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7th December 2005, 09:15 AM
dont add tamrnd , or anthing strong that will suck its distinguish essence

Didn't get it???!!!... Y aren't we supposed to add tamarind to it?... & I hear naturopaths suggesting not to take tamarind & homoeopaths suggesting not to take tmatoes too often, esp when one has some kind of allergy... Y is it so?...

7th December 2005, 09:32 AM

7th December 2005, 10:02 AM

7th December 2005, 10:10 AM
Mom adds just a pinch of it to the chutney... Tastes good that way...:)

Not lycopersicon esculentum ... it was for rashes due to allergy...

7th December 2005, 02:32 PM
Dev, if I am right, tamarind is basically tartaric acid and people who have anemia are advised not to have too much of tamarind based dishes, that is one reason I never add tamarind to any keerai dishes I make!

Do correct me if I am wrong! :)

7th December 2005, 02:43 PM

I'm not very sure abt it... let's turn to tfmlover in this regard...

7th December 2005, 07:59 PM
[tscii:50392a2e19]Do we really have to buy “organic” food? We only buy organic food, especially diary, vegetables and fruits. But most of my friends don’t care. They eat foods that are not organic. Is it worth spending for this “organic” stuff? They are expensive! I was just wondering what you guys are eating. Do you mind sharing your thoughts please? Is it true that organic produces are more nutritious?

I hope this query fits in this thread. Or the moderators may move it to a separate thread.

7th December 2005, 08:40 PM
I believe it's worth paying extra for organic stuffs coz of the reduction in chemicals that U'll be consuming otherwise...

7th December 2005, 08:54 PM
i too buy organic milk and eggs. and few vegetables. i used to buy more when my toddler was a baby, used to feed him all organic food. but now i buy only milk, eggs, flavored yoghurt, spinach and few vegetables. the organic section in my local grocery store doesnt seem to be having a variety of vegetables. and whole foods is far from where i live. but most of my friends dont care. some times i too wonder whether its worth. but any way, atleast for my son, i keep buying it.

7th December 2005, 09:24 PM

7th December 2005, 09:56 PM

Just thought about this when I read about the tamarind. Years ago when I was visiting our middle-eastern neighbor, she served a juice. It looked like grape juice but tasted like tamarind. I asked what it was. She showed me the store bought bottle of a juice named tamarind juice. She also explained that it is tamar-ind ('tamar' in their language means dates, dates is very common in middle east). She said it is tamar-ind - Indian tamar!!!
Well, I had to laugh hearing her explanation. I didn't know people use it as a drink.

7th December 2005, 09:57 PM

7th December 2005, 09:57 PM
i too buy organic milk and eggs. and few vegetables. i used to buy more when my toddler was a baby, used to feed him all organic food. but now i buy only milk, eggs, flavored yoghurt, spinach and few vegetables. the organic section in my local grocery store doesnt seem to be having a variety of vegetables. and whole foods is far from where i live. but most of my friends dont care. some times i too wonder whether its worth. but any way, atleast for my son, i keep buying it.

We too started buying organic stuffs when we started solids for our daughter when she was a baby. Our local grocery store doesn't have thaat many organic stuff either, the ones that they have are way toooo expensive. Luckily we have got a whole foods market somewhaat close to where we live. I think thats one of the reasons we keep buying organic!

7th December 2005, 10:22 PM
but make sure the product has proper govt 'seal ' , it might be not fully organic you pay higher price which might be having tiny organic ingredient .thats how the farmers trick

confusing coz increased demand tendency , not able to practice 100 % organic somehow become sustainable .
find where food coming from ? dont be fooled by lables

Ya it does have USDA approved seal.

7th December 2005, 10:32 PM
tfmlover/redpepper: Thanks for the explanation on tamarind :)

8th December 2005, 12:49 AM
Is it true that organic produces are more nutritious?

The nutrient content of non-organic foods are lower than the food grown through natural means. In 2005 a research (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry) study found the cancer preventing lycopene content was found in higher amounts in the tomatoes grown organically compared with those not. It was interesting comment that, the non-organic tomotoes have less challenge of bugs and so produce less lycopene compared to organic one which produce more lycopene to defend from predators. Higher lycopene content in tomaotoes are good for our health because they act as anti-oxidants.


8th December 2005, 07:29 AM
Is it true that organic produces are more nutritious?

The nutrient content of non-organic foods are lower than the food grown through natural means. In 2005 a research (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry) study found the cancer preventing lycopene content was found in higher amounts in the tomatoes grown organically compared with those not. It was interesting comment that, the non-organic tomotoes have less challenge of bugs and so produce less lycopene compared to organic one which produce more lycopene to defend from predators. Higher lycopene content in tomaotoes are good for our health because they act as anti-oxidants.


Thats interesting. Thanks for that link.

13th December 2005, 04:44 AM

15th December 2005, 04:09 AM
Hi dev,

Thanks a ton for posting the kollu rasam recipe.I would try it out without fail.Thanks again


13th January 2006, 04:44 PM
Hey Raghuji,

I managed to lose a few inches & put on around 4 kgs of lean body mass in the last few months... Now my weight is up by around 5 kgs but I look slightly thinner than what I used to be a few months back... & feel much stronger active too... Now I can advise anyone on diet without guilt...hehehe...

VK Narayanan
13th January 2006, 07:39 PM
Great thread guys on tomatoes and tamarind. I am a great fan of both. This is just to give you kudos for bringing up this thread up. Will definitely watch this thread's progress. Cheers!

13th January 2006, 09:19 PM
:))... this is not just tomatoes & tamarind thread... U've a lot more info in it... read thru when u find time...:)

VK Narayanan
13th January 2006, 10:07 PM
:))... this is not just tomatoes & tamarind thread... U've a lot more info in it... read thru when u find time...:)Ufh ho! why did I put it that way Dev. Sorry my friend. The recent discussions are cornering in and around tamarind and tomatoes. Perhaps that is the reason why I quoted like that. No issues. There are loads of things to discuss within this thread.

On organic foods - you guys are talking about organic foods and quoting government agencies from US and abroad. Are there any government bodies taking care of this in India. If so, who are they? what are they doing? How do we know Indians that some food is organic or not? I am just curious to know.

14th January 2006, 06:36 PM
No need to feel so sorry abt it VKN... I just wanted to point it out to U in case U overlooked it...:)

Organic stuffs in India... Used to get quite a good number of organic stuffs in a few shops in B'lore... but am not sure as to how organic it is... But when in my hometown, had the luxury to grow veggies ourselves or buy it from our neighbours/ relatives who have excess of it... Most don't use chemicals as it was grown purely for their personal use...Personally, I feel the veggies I get here don't have much flavour & taste compared to those we used to get in our village...

16th January 2006, 11:54 PM
Hi dev
I would like to have more insight abt the fact That "Recent research shows that dairy foods May help u burn more fat and lose weight than cutting calories alone "
I thought u might be knowing better abt this . Can u pls elaborate abt this if u find time .

17th January 2006, 09:13 AM
Generally, food stuffs rich in protein & fiber taken in moderation can help u burn fat... Though dairy products don't contain fiber, they have a good amount of protein & calcium(a good amt is req when u r on exercise plan)... So, it's always advisable to take LOW-FAT dairy products when on diet(in reasonable quantity though)... This is the reason I know of... I am not sure if the recent research report has something different to say... Pls let me know where U read this from & I might be able to give you some insights on it...

Having said all these, I always prefer a well balanced meal & exercise for weight reduction than being only on diet or exercise or dairy diet or whatever they call it...

17th January 2006, 09:25 AM
I remember i got this info from a pocket weight loss book in walmart ..It was actually kept near the cashiers counter .I saw this an year ago .. Surprisingly i found this fact being printed on yoplait (fruit flavoured yogurt) containers .. I googled and found some useful results from webmd website .. i thought u wld have had some experience abt this .. like does it really help losing weight and things .. Thats why i asked u ..

17th January 2006, 11:55 AM
Hi pr,

my experience on weight loss is thru a balanced diet & exercise... I believe more in this kind of diet than relying on low card diet or high dairy diet or atkins diet etc etc... My suggestion would be, eat everything in moderation... Alavukku meerinaal amirthamum nanju...:)

17th January 2006, 08:43 PM
thanks dev for the info ..

18th January 2006, 03:54 AM
Hi Dev,

I am new to this forum and found this thread very informative. I started reading this thread yesterday and completed by today :). It is very interesting. Kudos to you and others.

I heard that Negative Calorie food ( eg. Apple, Watermelon, cauliflower,celery ....) plays a very good role in Weight reduction as it burns extra fat.

Any thougts ?

18th January 2006, 07:16 AM
Hi Kasthuri,

I am not aware of 'negative calorie food'... apple, wm,cauliflower etc all contain certain amount of calories(energy)... As far as I know, water is the only food stuff that contains zero calories... I've never heard of this term 'negative calorie food'... Could you please throw some light on this...

18th January 2006, 10:14 AM
Even i came across a list of negative calorie veggies and fruits in a website today . It Means very little or negligible amount of calories . Eg .. cucumber, cabbage etc . I dint save the link ..

18th January 2006, 10:18 AM
Here u go . i got the link


19th January 2006, 03:29 AM
yes pr , i also came through the same website.


ALL foods contain some calories, but it is believed by many (including some doctors) that some foods take up more caloric energy to digest then the calories that are in them resulting in what is called the "negative calorie effect". The more "negative calorie effect" foods you eat, the more you may lose!

for eg, if you eat an Apple , it will consume more calorie in your body than the actual calorie of an Apple and so it will reduce the body weight

19th January 2006, 07:16 AM
Though it may seem right theoratically, the diff it makes on weight loss will be very very marginal...I don't believe tht the so called negative calorie food can do much to weight loss except for filling up ur stomach with low calorie food thereby going low on other foods... This may seem good but there is nothing like a well balanced diet & exercise to burn ur fat...:)

10 diet myths (http://www.diet-blog.com/archives/2003/09/29/ten_diet_untruths.php)
are 'negative calories' myth or reality ? (http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/sep99/936883120.Bc.r.html)

I did see a lot of sites talking abt neg cal diet... But in my opinion, it is a lazy man's dream...

20th January 2006, 03:04 AM

I have one doubt.

Eating sugar is not good for weight loss..how about Vellam ?

25th January 2006, 07:30 AM
Hi Kasturi,

Sry for the late reply... Vellam is better as it's a bit more nutritious than sugar & it's not as very processed as white sugar... But for weightloss, it's better to reduce any form of sugar intake to the minimum possible...

27th January 2006, 09:37 PM

I have one doubt.

Eating sugar is not good for weight loss..how about Vellam ?

Sugar is high calories, to loose weight, u must understand one thing, u have 2 burn more calories than u consume , so it does not matter whether u take sugar, or meat or anything, as long as you burn more calories than ur consumption , u will loose weight.

an average man, burns around 2,500 calories per day, and an average women burns about 2,000 calories a day, so if ur calorie intake is 1,500, u r loosing 500 calories a day without exercising!!, so if u do exercise u will burn more, remember 10 calories is nearly 1 g 0f fat!!

28th January 2006, 10:56 AM
Hi Raghu,

Though ur idea of burning more than u eat helps in weight reduction is true, I don't fully agree with " so it does not matter whether u take sugar, or meat or anything, as long as you burn more calories than ur consumption , u will loose weight."

One needs to take into consideration the other nutrition contents of the food one takes, be it for the purpose of weight reduction or otherwise...

29th January 2006, 06:42 AM
Dear Dev !
i have gone thru' this topic and it was really very informative and useful.Thank u very much for the information u have shared.i need some advice from u.iam a 26 year old female weighing 120 lbs and measuring 5' 3'' in height.i gave birth to a baby 2 years back. Even though i look normal iam not fit and get tired easily even i work little hard.I also have fat deposition around my abdomen and thighs.i have started working out for the past 1 month .i do aerobics for 20 minutes and some strength training exercises.i want to decrease my calorie intake but find it impossible with indian food (iam from Tamilnadu and now live in USA ).iam also a food lover.Can u give me some advice regarding food and low calorie indian recipes which tastes good ?Thanks in advance.
Regards Chamy.

29th January 2006, 11:50 AM
Please let me know your daily diet & work routine...Will try to help you out...

P.s: My diet will call for some lifestyle changes & it'll take sometime to show results... It'll be of use only if U have the perseverance & follow it consistently for a long time... If you are ok with it , let me know...

31st January 2006, 07:22 PM
Dear Dev !
Thanks for the response.iam presently at home looking after my kid who is 2 years old.I do usual housework like cooking,washing dishes,tidying home etc.iam doing workouts almost all days of the week.
Sunday - 25 mts aerobics walking and jogging
upper body strength training
Monday - 25 mts aerobics
lowerbody strength training
tuesday - only aerobics for 25 mts

same cycle repeated.
Regarding diet ,iam on a normal south indian diet like rice,chapathi,kuzhambhu,curry,rasam etc.i eat in moderate amount .i drink 3 cups of milk everyday.(i add 2 teaspoons of sugar for each cup ,i trying to reduce it ).occasionally i eat sweets or fried foods once in 2 or 3 weeks.
eagerly waiting for ur response.Thanks a lot in advance.
Regards chamy.

31st January 2006, 07:54 PM
Hi Chamy,

I need to know what exactly U eat for every meal & the quantity as well... Also, I've already given lots of tips on healthy eating...Pls read thru it...U'll know what to eat & in what proportion to eat... Also, drink atleast 2 litres of water everyday... It might also be due to dehydration that U feel weak & tired...

Anyways, if U r looking for a complete diet chart ,I'm sorry to tell U that I wouldn't be able to do one... But if U r looking for tips other than those I've already given, U r most welcome to post it here...

2nd February 2006, 06:27 PM
Dear Dev !
Thanks for the prompt response.i have gone thru this topic and gained valuable information.Regarding quantity iam eating irregularly like if iam hungry i eat more and otherwise less and if its a favorite food i eat more otherwise the oppositeI also came to know why u don't provide diet charts now.Anyway iam getting an idea from the chart u gave for others.i will try to regularise and control my diet.Thanks once again.
Regards Chamy.

15th February 2006, 07:27 AM
Lots of interesting info...

15th February 2006, 03:06 PM
If we've to walk weekly 10,000 steps, then how many hours we've to walk on one day.

Anyone tell me this.


15th February 2006, 03:15 PM
Dev, a quick question on the five portions of fruit and veg one has to have per day... Is it five portions of fruit and veg combined or five portions of fruit and five portions of veg?

Also are onions, tomato, garlic, etc counted for the five portions of veg? and how much is each portion?

Thanks in advance :)

15th February 2006, 03:24 PM
If we've to walk weekly 10,000 steps, then how many hours we've to walk on one day.

Anyone tell me this.

Depends on ur speed... One way to calculate is,
1. Divide 10,000/7= approx 1450 steps per day
2. Count your avg no. of steps per minute.(guess it would be around 80-100 steps)
3. Divide: 1450/avg.steps per minute= no if mins U've to walk per day(would be around 15-18 mins)

BTW, wondering what this 10,000 step calcu is all abt!!!...

15th February 2006, 03:28 PM
Five portion: 3 portion of veg & 2 portion of fruits.

For an avg adult: Veg around 400-500 gms & vegs around 200-300 gms should be fine. For more details pls visit,

15th February 2006, 04:48 PM
Thanks Dev :)

15th February 2006, 05:58 PM
& U can count the onion, garlic stuff to ur veg portion...missed it out in the last reply...:)

16th February 2006, 07:49 PM
Hello Dev,

Thanks for your reply. Yes, it depends on our speed.

I saw this programme on TV, (I don't remember the show name) the health doctor suggest, normally walk 10,000 steps per week is good.


17th February 2006, 07:01 AM
10,000 steps a week, I feel, is too little for a normal healthy human... I guess even the laziest will walk for 15 mins a day on the whole... atleast 30 mins a day, exclusively for exercise(be it walking, cycling, swimming or whatever) , is what I would say is good...

17th February 2006, 08:39 AM
An interesting website on fruits...

17th February 2006, 01:54 PM
10,000 steps a week, I feel, is too little for a normal healthy human... I guess even the laziest will walk for 15 mins a day on the whole... atleast 30 mins a day, exclusively for exercise(be it walking, cycling, swimming or whatever) , is what I would say is good...

Thanks for your suggestion Dev, I really appreciate.


17th February 2006, 09:05 PM
Dev & Co,

Which foods and minerals/Vitamin are good for
healthy hair?


17th February 2006, 09:14 PM

I don't have much idea abt it... Guess, I need to start my research on it as I've started getting those beautiful 'silver lines'...;)

Generally, it's said that curry leaves are good... & ahaving 'thuthuvalai' leaves(2 nos-raw) with ghee is said to be good for hair... This is as per an naturopathy book...

20th February 2006, 06:04 PM

I don't have much idea abt it... Guess, I need to start my research on it as I've started getting those beautiful 'silver lines'...;)

:lol: :lol:

oh dear antha alavuku vayasu aaichaa :lol: , just joking pa

yeh, Curry leaves are supposed to make ur hair black , so says me mom, but she still has very beautiful hair at 57+ :shock:

20th February 2006, 06:18 PM
oh dear antha alavuku vayasu aaichaa :lol: , just joking pa

yeh, Curry leaves are supposed to make ur hair black , so says me mom, but she still has very beautiful hair at 57+ :shock:

I was trying some new shampoo for sometime & started getting grey hairs... :cry: :cry: :cry: so stopped using it & it's now under control...

my FIL too has beautiful dark black hair even at 65... :shock: but my parents started getting silver lines during their early 40s... So, it might be kind of hereditary for me...:(

20th February 2006, 09:37 PM

Iron and Vitamin B-12 r an essential Vitamins for healthy hair, I hear

16th March 2006, 08:11 AM
Does your child eat healthy? (http://in.rediff.com/getahead/2006/feb/09zelda.htm)

22nd March 2006, 03:51 PM

10 More Good Reasons to Exercise
The rewards are even greater than you may have expected

By Denise Kessler

We all know that exercise can help lower our risk of heart disease, cancer and other illnesses. But let's be realistic. What really motivates us to squeeze fitness into our busy lives are the immediate payoffs: keeping our weight under control, or being able to carry a bag of groceries effortlessly up the stairs. But regular exercise does far more than help us stay fit. Research shows that it also keeps us going strong in a number of surprising ways. Find out what benefits are in store for you.

1. Feel more confident

Exercise may be one of the best self-esteem enhancers there is - and one of the easiest. After all, who can't make time for a 10-minute brisk walk? "Dozens of studies show that regular workouts can significantly boost confidence, no matter how fit you are," says Robyn Stuhr, director of the Women's Sports Medicine Center at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. "Women who exercise tend to develop a strong sense of accomplishment."
The keys to building confidence through exercise, says Stuhr, are to set reasonable goals, and to celebrate the new skills and strengths you acquire along the way.

2. Build brainpower

Aerobic exercise not only helps your body feel spry, it also quickens your mind. Being physically active increases blood flow to the brain, making your mind work more efficiently. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that regular exercisers scored better on word association and memorization tests than nonexercisers. Fit participants also proved to be faster thinkers than less-fit people their age. Regular exercise can also reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer's, a degenerative disease that impairs memory.

3. Stop cheating on your diet

New findings suggest that exercise may be the best antidote to binge eating, a problem often brought on by stress. When tension hits, many women reach for a sweet snack. But a study at California State University in Long Beach found that people felt less tense and more energetic after taking a brisk, 12-minute walk than they did after eating a candy bar. Katy Carlton, 32, a public relations consultant in Rockport, Massachusetts, is living proof of this. She discovered that taking a swim class or going for a walk with her son, Ben, lowered her level of stress. Once she got into the routine, she no longer needed to soothe tension with a bag of chocolate chip cookies.

4. Sleep better

The key to restful slumber may be as simple as taking a brisk walk four days a week. That was the finding of a study at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. The research showed that adults who walked or did aerobics for 30 to 40 minutes fell asleep twice as fast and slept longer than those who didn't exercise.
Consider how much regular walking and strength training helped Sandra Norris, 33, a sales assistant in Pasadena, California. "Not only do I require less sleep, the sleep I do get is more restful," she says. "I don't even need that afternoon coffee pick-me-up anymore!"

5. Get a creative boost

A study at Middlesex University in London, England, found that regular exercise may enhance creative thinking by increasing the flow of nutrients to certain areas of the brain. Faced with a major mental block at work? Do what Darien, Connecticut, writer Holly Gates Russell does. "I take a fifteen-minute brisk walk to the store. When I take an exercise break, I return to my desk feeling refreshed and ready to work." If you can't escape from your office, try a quick walk up and down the stairs, suggests Tamilee Webb, author of Workouts for Dummies. And be sure to stop at the water fountain to rehydrate.

6. Stand taller

Doing strength training and flexibility exercises that improve posture can increase your height by up to a quarter-inch in a mere 12 weeks. That's what researchers at the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington learned when they were looking for ways to prevent osteoporosis.
And there's more good news. "Any woman who does weight-bearing exercise several times a week, such as brisk walking, can improve bone density in her spine, reducing osteoporosis risk," says Carleen Lindsey, a physical therapist who participated in the study.

7. Ward off colds

A little exercise can go a long way toward preventing a bad cold. To prove this point, researchers at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina, asked formerly sedentary women to walk briskly for 35 to 45 minutes, five days a week, for 12 to 15 weeks. The result: The exercisers reported half the number of sick days of women who didn't walk. It worked for Karen Krause, 27, a physical therapist in Savannah, Georgia, who swims three times a week. "While others are plagued with colds during the winter, I get mildly sick once or twice a year."

8. Save money

Being fit can actually reduce your medical bills. A study at HealthPartners Center for Health Promotion and Research Foundation in Minneapolis found that people pay a price for inactivity, and that amount is even higher when people are also obese. Study participants with a low level of fitness paid an additional 10 percent of their annual health-care costs - or about $176 - each year. Obesity was associated with another 8 percent increase in costs, or an extra $135 each year.

9. Improve your hearing

What do you think would happen if you added two 30-minute brisk walks or bike rides to your regular exercise routine? Sure, you'd boost your cardiovascular health, but that's not all. Kathleen Hutchinson, Ph.D., and her colleagues at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, found that physically fit people who exercise regularly have stronger blood circulation, which may offer some protection against hearing loss. According to Dr. Hutchinson, 30 minutes of brisk walking, biking or other cardiovascular exercise several times a week may be beneficial.

10. Deliver on time

Studies have shown that pregnant women who do at least three hours of aerobic exercise a week improve their chances of on-time delivery. In addition, having stronger muscles may shorten labor time, according to Maureen Hatch, Ph.D., director of the division of epidemiology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, who directed a study of 557 prenatal women.

23rd March 2006, 03:43 PM

10 Easy Ways to Eat Healthier This Year

by Lynn Grieger, RD, CDE

Try these 10 easy new habits and you'll be fast on your way to improved health.

1. Honey, I shrunk the food! Unfortunately, the opposite has happened: Portion sizes have grown to T. rex dimensions, increasing our waistlines, and the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. To combat the trend, shrink your portions by using smaller plates, asking for a small ice cream cone, beverage or sandwich instead of a large, splitting restaurant entrees with a friend or ordering a lunch-size portion even at dinner and vowing to never supersize.

2. Pump up the volume. Choose low-fat, high-fiber foods whose lower calorie density fills you up without filling you out. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are high-volume foods that not only help trim your waistline but also provide nutrients essential for health.

3. Add to your meals -- fruits and vegetables, that is! Add one fruit or vegetable to every meal, and you'll be on your way to lower blood pressure and improved health. Try grapes for breakfast, raw broccoli with low-fat dip with lunch and fruit salad with dinner.

4. Drink up. Get a water bottle and carry it with you everywhere you go. You'll find yourself drinking water while you're driving, at your desk, during meetings and watching TV. Drinking water instead of coffee, soda, fruit punch or other sweetened beverages saves calories as it keeps your body functioning optimally.

5. Go meatless. Eat a meatless meal at least once each week -- two or three times if you're feeling adventurous! Choose a bean tortilla, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, veggie burger instead of hamburger, chili with beans instead of meat, or a tofu stir-fry. You'll consume less fat and saturated fat, plus increase your fiber intake!

6. Breakfast with champions. Studies show people who start the day with breakfast cereal have higher intakes of vitamins and fiber and lower intakes of fat and saturated fat. For the healthiest cereal, choose one with at least five grams of fiber and no more than eight grams sugar per serving. Pour on skim milk for a double bonus!

7. Must-not-see TV. Stop eating meals while watching TV or snacking during your favorite show. Research plus common sense tells us we eat more when we're watching the tube.

8. Make friends with Charlie and his pals. Water-packed tuna, salmon and mackerel are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that protect our heart and cardiovascular system. Experts recommend eating these types of seafood twice each week.

9. Say "moo." Calcium not only builds strong bones, it also helps reduce blood pressure. Get adequate calcium by drinking milk, enjoying yogurt or low-fat cheese, or trying a calcium-fortified orange juice. If soy or rice milk is your beverage of choice, make sure it's fortified with calcium.

10. Brown bag it. Instead of buying lunch every day, or worse yet, skipping lunch altogether, pack your lunch at least one day each week. Make a sandwich with whole grain bread, low-fat meat, and lots of veggies like dark green lettuce, sliced cucumbers and tomatoes, and grated carrots. Add a piece of fresh fruit or a container of no-added-sugar mixed fruit or applesauce. Satisfy your sweet tooth with yogurt or fat-free pudding and your need for crunch with pretzels or baked tortilla chips. You'll save money and eat less fat, salt and sugar.

25th March 2006, 04:05 AM
Dev & Co,

Which foods and minerals/Vitamin are good for
healthy hair?

Having too much or too little of a vitamin or mineral in your system can lead to hair loss.

Vitamin A:Antioxidant that helps produce healthy sebum in the scalp.

Food sources: Fish liver oil, meat, milk, cheese, eggs, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, apricots and peaches

Vitamin C - Antioxidant that helps maintain skin & hair health.

Food sources: Citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, cantaloupe, pineapple, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes and dark green vegetables.

Vitamin E - Antioxidant that enhances scalp circulation.

Food sources: Cold-pressed vegetable oils, wheat germ oil, soybeans, raw seeds and nuts, dried beans, and leafy green vegetables.

Niacin (Vitamin B3) - Promotes scalp circulation.

Food sources: Brewer's yeast, wheat germ, fish, chicken, turkey and meat.

Vitamin B6 - Prevents hair loss, helps create melanin, which gives hair its color.

Food sources: Brewer's yeast, liver, whole grain cereals, vegetables, organ meats and egg yolk.

VitaminB12 - Prevents hair loss.

Food sources: Chicken, fish, eggs and milk.

Copper - Helps prevent hair loss as well as defects in hair color and structure.

Food sources: Shellfish, liver, green vegetables, whole grains, eggs, chicken and beans.

Magnesium - Works with calcium to promote healthy hair growth.

Food sources: Green vegetables, wheat germ, whole grains, nuts, soy beans, chickpeas and fish.

Calcium - Essential for healthy hair growth.

Food sources: Dairy, tofu, fish, nuts, brewer's yeast, beans, lentils and sesame seeds.

25th April 2006, 07:58 PM
Dev & Co,

Which foods and minerals/Vitamin are good for
healthy hair?

Having too much or too little of a vitamin or mineral in your system can lead to hair loss.

Vitamin A:Antioxidant that helps produce healthy sebum in the scalp.

Food sources: Fish liver oil, meat, milk, cheese, eggs, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, apricots and peaches

Vitamin C - Antioxidant that helps maintain skin & hair health.

Food sources: Citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, cantaloupe, pineapple, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes and dark green vegetables.

Vitamin E - Antioxidant that enhances scalp circulation.

Food sources: Cold-pressed vegetable oils, wheat germ oil, soybeans, raw seeds and nuts, dried beans, and leafy green vegetables.

Niacin (Vitamin B3) - Promotes scalp circulation.

Food sources: Brewer's yeast, wheat germ, fish, chicken, turkey and meat.

Vitamin B6 - Prevents hair loss, helps create melanin, which gives hair its color.

Food sources: Brewer's yeast, liver, whole grain cereals, vegetables, organ meats and egg yolk.

VitaminB12 - Prevents hair loss.

Food sources: Chicken, fish, eggs and milk.

Copper - Helps prevent hair loss as well as defects in hair color and structure.

Food sources: Shellfish, liver, green vegetables, whole grains, eggs, chicken and beans.

Magnesium - Works with calcium to promote healthy hair growth.

Food sources: Green vegetables, wheat germ, whole grains, nuts, soy beans, chickpeas and fish.

Calcium - Essential for healthy hair growth.

Food sources: Dairy, tofu, fish, nuts, brewer's yeast, beans, lentils and sesame seeds.


Many many thanks 4 the info, sorry I did not reply 2 your post b4, cos i just saw it now1

I have seen Tofu, being a high source of Protein, is Tofu available like paneer cubes???

thanks again

16th May 2006, 07:00 PM
Hi all
Though tamarind has medicinal properties I am told it also induces body heat.Is it true?Should tamarind intake be reduced cos tamarind is extensively used in SI cooking right?

Sowmya :)

16th May 2006, 10:18 PM
not very sure,Sowmya... but I don't use tamarind frequently as I've seen many ayurveda practisioners suggesting to reduce it for many of their patients...not sure if it's coz it'll react with the medicines given or it's generally not that good...

16th May 2006, 11:03 PM
Does tamarind cause body heat?,,,till now i was thinking it helps u cool down :huh:

16th May 2006, 11:06 PM
Hibiscus is a very good hair tonic...both inside and outside :) hibiscus leaves paste is very good for hair wash and drinking hibiscus flower water is also good for ur hair
just put some hibiscus petals in water, leave it overnight and drink it the next morning

16th May 2006, 11:45 PM
apply creamy yogurt on ur hair and scalp , 1/2 an hour before washing...it controls hairfall

16th May 2006, 11:46 PM
.... I don't use tamarind frequently as I've seen many ayurveda practisioners suggesting to reduce it for many of their patients...not sure if it's coz it'll react with the medicines given or it's generally not that good...

Yes.. Ayurveda advises to use Tamarind within a limit... because...

(1) Tamarind is an Acidic- ingredient, while Lemon is Alkalic-ingredient...

..even though both tastes the same Sour. So Over-acid is not advisable.

(2) It develops sudden Heat in the body... which is good if within a limit.

(3) Mankind's main Food-Substance, in general... is Vegetarian.

..Even the so called Non-Vegetarians... the Food menu contains Bread or such wheat or Rice-substance mainly...

... while the Non-Veg items are only Side- dishes, similar to Vegetarians having Vegetable dishes for the purpose, alongwith Vegetarian main item. made out of Rice or Wheat or other grains.

The digestive- support for which Alkali is required and Acid is not conducive for such foods, if beyond limit.

(4) For certain Herbal medicines, including Ayurveda... Tamarind is INCOMPATIBLE.

(5) Tamarind has a quality of developing Joint-pains, especially at the Knee- Joints, if consumed beyond limit...

...especially in the later part of Life... as an after-effect or Outcome postponed...

... for what we eat and do during earlier days... Tamarind cannot be an exception.

So.... better AVOID TAMARIND... as far as possible.... and ...

... take.... PLENTY OF LEMON... INSTEAD.... as a Substitute for Tamarind.

16th May 2006, 11:54 PM
Oh I see !!

17th May 2006, 06:24 AM
Thanks a lot, Sudhaama sir...

17th May 2006, 08:31 AM
Thank you Dev :)

Sudhaama sir
Thanks a lot.. Your explanation is very useful.


17th May 2006, 02:07 PM
[tscii:6ce1614d07]Tamarind is considered a mild laxative and digestive. It is used to treat bronchial disorders and gargling with tamarind water is recommended for a sore throat. It is antiseptic, used in the treatment of ulcers. Being highly acidic, it is a refrigerant (cooling in the heat) and febrifuge (for fighting fevers). The Ananga Ranga suggests consuming tamarind for enhancing a woman’s sexual enjoyment.[/tscii:6ce1614d07]

17th May 2006, 02:08 PM

17th May 2006, 02:11 PM
Tamarind pulp is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine and riboflavin. It is also a good source of niacin. It is considered useful as a cooling agent during fevers and also used as a carminative and mild laxative.

Many find it effective in treating digestive problems, bile disorders, bronchial problems and even as a gargle for sore throats. Tamarind pulp mixed with salt is used as a liniment for rheumatism. Used to alleviate sunstroke, tamarind is also a great remedy for ulcers because of its antiseptic properties.Tamarind has many other uses. The pulp is excellent for cleaning silver, copper and brass. Its leaves and flowers are used in making dyes.

17th May 2006, 02:13 PM
well.........it is indeed cooling :) as i had always been told !! here in the middle east there even a drink made from tamarind to cool oneself :)

17th May 2006, 02:23 PM
the word tamarind id derived from the arabic "tamar-e-hind", which means "date of india".

aseer tamarehind
(tamarind juice)

1. boil a small lemon sized tamarind with 2 cups of water. strain.
2. add sugar and lemon juice.
3. serve chilled.

17th May 2006, 02:27 PM
Ayurveda lists tamarind as sour within the six tastes, which means that its properties are heavy, hot and oily. This group includes those plants which contain oxalic and fruit acids, such as blackcurrant, rosehip, the citrus family, mango and pomegranate. Its uses in Ayurveda are mainly as an aid to stimulating appetite, digestion and as a system cleanser, and is also listed as being an effective antidote for alcoholism. Mixed with sugar and a little salt, it is used for sunstroke, fever, biliousness and acute diarrhoea, and tamarind concentrate is a good, mild laxative.
Nutritionally, tamarind yields an energy value of around 70 calories per oz and is a fairly good non-animal source of calcium.

17th May 2006, 02:29 PM
the extremely low incidence of kidney stones in the Indonesian population has been attributed to the frequent use of tamarind in Ayurvedic cooking. Tamarind rinds contain tartrates, which inhibit the formation of calcium oxalate stones by decreasing the amount of ionized calcium in the urine.

28th May 2006, 09:27 PM



2nd June 2006, 11:25 PM

Below are 10 general weight loss tips that many people have found very helpful.

10 Great Weight Loss Tips

Joining a weightloss group. Many people find that group work, with regular weigh-ins and sharing of experiences, can help motivation.
Formulate a personalized plan. Map out the next few months with target weights, days off from your diet, and rewards for progress.
Find a goal for your weight loss program. Aim for an event such as a summer holiday, wedding or similar event to aim for, that would motivate you to lose weight.
Learn your own weaknesses. People drive past fast food resturants everyday and are tempted to buy something unhealthy. An easy way to overcome that temptation would be to find a nutritious on the menu and only allow yourself to buy that.
Avoid going too long without food. Many people, when they do go too long with out food, overeat when they finally have the chance.
Don't weigh yourself more than once a week - more often you won't see any improvement and just get disillusioned.
Don't be over ambitious - a loss of 2 lb or max 1 kg a week is the most you should expect.
Anticipate the hurdles and falls. If you know you are going to go away for a weekend, for example, prepare tactics for eating out, anticipate a slight gain in weight. Mentally prepare yourself to get right back on target as soon as you return.
All dieters have good and bad days. Mentally plan out small treats or tactics to cope for when life is being unkind to you.
Visualize success. Set a reward for you that will motivate you to achieve it.

5th June 2006, 03:07 PM

Weight Loss Diet Program

This plan can be used as often as you like without any fear of complications. It is designed to flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well being. After seven days you will begin to feel lighter because you will be lighter by at least 10 lbs. You will have an abundance of energy and an improved disposition.

During the first seven days you must abstain from all alcohol You must drink 10 glasses of water each day.
Day One All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consist of all the fruits you want. It is strongly suggested that you consume lots of melons the first day. Especially watermelon and a loupe. If you limit your fruit consumption to melons, your chances of losing three lbs. on first day are very good.
Day Two All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the amount or type. For your complex carbohydrate, you will start day two with a large baked potato for breakfast. You may top the potato with one pat of butter.
Day Three A mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet. No potatoes today.
Day Four Bananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk. This will be combined with the special soup which may be eaten in limited quantities.
Day Five Today is feast day. You will eat beef and tomatoes. Eat two 10 oz. portions of lean beef. Hamburger is OK. Combine this with six whole tomatoes. On day five you must increase your water intake by one quart. This is to cleanse your system of the uric acid you will be producing.
Day Six Beef and vegetables. Today you may eat an unlimited amount of beef and vegetables. Eat to your hearts content.
Day Seven Today your food intake will consist of brown rice, fruit juices and all the vegetables you care to consume.
Tomorrow morning you will be 10-17 lbs. lighter than one week ago. If you desire further weight loss, repeat the program again. You may repeat this program as often as you like, however, it is suggested that you are allowed two glasses of white wine in addition to the instructions on the program. You may substitute champagne for white wine. Under no circumstances are you to drink any other alcoholic beverages with the exception of beer which is allowed. Any liquor (bourbon,vodka, rum) is forbidden. Cream drinks are especially forbidden. You may have an occasional cordial such as creme de menthe or schnapps, but you must always limit yourself to two drinks. If you wine, drink only wine that day. If you have beer, drink only beer that day, etc. Alcohol adds empty calories to your diet. However, after the first week it will help your digestion and settle your stomach.
G.M.'S Wonder Soup
The following soup is intended as a supplement to your diet. It can be eaten any time of the day in virtually unlimited quantities. You are encouraged to consume large quantities of this soup.

28 oz, Water, 6 Large Onions, 2 Green Peppers, Whole Tomatoes (fresh or canned), 1 Head Cabbage, 1 Bunch Celery, 4 Envelopes Lipton Onion Soup Mix, Herbs and Flavouring as desired.
Additional Comments
Vegetables as may be taken in the form of a salad if desired. No dressing except malt, white or wine vinegar, squeezed lemon, garlic, herbs. No more than one tea spoon of oil.

You have been given a recipe for the WONDER SOUP which can be eaten in unlimited quantities. This soup is a supplement while you are on the program and it should be a pleasure to eat. Not everyone likes cabbage, green peppers, calory etc. This recipe is not inflexible. You may substitute vegetables according to your taste. You may add any vegetables you like: asparagus, peas, corn, turnips, green beans, cauliflower, etc. Try to stay away from beans (lima, pinto, kidney, etc.), however, because they tend to be high in calories even though they are very good for you.
Beverages you may consume while on the program :
1 Water (flavoured with lemon/lime if desired).
2 Club Soda is OK.
3 Black Coffee. No cream or cream substitute. No sugar or sweetness.
4 Black Tea = Herb or Leaf.
5 Absolutely nothing else except the fruit juices which are part of day seven. No fruit juices before day seven.

How and Why It Works
Day One you are preparing your system for the upcoming programme. Your only source of nutrition is fresh or canned fruits. Fruits are nature's perfect food. They provide everything you could possibly want to sustain life except total balance and variety.
Day Two starts with a fix of complex carbo-hydrates coupled with an oil dose. This is taken in the morning for energy and balance. The rest of day two consists of vegetables which are virtually calorie free and provide essential nutrients and fibre.
Day Three eliminates the potato because you get your carbohydrates from the fruits. You system is now prepared to start burning excess pounds. You will still have cravings which should start to diminish by day four.
Day Four, bananas, milk and soup sound the strangest and least desirable. You're in for a surprise. You probably will not eat all the bananas allowed. But they are there for the potassium you have lost and the sodium you may have missed the past three days. You will notice a definite loss of desire for sweets. You will be surprised how easy this day will go.
Day Five, Beef and tomatoes. The beef is for iron and proteins, the tomatoes are for digestion and fibre. Lots and lots of water purifies your system. You should notice colourless urine today. Your allowance calls for the equivalent of five "quarter ponders". Do not feel you have to eat all this beef. You must eat the six tomatoes.
Day Six is similar to day five, Iron and proteins from beef, Vitamins and fibre from vegetables. By now your system is in a total weight loss inclination. There should be a noticeable difference in the way you look today, compared to day one.
Day Seven finished off the program like a good cigar used to finish off Victorian meals, except much healthier. You have your system under control and it should thank you for the flushing and cleaning you just gave it.

5th June 2006, 03:09 PM

There is no magic formula for losing weight. No magic diet or combination of foods will cause you to lose weight. When it comes down to it, the only way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn. If you eat more than you need, you will put on weight.
The energy you require to run all the everyday processes that go on in your body is determined by the rate at which your body metabolizes at rest. This is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR). The average figures for the basal metabolic rate of a man or woman depends on their height, weight, and body composition.
When you are overweight, the problem is not as simple as you may at first think. Not only are you over your ideal weight but in addition you probably have a disproportionate amount of fat instead of muscle. The point is: when you diet, the more muscle you lose as a percentage of your body weight, the less energy you need and this leads to a further imbalance between fat and muscle. However, if you combine a sensible diet with exercise, you will not only build up your muscle mass and tone up muscles that are out of condition, you will also raise your metabolic rate and so burn up more energy regardless of what you are doing. Exercise is therefore the key to weight loss.
If you put yourself on a diet where you consume less than 1000 calories a day, your body thinks it really is starving and takes appropriate action. This means to say that the body simply slows down and burns less energy. That is why a small inactive woman who is heavily overweight can consume less than 1000 calories a day and still put on weight, whereas another small but active woman of the same weight who eats more calories a day may actually lose weight.
What I recommend is that you eat a sensible amount each day of different kinds of foods - that is very little fat, salt, sugar, red meat and processed foods, but moderate amounts of poultry, eggs and fish, and large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, pulses, wholegrain cereals.
Before you begin, weigh yourself on the scales. I don't believe in over-zealous weight watching once you have started because some days you lose weight and other days you don't, which can be demoralizing. The truth is, your body weight fluctuates anyway. So, it is more realistic to record your weight at the beginning and the end of the week rather than day by day.
You should know your height, but if you don't, measure that as well. Now check yourself against the appropriate height/ weight charts. You are overweight when you are above the acceptable weight range and obese if you weigh 20 per cent above the upper end of the acceptable range. If you are small framed, your ideal weight should be nearer the lower range, and if you are large framed, your weight may be nearer the upper end of the acceptable range.

Turn on the mental switch that says you are going to lose weight. You have to want to lose weight. If you don't want to lose weight, forget it. You can't do it for someone else. You have to want to do it for yourself. If you really care about your health, well being, longevity, personal looks, and your family, then you should have no problem turning on the switch. You are not losing weight for the sake of losing weight, you are working toward the experience you will feel after the weight is gone. The benefits are what it is all about. And you really won't know how great it is until you get there.
Developing good eating habits to change our basic diet is the only way to create the body we want in the long run.
What changes can I make in my diet?
Here are a few weight loss pointers:Adopt reasonable expectations about health and weight goals and about how long it will take to achieve them.
Emphasize nutrient-dense foods
Eat small portions of foods at each meal.
Make legumes, grains, vegetables, and fruits central to your diet plan.
Eat slowly
Select low fat foods regularly
Drink plenty of water
Participate in some form of physical activity regularly.
Learn, practice, and follow a healthful eating plan for the rest of your life.

How many days during the week should I exercise? How long should I exercise? What's the best exercise to lose weight? These are the most frequently asked questions.
My answer: Any exercise is good… anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
The number one complaint I get concerning exercise is time! How do we find time to exercise? You must understand that regular exercise is a way to help lose weight and keep it off. It's not an overnight process. It takes months before you see results.
Exercise must become a priority in your life. You must commit 30 - 50 minutes per day, 3-4 times a week
Discouragement is the worst enemy to losing weight. There will be times when you intended to order a grilled chicken sandwich, salad and ended up ordering a burger with fries and milkshake!
These moments happen to everyone. The guilt is tremendous and the psychological damage is more destructive than the extra calories. Setbacks are inevitable but shouldn't be used as an excuse to give up or eat more. Accept the disappointment for that day and move on.
Staying on a healthy diet can be difficult at times because of problems with will power. Many people struggle with snacking on sugary or fatty foods because they try to completely eliminate them from their diet. This is the wrong thing to do. Here are some helpful hints to help your will power.
Don't deprive yourself - Lets face it, most of us are not willing to completely give up sweets or fattening foods. So instead of totally eliminating these foods from your diet, plan a special day to a small portion of your favorite food.
Expect a few bad days - Not everyday will be perfect for eating and exercise. It's not what you eat wrong on any given day, but what you eat wrong over several weeks that can prevent you from losing weight.
Another major discouragement is to eat healthy and exercise for weeks and months, only to step on the scale and see no improvement. Be sure that you are not consuming too many calories. You should choose healthy foods to stay within your calorie margin and understand that everyday will not be perfect. Continue to stay on your healthy diet and give your body time to adjust. Be sure to exercise (30 minutes at least 3 times per week) and the weight will come off. Sometimes the body doesn't respond rapidly to dietary changes but you need to stay consistent in your eating habits. In due time, the weight will come off and you'll be a much healthier person.
True hunger is a desire or drive to eat to nourish the body. Craving is a preference to certain foods and easily based on emotions. Hunger and craving are NOT the same. Much of the struggle comes from having a taste for a particular food like chocolate cake or pizza (better known as craving) and has nothing to do with being hungry. Many times we "give in" to the craving as a way to satisfy our taste buds, though we may not be hungry. Recognizing the difference between true hunger and a momentary craving is very important in the battle to lose weight.
How to deal with hunger: Eat your portion of a healthy meal. If you eat enough to feel slightly hungry after finishing your meal, then you ate just enough to lose weight in due time. Because of the time lag for the stomach to signal your brain that it has enough food, you'll get that satisfying feeling of being "full" 20 minutes later.
Can I trust nutrition information I get from newspapers and magazines?
Nutrition tips from different sources can sometimes conflict with each other. Keep in mind the following tips:
There is no "magic bullet" when it comes to nutrition.
Good nutrition doesn't come in a vitamin pill. Your body benefits the most from eating healthy foods.
Eating all different kinds of foods is best for your body. Learn to try new foods.
Fad diets offer short-term changes but good health comes from long-term effort and commitment. Stories from people who have used a diet program or product, especially in commercials are a way to sell more of the product. Remember, weight gain or other problems that come up after the program are never talked about in the ads.

Most people are looking for the quick fix such as the " Lose 2kg (10 pounds) in 1 week" scheme, and they fall prey to all kinds of diet gimmicks. If you can exercise consistently and eat the correct portions of food, you will lose weight week after week, month after month.


22nd June 2006, 02:45 PM
[tscii:7938855e74]Pav Bhaji:

Cut into big chunks 1 medium potato, 1 medium carrot & 5-6 beans,1 small or ¾ medium tomato , a handful of peas. Put it all in a cooker with little water, chilli powder & salt. Cook for 3 whistles. Let the steam go off. Take out any excess water left & mash the veggies. Crush 2 medium garlic cloves,1/2 inch ginger,1/2 sp jeera in the mortar to make a very coarse paste.Heat 1 tsp butter & add the paste to it.Let cook until flavourful. Add ½ chopped onions & cook for a minute(keep it crunchy). Add 1/3 tsp garam masala powder, a little turmeric powder & ½ tsp of coriander powder & fry well. Add the strained water & let it boil. Now add the mashed veggies, adjust salt & chilly powder to taste & cook until it becomes thick. Swith off fire & add ¼ chopped onions, chopped coriander, juice of 1 small lemon, ½ tsp butter & let the butter start melting. Mix well. Serve with bread toast or pav bun.

10th July 2006, 08:50 PM
My 2 cents...

I completely agree with dev's suggestions. Breaking out of the 3 meals a day and getting into 5 meals a day (with focus on balancing proteins w/ carbs) will help a great deal.

Also, try incorporating some form of exercise (regular) into your routine.

19th July 2006, 09:01 AM
Anyone tell me the recipe how to make keerai sambhar :D ?

28th July 2006, 06:01 PM
i just had some 200g of fried chips,(cos i was really hungry), now i feel so sick and it was just too oily, yuk :cry: :twisted: :cry: :banghead:

dev & co,

Can some1 tell me how much calories would be i a 200g fried chips?? :roll:

29th July 2006, 06:42 PM
pls chk http://www.nutritiondata.com/
Do a search & get to know the req data...:)

9th November 2006, 10:14 PM
rather sad to c this thread falling apart.

Devuda ,

Where r u ?

Can some1 suggest some good food which are high in Vitamin B Complex?


26th December 2006, 01:25 PM
Raghu refer to this link :



7th May 2007, 06:59 PM
[tscii:7209114f03]Healthy paneer- peas-capscicum:

INGREDIENTS:(serves 2)

100 gms paneer & peas... chop paneer into small cubes...cook peas for 2-3 mins in microwave oven...
1/2 big capcicum cut into long strips
1 Big Onion
1 Big Tomato
3 Garlic Flakes
1 Inch Ginger
1/2 tsp chilly pwd
1/4 tsp Garam Masala
1/4 tsp turmeric pwd
1 tsp Jeera seeds
2 Tbsp Oil
Milk -1/4 to ½ cup... depending on gravy consistency required


Fry onion + ginger + garlic till brownish... add tomato cut to the onions & fry till mushy ... add chilli pwd, turmeric & ¼ tsp garam masala ...fry for a min...cool & grind to a thick smooth paste...

Fry some Jeera in a little oil and then add the capscicum pieces...cook for a min or so... add the peas & the paste...let cook for 2-3 mins...add salt...Toss in paneer & cook for a few seconds and then add milk and cook with stirring on low flame until it starts to bubble...take off flame immediately.I use Amul slim & trim milk.

29th May 2007, 03:29 AM
hello dev,
this is a very nice thread and i have just spotted it.
how abt oats?. who can take oats and who should not? do u have recipes with oats?. thanx in advance

29th May 2007, 06:37 AM
Hi Tharuna,


Oats is very healthy... has lots of fiber... Almost everyone can take oats unless you have any discomfort when u take it... I'm not a big fan of oats as I have a bit of discomfort whenever I take oats...so I haven't tried any recipes with it... will let you know if I come across any recipes using oats...:)

31st May 2007, 08:44 AM
well , ayesha has posted oats kichdi recipe. will try that dev.
i heard that drinking a glass of warm water before goin to bed will help in reducing weight and some people drink hot water after eating high cholestrol foods. does that help?

31st May 2007, 05:08 PM
IMO, there is no short-cut to weight reduction...:)

7th June 2007, 12:18 PM
what is IMO dev ? :?:

7th June 2007, 12:55 PM
In My Opinion...:)

7th June 2007, 03:05 PM

r u still live and kicking :lol:

how have you been?

question (1) what is Tofu made of ? some one said, it is made from bean curd?

7th June 2007, 03:58 PM
Raghu, :lol:

Am doing very fine, Raghu... :)

Tofu=bean curd thaan...:)

It's made from soy milk... of course soy milk is from soya bean...:)

more here.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tofu

24th August 2007, 11:54 AM

Very informative article...:)

30th November 2007, 08:29 AM
Hi Dev...

You are really Great....U done a wonderful job here....I amazed by your posts... :2thumbsup: Keep going...

Whats your opinion about taking noodles for dinner...? :confused2: for weight watchers.. :roll:

27th November 2008, 07:36 PM
Here are few tips we practice in our home. hope this helps.

Use Soy Milk instead of Coconut milk for making any Non-Veg items such as curries or briyanis.

Use Soy Milk instead of regular milk to make coffee and Tea.

Stop using sugar on your tea/coffee, you will get use to it and will never have sugar again.

Use equal amounts of Quaker Oats and Dosa Batter to make Oats Dosas. This tastes the same as normal oothapam dosas with sambar, chutney and podi.

Dont fry curry leaves, mustard seeds, cumin seeds or fennel seeds, just add them to the sambar or non veg stews while cooking without fying in oil first.

Use oil to fry unless you can't avoid in situations.

Avoid 100% deep fried items, we can still have tasty indian food without fried items.

Make Appalams in microwave instead of deep frying in oil. It takes a minute to make 2 appalams in one go in a microwave.

If you are a great fan of Goat/Mutton dishes, you can still eat them by draining the fat if you use a steam cooker, or else you can leave the meat in the oven for 30 to minutes which drains the fat out, you can still cook the meat as a normal curry, the taste remains the same.

Somethings south indians are not used is eating nuts. Eat a handfull of Almonds and Mcademia nuts every day. These nuts contain higher levels of mono-unsaturated fats which are very important.

Don't use Electric rice cooker to boil rice. Instead, wash the rice in luke warm water until all the white starch go away and boil it in a large utensil and filter the rice. (vadicha saatham). All the starch will be drained this way and we use the rice to fill our stomach.

Last but least, check the nutrition label at the back of any food/snacks/drinks you buy in the store, if the label says saturated fat in grams then, think before buying.

28th November 2008, 02:51 PM
u can also make chapathi like this atta - 2 cups; oats powder - 1/cup; soya powder - 1/4 cup, black channa atta- 1/4 cup; methi powder - 1 tsp.
this is good for people who want to reduce weight, also good for diabetic people.

use flax seeds powder for reducing cholestrol.

also if anybody want receipe for flax chilli powder , i can give . this is good for reducing cholestrol

27th January 2010, 02:29 PM
Dear friends I think it will be a good idea to revive DEV'S thread for our diet discussing.
As she has many recipes, tips and commets that will be very helpful to us.
I think made a mistake by opening a new thread called DIET KITCHEN. I can ask our moderator to delete the thread.

What do you all say friends.
We can post our low calorie recipes there.
Thanks. Kugan98

27th January 2010, 03:32 PM
ofcourse kugan, we can continue in healthy lifestyle. no need to open a new thread. this is fine with me.

27th January 2010, 09:36 PM
K...no need to delete the diet kitchen thread... let's post recipes there & diet discussions here...just mmy thought... if all others wish to continue here, I don't have any probs...

27th January 2010, 10:50 PM
we follow according to dev's idea. i think everybody will accept.

31st January 2010, 03:09 PM
Sweetsku ban... am eating a slice of pappaya after meals if I have the sweet craving...

31st January 2010, 03:11 PM
Anyone tried the new foodles?...

1st February 2010, 12:50 PM
Dev, foodles I think you only get in India.
tell us how the taste is.

Ahem! today is the first of Feburary.

Morning 1 glass of fruit juice.
Breakfast i bowl of oats with 2 tbs of kaara kulambu.

Mid morning 1 glass of low fat mooru
Lunch 1 chappathi with Suvai nga's :cry2: cauliflower,
1 orange.

Tea 1 glass of low fat mooru with 2 cream crakers.

Dinner is going to be pasta soup with veges.

In between very very light low fat mooru.

Friends my weakness is that I hate to drink plain water.
Also I have no time for exercise .

Awake at 4.30 in the morning.
Sleep at past midnight.
The whole day is fully occupied with prayers, house work, office work, children, tution and what nots.
I wished there was more than 24 hours.

Thanks friends. Kugan98

1st February 2010, 01:59 PM
Ok...my diet so fat...

BF: 2 chapathis with mint chutney & half a cup of tea

Lunch: 1 chapathi with cauliflower subzi
1 small serving of rice with keerai paruppu, curd. Drank some rasam.

No snack in between as I din't feel hungry.

Evening: tea

Dinner: 2 chapathis with .... hmmm... not yet decided ...:)

1st February 2010, 04:09 PM
Guilt: I ate 1/2 a jilebi today...:(

Evening: tea with a slice of whole wheat bread

Dinner: 2 chapathis with leftover cauliflower from lunch, mixed veg raitha.

Will have 2 slices of pappaya after an hr or so.

1st February 2010, 08:45 PM
Dev ungga maathiri saapitaal, ennakku oru inchu
kooda kuraiyaathu.
You are very lucky, I believe, may be your excersice helps.
I have no time for it.
Lets see how it goes.

Wednesday is my nephew's birthday.
No celebration for a year.
Anyway he has requested (only 13 years)
ghee rice, pineapple pajaree, tofu butter masala,
and one salad for lunch.
Tea he wants jelly, currypuffs, cake and custard.
Intha kodumaiyai ennga pooi solluven :lol:
I have to full fill his wishes.
Ennoda vaaikku pootu :D

Aarthii, please share with us what you had for today.
So that we can share our meals.
Thanks. Kugan98

1st February 2010, 09:18 PM
K, the diet I am on (execluding the sweet) will come to 1200-1300 calories approx. 1200 cal is the base minimum for ladies anything above 150cms/5 ft. So neenga idhu pola saapitaalum, u'll definitely lose weight even if u don't do any exercise. But u have to be very strict on oil-max 2 tbsp per day & sugar-max 3 tsp per day & carbs. I avoid coconut when on weight reduction diet.

Maybe u don't get a right idea abt my serving size.All my chapathis are medium size. Rice- small portion is a small handful.
Dhal- it's abt a small cupful-cup size is approx tht used as the gulab jamun cup(remember the pic I posted). dhal will be medium thick.

f u wish to, u can try following a similar diet & U'll def lose weight.

1st February 2010, 09:31 PM
Nephew B'day menu sooper thaan ponga.... kashtta kaalam ungalukku...;) anyway, next b'dayku neengalum sandhosama saapidalam... ippodhaiku senju kuduthittu kannai moodi ukkarndhukonga...;) :lol:

1st February 2010, 10:52 PM
both of u following a very strict diet.
i had
bf: 2 medium size idli, with mint chutney, 1/2 glass of coffee,low fat, w/o sugar.
mid morning : green tea, orange
lunch: salad, podalai+soya poriyal, oats, laban.
3.30 pm ; green tea
5.30 pm : coffee,low fat, w/o sugar
dinner; salad,2 chapathi with mint chutney.

2nd February 2010, 05:01 PM
Selvi, what is Laban?

My diet today:

BF: Arisiyum paruppu saadham-medium serving(MS) with low fat curd & tea

Lunch: 1 roti, small serving(SS) rice, green moong dhal(SS), rasam, carrot poriyal(Large serving-LS),curd

Evening: tea + 1 rusk

Dinner: 1 MS wheat rava upma, veg & channa salad, 1 slice pappaya.

2nd February 2010, 07:00 PM
laban means moor.

2nd February 2010, 07:26 PM
Selvi, what is Laban?

My diet today:

BF: Arisiyum paruppu saadham-medium serving(MS) with low fat curd & tea

Lunch: 1 roti, small serving(SS) rice, green moong dhal(SS), rasam, carrot poriyal(Large serving-LS),curd

Evening: tea + 1 rusk

Laban is drinking yogurt. It's either diluted yogurt (which will be like moor) or its milk with yogurt cultures. Usually it's the later.

Unlike "moor", some laban don't "cool" the body. They actually add heat. Though there are "zeera laban" and some very diluted, watery labaan's that have cooling properties.

Laban in some dialects of arabic also means yogurt.

Anyway, for diet, laban isn't a great idea. Coz commercially, they are cultured full cream milk. Perhaps low fat labaan is made out of skimmed milk but then that's a waste of money.

2nd February 2010, 07:34 PM
Dev, foodles I think you only get in India.
tell us how the taste is.

Ahem! today is the first of Feburary.

Morning 1 glass of fruit juice.
Breakfast i bowl of oats with 2 tbs of kaara kulambu.

Mid morning 1 glass of low fat mooru
Lunch 1 chappathi with Suvai nga's :cry2: cauliflower,
1 orange.

Tea 1 glass of low fat mooru with 2 cream crakers.

Dinner is going to be pasta soup with veges.

In between very very light low fat mooru.

Friends my weakness is that I hate to drink plain water.
Also I have no time for exercise .

Awake at 4.30 in the morning.
Sleep at past midnight.
The whole day is fully occupied with prayers, house work, office work, children, tution and what nots.
I wished there was more than 24 hours.

Thanks friends. Kugan98 Foodles was okay.. Perhaps you can get used to its taste and convince yourself it tastes nice :S :S.

Oats and kozhambu??!!!??!!!

2nd February 2010, 08:25 PM
yeh Oats with kozhambu :shock:

3rd February 2010, 07:27 PM
BF: 2 chapathis with dhansak , 1/2 cup tea
Lunch:1 chapathi, SS rice, radish sambar ,rasam,lowfat curd & beans poriyal

eve: 1/2 cup tea
Dinner: 1 chapathi with cucummber raitha, a SS mint rice.
1 slice watermelon.

3rd February 2010, 07:32 PM
hello.. adhukku munnadi, pinnadi saapudara cerelac, amul'lam edha kanakkula sethi :evil:

3rd February 2010, 07:39 PM
hello.. adhukku munnadi, pinnadi saapudara cerelac, amul'lam edha kanakkula sethi :evil:

En ponne cerelac,amul ellamm sapidurathilla... aprom naan enga saapidurathu... neenga venna 2um 2 dabba vaangi anuppunga... :twisted:

3rd February 2010, 07:41 PM
Healthy Life Style doesn't mean 'Just' healthy eating, it means a lot of other things like

1) excercise
2) rest / sleep
3) Mental health - Most important

None of these things are discussed here, except food. we should focus on that as well!

what do you say dev?

3rd February 2010, 07:51 PM
Exactly PS avargale...

exercise paththi neenga thaan sollanum... I just go for a walk or do yoga for 1/2 hr or so...

mental healthaa patthi ennathai solradhu...:think: ;)

3rd February 2010, 08:00 PM
Exactly PS avargale...

exercise paththi neenga thaan sollanum... I just go for a walk or do yoga for 1/2 hr or so...

mental healthaa patthi ennathai solradhu...:think: ;)

Romba Yosikaathenga , apuram nijamave unga mental health paathipuadainthu vidum :lol2:

Munnadi 'Ji' ippo ' Avargale' va shabaaa mudiyallapa intha 'Mariyathai thollai' :lol:

nyway, I shall post some excercise tips....

3rd February 2010, 08:51 PM
Pls do PS... I esp need exercise to tighten the tummy... post-preg exercises theriyuma ungalukku...;) :lol: JK

Hero sirku indha mariyaadhai kuda illaina eppadinga ji avargale...:noteeth:

3rd February 2010, 09:03 PM
Pls do PS... I esp need exercise to tighten the tummy... post-preg exercises theriyuma ungalukku...;) :lol: JK



1) Lay down on a flat surface, with your hands parallel to your hips, raise one leg to 90 degrees, then while you bring that leg down, lift the other one, do this for about 5 minutes without taking a break

2) Lay down on flat surface, lift both your legs and do like pedaling a bicycle again 5 minutes

3) Do sit ups, but at an incline of 30 Degrees, so you will lay down like hypotenuse of a right angle triangle, while your head is at the lower side. Slowly bring your head up and touch you knees and go back to the original position!

Hero sirku indha mariyaadhai kuda illaina eppadinga ji avargale...:noteeth

Hmm parava illa, ellathaiyum correct-a gynabahama vaichirukeenga

3rd February 2010, 09:12 PM
Dear all

For more info on excercise , visit here


3rd February 2010, 09:35 PM
PS, thanks a lot for the exercises... sounds easy... senju paarkiren...

4th February 2010, 03:53 AM
Pls do PS... I esp need exercise to tighten the tummy... post-preg exercises theriyuma ungalukku...;) :lol: JK

me too,.... me too, that too before May (my brother's wedding)..... :D

4th February 2010, 12:46 PM
Anou, my heartiest wishes to ur brother...:D Eppo India vareenga?...

4th February 2010, 03:35 PM
Pls do PS... I esp need exercise to tighten the tummy... post-preg exercises theriyuma ungalukku...;) :lol: JK

me too,.... me too, that too before May (my brother's wedding)..... :D

ada paveeghala brother oda kalyanthiku slim-ma irukanumnu thaan ivalavu build up aa?? :rotfl:

Madhu Sree
4th February 2010, 06:52 PM
Today morning I had oatmeal mixed with veggies and yogurt, it was too gud to have... :D

4th February 2010, 08:11 PM
Today morning I had oatmeal mixed with veggies and yogurt, it was too gud to have... :D

Er isn't oatmeal like breakfast cerial ?? and u mix that veggies :shock:

what's the world coming to :lol2:

4th February 2010, 08:46 PM
BF: 2 appam(no coconut mmilk added) with onion-tomato chutney


Lunch:1 chapathi roll, ss rice,sambar,rasam & curd,keerai.

Eve:tea,1 slice whole wheat bread

Dinner:2 chapathi, mushroom fry, 1 slice watermelon.

Guilt: 1 very small urad vadai

4th February 2010, 08:52 PM
Today morning I had oatmeal mixed with veggies and yogurt, it was too gud to have... :D

Er isn't oatmeal like breakfast cerial ?? and u mix that veggies :shock:

what's the world coming to :lol2:

Idhu Indian ishtyle....my co-bro is one big fan of curd & he mixes anything savoury & edible on earth with curd... & he does eat oats with curd & vegs...I've seen many here adding curd to noodles...I've tried it once & it was good... :lol:

5th February 2010, 02:12 AM
dev: in two months........ :)

PS: it is just a target for me, it is more like get fit than get slim. I was always fit before my babies, I used to walk for 5km everyday before my son was born & used to play badminton & go swimming regularly. Now I am so unfit & eat anything that I see..

I think if I have to type out here all what I ate today, I would be killed...... just after mopping up veg fried rice & chicken sausages....... :yessir:

5th February 2010, 03:01 PM
U r right Anou... it's so very diffi to control our temptations after more than a yr of eating anything & everything u want to & still not put on much weight...:lol:

I have finally managed to limit my food intake... esp sweets... & hope I'll be able to continue the diet for sometime...atleast for another 3 months so tht I can get back to my pre-preg eating habits...

BTW, any cbe plans this timme?...

5th February 2010, 05:34 PM
BF: 2 idlis,1 chapathi, sprout moong curry


Lunch: MS rice,dhal,rasam, pumpkin,curd, watermelon

Eve: tea, 1 slice WW bread

Dinner: 2 chapathi, mix veg(carrot-cabbage-brinjal) curry.

5th February 2010, 05:58 PM

PS: it is just a target for me, it is more like get fit than get slim. I was always fit before my babies, I used to walk for 5km everyday before my son was born & used to play badminton & go swimming regularly. Now I am so unfit & eat anything that I see..

I think if I have to type out here all what I ate today, I would be killed...... just after mopping up veg fried rice & chicken sausages....... :yessir:

I was only joking pa (aunty Niro style):lol:

on a serious note, as your in Dublin, they must have fitness first gyms, around £35 per month, join that and do plenty of cardio and 'do light weight' most ladies stay off weights, getting scared of growing muscles... this is so wrong :banghead:, women have hormone called '
Estrogen, while men have testosterone, you need high levels of testosterone to grow muscles, this is what anabolic steroids does, it increases your testosterone level so high, it can cause liver kidney failures.

So do some weights it will tighten up, your skin will be toned and you will burn more calories when you are resting and it would help your joints when you age!

Good luck[/tscii:f47cd5a59b]

5th February 2010, 09:15 PM
PS: thanks :) as of now will be here only for a couple of monthb rfttsaVY RVDQxbn vgvvg/t41
jkbghb c4cdfcc3a 31

5th February 2010, 09:18 PM
PS: thanks :) as of now will be here only for a couple of monthb rfttsaVY RVDQxbn vgvvg/t41
jkbghb c4cdfcc3a 31

:rotfl2: is abhi or anou on ur lap?

5th February 2010, 10:50 PM
PS: thanks :) as of now will be here only for a couple of monthb rfttsaVY RVDQxbn vgvvg/t41
jkbghb c4cdfcc3a 31

sorry, I dont do alien language : :x :lol:

5th February 2010, 11:27 PM
:lol: it was abhi & he didn't want me to touch the laptop....

6th February 2010, 12:34 AM
PS: I here for just another two months and am not sure if it is worth going to the gym and registering now. It is going to be a busy two months as well. I think I will have to make do with walking! And when I get back to India, possibly get into a gym and start working out, or may be try out yoga!

Dev: idho two month's la vanthutE irukEn :) Also we might come back for good, so any time now we can come to kovai :) (though it took me 15 years to come back after I finished college!) :D

6th February 2010, 10:13 AM
Dev: idho two month's la vanthutE irukEn :) Also we might come back for good, so any time now we can come to kovai :) (though it took me 15 years to come back after I finished college!) :D

:redjump: :bluejump:

6th February 2010, 01:36 PM
PS: I here for just another two months and am not sure if it is worth going to the gym and registering now. It is going to be a busy two months as well. I think I will have to make do with walking! And when I get back to India, possibly get into a gym and start working out, or may be try out yoga!
Yoga is good! We should have a hub-club of yoga-enthusiasts!

The best ever yoga videos- http://www.yogananth.com/action.php

If you're going to TN, you should try learning at their centers.

It's highly commendable how they've taken our traditional yoga and promoted it very well in the far east where are lots of "anti-yoga" religious groups.

Check out their vids.

6th February 2010, 05:34 PM
Very useful link,Chevy... I have a book written by Mr.Asana Aandiappan(Yogananth's dad) & it's very very informative... Videos would be much better...will chk out...

6th February 2010, 06:36 PM
Mor: 2 slices bread with lotsa mmix veg curry


Lunch: MS rice,dhal,mor, avarakkai, watermelon

Eve: tea

Dinner: 2 chapathis, dhal, cucummber-onion-tommato-capsicumm raitha, grapes

Guilt: 1 small athirasam :banghead:

6th February 2010, 08:42 PM
thanks chevy :)

ok, the only way this is going to work for me is if I put down here what I actually eat...

breakfast: four almonds, 4 rava idlis with poondu podi.

lunch. hmmmm....3 chicken sausages (I have to finish the pack you see, & there are 3 more for dinner!), two chapathis (without oil) & a big bowl of suraikai kootu.

so far have kept away from all my kids leftovers :lol:

6th February 2010, 09:14 PM
Very useful link,Chevy... I have a book written by Mr.Asana Aandiappan(Yogananth's dad) & it's very very informative... Videos would be much better...will chk out...

Yes. I learned at their center. And oh, you should check out Yogananth's coffee-table book. It's just amazing (and super expensive)

7th February 2010, 03:24 AM
eve: sathu maavu kanji

dinner.....the final three sausages, three kutti rava idli, one small bowl of paruppu saadham with ghee (basically all leftovers)

7th February 2010, 10:05 AM
Anou, sathu maavu kanji ungalukkaga senjeengala illai kutties michcham vechadha?...;)

7th February 2010, 07:26 PM
Very useful link,Chevy... I have a book written by Mr.Asana Aandiappan(Yogananth's dad) & it's very very informative... Videos would be much better...will chk out...

Yes. I learned at their center. And oh, you should check out Yogananth's coffee-table book. It's just amazing (and super expensive)


7th February 2010, 07:29 PM
BF: 2 chapathis, onion-tomato curry, 1/2 G tea.

snack: 1 slice watermmelon

Lunch: 1 MS rice, dhal, rasam, LF curd, pudalangai

eve: 1/2 G tea

Dinner: 2 chapathi, pudalangai, dhal, 1 G black grape juice(no sugar)

7th February 2010, 07:33 PM
dev: sathumaavu kanji is for the kids and me :) I don't drink coffee/tea and with dairy out of the house, I have no choice but drink something like this! :D

7th February 2010, 07:35 PM
breakfast: 4 slices of bread with soya butter (and one slice dipped in rice milk - of course leftover food :D)

Lunch: a bowl of pasta with veg, no sauce. A small bowl of rice + dal + keerai + ghee (again, more left over food) & a fish finger (more left overs! :sigh: )

8th February 2010, 02:56 AM
I give up!

I went to the shopping centre, walked around a bit and ended up having chicken burger, chips (tiny bit) for dinner!

Madhu Sree
8th February 2010, 04:34 PM
I give up!

I went to the shopping centre, walked around a bit and ended up having chicken burger, chips (tiny bit) for dinner!

:rotfl2: idhu eppavum nadakkuradhu thaane... :poke: :D

its ok, continue again :D

Madhu Sree
8th February 2010, 04:37 PM
Breakfast: 2 raagi dosa with veggetables fried in 1 spoon olive oil

Lunch: had 1 sandwich, 1 cup sundal with water melon juice

Night dinnerkku chappaathi saapidalaamnu pilaaan... :lol2:

8th February 2010, 05:53 PM
Breakfast: 2 raagi dosa with veggetables fried in 1 spoon olive oil

Lunch: had 1 sandwich, 1 cup sundal with water melon juice

Night dinnerkku chappaathi saapidalaamnu pilaaan... :lol2:

shabba unga kombinasanE ennku puriyallappa :lol:

8th February 2010, 06:58 PM
MS: I am trying... seriously, but what I am eating seems to be more & more left overs! :sigh:

8th February 2010, 07:33 PM
MS: I am trying... seriously, but what I am eating seems to be more & more left overs! :sigh:

If you eat regurlalry, that is every 2 hrs something light, u would digest food better and burn off more calories, rather than having three heavy meals.

8th February 2010, 10:40 PM
No diet today...went to a cousin's house...so orye virundhu thaan...:(

BF: MS Kongu biriyani, tea
Lunch: MS rice, sambar, rasam,avarakkai poriyal, pumpkin...2 tbsp milk halwa

Eve: tea, 1/2 jilebi,few pieces murukku

Dinner: ssVeg biriyani, egg curry, raitha, tiny serving coconut sevai, 1 puri,potato curry,1/4 cup carrot kheer...

9th February 2010, 11:04 AM
Dev semma pudi pudichittingga :lol:

Its o.k to enjoy once in a way.
Thanks. Kugan98

9th February 2010, 11:07 AM
Yeah...but not when on a weight reduction diet...:cry:

Madhu Sree
9th February 2010, 02:17 PM
Dev ka.... :cool2: sooper :)

PS, :lol2: sooper combinationla :P


Breakfast: Raagi roti mixed with raddish, some more veggies, sukku, melagu, little jeera. She didnt press it with roll-pin as chappaathi, rather she pressed it in her palm and cooked in tawa, had this with keerai and tomato chutney. it was really gud :D

Lunch: enna saapidaradhunnee theriyala coz I didnt bring lunch box :oops:, hurry la vandhitten, going to hv apple... :roll:

Dinner: Mom said she will make palak chappaathi :think:

9th February 2010, 02:44 PM
BF: 2 slices atta bread with mint chutney, cucumber,tomato slices & sauteed onions...Tea...

Snack: 2 slices watermelon

Lunch: MS rice, carrot sambar, rasam,curd, vendakkai,1 slice watermemlon

Eve: tea...If I'm hungry will have 1 slice bread

Dinner: 2 chapathis with leftover dhal & veg. Leftovers llaina aprom Selvi's brinjal kothsu seiyuradha plan.

9th February 2010, 02:46 PM
I checked my weight today & am really pleased... :bluejump: Anyway , month-end solren indha month evalo weight kuranjirukunu...

Madhu Sree
9th February 2010, 02:51 PM
BTW, MS rice na ennanu sollidunga... ore kozhambudhu :rotfl2:

9th February 2010, 02:56 PM

SS- small serving
MS- mediumm serving
LS- large serving
TS- tiny serving
C- cup

Podhuma madhu...;)

9th February 2010, 03:28 PM
No diet today...went to a cousin's house...so orye virundhu thaan...:(

BF: MS Kongu biriyani, tea
Lunch: MS rice, sambar, rasam,avarakkai poriyal, pumpkin...2 tbsp milk halwa

Eve: tea, 1/2 jilebi,few pieces murukku

Dinner: ssVeg biriyani, egg curry, raitha, tiny serving coconut sevai, 1 puri,potato curry,1/4 cup carrot kheer...


ssaaaba epadi mudiyithu ungalala ivavlavu saapidirathuku :shock:

Madhu Sree
9th February 2010, 03:37 PM

SS- small serving
MS- mediumm serving
LS- large serving
TS- tiny serving
C- cup

Podhuma madhu...;)

sabbhaaa... nandri nandri... :lol2: :P

Madhu Sree
9th February 2010, 03:37 PM
I checked my weight today & am really pleased... :bluejump: Anyway , month-end solren indha month evalo weight kuranjirukunu...


9th February 2010, 05:06 PM
No diet today...went to a cousin's house...so orye virundhu thaan...:(

BF: MS Kongu biriyani, tea
Lunch: MS rice, sambar, rasam,avarakkai poriyal, pumpkin...2 tbsp milk halwa

Eve: tea, 1/2 jilebi,few pieces murukku

Dinner: ssVeg biriyani, egg curry, raitha, tiny serving coconut sevai, 1 puri,potato curry,1/4 cup carrot kheer...


ssaaaba epadi mudiyithu ungalala ivavlavu saapidirathuku :shock:

ennavo neenga ellam saapidatha maadhiri... :evil:

Item thaan jaasthi...but qty kammiya thaan saapiduven...:)

9th February 2010, 05:07 PM
Dev, I too have lost weight, but i will call it cheating.
As I had no appetite to eat seeing Aishu throwing out every time.

This morning I went back to my diet.

Breakfast: 1 small bowl of oats with gravy.

10.am 3 oranges.

noon 1 chappathi with veges, more oranges

Tea: 2 cream crakers with moor

dinner as the same as lunch.
lot of fluids as KL the sun is burning.

My house is flooded with boxes of Mandarin oranges.
All from the clients. I feel like dieting tomorrow
with oranges for breakfast, lunch and dinner :lol:

Thanks. Kugan98

9th February 2010, 05:07 PM
:D @ MS

9th February 2010, 05:36 PM
No diet today...went to a cousin's house...so orye virundhu thaan...:(

BF: MS Kongu biriyani, tea
Lunch: MS rice, sambar, rasam,avarakkai poriyal, pumpkin...2 tbsp milk halwa

Eve: tea, 1/2 jilebi,few pieces murukku

Dinner: ssVeg biriyani, egg curry, raitha, tiny serving coconut sevai, 1 puri,potato curry,1/4 cup carrot kheer...


ssaaaba epadi mudiyithu ungalala ivavlavu saapidirathuku :shock:

ennavo neenga ellam saapidatha maadhiri... :evil:

Item thaan jaasthi...but qty kammiya thaan saapiduven...:)

haha, annaiku 2 portion of chillie paneer & veg noodles, followed by faluda then ten, apurum ezhuthirakve mudiyalla :oops:

9th February 2010, 05:40 PM
Dev, I too have lost weight, but i will call it cheating.
As I had no appetite to eat seeing Aishu throwing out every time.

This morning I went back to my diet.

Breakfast: 1 small bowl of oats with gravy.

10.am 3 oranges.

noon 1 chappathi with veges, more oranges

Tea: 2 cream crakers with moor

dinner as the same as lunch.
lot of fluids as KL the sun is burning.

My house is flooded with boxes of Mandarin oranges.
All from the clients. I feel like dieting tomorrow
with oranges for breakfast, lunch and dinner :lol:

Thanks. Kugan98

Kugan sir

Oranges are good for dieting rather than bananas, but too much oranges will build up acidity in your stomach, not a good sign. Have a mixture of fruits, and plenty of water!

Remember the first thing you loose from body is NOT fat, it is water, Fat takes longer to leave the body :x

Madhu Sree
9th February 2010, 05:52 PM
Kuganka, super :)

9th February 2010, 05:58 PM
Kuganka, super :)

enaku onum puriyala , is it Kugan or Kuganka :?

BTW , Ajith unga potola uncle mathiri irukaru :lol2:

Madhu Sree
9th February 2010, 06:11 PM
Kuganka, super :)

enaku onum puriyala , is it Kugan or Kuganka :?

BTW , Ajith unga potola uncle mathiri irukaru :lol2:

Kugan ka thaan :D, K ka, sorry naan edhaachum thappu panniyirundhaa, was not intentional to reveal :(.

PS, :x :hammer: grrrrr :P

9th February 2010, 06:17 PM
K, continue ur diet...:) Result 10 naalile theriya aarmbikkum...:)

9th February 2010, 06:18 PM
haha, annaiku 2 portion of chillie paneer & veg noodles, followed by faluda then ten, apurum ezhuthirakve mudiyalla :oops:

Aprom enna vetti bandha... :twisted:

9th February 2010, 06:26 PM
PS, :x :hammer: grrrrr :P

oh Neenga anNan Ajith oda 'Visiri' a nalla Visukuknga :lol2:

Have not seen ths pilim yet, pathutu solren padam epadeenu :)

Madhu Sree
9th February 2010, 06:27 PM
PS, :x :hammer: grrrrr :P

oh Neenga anNan Ajith oda 'Visiri' a nalla Visukuknga :lol2:

Have not seen ths pilim yet, pathutu solren padam epadeenu :)


9th February 2010, 06:30 PM

ennoda Fav actor oda patta signature la potirugeenga :x

avar range vera, avaru munadi matha actors ellarum jujubi :lol2:

Madhu Sree
9th February 2010, 06:31 PM

ennoda Fav actor oda patta signature la potirugeenga :x

avar range vera, avaru munadi matha actors ellarum jujubi :lol2:

PS, ofcourse, he is my fav as well, but u r vambukku izhuthufying me :lol2:, each actor is unique in their own way :D

9th February 2010, 06:34 PM

ennoda Fav actor oda patta signature la potirugeenga :x

avar range vera, avaru munadi matha actors ellarum jujubi :lol2:

PS, ofcourse, he is my fav as well, but u r vambukku izhuthufying me :lol2:, each actor is unique in their own way :D :lol: :yessir:

10th February 2010, 12:19 AM

good too much dieting pola. let us discuss about all our weight during the month end.

kugan lost weight. u r pleased with ur diet.

my walking schedule is going on. diet not planned very strict. carbohydrate is reduced, snacks banned, sweet also banned.

i will check my weight by this month end.

10th February 2010, 04:44 AM
Selviem, it was because of Aishu that I lost weight.
Could not eat anything after seeing her vomiting
everytime. Lack of sleep, also contributed to my weight loss.

Now I have to really diet to loose weight.
Thanks. Kugan98

10th February 2010, 09:54 AM
yeah, this time I'm determined to lose the excesses...let me see... I've also started yoga... feeling so light & fresh after reduced food intake & yoga...:D Had there been a swimming pool near my place, it would've been very helpful... hmmmmm....anyway...

Continue with ur diet...& yes, will dscuss abt our weight around month end... I have a few important functions to attend next week... appo diet ellam onnum mudiyaadhu... :(

10th February 2010, 11:01 AM

good too much dieting pola. let us discuss about all our weight during the month end.

adadae .. intha thread interesting aa irukkum poala irukkae :lol2: :cool2:

10th February 2010, 12:39 PM

good too much dieting pola. let us discuss about all our weight during the month end.

adadae .. intha thread interesting aa irukkum poala irukkae :lol2: :cool2:


10th February 2010, 01:27 PM

good too much dieting pola. let us discuss about all our weight during the month end.

adadae .. intha thread interesting aa irukkum poala irukkae :lol2: :cool2:



btw intha dieting, loss of weight paththi ellaam pengalae athikam Paesurathukku enna kaaranam :huh: :roll:

Madhu Sree
10th February 2010, 01:36 PM
// Thiru, :lol2: , aangalum pesalaam, aana roumba bigu pannipaanga :poke: //

Today's menu,

BF: Left over idly maavu mixed with Raagi, made dosa of it, had 2 dosas with chow chow mor koottu, the taste was different and nice to have on diet :)

Lunchkku: apple :roll:

Dinnerkku ennaanu theiryala, hv to go n see tonight :)

10th February 2010, 01:41 PM

good too much dieting pola. let us discuss about all our weight during the month end.

adadae .. intha thread interesting aa irukkum poala irukkae :lol2: :cool2:



btw intha dieting, loss of weight paththi ellaam pengalae athikam Paesurathukku enna kaaranam :huh: :roll:

Poi research panni Phd pannunga... perukku pinnadi potukkavaachum nalla irukkum... :yes:

10th February 2010, 01:59 PM
Funny diet today...

BF: 1 thayir vadai, tea

Snack: watermelon

Lunch: MS rice, brinjal sammbar, rasam, peerkangai, LF curd

Eve: tea, bread(if hungry)

Dinner: 2 chapathis with carrot chutney.

10th February 2010, 02:49 PM
As usual:

B/fast oats with gravy.

mid morning oranges

Lunch 2 slices of whole meal bread with spinach kadaiyal
cucumber slices.

Tea mooru with cream crackers.

Dinner will be spinach rasam with a slice of bread.

In between gulping down lot of low fat mooru

10th February 2010, 04:17 PM
// Thiru, :lol2: , aangalum pesalaam, aana roumba bigu pannipaanga :poke: //

guys never act :yes:


good too much dieting pola. let us discuss about all our weight during the month end.

adadae .. intha thread interesting aa irukkum poala irukkae :lol2: :cool2:



btw intha dieting, loss of weight paththi ellaam pengalae athikam Paesurathukku enna kaaranam :huh: :roll:

Poi research panni Phd pannunga... perukku pinnadi potukkavaachum nalla irukkum... :yes:

pennukku pinnaala poi research pannaa, paerukku pinnaala poatukalaam :goodidea:

10th February 2010, 04:21 PM
:lol: @ Thiru...

10th February 2010, 06:09 PM
why can't try like this. morning wholemeal bread slices with tea.
afternoon Oats with curry, veges, moor

i am following this schedule.
lowfat milk coffee w/o sugar with 2 tenseed rusk
mid morning green tea w/o milk&sugar, orange
lunch: oats-dhal,vege,salad.
after 1/2 hr green same like mid morning
evening LF coffee w/o sugar
night - salad, small qty whatever i make
one fruit after 1 hr

try this, ur stomach will feel very light.

10th February 2010, 06:52 PM

10th February 2010, 07:14 PM
guys never act :yes:


ethukku ippa ippadi over act panreenga :huh:

11th February 2010, 02:13 PM
Selivem thanks for your nice tips.
I will try your method and see.

The problem with me is, by the time I come for breakfast, after pooja and everything it will be about 8.00 a.m

Last night I would have had my dinner at 6.00 p.m
So the next morning, my stomach will be already making lot of noise.
So 1 bowl of oats will be very filling for me.

Sometimes I will have fruits for lunch.
Tea : mooru and few cream crakers.

Dinner will be chapathi and veges

Selviem standard meals in our house will be

1 kulambu, 2 poriyals, 1 kutoo, 1 patchadi or salad.
rasam and mooru.

Ammavasai days that is on saturday
sambar about 5 types of side dishes, rasam moor,
payasam vadai appalam.

So I have to be strict with my diet.
Thanks. Kugan98

Madhu Sree
11th February 2010, 02:19 PM
Today's Menu: (innaikku konjam summaaraana diet thaan, not a strict diet :| )

Breakfast: I didnt hv, time illa :oops:

Lunch: Had naarthangaai saadham :oops: Medium serving :sigh2: innikku amma pudhusaa try panninaangalaam indha recipe-aa so she wanted me to have that :roll: vera vazhi illa rice saaptiten :lol2: it was different, normal lemon rice vida tastyaa irundhudhu, will post the recipe soon :D

Evening: 1 washington apple nethikku appa vaangindu vandhaar, the size of the apple is bigger :lol2:

Dinner: I think chappaathi or raagi roti :D

11th February 2010, 02:23 PM
amma pudhusaa try panninaangalaam indha recipe-aa so she wanted me to have that

MS' Amma : cha.. intha thadavaiyum iva escape aayittala.. :sigh2: sari adutha thadava paarthukklaam. :noteeth:

MS.. CC/PP pakkam varathu??

11th February 2010, 02:23 PM
BF: 2 ragi dosai with carrot chutney, tea

min-mor: spicy watermmelon

Lunch: MS rice, methi dhal, rasam, curd, pumpkin

Eve: tea, 1 slice atta bread

Dinner: 2 chapathis with peas curry,watermelon.

11th February 2010, 02:27 PM
Madhu, oru neram rice saapidurathukku ellamm varutha padatheenga... I'm having rice for lunch on a regular basis & still losing weight... just limit the serving size & oil content(in variety rice)...

sudha india
11th February 2010, 02:34 PM
Dev, unga weight losing diet pathi enga ezhudhi irukeenga ? link kudunga..

11th February 2010, 02:34 PM
We used to get a variety of orange from a cousin' farm here...the orange will be just the size of a lemon, the skin will be very thin & it's a sour orange. It has a very strong fragrance & we can use it to make orange rice(just like lemon rice). Rombe nalla irukkum.

Anyone has any idea abt the name of this fruit?... mmy cousin has no idea abt its name...

Madhu Sree
12th February 2010, 01:40 PM
Madhu, oru neram rice saapidurathukku ellamm varutha padatheenga... I'm having rice for lunch on a regular basis & still losing weight... just limit the serving size & oil content(in variety rice)...

:D ok

Madhu Sree
12th February 2010, 01:42 PM
Got up @6 today, went for walking for abt 30 - 40 mins :think: :yes:

Today's Menu:

BF: Raagi + Oats + Wheat flour mixed roti
With Dhal mixed with veggies cooked in 1 spoon olive oil

Lunch: Apple

eveningkku edhaachum juice kudikkalaamnu plan :noteeth:

Dinnerkku ennanu theriyalai

12th February 2010, 03:54 PM
Got up @6 today, went for walking for abt 30 - 40 mins :think: :yes:

Today's Menu:

BF: Raagi + Oats + Wheat flour mixed roti
With Dhal mixed with veggies cooked in 1 spoon olive oil

Lunch: Apple

eveningkku edhaachum juice kudikkalaamnu plan :noteeth:

Dinnerkku ennanu theriyalai

Yov ithu enNa kuzhantha pilla thanamaa irukku :lol2:

Madhu Sree
12th February 2010, 03:59 PM
Got up @6 today, went for walking for abt 30 - 40 mins :think: :yes:

Today's Menu:

BF: Raagi + Oats + Wheat flour mixed roti
With Dhal mixed with veggies cooked in 1 spoon olive oil

Lunch: Apple

eveningkku edhaachum juice kudikkalaamnu plan :noteeth:

Dinnerkku ennanu theriyalai

Yov ithu enNa kuzhantha pilla thanamaa irukku :lol2:

:? :roll: ippadi thaane update pannindu irukken for the past 1 week :huh: idhu enna sinna pulla thanamaa irukku :P

12th February 2010, 04:05 PM
Got up @6 today, went for walking for abt 30 - 40 mins :think: :yes:

Today's Menu:

BF: Raagi + Oats + Wheat flour mixed roti
With Dhal mixed with veggies cooked in 1 spoon olive oil

Lunch: Apple

eveningkku edhaachum juice kudikkalaamnu plan :noteeth:

Dinnerkku ennanu theriyalai

Yov ithu enNa kuzhantha pilla thanamaa irukku :lol2:

:? :roll: ippadi thaane update pannindu irukken for the past 1 week :huh: idhu enna sinna pulla thanamaa irukku :P

one sugestan Dinner ku 'Asal' padam parunga appo pasikathu :lol2:

Madhu Sree
12th February 2010, 04:12 PM
one sugestan Dinner ku 'Asal' padam parunga appo pasikathu :lol2:

:goodidea: manam niraindhaal vayiru niraindha maadhiri :poke:

12th February 2010, 04:17 PM
one sugestan Dinner ku 'Asal' padam parunga appo pasikathu :lol2:

:goodidea: manam niraindhaal vayiru niraindha maadhiri :poke:


ennaku vayiru niraindhal thaan manam niraiyum :lol2:

note -- Intha idathila kai thattanum

Madhu Sree
12th February 2010, 04:46 PM
one sugestan Dinner ku 'Asal' padam parunga appo pasikathu :lol2:

:goodidea: manam niraindhaal vayiru niraindha maadhiri :poke:


ennaku vayiru niraindhal thaan manam niraiyum :lol2:

note -- Intha idathila kai thattanum

sabbaaaaaaa :sigh2: mudila :lol2:

12th February 2010, 05:01 PM
one sugestan Dinner ku 'Asal' padam parunga appo pasikathu :lol2:

:goodidea: manam niraindhaal vayiru niraindha maadhiri :poke:


ennaku vayiru niraindhal thaan manam niraiyum :lol2:

note -- Intha idathila kai thattanum

sabbaaaaaaa :sigh2: mudila :lol2:

innaiku MahaShivarthri,

inaikaavathu adaki vaasiyunga, I mean saapatai :lol2:


12th February 2010, 07:00 PM
BF: carrot cucumber sandwich, tea

aMid-mor: watermelon

Lunch: 1 chapathi, ss rice, carrot dhal, rasam, curd,keerai

Eve: 1/2 g tea

dinner: Wheat kanji

13th February 2010, 06:51 PM
Inniku my diet...:banghead:

BF: MS kongu biriyani, tea

Mid-mor: nannari juice, 1 dates

Lunch: SS rice, sambar, rasam, peerkangai, 2 pcs vadagam, 1/4 glass ragi khool

Eve: tea

Dinner: MS wheat upma & ajaad salad.

Madhu Sree
13th February 2010, 09:52 PM
Today's Menu :oops:

BF: a banana :roll:
Lunch: MS rice, sambar, rasam, mor, kaai
Eve: tea
Dinner: 2 carrots, MS Wheat upma (dev ka same pinch :lol2: ) :P

13th February 2010, 10:06 PM
ssssshhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... valikudhu MS...:evil: :P

14th February 2010, 09:45 PM
BF: 1 wheat dosai-mushroom kolambu,lil rice with curd, tea

Mid-mor: watermelon

Lunch: SS rice, dhal, raeam, mor, carrot-beans poriyal

Eve: tea, 1 slice atta bread

Dinner: 2 chapathis, egg curry, watermelon

15th February 2010, 07:42 PM
BF: 4C salad sandwich(ragi bread), 1/2 g tea

Lunch:SS rice, brinjal sambar, rasam, curd, plantain stem poriyal

eve: tea, 2 tsp peanuts

Dinner: 2 chapathis, plantain stem poriyal, curd, 1 g black grape juice W/O sugar

Madhu Sree
16th February 2010, 12:39 PM
Innikku en diet,

BF: 1 banana konjam neram appram some fruit juice

Lunch: 1 veg sandwich, aval upma, 1 g water melon juice :D

Dinner: should be 2 roti with dhal

16th February 2010, 03:50 PM
BF: carrot cucumber sandwich, tea

aMid-mor: watermelon

Lunch: 1 chapathi, ss rice, carrot dhal, rasam, curd,keerai

Eve: 1/2 g tea

dinner: Wheat kanji

:rotfl3: sabbaaa mudiyalappa

16th February 2010, 04:32 PM
BF: carrot cucumber sandwich, tea

aMid-mor: watermelon

Lunch: 1 chapathi, ss rice, carrot dhal, rasam, curd,keerai

Eve: 1/2 g tea

dinner: Wheat kanji

:rotfl3: sabbaaa mudiyalappa

ungalaala mudiyalaina vittidunga... :evil: annyway, neenga edhukku sirikireenganu ennakku puriyalai!!!... :confused2:

Madhu Sree
16th February 2010, 04:35 PM
BF: carrot cucumber sandwich, tea

aMid-mor: watermelon

Lunch: 1 chapathi, ss rice, carrot dhal, rasam, curd,keerai

Eve: 1/2 g tea

dinner: Wheat kanji

:rotfl3: sabbaaa mudiyalappa

ungalaala mudiyalaina vittidunga... :evil:

:lol2: :thumbsup:

16th February 2010, 04:38 PM
;) :bow: @ MS

16th February 2010, 05:42 PM
BF: carrot cucumber sandwich, tea

aMid-mor: watermelon

Lunch: 1 chapathi, ss rice, carrot dhal, rasam, curd,keerai

Eve: 1/2 g tea

dinner: Wheat kanji

:rotfl3: sabbaaa mudiyalappa

ungalaala mudiyalaina vittidunga... :evil: annyway, neenga edhukku sirikireenganu ennakku puriyalai!!!... :confused2:

never heard of 'Wheat' kanji, pls do tell me what it is :lol2:

16th February 2010, 05:44 PM
1 glass of warm water during and after meals helps digestion easier

Madhu Sree
16th February 2010, 05:46 PM
1 glass of warm water during and after meals helps digestion easier

:ty: will do this :D

16th February 2010, 05:50 PM
1 glass of warm water during and after meals helps digestion easier

:ty: will do this :D


If you drink 2 litre of water a day, you will feel, look lighter..water is better than other fruit juices, as they contain chemicals.

16th February 2010, 05:51 PM
never heard of 'Wheat' kanji, pls do tell me what it is :lol2:

Ungalukku theriyalaingaradhaala adhu funny food aagidadhu... :evil: I've posted the recipe inn diet kitchen...

Madhu Sree
16th February 2010, 05:52 PM
1 glass of warm water during and after meals helps digestion easier

:ty: will do this :D


If you drink 2 litre of water a day, you will feel, look lighter..water is better than other fruit juices, as they contain chemicals.

true PS, as of now am drinking 1 lr.. will try to increase it to 2 :D

16th February 2010, 05:53 PM
1 glass of warm water during and after meals helps digestion easier

yeah...but I find it very hard to drink 'warm' water...:(

16th February 2010, 05:56 PM
1 glass of warm water during and after meals helps digestion easier

:ty: will do this :D


If you drink 2 litre of water a day, you will feel, look lighter..water is better than other fruit juices, as they contain chemicals.

true ka, as of now am drinking 1 lr.. will try to increase it to 2 :D

Yov,enathu 'ka' vaa ? :x

Madhu Sree
16th February 2010, 05:58 PM
1 glass of warm water during and after meals helps digestion easier

:ty: will do this :D


If you drink 2 litre of water a day, you will feel, look lighter..water is better than other fruit juices, as they contain chemicals.

true ka, as of now am drinking 1 lr.. will try to increase it to 2 :D

Yov,enathu 'ka' vaa ? :x

:roll: yen :? BTW, enna ennai yov nu solreenga :x

16th February 2010, 06:00 PM
1 glass of warm water during and after meals helps digestion easier

yeah...but I find it very hard to drink 'warm' water...:(

well tough , you have to do it :lol2:

Some tips

1) drink 1 glass of water before meal, this will make you eat less...

2) Never wait till you are really hungry, eat every 2 to 3 hrs some light meals

3) Increase protein intake reduce carbs

4) do some streacthing after food (10 minutes after you have eaten) this increases blood circulation , which enables better metabolism

Madhu Sree
16th February 2010, 06:01 PM
1 glass of warm water during and after meals helps digestion easier

yeah...but I find it very hard to drink 'warm' water...:(

well tough , you have to do it :lol2:

Some tips

1) drink 1 glass of water before meal, this will make you eat less...

2) Never wait till you are really hungry, eat every 2 to 3 hrs some light meals

3) Increase protein intake reduce carbs

4) do some streacthing after food (10 minutes after you have eaten) this increases blood circulation , which enables better metabolism

:bow: thx for the tips PS :D

16th February 2010, 06:06 PM
1 glass of warm water during and after meals helps digestion easier

:ty: will do this :D


If you drink 2 litre of water a day, you will feel, look lighter..water is better than other fruit juices, as they contain chemicals.

true ka, as of now am drinking 1 lr.. will try to increase it to 2 :D

Yov,enathu 'ka' vaa ? :x

:roll: yen :? BTW, enna ennai yov nu solreenga :x

I think you were refering to Kugan as 'Ka' that posting was done by me, and I am certainly not a 'akka' :x :lol:

16th February 2010, 06:08 PM
1 glass of warm water during and after meals helps digestion easier

yeah...but I find it very hard to drink 'warm' water...:(

well tough , you have to do it :lol2:

Some tips

1) drink 1 glass of water before meal, this will make you eat less...

2) Never wait till you are really hungry, eat every 2 to 3 hrs some light meals

3) Increase protein intake reduce carbs

4) do some streacthing after food (10 minutes after you have eaten) this increases blood circulation , which enables better metabolism

:bow: thx for the tips PS :D

ennoda velaiyE ithu thanNe , ennam 5 hrs apeesula optanum, hmm, :think:

Madhu Sree
16th February 2010, 06:08 PM
I think you were refering to Kugan as 'Ka' that posting was done by me, and I am certainly not a 'akka' :x :lol:

aiyaiyooo :banghead: I thought the post was from dev, :oops: I didnt know it was u, sorry sorry :bow: :bow: PS very sorry :( juz now am noticing that the post is from u :D I will update it :D

16th February 2010, 06:09 PM
I think you were refering to Kugan as 'Ka' that posting was done by me, and I am certainly not a 'akka' :x :lol:

aiyaiyooo :banghead: I thought the post was from dev, :oops: I didnt know it was u, sorry sorry :bow: :bow: PS very sorry :( juz now am noticing that the post is from u :D I will update it :D

it's ok pa, take it easy :D