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16th February 2005, 08:04 PM
Atheists------------Dont believe god
Communists------Give less importance to religion
My self ------------Give more importance to religion
In other forums also i posted many messages supporting religion.

19th February 2005, 04:08 PM
I wrote that atheists do not believe god and communists give less importance to religion. There is also another sect called non religious. They are not atheists but do not follow any religious practices. Such people are more in Russia. In Russia after christian population, non religious population is 2nd in majority. In India atheists are more in West Bengal. In West Bengal around 26,000 people are atheists. In West Bengal communist party is in power. Communists give less importance to religion. Communist governments do not give direct support to any religion. Both atheism and communism are more in West Bengal. I believe religion strongly but i do not hate atheists, non religious and communists.

19th February 2005, 06:08 PM
Both atheism and communism are more in West Bengal.

Dear mandangi,

I notice you have this strange way of making associations between two things that have no validating supports. Previously you falsely made an association between Brahmins and theism and now between communism and atheism.

The reason of people not believing in God or religion is not at all founded in communism. People use rational and logical reasoning and scientific knowledge/evidences that allow them to reject beliefs in such non-existent entities, variously and contradictorily postulated by various religions of the world. :)

20th February 2005, 10:24 AM
Mr Rohit. I did not say that atheism was invented by communists. I am also supporter of communists. There is wrong propaganda that communists are against god. People who dont like communism are causing such wrong propaganda. In communist countries like China people think religion only as personal practice. But in India some political parties try to attract majority religion by name of hindutva and some parties try to attract all religions by name of secularism. China politicians do not make religion as political matter like Indian politicians.
You also misunderstood my messages on brahmanism. Atheists do not believe religion or caste. Atheists do not use their caste names. Jawahar Lal Nehru introduced himself as brahman. He used caste name. So Jawahar Lal Nehru cannot be atheist.
I believe religion but do not believe caste.

20th February 2005, 04:33 PM
Jawahar Lal Nehru introduced himself as brahman. He used caste name. So Jawahar Lal Nehru cannot be atheist.

Again, I am afraid, you are making a false association between the two. Well, it is up to you how you classify theists and atheists, but the standard definition for atheists is those who do not believe in "God" and that for theists is those who believe in "God". According to these definitions, Jawahar Lal Nehru was a non-believer. And that is a well-known fact.

Atheists do not believe religion or caste....I believe religion but do not believe caste.

Buddhists believe in religion but do not believe either in "God" or caste. Now, form your own classification, how would you classify Buddhists; religious, non-religious, theists, agnostics or atheists?

Which caste the Pops and Archbishops in Christianity belong to? Do Christians identify themselves by any caste? If no, does it make them atheists? If you believe in religion but not in caste, that is really good, but likewise there are many people in India who belong to an identified caste but they are atheists, just like Nehru was and many others were/are. I personally do not believe either in "God" or caste.

Do such differences really make people truely religious or non-religious or theists or atheists? I don't think so.

So, the point is; your tendency to make unfounded associations between the two coincidental things and events, thus, turns out to be fallacious. :)

20th February 2005, 09:34 PM
I dont understand your logic. Nehru introduced himself as brahman. Atheists do not believe god. There is no chance for them to believe caste.

20th February 2005, 10:15 PM
Caste system is related to hindu religion. How can an atheist believe caste?

20th February 2005, 10:33 PM
I dont understand your logic. Nehru introduced himself as brahman. Atheists do not believe god. There is no chance for them to believe caste.

Caste system is related to hindu religion. How can an atheist believe caste?
Again, these both statements are based on false associations between the two coincidental things or events. And this is where it clearly demonstrates sheer lapses in logic and resulting fallacious deductions.

And yet the fact remains the same, Nehru did not, I repeat, did not believe in God, irrespective of whether he believed in his caste or not. A born Hindu may have a caste, but that does not prevent him to become a non-believer. And excatly that what Nehru was, a born Hindu but develped into a non-beliver.

If you find it hard to accept it, that is none of my problem, but you have no choice but to either live with that problem or accept the fact.

“Nehru was a non-believer who believed all religions are false and the State should not identify with any religion. Nehru's views were the views of an atheist.”


Author: L K Advani
Publication: Rediff on Net
Date: June 7, 2003
URL: http://www.rediff.com/news/2003/jun/07spec.htm

"I want nothing to do with religion concerned with keeping the masses satisfied to live in hunger, filth and ignorance. I want nothing to do with any order, religious or otherwise, which does not teach people that they are capable of becoming happier and more civilized, on this earth... To attain this, I would put priests (i.e. Brahmin priests) to work, also, and turn the temples into schools." - [Jawaharlal Nehru]

"No country or people who are slaves to dogma and the dogmatic mentality can progress, and unhappily our country and people have become extraordinarily dogmatic and little-minded." [Jawaharlal Nehru - a Biography vol. I , Sarvepalli Gopal]

21st February 2005, 12:29 PM
I dont understand what is the need for atheists to introduce themselves as brahman or agarwal or rajput. Caste system exists only in hindu religion. How can atheists use caste names? Jawahar Lal Nehru encouraged people of his caste well in his party. Lal Bahadur Sastry and VV Giri are best examples for it. Jawahar Lal Nehru was no way atheist.

21st February 2005, 01:07 PM

Like I said, if you can't read and comprehend what Nehru himself said; and find it hard to accept it, that is none of my problem, but you have no choice but to either live with that problem or accept the fact. Exactly this sort of behaviours Nehru referred as dogmatic. I pity you, I really do.

I am sorry, but most readers and I will have to ignore all your dogmatic posts.

Good Luck :)

21st February 2005, 01:15 PM
Hi mandangi,
Nehru was an atheist… It is a historical fact. His writings clearly explain this fact.

Using the caste as part of the name doesn’t mean one as theist. Even though Jawaharlal Nehru is considered as non-believer, he also praised many saints (for example Vivekananda). He supported Lal Bagathur Shastri and Giri but at the same time he had clash with many people who were also belongs to upper caste by birth(for example Nethaji Subhash Chandra Bose).

In India even atheists are identified with caste (for example E.V. Ramasamy Naikar, EMS Namboothiripad). The peculiarity of caste system in India is that people keep their caste even after leaving Hinduism. The caste system comes from some kind of basic superiority complex/forming groups for the sake of easy survival and/or exploitation (keeping the trade within a group, extracting work from others, get easy benefit as group). Even if we remove the caste, human will find alternative to exhibit their superiority complex in other ways (color, language, race, religion, nationality etc).

Why we are discussing about Jawaharlal Nehru and his belief in this thread?

21st February 2005, 01:24 PM
I believe god but i read many articles of famous atheist Mr Narisetti Innaiah. I cannot agree that atheists use caste identity. Mr Narisetti Innaiah is most widely known atheist in India. I know well about his preachings.

21st February 2005, 01:34 PM
As you said, atheist may not use caste for own benefit. But in India, 50 years back, caste/family name was attached to many believers as well as non-believers. The term "Naikar" was attached to the one of the great athiest of India "E V Ramasamy" (Periyar).

21st February 2005, 02:02 PM
I know well that Jawahar Lal Nehru encouraged people of his caste well in his party. Former president of India VV Giri who belong to Berhampur in Ganjam district of Orissa contested in assembly elections for first time from Perlakhemundi constituency in Orissa. In those days Perlakhemundi was also part of Ganjam district. He was defeated in elections from that constituency by my great grand father(grand father of my mother) Sri Viswasarai Appanna Dora. Later he contested in parliament elections from Parvatipuram constituency which caters some parts of Vizianagaram and Srikakulam districts of Andhra Pradesh. In those days Congress party was very strong in AP. VV Giri won in elections by using party fame. Can any other person who lost in assembly elections in his own district get parliament ticket in other district? Jawahar Lal Nehru gave him parliament ticket only by caste reason. Atheists cannot have casteism. If you also read preachings of Mr Narisetti Innaiah you can understand it.

21st February 2005, 04:18 PM
I pity you, I really do.

I am sorry, but most readers and I will have to ignore all your dogmatic posts.

Good Luck :)

Rohit & r_kk, If you have read this 'Gentleman's earlier comments in this forum,you would have remembered him saying that Feroz Gandhi was a Muslim,Nehru objected to Indira's marriage due to this reason,Gandhiji supported them,so Indira's clan adopted his surname etc.Yet if you have to convince this fellow about something,go on. :lol:

21st February 2005, 04:30 PM
Rohit and r_kk,

I think you've got to listen to blahblah !!

21st February 2005, 04:36 PM


There is truth in yr words!!

22nd February 2005, 05:20 AM
BlahBlah, Roshan, r_kk, Scorpio. There is definitely a real truth in all those words! Even Jawahrlal Nehru would have given-up upon him. :lol:

22nd February 2005, 08:23 AM
:rotfl: :rotfl:

Good one Rohit :thumbsup:

22nd February 2005, 11:40 AM
I dont mind what ever they think. These so called atheists dont even know about well known atheist Mr Narisetti Innaiah.

22nd February 2005, 12:17 PM
Sorry. I don’t know about Mr Narisetti Innaiah. Can you please provide some details about his work?

It is not necessary that one atheist or skeptic has to know all famous atheists in the India. As far as my knowledge, B. Premanand and Sanal Edamaruku are doing leading rationalist role in exposing spiritual frauds after Abrakam Koovor. Mr. Prabir Ghosh is also working in exposing spiritual frauds but his credibility is not so comparable with earlier two.

Then, your correlation between atheist-caste-theist-Nehru – Nehru’s preferred political nominees - Narisetti Innaiah doesn’t fit in to any logic to prove Nehru as atheist. From your various writing (Feros Gandhi as Muslim, physical beauty and etc) shows that your understanding about history and life is much different and no one here may not be able to explain the facts/alternate views to you through this kind of discussion.

Please just ask 10 people and find out who is saying the correct historical fact. If you have any proof that Nehru worshipping any GOD or writings of Nehru favoring religious beliefs, please provide. If you want the proof for his atheistic belief, you can get lot in internet itself. No need to read his book even. Please do this before coming with another post in this topic. Without this any further discussion will be waste of time for both as well as other readers.
It is up to you whether you want to understand the historical fact or consider your own assumptions as true.

22nd February 2005, 12:49 PM
Mr Narisetti Innaiah is well known to all the atheists in India. I am not atheist but i am reading his preachings from my childhood days. Caste system is characterstic of hindu religion. Atheists cannot believe caste. Some of the hindu's are also removing their caste identitities. In Andhra Pradesh people of castes like kamma, kapu, balija etc use Naidu behing their names. Reddies use Reddy behind their names. In Srikakulam district there was independent MLA named Ballada Hariyappadu Reddy. He removed Reddy from his name. He became popular as "Ballada Hariyappadu" only. Jawahar Lal Nehru was popular politician and also popular brahman. Real atheists do not use caste identities.

22nd February 2005, 07:25 PM
Mr Narisetti Innaiah is well known to all the atheists in India. I am not atheist but i am reading his preachings from my childhood days. Caste system is characterstic of hindu religion. Atheists cannot believe caste. Some of the hindu's are also removing their caste identitities. In Andhra Pradesh people of castes like kamma, kapu, balija etc use Naidu behing their names. Reddies use Reddy behind their names. In Srikakulam district there was independent MLA named Ballada Hariyappadu Reddy. He removed Reddy from his name. He became popular as "Ballada Hariyappadu" only. Jawahar Lal Nehru was popular politician and also popular brahman. Real atheists do not use caste identities.

I am happy that Narisetti Innaiah's little beings in Srikakulam district can speak so confidently about Nehru.So appududududululululu reddy was not such a silly fellow either!What do you say mandangidudululu Innaiahahahahaha Balladadadada Hariyappadudududu Reddy?