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View Full Version : puris that are soft and puffy

25th February 2005, 09:03 PM
My pooris either turn cloth like in the oil (i think they get undercooked) , or if i let them be in the oil for a while, they get very crusty... i am longing for the wonderfully puffed puris that my mother used to make for us at home... any help?

25th February 2005, 09:30 PM
Soak small amount of Rava to the Puri dough. Also mix maida and wheat in 50:50 ratio. Make sure that the oil is not over heated.

Vidya Pai
26th February 2005, 07:25 AM
Hi new2kitchen,
When u say ur pooris turn cloth like u r right in assuming that they r undercooked. But I would add that they r under cooked coz the oil was not hot in the first place. If the oil is not hot enough when u slip in the poori in it, no matter how high u turn on the flame later it is of no use. And leaving the poori in the oil for a longer time will no doubt result in brittle or crusty pooris. So I guess the oil is not hot enough when u fry ur pooris.
The poori dough also has role to play. The poori dough should not be too soft like chapathi/pulka dough. So use less water when making dough for pooris so taht the dough is quite hard yet pliable to roll out. Making the dough hard also has an advantage that it absorbing less oil while frying.
I don't measure out my ingredients, but I use atta(pilsbury), a large pinch of salt and slightly warm water to make the poori dough.
Which reminds me atta too does play a role in making good poori and chapathi, if u have the time and means then getting the wheat ground at a local mill is of the best quality or pilsbury/annapurna r both a good choice.
The thickness of the poori rolled out will decide whether the poori will puff or not. So try rolling out the first 2 or 3 pooris of diff thickness to get the hang of it. And remember the frying should be quick,, meaning do not leave the pooris in oil for long. As soon as u slip the poori in hot oil u may press it down with a slotted spoon to help it puff up. Then when the under side is cooked to ur liking turn it over and fry briefly. Remove on a paper towel.
All these thing I too learnt thru experimenting and also from helpful tips from my mom.
I hope u r not bored by my long reply...
Happy Cooking !!!!