, afterall!

8th March 2005, 09:48 AM

Brownie Aish looks really cute


Ippo thaan gavanichen, 'Rettai pinnal gundu' pakkathil oru podiyan irukaane, athu thaan neeya??


Hub-il ungal varavu nalvaravaaguga! Female battalionukku innoru kai sernthathu :thumbsup:

8th March 2005, 09:52 AM

Ippo thaan gavanichen, 'Rettai pinnal gundu' pakkathil oru podiyan irukaane, athu thaan neeya??

Thaai kulame...neengallam eppavume Asterix padichathu illaya? Or did you give up seeing it was intellectually too demanding?

Please see this link for an answer


8th March 2005, 10:01 AM
Dear Aunt Niro,

Pls just stop doing this Avatar temptations....
Kids' hearts are getting spoilt...
Let me come around and Hub a bit.... Not just watching yr avatar and loggin out :roll:

8th March 2005, 10:02 AM
"Thaai kulame...neengallam eppavume Asterix padichathu illaya? Or did you give up seeing it was intellectually too demanding? "

Thambi kulame,

Kannai kasaki kasaki parthu vitten, naai pola theriyavillai, manushan pol thaan therigirathu! :shock:

Intelligence patri netru oru joke -jokes thread-il post panninen. Padithu purinthu kollavum.

8th March 2005, 10:16 AM

Welcome !! :) Ilavenil - A nice handle !! :)

8th March 2005, 10:22 AM
Kannai kasaki kasaki parthu vitten, naai pola theriyavillai, manushan pol thaan therigirathu!

Ithukkthaan, chumma Avadra Kedavra, Avandanda Kedravan sort of spellsla time waste panna koodathu. If you spend all life reading minutae written in the Monster Book of Monstrous Monsters or the Faboulosly Funny Fungi by Amanda Mushroom, you'll end up with Dori kannu...and then, no amount of kann kasakking will help. Perhaps, you should try some variation of Oculo Reparis...

Intelligence patri netru oru joke -jokes thread-il post panninen. Padithu purinthu kollavum.

Ayyo...adha padichen...I blamed my deadened intelligence to reading that joke, when everyone asked me why I appeared so downcast today.

But ragging apart, nice joke, Akka...

8th March 2005, 10:52 AM
[Ithukkthaan, chumma Avadra Kedavra, Avandanda Kedravan sort of spellsla time waste panna koodathu. If you spend all life reading minutae written in the Monster Book of Monstrous Monsters or the Faboulosly Funny Fungi by Amanda Mushroom, you'll end up with Dori kannu...and then, no amount of kann kasakking will help. Perhaps, you should try some variation of Oculo Reparis...


:rotfl: HP is at its best even in Satire by the 'Satire Soldier' Badri.

8th March 2005, 10:56 AM
HP is at its best even in Satire by the 'Satire Soldier' Badri.

You know why we all adore you, akka? Because you so free with your compliments!!

Thank you (takes a bow).

I love Satire, and love Shaw and Saki...hey, ever read Saki? I think I will start a post about him on the Eng Lit thread..if it has not been done already

8th March 2005, 10:59 AM
Saki?? Yaarathu?? :? Perhaps, I'll ask my daughter today evening.

8th March 2005, 11:01 AM
H. H. Munro...who wrote under the pseudonym of Saki

8th March 2005, 11:05 AM
Hi Niro, Scorpio and Roshan,
pen inathirkku perumaiserkka vantha thozhigalae, varavaerpukku nandri :notworthy:

8th March 2005, 11:08 AM
Intham pa kaalam...vaayaara, poetic a irukku athu ithunnu solli, naan varavertha, Ilavenil ennada na,

Hi Niro, Scorpio and Roshan,
pen inathirkku perumaiserkka vantha thozhigalae, varavaerpukku nandri

Anbu migu aan singangale...ithu thaan pa pen kulam....
Therinjuko...neyum purinjuko

8th March 2005, 11:24 AM
Ippothu naan yena sollivitaen, singangallai, manikkavum, aan singangallai thonaikku azhaikkureergall? thaniyaga irrunthallum kadisivarai poradi vetri kanuvathalava tamizharkku azhagu?

8th March 2005, 11:28 AM
Amma thaikulame...paradevathe...pengalodu mallukku nirpathu yem ponra tamizhanukku azhagalla...athey samayam, pen kulathin seyalai, yem palarku sutti kattuvathai, thalaiyaya kadamaiyaga karuthugiren..athanal thaan, intha thapal (what the hell is the tamil word for post? It is thapal, right) :lol:

8th March 2005, 12:16 PM
Badri! the word you are looking for is "Badhil" as in reply. Some people use the word "padhivu". Anyway ilavenil! welcome 2 the hub. Be wary of the so called female battalion. They brainwash you to torture ur boyfriend (if u have one) or husband (if u have one). Such dangerous people. violent people who teach u how to be violent with innocent men.

8th March 2005, 12:19 PM
Thambi JG: Do you think it warrants opening another thread: Violence on Men (esp in the Hub)?

9th March 2005, 12:21 PM

Daily oru avtaar change-aa??

As Akash said, you're tempting our male hubbers to log into the hub just to see yr latest avtaar and log out!

9th March 2005, 02:37 PM
Hi BlahBlah,

Nice avataar change.. BTW, from whom are you running??

So, have u decided yr avtaars will always be bugs bunny??

9th March 2005, 02:44 PM

Nice avatar this time ! :)

9th March 2005, 02:52 PM
Scorpio,I am inspired by Aakasu :wink: .By the way,have you decided that your avtars should always be Harry?

Roshan,I changed the earlier avtar because of you.

9th March 2005, 02:59 PM
I first decided my avtaars will always be Harry. Now, thinking why not have Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, Snape et al once a while but stick to the theme of Harry Potter.

JG even suggested sarcastically to have lifecycle of Harry.. not a bad idea.. hunting for icons of Baby Harry now :wink:, but this restriction of 100*100 and 6 kb is a real pain.. had to let go many good pictures of Harry only because of that :cry:

9th March 2005, 03:18 PM
The new avatar of NM looks nice too.. !

Congrats NM !!

9th March 2005, 03:19 PM
I first decided my avtaars will always be Harry. Now, thinking why not have Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, Snape et al once a while but stick to the theme of Harry Potter.

JG even suggested sarcastically to have lifecycle of Harry.. not a bad idea.. hunting for icons of Baby Harry now :wink:, but this restriction of 100*100 and 6 kb is a real pain.. had to let go many good pictures of Harry only because of that :cry:

You can use the 'Paint' program to edit a picture you would like to use as your avatar, Scorpio. It's what I did for mine.

9th March 2005, 03:49 PM
will try out.. Thanks!

nirosha sen
9th March 2005, 04:46 PM
Mmmm.... guys??? What is a paint programme???? How do I go abt using it???? I'm not as pc savvy as some of you, Pa! Could somebody help me out, please???? :D

I could almost hear someone sniggering that I already have too many Ash avataars!!! :lol:

9th March 2005, 05:18 PM
I would like tell about my user name and avatar.
why I chose "Yudhajit" is, First i love this name, mmm atleat the meaning"Always victorious person over wars". second thing is, i have some belief in astrology, so astrologically my name should start with "Yu".

My Avatar is Napoleon the great. Just admired by the (political) life napoleon the empreor, lead. If i were a female, i would have chosen the avatar of Joséphine, the empress.

that's all about my user name and avatar. I love to make friends,
hope you all too.

9th March 2005, 10:08 PM
blahblah i think i will just log in, to see that rich blue background of your avatar love it! :D

9th March 2005, 10:43 PM
Mmmm.... guys??? What is a paint programme???? How do I go abt using it???? I'm not as pc savvy as some of you, Pa! Could somebody help me out, please???? :D

I could almost hear someone sniggering that I already have too many Ash avataars!!! :lol:

Its a program that comes with Windows. I don't know about others. Its simply named Paint. I suppose your computer does not have it, Nirosha?????

For those who do have it, choose the pic you want to tamper and right-click on it. Select 'edit' from the list and it will open with Paint. Then go to 'Image' that is up there somewhere along with File, Edit, View e.t.c. Stretch/Skew is where you need to go from Image. If anyone needs help after that, your questions are welcome at deep_secrets2005@yahoo.com