View Full Version : Chennai Floods - Immediate Urgent Measures to be undertaken to save Lives

4th December 2015, 08:07 AM
As an "Immediate Urgent Measure" Goverment & Private Organisations should deploy "hundreds - of large Rowing Boats" for closer regions of Flooded areas and "Diesel Engine powered Boats" for far regions of Flooded areas", and reach each and every Households, Apartments, Hospitals, etc etc and rescue "ALL" entrapped people - whether it be the poor from the "Cheri" regions or "Elite" from the Highly Residential areas - without showing any 'differences' or 'preferences' - treating all Human Lives alike, and take all of them for accomodation into safer areas in each of these regions.

Also "very many Helicopters" should be deployed to drop "many Food Parcels and fresh Water Bottles" prepared and provided by Government and Social Service Organisations and by the "Service Minded People" from Chennai and other areas - to all those who are trapped in Households, Apartments, Hospitals, etc etc and starving without proper Food and Fresh Water for last few days, on an "Extremly Urgent basis" fully covering all areas affected in Tamil Nadu

Further the "Rescue Operations" of Human Lives to safety and provision of Food and Fresh Water to the heavily Flooded areas should not be limited to Chennai city only, but to all those in the other worst affected "Kadalur" and other very badly affected coastel regions such as "northmost Chennai, Kanchipuram, Karaikaal, Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur, Pondicherry, Thoothukkudy, Kanyakumari and the interior regions such as Thanjavur, Thiruneveli, Mathurai and every other places through out Tamil Nadu".
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xta1/v/t1.0-9/12308679_1043153275722805_5978095112388014479_n.jp g?oh=2f27732886bd6198b7aee33947a3d0b3&oe=56ECE138&__gda__=1458067397_4c7cb93d51428a86525e770fb0b51b2 d

Very Important Note:

Please see the Web Page of "IRIR123" at the following URL in this same Mayyam Hub, for the valuable Informations given on FLOODS EMERGENCY RESCUE AND RELIEF SERVICE CONTACT NOS provided by ARAVIND SRINIVASAN:


12th December 2015, 08:56 AM
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13th December 2015, 10:14 PM
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13th December 2015, 10:44 PM
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