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9th November 2017, 09:52 AM
A brief study on early Pallavas of Tamil Nadu being the decendents of Karikaal Chola

Under ConstructIon

"......king Nandivarman of the Kasyyapa-gotra. He was born in the family of "Karikaala" who was the (celestial) tree Mandara on the mountain Mandara - the race of the Sun, the doer of many eminent deeds such as stopping the overflow over its banks of the (waters of the) daughter of Kaveri (i.e 'the river Kaveri'), who made his own the dignity of the three kings (of the south)......"

"......Nandivarman had three sons, Simhavishnu, Sundarananda and Dhanamjayavarman. The youngest Dhanamjayavarman on whom devolved the sovereignty in regular succession had a son who acquired the title Chola-Maharaja, was well versed in grammar and other sciences and was the lord of the Pandya, Chola and Kerala (countries). This was Mahendravikrama Varman "who was equal in prowess to (god) Mahendra and possessed many surnames such as the glorious Muditasilakshara, Navarama etc". His son was king Gunamudita and latter's brother or was the prosporous king Punyakumara. This Punyakumara, otherwise known as Porkurumara, Purushasardula, Mardavachitta, Madanavilasa etc thus ordered the inhabitants of his own dominion as well as those of Hiranya-rashtra......."

Melapadu Copper Plate Inscription of Punyakumara of Renadu
Epigraphia Indica - Vol 11, Inscription No 35


My interpretation of the section of the text of Melapadu Copper Plate Inscription of Punyakumara of Renadu, is as follows:

(1) Nandivarma Pallava of the sixth century A.D. sprung from the line of decendents of the Chola viceroy of Renadu, comming from the family of Karikaal Chola of Chola country of Tamil Nadu of the first century A.D., appointed by him to rule Renadu of Andhra Pradsh which formed a part of his Chola empire of that period.

(2) During the period of sixth century Nandivarman Pallava of Renadu became the next successor of the kingdom of Renadu.

(3) With the death of Nandivarman his eldest son Simha Vishnu succeeded on the throne of Renadu, who subsequently became very powerfull and captured the Kanchipuram of Thondaimandalam in Tamil Nadu, and made it as the new capital city of Pallavas.

(4) While Simha Vishnu ruled from Kanchipuram he appointed his immediate younger brother Sundarananda as his viceroy in Renadu ruling under his authority.

(5) With the early death of Sundarananda, Simha Vishnu appointed his second younger brother Dhanamjayavarman as his next viceroy at Renadu to rule under his authority.

(6) During this period Simha Vishnu demised and both Simha Vishnu of the Pallava kingdom of Tamil Nadu and Sundaranandha of the Renadu kingdom of Andhra pradesh having no sons to succeed, Dhanamjayavarman made his elder son Mahendravikkrama (Mahendravarman - 1) as the next Pallava king at Kanchipuram.

(7) During this period king Dhanamjayavarman demised and Mahendravikkrama (Mahendravarman - 1) appointed his younger brother Punyakumara as the next Pallava viceroy ruling from Renadu.

(8) With the demise of the Pallava king Mahendravarman - 1 his son Narasimhavarman - 1 succeeded on the Pallava throne at Kanchipuram as the next king.

Based on the above, the chronology of the Pallava kings who ruled from Kanchipuram during this period is as follows:

(1) Nandivarman
(2) Simha Vishnu (son of Nandivarman)
(3) Mahendravarman - 1 (son of the younger brother Dhanamjayavarman of Simha Vishnu)
(4) Narasimhavarman - 1 (son of Mahendravarman)

Based on the above, the chronology of the Pallava kings who ruled over Renadu during this period is as follows:

(1) Nandivarman
(2) Simha Vishnu (son of Nandivarman)
(3) Sunderananda (immediate younger brother of Simha Vishnu)
(4) Dhanamjayavarman (second younger brother of Simha Vishnu)
(5) Mahendravarman - 1 (son of Dhanamjayavarman)
(6) Punyakumara (son of Mahendravarman -1 and younger brother of Narasimhavarman - 1)

13th November 2017, 11:16 PM
(6) Nanthivarman - 1 (A.D.530-537) - who stamped the revolts of the Thiraiyar king under captive.
(7) Simhavarman - (A.D.537-550)


2nd June 2018, 06:04 PM
brought forward

13th July 2018, 02:28 AM
This is a very detailed study submitted. I would like to thank you for the shared post! It's indeed very clear and nice! Well-said, guys!