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30th June 2006, 01:51 PM
Again, mine is an analysis of an amateur. Karnan is my favourite of all NT mythology/costume/historical films.

I think most of the answer is in Murali-sar's post, especially his father's comment.

Banthulu is also tasked with compressing many huge, long episodes into a three hour film. The conflicts between Pandavas and Gouravas were not elaborated to the general audience who are familiar with Mahabaratha.

As per Murali-sar's comment, audiences were conflicted with their standing. On one side, NT is playing Karnan - a good guy in a bad company. And on the other side there's Krishnan - an opposition party member. Remember, people worship Krishna. Who do you support. When Krishna is conspiring something against Thuriyothana and Karnan, do you support him?

That was a time when people has to take sides. And in Karnan, you can't. Its very complex. Karnan is both good and bad. I think people were not ready yet for that kind of role.

Manirathnam remade it into Talabathi - and audiences had no problem accepting the Karnan character (here Surya) as they are already okay with anti-heroes by then.

Yes, karnan is an anti-hero. If the film was to come a bit later, it would have done tremendous business. A testimony to that would be the later successful NT films were he played anti-heroic roles.

Plus, there were too many important characters. Too many dialogues, sometimes the symbology, analogy are too complex.

And the ending...to think that god himself was responsible for Karnan's death (alongside his mother, brothers, etc), is a bit too much. We are always used to having tragic death either by sacrifice, or the villain killing the hero. But here, the good people, the god, and the family members are claimed to have 'killed' Karnan. People are further confused.

Well, these are my reasoning. Let's see what the others say.

30th June 2006, 01:59 PM
I think that may not be true as NT fans have grown to accept NT as a actor who challenges himself to do any role to perfection whether anti hero or not. Mahabharatham is something that indians know and maybe have it instilled in themselves so it might be abit absurd to say they could not understand the theme.

Sometimes no matter how good a performance is from a actor like NT..the story and screenplay must be equally gripping in this case where it should neither be ripping from the whole storyline of mahabharatham and neither should it be concentrating on one character role. I believe the director of Karnan somehow focussed on a single character(possibly NT's role as Karnan..experts can clarify) that did not blend with the storyline and the flow of the character's performance. NT film watchers expect quality in the presentation as well and i feel the problem might be here.

30th June 2006, 02:15 PM

Quite. Quite. You are right. I did not think of his earlier roles where he played Villains.

You are probably right about the blending of the characters and the quality of the script.

Again, Karnan was victim of a certain time phrase. Now, alongside me, there are thousands of others that look up highly on Karnan, not only from NTs performance, but also the script, the music, and the overall direction.

In fact, I like the complexity of it all. A good man in a bad world. Senjotru kadan theerka, Seeraatha Idam Seernthu, vanjattil veezhnthaayadaa. A lot to do with identity. What will happen if you are not where you should be. Where you belong. We can understand that now. Maybe then, it was too difficult.

Damn. How can I say that people can't accept NT as anti-hero? I must be sleeping. Must knock my head over the wall.

30th June 2006, 03:59 PM
In spite of bigger budget, good story and performance, why wasn't Karnan as successful as ThiruVilayadal

1. we cannot compare Thiruvilayadal with karnan. Thiruvilyadal story gave lot of option to NT. God/fisherman/singer etc. This option made director job easy and no need to tell NT took full advantage of it plus comedy track of nagesh. Main character did by NT only and rest of them supported except Nagesh character (that also appeard in some small portion only).

2. Even though characterwise karnan is great but projecting is very difficult. If you talk about karnan, people will remember only KOODAI VALLAL. Variety which was available in Thiruvillayadal character was missing in Karnan.Even though NT gave new dimension while walking /expression etc but he got to be sidelined as per the original story. GREAT MUSICAL MOVIE. SONGS ARE COMPOSED WITH DIFFERENT STYLE.

3.You dont believe Karnan ran twenty five days in our local theatre(three shows). when got released in 70's. sameway KAPPOLITYA THAMIZAN/KATTABOMAN ran more than three weeks with house full shows.


30th June 2006, 04:35 PM
I think the failure of karnan is - when he was in peak , the role in that movie is almost like second hero role. NTR dominated in 2nd half. More expection from the Director since he realsed this movie after 3 year with NT (bet. Kappolitia Tamizan and Karnan) Same in the case of Raja Raja Chozan also. This movie also failed at BO due to long gap between APN movie with NT.

When Karnan was remake in Telugu , NTR produced, directed and acted not one role and acted in three roles, ie, karnan, Krishna and Duriyodana. It was huge hit. Particularly Duriyodana role, he given more important than Karnan and Krishna.

for imformation : NT's 175 , 200 and 250 films were remake of Kannada movies.

1st July 2006, 03:38 AM
here i offer only the most amateurish comment but while watching Karnan I was only side-tracked by the whole issue of his marriage and how she went back and forth and then a song in the middle of it for her ceremony. It seemed to slow the story down...in my opinion of course.

Murali Srinivas
1st July 2006, 06:47 PM
[tscii:dcff931404]NTs Political Career Phase III 1975 Oct to 1988 Jan Continuation

During the first half of 1979, though everything on surface looked
normal, political undercurrents were very much active and that came to light later. Indira Gandhi or rather Sanjay Gandhi was becoming impatient and (s)he had started spade works for the fall of Janata Government. She was not ready to wait till 1982, when the term would normally end. Moreover she could sense the winds of change in her favour thanks to Janata rule. But she had a thorn in her flesh and surprisingly it was from her own party. As I mentioned earlier, Chenna Reddy and Devaraj Urs had been ruling Andhra & Karnataka respectively and Chenna Reddy was facing lot of dissident activity in his state. Whereas Devaraj Urs was enjoying a trouble free stint in Karnataka and became close to Indiras family. He was having free access to her and when he put up Indira in Chikmagalur and made her win from there, his stock had gone up. But as it happens to 99% of the people, it went to his head and he started behaving like the boss. No leader will tolerate a live threat to his/her throne and when there is also a Prince-in-waiting, it will not be taken lightly and whoever has that potential to grow will be cut short and Indira was no exception. (You can also equate the same with later day TN politics thats been happening for the past 15-years. If it was Mother- Son there, here --- you can substitute). So Devaraj Urs fell from grace and things started heading for a showdown. In the month of June 1979, when Indira visited Bangalore, Urs didnt even turn up at the airport to receive her and it culminated in the expulsion of Devaraj Urs from the party. But since he was in power, he was able to hold the legislators in his side and his Government continued. During that period of 1977-79, only one or two people were seen close to Indira. When she split Congress in 1978, YB Chavan the Leader of opposition at that time fell apart and C.M.Stephen of Kerala was made the leader of Congress (I) Parliament party. He along with Devaraj Urs was the top two leaders at that time out of which one was thrown out. Now Indira who badly wanted to come back needed somebody in power. Her choice zeroed on MGR, who was considered more loyal than the Congress (I) people.

We saw in our last post that SDS and KAK were inducted in the TN Ministry in 1978. SDS had contested and won the 1977 Parliament election from Tanjore. When he became a minister, he was made a MLC and he resigned his MP seat. In the first half of 1979, another murder shook TN. SG Murugaiyan the CPI MP from Nagapattinam was brutally murdered. Tanjai- Nagai area was always a troublesome area because of the Zamindar/Pannaiyar legacy on the one side and exploited labour on the other side. If you could check the history, many clashes had taken place in that area and the height of it was burning alive of 42 laboures in Keezha Venmani way back in 1968. This had helped comrades to entrench themselves in that area. So Murugaiyan was put down by one such coolie padai. So by elections were announced for Tanjai & Nagai Parliament seats.

Indira who was on the lookout for a safe seat showed interest in Tanjai. Congress has its presence there and with the support of ADMK, it should be easy, thus went her calculations. MGR was called to Delhi and when he met her and discussed the same, the deal was almost firmed up. Morarjee Desai the PM had got the news and when MGR called on him, he (Morarjee) had only one question to ask MGR and that was What is your stand via vis the Central Government? Are you a Friend? Foe? Neutral? MGR it seems was taken aback by the question and he a person who never rubbed the Centre on the wrong side decided to drop the idea of supporting Indira. But what reason will he tell?

At this juncture, even before MGR went to Delhi, this news (of supporting Indira) had come out and MuKa the ever fighter decided to have one more fling. He again talked with his Friends in Delhi and wanted an assurance that if he could stall Indira from becoming a MP, whether the cases against him would be withdrawn. Not sure whether he got an assurance but he broadly gave the hint that he would himself take up the cudgels against Indira if she decides to contest from Tanjai. The very talk suddenly ignited the political scenario. But this came as a blessing in disguise for MGR. He announced that in the present scenario the candidature of Indira could not be supported as he had got information that by putting himself as the opposition candidate, MuKa has planned to unleash violence and he (MGR) does not want to put the life of Indira at stake and so the decision. Indira was bitterly disappointed but didnt openly say anything. When MGR came back from Delhi, the Press people grilled him but MGR was evasive. I remember one question that went like this.

Press: Mariyathu Nenjam; Matriyathu Yaaro?
MGR: Athai Padal Ezhuthiyaviradamthan Ketka Vendum

But MGR announced that the alliance with Congress is intact and he had agreed to allot the Tanjai seat to Congress and ADMK would contest from Nagai. In 1977, CPI was in ADMK- Congress alliance (It was with Congress all over India) and when Janata Party came to power it went to the opposite side and joined hands with CPM. After the split in communist Party in 1964, this was the first time the two parties worked together in All-India Level. So CPI joined DMK alliance. So in Tanjai it was Congress vs. DMK and in Nagai it was ADMK vs. CPI. Campaigning stared and MGR full fledgedly plunged into the campaign. To the surprise of many people Indira came for campaign but avoided joint campaign with MGR. NT also took an active part in the electioneering. (Later when alliance changed in the subsequent election, NTs speech in this campaign Avar oru Ilai.Naan oru Ilai was made fun of). The campaigning was hot and the results threw up a mixed bag for both the fronts. While Singaravadivelan of Congress won from Tanjai, it was Murugaiyan (another by the same name) of CPI who romped home at Nagai. For both the major Dravidian parties, it was a peculiar situation. DMK and ADMK both lost the seats they contested but their alliance partners won. This was during June.

Having been again denied entry into Parliament, Indira and Sanjay decided to have a go at the Janata. We already saw that it was a conglomerate of heterogeneous parties and their one point agenda was removal of Indira. So afterwards its cohesiveness suffered. There were many voices speaking, some sane and some not so. In the ministry there were moderates like Madhu Dhandavate, HM Patel on the one hand and there were mavericks like Raj Narayanan, Charan Singh on the other hand. There were people like George Fernandez, a militant trade union leader (who spearheaded the Railway strike in 1974) who found the transformation to a minister difficult (though it must be said his recent innings as a Defence Minister, though it had some dark shades, was better than the first stint)
Vajpayee as External Affairs Minister had done a good job and he was the first Minister to go to China after the 1962 war that paved the way for resumption of ties between India and China. The relations improved with Pakistan also, which saw the resumption of cricketing ties between the two sub continental neighbours after a gap of 17 years, when India toured Pakistan in 1978 October. LK Advani as I & B Minister did a good thing of giving freedom to DD/AIR from the clutches of Government (It is another matter they still continue to be pro-Govt). But the bottom line is they failed to work as a team. Morarjees opt repeated advise of asking people to drink their own urine (he said that it is of medicinal value) drew flak and ridicule from all quarters. In this scenario, Sanjay ably supported by some big business houses started pumping money and slowly MPs were falling in to the trap. Again the MPs needed reason and they decided to take the issue of dual membership. What is this? The present day BJP started its political career in the name JanSangh and they again owed their roots to RSS. When JanSangh became Janata, the members had not disowned the RSS membership and this came as handy to Charan Singh and Party. What started as a war of words soon snow balled into a major crisis and all of a sudden the fate of Government was at stake. The former JanSangh people refused to resign from RSS stating that it had nothing to do with the Janata. Morarjee knew that the over ambitious Charan Singh (who once openly had stated that his life time ambition is to become the PM) was behind all these things and it was also clear that Congress (I) had instigated this. He refused to dismiss Vajpayee and Advani from his ministry. Though he was putting up a brave face, he knew he was fast loosing ground. He decided to seek the support of other political parties. MGR went to Delhi and his companion in that journey was Cho. They had a lengthy discussion and when MGR met Morarjee, he pledged his support to Morarjee. The support of ADMK that had 19 MPs at that time was a shot in the arm for Morarjee. But his joy was short lived as Communist Parties refused to support Morarjee and this prompted more MPs to join the Charan Singh group. Morarjee now seeing the writing on the wall resigned. The President Sanjeeva Reddy called upon the Leader of opposition Y.B.Chavan, as it is customary, to explore the possibility of forming a Government but Chavan had no support from any quarters. At this juncture Charan Singh staked his claim for the formation of an alternative Government and he said that Congress (I) is supporting him. At that point of time since the above-mentioned underground activities had not come to the fore, this support had come as a coup. Again another coup occurred. MGR who had only in the previous week supported Morarjee now did a Somer Sault and said ADMK will be supporting Charan Singh and also added that ADMK will be joining the ministry. It was a bolt from the blue and that also became a part of History because it was for the first time that a non Congress MP from TN became a Central Minister. (One digression here. During that period, I happened to watch MGRs Naan Anaiyittal movie in a theatre and during the song sequence of Pirantha Idam Thedi , when the line Un Thiruvadi Thamarai Thodangiya Pathayil Desam Nanmai Peruga the fans went into a rapture, they equating the song lines with the political scenario in Delhi I have written this in MGRs thread also. Digression ends).
So, Charan Singh achieved his lifetime ambition, when he was sworn in as PM. At this point of time France (I am not sure whether it is France or Britain) had sent an unmanned space ship to the orbit for scientific observation. Unfortunately the space ship named Sky Lab got detached from the mother component and it was fast zooming down. There was widespread fear that it will harm human population. Scientists were trying to redirect its direction so that no harm is done. They were also trying to control its speed and Sky lab was the talk of the world. The Janata Party, which also got detached from its mother component, collapsed earlier than Sky Lab, which eventually fell in Pacific Ocean? (TRR, the editor of Makkal Kural and a staunch supporter of Indira wrote this example)

But MGRs decision, which was widely welcomed by his party, also caused heartburns in ADMK camp because MGR chose Sathiyavani Muthu and Bala Pazhanoor as the ministers. Sathiyavani Muthu was a minister in MuKas cabinet till it was dismissed and then changed sides. The same applied for Bala Pazhanoor. Another thing was no Lok Sabha MP from TN was given a chance (S.Muthu-Rajya Sabha & BP was Pondicherry MP). Maya Thevar, who had put the name of ADMK in the political map of TN and India, when he won the Dindigul by election in 1973, had again won in 1977 also and he was heart broken when MGR overlooked him. He resigned from ADMK and joined DMK.

The President had asked Charan Singh to get a vote of confidence from the Parliament and the Lok Sabha was scheduled to meet in the third week of August for seeking a vote of trust. But events preceding the start of session were not moving smoothly and it was rumoured that Charan Singh who had earlier agreed to Indiras condition had second thoughts, which was in regard to the pending cases against Indira. Indira who now held the aces threatened to withdraw support and when it became clear that she will not play game, Charan Singh resigned. Thus for the first and last time, a Central Government and a PM fell without even facing the Parliament once.

Morarjee had resigned as Janata Party Parliament leader and even after the resignation of Charan Singh, he refused to take up leadership. With that the political life of Morarjee came to an end. In his place Babu Jagajeevan Ram was elected as leader of Janata Parliament Party and he staked his claim for forming a ministry. But now the ball was in the court of Sanjeeva Reddy and he declined to entertain Babus request and the Parliament was dissolved. Presidents act received a mixed reaction. While some felt that it was the best option available under the circumstances because of the splits and the rampant horse-trading that was taking place, others felt that he should have given a chance to Babu Jagajeevan Ram and they alleged the President, once a sworn enemy of Indira had now played into her hands. Another act of President that was critisiced was his allowing the defeated ministry to continue as caretaker ministry. The political observers argued since the ministry is a lame duck ministry in constitutional terms (a ministry lacking majority support but still in power) it should not be allowed to continue for long. But it did continue up to January 1980, thus by creating a dubious record for Charan Singh as the longest served caretaker PM. Political Parties caught up in hectic activities again had to firm up alliances and strategies for the ensuing poll but they got a breather.

Let us also take a breather and look at NTs films that were released in the meantime.

1. Imayam 21.07.1979. The combo of NT- Mukta Srinivasan- AS Pragasam who gave the successful Andaman Kadhali a year before, joined again in this movie. This time Nepal was the location and Srividya did the heroine role for the first time with NT. Jaiganesh and Meera also had a major role. MSV came with lovely songs. Gangai-Yamunai, Imayam Kanden, Kannile Kudiyirukkum were all hits. All said and done, Imayam did not do well at the BO. Another sad irony about this movie is look at its releasing date. We or for that matter no one would have imagined that this date 22 years later will snatch away our beloved NT from our midst once for all.

2. Naan Vaazha Vaipen 10.08.1979. A film that made media do overtime. The combo of NT- Rajini which didnt strike a chord in Justice Gopinath, their first venture together, this time hit the bulls eye. This movie a remake of Hindi Majboor had NT playing Amithabhs role and Rajini playing Prans role. KR Vijaya produced the film under her Ashoka banner. The media always on the lookout for hot news tried to give an impression that because of Rajini the movie became hit. What they didnt realize was the screenplay provided any actor worth the salt to sparkle and Rajini (of course taking nothing away from him) simply did what Pran did in the original. Another point they failed to remember was NT at that point of time was in the highest plane of commercial success after his Trisoolam and Rajini was in the midst of health problems that threatened his career. It would not have been difficult for NT to change the role or curtail Rajinis scenes. But the ever gentleman he was and one who was never afraid of competition was magnanimous to the core and his role of helping Rajini was acknowledged by Rajini himself later. This 100 day movie had music by IR and all those Super hit songs are known to everyone and are still heard.

Before proceeding further on the political developments, let us look in to some decisions of MGR that paved a way for a sea change later. First was enforcement of Prohibition. MGR made this very strict. The police were given sweeping powers. Anybody found drunk was dealt with severely. You need not be drunk! If someone was found in possession of a liquor bottle, he would be sentenced to 6 months imprisonment. One digression here. Makkal Kalaignar Jai Sankar who was doing well as a hero was roped in to do Hero role in films like Vandikaran Magan, Nenjukku Neethi & Adu Pambe all scripted by MuKa. This had created a rift between MGR and Jai. It was rumoured that Jai was arrested under the Prohibition act and kept in a Police station one night. Though MGR was at the helm, because of the extraordinary rapport that Jai had with media, the same was not published. This was widely rumoured, though not substantiated. Digression ends. Second was regarding Reservation. At that time the reservation quota in TN was 31% for Backward and 18% for SC/ST. MGR came with an amendment. He put a GO, which stated that parents of BC people who are applying for reservation should not have a monthly income of more than Rs 9000/- to be eligible. In other words, he fixed economic criterion for claiming reservation. The persons who get admission under the reservation quota enjoy another benefit. Their academic fees are subsidised; they pay less than the normal. On this point the GO further said for a student, to enjoy this benefit continuously, should put in 90% attendance in academic institutions failing which their subsidy will be cut and they will be made to pay normal fees. As expected DMK started agitating but MGR stood firm.

When the Central Government fell, all activities now shifted to state. During the crisis that engulfed Centre, ADMK was active while DMK was reduced as a spectator because it had no representation in the Lok Sabha. The only DMK member AVP Asai Thambi had passed away in Andaman in April 1979 and so DMK had no role to play. After the fall of Central Government the Janata Party or in particular one individual had an idea rather a great one, which if it happened would have simply changed the course of TN political History. The individual was Biju Patnaik, the former CM of Orissa. (One small info. Biju Patnaik having demitted the office of CM in 1963 based on the K Plan had again captured power in 1989, after a gap of 26 years which is an Indian record). He came to Chennai and met MuKa. After some time he called on MGR. On 13th of September 1979,the media was invited to Chepauk guesthouse and there Biju proudly announced that the DMK and ADMK were going to merge. It was a bombshell. Both MGR and MuKa said that their respective Seyarkuzhus and Podhukuzhus would discuss and ratify the merger. When pressed for more details both of them refused to divulge and asked people to wait. There was this photo of MGR and MuKa sitting in a sofa side by side and a beaming Biju balancing himself on the hand rest that was flashed across all medias. Public were bewildered and cadres responded cautiously though on Sep 15th, Annadurai birthday was celebrated jointly in some places. Biju left Chennai.

Nothing of substance came out in the following days though rumour mills were doing overtime. Suddenly MuKa left for Delhi and surprisingly he went and met Indira Gandhi. When he came out of the meeting, MuKa announced that DMK had struck an alliance with Congress. Accordingly DMK would contest 16 seats, Congress 23 seats and Muslim League 1. Everyone was caught unawares. When asked about merger, MuKa said that proposal is off and this alliance with Congress stands. Many people could not believe this because of the fact that Indira had dismissed DMK Government and DMK had indulged in Black Flag demonstration, which had seen violence and cases, registered against DMK. Indira came to Chennai on Sep 30th for participating in a public meeting organized by DMK to celebrate Annadurais birthday. Here Indira lashed against Janata & MGR. Now it was clear that Indira had not taken the Tanjai by election issue lightly and also she was cut up with MGR for offering support to Morarjee. It was in this meeting MuKa coined the famous quote

Nehru Magalae Varuga;
Nilayana Aatchi Tharuga.

When Indira was about to finish her speech, somebody pointed out to her that the next day (Oct 1st) happened to be NTs birthday and she wished him. NT seated on the front row thanked her and this act of Indira was widely cheered by fans.

There was one section in Congress that could not reconcile itself to the alliance and this was headed by Nedumaran. Nedumaran having borne the brute of the violence during Black Flag demonstration openly revolted against this and Kannadasan fully supported him. It was expected because Kannadasan was the Poet Laureate (Arasavai Kavignar and Swarnamuki was the Arasavai Narthagi of TN) and he who was a bitter critic of MGR till 1977 was now his most ardent supporter. Posters appeared on behalf of Nedumaran supporters (Kolaigara Tee Mu Ka-vudan kootu; Uyir katha Nedumaranukku Vettu; Thaye ithu enna Nyayam?) as he was expelled and Nedumaran launched Tamilnadu Kamaraj Congress. He announced that his party would support ADMK. Another glaring irony here was Nedumaran who started his political life as a DMK man was now stoutly opposing DMK. Again at a later stage he made common cause with DMK and still continue to be in the good books of MuKa. Though some sections were aghast with the alliance one group that was extremely happy with the alliance was NT Fan clubs. The fans who had stuck with NT right through and fans who left Congress to join Janata and later made a comeback had one thing in common and that was opposition to MGR. He and his party were anathema to NT fans because such was the intensity of rivalry that it had made deep inroads into their minds and they could never bring themselves to support MGR. In fact a fan club Karnan Ganesan Rasigar Mandram organized NTs birthday celebrations in Chennai and MuKa was the chief guest accompanied by NT. In this meeting NT said that DMK is his Pirantha Veedu and Congress is his Pukuntha Veedu and now both are joining for an alliance. The speakers at this meeting expressed their desire and requested NT and MuKa to do a film again. MuKa said that an announcement would come soon. NT fans started to do the election work in right earnest.

MGR now had only Janata Party to fall upon and an alliance was struck. He had also the communist parties CPI & CPM for company. (ADMK-24, Janata-10, CPI-3, CPM-3). Though Nedumaran and Kumari Ananthan had pledged their support to ADMK, they were not allotted any seats. With battle lines drawn another unexpected development took place. Narayanaswamy Naidu of Uzhavar Uzhaipalar Katchi who hailed from Coimbatore had a strong presence there came out against ADMK with all guns blazing. He was able to rope in the farming community under him. He pledged his support to Congress front and did a whirlwind tour of TN. NT after 1971 had also undertaken a full fledged tour and Indira had toured TN twice for campaigning.

Before going into the final phase of electioneering let us quickly finish the movies of NT.

1. Pattakathi Bhairavan 19.10.1979. (Deepavali). A remake from Telugu Gada Gadalu Rudhraiya, this film produced and directed by VB Rajendra Prasad (who did ETRaja & Uthaman) had Jayasudha as heroine and another pair was Jaiganesh and Sridevi. IR was the Music director and songs were great. NT did dual roles but a typical Telugu masala storyline was not well received here.

2. Vetrikku Oruvan - 08.12.1979. The second movie in SpM- Panchu- IR combination with NT again was not to the liking of fans and public and only the election results that came in favour of Congress a month later helped it to sustain for a while.

DMK as a poll issue took up the case of purchase of Ships from Baltica Corporation for TN Governments Poompuhar Shipping Corporation and alleged large-scale corruption. This issue had already been raised in the assembly and MGR had denied any wrong doings because the purchase had not at all taken place. But it still did not dither DMK from making this as a poll issue (MuKa described this as Jamukalathil Vadikatiya Oozhal). It looked like a sort of a settling of scores as for as accusations were concerned

The final phase of electioneering was aggressive. MGR wanted to prove that he could win with any alliance. Infact he had publically announced that PaaRaa who was again contesting from Central Madras would win and his victory would be a personal victory for him (Thanipatta Vetri). Dr. Kalanidhi contested against PaaRaa. In the same manner ADMK functionary Mayilai Kabali (who later became a MLA of Mylapore defeating Nanjil Manoharan) had said that if Sulochana Sampath the ADMK candidate pitted against R.Venkataraman, lost the election, he (Kabali) would hang himself. But all said and done, the people of TN had decided. They had always voted for Congress in a Parliament Election (except say 1967) and even during the height of Emergency they stood behind Indira (Ofcourse Emergency had not affected TN) and now after seeing Janata rule, they overwhelmingly voted in favour of Congress. The Congress-DMK alliance won 38 out of 40 seats leaving just 2 to ADMK. Only Gobichettipalayam and Sivakasi returned ADMK candidates and that too by a small margin. ADMK or for that matter MGR had not faced a debacle like this in his career.

Indira not wanting to take any chances had contested from two seats. Her old constituency Raebareli in UP and Medak from Andhra. She romped home successfully from both and her son Sanjay won from Amethi. Congress got around 355 seats and Indira was sworn in as PM on 14th January 1980. RV and RVS were the two MPs who were inducted as ministers in her cabinet. DMK was very happy, as it had won 16 out of 16 seats it had contested. (MuKa in his customary varthai jalam said in a victory meeting Pathnarum Petravan Vanthirukiren). NT fans were ecstatic, as their archrival had been floored.

Action shifted to Delhi. Now it was widely expected that Indira as a tit for tat would dismiss all Janata Ministries in the States they ruled just as Janata had done to Congress ruled states in 1977. Bhajan Lal the Janata CM of Haryana created a History of sorts when he joined Congress enmasse with all his MLAs. So a signal had gone out and the axing was on the cards. MuKa now went to Delhi, camped there for a while argued his case with Indira through Sanjay and finally succeeded in his attempt to include TN also in the list of dismissals. So on 17th February 1980,TN along with another 8 states was brought under Presidents rule. MGRs ministry was dismissed and assembly dissolved.

MuKa came back on 18th morning from Delhi and was cheered by his cadres. From the Congress side one person was there to receive and garland him. Any guess? He was none other than Tindivanam Ramamoorthy who during this election (2006) had opposed Congress alliance with DMK. MuKa very confidently predicted a victory for the Congress-DMK alliance in the ensuing poll but how History proved him wrong!

Well! Let us stop for a while and proceed afterwards.



2nd July 2006, 11:28 AM
பழைய ஆனந்த விகடன் ஒன்றில் ராமகிருஷ்ணன் சிவாஜியின் ஆவேச நடிப்பினை தன் தேசாந்திரியில் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளார்.கலைஞர்களும் எழுத்தாளர்களும் ஒற்றுமையாக நல்ல முறையில் செயல்பட்டால் கலை ஓங்கும் தானே!(இரண்டு வாரங்களுக்கு முந்தையது)

3rd July 2006, 09:19 AM
Murali sar,

Forgive me for jumping to conclusion (you haven't concluded this phase yet), but at this point NT seemed to be increasingly detached when it comes to politics. Is it true? Or maybe I should wait for you to conclude? Sorry.

Murali Srinivas
3rd July 2006, 11:01 AM
Dear Prabhu Ram,

We were talking about Dharan Mandrayar and I mentioned about his latest film on Varanasi widows. The name of the movie is White Rainbow and the same is getting released this Friday (7th July) in Sathyam Complex. Probably you must have seen the ad in The Hindu.

Dear Abkhlabhi,

Nice pick of 15 films though everyone may not agree with it. Then regarding the Kannda remakes, NT's 175th was Avandhan Manidhan. Was it a remake? I don't think so. In the same manner Naam Iruvar was NT's 250th movie. Again was it a remake? Here I am not very sure. Please clarify.


3rd July 2006, 04:23 PM
Dear Murali,

I am verymuch interested in writing and talking about my (our) beloved NT. Due to pre-occupation, I could not. Whenever time permits, i will write. I used to talk to my wife and my collegues about NT always. Nice to see most of you all are in MGR thread.

Regarding your doubt - here is my reply :

Avananthan Manian (175) - A remake of Kasturi Nivasa acted by Dr. Raj, Jayanthi and Arathi in Kannada released between 1965 to 1970 (i dont' the exact date of release)

Thirisoolam (200 ) - A remake of Dr. Raj Kannada film Shankar Guru and the same film was made in Telugu and Hindi also.

Nam Iruvar (250) : Again it is also a Kannada remake (i don't know the name of the movie) acted by Ananth Nag, (main hero), Geetha and Arathi. Prabhu was acted in Anathn Nag role in Tamil. A villan actor Dogudeepa Srinivas was acted in Kannda version where our NT acted in Tamil. It fact is was a side role in Kannada. This movie also remade in Telugu where Murali mohan acted in Prabhu role and Villain Satyanarayana in NT role. After Kannada and Telugu only, this movie was remade in Tamil. Just imagine where, two willan actors acted in their respective language and our NT acted in Tamil. Since I saw this movie in all three languages (Kannada and Tamil in theatre and Telugu in Teja TV) I am 100% sure , it was a remake. i will let you know the name of the Kannada and telugh movies shortly. After seen the Tamil version, myself and my friends were surprised why and our Great NT accepted this movie.

3rd July 2006, 04:38 PM
Dear Prabhu Ram, We were talking about Dharan Mandrayar and I mentioned about his latest film on Varanasi widows. The name of the movie is White Rainbow and the same is getting released this Friday (7th July) in Sathyam Complex. Probably you must have seen the ad in The Hindu. Thank You. I missed the ad.

6th July 2006, 09:01 AM
Last night, I watched a strange little movie. Yes, it has NT as hero, but he was barely on screen for more than half an hour.

Its called Paathukaappu. Directed by Bheem Singh.

Nevertheless, it has a very, very interesting story. Looking at the credit, I don't think it is a remake.

It centres on Jayalalitha's character. It begins with her, as a child, hungry, looking for food, chased away, and finally - when attempting to steal food - her palm was burnt with a burning wood. And we cut to credit.

Then, we see NT, Nambiar (brothers) and Major (father) and their fishing boat. A great number of scenes were shot in the boat (or a boat set) and making it look very different than any movies that came out at that period.

Now, J enters their life suddenly, seeking help from something. To the three, she tells three different story. NT being the straight, god fearing man, is symphathetic for humanistic reason...also he falls for her genuinely.

Nambiar, of course, has all the wrong reason to symphatise her...and so is his dad!!!

Now, this is a weird Oedipal/Freudian delight. A quadrangle love involving Dad and his sons. Brilliant story telling.

Later, there will be murder and trial. What happens? You find out yourself. Nambiar and NT gets equal screentime. Major gets more and of course, J is in throughout the movie. In her three flashbacks, SV Suppiah, Nagesh, Tenggai Sreenivasan, Chandrababu and Palayah appear. ( There was a dude who has MRR/MRR Vasu voice. In fact, he sounds more like Vasu Vikram, when he attempts his grandad's voice. Can't figure out who this guy is.

And check out Palaiyah's performance. Very untypical. Chandrababu looks good...knowing well that he was not on screen for many years (I suspect the film was made in early 70s).

NT gets to strut his stuff here and there. Check out his mannerism when in Police Station at the begining of the movie and his squabble with his brother AND Dad (he wants to whack both of them). Even with small screentime, he gives it all.

So, there you go. If you go with the flashbacks, you will find the movie fast paced. The songs are okay, not too memorable, and they can be ignored...not important for the film.

I am going to watch it again, this time with my parents.

More information about this film will be appreciated. (I have to refer back to your notes, Murali sar).

7th July 2006, 10:24 AM
I have seen this movie long time back when i was young. Only two things i have not forgotten.

1) One beautiful song sung by srikazi (Aathuku pakkam oru thenam pillai) He sung for three character ie, NT, MN and Major.

2) JJ appears in each and every frame in this movie.

I am not sure whether it a remake of not. Some of the scenes more or less north indian sytle.

Murali Srinivas
8th July 2006, 10:20 AM
Dear Groucho070,

Like abkhlabhi had said I too have only a vague memory of this movie. I saw it during its release time. It was a remake I believe. Of course the movie was heroine oriented and NT out of his love for Bheembhai, accepted to do the movie as it would help Bheembhai in the business of the film. This film was released on 27.11.1970, barely 4 weeks after Engiruntho Vandhal & Sorgam which got released on Deepavali day(29.10.1970). With both EV & Sorgam doing great business at BO and this film being heroine oriented with NT almost like a guest artist, the fans simply washed their hands off. And the fact that in our Madurai, this movie was released in Thnangam, the biggest theatre in Asia also didn't help matters. Another great song in the movie was the duet (a dream sequence) "Oru Naal Ninaitha Kariyam Nadakkum" in which NT would be majestic to the core. This also turned out to be the last in NT- Bheembhai combo.

Another incident, of course with a sad twinge, I would like to quote. On 21st July 2001(yes the same fateful day), being a Saturday, I had come home earlier in the afternoon. During that period Vijay TV used to run a 1 hour programme " Star of the Day". On that day NT's songs were telecast. Having known the fact that NT is in Apollo and his condition is not that much cheerful, I had an uneasy feeling throughout the programme. My worst fears were confirmed 3 hours later. But the point is the above mentioned song (Oru Naal) was the last song to be telecast on that day.


8th July 2006, 01:53 PM
Pathukappu !

Probably the only movie BS-NT combo didnt do well !

Sukumari - Cho's drama group artist & also who appear regularly like Kaviyoor Ponnamma in Malayalam movies !

Sukumari is Bheemsingh's wife

Lenin - his son did well as an editor later

Murali Srinivas Anna......... Can you write something about the great Bheemsingh ?

Dont you all feel that Bheemsingh's contribution to NT's enhancement in image was splendid !

1. Palum pazamum
2. padikatha methai
3. Paarthaal pasi theerum
4. Pava mannippu
5. Pasa malar
6. Paar magale paar

Each movie listed above had wonderful characterisation by NT !

Pl write about Bheemsingh :D

8th July 2006, 02:19 PM
Shivaji would have had an indelible image, whether or not bheem singh contributed.

but yes, it was a feast when to see them together.

8th July 2006, 02:24 PM
Shivaji would have had an indelible image, whether or not bheem singh contributed.

but yes, it was a feast when to see them together.


This Paa series movies are highly rated even today for the excellent story line, picturisation, characterisation, music & screen play.
Dont you feel that NT's image got enhanced further due to the above listed movies ?

All these movies came during the 60s & still are being watched with awe !

Probably the best period of NT ??

Shall we also analyze the BEST PERIOD OF NT ??

8th July 2006, 02:28 PM
yup I do agree with that.

Nevertheless dont u feel, he is a person who could have shown his prescence and TALENT in any kinda GOOD movies with good story, picturisation, may be even with other directors?

Best period... hmm... may be 60z to early 70s.

HE TOTALLY LOST HIS CHARM, and invited unwanted comments when he acted during late 70z and early 80z.

though stories like

kavari maan
pilot premnath etc were really good to watch.

8th July 2006, 02:42 PM
yup I do agree with that.

Nevertheless dont u feel, he is a person who could have shown his prescence and TALENT in any kinda GOOD movies with good story, picturisation, may be even with other directors?

Best period... hmm... may be 60z to early 70s.

HE TOTALLY LOST HIS CHARM, and invited unwanted comments when he acted during late 70z and early 80z.

though stories like

kavari maan
pilot premnath etc were really good to watch.

True SP ! :D

NT was a born actor ! He did wonders with all directors from different generations !
A classic example is BR & Bagyaraj . I believe even Cheran was attempting to work with him but unfortunately before it could materialise , he passed away.

SP.... I know you are a big fan of NT... Pl share your thoughts here :D

9th July 2006, 11:43 AM
//1. Palum pazamum
2. padikatha methai
3. Paarthaal pasi theerum
4. Pava mannippu
5. Pasa malar
6. Paar magale paar//

I often noticed people used to miss 'Pachai Vizhakku' ,which is a wonderful movie with outstanding songs..

Padiththaal mattum pothuma is another one from beem sing,I beleive

9th July 2006, 12:09 PM
i have been reading this discussion with apt attention. Pl. continue


10th July 2006, 08:49 AM
Pathukappu !

Sukumari - Cho's drama group artist & also who appear regularly like Kaviyoor Ponnamma in Malayalam movies !

Sukumari is Bheemsingh's wife

Lenin - his son did well as an editor later


Whoa, Balaji, I didn't know this. What a great kalai-kudumbam.

As for Murali-sar, I was watching Avanthaan Manithan (with a couple of beers, if I may add) at the night when I heard the news of NT (I got the news late). And I couldn't continue...not when there's a death scene at the end.

There is one interesting news on Paathukaappu. Among the list of assistant directors, there was one name - Kamalahaasan (original spelling). How's that? He was probably 16 at that time.

NT's best period? As most of us agree, it has to be late 60s early 70s.

His earlier efforts are also great, but they are not as psychologically complex as the characters of these periods (arguable). There are still some flicks that I have not seen during this era. I'd love to do a looooong article on just this period alone.

11th July 2006, 10:13 AM
On saturday (8th July) two NT movies telecast. One in Raj TV and another in KTV
In Raj - Thirsoolam (morning) and in KTV - Deiva Magan (afternoon) . Great acting. 6 different NTs. Thanks to Raj and K Tvs

11th July 2006, 01:31 PM
On saturday (8th July) two NT movies telecast. One in Raj TV and another in KTV
In Raj - Thirsoolam (morning) and in KTV - Deiva Magan (afternoon) . Great acting. 6 different NTs. Thanks to Raj and K Tvs

I would agree if you mention about Deivamagan. Extrordinary acting especially the scene when the 3 characters come across

but not 3soolam. No way......not at all...... not especially the 3rd Shivaji with Sripriya . I am sure Mr. Murali Srinivas wouldnt have ( I mean true Shivaji Fans ) digested this acting.
But I wont blame NT for this... Noone could get the best out of him except Barathi Raja & Kamal

11th July 2006, 01:48 PM
On saturday (8th July) two NT movies telecast. One in Raj TV and another in KTV
In Raj - Thirsoolam (morning) and in KTV - Deiva Magan (afternoon) . Great acting. 6 different NTs. Thanks to Raj and K Tvs

I would agree if you mention about Deivamagan. Extrordinary acting especially the scene when the 3 characters come across

but not 3soolam. No way......not at all...... not especially the 3rd Shivaji with Sripriya . I am sure Mr. Murali Srinivas wouldnt have ( I mean true Shivaji Fans ) digested this acting.
But I wont blame NT for this... Noone could get the best out of him except Barathi Raja & Kamal

I quite agree on the Trisoolam part. While the performance is way better than many actors of that time, his performance in this film is substandard. Mostly you have seen before. Just rehash for very, very commercial purpose and judging from the BO, it works. Not a memorable performance to me.

I especially abhor the Irandu Kaikal song sequence. While the filmakers were obviously showing of their horizontal masking technique, the scene is terrible. I mean SITTING ON THE DRIVER'S SHOULDER WHEN HE IS DRIVING!!!!!!???

Anyway, those are very, very few dark spots in NTs acting career. As mentioned earlier, there had been many better performance at that time, like KavariMaan or Thiyagam.

I am currently watching Tangga Churanggam. Just finished 1 1/2 disc (3 VCD discs) and it looks exciting enough. As Murali-sar would put, NT in his action-hero phase. Director Ramanna really updated himself here. But dated though...you have to put yourself at that time to appreciate it. Will finish it tonight. Any background info on this flick will be nice.

11th July 2006, 01:55 PM
What else I have to say balaji? Ive said enough here :D

I LOVE shivaji, idolise him, rever him, respect him.

His prescence in small screen is enough to make my day. Since we keep seeing him thro his movies, the thought tht he is not amongst us now, DOES NOT COME TO ME AT ALL.

Some critical comments about him are

I feel he could have done more of KB's silent action movies.

I feel he could have underplayed some roles too.

I feel he could have STOPPED acting in lead hero roles after 45 years or so (or atleast kept fit to act in those roles)

11th July 2006, 02:05 PM
[tscii:4ff0c44325]Sakthi Akka vanakkam !

Now a request to the seniors here .

May I know some finer aspects of NT like :

1.How he used to accept movies - I mean will he ask for the story , his character, others who are part of the movie , before accepting a movie ?
2.How he used to finalize his roles.
3.Did he ever suggest changes/ fine tunings to his role
4.Did he ever think of directing any movie
5.What about his interests on music
6.Did he have any advisor / consultant on getting feedbacks from the public about his position in the industry
7.Did he try to change his approach at any time based on any such market feedbacks

Mr. Murali , Mr. Mohanram & other seniors you can answer this after completing the political aspects .

11th July 2006, 02:38 PM
vanakkam nakeerna :)

12th July 2006, 10:50 AM
most of them said that Nt should act in KB movies. I make it a point here, most of the KB movies are herione oriented. From Vellivizha to puthu puthu arthangal - one hero and two heroine; Avargal and Manathil Uruthi vendum are same stories. Nirkumizhi and Ethiril Neechal ad bhamma vijayam are more or less drama types.

Unnal Mudiyum Thambi is a remake of Rudra Veena (telugu. 47 Natkal a story of shivashankari, he changed according to his style. In fact, this movie was first taken in Telugu and dubbed in Tamil.

Nenaithale Innikum a beautifyl story by sujatha, KB completely messed up. Can any one tell, from which actor he extract acting except NAGESH. Eventhough, he introduced Kamal and Rajini, they made name and acting in other directors films and not KB.

12th July 2006, 12:40 PM
most of them said that Nt should act in KB movies. I make it a point here, most of the KB movies are herione oriented....Can any one tell, from which actor he extract acting except NAGESH. Eventhough, he introduced Kamal and Rajini, they made name and acting in other directors films and not KB.

I agree mostly. KB is a great director. But he is a great director of KB type of movies. His talent was identifying talent in others. You are right about Kamal and Rajini. I sometimes get sick when each time they mention both of the talent, they mention that KB is responsible for it. They would have made it and become who they are without KB. KB is definitely one of the greatest director in the country...but 'creator' of Kamal and Rajini he is not.

I'd say the same for Nagesh. He extracted great performance, because Nagesh is a great performer.

Coming to NT.

NT would mostly won't be suitable for KBs films. As you mentioned, a great many films of his are female-oriented. Of course, NT would have been great, say, in Unnal Mudiyum Thambi (imagine, with Kamal, the sparks will blow you away) or in Sindhu Bairavi, albeit a younger NT.

The same younger NT would have been wonderful in Varumaiyin Niram Sigappu or in Tappu Talanggal. Of course, you get a glimpse of Varumaiyin Niram Sigappu in Nenjirukkum Varai.

The trouble with KB is, he'd like to be the master of puppets. From what I hear, most actor just mimic the way he performs for them before the takes. I think, NT will not fall for that. While he accepts direction, I don't think he would like to mimic the director. And KB knows well that NT is not doing to do all that. NT is probably the type of actor who questions his characters motivation, and KB would probably won't like that. It explains why he can't work with Kamal and Rajini in their senior years.

All this are purely speculation, my opinion. Lets hope the seniors NT fans here share some analysis of their own.

12th July 2006, 01:45 PM
Can any one tell, from which actor he extract acting except NAGESH. Eventhough, he introduced Kamal and Rajini, they made name and acting in other directors films and not KB.

Digression :

KB's Apoorva ragangal only enabled KH to come in a new avatar
3mudichu was instrumental in shaping RK's career
So also Avargal for both
Not to forget Aval oru thodar kathai - despite playing a support role, KH got a very good name
Nizal nijamagiradhu elavated KH to a star performer

All these movies had a strong characterisation for hero also I believe

Digression ends

12th July 2006, 02:09 PM
Digression to digression. Hope you don't mind this argument, Nakeeran.

I strongly believe the true Guru to Kamal and Rajini is NT himself. NT shown these then young actors that you have to go all directions, work with all the directors, with any type of stories/genres to prove yourself.

Making name with KB films can mean the same way as saying that NT took off only after working with Bheemsingh, or Bandhulu.

Give any movie, both, like NT, made name for themselves. Can we credit Krishnan Panju team alone for giving the right role to NT in Parasakthi and the subsequent great movies?

Sure, but at the same time without the talent that NT posseses, those role could have gone elsewhere.

There has been many other actors who worked with KB, but none has reached the great heights reached by Kamal and Rajini. Both are big fans of NT, refers to NT as father and mentor, yearned to and have worked with NT, and will forever be happy to live in NTs shadow. KB comes after that.

The roles cited in KBs films are well written, character-wise. Brando calls this actor-proof roles. Its all set up, you just have to wear them. They can be performed by any decent actor. The role in Apoorva Ragangal could have been done by any up and coming heroes fo that time.

The role in Mundru Mudichu could have been Srikanth's, as he was well known for his negative/anti-hero image, and has good working relationship with KB.

But both Kamal and Rajini brought that something extra that they possess. That special extra that they have learned from years of watching NT and the whole gang of great character actors like MRR, Ranggarao, SV Suppiah, Nagesh, etc.

Notice that whatever we talk about, we cannot escape from the subject of this thread, NT himself.

Hope, my argument was clear Nakkeeran. Thanks.

12th July 2006, 02:59 PM
Nakkeeran's Digression :

KB's Apoorva ragangal only enabled KH to come in a new avatar
3mudichu was instrumental in shaping RK's career
So also Avargal for both
Not to forget Aval oru thodar kathai - despite playing a support role, KH got a very good name
Nizal nijamagiradhu elavated KH to a star performer

All these movies had a strong characterisation for hero also I believe

Digression ends

KH got a break through in 16 Vayadinele, Sigappu rojakkal, and went to peak in Nayagan. 3 muduchhu and Avargal, RK got fame because of his somking style. RK got a break through in Bhuvana Oru Kelvikuri, Mullum Malarum, 6 to 60 years and so on

All these are not directed by KB.

When great directors like Panchu Arunachalam, B.R.P, APN, KSG, PM, ACT and finally BR got they wanted from NT, why not KB . I think there may be egoism or somewhat KB felt that NT might dominated in his movies/directions.

12th July 2006, 03:03 PM
KH got a break through in 16 Vayadinele, Sigappu rojakkal, 3am Pirai and went to peak in Nayagan. 3 muduchhu and Avargal, RK got fame because of his somking style. RK got a break through in Bhuvana Oru Kelvikuri, Mullum Malarum, 6 to 60 years and so on

All these are not directed by KB.

When great directors like Panchu Arunachalam, B.R.P, APN, KSG, PM, ACT and finally BR got they wanted from NT, why not KB . I think there may be egoism or somewhat KB felt that NT might dominated in his movies/directions. When KB extract acting from his heroine why not from NT. The problem lies with KB and not with out beloved NT

12th July 2006, 03:21 PM
KH got a break through in 16 Vayadinele, Sigappu rojakkal, 3am Pirai and went to peak in Nayagan. 3 muduchhu and Avargal, RK got fame because of his somking style. RK got a break through in Bhuvana Oru Kelvikuri, Mullum Malarum, 6 to 60 years and so on

All these are not directed by KB.

When great directors like Panchu Arunachalam, B.R.P, APN, KSG, PM, ACT and finally BR got they wanted from NT, why not KB . I think there may be egoism or somewhat KB felt that NT might dominated in his movies/directions. When KB extract acting from his heroine why not from NT. The problem lies with KB and not with out beloved NT

During the making of Mudal Mariyadai, NT said to BR, "whatever and what way you want to act I will act". though one movie with NT, it was a memorable one and not in the case of KB.

When KH and RK produced films, the directors are SPM, SS, Rajasekar, etc, and not their Guru KB.

12th July 2006, 03:27 PM
When great directors like Panchu Arunachalam, B.R.P, APN, KSG, PM, ACT and finally BR got they wanted from NT, why not KB . I think there may be egoism or somewhat KB felt that NT might dominated in his movies/directions.

Well said !

KB , we all know is a very dominating director in the sense one can see KB in his characters especially Sujatha's in AOTK & Avargal
Saritha - Agnisatchi just a few ex.

KB's style of directing or making a movie definitely will not match with NT though NT never had any inhibitions

whereas BR splendidly utilised NT with a precise story matching with his age then ! Though the dialogues were few ( typical BR movie as he plays around visually ) look at the impact !

I believe NT himself wondered at BR ... Enpaa Barathiraja . Dialogues onnum kidayadha ? ennavo inga paaka solre , ange paaka solre ? verum facial reaction mattum kodukka solre ? !

BR must have had a life time mission !

KB always tried to dictate his artists ...This doesnt mean that I dont like KB but his style of doing things is different.

But somehow Gemini could do well with KB !

12th July 2006, 03:38 PM
Gemini do not fall into same category with NT. Gemini has to be molded, can't be relied on his own intuition alone. In some films, GG is great, in some he is not. In any films with NT, he is overshadowed.

But I liked Unakkaga Naan, though. I thought GG was great in it, despite NTs (limited) presence. One of those films where GG really shined. Likewise in Naan Avanillai, which was directed by KB. This is an oddity, because it doesn't really look like a KB film. Anyone has a background info on this?

12th July 2006, 03:50 PM
Gemini do not fall into same category with NT. Gemini has to be molded, can't be relied on his own intuition alone. In some films, GG is great, in some he is not. In any films with NT, he is overshadowed.

But I liked Unakkaga Naan, though. I thought GG was great in it, despite NTs (limited) presence. One of those films where GG really shined. Likewise in Naan Avanillai, which was directed by KB. This is an oddity, because it doesn't really look like a KB film. Anyone has a background info on this?

Sorry Groucho

I missed your previous post. :D Muthu mutha karuthu vaikureenga . Great !

True that NT himself was/ is a role model for all generation !

I feel GG romba yatharthamana nadigar ...in the sense avar nadipathu polave irukaadhu . romba naturala play pannuvaaru .

Have you watched GG & NT in paar magale paar ? I am sure you would have !

there are some splendid scenes like :

When NT shows the blind Savithri to GG , he will break down ...appadiye manidhar norungi poi viduvaar .

Also watch the climax scene when GG defends his friend NT

I love watching a staunch opponent GG in Pasa malar especially that Union scene when NT will be sitting while GG firing on all cylinders !

On seeing Sumai thangi , I wonder why NT did not get such a role ?

12th July 2006, 04:00 PM
True, true.

GG fits more into Malayalam flicks, I think, where you have to underplay a lot. Tamil films need forceful acting, as per NT and to some extent Muthuraman (2nd favourite of mine of that era).

GG was also cursed with 'image' problem. When someone calls you Nadigar Tilagam, you have to work your a** off to prove that. And NT has no problem showing that he is indeed NT.

But when you are called Kathal Mannan ....it may have benefits as far as ladies attraction is concerned, but it got nothing to do with power of acting. Poor GG!

So, in many ways, GG got stuck with Menmeiyaana roles. So much so that audience (adiyeenum kooda) cannot accept him in Veeran roles (I didn't like his earlier scenes, wrestling, in Saraswathy Sabatham). I think if GG had, from beginning, played variety of roles, he could have given NT tough time.

But, as you say, he did some majestic work. Another flick I enjoyed (with tears) was Sudarum Suravaliyum. This too, could have been NTs role, but GG pulled it off well.

13th July 2006, 01:24 PM
Whaddya know...our satelite TV played Needhi yesterday. What a performance! Textbook property.

Right after the movie finished, I felt hungry, not enough, greedy, insatiable...I need more NT.

So, I grabbed a VCD off my collection and it was Guruthatchanai. Went on watching till late after midnight and stopped halfway. Gonna continue watching tonight. I think this is one of his terribly underrated movie. The Power of Literacy.

13th July 2006, 04:32 PM



14th July 2006, 03:16 PM
As I expected trouble started for NT statue


14th July 2006, 04:09 PM
Statue la poi thagaraaru :(

Avar legend pa.... en dhaan ippadi panraangalo !HC advice vera ....

Murali Srinivas
15th July 2006, 09:53 AM
Today (July 15th) is the Birthday of PT. The man who was revered by our NT. And for the public of TN, he was the man who gave a golden rule within the limited resources that was available to him at that point of time (1954-1963). May his tribe grow!


15th July 2006, 07:33 PM
TN owes a lot to our great PT, especially educated mass. Long live PT's fame.

17th July 2006, 09:00 AM
சிவாஜி சிலைக்கு மாற்று இடம் -கலைஞர் நேரில் ஆய்வு

17th July 2006, 09:25 AM
Whatever they do, I hope they do it peacefully.

17th July 2006, 09:59 AM
Podigai telecast Gowaram Yesterday. What an acting. Though i have seen this movie lot of times and also I have CD, everytime I see something different in Nt acting. That's NT.

17th July 2006, 10:47 AM
Coming sunday (24th July) Singapore Tamil Channel Vasantham Central telecasting 'Deiva Magan' as a tribute to NT

17th July 2006, 12:58 PM
Excellent choice for a tribute. Viewers will get not one, or two, but three NTs. It would be useful, Joe, to give us a reminder before 24th. Though I'm in KL, I can buzz my folks in Johore to watch (they can access Singapore broadcasts)

17th July 2006, 12:58 PM
Murali Anna

When is your next write up ? Already overdue ! :D

Joe dear .....Enna neenga ippaellam oru guest madhiri ayuteenga :oops:

Now Groucho70 & Abkalabi are keeping it lively ! thanks

17th July 2006, 01:27 PM
Coming sunday (24th July) Singapore Tamil Channel Vasantham Central telecasting 'Deiva Magan' as a tribute to NT

Unga current Avatar scene dhaan indha padathula best scene ! :D

Another scene - when the first son sees his mother for the first time in a temple with clothes partially closing his face . Look at the reaction from NT .... andha oru pasam, kaneer, petra annayai mudhal mudhalaga parkum oru sandhosham , ekkam - all in one flash !
this is another NT special scene !

Another almost similar scene was from Pava mannippu - when NT goes to meet M.R.Radha but sees his mother M.V.Rajamma but doesnt know at that time that he was her son !
Terrific expression from NT here !

MVR : Rahim .....
NT : Aslaaam ....... echoing the feelings of someone who is an orphan & craving for motherly affection...

there will be mild tears in his eyes !

Yaaru kathu koduthaanga ivarukku !!!!

18th July 2006, 09:17 AM
What did I watch last weekend? I received a call with the same question, and I answered “Gurudatchanai”. And the caller asked if it was Rajini film.

There is nothing wrong with that response. Gurudatchanai is not exactly well-known among NT’s films. This, despite featuring big names like AP Nagarajan as director, KV Mahadevan as composer and co-stars like Jayalalitha, Padmini (yes, both in one film), and character actors like Major Sudararajan, Palaiyah, Sarangabani (the old actor, TR Ramachandran, Manorama, etc.

You may be wondering, what went wrong? In fact, I am STILL wondering what went wrong.

In my opinion, this is a very beautiful film. NT plays a Muradan type, an illiterate, whose attributes are recognised and appreciated by very few. His rough approach is frown upon by what is made up of mostly ungrateful villagers.

Then, one day, a teacher walks in. Played by Padhmini, she is there for one reason alone and that is to teach.

NT, in the meantime, finds love in Jayalalitha, a village girl, who gets chased out by her dad. NT finds her in his own house one day, and is not able to send her off. Though under his roof, he behaves nobly.

NT later sees the value of education and after a series of incident manages to convince Padhmini to teach him to read and write. Of course, the villagers would not shut up and starts making up stories between them.

So, that is what the story is about. The heart of the story is about the value of education. That a rough, rowdy-ish person like NTs character can be soften down with literacy and the beauty of Tamil language.

So, what went wrong? I guess, as Murali sar has mentioned, it has much to do with the fact that NT is undergoing action hero phase. Very sad, indeed.

NT's performance is flawless. His yearning for education looks and feels real. Padhmini is beautiful and perfect as a virtuous teacher. Jayalalitha is cute and unlike what you expect, plays rather and understanding lover. The rest of the cast fills up moments most memorably.

It was nice of AP Nagarajan to make a deviation from his usual Mythical film and look at the social conditions of that time. Unfortunately, this film did not help him.

Great story. Beautifully resonating performances. Apt direction. And you even get a double combo of NT/JJ and NT/Padhmini pairing.

What else did the audience want? Arrrrrrrrrgh (biting my knuckles, now)

Oh well, just one of those frustrating days….

Additional Note: I strongly believe that this film was an inspiration for Barathiraja for his Kadalora Kavithaigal.

Murali Srinivas
18th July 2006, 10:45 AM
Dear Balaji,

Last 15 days had been hectic for me and by the looks of it, this may go up to this month end. Even I am not able to reply to mails. I was thinking for excuses to make myself free for July 21st but the news is Statue ceremony will be postponed it seems. I will try to find time on Sunday to type the next phase. I too feel that a long gap had come. But if you notice the last post drew the least response though it covered a lot of incidents in a matter of just 6 months.

As you mentioned we must thank Groucho070 and abkhlabhi for keeping it live and lovely.


Guru Dhakshinai as you mentioned was a good film but failed at the BO. My cousin used to say that on the opening day opening show at the time of interval, the fans were escastic and were shouting "Velli Vizha" but the second half let them down. The turn of the events in the second half where NT allows himself to submission before the teacher character played by Padmini did not go down well with the fans. Then as I had pointed out earlier and quoted by you, that was the phase where NT movies were undergoing change and imagine this came after Thanga Churangam. Also the frequent releases of NT movies during that period also didn't help matters. In that year (1969), NT had many releases.

1. Anbalippu - Jan (1st)

2. Thanga Churangam - March

3.Kaaval Deivam - May

4.Guru Dhakshinai - June

5. Anjal Petti 520 - July

6. Nirai Kudam - August

7. Deiva Magan - Sep

8. Thirudan - Oct

9.Sivandha Mann - Nov

So the no of releases also played a part. Compare this to MGR who had only 2 releases

1.Adimai Penn -May

2.Nam Nadu- Nov.

So many factors played a part in the film's poor performance.

Groucho070, do you want to know the comments of NT regarding this movie? Here it is

Padathirkkaga kooda Naan Yaar Kaalilum Vizhuvathai Rasigargal Ettrukolla Mattargal Enbathai Unarthiya Padam.


PS: It had two good songs, Ondre Ondru Ulagam Ondru for Padmini and Orangi Rangamani Kanni, a duet for NT-JJ.

18th July 2006, 10:53 AM

after reading the post i felt like that.


18th July 2006, 11:54 AM
Hah! We manage to pull Murali-sar out of his pile of work. You need to come here once in a while to release your stress, sir! But don't worry, in yours and some seniors absence, juniors like me will do our best to keep it alive.

That 1969 list is amazing Murali-sar. What a list!!! What a treat for NT fans. As most of us here agreed, that was THE greatest era for NT. Most creative era, in fact, though some has been remakes.

I guess the NT quote goes to show that even the greatest talent has sometime bow to the demand of the audience.

I regret to say that I have not watched two of the flicks - Thirudan and Anjal Peti. I will, of course, grab it if it appears in our local movie shop.

18th July 2006, 05:18 PM

I too feel that the 60s were the best period of NT !

You should watch Motor Sundaram Pillai - this man suddenly will resemble a middle aged man with big tummy !

One of the movies where we can see a subtle acting ! I mean another Paarthaal pasi theerum type acting !

Enna Ramesh .... Pudhu gundu podureenga ! I am also getting a similar feeling now after you mentioned it !

Murali Anna .....
Waiting for your next round. No problem. Take time

Groucho ...
Have you seen Gnyana Oli ? One of my all time NT favourites !

18th July 2006, 06:07 PM
Gnyana Oli : ultimate movie. NT showed two different styles(not new). one illiterate and rich man. You should body language of NT after becoming rich man. ENNA STYLE. especially scenes where he meets Major KALAKIVIDUVAR. Ultimate movie.


19th July 2006, 09:15 AM
Gnana Oli.

What a movie!

The film takes on three different moods, with tragic ends on each.

The first act sees NT in jovial mood. Playing around (the rooftop sequence is a delight, "Amma Kannu"). A tragic end with his wife's death. Beautifully rendered sequence that sees NT preparing, unwittingly, his own wife's coffin.

The second act sees his daughter. Childhood pal Major Sunderarajan enters his life. This act too ends in double tragedy - one death of Srikanth, his daugther's lover, and death of beloved priest.

Paralel to both acts, we see NTs undying love for his priest.

Third act takes a different twist altogether...NT literally unrecognisable (not talking about his makeup and getup, but his performance as a rich man...with different body languages, nuances). This is where we get Deevanee song. Beautifully picturised. Someone mentioned (was it Balaji) about the moving clouds in this sequence. The ending is not so tragic, though NT is apprehended he finally is united with his daughter and granddaughter.

From what I learned in this forum, Gnana Oli was a big success. I think it all comes from the fact that the second and third act contained elements of thriller. From the moment Anthony (NT) finds out his daughter's affair, its thrill a minute, thanks to both NTs performance and the pacing of the movie. Things get better when NT comes back. Major knows well who this newcomer is, and thus begins a delightful cat and mouse game between these two.

I think P. Madhavan directed this movie, and he directed it with professional grace. He knew what is there to be extracted out of NT and he (and us, the audience) gets the most. MSV did an amazing job, not only giving us memorable songs but thunderous background score as well.

Complete with wonderful cast (I forget who played the priest, he was amazing) this is one flick that can never go wrong. It never did.

So, there you go Balaji. Another loooong post of mine. You asked for it, hehe.

19th July 2006, 09:28 AM
Dear Bajali,
By mentioning 'Gnana Oli' ,you brought me to my old sweet memory with this movie .

When I was a school boy ,In my village this movie was screened at a beach open space on the occassion of our village church festival .

Thousands of people watching this movie and really minkled with NT's great performance .Suddently there was a huge rain and as usual the projector operator tend to stop the movie .To my surprise ,the whole crowd shouted not to stop the movie (Surprisingly most of my village people are huge MGR fans) and not even a single person(including me) moved away from their place .The whole crowd watched the movie without minding the rain ..That day I understood that How much people(including MGR fans) love NT's acting .

19th July 2006, 09:43 AM
To my surprise ,the whole crowd shouted not to stop the movie (Surprisingly most of my village people are huge MGR fans) and not even a single person(including me) moved away from their place .

Now, this is bringing tears to my eyes. Not even Varuna baghavan can stop anyone from enjoying NTs movie.

Murali Srinivas
19th July 2006, 10:42 AM
Dear Groucho070,

I am finding time to post small trivia now and then. Regarding Anjal Petti 520, it was one rare occasion when TN Balu joined hands with NT and he also aimed at a different theme (ie) comedy based story but screenplay was not up to the mark. Thirudan was a Balajee movie (ofcourse a remake) directed by ACT. My friend used to tell "Rasikargal NT-i eppadipatta role-kalil parkavendum endru virumbinargalo, athai niraivetriyavar Balajee". Thirudan was one such movie. A slim NT with a not so slim Punnagai Arasi formed the lead pair. A stylish NT throughout, my pick of that film was the song sequence "Kottai Madhil Mele Oru Vellai Poonai" where he was the ultimate. Unfortunately as it happened to many NT films, Thirudan was caught between two greats (ie) Deiva Magan & Sivandha Mann and ended as an average Grosser.

Gnana Oli - sometime later.


19th July 2006, 01:02 PM
Groucho & Joe dear....

If you see the resumption page ( first page ) of this thread, you will realize that I had posted about Gnyana oli :D

Nice write up by Groucho & emotional post by Joe !

Some special scenes which I cherish ( & also regularly imitate back home )

1. The rich Arun kumar ( Koteeswarar ) , with dark cooling glasses , coming back to the town in a car & looking at all the familiar places !

Full of grace

2. NT's dialogue delivery style -
The uneducated Antony - used to call Major as LAWRENCUUUUU

But when he becomes Arunkumar - LAWRENCE !!

Observe the style & graceful looks with that high society etiquette !

3. That special scene when Major & NT in Saradha's house concluding on the wedding :

NT sips the cup of Payasam with all the cheer while being eagerly watched by Major ....as he tries to take finger prints ....& clandestinely Major takes away the cup ....while he was about to leave :

NT : Inspector ......
Major : Yes
NT : Mathavunga senja adhu thiruttu ..... Anaa adha inspecter senjaa....adhu nyabaga maradhi illaya ??
Major : What do you mean ?
NT : I mean the silver tumbler !!

Major oru vidhama asadu vazindhu kondu sirippaaar !

while NT will be giving a wry smile & casually remove the gloves :D :D

One of the best scenes in this movie & also the climax ....unforgettable !!

Yes, during Devane ennai parungal - the clouds will pass over & the shadows will fall on NT ....thats Mr. PNS for you :D

It was splendid combination of NT-Vietnam veedu Sundaram - Major-MSV-PNS

Another scene - When Arunkumar see his daugher Saradha ( Mary ) ....spontaneously shouts Maryyyyyyy......then quickly stars at the Mary photo & says Mary.... Stop!

The same Arun, when Saradha meets him again in his Bungalow becomes A FATHER .....FLOW OF EMOTIONS......ORU THANDHAYIN PASATHAI KOTTUVAAR :D

Atleast for this movie, NT should have got an award because this story is all about an innocent uneducated guy who undergoes sorrows in life but always something better out of his child & takes up a challenge to improve his town & he achieves everything in life ... for him values, discipline is paramount ....the rough & tough character in the initial stages were purposefully shown to give the audience a pleasant surprise in the second half as it will have a rich guy , totally different traits !

19th July 2006, 01:59 PM
After seeing Gowravam last week, i have gone back to my yesteryears and recollect the matters related to this movie. first one everybody knows , ie, Palooti Valarthakili song. This song was first sung by Kovai Soundarajan (TMS was out of county) and after saw rush print, TMS sung the same.

The other is, NT was not only a learner but a GOOD learner also. In this movie, he learnt how to speak english from none other than YGM. Now also we can see at the top of his Annai Illam a staute - a small boy reading book. In DD interview to Suhasini, (I think during 1985) NT said, still Iam a learner in acting , I want to learn more on acting.

19th July 2006, 02:00 PM
After seeing Gowravam last week, i have gone back to my yesteryears and recollect the matters related to this movie. first one everybody knows , ie, Palooti Valarthakili song. This song was first sung by Kovai Soundarajan (TMS was out of county) and after saw rush print, TMS sung the same.

The other is, NT was not only a learner but a GOOD learner also. In this movie, he learnt how to speak english from none other than YGM. Now also we can see at the top of his Annai Illam a staute - a small boy reading book. In DD interview to Suhasini, (I think during 1985) NT said, still Iam a learner in acting , I want to learn more on acting.

19th July 2006, 02:02 PM

19th July 2006, 02:12 PM
Last night, Malaysian satelite network, Astro, played Iru Methaigal. Co-starring with Prabhu. A little blimp in NTs career. I did not watch it.

19th July 2006, 03:05 PM
முதல் மரியாதைக்குத் தகுதியான கலைஞர்கள்
நன்றி - விகடன்

பாரதிராஜாவிடம் தங்களை மிகவும் வியப்பில் ஆழ்த்திய நடிகர் யார் என்று ஒரு சமயம் கேட்டபோது, அதற்கு அவர் ‘நடிகர் திலகம் சிவாஜிதான் என்னை வியப்பில் ஆழ்த்தியவர். நானும் நடிகனாக வேண்டும் என்ற தூண்டுதலை ஏற்படுத்தியவர்’ என்றார்.

‘அப்படியானால் அவரை வைத்து நீங்கள் படம் எடுக்கிற திட்டம் உண்டா?’ என கேட்டார்கள்.

அதற்கு பாரதிராஜா, ‘நிச்சயமாக அப்படி ஒரு ஆசை இருக்கிறது. அதற்கு தகுந்த நேரத்தை எதிர்பார்த்திருக்கிறேன்’ என்றார். பின்னர் தமிழ்த் திரையுலகில் முதல் மரியாதைக்குரிய சிவாஜி என்ற தனது உயர்ந்த மதிப்பீட்டை வெளிப்படுத்தும் விதம் ‘முதல் மரியாதை’ என்ற பெயரை தந்து சிவாஜியை வைத்து படமும் தயாரித்தார்.

சிவாஜிக்கு அவர் எவ்வளவு பெரிய நடிகராக இருந்தாலும் எத்தனையோ இயக்குனர்களிடம் பணியாற்றி இருந்தாலும் பாரதிராஜா இயக்கிய படத்தில் நடிப்பது அவருக்கு ஒரு புது அனுபவமாக இருந்தது.

எப்போதுமே சிவாஜி ஒரு படத்தில் நடிக்கும் பொழுது, அந்த படத்தில் இயக்குனரின் விருப்பம் எப்படியோ அதன்படியே தான் நடிக்க வேண்டும் என எண்ணுவார். இயக்குனருக்கு திருப்தியை தந்தால்தான் அந்தப் படத்தை அவர் எண்ணியபடி தயாரிக்க முடியும் என்பதில் சிவாஜிக்கு அதிக நம்பிக்கை!

எனவே ‘முதல் மரியாதை’ படத்தில் சிவாஜி நடிக்க வந்த புதிதில் இயக்குனர் பாரதிராஜா காட்சியை விளக்கிவிட்டு, ‘இதற்கு நீங்கள்தான் நடித்துவிடுவீர்களே! உங்கள் விருப்பப்படி நடியுங்கள்’ என சொல்லி இருக்கிறார்.

ஆனால் சிவாஜியோ இந்தப் படத்தை பொறுத்தவரை ‘நீ தான் கேப்டன். நீ என்ன சொல்கிறாயோ அப்படி நடிப்பதுதான் எனது கடமை’ என பாரதிராஜாவிடம் சிவாஜி பதிலளித்திருக்கிறார். அந்தப் படத்தில் பாரதிராஜா தன்னை வேலை வாங்கிய விதத்தை சிவாஜி புதுமையான அனுபவமாக கூறினார்.

‘அந்தப் படத்தில் எனக்கு அதிகம் ஒப்பனை கிடையாது. உடைகூட அரைக்கை கதர் சட்டையும், நான்கு முழ வேட்டியும் தான். முக்கியமாக காலில் செருப்புகூட கிடையாது. அனேக ஷாட்டுகளை பாரதிராஜா எடுக்கும் பொழுது, என்னை பார்த்து ஒரு தடவை இப்படி வேகமாக நடந்து போங்கள். இன்னொரு தடவை அங்கே இருந்து திரும்ப வாருங்கள் என்கிற மாதிரியே உத்தரவிட்டுக் கொண்டிருந்தார். அப்படியே நானும் ஒவ்வொன்றையும் செய்து கொண்டிருந்தேன்’ என தனது அனுபவத்தை கூறியிருக்கிறார்.

‘முதல் மரியாதை’ படத்தில் சிவாஜி, ராதா, அருணா, வடிவுக்கரசி, ஜனகராஜ் போன்றவர்களை தவிர புதுமுகங்களும் மற்றும் வழக்கமான துணை நடிகர்களும் இருந்தார்கள். கிராமிய சூழ்நிலையில் உருவான அந்தப் படத்தில் கிராமிய பழக்க வழக்கங்களை எல்லாம் யதார்த்தமாக பாரதிராஜா காட்டினார்.

உதாரணமாக சந்தைக்கு வரும் ராதா தனது ஆட்டை விற்பதற்கு முயற்சிக்கும் போது அவருக்கு உதவி செய்ய சிவாஜி முன் வருவார். எனவே ஆடு வாங்க வருவோரிடம் விலை பேச வேண்டிய நேரம் ஆடு வாங்குபவர் கையை பிடித்து தங்கள் இருவர் கை மீதும் தனது துண்டை எடுத்து போர்த்திவிட்டு, கைவிரல்களை வெளியே தெரியாதவாறு பிடித்து விலை பேசி முடிப்பார். கிராம சந்தைகளில் இரண்டு பேர் விலை பேசி முடிக்கிற முறை இதுதான்!

அந்தப் படத்தில் சிவாஜியின் கதாபாத்திரம் சற்று வித்தியாசமானது. தனது மதிப்புக்குரிய மாமனின் செல்ல மகள் திருமணத்துக்கு முன்பு ஒரு திருவிழா பார்க்க சென்றவள் அங்கே ஒரு வாலிபனின் ஆசைக்கு பலியாகி விடுகிறாள். அந்த செய்தியை அறிந்த அந்த பெண்ணின் தகப்பனான சிவாஜியின் மாமன் தன் மருமகன் சிவாஜியின் காலில் விழுந்து தன் பெண்ணை ஏற்றுக் கொள்ளும்படி செய்கிறான்.

இதெல்லாம் சிவாஜியின் சிறு வயதில் நடந்த நிகழ்ச்சிகள். இப்படி ஒரு களங்கத்துக்குப் பிறகு தன்னை தன் மாமன் மகன் கைப்பிடித்து கரையேற்றி இருக்கிறான் என்கிற விசுவாசம் எல்லாம் இல்லாமல் சிவாஜியின் மனைவியாக வரும் வடிவுக்கரசி தன்னுடைய ஆஸ்தி பாஸ்தி எல்லாம் தன் தகப்பன் வீட்டில் இருந்து கொண்டு வந்தது என்றும், தன்னை கைப் பிடித்தவன் சோற்றுக்கே வக்கில்லாதவன் என்ற ஏளனமும் வடிவுக்கரசி மனதிலே உண்டு.

ஏற்கனவே கறைப்பட்டுப் போன நிலையில் நல்ல பண்பும் இல்லாத இந்த மனைவியோடு சிவாஜி பேருக்குத்தான் கணவன் & மனைவியாக இருந்தாரே தவிர அவளோடு தாம்பத்யம் நடத்தியதே இல்லை.

இந்நிலையில் ஓடம் விட்டு பிழைக்க வந்த ஒரு நாடோடி குடும்பத்து பெண்ணான ராதாவை சிவாஜி சந்திக்க நேர்கிறது. சிவாஜியின் உயர்ந்த குணங்களும் அவர் மனைவி அவரை அற்பமாக மதிக்கிற போக்குகளும் ராதாவின் மனதில் சிவாஜி மீது ஒரு பெரிய அனுதாபத்தை ஏற்படுத்தும். அத்துடன் சிவாஜி அந்த கிராமத்திற்கே பெரிய மனிதராக இருந்தாலும் எவ்வளவு கண்ணியமானவர் என்ற மரியாதையும் ராதா மனதிலே உண்டாகி இருக்கும். அதே சமயம் படிக்காத ஒரு பாமர பெண்ணான ராதாவிடம் ஒரு மென்மையான மனமும், மரியாதையும் இருப்பதை கண்டு சிவாஜிக்கு அவள் மீது பெரிய மதிப்பு ஏற்படும்.

இதற்கு மேல் அந்த இரு கதாபாத்திரங்களை உலவவிட்டு சந்திக்க விட்டு பேச விட்டு காட்டப்படுகிற காட்சிகள் அனைத்தும் ரசிகர்களுக்கு புதுமையான அனுபவமாகும். ஏனெனில் சிவாஜி நாற்பது வயதை கடந்த ஒரு நடுத்தர பருவமுள்ள மனிதர். ராதா இன்னும் இருபது வயதையே நெருங்காத இளம் பெண். சொல்லப்போனால் சிவாஜியின் மகள் வயதே ராதாவுக்கு! அவர்கள் இருவரிடையே மிகுந்த பாசம் கலந்த அன்பு போல் பேச்சு பரிமாற்றம் இருக்கிறது.

அப்படியானால் அவர்கள் இருவரும் தங்கள் வயதுகளை மறந்து காதலிக்கிறார்களா? அல்லது காதலுக்கு அப்பாற்பட்ட தூய அன்பில் களங்கமில்லா நேசத்துடன் பழகுகிறார்களா என்ற விடை தெரியாத புதிருக்கு ரசிகர்களை ஆழ்த்திவிடும் வகையில் அந்த இரு பாத்திரங்களும் படைக்கப்பட்டிருந்தன.

அந்தப் படத்தில் ஒவ்வொரு சின்ன சின்ன காட்சிகளிலும் கதைக்கு தேவையான ஊட்டச்சத்தான நிகழ்ச்சிகளை பாரதிராஜா வைத்திருந்தார்.

ஒரு காட்சியில் சிவாஜிக்கு வீட்டில் சாப்பாட்டை எடுத்து வைக்கப் போகும் மனைவி வடிவுக்கரசி மூக்கை சீந்தியவாறு அந்த கையைகூட துடைக்காமல் சோற்றை எடுத்து தட்டிலே போடுவார். அதை அருவெறுப்புடன் சிவாஜி பார்த்து நெளிவார்.

அதே சமயம் இன்னொரு காட்சியில் சிவாஜியுடன் சேர்ந்து ராதா ஓடைத் தண்ணீரில் பிடித்த மீனை வீட்டில் சமைத்திருப்பார். அந்த மீன் சாப்பாட்டை ராதா ரசித்து சாப்பிட்டுக் கொண்டிருக்கும் பொழுது, சிவாஜி அங்கே வந்து விடுவார். உடனே சிவாஜியை உபசரித்து சாப்பிட வற்புறுத்துவார்.

சிவாஜி சாப்பிட சம்மதித்ததும் அப்போது வெளியே லேசாக பெய்து கொண்டிருக்கும் மழை நீரில் தனது கைகளை கழுவிவிட்டு, ராதா அவருக்கு பரிமாற முற்படும்போது, தனது மனைவியில் இருந்து இந்த சிறு பெண் எவ்வளவு உயர்ந்த பழக்க வழக்கங்களை பெற்றிருக்கிறாள் என வியப்பது அவர் முகத்தில் தெரியும்.

கடைசியில் ராதா யாரோ ஒரு ஆசாமியை கொலை செய்துவிட்டு சிறைக்குப் போய்விட்ட நிலையில் சிவாஜி அங்கே சென்று ராதாவை சந்திப்பார். அப்போது ராதா வற்புறுத்தி அவர் கொலை செய்த காரணத்தை சிவாஜி கேட்பார்.

‘எனது ஓடத்தில் வந்த அயலூர்க்காரன் ஒருவன் நடுத்தண்ணீரில் வந்து கொண்டிருக்கும் பொழுது, உமது மனைவியைப் பற்றி விசாரித்தான். அதற்குமேல் அவன் சொன்ன விவரங்களில் இருந்து உமது மனைவியின் சிறுவயதில் ஒரு திருவிழா சமயத்தில் அவள் பெண்மையை அழித்துவிட்ட கொடியவன் இவன்தான் என்பதை தெரியவந்தேன். இந்த பாவி இப்போது ஏன் நமது ஊருக்குள் வந்தான் என பதறினேன். இவன் ஊருக்குள் வந்து உமது குடும்பத்தைப் பற்றி கேவலமாக பேசுவதற்கு இடம் தரக் கூடாது என்ற முடிவில் கையில் இருந்த துடுப்பால் அவன் மண்டையை உடைத்து கொன்றேன்’ என்ற கதையை ராதா கூறியதும் சிவாஜி உறைந்து போவார்.

ஆயுள் தண்டனை பெற்று சிறையிலேயே காலம் தள்ளும் ராதாவின் நினைவாக நோயாளியாகிப் போன சிவாஜி தனது வீட்டை மறந்து அவளது பிய்ந்து போன குடிசையிலே கடைசி காலம் வந்து படுத்துக்கொள்வார். உறவினர் யாருடைய அழைப்பையும் ஏற்காமல் நிராகரித்துவிடுவார்.

கடைசியில் அவரை மரணம் நெருங்கி விட்ட நிலையில் அந்த ஓடக்கார பெண்ணை சிறையில் இருந்து ஒரு முறை அழைத்துவர வேண்டும் என்ற முடிவில் ராதா பரோலில் வர ஏற்பாடு செய்திருப்பார்கள்.

ராதா ரயிலில் வந்து இறங்கி சிவாஜி வாழும் ஊரின் மண்ணில் கால் வைத்ததும் அங்கே ராதாவின் குடிசையில் போகப் போகிற உயிரை கையில் பிடித்துக் கொண்டு படுத்திருக்கும் சிவாஜி உடம்பில் ஒரு சிலிர்ப்பு ஏற்படும்.

அந்தக் காட்சி உன்னதமான காதலுக்கு எல்லாம் அப்பால் உயர்ந்த ஒரு உணர்ச்சின் மொத்தமான வெளிப்பாடாகும்!

படம் முடிந்து நாம் வெளியே வருகிற போதும் சிவாஜி மனதில் ராதா மீது இருக்கிற அன்பு காதலா? தூய பாசமா? என்று நமக்கே புரியாது.

‘முதல் மரியாதை’ படத்தின் வெற்றி விழாவில் சிவாஜி பேசும்போது ஒன்றை குறிப்பிட்டார். ‘கதை வசனம் எழுத பாக்யராஜ். இசையமைக்க இளையராஜா. இயக்குவதற்கு பாரதிராஜா. இந்த மூவரும் ஒற்றுமையாக செயல்பட்டால் எத்தனையோ அற்புதமான திரை சித்திரங்களை நமக்குத் தர முடியும்‘ என்று பேசினார்.

இந்த படத்தின் டைட்டில் துவங்குவதற்கு முன் சிவாஜியை பாரதிராஜா சந்தித்து முதல் மரியாதையாக மாலை அணிவிக்கிற காட்சியோடு படத்தின் டைட்டில் துவங்கும்.

பாரதிராஜாவுக்கு உன்னதமான கலைஞர் என்ற மரியாதை சிவாஜியிடம் எப்போதும் இருந்தது. அவர் திரையுலகில் சில வெற்றிப் படங்களை தந்த நிலையில் சிவாஜியை ஒரு சமயம் சந்திக்கச் சென்றார். சிவாஜியோடு பேசிக் கொண்டிருக்கும் பொழுது பாரதிராஜா, ‘நான் முதலில் நீங்கள் நடித்த படங்களை எல்லாம் பார்த்துவிட்டு நடிகனாக வேண்டும் என்று தான் ஆசைப்பட்டேன்’ என்றார்.

அதற்கு சிவாஜி, ‘பிறகு ஏன் அந்த முயற்சியை கைவிட்டாய்?’ என கேட்டார்.

அதற்கு பாரதிராஜாவோ, ‘இங்கு வந்து என் முகத்தை கண்ணாடியில் பார்த்தேன். நான் நடிப்பதற்கு லாயக்கில்லை என்பதை புரிந்து கொண்டேன்’ என்றார்.

அதற்கு சிவாஜியோ, ‘ஏன்பா மதுரையில இருந்து நடிக்கணும்னு முடிவு செய்து புறப்பட்டு வந்திருக்க. புறப்படும் போதே மதுரையில ஏதும் கண்ணாடி கிடைக்கலியா? மெட்ராஸ்ல வந்த பிறகுதான் முகத்தை கண்ணாடியில் பார்த்தியா?’ என்று கேட்டார்.

பாரதிராஜா மதுரையிலேயே ஒரு கண்ணாடியில் தன் முகத்தை பார்த்துவிட்டு நாம் திரையுலகுக்கு லாயக்கில்லை என்று தீர்மானித்தவராய் சோர்ந்து போயிருப்பாரேயானால் அவர் மதுரையிலே அல்லவா தங்கி இருப்பார்.

சென்னை வரை வந்துவிட்டதால்தானே இங்கே கண்ணாடியில் முகத்தை பார்த்து நாம் நடிப்பதற்கு லாயக்கில்லை என்று முடிவு செய்ததும், சரி சென்னை வந்துவிட்டோம் இனி என்ன செய்ய என்று யோசித்தன் காரணமாகத்தானே இயக்குனராக மாறினார்.

அவர் இயக்குனராக மாறியிருக்காவிட்டால் கண்ணாடியில் முகத்தை பார்த்தும் நாம் நடிக்க முடியாதோ என்று எண்ணிய பலரை நடிப்பதற்கு முகம் மட்டும் தேவையில்லை என்று உற்சாகப்படுத்தி நம்பிக்கை இழந்த முகங்களை எல்லாம் படத்தில் வெற்றி முகங்களாக உலவ விட்டிருக்க முடியுமா?

19th July 2006, 03:40 PM
Shivaji---a very talented actor...
shivaji acting is extraordinary ..in a single shot...he can act

He has done variety of roles...he is teh best

now after shivaji..... only kamal has that talent

19th July 2006, 04:26 PM

unable to read ur mail

19th July 2006, 05:39 PM
All Sivaji fans Pls join sivajifans@yahoogroups.com

19th July 2006, 05:51 PM

unable to read ur mail

It is in unicode Tamil .Pls select View-> encoding .> unicode from your browser

19th July 2006, 08:50 PM
Good News!
Court allowed TN govt to open NT statue as per the schedule.

20th July 2006, 07:08 AM
சிம்மக்குரலோன் சிலை காண வாரீர் -கலைஞரின் கவிதை அழைப்பு

கடற்கரையில் காமராஜர் சாலை நடுவில்
காந்தியடிகள் வாழ்த்து பெற்று நிற்பது போல்
கம்பீரப் பொலிவுடன் நிற்கின்ற கலையுலகக் கதிரவனாம்-சிவாஜி
கணேசனுக்கு சிலை அமைக்கும் விழாவுக்கு வருகை தாரீர்!
நாடறிந்த கலைவேந்தன், நடிகர் திலகமென நானிலம் புகழும் மைந்தன்
ஏடு புகழ இதயம் பெற்றோர் எல்லோருமே இணைந்து புகழ
பார் புகழும் பகுத்தறிவுப் பெரியார் வழங்கிய விருது;
சீர் திகழும் சிவாஜிக்குக் கிடைத்தபோது;
வேர் பழுத்த பலாவாக இனித்ததம்மா நெஞ்சம்!
யார் பக்கமிருந்தாலும் எக்கட்சி சேர்ந்தாலும்;
என் தம்பி கணேசன் எங்கிருந்தாலும் வாழ்க!, என்று
நன் மனப் பேரறிஞர் அண்ணாவும் வாழ்த்தினார், அன்று!
எம்மிருவருக்கும் தாய்; அன்னை அஞ்சுகமென்றும்; அந்த
அம்மாவின் செல்லப்பிள்ளைகள் நாமிருவர் என்றும்-
நட்புக்கு இலக்கணமாம் நடிகர் திலகம் சிவாஜி,
நாடறிய நினைவு மலர் ஏடொன்றில் எழுதியதை;
என்றும் மறக்காத என்னிதயம் தான்
இன்று விடுக்கிறது அழைப்பென எண்ணி வாரீர்!
ஐம்பத்தி நான்கு ஆண்டின் முன்னே
அடியேன் தீட்டிய பராசக்தியில் அறிமுகமாகி; அந்தத்
தீபாவளி நாளில் திரையுலகில் ஓர் திருப்புமுனையை
திசையெட்டும் ஒளியூட்டிக் காட்டிய தீரன்;
பட்டாக்கத்தி வீசி வசனப் பொறி பறக்க வீரபாண்டியக்
கட்டபொம்மனாக மட்டுமல்ல;
பக்திச் சுவை நனி சொட்டச் சொட்டப் படுகிழமாய்ப்
பரமனடிமை அப்பர் எனும் அருள் ஞானியாகவும்-
கலையுணர் மக்கள் நெஞ்சத்தில் எல்லாம்
நிலை பெயராமல் நிற்கின்ற
சிம்மக் குரலோன் செந்தமிழ்ச் செல்வன்
சிலை வடிவாய் அமைந்து;
சிக்கல் தவிர்த்து வெளிப்படுகின்ற செவாலியரின்,
செம்மாந்த தோற்றம் காண வாரீர்! வாரீர்!

20th July 2006, 09:48 PM
Nadigar Thilagam Ninaivu Naal -July21

Oh! Our dear Nadigar Thilagam..You will be in our hearts for ever!

20th July 2006, 11:14 PM
My tribute


21st July 2006, 06:34 AM
Yes, lets bow and observe a two minute silence in honour of the greatest actor that ever walked this earth. :notworthy:

I too did a tribute for him one week after his passing. Let me search for it....

21st July 2006, 06:38 AM
Found this instead: http://www.angelfire.com/pa3/ppp/sivaji.html

21st July 2006, 07:15 AM
சிவாஜி அளித்த பரிசு!இன்று சிவாஜிகணேசன் நினைவு நாள்

நட்பை மதிக்கத் தெரிந்தவர் நடிகர்திலகம் சிவாஜி. எத்தனையோ படப்பிடிப்புகளின் நடுவிலும் கூட, நண்பர்களுக்காக நேரம் ஒதுக்கக்கூடியவர். அவரது நெருங்கிய நண்பர் ஒருவர் அமெரிக்க துதுவராக இருந்தார். அவர் சிவாஜியிடம், "உங்களது நினைவு பரிசாக அமெரிக்க குழந்தைகள் விளையாடுவதற்கு ஏதாவது கொடுங்கள்' என்று உரிமையோடு கேட்டார்.

நண்பரின் வேண்டுகோளை ஏற்றுக் கொண்டாலும், அந்த பரிசு வித்தியாசமானதாக இருக்க வேண்டுமென்று சிவாஜி நினைத்தார். அதனால் அவர் தன்னுடைய செலவில் ஒரு யானைக்குட்டியை அமெரிக்காவுக்கு விமானத்தில் அனுப்பி வைத்தார்.

அமெரிக்க அதிபராக இருந்த ஜான் கென்னடி இவ்விஷயத்தை கேள்விப்பட்டு ஆச்சரியமடைந்தார். பரிசு அனுப்பியவரை பற்றி சென்னையிலுள்ள அமெரிக்க துதரகம் மூலம் விசாரித்துத் தெரிந்து கொண்டார். சிவாஜியை பார்க்க வேண்டும் என்ற ஆவல் அமெரிக்க அதிபருக்கு ஏற்பட்டது.

"வி.ஐ.பி., விருந்தினர்' என்ற கவுரவத்தோடு அந்நாட்டு கலாசார பரிமாற்றத்தின் கீழ் சிவாஜி அமெரிக்காவுக்கு அழைக்கப்பட்டார். அப்போது, இந்தியாவிலிருந்து "நடிகர்' என்ற அந்தஸ்தில் அழைக்கப்பட்ட முதல் நடிகர் சிவாஜி மட்டும்தான்.

சிவாஜிக்கு அழைப்பு வந்த போதிலும் இங்குள்ள நண்பர்களிடம் தான் ஏற்கனவே ஒப்புக்கொண்டிருந்த கால்ஷீட்டை தள்ளிப்போட அவர் விரும்பவில்லை. நேரத்தை கடைபிடிப்பதில் அவருக்கு நிகர் அவரே. "பலே பாண்டியா' என்ற படத்துக்காக அவர் கடுமையாக உழைத்து 11 நாட்களில் படத்தின் முழு வேலையையும் முடித்து கொடுத்தார். அதுவரை அவ்வளவு குறுகிய காலத்துக்குள் எந்தப்படமும் முடிக்கப்பட்டதில்லை.

அமெரிக்க பயணத்தின் போது, ஹாலிவுட் நடிகர்களை சந்தித்தார். சிவாஜிக்கு அமெரிக்க அரசு மிகப்பெரிய கவுரவத்தை வழங்கும் விதமாக, நயாகரா நகரின் ஒரு நாள் மேயர் பொறுப்பினை அவருக்கு வழங்கியது. அதற்கு அடையாளமாக அப்பதவிக்குரிய தங்க சாவி அவருக்கு அளிக்கப்பட்டது.

நயாகரா நகரின் மேயராகும் வாய்ப்பு இரு இந்தியர்களுக்கு மட்டுமே கிடைத்தது. அந்த வாய்ப்பு பெற்ற இன்னொருவர் மறைந்த பிரதமர் ஜவகர்லால்நேரு.1928 அக்டோபர் முதல் தேதியில் பிறந்த சிவாஜி, 9 வயதிலேயே நடிக்கத் தொடங்கினார். முதல் படம் பராசக்தி (1952). ஏறத்தாழ 300 படங்களில், விதவிதமான கதாபாத்திரங்களில் நடித்து தமிழ் திரையுலக "பல்கலைக்கழகம்' என்று புகழும் அளவுக்கு உயர்ந்தார். சுவாசம் மற்றும் இதய பிரச்னையால் அவதிப்பட்டு வந்த அவர், கடந்த 5 ஆண்டுக்கு முன்பு இதே நாளில் நம்மை விட்டு பிரிந்தார்.

நன்றி - தின மலர்

21st July 2006, 07:19 AM
நடிகர் சிவாஜி படத் தொகுப்பு இன்று திரையிடப்படுகிறது

சென்னை : நடிகர் சிவாஜி கணேசனின் சிலை இன்று திறக்கப்படும் போது அவர் நடித்த திரைப்படங்களின் தொகுப்பு திரையிடப்பட உள்ளது.சென்னை கடற்கரை காமராஜர் சாலையில் நிறுவப்பட்டுள்ள நடிகர் சிவாஜி கணேசனின் சிலையை முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி இன்று மாலை 6.30 மணிக்கு திறந்து வைக்கிறார். இதில் அமைச்சர்கள், எம்.பி.,க்கள், எம்.எல்.ஏ.,க்கள், சினிமா நட்சத்திரங்கள், கூட்டணி கட்சித் தலைவர்கள் கலந்து கொள்ள உள்ளனர்.

சிலை திறப்பு நிகழ்ச்சிக்கு முன்பு சிவாஜி கணேசன் நடித்த பல்வேறு திரைப்படங்களில் இடம்பெற்ற புகழ்மிக்க காட்சிகள் வெண்திரையில் காண்பிக்கப்பட உள்ளதாக தமிழக அரசு தெரிவித்துள்ளது. ஒரு மணி நேரம் இடம்பெறும் இந்த திரைப்படத் தொகுப்பும் மேடை அருகிலேயே காண்பிக்கப்பட உள்ளது.

21st July 2006, 08:05 AM
Everytime I read something about this greatest actor, my eyes will fill with tears. I simply love his acting! :notworthy: :thumbsup:

21st July 2006, 08:22 AM
My tribute to our great NT
KalaiThai petreEdutha ThavaPuthalvan nee
Kanni Tamizh pesum Kavi Pulavan nee
Singamana garjanai seitha Simma Kuralon nee
Mahakavai Bharathy, Kodi Kattha Kumaran tamilzharukku kaanpithavan nee
Tamizh kavigal Appar, Sundarar kannil kondavan nee
Tamizh thiraiyil pala mugam eduthavan nee
Rasigarkalin manathil endrum nirantharamaanavan nee

Tamizh thiraiyil pala Natchathirangal varalam, anaal neeye entrum mulu Nilavu
Nadippin Imaiyame, kanniraal unnai ninaikurom
Unakku tamilnadaal kidatha perumai vida unnal tamizhagam perumai adainthathu
tamizh mannil endrenrum un pugal valarattum
Vaazhga engal Nadigar Thilagathin pugal

................ in tears, long live NT's fame. A real gentle man!!

PS: I do not have software to code this in Tamil, but if some one could do it, that would be highly appreciated.

21st July 2006, 09:17 AM
Here it goes..

கலைத்தாய் பெற்றெடுத்த தவப்புதல்வன் நீ
கன்னித் தமிழ் பேசும் கவிப் புலவன் நீ
சிங்கமென கர்ஜனை செய்த சிம்ம குரலோன் நீ
மகாகவி பாரதி ,கொடி காத்த குமரன் தமிழருக்கு காண்பித்தவன் நீ
தமிழ் கவிகள் அப்பர் ,சுந்தரர் கண்ணில் கொண்டவன் நீ
தமிழ்த் திரையில் பல முகம் எடுத்தவன் நீ
ரசிகர்களின் மனதில் என்றும் நிரந்தரமானவன் நீ

தமிழ்த் திரையில் பல நட்சத்திரங்கள் வரலாம் ,ஆனால் நீ என்றும் முழு நிலவு
நடிப்பின் இமயமே! கண்ணீரால் உன்னை நினைக்கிறோம்
உனக்கு தமிழ்நாட்டால் கிடைத்த பெருமையை விட உன்னால் தமிழகம் பெருமை அடைந்தது
தமிழ் மண்ணில் என்றும் உன் புகழ வளரட்டும்
வாழ்க எங்கள் நடிகர் திலகம் புகழ்!

Murali Srinivas
21st July 2006, 10:26 AM

What should I tell! No words can convey the exact feelings. We are honoured to be his fans. Let me put here some comments that were created by the FANS. Some are edited from his songs.

Kodiyil Oruvan Piranthu Vanthan: Pala
Kudumbangal Kakka Vazhunthu Vanthan
Engal Thanga Raja: Avan
Endrum Manakkum Roja.

Endrum Nee Engal Nadigar Thilagam Endral
Kodi Jenmangal Rasigarga Pirappom
Nandri Naangal Solla Vaarthai Ethu
Naalum Nee Indri Vaazhkai Ethu

Sarithirangal Azhivathilai
Sakapthangal Mudivathilai

Kaalathai Vendravar Irukkalam: Anal
Ganesanai Vendravar Illai.

We can add so many quotes like this. But one poster which I saw last year was short but very poignant and to the point.

Marakka Mudiyuma Ungalai
Maatra Mudiyuma Engalai


21st July 2006, 10:57 AM
Hi friends,
Enjoy the audio clip of NT's interview with Srilankan Radio announcer BH Abdul Hameed ,when NT was there in srilanka almost 35 years ago


21st July 2006, 12:09 PM
Working on my tribute piece.

Joe, what you send is priceless. One of these days, I will translate and post it in my website.

21st July 2006, 12:11 PM
Today DD pothigai has retelecasted NT`s old interview continuation will be telecasted @ 1.30 P.M tommorow ie 22nd July :thumbsup:

21st July 2006, 12:50 PM
Okay, done. I had no difficulty typing this out. I just had to squeeze my heart out.


21st July 2006, 02:07 PM
Great tribute in Angel fir. Thanks NOV.

Whatever I want to write are written by joe, Murali and Rakesh kumar, groucho. Many many thanks to all you. As Murali said, how can be forget NT . Let us talk about NT everyday.

21st July 2006, 02:19 PM
My heart feels like lead when I think of his passing. On that dreaded day, I was in hospital and when I heard the news, the sorrow was like someone of your own blood passing away. :cry:

RR, could you please reproduce the LA special tribute we did for him? And also the Enricos radio programme of the same day?

Saw the end of Navarthri on Astro Vanavil just now during lunch. What a profound loss! :cry:

21st July 2006, 02:34 PM
The greatest ever Actor on earth has given us wonderful movies. Lets cherish his fond memories

Thinking about him & recollecting his movies always give me cheer with fond memories

21st July 2006, 02:35 PM
Despite of politics ,I feel ,We NT fans owe a thanks to TN chief Minister Kalainjar for his true interest in opening NT's statue today.

Nanri kalainjar ayya!

21st July 2006, 03:51 PM
Hi friends, Enjoy the audio clip of NT's interview with Srilankan Radio announcer BH Abdul Hameed ,when NT was there in srilanka almost 35 years ago
http://www.bhabdulhameed.com/archives/siva.wmaBeautiful interview Joe. Great humility, a non-nonsense interview and Sivaji conducted himself as dignified ambassador. His effusive praise for Abdul Hameed and the way he refers to the next generation of artists as "pillaigaL" were touching.
Sivaji being really practical and optimistic when talking about actors of the next generations. Underlines the greatness of the man. Thank you , yet gain, Joe

21st July 2006, 04:49 PM
Thanks again, Joe.

You are right Prabhuram, this man exemplifies humility. He does not buy praises easily. Very matter-of-fact. Thinks of the homework that he has to do to get to the role as normal routine. Appreciates his training.

Kids nowadays (yes, I'm referring to the younger gen actors) has a lot to learn from this man. Humility, punctuality, dedication to the job, discipline and the hunger to learn more. He was fifty at that time and he still hopes for roles to play. There are thirty year old actors out there who think they have done anything. Listening to this interview only makes me angry thinking about the tantrums of current day actors, grrrrrr.....

Anyway, thanks again Joe. Its nice to hear his voice on this day. Now I am sad again.

21st July 2006, 05:03 PM
Thanks a lot joe.
What a voice. Rated as best actor in the world but he refuse to give advise while Hameed ask for a advise to Srilankan artists. He only suggested what we should do. Great . :thumbsup:

OH GOD . He shoud have given more honours and awards but Our Country failed in this account. Any way thanks to KALAINGNAR for installing statue.


21st July 2006, 05:10 PM
When NT was honoured by the French Govt, IMO, even our national awards are insiginificant

Often , it takes a foreigner to recognize our gems :cry:

21st July 2006, 05:15 PM
On D Day, I was with my friends for a send off party in Bar. After I reached home around 10 PM, when I switched on Sun TV, flashed NT photos continoulsy, Suddenly I thought something happened then I sat and watched Sun TV. After that I came know he is no more. That's my last day in my life, I drank. (though I am not a regular drinker). After that I totally stopped.

Today I saw Thiruvillaiyadal (CD). This way i paid my tribute to our Great Sivaji

21st July 2006, 06:09 PM
That's my last day in my life, I drank. (though I am not a regular drinker). After that I totally stopped.

What a great tribute to NT!

22nd July 2006, 09:12 AM
Some tv caps:


22nd July 2006, 09:14 AM

22nd July 2006, 09:18 AM
NOV & others

Sivaji tribute: http://tfmpage.com/sivaji/ (audio links broken, sry)

I'll have to look for LA tribute. Will post later.

Murali Srinivas
22nd July 2006, 10:17 AM
Dear Joe,

Thanks. I have not started hearing. If my memory serves me right, this interview was done when NT went there for the shooting of Pilot Premnath. In that NT will say to Abdul Hameed " Ungal Kuralukku Naan Rasigan". Athuthane Ithu? A nice interview that was aired quite frequently at that point of time. Again Thanks


22nd July 2006, 10:35 AM
Yesterday, from 7 to 9 P.M. KSL sat. channel telecast NT interview by Kamal, Suhasini, Radhika , BR, etc., They showed some clips from his films,
Paava Manippu - acid scene, silar siripar song Gowravam - Court scene
Alayamani - ponal pogattum song
Thiruvarurchelvar - Appar scene
Karnan - Indiran & Karnan scene
TM - Nalanthana song
VK - Vari, Vaddi , dialogue
MM - fish scene
Finally - TP - Nallathoru Kodumbam song

22nd July 2006, 10:35 AM
Yesterday, from 7 to 9 P.M. KSL sat. channel telecast NT interview by Kamal, Suhasini, Radhika , BR, etc., They showed some clips from his films,
Paava Manippu - acid scene, silar siripar song Gowravam - Court scene
Alayamani - ponal pogattum song
Thiruvarurchelvar - Appar scene
Karnan - Indiran & Karnan scene
TM - Nalanthana song
VK - Vari, Vaddi , dialogue
MM - fish scene
Finally - TP - Nallathoru Kodumbam song

22nd July 2006, 10:35 AM
Yesterday, from 7 to 9 P.M. KSL sat. channel telecast NT interview by Kamal, Suhasini, Radhika , BR, etc., They showed some clips from his films,
Paava Manippu - acid scene, silar siripar song Gowravam - Court scene
Alayamani - ponal pogattum song
Thiruvarurchelvar - Appar scene
Karnan - Indiran & Karnan scene
TM - Nalanthana song
VK - Vari, Vaddi , dialogue
MM - fish scene
Finally - TP - Nallathoru Kodumbam song

22nd July 2006, 10:35 AM
Yesterday, from 7 to 9 P.M. KSL sat. channel telecast NT interview by Kamal, Suhasini, Radhika , BR, etc., They showed some clips from his films,
Paava Manippu - acid scene, silar siripar song Gowravam - Court scene
Alayamani - ponal pogattum song
Thiruvarurchelvar - Appar scene
Karnan - Indiran & Karnan scene
TM - Nalanthana song
VK - Vari, Vaddi , dialogue
MM - fish scene
Finally - TP - Nallathoru Kodumbam song

22nd July 2006, 11:23 AM
Due to some problem, I am unable to complete .

In an interview, Kamal told to NT, that Dr. award should not be given to NT, It should be givent o some one who reseach NT acting. Since it is very difficult research on NT acting.

Finally, NT said , I am a good husband - ask my wife, I am good father - ask my children, and above all I am true Indian citizen.

As per NDTV report, more than 5000 from
B'lore attended the function. ETV also telecast a brief about the function.

Please read Kalaigar Poet on NT in Thatstamil site

22nd July 2006, 04:09 PM
Hi friends,
SUN TV is telecasting the entire NT statue opebing ceremony .Here in singapore they showed a preview and mentioned that they are telecasting at 9pm sunday ..Others pls chk for local timings.

Sanguine Sridhar
23rd July 2006, 06:44 PM
Yes in one word the program was 'Amazing'

23rd July 2006, 09:35 PM
I have to diagree. When the programme took a break for News, I switched off the TV in disgust. :banghead:

What should have been a perfect moment to celebrate Sivaji the greatest actor to have walked the earth, was made into a tool for political mileage. :angry2:

Not to mention, inviting all the podusus to comment on the legendary icon and sidelining people like TMS who was seated in the back rows. :rant:

23rd July 2006, 09:41 PM
my mum told me yesterday tht theres an important show about sivaji going at 10:30am where all the actors are present including vj, so she told me to wake up early to watch it (tht was an awesome way for her to make me get up early) anyayz so at around 10am my friend called me and i woke up...thnks to him....i started watching it....twas kl...i didnt watch all of it...jus a bit...but nw i think sivaji was realy an awesome actor!

23rd July 2006, 09:42 PM
where is the statue gona be placed?

24th July 2006, 08:23 AM
Not to mention, inviting all the podusus to comment on the legendary icon and sidelining people like TMS who was seated in the back rows. :rant:

I agree with you .It is painful that I couldn't see people like MSV ,Nagesh ,TMS,Nampiyar ,Sowgar Janagi ,Kaaka rathakishnan etc to comment about NT ,instead some podusus who really don't know much about NT and his value.

24th July 2006, 08:53 AM
I missed the first quarter. When I switched TV on, it was Rajini's turn to speak.

That everyone mentioned Kalaignar's relationship with NT was fine, but it should not have gone overboard. Kalaignar himself took a long time to explain about prev govt, and struggle to get the statue there....and I was going "come on!!!! Get to the point!!! Talk about THE MAN!!!"

They ran a clip of NT on stage talking about his relationship with Kalaignar. It was a short speech, and it was full of meat. So many news, so many incidents, so many things happened in that small speech. Amazing. I realized now why he failed in politics. He is just too goddamned honest. When he went back and hugged Kalaignar, I just choked with tears.

A very dissatisfying program. As mentioned in posts before me, they should have talked to the people who have WORKED with NT. I was shocked to see TMS sitting behind some insignificant people.

Kamal and Rajini are fine. They have both worked with NT on many ocassions and are currently both the torch bearers.

I hope they will do another show which is a real tribute to NT.

24th July 2006, 09:10 AM
I missed the first quarter. When I switched TV on, it was Rajini's turn to speak.

That everyone mentioned Kalaignar's relationship with NT was fine, but it should not have gone overboard. Kalaignar himself took a long time to explain about prev govt, and struggle to get the statue there....and I was going "come on!!!! Get to the point!!! Talk about THE MAN!!!"

They ran a clip of NT on stage talking about his relationship with Kalaignar. It was a short speech, and it was full of meat. So many news, so many incidents, so many things happened in that small speech. Amazing. I realized now why he failed in politics. He is just too goddamned honest. When he went back and hugged Kalaignar, I just choked with tears.

A very dissatisfying program. As mentioned in posts before me, they should have talked to the people who have WORKED with NT. I was shocked to see TMS sitting behind some insignificant people.

Kamal and Rajini are fine. They have both worked with NT on many ocassions and are currently both the torch bearers.

I hope they will do another show that is a real tribute to NT.

24th July 2006, 06:34 PM
//I missed the first quarter. When I switched TV on, it was Rajini's turn to speak. //

You missed almost 70%

24th July 2006, 09:02 PM
Yes Rakesh, Joe is right. That was abt 1.5 hours worth. But you didnt miss much :roll:

As for TMS, in all probability, the producers may have interviewed him, but knowing TMS, he would have spoken about himself instead. :shock: But this is just speculation based on what little I know.

Anyway, while the statue matters, I think the "statue" we have created for him in our hearts are more valuable and more meaningful :thumbsup:

25th July 2006, 10:15 AM
I think sivaji family honoured TMS last year with a nice function..Atleast I can see TMS sitting in this function ..what happened to MSV ,Nagesh etc? not invited by TN Govt?

25th July 2006, 11:28 AM
regarding the function.. :clap:

everyone spoke good abt shivaji,s acting,punctuality etc!..but rajni spoke abt vijayakanth's political win and kalaingar's win!..

i thought he would come out with something special abt shivaji...he speaks what comes from his mouth at that time..i think!

baghyaraj's speech was nice!

i expected young shivaji statue...but its good!

where is MSV and TMS?..rediculous

they could have made a film festival for 7 days in any one of the theatres in chennai as a tribute!

25th July 2006, 05:07 PM
they could have made a film festival for 7 days in any one of the theatres in chennai as a tribute!
That's indeed a great idea. Going by the reaction of the hubbers, it looks like the function was more like a felicitation for Karunanidhi than for Shivaji. I wonder how the speeches would have been if Jayalalitha had unveiled the statue. :sigh2:

25th July 2006, 06:15 PM
[tscii:75db958201]The function went off very well. Vairamuthus speech was the highlight. Narration of Pasamalar first night scene was excellent. We could see the emotion in Kamal and Rajins speeches about Nadikar thilakam. Bhagyaraj was wrong selection. Instead of him, TMS or MSV/Manoroma would be better choice.

But the real highlight was Shivajis speech in Mukaas felicitation held in 1998.
It was typical of Nadikar thilakam . Thanks to Sun tv, we in Africa could watch this memorable event.

Kudos to Sun tv


25th July 2006, 07:49 PM
I think sivaji family honoured TMS last year with a nice function..Atleast I can see TMS sitting in this function ..what happened to MSV ,Nagesh etc? not invited by TN Govt?I wish TMS had not attended the function. :shock:

Putting him three rows behind is not giving respect to him or his role. (personally I consider Kannadhasan, MSV and TMS as the mummoorththigal of tamil films songs.)

In fact, I dare say TMS had more right to be seated amongst the VIPs than Kamal or Rajini.

Not only MSV and Nagesh, many notables of that era were not there including TKR, Padhmini, KR Vijaya, Manorama, Saroja Devi, Sowkar Janaki, etc.

And yes Kannannn, the entire exercise was nothing more than a political game. You should have seen the camera's focus. :shock: :banghead:

25th July 2006, 07:51 PM
An Occasion to Remember For All...

for those who didn't see the Sivaji statue unveiling...here are some clips from Indiaglitz.com

just go to launch videos


25th July 2006, 09:02 PM
[tscii:d7af1c823a]The function went off very well. Vairamuthus speech was the highlight. Narration of Pasamalar first night scene was excellent. We could see the emotion in Kamal and Rajins speeches about Nadikar thilakam. Bhagyaraj was wrong selection. Instead of him, TMS or MSV/Manoroma would be better choice.

But the real highlight was Shivajis speech in Mukaas felicitation held in 1998.
It was typical of Nadikar thilakam . Thanks to Sun tv, we in Africa could watch this memorable event.

Kudos to Sun tv


hey baghyaraj was the only guy who spoke something interesting abt shivaji... :lol:

26th July 2006, 09:09 AM
Couldn't access the forum last couple of days.

Anyway, don't have much to write today. But I leave fellow NTers (that's my word for NT fans) with a trivia.

Have you seen Kamal's Soorasamharam? Well, I watched it last night and guess what? The dialogues were by Vietnam Veedu Sundaram. And the bad guy's name is Mohandass. I'm sure NTers will know the significance fo Mohandass....

26th July 2006, 09:34 AM
My views about this function

1.Most of the people mentioned it as 'Nadpukku eduththa vizha' as if kalainjar opened NT's statue just because NT is his friend .This is unwanted .It should be 'Nadigar Thilagaththin SiRappukku vizha'

2.TMS ,MSV ,Manorama should have been given importance

3.Bagyaraj focused on NT ,but his speach could be shorter and sweeter.

4.Vijayakanth and rajini spoke more about others than NT .Rajini should have mentioned about 'How great NT as an actor' rather than saying He is Mahan ,Maamanithan etc etc.

5.As usual kamal's speach was short and sweet.

6.The function can be less politicalised .But I can't imagine what hapopen if JJ instead of Mu.Ka ,then everybody will speak only about JJ not NT.

7.SUN TV deserves spl thanks from all NT fans .During NT's departure ,they did a splendid did .Now again they brought the function to us without any commercial breaks.

26th July 2006, 02:35 PM
5.As usual kamal's speach was short and sweet.

I saw the Indiaglitz videos. As usual he focussed only on what he came for. And I didn't know compass was 'vadakku nokki' in tamil.

26th July 2006, 04:06 PM
Hi everyone

Ridiculous to see jayachitra seated in front row :lol: I think they should not have invited TMS . It is immaterial whether TMS will praise NT or self boost himself but he contributed more and worked together so long. Vairamuthu spoke nicely but Valli should have given preference.

My preference is Manorama/Nagesh/KRV/TMS/MSV/Valli. They might have more experience to share than those who spoke on that day.


26th July 2006, 04:07 PM
Hi everyone

Ridiculous to see jayachitra seated in front row :lol: I think they should not have invited TMS . It is immaterial whether TMS will praise NT or self boost himself but he contributed more and worked together so long. Vairamuthu spoke nicely but Valli should have given preference.

My preference is Manorama/Nagesh/KRV/TMS/MSV/Valli. They might have more experience to share than those who spoke on that day.


26th July 2006, 04:12 PM
Hi everyone

Ridiculous to see jayachitra seated in front row :lol: I think they should not have invited TMS . It is immaterial whether TMS will praise NT or self boost himself but he contributed more and worked together so long. Vairamuthu spoke nicely but Valli should have given preference.

My preference is Manorama/Nagesh/KRV/TMS/MSV/Valli. They might have more experience to share than those who spoke on that day.


28th July 2006, 10:35 AM
Though it is political gain, we all thank TN Govt and CM Mr Karunanidhi for making efforts to open a statue for Dr Sivaji.

The announcement for this was done in Governor's speech when the new TN
govt was formed.

Thought there are still some contoversies surrounding the place of statue, MK has given assurance that the traffic will not be disturbed.

The freedom fighter should have filed his etition long back. The govt has selected the place well in advance.

and so far only some section of media is making issue out of it.

After Five years, with so many hurdles, MK has made it possible with his sincerity and truthness to his friendship with Sivaji.

Nevermind he may be benefitted out of this. Earlier govt has not done this !

Vazga Sivaji pugaz!

28th July 2006, 11:13 AM
i'm sure sivaji's soul will get some peace whenever he sees these pages... :(

29th July 2006, 07:17 AM
Good that the statue finally came up and I think the opening ceremony was a grand one. But, as usual, our celebrities like Rajni, Vijaykanth talked about CM rather than Sivaji. That should have been strictly avoided.

In addition, CM could have avoided two major things:

1. Statue location controversy: Not erecting Sivaji's statue near Gandhi's one.
2. Not making statue function as a political theater.

I am extremely happy that our thespian NT has got some respect from his home state. NT deserves a lot more and he always lives in his fans heart.

BTW, when is NT mani-mandabam coming up?

Now, putting his statue function behind, I would like to go back to healthy discussion on NT's incredible films.


29th July 2006, 11:38 AM

Hi Everyone

go through Dailythanthi dt 28.07. Article from shivakumar about NT.

Interesting observation from NT when he saw INEY ORU SUDHANTHIRAM movie (sivakumar movie)NT said I GAVE MY HEART AND SOUL FOR KAPPAL OOTIYA THAMIZHAN but people gave PATTA NAMAM you will also get the same one. I think NT got very much hurt about failure of this movie.

Another interesting observation: when NT came back from Singapore after illness , shivakumar met him. NT remarked "we have become EX-ACTORS ,no one will remember us. I felt very glad when I saw 5000 people enjoying scenes like KATTABOMMAN/THNGAPATHAKAM. I felt I should have died at that moment itself. Why I came back here?.I think NT not able to adopt to other side of life. He was so busy in younger days . Once he told Rajini that YOU KNOW HOW TO LEAD A LIFE WITHOUT BUSY SCHEDULE when he remarked about Rajini frequent visit to Himalayas and cut short his movies.

In the same article NT remarked about Muthuraman. HE PASSED AWAY WHILE IN SHOOTING "NALLA SAVUDA"

I think NT felt that he should die while acting.


29th July 2006, 01:59 PM
Regardless of the +s & -s of the statue unveiling ceremony, we should thank Karunanadhi atleast for having taken that initiative.
Whether he scored some political points over opponents or not is debatable but he has done what others could not do for 4 years !

No function or programme will be complete in all aspects. Yeah but ignoring TMS is a SIN . :cry:

29th July 2006, 04:27 PM

Hi Everyone

go through Dailythanthi dt 28.07. Article from shivakumar about NT.

Interesting observation from NT when he saw INEY ORU SUDHANTHIRAM movie (sivakumar movie)NT said I GAVE MY HEART AND SOUL FOR KAPPAL OOTIYA THAMIZHAN but people gave PATTA NAMAM you will also get the same one. I think NT got very much hurt about failure of this movie.

Another interesting observation: when NT came back from Singapore after illness , shivakumar met him. NT remarked "we have become EX-ACTORS ,no one will remember us. I felt very glad when I saw 5000 people enjoying scenes like KATTABOMMAN/THNGAPATHAKAM. I felt I should have died at that moment itself. Why I came back here?.I think NT not able to adopt to other side of life. He was so busy in younger days . Once he told Rajini that YOU KNOW HOW TO LEAD A LIFE WITHOUT BUSY SCHEDULE when he remarked about Rajini frequent visit to Himalayas and cut short his movies.

In the same article NT remarked about Muthuraman. HE PASSED AWAY WHILE IN SHOOTING "NALLA SAVUDA"

I think NT felt that he should die while acting.


Hi Ramesh :D

Having been on top for so long & been in the limelight for several decades, wonder how NT would have felt in the 90s & 80s when he was starved off good roles :cry:
Am not surprised that he also wished to leave the world while acting .

MS Anna, where is the next release ? Overdue already !

Somehow I feel if a great portrayal like VOC or Kattabomman like statue of NT would have been more befitting .

31st July 2006, 09:47 AM
That's really sad, reading Sivakumar's anectdote. He was not a happy man, before passing. He felt that he was not needed.

True, the 90s was a rotting period in Tamil film industry. You have many non-talents seeping in the cinema, feeding sugar coated candies to the unsuspecting audience. That cinema has no need for real talents like NT.

At least he did not have to lower himself in the world of tele-serial. He did not resort to making bad movies - all those he had done before he passed on were decent movies.

Those were mistakes made by Marlon Brando, making really terrible movies, parodying himself, and basically contributing nothing the last two decades.

31st July 2006, 10:59 AM
Singa Thamizlanadaaa...
Shivaji Ganeshanadaaa....
Endrum Pugazl manakkum ...
Engal thangamadaaaaaaaaa....

Awesome Inspiring song by MK. Sung wonderfully by Junior Seerkazli.......

MK comments on the song..As I just thought of Shivaji in my mind the song spontaneously came up in my mind........

Murali Srinivas
1st August 2006, 12:07 PM
Dear Balaji and all others who have been following the NT political innings thread, Sorry for the delay. This weekend, I would be posting.


3rd August 2006, 01:31 PM
Standing tall, shining still

That Sivaji Ganesan's statue has become sub-judice should be of little concern for his admirers. The actor non pareil stands tall in the hearts of the people.
Born into a poor family, Ganesan took flight from home at the tender age of seven to meet his tryst with destiny, on the stage and screen. The spark was evident from his early days. In fact, he defied all logic and rules of artistic evolution. Sivaji Ganesan was a consummate actor from day one!

'With my first movie itself, I landed on the moon', he once told this writer. In fact he said, 'moo...o oon' in his typical booming baritone with that all too familiar drag that was vintage Sivaji. For a prolific performer of his calibre he was too humble and ever remained an ardent student of his vocation, even after he had written and re-written the grammar of acting several times over. ' What do I know? I only did what my directors bid me to do. All credit goes to them'.

He was certainly not acting when he said this, but the remarkable under-statement reflected the character and disposition of the man to life and to his career. 'I can never become a director. I can only act and this I can and I want to do till my last breath. I am not so talented as these youngsters who could write, act, sing, dance and direct'.

I still remember those bulging, probing eyes rolling in mock seriousness when he made the statement. Sivaji never wavered from his karmic duty as an actor. He was never even tempted into lofty rhetoric when lesser beings in the industry used to harangue endlessly on the pros and cons of acting. But then Sivaji did not have to speak. His portrayals spoke a million words, wrote a thousand theories on the art and science of acting and has spawned generations of actors, all trying to imitate and emulate him.

The sheer volume of his output is astounding and the versatality and vitality of his performances confound all. The breath-taking array of his roles makes one wonder if it was really just one man who did all this. He could switch from extreme roles in a jiffy. The regal gait of a monarch and the clumsy walk of a village idiot, the cunning viles of a villain or the utopian goodness of a hero, a doting father or a wayward son, a sanguine saint or a senseless maniac, as Lord Shiva or His devotee, from a short-tempered musician to a soft-spoken family man, you name it, and a visage of Sivaji would pop up your mind's screen. He was the undisputed master of melodrama and little wonder that the people of Tamilnadu, have laughed and wept with him for over five decades and will do so for time immemorial by watching his immortal performances.

Sivaji Ganesan was an ageless wonder. If the current generation were to study his career they would emerge completely confused about the chronology of his movies. Would anyone believe if I say that he did Navarathiri, Karnan and Puthiya Paravai in the same year? Or for that matter Thillana Mohanambal and Ooty Varai Uravu? Or again Thiruvarutchelvar and Iru Malargal? And to think that he was just thirty one when he played Kattabomman, the macho Tamil chieftain who dared the British or as the venerable V.O.C just a year later! For him acting was a series of different states of mind and the moment his mood shifted to the latest role on hand, the inner spirit automatically generated the relevant body language and expressions on the exterior. Here was a man whose every cell, every drop of blood, every sinew and muscle could act, thus creating a colossal facade that was much, much more than the sum of all its parts.

Such was the range of his histrionic abilities that he dwarfed all his peers and strode the tinsel world like a towering titan. Bestowed with an imposing demeanour, a powerful screen presence, a resonating voice that could also melt into a cool stream and vibrant eyes housed in a remarkable face, Sivaji was a make-up man's delight and a director's dream.

Sivaji was often accused of over emoting, but then with his bottomless ocean of skill, he could carry on till eternity unless the director bothered to say 'cut'. And few directors had the heart to stop the deluge and often left it to his fans to consume to their fill. In a way such directors did him a dis-service, but Sivaji had also proved that he was capable of 'restraining' himself if the director wanted it that way and movies like Sridhar's Nenjirukkum Varai, Balachander's Yethiroli and Savale Samali stand testimony to this facet of the actor. Sivaji was a gold mine of talent. He could be presented as raw gold, cut to size, polished to taste, made into any kind of jewellery or moulded into any shape. It was wholly upto the director to take his pick. But he was gold all the same, pure and pristine.

Sivaji was a national treasure but was also sadly a victim of regional bias. In a milieu dominated by Hindi film intellectuals who moulded filmi opinion at the national level, Sivaji was deliberately overlooked, though international recognition came his way unsolicited. For them Dilip Kumar and Raj Kapoor were pan Indian icons but Sivaji never figured in their scheme of things just because he hailed from a regional filmdom and spoke a local tongue. And paradoxically for him, in Tamilnadu he suffered because of the reverse effect. While he threw his lot with a national party, he was promptly sidelined owing to the dominance of Dravidian politicians of the sixties, who had appointed themselves as the sole custodians of Tamil. Could there ever be a greater protagonist of Tamil than Sivaji Ganesan or has anyone else enriched and elevated the language as he did, beyond paroachical walls and transcending State borders? Though Sivaji Ganesan brought glory and world attention to the State and his mother tongue, it is also a fact that he was badly let down here. An artiste of international stature was confined to totally local terrain.

All said, Sivaji Ganesan would ever remain the mascot for acting, for admirers and critics alike.

3rd August 2006, 02:35 PM
Sivaji was a gold mine of talent. He could be presented as raw gold, cut to size, polished to taste, made into any kind of jewellery or moulded into any shape. It was wholly upto the director to take his pick. But he was gold all the same, pure and pristine.

This was what I argued to many of my friends. Not exact words, but words to that effect. It's so true. Directors are the goldsmiths who should know how to use him.

But I am talking about many years ago, when NT was still alive. Now, people are realising his real talent. As mentioned before, even a Vijay fan will agree that NT is the greatest of Tamil film actors (I can't argue about other state/languages, since I haven't seen them all).

The writer is right about the number and quality of films that can come out in one year.

Good find, Joe. Keep posting.

3rd August 2006, 03:56 PM
Interesting and nice write up. In fact I settled in B'lore more than 20 years, opportunity to see all language films. I am sure he is ONLY ONE REAL GREATEST ACTOR IN THE WORLD. THERE IS NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. Some of his movies remade in other languages. if you compare his acting skill with other actors such as Dilip, NTR, ANR, Rajkuamr, Amitab, Sanjeev kumar, Prem Nazir, etc. they are all no way near to NT. His movie may be flop and his acting never fails. Two days back I saw Arunodayam in Raj an average one, but in few scenes a real treat acting.

4th August 2006, 07:25 AM
Arunodhayam is a classic example of how the filmakers dared to make a mountain out of a mole-hill, simply with NTs strength alone.

The plot is a simple misunderstanding that grows out of proportion. The delight is watching NT wriggling himself out of it. Keep throwing more and more complexities at him and see how he comes out of it. Any other ordinary actor would have made that movie terrifically dull.

Now that you have mentioned it, Arunodhayam will be my weekend movie.

4th August 2006, 09:45 AM
Keezh vaanam sivakkum movie and songs are being discussed here. (http://www.mayyam.com/hub/viewtopic.php?p=686243#686243)

5th August 2006, 01:09 PM
Yesterday (4/8/06) KTV telecast NT 125th Movie UM at 1.00 PM. I saw this movie when I was young. Yesterday I watched this movie. I don't find so called over acting this movie. So many times hubbers discussed and reviews. What can I say. A simply Classic movie . Raj TV telecast S.Selvan.

5th August 2006, 03:25 PM
he was one actor who survived the box office. Though he would have given few flops, certainly the distributors benefitted on the whole. before the advent of TV, I have seen his films ran full houses in villages. Many of his junior actors of his time had gone out of market and he was able to survive in the field. He was one man industry. He helped small actors by getting them acting opposite to him.
He never feared image. He also acted with big actors of his time Gemini Ganesh, Muthuraman, SSR more than anyone else. Though the character and story demanded more actors, many feared they could not match him. SSR for instance negatived a role to act with Sivaji, but Gemini a equally popular actor agreed to act with Sivaji. Together they acted how many good films. Muthuraman was having heat stroke. Sivaji whenever acting with him, will first see Muthuraman's scenes are first completed and he is given rest.

That's why he is also called actors' actor
Some of his films would have flopped because of timing of release.

Every actor has given good number of flops.

He was not lucky(we also) to have another Bhimsingh, Madavan, ACT, Krishnan Panju later in 80s and 90s.

6th August 2006, 07:32 AM
This thread is a bit lull these days. We have to activate this thread.

Sankara1970: overall, I like your post. But I may have to dispute with you on two things:

1. I agree Gemini was a popular actor, but I don't think he was equally popular to Sivaji.
2. During his long peak stardom, Sivaji was synonymous to BO collection. I found this interesting link about Kollywood movie records:

This link doesn't have complete history, but it is interesting in three places, where Sivaji and MGR movies were compared:
1. 1965 - Enga Veettu Pillai played for 175 days and Thiruvilaiyaadal 182 days
2 1972 - Pattikada Pattanama played for 189 days; Idhaya Veenai, Needhi and Dheivam 217 days each and Vasantha Maaligai 287 days (3 NT movies in the same year, ran over 175 days!!)
3. 1974 - Aval Oru Thodarkadhai played for 140 days, Urimai Kural 175 days and Thanga Padhakkam 182 days

In above years, Sivaji movie ran more days than MGR's. The link also shows NT was the only hero who gave and repeated more than one silver jubilee hits in the same year. Even Rajini does not match this BO record!!

It is interesting to note that SSR did not like to act with Sivaji. Anyone has any intersting note about Koondukili, the only movie where two giants came together. Any issues between two thilagams? Whether MGR did not like to act with Sivaji or vice versa? Why did this movie fail miserably?

More later.

6th August 2006, 09:21 AM
tacinema..ive read enga veetu pillai ran for one year and M.G.R attended the function along with his crew!

6th August 2006, 09:35 AM
tacinema..ive read enga veetu pillai ran for one year and M.G.R attended the function along with his crew!

wikipedia links are not reliable... It can be edited by anyone...

Murali Srinivas
6th August 2006, 09:09 PM
Dear tac,

As I had already told you, NT's BO success is something others can only dream of. He was the only person to have given 3 Silver Jublie hits in a single calender year.


1.Paava Mannippu

2.Paasa Malar

3.Paalum Pazhamum.

Even in 82-83 in our Madurai, NT had 3 continous Silver Jublies and that too in the same theatre Complex(Cine Priya)




Again while talking with my cousin (another hard core NT fan) I realised that llike in 1972 when he had 6 hits out of 7, even in 1964 NT out of 7 releases had 6 Hundred days movies.


1. Karnan - 100

2.Pachai Vilakku -100

3.Andavan Kattali- 100

4.Kai Kodutha Deivam -100

5.Puthiya Paravai -100

6.Muradan Muthu

7.Navarathiri- 100

So his feats are in numerable. Lt us talk about it when ever it is due.


Murali Srinivas
6th August 2006, 09:11 PM
[tscii:754cdd8a83]Friends extremely sorry for the long delay that happened at my end due to my pre occupation. I am creating time to squeeze in this topic. Most of the forum members must have forgotten about this topic. So let me do a small recap.

We were discussing the events that happened during 1980 Parliament elections that saw the return of Indira Gandhi to the Prime Ministerial Chair. I had discussed the pressure exerted on Indira to dismiss MGR government and Indira acceding to the request, which saw the MGR government getting dismissed on Feb 17th 1980 along with another 8 State Governments.
Before proceeding further let us talk about the release of one NT movie.

Rishi Moolam 26.01.1980. Sp.Muthuraman directed NT in 3 movies and this was the last of the three and the most successful movie among the three. For a change instead of Panchu Arunachalam, Mahendran (Uthiri Pookal) wrote the story and dialogues. KRV was the pair and a youngster by name Chakravarthy acted as NTs son. Reena also had a role. Though the movie again dealt about estrangement between a married couple and their subsequent reunion (resembling Tirusoolam & N.Kudumbam) the movie became a hit and celebrated 100 days run. After a long time the heroine (KRV) had a meaty role. Ilaiya Rajaa had come out with hit songs like Neramithu, Mazhai Varuvathu, Aimbathilum Asai Varum etc.

Back to political front, the defeat suffered (Again a recap: ADMK won only 2 out of 40 seats) by his party had a huge impact on MGR. After a very long time he had tasted defeat and he was totally upset. He had even come to the conclusion that people of TN have started hating him and started liking his archrival MuKa. Many of the ADMK functionaries that included Ministers used this phase to promote certain things. They told MGR that the rigid stand that he took on prohibition had made the youth/ gents to stay away from ADMK and they voted for DMK. Another section said that the Reservation on economic criteria did not go down well with the downtrodden people and they voted against him. Just as it happened in 2004, when after the Parliament election defeat, JJ rolled back all strict measures, MGR gave up the rigid policy on Prohibition and in one single order, he removed the economic ceiling for reservation and increased the quota for BCs to 50% from 31% and for SC/STs it became 19% from 18%. So the total reservation that was 49% in TN (31+18) became 69% (50 +19). This is how the much-debated 69% reservation came into effect in TN and still continues so.

The rumours had been floating on the dismissal of MGR government and so when it came it was no surprise. There were no issues. But MGR did not want things lying down and he organized a protest rally in Chennai and other parts of TN. The communist parties and other allies had given him good support and the rally was a huge success. But there erupted a problem when the rally was coming to a close when it was alleged that some people with iron sticks (Vel Kampu) had tried to attack MGR while he was getting in to the car and the sticks narrowly missed his eyes. This had probably made the cadres angry and made them more active. MGR also announced that within the time period available between that time and the Assembly elections, he is going to act in a movie, which was titled, as Ithu than Badhil. Preliminary work started for this movie, which had MSV as the MD, and two songs were recorded with SPB. The EP record was released before elections and the same was played in the ADMK meetings. (But the movie never went beyond this and MGR later told that this movie would be made with other Heroes, which also did not materialize). MGR now knew that this is going to be one election, which will be a Vazhva/Saavaa for him. So he left no stone unturned. He realized the importance of allies and he did not want to make the same mistake of ignoring the allies like he did in Parliament elections. He struck a large alliance, which had the Communist Parties, Janata, Kumari Ananthans Gandhi Kamaraj Desiya Congress (Ka.Ka.De.Ka), Nedumarans Tamilnadu Kamaraj Congress and Peasants Party. MGR personally went and met Narayanaswamy Naidu, the Farmers leader who had taken a stand against ADMK in the Parliament elections. Naidu announced a neutral stand. MGR had support from unexpected quarters also. Kannadasan who had been against MGR was made as the Poet Laureate of TN (Arasavai Kavingar) and now Kannadasan came out in support of MGR. Kannadasan was writing a weekly feature in Kumudam at that point of time under the heading Intha Vaaram Santhithen and during the peak campaign he featured MGR in that and that created a lot of support for MGR. Another person who came out in support of MGR was Cho. Cho was a hard-core opponent of MGR from 1972 onwards but after the fall of Morarjee Government and formation of Congress-DMK alliance, he fully supported MGR. Therefore even the resignation of Nanjil Manoharan, Subbulakshmi Jagadeesan from the ADMK did not unduly worry him. He was prepared to face the challenge.

On the other hand Congress-DMK alliance was over confident. MuKa went and met Indira and the talks hardly lasted 10 minutes. Indira announced that both Congress and DMK would contest 109 seats each and the rest would be given to allies. There was no mention of who would be the CM in the case of alliance winning the elections. As it is vogue in Congress, RVSwaminathan who was the TNCC President resigned his post, as he became a Central Minister. In his place M.P.Subramaniyan was appointed as TNCC chief. The irony of the nomination was MPS started his political career in DMK and came out of the party along with EVK Sampath. A known anti MuKa person, his nomination was received with a pinch of Salt by DMK circles. But MuKa for the first time in his entire career (barring the present 2006 election) went out of the way to accommodate the Congress. DMK men started working earnestly but the enthusiasm shown by the Congress cadres was on a low scale compared to the Parliament elections. The MPS group too was also not playing ball and even the poster put up by TNCC had Indira at the centre with MuKa and MPS at both sides with a caption Kootani Aatchi Kanpom; Kolgai Vazhi Nadappom. MPS for his part in Press conferences began to say that CM candidate had not been decided and the PM would take a decision on this. This angered MuKa and DMK men to no end and immediately MuKa rushed to Delhi and met Indira. She came out with an announcement that MuKa indeed would be the CM in case of the alliance winning the elections. DMK men then started working. For Congressmen this was not to their liking. But one Silver lining for DMK and MuKa was the effort put forth by NT and his fans. The fans who had broken away from NTs political line had come back and they having all their life nursed on anti- MGR feelings now felt very comfortable and worked tirelessly for Congress- DMK alliance. NT on his part took an active part in the campaigning after 1971 and during that campaign (1980) many a times there was a war of words between NT and MGR. MGR came out strongly against NT and NT was retaliating. The aggressiveness shown by NT fans also had an impact on MGR fans, which rekindled the old rivalry that existed before October 10th 1972. The rivalry escalated into violence in some places and at the height of it NT was injured in an attack near Udumalpettai. It was alleged that after finishing the meeting while he was stepping down the dais, the lights were switched off and stones thrown at him. One such stone hit his head and caused bleeding injury. He had a stich and dressing done. NTs photo with the bandage round his head was pasted across TN with the heading Ennatra Ilangarigalin Idhya Deivamam Sivajiyai Kolla Muyarchi. NT continued his campaign with the bandaged head and when he visited Madurai, I had gone to the meeting. On seeing NT in such a pose made the fans emotional and few were screaming for retaliation. But MGR denied the involvement of his fans/cadres in this incident and said because of the sudden power failure, NT had accidentally hit his forehead against the post by the side of the make shift stage which caused the injury. Adding insult to injury MGR added that NT should be normal at least during campaign (Thambi Ganesan Nithanathil Irukka Vendum) that was least say irritating. So it became a no holds barred campaign.

But things were not smooth for Congress-DMK alliance. The prices of essential commodities were going up like anything. Especially Sugar became a scarce commodity with a Kilo shooting up to Rs 20/-. The period of July 79 to May 80 was the period that saw the price of gold shooting up to unprecedented levels. To the youngsters of this forum it may sound as a wonder to know that the cost of 1 sovereign (Oru Pavun) of gold was just Rs 400/- during 1979. But the Iran-Iraq war and Russia (USSR at that time) occupying Afghanistan during December 1979 led to a situation of gold prices escalating to the 4-digit mark (Rs 1000/- and above). Congress during the run up to the Parliament election had used this well to its advantage, hiding the fact that gold prices are determined at London International Gold Market. Along with Parliament elections, Pondicherry had its assembly election and there Congress- DMK alliance was voted to power. One of the poll promises was Thalikku Thangam and the coalition government at Pondicherry was finding it difficult to fulfill the same. Now at the saddle in the centre, the Congress-DMK alliance was finding it difficult to answer the public. Indira did visit TN twice for campaigning but the response was not enthusiastic. On the other hand MGR was drawing mammoth crowds. Though it is no wonder since he had always done that, his style of campaigning had changed with he pitching the slogan What wrong have I done for dismissing my Government? He was also interacting with the public by asking them to vote for DMK so that the prices of essential commodities would still go up. This struck a chord with the public and as it was wont during those days (when election rules were not strict) crowds were waiting for him throughout the night. MGR contested from Madurai West constituency. (In 1977, he was elected from Aruppukottai) and Pon.Muthuramalingam (incidentally he was the first DK person to taste defeat at the hands of ADMK in Dindigul by election in 1973) contested against him. MuKa was again contesting from Anna Nagar that had returned him in 1977. But this time MGR put up Dr.Hande who had crossed over from Rajajis Swatrantra Party. Dr.Hande had (still has I believe) a clinic in Anna Nagar and he knew most of them by name. So that made MuKa jiffy and he was forced to campaign in the constituency for more than 6 days. MGR on the other hand hardly spent 6 hours in Madurai. ADMK had another agenda that MGR wanted his party to win a few seats in Chennai. For NT, his follower and General Secretary of Sivaji Fans association, Vn.Rajasekaran (a tireless worker and organizer, this man still in congress had recently in this 2006 assembly election had contested as a rebel candidate in Sivagangai assembly constituency and polled 30000 odd votes and captured the second place.) contested from RK Nagar against Isari Velan. Our NT campaigned for Vn.Rajasekaran and addressed as many as 33 meetings in this constituency alone that saw him defeat Isari Velan.

MuKa and group were so confidant that the alliance was going to win the elections had started planning celebrations. Even the size of the ministry was decided and 20 rooms (10+10) were asked to be made ready at the secretariat and swearing in was planned at Valluvar Kottam. Elections were scheduled on May 28th and May 31st of 1980 and counting of votes on June 1st. Remember MuKas birthday falls on June 3rd and DMK men assuming that he would become the Chief Minister had printed the poster Indru Pol Endrum Vaazgha and pasted it on the walls.

But belying all their hopes results started coming in by 12 noon on June 1st, a Sunday and the first trend was from Madurai West and the radio said that MGR is leading by 8000 votes. The ADMK cadres became jubilant. Slowly the results started trickling in and the emerging trend was in favour of ADMK. For the DMK worst was to follow when it was announced that its treasurer Sadiq Baasha had been defeated by KAK in Thousand Lights, Nanjil Manoharan was defeated at Mylapore and MuKa himself was trailing at Anna Nagar. The result of Anna Nagar was not disclosed in the evening and in the wee hours MuKa was declared winner with a slender margin of 631 votes. On the over all scenario ADMK won 130 seats (against 126 in 1977) and DMK had come down from 48 in 1977 to 38 in 1980. Congress marginally improved its position from 27 to 30. MGR for the second time was sworn in as CM on 9th June 1980.

For NT and his fans, the results were a huge shock though it cannot be said of the same against other Congressmen. We started this post with NT movie. We will end with NT movies. Like the election result, the news on the movie front was also bitter.

Dharma Raja 26.04.1980: The only movie of NT directed by MA Thirumugam (who directed 16 movies of MGR) was produced by Chinna Annamalai and depicted NT as a Karate (!) exponent. Shot in Japan there were one or two nice duets and the movie failed at the BO.

Yemanukku Yeman 17.05.1980: This movie a remake of Telugu Yamaloka was released during the middle of election campaign. Our people could not accept the story line like this, which was better suited for Telugu audience. If my memory serves me right, it had music by Satyam and few numbers became hits. Of course movie sank at the BO.

Friends let us stop here and I will start the continuation soon.


7th August 2006, 01:18 AM
Murali srinivas,nice writeup

yamanukku yaman had music by telugu MD Chakravarthy

7th August 2006, 08:39 AM
Thank you Murali-sar.

That must be a depressing time for NT. He just hit the big 5 0 and things are not well on the political front. To add to that, his films did not do well either.

I have not seen Dharma Raja (don't think so I will) but I must say that I enjoyed Yamanukku Yaman tremendously. A satire, if you will, that will have you laughing your behinds off.

I am not sure how much they have adjusted from the Telugu original, but the comments are pretty original and we have NT poking fun at NT himself (Yaman is a parody of all the mythic/historical characters he has done).

Thanks again Murali sar. Wonderful write-up. One more for my library.

7th August 2006, 11:49 AM
In same year Iru Malargal B/W and Ooty Varai Uravu released on same day-ran 100 days.

This no other actor dare to do and till date this is record

I heard Thrisoolam ran 100 days or more in second release in Trichy.

Vasatha maligai is record run in Sri lanka.

Some years back, in Srilanka, they named a street In Dr Sivaji name.

7th August 2006, 12:06 PM
Joe sir we are not able to read the fonts...konjam periya manasu penni english leh post pennunga..nandri..:D

Thats a interesting piece of news for me...that Sivaji did try to contest with MGR...i also believe MR Radha was also contesting along with Sivaji..can anyone confirm this?

7th August 2006, 12:18 PM
Sivaji was stoned? I don't remember any such incident. It is shocking! We condemn such act.

I have seen Sivaji's name used for Congress campaign in elections. Only Sivaji fans worked for Congress during elections.

I started seeing Pasmalar with my uncle in my childhood and then onwards I became fan of NT. I had only chance to see NT when he came on his foot in late 70s-all our school students ran to street-I could only see his head-all fans and police were surrounding NT.

My father,chitappa,uncle are hard core fans of NT.

7th August 2006, 12:25 PM
MR Radha was known for his short temper. He used to call everyone"Avan Ivan". But w/o NT or MGR he can't get roles. All movies revolved around either MGR or NT. (But some other movies also ran more than 100 days during their time). ut it was only for short time.
Radha was told that Sivaji does not want him in his movies. Radha got angry-He screamed Avanai enna panren par-
MGR had intervened and matter diluted.

7th August 2006, 12:34 PM
In 80's in my hometown Nagercoil ,vasantha maaligai used to be screened every year ,first week of december and it ran atleast 2 weeks with first week houseful .

7th August 2006, 02:10 PM
Dear Murali Srinivas....

Some more details about Shivaji attacked in 80 election compaign:

1980 சட்டமன்ற தேர்த*ல் பிரச்சாரத்தின் போது, நள்ளிரவில் உடுமலைப்பேட்டையில் பிரச்சாரம் செய்த சிவாஜி, பிரச்சாரத்தை முடித்துக் கொண்டு மேடையில் இருந்து இறங்கும் சமயம் திடிரென்று ஒரு கூட்டம்

"சிவாஜி தப்பித்துப்போகப் போகிறான். அவனை பாடையில் கட்டி தூக்குங்கடா"

என்று கூச்சல் போட்டுக்கொண்டு ஓடிவந்தது. உடனே மேடையில் விளக்குகள் அணைந்தன. சிவாஜியின் "அய்யோ" என்ற அலறல் கேட்டது. பக்கத்திலிருந்த போலீஸ் ஜீப்பின் விளக்குகளை ஆன் செய்து பார்த்தபோது, சிவாஜி நெற்றியில் கைவத்தவண்ணம் உட்கர்ந்திருந்தார். அவர் நெற்றியிலிருந்து ரத்தம் கொட்டிக்கொண்டிருந்தது. ஊடனே ஆஸ்பத்திரிக்கு கொண்டு செல்லப்பட்டார்.

போலீஸார் மேடை அருகே சோதித்தபோது, மூன்று அங்குல விட்டம் கொண்ட இரும்பு போல்ட் ரத்தக்கறையுடன் கண்டெடுத்தனர். அதுதான் சிவாஜி மீது வீசப்பட்டது. அது எம்ஜியார் ரசிகர்கள்/அதிமுகவினரால் வீசப்பட்டதுதான் என்பது தெளிவாகியது.

மறு நாள் இது குறித்து அறிக்கை விட்ட எம்.ஜி.ஆர்.:

"தம்பி சிவாஜி மேடையில் இருந்த கம்பத்தில் முட்டிக்கொண்டார் அன்று கேள்விப்பட்டேன். பிரச்சாரத்தின் போதாவது தம்பி சிவாஜி நிதானத்தில் இருக்க வேண்டும்" என்று அறிக்கை விட்டார். இது சிவாஜி மன்ற ரசிகர்களை கோபத்தின் உச்சிக்கு கொண்டு சென்றது.

7th August 2006, 03:38 PM
Thanks Mdm Saradha. haven't seen your posting for a while.

Now, I feel that the comment was uncalled for. It's sort of implying that NT was intoxicated at that time. No wonder the fans were very angry. But then, I guess MGR could not control his fans...so he may have not been PERSONALLY responsible for that incident. But he shouldn't have said that...

Oh hell..that was ancient history, no point getting worked up.

8th August 2006, 06:39 AM
//"தம்பி சிவாஜி மேடையில் இருந்த கம்பத்தில் முட்டிக்கொண்டார் அன்று கேள்விப்பட்டேன். பிரச்சாரத்தின் போதாவது தம்பி சிவாஜி நிதானத்தில் இருக்க வேண்டும்" என்று அறிக்கை விட்டார்.//

Surely MGR making fun on NT's drinking habit. No wonder,MGR is known for these kind of provocation in politics

Murali Srinivas
8th August 2006, 10:31 AM
Dear Saradhaa,

It is nice to see you back in this forum. Though I haven't had the opportunity to interact with you before, I have read your posts especially on NT and a sort of wonder and excitement had run through me. Moreover Balaji had been waxing eloquently about you in many posts and that increased my curiosity. I remember putting a post in MSV's thread regarding the releases of NT from 1976 to 1981 in reply to your post but that was in March-April. After that had not seen any posts from you. Anyhow it is my pleasure to welcome you. I know you will come up with many interesting notes on NT.

Then coming to the stone throwing issue, I intentionally avoided the exact words used by MGR and wrote the sentence in my own words implying what MGR had said. That's why I wrote that his words were the least irritating. This remark made NT fans livid and that's why I had again said that some of them screamed for retaliation in the meeting addressed by NT. Well as Joe had pointed out MGR had this habit of making fun against his rivals. MGR fans used to say during those period that the song in Sange Muzhangu

Silar Kudipathu Pole Nadippar [ meaning MGR]

Silar Nadippathu Pole Kudippar [meaning NT]

Silar Paatil Mayanguvar [ meaning MGR]

Silar Bottilil Mayanguvar [meaning NT]

while arguing with us. MGR who made fun of NT will also act as if he meant good things for NT when he would say in En Annan " En Ethiri Kooda Kudikka Koodathunu Ninaikirvan Naan".

Not only about NT, while campaigning for Madurai Corporation Election in 1978 ( You can read about this in my earlier article) he was critisicing MuKa that he had not done anything for the poor and added " Avar Koppai (File) Paarthara illai Koppaiyai (glass) Paarthara endru Theriyavillai" which made MuKa furious and he for his part came out with some nasty comments.

This was the situation prevailing at that point of time.


8th August 2006, 02:35 PM
MS Anna

Thanks a lot for the next episode though it was overdue :D

I will offer my views tomorrow . From now, NT's political life becomes very active !

Oru vinnappam ellorukkum pls........... Makkal thilagam was a legend & one of the architects of tamil cinema & whatever said & done about his rift with NT, HE REMAINS AS PON MANA CHEMMAL IN THE HEARTS OF CRORES OF PEOPLE INCLUDING ME :D

IRUNDHALUM MARAINDHALUM PER SOLLA VENDUM...IVAR POLA YAAR ENDRU OOR SOLLA VENDUM - endra vaarthaigalukku migavum poruthamanavar namadhu MGR :D

I know Murali Anna has been very refrained in even choice of words while commenting about MGR & his posts were polished & diplomatic :D

Dhayavu seidhu Puratchi thalaivarai patri kadumayana vimarsanam vendaame pls :cry:

8th August 2006, 02:59 PM
Well, I am one of the guilty ones, Balaji. I apologise for that.

Both are now gone and have left us a legacy of wonderful films, and it would be inappropriate to complain NOW.

But it is interesting to note the rivalry, enmity, the friction and the chaos that took place, because ultimately it had been reflected in the films. I like the references made in songs...little trivias that are fun.

I shall refrain from labeling or pigeon-holing the characters. But please, let's not stop reminiscing about the two greats. I am sure that apart from rivalry, there had been instances where both have shown respect and love for each other.

I think after MGRs passing, NT has been mostly been respectful and sometimes in awe when he was asked about MGR. So much so, that Prabhu refers to MGR as Periyappa.

They could have been great pals...only bloody politics split them.

There, I am getting emotional again.

Anyway, there has been question posed either here or in Makkal Tilagam's thread about Koondu Killi. Does anyone have interesting anectdotes to share?

8th August 2006, 03:55 PM
Dear Balaji,
I too apoligise if any of my wordings looks against Makkal Thilagam .I too admire him a lot.

8th August 2006, 04:24 PM
Since we are talking about the political episode of NT, may I ask whether NT has used his films for his political propaganda ? My hand types no, but I know that the cinema is a powerful media to reach all masses. and did Sivaji ever compete in elections ?

A small write-up abt his movies which I saw during the past week. Yeah, I am going to 60's and 70's when I was never born, lucky me :)

Padikkadha Medhai: SVRR, Sowkar, and ofcourse NT. Everybody did their justice to the roles. The highlight of the film is that the role of NT began as an innocent character and ended as an innocent character. I thought this was the main reason for the movie to have come out well. IF this movie is remade I am sure the new directors will change the attitude of the hero and to fight fly-high during the climax :). The songs are as usual good especially, orae oru oorilae - being my pick

Sivandhamann: Joe mentioned that this is the first movie which was shot abroad.. I got excited when I saw the Concorde @ Paris in the film which was surprising as the director chose to come to Europe instead of UK or US, probably thats how it worked during 70's (?). Kanchana was as usual charming and boyy she was gorgeous in the song Pattathu Raani. And NT, I think not much of a hunting role for him, probably he would have finished more of the scenes in a single take (you guys have the right to correct me :) )

9th August 2006, 07:27 AM
Generally, I do not want criticize or condemn anyone who is not alive. But, in this case, being a NT fan, I strongly condemn MGR's statement about NT. It shows how cheaply MGR played politics in those days. Again, MGR too had a lot of bad characters. As Joe said, MGR used his songs to make sarcastic comments about his rivals. Did NT use songs or situations to make bad comments about his rivals? At least, I haven't heard so.

9th August 2006, 07:30 AM
Generally, I do not want criticize or condemn anyone who is not alive. But, in this case, being a NT fan, I strongly condemn MGR's statement about NT. It shows how cheaply MGR played politics in those days. Again, MGR too had a lot of bad characters. As Joe said, MGR used his songs to make sarcastic comments about his rivals. Did NT use songs or situations to make bad comments about his rivals? At least, I haven't heard so.

Not just Sivaji as his acting rival, but even political rivals .... Against Congress and Kamaraj until 1967, quiet for 2 years during Anna's reign, and against KK after 1969 ... Cinema was MGR's campaign ground as we all know !!!

9th August 2006, 02:20 PM
There are a lot of NT's earlier movies which were hits not discussed (at all or much) in this Forum. Here and there I see few fans like groucho070, Balaji mentioning few movies. I would like to add some more here for our discussion. I will start with one such movie:
Name: Amara Deepam. Co-Artists: Savithri, Padmini, M.N.Nambiar, Thangavelu etc. Year of Release - Probably in late 50's (Not sure) Music - Is it A.M. Raja? A.M.Raja had sung a song for NT. Hit songs: Then unnum vandu, Maamalarai kandu ..., Naanayam Manusanukku Avasiyam ...
Thangavelu's comedy is also very good in this movie.
(Sorry I can't remember other songs). I have seen this film in mid 80's. I liked this film very much. It ran house-full for about two weeks in its late release in Cuddalore. Later from a Cine magazine I found that it was a 100-days movie.

C.V.Sridhar had written Story and Dialog for this movie. Then Prakash Rao must have directed this. (Correct me if I am wrong). It must have got released before Uththama Puthiran from the same team.
This film has a strong story line. A triangular love story like most of Sridhar's movies. The story goes like this: NT, a poor living on street. Saavithri a rich girl comes out of her house after a quarrel between her and cousin M.N.Nambiar. It happens for her to meet NT and they fall in love. M.N.N who is in search of Saavithri comes to know about this. He takes Saavithri back to her house after hitting hardly on NT's head. NT loses his memory and a Kalaikoothaadi team helps him for his survival. Padmini who is in the team starts to love NT. ...

I have seen later films with same kind of story line but can't remeber their titles. When Sridhar had fallen ill in late 90's and Actor Sivakumar met him mentioned some dialogs from this film. Give your inputs on this film and other films.

9th August 2006, 05:35 PM
Iruvar Ullam :

This is a commendable movie. This film contains excellent Story by writer Lakshmi (i think so) and Dialogues. competitive acting between Sivaji Ganesan and Saroja Devi. Different portrayal of M.R.Radha in a comic and pivotal role in the climax. Excellent songs by K.V.Mahadevan. The songs are popular even now. Unfortunately, it is not available as VCD or Video Cassette. If anyone can give the links from where one can get this memorable movie of Sivaji with Saroja Devi, it'll be nice. I've tried several sources in Chennai and B'lore, but couldn't get this movie. I want to see it again and again for the wonderful acting of Sivaji Ganesan and Saroja Devi.

Sivaji fans should try and get all his films on the internet so that everyone can enjoy it forever. Will it not be an apt tribute to Sivaji if all his films are available all the time.

9th August 2006, 05:48 PM
Any society or culture should learn to respect the people who uplifted their image and reminder of our glorious past.

According to me Thiruvalluvar,Kamban,Bharathi and Shivaji are the four we should not forget.
Shivaji was the link between the hearts of the poet and commoner and acted in films to uphold the cultural ,social values,fan the nationalism and values of our religion.
he is the best actor world has ever seen(Though we could not produce even one world class films with him).He is the one to globalise the acting style of Indian films with out losing the cultural ethos. Some people aruging that NT staute should not be placed near marina . Denying him the place in Tamilnadu is just like arguing that you dont have a place for your elder's photograghs and memoirs in your house.

Learn to respect ourself Tamils,otherwise, we will lose our identity.Shivaji is a part of all Tamils living in the world.

NT deserves that spot in Marina.

Intha Mannum Kadal Vaanum Marainthu Mudinthaalum Marakka Mudiyaathaa Muthal Mariyaathai Maamamanithar Avar.

Irrespective of your profession,Be it an athlete,Sportsman,Actor,Scientist,Doctor,Politicia n,Teacher-Your real contribution counts by the excellence achieved by you and accolades you brought for yourself and your country.Not by the alms you give out to tyhe beggers.India has been spoilt by the free lunches and expectation by the people that something should be given free to be called a noble act.According to me Shivaji is the one of the highest achievers in his field.(He has achieved in his field more that what Eintein achieved in Science.

There can be admirers or fans for many actors.But you ask all the actors or even Amitabh.They all will tell only one name Sivaji.He is the actors' actor.
We have the best in the world and we have to honour him.

9th August 2006, 07:09 PM
There are a lot of NT's earlier movies which were hits not discussed (at all or much) in this Forum. Here and there I see few fans like groucho070, Balaji mentioning few movies. I would like to add some more here for our discussion. I will start with one such movie:
Name: Amara Deepam. Year of Release - Probably in late 50's (Not sure) Music - Is it A.M. Raja? A.M.Raja had sung a song for NT. Hit songs: Then unnum vandu, Maamalarai kandu ..., Naanayam Manusanukku Avasiyam ...

(Sorry I can't remember other songs). I have seen this film in mid 80's. I liked this film very much. It ran house-full for about two weeks in its late release in Cuddalore. Later from a Cine magazine I found that it was a 100-days movie.

C.V.Sridhar had written Story and Dialog for this movie. Then Prakash Rao must have directed this. (Correct me if I am wrong). It must have got released before Uththama Puthiran from the same team.

I have seen later films with same kind of story line but can't remeber their titles. When Sridhar had fallen ill in late 90's and Actor Sivakumar met him mentioned some dialogs from this film. Give your inputs on this film and other films.

Ada... ada... enna arumaiyaana (araivEkkaadu??) review. Indha latchanaththil neenga solreenga 'Balaji maathiri then and there'...

unmaiyil Balaji maathiri oruththar review panna mudiyuma?. enna oru perfect review koduppaar theriyumaa..?. Even saradha madam kooda Balaji alavukku panna mudiyaathu. andha alavukku romba perfectaa ella vishayaththaiyum gather pannittu appuramthaan post pannuvaar. Avarudaiya 'memory power' something great.

9th August 2006, 07:24 PM
Iruvar Ullam :

This is a commendable movie. This film contains excellent Story by writer Lakshmi (i think so) and Dialogues. competitive acting between Sivaji Ganesan and Saroja Devi.

For your kind information:

'Iruvar Ullam' story written by Laxmi (Novel: Pen Manam)

But Screenplay & Dialogues by : Dr. 'Kalainger' Mu. Karunanidhi (that is our present CM).

10th August 2006, 07:01 AM
Iruvar Ullam :

This is a commendable movie. This film contains excellent Story by writer Lakshmi (i think so) and Dialogues. competitive acting between Sivaji Ganesan and Saroja Devi.

For your kind information:

'Iruvar Ullam' story written by Laxmi (Novel: Pen Manam)

But Screenplay & Dialogues by : Dr. 'Kalainger' Mu. Karunanidhi (that is our present CM).

You are right! I was about to mention the same.

10th August 2006, 07:04 AM
When I was a trichy(studying) in 1992 ,'Iruvar Ullam' was released in a A/C theatre Star and ran for 3 weeks ,first 2 weeks most of the shows houseful..I was stunned to see the response like a just released movie.

10th August 2006, 08:24 AM
Two days ago I did another viewing of Engiruntho Vanthal. Being that it is a Balaji production (Sujatha), it is certainly a remake of another films.

Aside: Does anyone know which film it was remade from? If so, can you compare it with this?

Since the story is not original, I shall refrain from mentioning it, albeit commending its great insight in human pysche (for its time).

I shall, of course, talk about performance. Coming to NT later, I think the other pillar in this movie is JJ. When she left cinema, we lost a great actress. It is perfectly evident here and in all the films she did with NT the calibre she posseses. Her character comes into NTs life merely as a volunteer and later, also due to certain 'forced' circumstance, she falls for NT and suffers the consequence. Her struggle to maintain dignity among the family members, some of whom sees her dishonorably, and 'treating' NT are some of the high points in the movie and JJs performance is brilliant.

The rest of the cast did what they have to do. Pity, Devika by now is relegated to supporting role. Muthuraman gets special mention, because he is a guest star and he rocks the boat as usual (as he did in Savale Samali, he was crucial for the climax).

Lets come to music. Anyone who says "Oree Padal Unnai Azhaikkum' sucks should be put in a rocket and sent outer space permanently. This song will haunt you! Forever. Another treat is Sirippil Undagum Ragattil, where laughter is equated with classical music. Brilliant composition and singing. MSV, as usual, outdid himself.

Now, we come to THE MAN himself. What can we say? To say that he had played this type of role befoer (his first film had episodes of him losing his mind) would be redundant. But he brought freshness to the usual stereotype of a mentally unstable person.

In this character, NT brought that one quality that many of his peers lacked - SOUL!.

He may be mentally not there, but his soul was rooted there, to his tragic past, and when JJ enters his life it takes a sudden unexpected turn. This is not an easy role to perform. You can play any mentally unstable person, but here you have an poet, a romantic, a loner who lost his heart to a woman who lost her life. For someone who uses his wit as a career, he loses it when one who is dear to him is no more.

Each time when he is abused verbally and physically (meaning getting beaten up, not anything else), we as a viewer suddenly feel guilty, because we ourselves are helpless. NT pulls us into his world and puts us into shame because we can only sit and watch him suffer. Such is the power of his performance.

I can go on and on about his performance here. Put anyone else in that role and you will get a movie which is OBVIOUSLY a remake. But with NT, the film is as original as it can be.

This is one movie that will warrant repeated views. I lost count ho many times I have visited it.

10th August 2006, 09:29 AM
(The below ,I posted in Chandra Babu thread)

All of us know 'Sabash Meena' is one of the best comedy movies and Chandra babu acted with Nadigar thilagam and Chandra babu acted in dual roles.

When the producer first narrated this story to NT ,he asked NT's opnion on who will be suitable for that important character ..NT told " Chandra babu will be most suitable "..At the time Chandrababu is also in peak .He is known for his frankness .He never praised anybody and he just call anybody as Mr..so and so (even MGR) ..The producer went to chandra babu and narrated the story ..After that Chandra babu asked "who is the hero?" .The producer replied "Sivaji ganesan" ..Chandra babu replied "Oh! Ganesan .He is good actor..How much you give me for this movie?" .The producer asked "How much you expect?" .Chadrababu asked "How much offered to sivaji?" .Producer mentioned " Oru Ladcham" ..Then chandrababu said " Ok.then Give me one rupee more ..Oru ladsham oru rupaa" ..The producer stunned ..He went to sivaji and told everything ..Sivaji said " Avan kekkuratha koduthudunga ..Intha character-kku avan thaan oththu varuvaan .avanukku nalla scope irukku ithula..avana potta thaan nalla varum" .Finally the producer agreed... How great nadigar thilagam is!

10th August 2006, 09:39 AM
(The below ,I posted in Chandra Babu thread)

All of us know 'Sabash Meena' is one of the best comedy movies and Chandra babu acted with Nadigar thilagam and Chandra babu acted in dual roles.

When the producer first narrated this story to NT ,he asked NT's opnion on who will be suitable for that important character ..NT told " Chandra babu will be most suitable "..At the time Chandrababu is also in peak .He is known for his frankness .He never praised anybody and he just call anybody as Mr..so and so (even MGR) ..The producer went to chandra babu and narrated the story ..After that Chandra babu asked "who is the hero?" .The producer replied "Sivaji ganesan" ..Chandra babu replied "Oh! Ganesan .He is good actor..How much you give me for this movie?" .The producer asked "How much you expect?" .Chadrababu asked "How much offered to sivaji?" .Producer mentioned " Oru Ladcham" ..Then chandrababu said " Ok.then Give me one rupee more ..Oru ladsham oru rupaa" ..The producer stunned ..He went to sivaji and told everything ..Sivaji said " Avan kekkuratha koduthudunga ..Intha character-kku avan thaan oththu varuvaan .avanukku nalla scope irukku ithula..avana potta thaan nalla varum" .Finally the producer agreed... How great nadigar thilagam is!

If I get it right, NT has never been bothered of competition. If need be, he like to allow others to shine. He is confident of his own talent and let it speak for itself.

I mean, just look at the films he did with Bheem Singh or KSG, or APN, where there are scene stealers like Ranggarao, MRR, Palaiyah, the great SV Suppiah, and character actors like Muthuraman and comedians like Nagesh (very dangerous scene stealer this man).

And don't forget the actresses? NT felt the strength of his performance can be complemented if his co-stars are strong themselves.

If you want to seen everyone shining and stealing shows from each other, right under NT's nose, watch Tillana Mohanambal. When the movie finishes (a rollercoaster ride of a movie), you'd be wondering who is the lead performer here.

10th August 2006, 10:35 AM

'Engirundho vandhaal' was the re-make of the Hindi Film "Kilona" acted by Sanjeev Kumar.

After watching Engirundho Vandhaal, Sanjeevkumar commented, "My God.. please dont compare both the movies, because I am far behind from Shivaji's performance".

As you said, it is one of the remarkable movie for Jayalalitha. Some others are:
Paadhukaappu (an NT movie)
Savaale Samaali
Thimaangalyam etc.

Murali Srinivas
10th August 2006, 10:46 AM
Dear Groucho070,

Engiruntho Vanthal was a remake from Hindi "Khilona" (meaning doll). Sanjeev Kumar & Mumtaz(?) played the lead roles. I saw the movie in big screen. Without taking anything away from Sanjeev, he was nowhere near NT. Of course JJ was far better than Mumtaz. It was one of her best performance. During my sequels on NT's political innings, I had mentioned about Rasilar Mandram Conference held at Salem in 1970, Oct 1st & 2nd . I had also mentioned about JJ's participation and her speech where she said that she learnt acting only when she acted in a NT movie and added that EV (to be released on Deepavali day-29th Oct '70) will be a proof for that. The fans at that point of time did not take her seriously and thought that since she had been sidelined for USV ( MGR was shooting at Expo-70 at Osaka in Japan in the second half of September'70) she is coming out with a statement like this. But all were proved wrong when the film released. Another good performance from her was Savale Samali.

About NT's performance, you had written everything. Right from the introduction till the climax (except flashback of Ore Paadal), his body language would be terrific. In the scene preceding climax, when the villain jumps off from the wall, in the close up shot,his face would reflect the turbulence his mind is undergoing and when it returns to normal, his majestic walk would come back, will look at his clothes in a amused manner, a smile would appear and the dialogue delivery would be in a different tone. Total change of Body Language. Another proof that he doesn't need any "technical support" to express "personality changes"

The Dhushyanthan song is another episode where he will be stylish to the core, even without dialogues or lip movement for the song.

Regarding the songs, please refer to Balaji's description of Siripil Undagum Raagathile in this thread, MSV thread and app thread, where he had given a great analysis.

Dear abkhlabhi,

You are right. Iruvar Ullam is not available. There is no copy available even at Annai Illam (NT's house), we recently found out. The only way now is take a CD/DVD of Once More and get a few glimpses of IV. Was just enquiring with Mohanram Sir if the same could be accessed from Prasad Pictures as it was directed by LV Prasad.


10th August 2006, 10:52 AM

'Engirundho vandhaal' was the re-make of the Hindi Film "Kilona" acted by Sanjeev Kumar.

After watching Engirundho Vandhaal, Sanjeevkumar commented, "My God.. please dont compare both the movies, because I am far behind from Shivaji's performance".

As you said, it is one of the remarkable movie for Jayalalitha. Some others are:
Paadhukaappu (an NT movie)
Savaale Samaali
Thimaangalyam etc.

I think we can add 'Avan thaan manithan' too.

10th August 2006, 11:01 AM
சிவாஜியின் தாத்தா இறந்துபோன பிறகு, ராஜாமணியம்மாள் குடும்பத்துடன் . திருச்சி அருகே, சங்கிலியாண்டபுரத்தில் ராஜாமணி அம்மாள் குடும்பத்துக்கு ஒரு வீடு இருந்தது. அங்கு வசிக்கலானார். சிவாஜிகணேசன் வளர்ந்தது, நாடக நடிகரானது, சினிமா உலகில் புகுந்தது எல்லாமே இந்த வீட்டில் வசித்த போதுதான்.

எஸ்.எஸ்.வாசனின் தாயாரும், எம்.ஜி.ஆரின் தாயாரும் தங்கள் குடும்பத்தை காப்பாற்ற எப்படி கஷ்டப்பட்டார்களோ, அதுபோல் ராஜாமணி அம்மாளும் மிகவும் கஷ்டப்பட்டார். `தந்தையோ இறந்து போய்விட்டார். கணவர் சிறை சென்று விட்டார் (சுதந்திரப் போராட்டச் சிறை). பிழைக்க என்ன செய்வது? குழந்தைகளை எப்படி படிக்க வைப்பது' என்று யோசித்த ராஜாமணி அம்மாள், பால் வியாபாரம் செய்ய முடிவு செய்தார். கறவை மாடு வாங்கி, பால் விற்கத் தொடங்கினார். நாளடைவில், ராஜாமணி அம்மாள் என்ற பெயர் மறைந்துபோய், ``பால்காரம்மா" என்ற பெயர் நிலைத்து விட்டது!

ஒரு முறை காக்கா ராதாகிருஷ்ணன் கெஞ்சிக் கூத்தாடி, எப்படியோ அனுமதி பெற்று ஊருக்கு போய்விட்டு வந்தார். ``என்ன ராதாகிருஷ்ணா! என் வீட்டுக்குப் போனாயா? எல்லோரும் சவுக்கியமா?" என்று சிவாஜி விசாரித்தார். ``எல்லோரும் நன்றாகத்தான் இருக்கிறார்கள். ஆனால் உனக்கு ஒரு துயரச்செய்தி கணேசா!" என்று கூறினார்,

ராதாகிருஷ்ணன். ``என்ன?" என்று பதற்றத்துடன் சிவாஜி கேட்க, ``உன் அண்ணன் திருஞான சம்பந்தமூர்த்தி இறந்துவிட்டார்" என்று கூறினார், காக்கா ராதாகிருஷ்ணன்.

சிவாஜி பதறினார். உள்ளே சென்று தனியாக அழுதார். ஊருக்குப் போய்வர கம்பெனி நிர்வாகிகளிடம் அனுமதி கேட்டார். அவர்கள் அனுதாபம் தெரிவித்தார்களே தவிர, அனுமதி தரவில்லை. சில காலத்துக்குப் பிறகு, சிவாஜியின் இன்னொரு அண்ணன் கனகசபாநாதனும் இறந்துபோனார். அப்போதும் சிவாஜி தன் வீட்டுக்குப் போக முடியவில்லை. முக்கிய வேடங்களில் அவர் நடித்து வந்ததால், ஒரு நாள் கூட விடுமுறை கொடுக்க நாடகக் கம்பெனி நிர்வாகிகள் மறுத்துவிட்டனர்.

சிவாஜிக்கு 12 வயதான போது, நாடகக் குழுவினர் கோவையில் இருந்து பொள்ளாச்சிக்கு சென்று முகாமிட்டனர். சிவாஜிக்கு பெற்றோரை பார்க்கவேண்டும் என்று ஆவல் அதிகரித்தது. ``தீபாவளிக்காவது என்னை ஊருக்கு அனுப்பி வையுங்கள்" என்று கம்பெனி நிர்வாகிகளிடம் கெஞ்சினார். அவர்கள் மனம் இரங்கி, சிவாஜியை அனுப்பி வைத்தனர். வீட்டுக்குப்போனதும், சிவாஜி முதலில் பார்த்தது தம்பி சண்முகத்தையும், தங்கை பத்மாவதியையும்தான். சிவாஜிகணேசன் குடும்பத்தைப் பிரிந்து நாடகக் கம்பெனியில் சேர்ந்தபோது, 3 அண்ணன்கள் மட்டுமே இருந்தனர். அவர்களில் 2 பேர் இறந்து

போய்விட்டார்கள். தான் நாடகக்கம்பெனில் சேர்ந்த பிறகு பிறந்த தம்பி சண்முகத்தையும், தங்கை பத்மாவதியையும் அப்போதுதான் முதன் முதலாக சிவாஜி பார்த்தார். பாசத்தோடு தழுவிக்கொண்டார். பல ஆண்டுகளுக்குப் பின் சிவாஜியைப் பார்த்த தாயார் ராஜாமணி அம்மாள் கண்ணீர்விட்டு அழுதார்.பிறகு தந்தையையும், அண்ணனையும் சிவாஜி சந்தித்தார். சிறிது நேரம் அவர்களால் பேசவே முடிவில்லை. அந்த தீபாவளியை பெற்றோருடனும், அண்ணன், தம்பி, தங்கையுடனும் கொண்டாடி மகிழ்ந்தார், சிவாஜி.

பஸ் கம்பெனியில் ``மெக்கானிக்" ஆக வேலைபார்த்தார் என்றால் நம்ப முடியவில்லை அல்லவா? ஆனால், அது உண்மை. மாதம் 7 ரூபாய் சம்பளத்தில், அவர் திருச்சி ஸ்ரீரங்கம் டிரான்ஸ்போர்ட்" (டி.எஸ்.டி.) என்ற பஸ் கம்பெனியில் ``மெக்கானிக்" வேலை பார்த்திருக்கிறார்.

கொல்லங்கோட்டில் இருந்து பொள்ளாச்சிக்கு நடந்தே சென்றார்கள். காட்டுப்பாதையில் 40 மைல் நடக்க வேண்டும். வழியில் பலத்த மழை பிடித்துக்கொண்டது. மழையில் நனைந்து கொண்டே சென்றார்கள். வழியில், ``ஐயோ" என்று தங்கவேலு அலறினார். சிவாஜி திரும்பிப்பார்த்தார். தங்கவேலுவின் கால் அருகே ஒரு பாம்பு நெளிந்து போய்க்கொண்டு இருந்தது. தங்கவேலுவை பாம்பு கடித்துவிட்டது என்பதை சிவாஜி உணர்ந்து கொண்டார். அலறிக்கொண்டிருந்த தங்கவேலுவை தூக்கி தோளில் போட்டுக் கொண்டார். தங்கவேலுவின் தாயாரையும் அழைத்துக்கொண்டு, ஓட்டமும் நடையுமாக அருகில் உள்ள ஒரு கிராமத்தை அடைந்தார். அங்குள்ளவர்கள், வைத்தியரை அழைத்து, தங்கவேலுவுக்கு தகுந்த சிகிச்சை அளித்தார்கள். தங்கவேலு பிழைத்துக்கொண்டார். பிறகு கிராமவாசிகளின் உதவியுடன் சிவாஜியும், தங்கவேலுவும், அவர் தாயாரும் பொள்ளாச்சி சென்று, அங்கிருந்து திருச்சிக்கு போய்ச்சேர்ந்தார்கள்.

இது இன்னமும் உண்டு அவர் சொல்லுவார் ," கக்கன்ஜி கதையைக் கேட்டால் விக்கி விக்கி அழுவனும் " என்று அண்ணன் சிவாஜியின் கதையைக் கேட்டால் ஓ வென்றே அழனும்.


10th August 2006, 11:21 AM
It is very nice to see NT's thread is successfully nearing its 100th page.

10th August 2006, 12:28 PM
Thanks for the info guys.

Jilaba, you are right about that list on JJs performance. More films like that she'd give Savithri a run for her money in acting. Too bad, cinema is no longer a stage for her performance, er-hum....

Murali sar, I recall you writing that incident in your article. As you mentioned, NT inspires his co-star to perform as well. I guess this is what happened to the later part of seventies and eighties, where his co-stars were of sub-standard (or no standard) and were mostly not bothered by the discipline involved. That is why you saw imbalance in performances

And I shall check out Balaji's writeup on that song, thanks.

Joe, thanks for that piece. I have read, too often, in fact, about MGRs childhood....but this piece shows that NT too went through a very hard time. I was shocked to note that the drama company was too strict, so much so that they didn't even let him go for his brother's funeral. Whoa! That's too damned cruel.

10th August 2006, 01:14 PM
If I get it right, NT has never been bothered of competition. If need be, he like to allow others to shine. He is confident of his own talent and let it speak for itself.

I mean, just look at the films he did with Bheem Singh or KSG, or APN, where there are scene stealers like Ranggarao, MRR, Palaiyah, the great SV Suppiah, and character actors like Muthuraman and comedians like Nagesh (very dangerous scene stealer this man).

'உயந்த மனிதன்' படத்தில் சிவாஜியும் அசோகனும் நடிக்கும் ஒரு உணர்ச்சி மயமான கட்டம். படம் முடியும் தறுவாயில் படத்தைப் பார்த்த நடிகர் திலகம், "இந்த காட்சியில் அசோகன் பிரமாதமாக நடித்திருக்கிறார். இந்தக்காட்சியில் ஒரு சீன் கூட நீங்க 'கட்' பண்ணாமல் அப்படியே வைக்க வேண்டும்" என்று கிருஷ்ணன் பஞ்சுவிடம் சொன்னாராம்.

அது போல திருவிளையாடல் படத்தில் அந்த புகழ் பெற்ற தருமி காட்சியைப் பார்த்த சிவாஜி, நாகேஷிடம் "அடப்பாவி, இந்த சீன்ல நான் இருக்கிற இடமே தெரியாம பண்ணிட்டியேடா" என்று பாராட்டினாராம்.

அதுக்கு நேர் மாறாக எம்.ஜி.ஆர். 'ஆயிரத்தில் ஒருவன்' படத்தின் ரஷ் காட்சிகளை பந்துலுவுடன் தனியே அம*ர்ந்து பார்த்துக் கொண்டிருந்தபோது, கார்வார் மலையில் (ஜெயலலிதாவை பெட்டியில் ஒளித்து எடுத்துப்போகும் இடம்) அவரும் நம்பியாரும் வாள் சண்டை போடும்போது, தன்னைவிட நம்பியார் நன்றாக வாள் சுழற்றும் காட்சிகளை சுட்டிக்காட்டி, "இந்த காட்சிகளை வெட்டினால்தான் தொடர்ந்து படத்தை முடிக்க கால்ஷீட் தருவேன்" என்று சொன்னாராம். (இது பந்துலுவே ஒருமுறை 'பேசும் படம்' பத்திரிகையில் ஒரு கட்டுரையில் சொன்னது).

உண்மைகள் சுடும். ஆனாலும் சொல்லித்தான் ஆக வேண்டும்.

10th August 2006, 01:43 PM
Thanks for the info, mdm Saradha.

There is nothing wrong with that statement. MGR did exactly what he wanted to do - to project his heroic figures. His heroes are heroes throughout...and if Nambiar seem to be doing better, it is not suitable for an MGR movie.

Likewise, if it was NT's movie, we would have seen a more Human NT who is not as proficient as his foes. NT's heroes are usually not physical fighters, they are emotional fighters.

MGR is a great editor when it comes to fight scenes. Sometimes it is very difficult to make out which is MGR and which is the stuntment. MGR does not want his fans to know that there is someone else doing the stunt. This will ruin his fan's fun.

What MGR did was to maintain an hero's image. This would have never happened in an NT's film. Witness the end of Savale Samali. That was a potential NT/MGR fight scene, but NT stood aside and Muthuraman came and what a riot it was! He was so fearsome that you actually fear for poor Nambiar's life. In contrast, we saw NTs quiet dignity during that scene. THAT is more important in NTs movie. NTs heroes are human, MGRs heroes are superheroes.

So, what MGR did was justified for him. But he shouldn't have threatened Banthulu with the callsheet. Poor Banthulu.

Balaji, hope I've not said anything bad about MGR.

10th August 2006, 03:12 PM
One of Sivaji's theatre in Trichy named PRABATH is now nothing but land :( When i had been to trichy recently, i could see nothing but those beautiful gate holders :( the whole theatre was smashed to pieces ........

I ve heard that Sivaji, when he was young has worked in the theatre ... not sure as what ? ... n later bought that theatre ........ anybody has inputs on this :(

10th August 2006, 04:04 PM
One of Sivaji's theatre in Trichy named PRABATH is now nothing but land :( When i had been to trichy recently, i could see nothing but those beautiful gate holders :( the whole theatre was smashed to pieces ........

I ve heard that Sivaji, when he was young has worked in the theatre ... not sure as what ? ... n later bought that theatre ........ anybody has inputs on this :(

Yes,Prabath theatre once owned by NT .Even after he hand it over you could see a drawing on the top of the screen (Shivaji with Marattiya sivaji getup ,which is presented to sivaji by some organisation) .In 90's when I was in trichy ,Parabath used to screen mostly NT movies ,one movie per week and I watched lot of NT movies in this theatre .The response to NT movies here was always tremendous ..This theatre is known for releasing NT's old movies even in 90's ..I heard it is demolished now..sad!

10th August 2006, 04:11 PM
Off late ... there were lot of new movies even which were released there ....

Joe ... Till when was Sivaji holding the theatre ?

10th August 2006, 04:15 PM
Off late ... there were lot of new movies even which were released there ....

Joe ... Till when was Sivaji holding the theatre ?

Not sure.I was there in early 90's .People told me it was once owned by sivaji all sivaji movies released there in 70's.

10th August 2006, 04:56 PM
the last movie i saw in prabath was :roll: Dasavadhaaram ! -> the old movie ....

NT oda films edhuvumae naan anga paathadhu illa ... probably it was in the 70s when i wasnt even born :-)

NT oda color films were not that attractive as his BW movies ...... sometimes when i see movies like Andaman kaadali time movies ... i dont see much delivery from him ...

His Jallikkattu with Sathyaraj was awesome !

10th August 2006, 05:08 PM
the last movie i saw in prabath was :roll: Dasavadhaaram ! -> the old movie ....

NT oda films edhuvumae naan anga paathadhu illa ... probably it was in the 70s when i wasnt even born :-)

NT oda color films were not that attractive as his BW movies ...... sometimes when i see movies like Andaman kaadali time movies ... i dont see much delivery from him ...

His Jallikkattu with Sathyaraj was awesome !

Digression :


How do u attribute the colour factor as the reason for not attractive :oops:

Havent u seen Mudhal mariyadhai ?

Leave it . So many movies of Shivaji were in colour . See Gowravam first pls . :D

10th August 2006, 05:53 PM
adaa daad ...i didnt mean that way yaar ..... i was talking about the period when his andaman kaadalai n all came ...

10th August 2006, 05:55 PM
the last movie i saw in prabath was :roll: Dasavadhaaram ! -> the old movie ....

NT oda films edhuvumae naan anga paathadhu illa ... probably it was in the 70s when i wasnt even born :-)

NT oda color films were not that attractive as his BW movies ...... sometimes when i see movies like Andaman kaadali time movies ... i dont see much delivery from him ...

His Jallikkattu with Sathyaraj was awesome !

Digression :


How do u attribute the colour factor as the reason for not attractive :oops:

Havent u seen Mudhal mariyadhai ?

Leave it . So many movies of Shivaji were in colour . See Gowravam first pls . :D

:lol: you are too sharp!

he dint mean the colour factor!..

when nt is young(black and white)...he did good movies than when he is old(colour)

really his acting in many colour films is over-acting!..black and white movies are better!

10th August 2006, 05:57 PM
the last movie i saw in prabath was :roll: Dasavadhaaram ! -> the old movie ....

NT oda films edhuvumae naan anga paathadhu illa ... probably it was in the 70s when i wasnt even born :-)

NT oda color films were not that attractive as his BW movies ...... sometimes when i see movies like Andaman kaadali time movies ... i dont see much delivery from him ...

His Jallikkattu with Sathyaraj was awesome !

Digression :


How do u attribute the colour factor as the reason for not attractive :oops:

Havent u seen Mudhal mariyadhai ?

Leave it . So many movies of Shivaji were in colour . See Gowravam first pls . :D

:lol: you are too sharp!

he dint mean the colour factor!..

when nt is young(black and white)...he did good movies than when he is old(colour)

really his acting in many colour films is over-acting!..black and white movies are better!

Vicky :clap: :-)

10th August 2006, 06:34 PM
Gowravam[/b] first pls . :D

:lol: you are too sharp!

he dint mean the colour factor!..

when nt is young(black and white)...he did good movies than when he is old(colour)

really his acting in many colour films is over-acting!..black and white movies are better![/quote]

N. Priyare :D

Ippadina appadi ....appadina ippadi :D

Now, you have ( knowingly or unknowingly ) given a new dimension to this superb thread !

Pl define what you mean by over acting & also highlight specific movies where according to u , he overacted so that I can give a befitting response
FYI, Shivaji's even steps are measured . Every inch of his had a message .

10th August 2006, 07:00 PM
over actingna ennaanu theriyadha?

remember the telephone conversation with k.r.vijaya?

i dont want to degrade shivaji in his thread...but he did better in movies like karnan,pagapirivinai or navaraathiri!..

10th August 2006, 07:38 PM
guys, stop your petty squabbles in this thread. each person has his own opinions. leave it be.

11th August 2006, 07:39 AM
I am a newcomer, but I did take my time to go through the entire thread before contributing.

If you guys do the same, you will find explanation to overacting, colour/B&W films, etc.

The best way to explain NT's peformance whether overacting or not, is not to explain at all.

You need film by film analysis. That is why participants of this forum do. We write about a film we had seen and do an analysis.

In that analysis we sometimes describe the technical part...meaning not only the cinematography, but what comprises the environment at that time.

If you read the excellent articles of Murali Srinivasan, you will realise the turmoil that was going through at that time, politically and socially.

Filmakers had something to say, and they say it loud. Actors act it out loud as well...there were no TV and internet at that time. Cinema, like stage, need to reach the people sitting right at the back.

As I mentioned, do take your time to go back and reread the thread, there are wealth of information on NT and you will understand why he acted, overacted or underacted.

As for me, overacting is an art by itself. Hollywood actors do it all the time. Look at Al Pacino...watch films like Devil's Advocate or Heat, The Insider. What you see is overacting at its most glorious, especially the ending of Devil's Advocate.

Overacting is an art not easy to master. It is so much better that what is happening these days...which is no-acting.

The term overacting belongs to NT and NT alone. Watch other actors who overact, they look like they are mimicking NT. Anytime an actor emotes strongly, enunciates very clearly, he will be accused of trying to be like Sivaji. Such is the power of NTs performance...so much so that he owned the legacy of overacting.

I hope I got some sinuses cleared. Again, reread the thread, it will clear your mind.

11th August 2006, 08:08 AM
To do overacting ,one must know how to act first!

NT is the KING in over acting ,under acting ,Style acting etc etc whatever acting ,he knows what people expected from him at that period of time.

He is not the one project himself in movies .He wanted to deliver what directors and fans expected from him at that time.

11th August 2006, 09:40 AM
I dont wish to talk about over-acting ... coz i second Joe n saying "To do overacting, one must know how to act first"

My point was just not about the way the characters chosen by Sivaji in his films that came around during 70s .... but just the factor of his importance in the movie.... I just felt the earlier movies had more than 100% of Sivaji than some movies which just used him to be a doll !

I am a Great FAN of Nadigar Thilakam :-)

11th August 2006, 10:35 AM
சாவு வீட்டிற்கு சென்று பாருங்கள். அம்மா, தங்கை போன்ற நெருங்கிய உறவினர்களை இழந்தவர்கள் வாயிலும் வயிற்றிலும் அடித்துக்கொண்டு அழுவார்கள்.

அதே சமயம் படங்களில் தாயை அல்லது தங்கையை இழந்த நடிகர் திலகம் வாய்விட்டு கதறி அழுதால் அதுக்கு இவர்கள் கொடுக்கும் பெயர் 'ஓவர் ஆக்டிங்'.

அந்த மாதிரி சமயங்களில், எந்த உணர்ச்சியும் இல்லாமல் மரக்கட்டை மாதிரி முகத்தை வைத்துக்கொண்டிருந்தால், அந்த போலித்தனத்துக்கு இவர்கள் சூட்டும் பெயர் இயல்பான நடிப்பு.

இது 'மகேந்திர* மணிரத்ன காப்பியங்க'ளால் ஏற்படுத்தப்பட்ட (தவறான) தாக்கம். அவர்கள் இது போன்ற உணர்ச்சிகளை விஜயன்களிடமும், அரவிந்தசாமிகளிடமும், பிரபுதேவாக்களிடமும் எதிர்பார்த்து ஏமாந்ததன் விளைவு.

அப்படிப்பார்த்தால், 'நாயகன்' படத்தில் மகன் நிழல்கள் ரவியின் பிணத்தைப்பார்த்து கமல் அழுவாரே... ஸாரி, ஒருமாதிரி சவுண்ட் கொடுப்பாரே அதைவிடவா ஒரு ஓவர் ஆக்டிங் இருக்க முடியும்?.

11th August 2006, 10:38 AM
As Mr groucho70 said, instead jumping directly to the 97th page, it is better for the new comers to come from first page.

Because these topics were analysed and discussed deeply in the earlier pages of this thread about the 'Boundry for Over-acting' and all.

11th August 2006, 10:39 AM
Saradha ji ... am not able to read the thamizh fonts here ... can u tell me why ? is it my sys prob ??

11th August 2006, 10:41 AM
சாவு வீட்டிற்கு சென்று பாருங்கள். அம்மா, தங்கை போன்ற நெருங்கிய உறவினர்களை இழந்தவர்கள் வாயிலும் வயிற்றிலும் அடித்துக்கொண்டு அழுவார்கள்.

அதே சமயம் படங்களில் தாயை அல்லது தங்கையை இழந்த நடிகர் திலகம் வாய்விட்டு கதறி அழுதால் அதுக்கு இவர்கள் கொடுக்கும் பெயர் 'ஓவர் ஆக்டிங்'.

அந்த மாதிரி சமயங்களில், எந்த உணர்ச்சியும் இல்லாமல் மரக்கட்டை மாதிரி முகத்தை வைத்துக்கொண்டிருந்தால், அந்த போலித்தனத்துக்கு இவர்கள் சூட்டும் பெயர் இயல்பான நடிப்பு.

இது 'மகேந்திர* மணிரத்ன காப்பியங்க'ளால் ஏற்படுத்தப்பட்ட (தவறான) தாக்கம். அவர்கள் இது போன்ற உணர்ச்சிகளை விஜயன்களிடமும், அரவிந்தசாமிகளிடமும், பிரபுதேவாக்களிடமும் எதிர்பார்த்து ஏமாந்ததன் விளைவு.

அப்படிப்பார்த்தால், 'நாயகன்' படத்தில் மகன் நிழல்கள் ரவியின் பிணத்தைப்பார்த்து கமல் அழுவாரே... ஸாரி, ஒருமாதிரி சவுண்ட் கொடுப்பாரே அதைவிடவா ஒரு ஓவர் ஆக்டிங் இருக்க முடியும்?.

Absolutely True!

11th August 2006, 11:12 AM
Just a small request.

If we dont have anything good to say abt other actors it is better we avoid giving negative comments abt them. For proving the greatness of Shivaji there is no need to pull other actors. Everyone have negative sides. I have seen several times, Few could not even tolerate any kind of criticism against Shivaji even it is +ve.

Then i think we shd maintain the same when we talk abt other actors. This is not the thread for critizicing other actors.

If everyone is ready for open discussion it is absolutely fine.

Thanks for the understanding.

11th August 2006, 11:23 AM
சாவு வீட்டிற்கு சென்று பாருங்கள். அம்மா, தங்கை போன்ற நெருங்கிய உறவினர்களை இழந்தவர்கள் வாயிலும் வயிற்றிலும் அடித்துக்கொண்டு அழுவார்கள்.

அதே சமயம் படங்களில் தாயை அல்லது தங்கையை இழந்த நடிகர் திலகம் வாய்விட்டு கதறி அழுதால் அதுக்கு இவர்கள் கொடுக்கும் பெயர் 'ஓவர் ஆக்டிங்'.

அந்த மாதிரி சமயங்களில், எந்த உணர்ச்சியும் இல்லாமல் மரக்கட்டை மாதிரி முகத்தை வைத்துக்கொண்டிருந்தால், அந்த போலித்தனத்துக்கு இவர்கள் சூட்டும் பெயர் இயல்பான நடிப்பு.

இது 'மகேந்திர* மணிரத்ன காப்பியங்க'ளால் ஏற்படுத்தப்பட்ட (தவறான) தாக்கம். அவர்கள் இது போன்ற உணர்ச்சிகளை விஜயன்களிடமும், அரவிந்தசாமிகளிடமும், பிரபுதேவாக்களிடமும் எதிர்பார்த்து ஏமாந்ததன் விளைவு.

அப்படிப்பார்த்தால், 'நாயகன்' படத்தில் மகன் நிழல்கள் ரவியின் பிணத்தைப்பார்த்து கமல் அழுவாரே... ஸாரி, ஒருமாதிரி சவுண்ட் கொடுப்பாரே அதைவிடவா ஒரு ஓவர் ஆக்டிங் இருக்க முடியும்?.

Absolutely True!

Am able to readh this .... :clap:

I believe comparison does not make hay ... it is just degrading one to bring up the other .... Everybody is just not the same .....

in Nayakan .... the character of kamal ... expected him to show a shocking (vaayadaithu pona) situation ... he is initially unable to react and though he wasnt attached much on things .....will not be so very emotional and cry out loud ! Wat was his reaction when his family was shot ???? wat was his reaction when vaapa was hanged ???? wat was his reaction when his wife was murdered .... at that time, he was young .... and now when his son dies ... he starts to feel that he is losing everybody ....
Hence he is unable to react initially and then starts to show the emotion slowly ......... infact oru stage kku appuram background music overtakes his cry .... so sound illaama azhardha paathaa we will not be able to judge things :-)

This is my humble feeling ... NT reaction aiyum Kamal reaction aiyum compare panna mudiyaa ... both depends on characters ......

11th August 2006, 11:25 AM
I am reading the same with opera now .I don't know why you can't ..But I have ekalappai tool installed to type in unicode tamil .is it the difference?

11th August 2006, 11:32 AM
// NT reaction aiyum Kamal reaction aiyum compare panna mudiyaa ... both depends on characters ......//

True! But problem starts when people critise NT's acting in some character is overacting .Saradha already explain that clearly .when your dear and near died nobody will hide behind a pillar and cry ,instead they may cry as if others may think it is over-expression .It depends on the person's character .NT didn't give same expression in all his movies .His reaction is based on the nature of the character.

11th August 2006, 11:41 AM
Absolutely Correct Joe :-)

NT's reaction cannot be criticized in comparison with anybody ! coz he offers what the character expects :-)

I really cherish his reaction when he says ... "nee mundhindaa noku, naa mundhindaa nekku"
you should see his expressions :-) wow awesome ...

He is a drama artiste from initial stages ... in dramas every single cell in the body has to ACT ..... which when they see on screen call it overacting ..... When the situation warrants ...

I dont know why ppl clap when the hero sustains a bullet in his body, and still stands .... while they call NT's natural acting of pain in Thillana Mohanaambal when he was attacked by a knife :roll:

He is still the hero ... but his character basically shows him to be a person who is not an action hero :-) so he has to show that pain !

:clap: for his performance in that MOVIE ... i cherish every scene of the movie !

11th August 2006, 12:17 PM
I am surprised that there had been very few discussion on Avanthaan Manithan.

This is another movie that shows tremendous restrain on NTs part. From beginning he shows a very composed performance, very intelligent, very knowing of his environment and still acting to the core.

Witness the scene where he is told that his ship has sunk. What he does? He just 'sinks' into his sofa. Stunned, no exaggerated body language, no shouting, screaming.

Or, the scene when JJ's daughter dies. He goes to the graveyard and cries, silently, all those repressed emotion 'trickling' out slowly. Brilliant.

Oh, I forgot, Avanthaan Manithan is a colour movie by the way.

My weekend movie will be Avanthaan Manithan. I shall write more about it next week.


Where do I get ekalapai (?)? Is it a font? I am a bit mandu when it comes to tech, so you gotta show me where to get it and what I should do with it. Appreciate it, thanks.

11th August 2006, 12:22 PM
Witness the scene where he is told that his ship has sunk. What he does? He just 'sinks' into his sofa. Stunned, no exaggerated body language, no shouting, screaming.

:clap: shld have been really awesome to look at .......... Must Watch !

11th August 2006, 12:29 PM
I read from the other thread about MIRUTHANGA CHAKRAVARTHI.
Comment says "I came to know that even we can play MIRUTHANGAM through mouth". Indirectly meaning NT over acting in this scene.

I would like to point out that my cousins one is good carnatic singer and other one is MIRUTHANGA VIDWAN. He is normal person never shows off. While playing MIRUTHANGAM he tend see side ways up and down (so many reactions). I asked him why you do all these things? he replied I never know that I am doing all these things :)

NT might closely watched some VIDWAN before playing MIRUTHANGA CHAKRAVARTHI. people who does not know natural element or behaviour one adopts during day to day life will not be able to appreciate particular character reaction which will come automatically without knowing.

Even in THANGAPATHAKAM NT will enter very silently (KRV death scene) and slowly reacts to the situation before blown out. This is normal humanbeing reaction and each tend to react differently.Some may cry silently/some may express loudly.
Here people labelled as over acting.

I have noticed criticism about face expression. NT use to give face expression in close up shots(nowadays noone dare to do that).Have any one watched your father or brother /sister/neighbour while reacting to the situation? just absorb their body language and face expression. You will appreciate NT performance.


11th August 2006, 12:34 PM
Regarding e-kalappai,I sent you a Personal message.Pls chk your PM.

11th August 2006, 12:58 PM
Sorry to bring this again. But wanted to share this with you.

When someone asked about his over-acting to the great NADIGAR THILAGAM, he said

(Please forgive me since I donno the exact words)

"Actors are like ink in a pen. The one who writes with that pen (directors) have their own writing style. Sometime, while writing, it might look a bit BOLD (He refer to Over-acting here) and most of the time it might look normal. So, ultimately if people are telling that I am over-acting then it depends on HOW MY DIRECTOR WANTED ME TO PERFORM RATHER THAN MYSELF DOING THAT"

Veterans, I heard this information in a TVShow. NOt sure about the source as well.. Just a recollection. If I am wrong, please correct me :)

11th August 2006, 01:02 PM
pls dont waste time justifying sivaji's acting. he is an imayam. avar thotta sigaram thaan nadippu. avar nidippin encyclopaedia. matra nadigar ellaam andha encyclopaedia lErndhu sila pagudhigalai eduththu kollalaam thavira sivajiyiin uyaraththai thoda mudiyaadhu.

avan thaan manidhan (which was the inspiration for uyarndha ullam) has this brilliant song....

aattuviththaal yaaroruvar aadaadhaarE kannaa
aasai ennum thottililE aadaadhaarE kannaa
nee nadaththum naadagaththil naanum undu
en nizhalil kooda anubavaththin sOgam undu
pagaivalargalai naanum vellvEn
aanal nanbaridam thOtruvittEn paasaththaalE

kadalalavu kidaiththaalum mayanga maattEn
adhu kai alavE aanaalum kalanga maattEn
ullaththilE ulladhudhaan ulagam kannaa
adhai unarndhu kondEn thunbam yaavum vilagum kannaa
unarndhu kondEn thunbam yaavum vilagum kannaa

panjaali unnidaththil sElai kEttal
andha parththan avan unnidaththil geethai kEttan
naan irukum nilaiyil unnai enna kEtpEn
innum nanmai seidhu thunbam vaangum ullam kEtpEn

11th August 2006, 01:16 PM
Phew!!! When I saw Nov's name I thought we NT hubbers are in trouble. Thank god, he's here to share his delight as well.

As for the song, its one of the best scene in the movie. A fantasy scene in an otherwise realistic movie.

Nov, I think there is one word change in that line. It should read, "unarnthu kondal tunbam ellam vilagum kannaa".

What a great line for those with trouble. I mean who don't have problem, but listening this line (and of course, "Unakkul Kizhe Ullavar Kodi" line), you just get on with the life.

And who can forget the other song, Manithan Ninaippathundu. Again, simple picturisation. He just walks and walks (this scene follows the graveyard scene I mentioned earlier), and its the walk and the facial expression that does most of the work.

More, when I get to see it this weekend.

11th August 2006, 01:26 PM
Guys Mudhal Mariyadhai too had fantastic acting repetoire by sivaji even though there was more focus on the story and vadivukarasi's performance in the film.

Watch the scenes when his emotions just flow when he is tied between a love which he rather have and a marriage that he does not want to disgrace. And especially the scenes towards the climax when he has to answer alot of criticisms from the village people. Neither his body language nor dialogue delivery cast their stamp...its just his emotions all the way through.

I enjoyed watching this movie for the songs and the rustic realism displayed by bharathiraja in the film. But this was also the first exponent of Sivaji's immaculate talent to me. I never knew who sivaji was till i saw this movie. Such swift display of emotions when he wonders whether to pursue his love and drop the marriage or just get on with his already miserabler life. :clap:

I also liked his dheiva magan film. It really is soulful and makes you heart melt when he lets his body language do the talking for the disformed sivaji. Its like your really staring at a handicapped who wishes to be sympathised with.

11th August 2006, 01:36 PM
Rakesh, ;)
long before I became a moderator, I was initiated as a fan. :D

Again, simple picturisation. He just walks and walks (this scene follows the graveyard scene I mentioned earlier), and its the walk and the facial expression that does most of the work. this reminds me of his acting with Asokan in "andha naal gnyaabagam nenjilE vandhadhE nanbanE nanbanE nanbanE
indha naal andru pOl inbamaai illaiyE adhu En En En nanbanE"

what a song! what an acting! :hatsoff:

11th August 2006, 02:14 PM
Yeah, I know, Nov. Your presence as a fan is much more preferred than a moderator, hehe.

As for AnthaNaal Nyabagam...I have cousin who innocently asked his mom (one of my Old movie source) whether it was NT singing! I think by then TMS got NT's style down pat that normal audience you can't tell the difference.

For that song - I learned from a TMS interview - he ran a couple of rounds around the studio before singing. Good homework.

Now, I think if it was for someone else, he would not have bothered. Knowing very well that NT is (again) going eat up the song and overshadow all those behind it (Kannadhasan, MSV, TMS), he better do somework on it. The result is one of the most memorable song, with playback singer and actor outperforming each other.

Uyarndha Manithan, of course, is another example of restrained acting. His internal performance very much contrasts Ashogan's very external outbursts.

Note: Each time I revisit this movie...I kinda get sidetracked. One, for Vaneesree's beauty. Yummy! And secondly, Sowcar's performance. Rarely you see her doing this kind of role.

11th August 2006, 04:21 PM
I am entering into the 100th page.

NT in an interview with T.R .Jawahar, he said that 'I can never become a director. I can only act and this I can and I want to do till my last breath. I am not so talented as these youngsters who could write, act, sing, dance and direct'.

NT was an ageless wonder. If the current generation were to study his career they would emerge completely confused about the chronology of his movies. Would anyone believe if I say that he did Navarathiri, Karnan and Puthiya Paravai in the same year? Or for that matter Thillana Mohanambal and Ooty Varai Uravu? Or again Thiruvarutchelvar and Iru Malargal? And to think that he was just thirty one when he played Kattabomman, the macho Tamil chieftain who dared the British or as the venerable V.O.C just a year later! For him acting was a series of different states of mind and the moment his mood shifted to the latest role on hand, the inner spirit automatically generated the relevant body language and expressions on the exterior. Here was a man whose every cell, every drop of blood, every sinew and muscle could act, thus creating a colossal facade that was much, much more than the sum of all its parts.

Such was the range of his histrionic abilities that he dwarfed all his peers and strode the tinsel world like a towering titan. Bestowed with an imposing demeanour, a powerful screen presence, a resonating voice that could also melt into a cool stream and vibrant eyes housed in a remarkable face, Sivaji was a make-up man's delight and a director's dream.

NT was often accused of over emoting, but then with his bottomless ocean of skill, he could carry on till eternity unless the director bothered to say 'cut'. And few directors had the heart to stop the deluge and often left it to his fans to consume to their fill. In a way such directors did him a dis-service, but Sivaji had also proved that he was capable of 'restraining' himself if the director wanted it that way and movies like Sridhar's Nenjirukkum Varai, Balachander's Yethiroli and Savale Samali stand testimony to this facet of the actor. Sivaji was a gold mine of talent. He could be presented as raw gold, cut to size, polished to taste, made into any kind of jewellery or moulded into any shape. It was wholly upto the director to take his pick. But he was gold all the same, pure and pristine.

NT was a national treasure but was also sadly a victim of regional bias. In a milieu dominated by Hindi film intellectuals who moulded filmi opinion at the national level, Sivaji was deliberately overlooked, though international recognition came his way unsolicited. For them Dilip Kumar and Raj Kapoor were pan Indian icons but Sivaji never figured in their scheme of things just because he hailed from a regional filmdom and spoke a local tongue. And paradoxically for him, in Tamilnadu he suffered because of the reverse effect. While he threw his lot with a national party, he was promptly sidelined owing to the dominance of Dravidian politicians of the sixties, who had appointed themselves as the sole custodians of Tamil. Could there ever be a greater protagonist of Tamil than Sivaji Ganesan or has anyone else enriched and elevated the language as he did, beyond paroachical walls and transcending State borders?

Though Sivaji Ganesan brought glory and world attention to the State and his mother tongue, it is also a fact that he was badly let down here. An artiste of international stature was confined to totally local terrain.

All said, Sivaji Ganesan would ever remain the mascot for acting, for admirers and critics alike.

11th August 2006, 04:22 PM
I am entering into the 100th page.

NT in an interview with T.R .Jawahar, he said that 'I can never become a director. I can only act and this I can and I want to do till my last breath. I am not so talented as these youngsters who could write, act, sing, dance and direct'.

NT was an ageless wonder. If the current generation were to study his career they would emerge completely confused about the chronology of his movies. Would anyone believe if I say that he did Navarathiri, Karnan and Puthiya Paravai in the same year? Or for that matter Thillana Mohanambal and Ooty Varai Uravu? Or again Thiruvarutchelvar and Iru Malargal? And to think that he was just thirty one when he played Kattabomman, the macho Tamil chieftain who dared the British or as the venerable V.O.C just a year later! For him acting was a series of different states of mind and the moment his mood shifted to the latest role on hand, the inner spirit automatically generated the relevant body language and expressions on the exterior. Here was a man whose every cell, every drop of blood, every sinew and muscle could act, thus creating a colossal facade that was much, much more than the sum of all its parts.

Such was the range of his histrionic abilities that he dwarfed all his peers and strode the tinsel world like a towering titan. Bestowed with an imposing demeanour, a powerful screen presence, a resonating voice that could also melt into a cool stream and vibrant eyes housed in a remarkable face, Sivaji was a make-up man's delight and a director's dream.

NT was often accused of over emoting, but then with his bottomless ocean of skill, he could carry on till eternity unless the director bothered to say 'cut'. And few directors had the heart to stop the deluge and often left it to his fans to consume to their fill. In a way such directors did him a dis-service, but Sivaji had also proved that he was capable of 'restraining' himself if the director wanted it that way and movies like Sridhar's Nenjirukkum Varai, Balachander's Yethiroli and Savale Samali stand testimony to this facet of the actor. Sivaji was a gold mine of talent. He could be presented as raw gold, cut to size, polished to taste, made into any kind of jewellery or moulded into any shape. It was wholly upto the director to take his pick. But he was gold all the same, pure and pristine.

NT was a national treasure but was also sadly a victim of regional bias. In a milieu dominated by Hindi film intellectuals who moulded filmi opinion at the national level, Sivaji was deliberately overlooked, though international recognition came his way unsolicited. For them Dilip Kumar and Raj Kapoor were pan Indian icons but Sivaji never figured in their scheme of things just because he hailed from a regional filmdom and spoke a local tongue. And paradoxically for him, in Tamilnadu he suffered because of the reverse effect. While he threw his lot with a national party, he was promptly sidelined owing to the dominance of Dravidian politicians of the sixties, who had appointed themselves as the sole custodians of Tamil. Could there ever be a greater protagonist of Tamil than Sivaji Ganesan or has anyone else enriched and elevated the language as he did, beyond paroachical walls and transcending State borders?

Though Sivaji Ganesan brought glory and world attention to the State and his mother tongue, it is also a fact that he was badly let down here. An artiste of international stature was confined to totally local terrain.

All said, Sivaji Ganesan would ever remain the mascot for acting, for admirers and critics alike.

11th August 2006, 04:29 PM
Here are excerpts of an interview given by NT during 1990s, done when there was no inkling that he would soon be gone:

Among the numerous awards that you have been given in your career, which is the one that you cherish the most? ?
I would say that the award I got for my role in Veerapandiya Kattabomman at the Afro-Asian Festival is very dear to my heart. Maybe it is because the award was the first in my career. I treasure it very much to this day.

Does it bother you that your signal contribution to the film industry has gone unrecognised for so long? ?
I am way past awards now. But, yes, there is a corner in my heart that does wonder why I wasn't acknowledged at a time when I was actively performing on screen. It hurts me to think about it sometimes.

Even the Dadasaheb Phalke award was conferred on you after a long time. Do you think that politics might have played a part in it?
Well, there may have been favouritism, but I wouldn't agree with the idea that there has been any political intervention in awarding an individual. From what I know about this (award), there is a certain committee that approaches the concerned minister with a list of nominees for the award. If the minister isn't biased or influenced, then the award does find its way to the right candidate. If that is not the case, then anybody who has been lobbying for the award gets it.

The award that was given to me apparently was originally "intended" for someone else. Even I got to know about this from some officials in the government whom I was familiar with.

Which role would you describe as your most satisfying?
There was a role that I played in Kappalottiya Thamizhan. I was portraying the famous Tamil freedom fighter V U Chidambaram. That was one of my favourites. In fact, after seeing the film, his son hugged me and said that he could almost see his father in me. I felt truly honoured that day.
Another exciting film was Deivamagan, where I had to play three different roles. I had to work really hard to make all of them appear distinct.

Did you use any method of preparation when you had to act out historical characters like V O C Kattabomman and Subramania Bharathi?
Well, there was nothing specific. I didn't get the opportunity to read up on them, because in those days it was really hard to come upon any authentic material. My only form of preparation would be to thoroughly go over the script and then to employ my own sensibilities to explore the character.

In the 300 films that you have acted in, you played a variety of roles. How hard was it for you to switch characters with every new performance?
I don't think there was anything exceptional in that. A few years of practice and you get adept at it. But I do feel that the best way of going about it is not to limit your involvement with the character to the professional hours alone. One must try and keep the role in mind all the time. The characters would play on my mind even when I was in the bathroom, or in my private time, over lunch or even during my afternoon siesta.

Was it harder for you to act in a comedy?
I enjoyed working in a comic role tremendously. It's extremely hard to play a comedian. It's the kind of creative challenge that you don't get too often. The film industry was always looking to get me to play more emotional characters, so I didn't get to do too much comedy in my career.

Do you have any favourite actors?
Yes, several, in fact. Among international stars, I have immense respect for Charles Boyar, Ronald Goldman, Balmuni. In Hindi cinema, I think very few can compare to Dilip Kumar. I also like Sanjeev Kumar and Nargis. In Tamil cinema, there are stalwarts like M R Radha and Baliah. These actors are irreplaceable.

And among your co-stars?
I liked working with Padmini. She is a fabulous dancer and she could do a variety of roles, from emotional ones to comedy - an incredibly gifted actress.

Is there any particular character you would like to play if given the chance?
There is one character that I have always longed to play. It's that of Periyar E V Ramaswami. He was the man who gave me the title "Sivaji" after my stage play on the Maratha king (of the same name). It's my dream to portray him on screen.
(Sadly enough, Sivaji Ganesan expired before he could fulfil his dream.)

11th August 2006, 07:14 PM
நான் ஏற்கெனவே சொல்லியிருந்தேன். சில நேரங்களில் உண்மைகள் சுடும். ஆனாலும் கடந்த காலத்தை தெரிந்துகொள்ள விரும்புவோர்க்கு சொல்லித்தான் ஆக வேண்டும்.

சிவாஜியை வைத்து படம் எடுத்தவர்கள் எம்.ஜி.ஆரை வைத்து படம் தயாரிக்கும்போது, படம் பாதி வளர்ந்த நிலையில், ஒருசில 'நிர்ப்பந்தங்கள்' காரணமாக அந்த தயாரிப்பாளர் அல்லது இயக்குன*ரிடம் இருந்து சிவாஜியை தாக்கி அறிக்கைகள் வெளியாகும்.

கட்டபொம்மன், கப்பலோட்டிய தமிழன், கர்ணன் படங்களை எடுத்த பந்துலு "ஆயிரத்தில் ஒருவன்' எடுத்தபோதும், பல சிவாஜி படங்களை இயக்கி விட்டு 'உரிமைக்குர'லுக்காக அவரிடம் போன ஸ்ரீதரிடமிருந்தும் அப்படி அறிக்கைகள் வெளியாயின.

அதில் பெரிய கொடுமை என்னவென்றால் 'நவராத்திரி','திருவிளையாடல்', சரஸ்வதி சபதம், 'தில்லானா மோகனாம்பாள்' போன்ற வெற்றிப்படங்களை எடுத்து பணத்தை மூட்டை மூட்டையாக கட்டிய இயக்குநர் மற்றும் தயாரிப்பாளர் ஏ.பி.நாகராஜன், எம்.ஜி.ஆரை வைத்து 'நவரத்தினம்' படத்தை பாதி எடுத்த நிலையில் ஒரு அறிக்கை விட்டார் (நிர்ப்பந்தம்???). அதில் அவர் "நான் சிவாஜியை வைத்து படம் எடுத்தேனே தவிர பணம் எடுக்கவில்லை" என்று மனச்சாட்சிக்கு விரோதமாக சொல்லியிருந்தார்.

அதைப்படித்த சிவாஜி ரசிகர்கள் மற்றும் விவரம் தெரிந்த அனைவருக்கும் கொதிப்பு. நவரத்தினம் படத்தை பெரும் பொருட்செலவுடன் எம்.ஜி.ஆருக்கு ஒன்பது கதாநாயகிகளைப் போட்டு எடுத்தார்.

படம் வெளியானது. ரிஸல்ட்..???. படம் 'அட்டர் ஃப்ளாப்' (படுதோல்வி). ரிஸல்ட்டை அறிந்ததும் ஏ.பி.நாகராஜன் அதிர்ச்சியந்தார். மனத்தளவில் பெரிதும் பாதிப்படைந்த அவர் மாரடைப்பில் காலமானார்.

அப்போது 'நவரத்தினம்' வெளியாகி இருபத்தி ஒண்ணாவது நாள்.

11th August 2006, 07:24 PM
நான் ஏற்கெனவே சொல்லியிருந்தேன். சில நேரங்களில் உண்மைகள் சுடும். ஆனாலும் கடந்த காலத்தை தெரிந்துகொள்ள விரும்புவோர்க்கு சொல்லித்தான் ஆக வேண்டும்.

சிவாஜியை வைத்து படம் எடுத்தவர்கள் எம்.ஜி.ஆரை வைத்து படம் தயாரிக்கும்போது, படம் பாதி வளர்ந்த நிலையில், ஒருசில 'நிர்ப்பந்தங்கள்' காரணமாக அந்த தயாரிப்பாளர் அல்லது இயக்குனரிடம் இருந்து சிவாஜியை தாக்கி அறிக்கைகள் வெளியாகும்.

கட்டபொம்மன், கப்பலோட்டிய தமிழன், கர்ணன் படங்களை எடுத்த பந்துலு "ஆயிரத்தில் ஒருவன்' எடுத்தபோதும், பல சிவாஜி படங்களை இயக்கி விட்டு 'உரிமைக்குர'லுக்காக அவரிடம் போன ஸ்ரீதரிடமிருந்தும் அப்படி அறிக்கைகள் வெளியாயின.

அதில் பெரிய கொடுமை என்னவென்றால் 'நவராத்திரி','திருவிளையாடல்', சரஸ்வதி சபதம், 'தில்லானா மோகனாம்பாள்' போன்ற வெற்றிப்படங்களை எடுத்து பணத்தை மூட்டை மூட்டையாக கட்டிய இயக்குநர் மற்றும் தயாரிப்பாளர் ஏ.பி.நாகராஜன், எம்.ஜி.ஆரை வைத்து 'நவரத்தினம்' படத்தை பாதி எடுத்த நிலையில் ஒரு அறிக்கை விட்டார் (நிர்ப்பந்தம்???). அதில் அவர் "நான் சிவாஜியை வைத்து படம் எடுத்தேனே தவிர பணம் எடுக்கவில்லை" என்று மனச்சாட்சிக்கு விரோதமாக சொல்லியிருந்தார்.

அதைப்படித்த சிவாஜி ரசிகர்கள் மற்றும் விவரம் தெரிந்த அனைவருக்கும் கொதிப்பு. நவரத்தினம் படத்தை பெரும் பொருட்செலவுடன் எம்.ஜி.ஆருக்கு ஒன்பது கதாநாயகிகளைப் போட்டு எடுத்தார்.

படம் வெளியானது. ரிஸல்ட்..???. படம் 'அட்டர் ஃப்ளாப்' (படுதோல்வி). ரிஸல்ட்டை அறிந்ததும் ஏ.பி.நாகராஜன் அதிர்ச்சியந்தார். மனத்தளவில் பெரிதும் பாதிப்படைந்த அவர் மாரடைப்பில் காலமானார்.

அப்போது 'நவரத்தினம்' வெளியாகி இருபத்தி ஒண்ணாவது நாள்.

உள்ளம் என்பது ஆமை
அதில் உண்மை என்பது ஊமை
சொல்லில் வருவது பாதி
நெஞ்சில் தூங்கி கிடப்பது நீ(மீ)தி

11th August 2006, 07:51 PM
Thanks Saradha. Earlier, I kind of emphasized the same point. MGR made a great self-propaganda stressing that he was very good to the core. Instead, I always believe MGR was a very good manipulator, turning a negative into a positive.

I won't even wonder if somebody claims that MGR's Navarathnam was a silver-jubilee hit movie!!??

If someone says that NT overacts, can he/she define exactly what is an acting? If you define what is an acting, then I will prove you that NT never acted, but "lived" as that character.

11th August 2006, 08:04 PM
Let me reiterate the point of Thirumaran anna here ! Whatever be the thing that you are telling might be correct or wrong. But the point here is: Just for proving the vital information on NT, it is not good to degrade MGR !

And we may not be sure (being young) whether all the details are correct or not and we least bother about it until both the legends' fame and pride is retained in everything ! :D

Please don't take this young kid's post as serious it is just a request from my side too ! :D

11th August 2006, 08:26 PM
Let me reiterate the point of Thirumaran anna here ! Whatever be the thing that you are telling might be correct or wrong. But the point here is: Just for proving the vital information on NT, it is not good to degrade MGR !

And we may not be sure (being young) whether all the details are correct or not and we least bother about it until both the legends' fame and pride is retained in everything ! :D

Please don't take this young kid's post as serious it is just a request from my side too ! :D

We all understand Thirumaran's and yours point of view..We never wanted to degrade Makkal Thilagam ..Pls go and see MGR thread ..Most of us ,Nadigar Thilagam fans contributed a lot there and posted messages .Can you see that with any other fans of rivals?

But here sarada stating some facts since it is related with NT ,how he was projected in wrong side for his humbleness and not being cunning .

Recently I read a book on Chandrababu in which I found real face of 'Pon mana chemmal' ,hard to beleive ,but those are facts..anyway I won't post those info in this hub since I don't want upset anybody.

11th August 2006, 08:33 PM
But here sarada stating some facts since it is related with NT ,how he was projected in wrong side for his humbleness and not being cunning .
Recently I read a book on Chandrababu in which I found real face of 'Pon mana chemmal' ,hard to beleive ,but those are facts..anyway I won't post those info in this hub since I don't want upset anybody.

Joe, All your points are accepted. Infact I have't see any such bond b/w the fans of any other rivals ! (IMO)
Yes.. Everymen have their own +s and -s. I mean.. What I felt there was, for justifying the greatness of NT, MGR was brought into the scene :? . Anyhow, I don't want to stop the nice discussion u people are having which can help us in understanding the past :D Thanks a lot for that !

11th August 2006, 08:37 PM
Thanks Saradha. Earlier, I kind of emphasized the same point. MGR made a great self-propaganda stressing that he was very good to the core. Instead, I always believe MGR was a very good manipulator, turning a negative into a positive.

I won't even wonder if somebody claims that MGR's Navarathnam was a silver-jubilee hit movie!!??

If someone says that NT overacts, can he/she define exactly what is an acting? If you define what is an acting, then I will prove you that NT never acted, but "lived" as that character.

heyy guys...this is what i have read!

A.P.N in heavy debts asked M.G.R for a movie and M.G.R did it with limited amount.the movie made good money and when A.P.N returned the remaining amount in M.G.R's salary M.G.R refused.

A.P.N settled his debts !(There is star hotel of APN family in my hometown named APN lodge)

This is writted by the body-gaurd of M.G.R in the article "M.G.R. oru sagaaptham"

u cant refuse M.G.R helped many people....and ion real life he is a hero and named "vaLLal"

11th August 2006, 09:39 PM
-deleted by moderator (NOV) -
with warning!

No more deviations in this thread!

11th August 2006, 10:06 PM
-deleted by moderator-

11th August 2006, 10:09 PM
-deleted- (Joe)

11th August 2006, 10:15 PM
-deleted- (joe)

11th August 2006, 10:32 PM
STRICTLY no more deviations in this thread. Any more, and I will ban the offending party without further warning!

11th August 2006, 10:44 PM

Please read Saradha's posting very carefully. I do not see anything in her posting that degrades MGR; it just talks about the truth.

All these directors, Bandhulu, APN made hell of money with Sivaji. Why did they make these comments that hurts NT's heart to the core? Do you think there is any justifications in making these comments, especially APN? Believe me, APN came into limelight just because of NT's movies. I don't think any director dares to make these comments about NT, unless there is someone triggers them to do so.

Please do not make comments like MGR acted with limited budget and so on. MGR movies were generally big-budget movies. APN's Navaratnam has got 9 heroines and that itself eats a lot of money. Nobody in TN disagrees with the fact that Navaratnam, being a big-budget movie flopped badly and APN lost a lot of money.

Again, no one is a saint. I go with this fact: Play and make sure that others are not affected. In this case, some of these directors hurt our beloved NT for no reason and these actions seemed to have triggered by MGR. This is what Saradha has pointed out and I do not see the posting is degrading MGR. Ultimtely, truth prevails.

12th August 2006, 09:12 AM

Please read Saradha's posting very carefully. I do not see anything in her posting that degrades MGR; it just talks about the truth.

All these directors, Bandhulu, APN made hell of money with Sivaji. Why did they make these comments that hurts NT's heart to the core? Do you think there is any justifications in making these comments, especially APN? Believe me, APN came into limelight just because of NT's movies. I don't think any director dares to make these comments about NT, unless there is someone triggers them to do so.

Please do not make comments like MGR acted with limited budget and so on. MGR movies were generally big-budget movies. APN's Navaratnam has got 9 heroines and that itself eats a lot of money. Nobody in TN disagrees with the fact that Navaratnam, being a big-budget movie flopped badly and APN lost a lot of money.

Again, no one is a saint. I go with this fact: Play and make sure that others are not affected. In this case, some of these directors hurt our beloved NT for no reason and these actions seemed to have triggered by MGR. This is what Saradha has pointed out and I do not see the posting is degrading MGR. Ultimtely, truth prevails.


what i ve read is APN made money by the movie and settled his debts!

why do u think its M.G.R. who made A.P.N speak this way?...may be really shivaji's movies dint make him great in economy due to great budgets of that movies ...(but only shivaji can do those roles..thats different)...or he may have did it to satisfy M.G.R(without M.G.R's knowledge)

but M.G.R did this movie for low price and dint get the monney even after A.P.N made money...as written in an article"M.G.R ORU SAGAPTHAM"

12th August 2006, 09:43 AM
//may be really shivaji's movies dint make him great in economy due to great budgets of that movies ..//

ok.Navarathiri ,Thiruvilayadal ,saraswathi sabatham ,Thillana mohanambal all Flop movies made APN bankrupt and super hit Navarathnam return everything to him ..Are you ok with this ? Let it be .Pls leave this unwanted discussion .

12th August 2006, 09:49 AM



12th August 2006, 10:56 AM

what i ve read is APN made money by the movie and settled his debts!

why do u think its M.G.R. who made A.P.N speak this way?...may be really shivaji's movies dint make him great in economy due to great budgets of that movies ...(but only shivaji can do those roles..thats different)...or he may have did it to satisfy M.G.R(without M.G.R's knowledge)

but M.G.R did this movie for low price and dint get the monney even after A.P.N made money...as written in an article"M.G.R ORU SAGAPTHAM"

I am surprising where such lines in my statement, which are degrading MGR. But I already started with the lines "Unmaigal sudum". I have pointed out how some directors tried to degrade NT's fame by giving such kind of 'FALSE & UNTRUTH STATEMENTS'.

Actually those statements degraded NT's fame, but you people not bother about it. But my statement did not degrade MGR, but tells the truth, but you people much bother about it. Peculier...

Nobody will accept APN met loss by NT's movies Navarathri, Thiruvilaiyaadal, Thillana MOhanambal (which are even run with packed houses whenever re-released now), but did you ever heared that 'Navarathnam' even come for a second run...???. (Again I am telling that I am not degrading MGR, but giving clarification for your statement).

1) APN died in heart attack on the 21st day of Navarathnam released, is a fact.

2) Thsi is the first MGR movie which did not get 'Housefull' board even on the 5th day., at Maharani theatre (Washermenpet), where most of the MGR movies released.

3) APN did not be in any financial trouble, when he shooted Navarathnam, because apart from his NT films, his movies like Vaa Raja Vaa, Thirumalai thenkumari, Agaththiyar were hits and run with good profit.

You are ready to beleive a book written by 'MGR's Bodyguard', not to beleive the facts which have published in neutral magazines like Pesum Padam, Bommai and Kumudham.


Yours.... Saroooo.

Murali Srinivas
12th August 2006, 11:07 AM
Dear All,

While discussing about BNB, APN & Sridhar leaving NT and doing films with MGR in this thread, I had written in length about the ordeals APN underwent before he could release Navarathinam. Please read that. The serial in Dinamalar Vaara Malar contains a lot of wrong informations. The body guard often confuses incidents and just writes something that is not correct. He went on to say that Navarathinam was a hit! He said that Nedu joined ADMK after Dindigul by election in 1973, whereas the truth was Nedu joined only in 1977. I can quote many such things. But as NOV had said, let us leave that.

I am happy to be a part of 100th Page in a thread that glorifies NT. It is just like participating in a 100th day celebrations of a NT movie. In this occasion one more info. Vijay TV as a part of celebrating Independence day celebrations is telecasting a programme on NT. Titled as Sivaji- the legend, it will be aired at 11 AM.

Avandhan Manidhan was discussed but not to the full extent in this thread. Hope you remember that.

Like bingleguy, I am also unable to read Saradhaa's post. I tried Mozhilla and IE. even in IE, there is only UTF-8 in my system and therefore I am unable to read.


12th August 2006, 11:20 AM
Pls continue here :arrow: http://forumhub.mayyam.com/hub/viewtopic.php?p=699005#699005