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26th February 2005, 09:53 PM
I understand that lot of ppl have concerns about healthy cooking & eating. I'm starting this thread to share knowledge on healthy cooking & eating. Any questions on healthy lifestyle are welcome in this tread. I would try to answer to the best of my knowledge.

26th February 2005, 10:02 PM
Some of the information posted here are taken from the inetrnet. There's no commercial interest in posting them here. Should this be deemed infringement of copyrights, pls let us know. We'll remove them

To start with I'm providing some basic info on balanced diet...

A good balanced diet should be having a minimum of 15% of protein, a maximum of 15% Fat and the rest Carbohydrates - usually range from 65 % - 75 %. Fibre content should range from 25 grams to 35 grams everyday and calcium should be around 500 mg.

27th February 2005, 12:48 PM
Hi dev,
Am often confused regarding 'portion' sizes, in the recommended daily intake of fruits/veg. Like one apple can be one portion of fruit, but how much exactly say is portion of rice, pulses, greens, berries etc. ? Is it one handful or one cupful ? Any set way of measuring ?

27th February 2005, 04:49 PM
Portion measure is not an accurate measure for most kind of food coz most of the portion measures are for a 2000 Kilo calorie diet... A 2000 kcal diet doesn't suit everybody... So,if U want to know how much of rice,dhal,fruits,veg etc U can eat per day,it's better to devise a diet plan based on ur height,weight,activity level ,age etc.... Use a weiging scale & measuring cup to measure things(raw/uncooked) accurately... Then cook it & the resultant dish can be shared proportionately based on the diet plan...measuring cooked food will not be accurate because cooking style differs from person to person & thus the resultant dish too varies... So portion measure doesn't hold good in tht case...So always measure before cooking & not after cooking...

Here is how homecooked food can be portioned:
For ex,Suppose tht 2 persons live together & person one needs a
1800kcal diet & person two needs a 1200 k cal diet... They can measure & cook ,then share the food on a 3:2 ratio...ie,If person two takes two spoons of curry,person one can take 3 spoons of the same curry...

Visit this link http://forumhub.lunarpages.com/hub/viewtopic.php?t=1304&postdays=0&post

In that link U can see a detailed diet plan that I have charted for a
hubber named Guy...Look into it & if U r intersted in reducing weight
or in eating healthy & maintaining ur weight let me know...I'll help U out as much as i can...

3rd March 2005, 09:30 AM
Are Calories Bad ?

Calories aren't bad for you. Your body needs calories for energy. But eating too many calories - and not burning enough of them off through activity - can lead to weight gain.

Most foods and drinks contain calories. Some foods, such as lettuce, contain few calories. (A 9-ounce lettuce salad contains only 40 calories.) Other foods, like peanuts, contain a lot of calories.

You can find out how many calories are in a food by looking at the nutrition label. The label also will describe the components of the food - how many grams of carbohydrate, protein, and fat it contains. Here's how many calories are in 1 gram of each:

* carbohydrate - 4 calories
* protein - 4 calories
* fat - 9 calories

That means if you know how many grams of each one are in a food, you can calculate the total calories. You would multiply the number of grams by the number of calories in a gram of that food component.

For example, if a serving of fried snack(chips - about 20 has 10 grams of fat, 90 calories are from fat. That's 10 grams X 9 calories per gram.

3rd March 2005, 12:01 PM
You've probably seen ads for low-carb foods and diets, but everyone need carbohydrates .Most foods contain carbohydrates, which the body breaks down into simple sugars - the major source of energy for the body.

Two Types of Carbohydrates
There are two major types of carbohydrates in foods: simple and complex.

3rd March 2005, 12:04 PM
Simple carbohydrates: These are also called simple sugars. Simple sugars are found in refined sugar. If you have a lollipop, you're eating simple carbohydrates. But you'll also find simple sugars in more nutritious foods, such as fruit and milk. It's better to get your simple sugars from food like fruit and milk. Why? Because they contain vitamins, fiber, and important nutrients like calcium. A lollipop does not.

Carbohydrates in Fruit and Vegetables

Many carbos in fruit and vegetables are classed as sugars, but these are unrefined sugars and are quite different from the non-nutritious carb sugars found in manufactured, processed food. Fresh fruit and vegetables contain other micro-nutrients that help protect us against serious diseases.

Carbohydrates to Avoid in Your Diet -

Unhealthy carbohydrates are the refined sugar carbs, found in foods like: sweets, cakes, carbonated soft drinks, ice-cream and syrups. The most refined of all sugars is table or icing sugar. Healthwise, we don't need to eat any of these refined carbohydrate foods.

Complex carbohydrates: These are also called starches. Starches include grain products, such as bread, crackers, pasta, and rice. As with simple sugars, some complex carbohydrate foods are better choices than others. Refined grains, such as white flour and white rice, have been processed, which removes nutrients and fiber. But unrefined grains still contain these vitamins and minerals. Unrefined grains also are rich in fiber, which helps your digestive system work well. Fiber helps you feel full, so you are less likely to overeat these foods.

3rd March 2005, 05:28 PM
Interesting thread Dev. Would like to add some thoughts..

1. Food Portioning

The size of one's fist acts as a good guide. If it's a rice meal, then you're looking at a fist sized portion of rice which must see you thro the saambaar, rasam and curd stage-talking strictly vegetarian here. That is all the rice that is necessary for a person with sedentary life style. No second helpings. As for the side dishes the rule applies, as well.

Try and avoid bombarding your system with double starches at the same meal: rice with potato for example. If you must have potato, then reduce the amount of rice intake.

Carbohydrates work favourably if consumed say post exercise. The energy storage goes straight to the muscles instead of fat cells.

2. Eat more frequently, instead of 3 mega mels. We've been trained to eat by the clock...and it doesnt make it easy when we are at work. Small 'meals' dont have to be sit down eating sessions. It could be anything from a handful of roasted nuts, or a glass of milk (or packet drink) fuss free fruits like grapes, banana etc., The idea is to keep the body's energy expending machine running, by adding fuel to it. If you starve your body for long periods of time, what happens is muscle breakdown. Fat cells are meant to conserve energy when subjected to extreme conditions, so basically fat doesnt breakdown- negligible at the most; it's the muscle's which breakdown contributing to weight loss and of course that haggard look!

Dont wait to feel hungry to eat.

3. Drink water- at least 3-6 litres if you're exercising. 3 litres should be OK for sedentary life styles. Fill up a used soft drink bottle, which is 1.5 litres with plain water and drink from it through out the day. And stop all intake of water 2 hours before bed time, otherwise it contributes to water retention. Even if you're thirsty in the middle of the night, avaoid drinking water. So basically, just like eating, drinking should be done in the earlier part of the day when the body's metabolism is at it's fastest.

Having said all that, ultimately healthy living is about regular exercise, regular & balanced meals and the need within oneself to want to lead a healthy life style.


4th March 2005, 07:44 AM
Thanks a lot for ur contribtion Shoba...:)

4th March 2005, 07:45 AM
How the Body Uses Carbohydrates

When you eat carbohydrates, the body breaks them down into simple sugars. These sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream. As the sugar level rises in your body, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin. Insulin is needed to move sugar from the blood into the cells, where the sugar can be used as a source of energy.

When this process goes fast - as with simple sugars - you're more likely to feel hungry again soon. When it occurs more slowly, as with a whole-grain food, you'll be satisfied longer. These types of complex carbohydrates give you energy over a longer period of time. The carbohydrates in some foods (mostly those that contain a lot of simple sugars) cause the blood sugar level to rise more quickly than others.

4th March 2005, 08:35 AM
You people are taking all the fun out of life!!!! :x

On a more serious note, thanks for all the information. Hope I can summon up enough will power from under all those pounds of flesh to stick to the regimen!! :?

4th March 2005, 08:38 AM
Jokes apart, I have a serious question...What about hunger?

With all this reducing quantities of food, you might be meeting the calorific requirements of the day, but I feel a big hole in the middle of my stomach, as Obelix would say!!

I feel hungry...is it healthy/wise to ignore the hunger pangs in the name of a healthy lifestyle?

How to tackle this issue?

4th March 2005, 08:45 AM
Hi Badri,

U can take most fatty food in moderation(in the sense once in a week or so in limited quantity)...not much harm in it...But the thing is all junk foods r so tasty tht U'll be forced to overeat ,which will make u 'look' funny... :wink: Just kidding...:)

4th March 2005, 08:51 AM
I know...tell me about it...started of as Asterix, beginning to look more and more like Obelix now!! :o

But the funny thing is I don't like chips very much...nor chocolate and stuff...so that way, am not addicted to junk food very much. Plus the wife is strict on not buying junk food.

But still, I am not quite the desired shape...you get what I am saying? There are jeans I would love to get into...if I could!!!

What could be going wrong? I love veggies and eat a good share of them...one meal is only chapathi..morning breakfast is only wheat-oat-corn flakes and milk...as far as rice goes, only one helping with sambhar and curd + veg (standard)..no three course meals like sambhar, rasam, podis and curd...

what could the problem be?

4th March 2005, 08:53 AM
One reason for feeling hunry quiet often is coz U would've overfed ur stomach all these days & ur system is used to being overfed...So If u try to reduce food intake all of a sudden, it'll be a great shock to ur body & it'll start fighting for food... U'll have to 'phase out' the intake until u reach a point where u r taking just the req calories & not more...

So my advice would be to break ur means into smaller parts & take it at regular intervals (5-6 times a day) in moderation...Try to snack on healthy food like fruits,salads etc...& if atall U want to eat junks like chips,once in a while u can go in for the baked potato chips kind of stuffs that's available in the market these days... If u take non-vegetarion food,u can snack on peppered egg whites,roasted chicken(skinless) etc...They are healthier & they r rich in proteins too...

4th March 2005, 09:00 AM
Hi Badri,

If you could tell me ur height,weight,age ,lifestyle etc,i can plan a good diet for you... & from what 've said, I don't find anything wrong in ur eating habits... But the culprit could be the amount of food U eat & the amt of oil used in cooking, weekend parties, overeating at night (coz that's when we find time to eat leisurely),& eating very late at night etc...

limit ur oil intake to 15ml(ie 1 tbsp = 3 tsp) per day...try to walk or cycle or swim for 1/2 hr everyday...atleast 5 days in a week...

4th March 2005, 09:25 AM
Ok, you are spot on couple of counts:

It is almost 10:30 pm when we finish dinner...I come late from work, and invariably get delayed for dinner...

Oil intake is definitely not 15 ml...while it is not too much either, it is about 25-30 ml I would say. Mostly it is olive oil...if not, it is sunflower.

jsut a quarter teaspoon of ghee is a part of the everyday routine.

I do walk a bit...not too too much, but then, I have to walk 10 minutes to the tram, and then another 5 or 10 to the station from the tram. The same for return...so thought not continously, I get to walk at least for 30 minutes a day (2x15)

I am 30, 5'6" and psst...I will send you a PM about my weight, ok? :oops:

And I am a software professional, so most of my work is sitting down. Absolutely no exercise, except the walk to work and back.

So, Dev, do your magic, and tell me how to improve!!!

4th March 2005, 09:50 AM
& Badri,

Tell me if u r a vegetarian or non-veg eater so that I can use it to plan ur diet to balance out on protein rquirements... I'll plan a diet where I'll let U know how much of rice,dhal,wheat,milk,veg,fruits etc U'll have to take everyday to balance out...

In ur case,ur diet style is ok but I guess U go wrong in the quantity U eat... & dinner at 10.30 is definitely late... If U r back home late,then try to go for a casual walk for 25-30 mins (along with ur family) after dinner(agree tht it's a bit hard in the beginning)... it should be helpful in both developing a good lifestyle as well as good relationship with ur family... :wink:

& pls forget abt the 10+10+10 mins walk to tram & all those stuff... dedicate 1/2 hr for exercise apart from those routine walks...

4th March 2005, 10:39 AM
forget abt the 10+10+10 mins walk to tram & all those stuff... dedicate 1/2 hr for exercise apart from those routine walks...

Ouch...I knew you would go and spoil everything saying something like that!! :cry:

Here I was thinking I am getting my daily exercise and feeling good about it...

Thanks again, Dev for offering to help with the diet plan

4th March 2005, 10:53 AM

Excellent thread! (How did I miss it?? :shock: :shock: )

Very sad to see only Badri making full use of you!

I have a few questions-

1. Is the calories we need daily are measured in just Cal or KCal? I see on the pouch of say, a snack, they put the calories in Kcal. What is the conversion?

2. It will be nice if you can list out the calorie count of common foods like 1 cube of sugar, 100 ml of milk, 1 katori rice, dal, vegetables etc. Do give some indicated calorie count of 1 fried papad, 50gm of potato chips, 1 piece of sweets we tend to eat bit often etc. This will help us to arrive approximately how much calories we take in daily.

3. Tell me, for a software prof where physical exertion in workplace is very less, what is the daily calorie needed? I am in early thirties and 162 cm in height. ( I am a female, in case my username confuses u).

4. Pl. give the calories we spend for routine physical activities like climbing stairs, walking at moderate speed for 5 min, working before the PC for an hour etc

Thank u and wish to take the liberty to bombard u with more questions! :D

4th March 2005, 11:03 AM
Scorpio akka...(you revealed your age, and inadvertantly earned a promotion :lol: )

You can bet your last dollar that Dev will tell you chumma climbing up the stairs to go to the canteen and walking at a moderate speed for 5 mins doesn't count...she said walking for 30 minutes a day in small intervals itself doesn't count!!!

She makes no compromises, she's out to make us healthy!!

BIG PS: Dev, I am assuming you are a she...sorry if you are not!!!

4th March 2005, 11:43 AM
Scorpio akka...(you revealed your age, and inadvertantly earned a promotion :lol: )


Ethanai peru kelambirukeenga enna akka-va aakarathukku? Already, I have a thambi in Jaiganes and now you.. Okay, Okay!

Actually, I am not overweight and quite successfully manage to look trim. Issue is to maintain the same way!! ( Sighs at the thought of ice-creams and milk shakes!) :(

4th March 2005, 11:59 AM
Hi Scorpio,

The calorie people use when referring to food calories is a kilocalorie... Pls don't be confused with the calorie used in chemistry & tht used to measure food energy...
FYI,1 Kcal=1000cal...As far as food is concerned,they always mention the calories in kcal & that is wht we r concerned with...

& reg the calories in food items,I can give you the calories in raw food & not cooked food coz each one has a different style of cooking... Some add less sugar to sweets & some add more...So,if I give the measures for cooked food,it might be misleading...

Your ideal body weight should be between 62-65kgs...Calorie needs & Calories spent on routine activities again depends on height & weight...Since U've not mentioned ur weight,i will not be able to give the exact measures...please send a private msg in this regard & I'll let know...

I will be writing in detail regarding all these soon...keep checking the tread & post in all your queries...not a problem at all....

4th March 2005, 12:07 PM
Hi Badri,

I'm a Female,no doubt... :)

4th March 2005, 12:07 PM
Hi Scorpio,

Your ideal body weight should be between 62-65kgs...Calorie needs & Calories spent on routine activities again depends on height & weight...Since U've not mentioned ur weight,i will not be able to give the exact measures...please send a private msg in this regard & I'll let know...

I will be writing in detail regarding all these soon...keep checking the tread & post in all your queries...not a problem at all....

Yupeeeeeee! Now, I have no probs to make my weight public. I am 59-60 kgs (depends on the weight machine). What do we do with the calorie count for uncooked food?? I still have my teeth intact and have no idea of eating anything uncooked for the next 30 years. :)

Why dont u give approx calorie counts?? It will go a long way to decide whether to take that papad or not when I have lunch in the cafeteria! :wink:

4th March 2005, 12:17 PM
I'm not asking you to eat uncooked food... U'll have to see approx how much of those uncooked food goes into the dish to decide on the calories...This definitely is difficult to calculate while U eat out...

Here is a short approximate guide to the number of calories burned by certain exercises/activities.

Sleeping - 60 calories
Eating - 85 calories
Sitting - 85 calories
Standing - 100 calories
Driving - 110 calories
Computer Work - 130 calories
Office Work - 140 calories
Housework (moderate) - 160 calories
Golf (with trolley) - 180 calories
Gardening (light) - 250 calories
Walking, (3 mph) - 280 calories
Ping-Pong - 290 calories
Tennis - 400 calories
Roller-blading - 400 calories
Gardening (strenuous) calories
Ice-Skating - 420 calories
Aerobics - 450 calories
Cycling (moderate) - 450 calories
Jogging (5 mph) - 500 calories
Swimming (vigorous) - 500 calories
Step Aerobics - 550 calories
Cycling (vigorous) - 600 calories
Walking (vigorous) - 600 calories
Skipping with rope - 700 calories
Running - 700 calories

4th March 2005, 12:24 PM
To lose 1 pound U need to burn 3500cal...walking at 3mph burns 280 cal/hr....So U need to walk for 12 hrs to burn 1 pound.... :lol:

4th March 2005, 12:26 PM
Dev...are you trying to help, or are you out there to discourage all of us????? Especially me!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyway, waiting for your diet plan...hopefully you won't go behind my back and cut all fun out of life for me there!!!

4th March 2005, 12:29 PM

Thx. I'll be looking like a nut in the cafeteria dissecting my food and counting the calories instead of eating!!

Pl. do not speak in terms of pounds, use Kg, else give the conversion pls.

U have not given calories burnt in climbing stairs. Pl. give that too.

4th March 2005, 12:31 PM

Peanut-a chutney araichu, jollu vittundu, spoon spoon-aa muzhingina entha kaalam nee weight kuraikarathu??

4th March 2005, 12:34 PM
Cha...Scorpio Akka...not fair....you can't quote miscellaneous posts here!

Athu vera, ithu vera...that's the low road, this is the high road...

by the way, have you tried peanut chutney? it is wonderful.

Plus, i read an article about how good nuts are for your health...so there!!!

4th March 2005, 12:36 PM
U can lose 10-12 kcal/min in stair climbing...


Don't be scared...I'll help U out with a good diet plan...:)

I'm signing off for the day...Bye bye...

4th March 2005, 12:38 PM
Miscellaneous enga kanna? Indian food discussion-la peanut chutney thread-la nee inikku kalambara vitta jollai thaan sonnen!

Anyway, go to Tamil films, Have given the link for your curious Mumbai xpress photo there!


Excuse for the digressions created by this akka and thambi!

4th March 2005, 12:39 PM
KG TO LBS conversion:

1 kg=2.2 pounds...

4th March 2005, 12:40 PM
By miscellaneous, i meant extraneous..as in not related to this current thread, or as in "should not be brought into this current thread" unless you want me to go on a guilt trip!

4th March 2005, 12:48 PM
"Plus, i read an article about how good nuts are for your health...so there!!"

Paavakkai kuda thaan udambuku rombe nallathu...Saapiduringala?...hahahahaha... JK

4th March 2005, 12:50 PM
Cha...ellaruma sendhu kavukkaranga pa...incidentally, I like pavakkai...I like to cut it into thin rings, and keep it in the fridge and eat it ...cold, raw and crunchy!! yummy!!

I don't like it that much when cooked, though!

4th March 2005, 01:08 PM

Forgot to tell U...U can take around 1500kcal & still maintain ur weight...

100gms of potato chips(fried) gives approx 500kcals...The same holds true for papad also(approx)... Which means ,if U eat 100 gms of chips,u r taking 1/3 of ur daily calorie requirement... :)

Eat Healthy, Live Better

4th March 2005, 01:11 PM
Even micowaved papad?????

4th March 2005, 01:26 PM
No Badri...That's for fried papad...I'm not very sure abt the calories in all those stuffs coz God only knows what goes into it... :roll: So these are all only very approximate...

& Badri, U can't have ur fav peanut chutney while on weight reduction...& no coconuts too... Maybe after U reduce weight,U can eat all those in moderation... Though nuts r good,U can eat only very little of it coz of our sedentary lifestyle... Afterall,Spoiling your health is no fun!!!...

Eat Healthy, Live Better

4th March 2005, 01:50 PM
Badri, U can't have ur fav peanut chutney while on weight reduction...& no coconuts too... Maybe after U reduce weight,U can eat all those in moderation... Though nuts r good,U can eat only very little of it coz of our sedentary lifestyle... Afterall,Spoiling your health is no fun!!!...

Eat Healthy, Live Better


Naan ithaiye sonna pothu low road, high road-nnu ennavo kadhai vitte! Ippa vaa vazhikku!


I'll sure run away from Papads from tomorrow like Tenaliraman's cat!

4th March 2005, 01:56 PM
That's good Scorpio,U can have microwaved or rosted papad when at home... No harm in it... Infact,I used to eat microwaved papad as a snack when I feel like eating something crisp... :)

Badri sir,ithai ellam paarthu bayanthu oodi poidathinga... Seekiram ungaluku diet plan potu kudukiren...

4th March 2005, 02:03 PM
Fat is a component in food. Some foods, including most fruits and vegetables, have almost no fat. Other foods have plenty of fat. They include nuts, oils, butter, and meats like beef.

The name - fat - may make it sound like something you shouldn't eat. But fat is an important part of a healthy diet.

Types of Fat
You might see ads for foods that say they're "low-fat" or "fat-free." Lower-fat diets have been recommended for health and to help people lose weight. But nutrition experts are finding that fats are more complicated and that some kinds of fat are actually good for your health. But that doesn't mean a high-fat diet will be good for you. And some fats are better than others. Here are the three major types:

Unsaturated fats: These are found in plant foods and fish. These may be good for heart health. The best of the unsaturated fats are found in olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, albacore tuna, and salmon.

Saturated fats: These fats are found in meat and other animal products, such as butter, cheese, and all milk except skim. Saturated fats are also in palm and coconut oils, which are often used in commercial baked goods (the kind you buy at the store). Eating too much saturated fat can raise blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease.

Trans fats: These fats are found in margarine, especially the sticks. Trans fats are also found in certain foods that you buy at the store or in a restaurant, such as snack foods, baked goods, and fried foods. When you see "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oils on an ingredient list, the food contains trans fats. Like saturated fats, eating too much can raise cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease.

4th March 2005, 02:13 PM
So Which Fats are Good?

Saturated Fats

Saturated fats come from animal foods (meat, cheese, eggs, dairy) and a few oils like palm kernel oil. These fats are not essential to health - in fact, if consumed in excess, they can be difficult to metabolise (causing weight gain) and may lead to narrowing of the arteries (causing heart disease).

Mono-unsaturated Fats

Mono-unsaturated fat is considered to be one of the healthiest types of general fat. It is found mainly in olive oil, rapeseed oil, canola oil, nuts and seeds & in avacado too.

The high consumption of olive oil in Mediterranean countries is considered to be one of the reasons why these countries have lower levels of heart disease. This is because mono-unsaturated fat helps reduce harmful low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) which can cause blocked arteries.

Poly-unsaturated Fats

Although much healthier than saturated fat, poly-unsaturated fat is considered to be less healthy than mono-unsaturated fat. This is because research indicates it may reduce the protective high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) as well as the harmful low-density lipoproteins (LDLs). However, within the polyunsaturated fats group are two very important essential fatty acids (EFAs):

* Omega 6 Fatty Acids (e.g. linoleic acid)
Found in unrefined safflower, corn, sesame and sunflower oils

* Omega 3 Fatty Acids (e.g. alpha-linolenic acid)
Found in oily fish, linseed or flax oil, hemp oil, soybean oil, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, dark green vegetables

Both these essential fatty acids are vital for good health. They regulate mental health, growth and vitality and are believed to assist the transport and uptake of oxygen throughout the body.

4th March 2005, 02:18 PM
How much of fat to take?

A healthy adult can take 15 ml= tbsp=3 tsp of oil per day... Reduce total fat consumption to 15 per cent of total daily calorie intake.

4th March 2005, 02:25 PM
Hi Dev,

I just stumbled on this thread today. It seems to be pretty useful. If you don't mind, I would just like to know from where you are gathering all the information that you are providing.

No offence, just that many things with regard to food and health keep being proved and disproved all the time, so if you could also give some sources, it would help me take a call on using the info.

I am also very, very interested in all things health related, and am constantly collecting info on the same, and am trying my best to make my family's food habits also healthier. I shall keep checking in in future to see whether there are things that I can use and/or contribute to this site.

4th March 2005, 02:32 PM
Along with fats and oils and stuff, I believe that salt is also something that plays a major role in our good health and good feel. We inadvertantly use too much salt in our cooking, and this could also lead to bloating and puffiness.

There are many invisible ways in which salt creeps into our diet, especially if we rely a lot on processed foods.

Dev, any comments?

Also, with regard to portion size - i try to eat as less as possible of rice and instead focus on larger portions of veggies to fill up. Is this ok?

One tip - you can substitute rice with cracked wheat or bulgar. This is much lower in starch and is a more complex carbohydrate , so the release of energy in our system is also slower. Not only that, it is much higher in fibre as compared to rice, which is also a good thing.

We eat steamed dalia instead of rice at least 3-4 times in a week. It is more chewy than rice, and takes a bit of getting used to. But tastewise, I don't think that there is a perciptible difference at all.

4th March 2005, 02:52 PM
Hi Thattai,

All these info were read from various books & websites when my husband wanted to lose weight 3 years back... He has gathered so much of info & I learnt it all from him... To tell you the truth,I just don't have a single all-in-one website to mention here... I'll ask my husband & let you know if he remembers any specific website... Actually,long back I came across a site where u can calculate the energy expenditure for various activities based on ur height & weight...As usual,I didn't bookmark it & now am serching for tht site but never succeeded in it so far...:( Some of the materials used here are from

& yes,I do get confused with the info given in different websites coz we can see many contradictory views...That's Y I thought I'll post whatever I'm clear with...:) Before I post something,I search for it in Google...chk a few websites...analyze it & then post it... I've not come across a single website that can clear all our doubts... Anyways, from now on,I'll also refer to any interesting site I come across...

At present I have many raw info which we've been trying to put into a website... But not able to do it due to lack of time & req skills...

Do contribute whatever U can... & sorry for not being able to help U in this regard...

4th March 2005, 02:57 PM
Salt does play a major role in healthy living...Will post as much details as possible about it ,when I find time...

"with regard to portion size - i try to eat as less as possible of rice and instead focus on larger portions of veggies to fill up. Is this ok?"

Healthwise this is very good,coz vegetables contain more minerals,vitamins etc than rice & low in calories too.

& substiituting Dhalia for rice too is a very good idea... But all these needs some lifestyle changes which maybe tough initially but the benefits r sure to be great...:)

4th March 2005, 03:23 PM
1. All vegetable oils contain 100% fat.
2. Each tablespoon of vegetable oil contains 15 grams of fat
3. Each tablespoon of vegetable oil contains 130 calories
4. For better health, choose oils/fats that are low in saturated fat

4th March 2005, 03:34 PM
%saturated fat 66
%polyunsaturated 4
%monounsaturated 30

Canola Oil
%saturated fat 7
% polyunsaturated 35
%monounsaturated 58

Coconut Oil
%saturated fat 92
%polyunsaturated 2
%monounsaturated 6

Olive Oil
%saturated fat 14
%polyunsaturated 12
%monounsaturated 74

Sunflower Oil
%saturated fat 11
%polyunsaturated 69
%monounsaturated 20

4th March 2005, 07:15 PM
Hi Badri,

Here goes ur diet...It's a 1500kcal diet...All these are the weights of raw ingredients...Better buy a weiging scale before U jump into the diet programme...

Cereals : 40 gms
Milk : 225 ml(non-fat or very low fat only)
1 slice of whole wheat bread with a few slices of cucumber,carrot,lettuce...(no butter, chesse pls)

Lunch :
Rice :70 gms
Dhal:40 gms
Veg :225 gms
Curds: 50 gms(made from non-fat or very low fat)

Wheat flour : 40 gms + 10 gms soy flour(makes approx 3 medium chapathis)
Dhal : 20 gms
Veg : 200 gms
Fruits : 200 gms(watery fruits r better)

Snacks : 2 cups coffee/tea with milk(50 gms milk)

Sugar: 25 gms
salt : 10 gms
curry powders etc : 10 gms
Oil: strictly 15 ml only

The vegetables should be a mix of leafy,starchy & watery vegetables. Less of starchy vegetables & more of the other two categories.The above vegs includes onions,tomatoes,garlic also.

In addition,U need to walk an extra 30 mins a day...It should be a brisk walk...If U follow all these strictly,U can reduce 1 kg in 15 days...Try it out & let me know...

4th March 2005, 10:55 PM
Hi Dev,
How many calories does Upma have, say per cup(US standards) of sooji cooked with some veggies.
What do you think the ratio of nutrition is.

5th March 2005, 09:46 AM
Hi Minni,

Tell me what are the ingredients(except water) that go into ur upma & their quantities(in grams & not cup measure)... Only then I can tell u the calories... I don't want to tell the calories for cooked food without knowing these details coz as i said earlier, cooking style varies from person to person... So if I tell U the calories based on my style of cooking,it may be misleading for others...

5th March 2005, 09:49 AM
What do you think the ratio of nutrition is.

What exactly do U mean by this, Minni?... what do U mean by ratio of nutrition?...

5th March 2005, 10:47 AM
You probably know you need to eat protein, but what is it? Many foods contain protein, but the best sources are poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and legumes like black beans. Protein builds up, maintains, and replaces the tissues in your body. Your muscles, your organs, and your immune system are made up mostly of protein.

Your body uses the protein you eat to make lots of specialized protein molecules that have specific jobs. For instance, your body uses protein to make hemoglobin , the part of red blood cells that carries oxygen to every part of your body. Other proteins are used to build cardiac muscle.

Proteins & Amino Acids
When you eat foods that contain protein, the digestive juices in your stomach and intestine go to work. They break down the protein in food into basic units, called amino acids. The amino acids then can be reused to make the proteins your body needs to maintain muscles, bones, blood, and body organs.

Proteins are sometimes described as long necklaces with differently shaped beads. Each bead is a small molecule called an amino acid. These amino acids can join together to make thousands of different proteins. Scientists have found many different amino acids in protein, but 22 of them are very important to human health.

Of those 22 amino acids, your body can make 13 of them without you ever thinking about it. Your body can't make the other nine amino acids, but you can get them by eating protein-rich foods. They are called essential amino acids because it's essential that you get them from the foods you eat.

5th March 2005, 10:49 AM
Hi ,

Here's another interesting site I came across today...

I'll keep referring to such sites once in a while...But if U feel U r getting confused with the different diets they talk about,Just ignore it... I'm trying to give all details in an organised way, so that ,after sometime U r in a position to deicide on what to eat & what not to...

I've seen many ppl following Atkins diet which is great for quick weight reduction but the long term effects not very positive... So,incase u decide to folllow a diet plan, learn thoroughly about it (its pros & cons) & then follow it...And ,it's always 'prevention is better than cure'...so better consult ur physician as he might have some suggestions coz he knows ur body better... Weight loss & maintenance is no magic...It's an art & science...& ofcourse, a lifetime lifestyle change...

6th March 2005, 07:44 AM
How much Protein is needed?

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of protein according to U.S. government standards is 0.8 gram per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of ideal body weight for the adult. The RDA increases by 30 grams per day during pregnancy and 20 grams per day during lactation.During growth, different amounts are needed.

Age & Protein RDA(grams per kg of body weight)
0-6 months - 2.2
6-12 months - 2.0
1-3 years -1.8
4-6 years -1.5
7-10 years -1.2
11-14 years -1.0
15-18 years - 0.9
19 + years -0.8

6th March 2005, 07:49 PM

Sodium(salt) is an essential mineral or micronutrient which along with potassium helps to regulate the body's fluid balance.According to some experts the average Western diet provides more than 5 times the recommended daily allowance of sodium. Excess sodium intake is linked with high blood pressure and heart disease.

Dietary sodium is measured in milligrams (mg). The most common form of sodium used is table salt, which is 40 percent sodium. One teaspoon of table salt contains 2,300 milligrams of sodium.

Sodium Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)

The current recommendation is to consume less than 2,400 milligrams (mg) of sodium a day. This is about 1 teaspoon of table salt per day. It includes ALL salt and sodium consumed, including sodium used in cooking and at the table.

Sodium Deficiency

Sodium deficiency is not common but can occur during heavy/prolonged exercise, due to loss in sweat and in high temperatures. Signs of sodium deficiency include: cramps, weakness, fatigue, nausea and thirst.

7th March 2005, 04:38 AM
Hi Badri,

Here goes ur diet...It's a 1500kcal diet...All these are the weights of raw ingredients...Better buy a weiging scale before U jump into the diet programme...

Hey, thanks a lot Dev...you've taken you so much time to plan and come out with this diet that I would be doing you an injustice if I don't follow it religously!!

At least for that reason, guess I will.

Thanks again.

7th March 2005, 04:52 AM
Try it out for a few days Badri...Once U see ur weight going down,U'll get interested in it...All the best...

7th March 2005, 11:12 AM

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is made in the body by the liver. Cholesterol forms part of every cell in the body and serves a number of vital functions.

Our bodies make too much cholesterol when we eat too much saturated fat in our diet, and this excess cholesterol circulates in the bloodstream. High levels of cholesterol in the blood can clog blood vessels and increase the risk for heart disease and stroke.
We also get some cholesterol directly from animal-based foods in our diet such as meat, eggs, and dairy products. Plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, and grains do not contain cholesterol.

How to Reduce Cholesterol?

Fortunately, most people can bring down their blood cholesterol levels without medication by changing their diet and by becoming more active. It's worth remembering that for every 1 percent you lower your blood cholesterol level, you reduce your risk for heart disease by 2 percent.

8th March 2005, 06:53 AM

Fiber is very important for any balanced diet because high fiber foods fill us up WITHOUT making us fat.And as fiber passes through our system it takes some of our undigested fat with it.

In addition, the presence of fiber (e.g. in fruit) helps to slow down the absorption of sugar into our bloodstream. This helps stabilize our blood sugar levels and is believed to help reduce cravings. Both these benefits assist weight control.

Healthy high fiber foods include: oat bran, beans, legumes, many fruits like bananas, apples & berries; raw vegetables, whole wheat bread/pasta wholegrain bread, brown rice. See also Fiber Chart

Note: Although fiber offers a range of nutritional and weight-related benefits, it is best eaten as part of a balanced diet.

8th March 2005, 10:19 AM
Hi all,

Here r a few interesting links...

8th March 2005, 02:48 PM

These nutrients don't supply your body with energy because they don't have calories. However, they are necessary because they help your body convert food into energy.

The thirteen vitamins: A, C, D, E, K and the eight B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, pantothenic acid, biotin, folacin, and B12) can be divided into two types: fat-soluble and water-soluble.

You need not consume the fat-soluble vitamins everyday in order to maintain their proper levels because they are stored in your body fat and liver. But, the water-soluble vitamins, the B-complex vitamins and C, dissolve in water in your system. So, these vitamins should be consumed everyday (with the exception of B12, which your liver stores).

8th March 2005, 11:59 PM
Hi Dev!!
I have a 1 year old baby girl. I have to lose 15 pounds to reeach my pre-pregnancy weight. I am trying desperately but for some reason, I am not able to reduce the weight. I thought of joining
weightwatchers to lose the baby weight. I went to a meeting and asked the people there-even they are skeptical about it. -they dont know how it will work on an Indian diet. So my only hope is also gone!!Now, I saw your posts and I am feeling a bit confident that u will be able to make me reach my goal .
I am 28 years old- Height is 5 ft 5 inches-weight is 145 pounds. I am a vegetarian.

Here is my food on a regular day:
breakfast:honey bunches of oats with skim/1 % milk

lunch:3 chapatis with dal and curry(have totally reduced my rice intake for the past 6 months hoping to lose wt :-((

dinner:2 or 3 idli,dosas,upma etc

I have boost/complan in the evening. I eat some biscuits etc in the afternoon.

I don't know what I am making wrong. Can u please suggest me a diet s that I can lose some wt?

I also walk in treadmill or do elliptical training for 30 min 4 days a week-but not even 1 pound I am losing. I go to parties in the weekend, though.

Please help me out!!!

Thanks a lot.


9th March 2005, 06:40 AM
Hi Anandi,

I would like to know a few more details before I plan a diet for you.

1.Are you working & if yes,will U be able to devote 30 mins for exercise everyday? Aru you still nursing ur kid?

2.U've mentioned that U go for parties during weekends. Can U pls list the type of food U eat there,Kind of drinks U have , the time the meal is served,the time U go to bed etc.

3. Also,let me know what U mean by elliptical training.

4.Reg ur Breakfast(honey bunches of oats),it'll be helpful if u can check the box & let me know the calorie contents & the breakup. Also ,let me know thw quantity U take.Please use a kitchen weiging scale to weigh it . No cup measures please.

4.Reg lunch,I would like to know the weight of wheat flour used to make 3 chapathis, quantity of dhal U take(ie raw dhal measure/before cooking),the quantity of curry u eat,the amount of oil & all other kind of fat(cream,butter,etc etc)that goes into all these.

5.Also let me know the curry that U have for dinner with idli dosas etc.

6.I specifically need the quantities of fat used,coconut used & any nuts that u eat & the timing of all your meals(especially dinner).

7.Reg ur snacks, what kind of biscuit do U eat?...Is it the one with cream?If possible,provide me with the nutrition breakup.

8.Let me know any specific of food you are allergic to or that U hate to eat,so that I can plan ur diet accordingly.And do u take non-veg food?

Once U give me all these details, I'll plan a diet for you. If U can follow the diet & exercise plan strictly,U can probably lose the excess 15 pounds in 4-5 months.

In case u r hesitent to post any other detail in public,U can PM me.

9th March 2005, 07:17 AM
Vitamin A
This vitamin plays a really big part in eyesight. It promotes normal bone growth, healthy skin, hair and eyes, helps with night vision.

Which foods are rich in vitamin A?

* eggs
* milk
* apricots
* nectarines
* carrots
* sweet potatoes
* spinach

9th March 2005, 07:30 AM
Here's a site that tells a lot abt protein...


9th March 2005, 09:21 AM
Vitamin C
This vitamin is important for keeping body tissues, such as gums and muscles in good shape. It strengthens blood vessels, helps the immune system(ie helps your body resist infection), heals wounds and helps heal broken bones.

Which foods are rich in vitamin C?

* citrus fruits, like oranges
* strawberries
* tomatoes
* broccoli
* cabbage

9th March 2005, 10:29 AM
Hi Anandi,

Wherever u r, can get the kitchen weiging scale in any big departmental store.If U r in Singalpore,let me know. I'll help u out.

Reg Breakfast,can u let me know the full breakup(protein,fibre,fat etc) as given in the box for both 100gms & per serving. Or let me know which brand it is so that I'll try to chk it out here.

"I have milagai podi with these or v rarely-thakkali chutney "

Hmmm...do U add oil to milagai podi?. Try to have some kind of chutneys with it coz this kind of food doesn't balance ur diet.Anyway,will give u a detailed plan soon.

"I eat breakfast at 9-9:30, lunch at 1,dinner at 8. I dont use oil at all-sometimes 1 teaspoon is the max I use-no coconut in my diet"

The timing is ok.But don't go too low on fat.U need some amount of fat for the proper functioning of your body. U can have upto 3 teaspoon=15m=1 tablespoon of fat per day.Read my previous posts for details about it.

Please try to get a kitchen weiging scale coz the diet I give will be in terms of gm measure...So ,U'll need it anyway...

Anyway,I'll plan a diet for you soon. Since U've not mentioned any food item r allergic/don't like to eat,I assume that U can take most of the Indian veg,fruits & dhals.

Ur problem is that U've accumulated weight during pregnency & now U r taking enough calories to maintain that weight(inspite of exercise & diet). Once U start taking a balanced diet + proper exercise that provides calories less than that required to maintain ur current weight,U'll start losing weight. But U'll have to be persistent coz it'll take sometime to lose all the 15 pounds extra that U want to shed.
I now see a lot of commitment in U & if this can continue for 4-5 months,U can surely lose weight.In fact,my husband was 95kgs soemtime back.He reduced it to 78kgs in 4 1/2 months. He was on a very strict diet + he used to be in the gym for around 2 hrs everyday. So,I'm sure U too can reduce the unwanted weight if U r commited. :)

9th March 2005, 01:46 PM
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is the vitamin you need for strong bones & strong teeth. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium thus helping U to form strong bones & teeth & Your body produces this from sunlight.

Which foods are rich in vitamin D?

* milk and other dairy products fortified with vitamin D
* fish
* egg yolks

10th March 2005, 08:22 AM
Anandi wrote:

***I have a doubt:If we eat more dals and veggies-do we put on weight?I thought that eating too much of rice/chapati only will cause us to gain wt-so I eat dhal and vegetables like anything-Do you think that may be the reason for me not to lose wt-as they also have calories?

Yes,this too could be the reason. Dhals have the same amount of calories as rice.So,too much of dhal instead of rice will not help U in weight loss.But the good thing abt dhal is that it contains more protein & other minerals than that is found in rice.But that doesn't mean U can go too high or too low on dhal.U'll have to balance out.

Eating lots of vegetables shouldn't be a problem because most vegetables(except those carb rich veg that grow below the soil ex:carrot,beets,potatoes) are low in calories.Try to take a mix of leafy,watery & starchy vegetables.Starchy veg should be less & the other 2 categories must be more.

Also,try to snack on fruits & reduce the intake of biscuits coz even 4-5 biscuits can give U lots of energy.

FYI,U'll be getting ur diet early next week(if possible ,this weekend itself)...Once I post it,U can have an idea of what to eat & what not to ...also U'll get a clear idea of how much of each(rice,dhal,veg,fruits etc) U should eat...:)

10th March 2005, 08:49 AM
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cell membranes and helps form red blood cells & connective tissue growth .

Which foods are rich in vitamin E?
* whole grains, such as wheat and oats
* wheat germ
* leafy green vegetables
* sardines
* egg yolks
* nuts

10th March 2005, 09:21 AM
Thanks a lot Dev on enlightening me about Dhals. I will limit my intake on dhals. Looking for a kitchen scale in the net now-so that when the diet arrives, I will be ready to follow it immdly.


10th March 2005, 10:42 AM
I couldn't read all the posts, so whatever I say might have been already posted, please bear with me.

Basically, there has to be a balance between what you eat and what you burn out (your body's way of utilizing what you eat). When the balance is lost, people start to gain weight. So, weight gain could be due to too much of calorie intake or less usage of what you have consumed (When you don't work like a farmer but you eat like a king). It is not always how much you eat, but is also what you eat.

Things that will really help you are

# Whatever product you buy, look at the calories on the label. I don't think if you are in India you have access to it. But in most of the western countries you do. Things to note: Serving size, % of total fat and saturated fat. Total fat< 30% and sat fat <10% is normal. If you buy a bag of cahew nuts, serving size might be just 2 nuts a day. Just go the below link and test your knowledge. This link belongs to FDA= food and drug adminstration, USA. Please ask me any questions you have after that.

#Work out is a must. Make time in your day for some form of physical activity. Start by taking the stairs at work, walking up or down an escalator, parking at the far end of a lot instead of cruising around for the closest spot. Join aerobics or a GYM class. As walking and running need a lot of motivation, especially when you do it all by yourself, GYM will be a better choice. But once you have gained enough motivation, you could quit and do it by yourself.

# Consider the benefits of moderate weight loss. There's scientific evidence that losing five to 10 percent of your weight and keeping it off can benefit your health — lower your blood pressure, for example. Most of Indian men are around 70 to 75kg. So, let your target be losing 7kg. I think most India women would weigh around 56-60kg, based on their height.

#Don't give up if you haven't lost weight, don't give up once you have lost weight as well.

#Last but not least, it is a life style modification. Don't expect weight loss in a week. Don't do it for others sake. Do it for you and only yourself. Everytime you look at the mirror think positively, say to yourself that you look good and would like to lose more weight to look better.

Good luck.[/url]

10th March 2005, 10:47 AM
wow Dev, This is a mind boggling thread. Never knew there is so much to food intake. I hear a lot about proteins and its necessity. You have mentioned "dairy products, nuts, seeds, and legumes like black beans" as veg protein sources. Can you elaborate, rather suggest a protein diet (meeting the protein requirements for a adult) that can be followed on a daily basis for a vegetarian..tough task is it. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards

10th March 2005, 11:00 AM
Hi Anandi,

Try to get a weiging scale that can weigh upto 500 gms.Taht should be fine.:)

10th March 2005, 11:12 AM
Hi Ilavenil,

That's a great job... I've just started this thread & am yet to give all the details U've given...Thanks a lot for posting it here & I'm very happy to see atleast a few people participating in this thread... When I started this thread,I was the sole participent here...:wink:

The web that helps on the serving size is very useful...But I always recommend reading the nutrition lable by weight also & measure the food (raw) in gms so that we can be more accurate in understanding what & how much goes into our body...:)

Last but not least, it is a life style modification. Don't expect weight loss in a week.

Yups,this is what I want people to understand... There is no point in dieting for just 2-3 months to lose weight & then going back to all those fried ,junk stuffs... It has to be a lifestyle change...

Keep posting all that you know so that I too can learn more from you all...

10th March 2005, 11:20 AM
Hi US,

I'm really sorry to tell you this...but U've to understand that there can't be a generic diet that can suit everyone in this world ...the protein,calcium,vitamins etc intake all depends on age,height,weight ,activity level etc...

The thumb rule for protein is that U should take 0.8 gms for every kg of ur body weight... This is the National Academy of Sciences RDA for total protein currently( 0.80 g/kg/day)...For ex: if ur weight is 75 kgs,ur protein req would be 75*0.80=60 gms

This protein has to be distributed among all 3 meals to have a regular supply & this can come from any protein source(better ,the sources that r less in fat)... ex: it's better to take low fat or skim milk instead of full fat milk...both full fat & skim milk contains protein but skim milk is better coz it contains very low fat...

Hope this helps... In case U need more clarifications,do post it & I'll try to help U out... :)

10th March 2005, 11:35 AM
Hello Badri,

Howz ur diet going?...no feedback so far?...

10th March 2005, 08:37 PM
Hi dev,
how about fruit juices(100%)-orange/apple-can we have them while on diet?

10th March 2005, 08:57 PM
Yes Dev I understand its a pretty tough question which does not have a right away answer. Somewhere in this thread I saw that the average weight of a indian women is 60. So , is it possible , to give the measurements of dhal,milk or whatever protein-rich vegetarian food that a avg. weighing women can take in order to meet the daily protein requirements. Hope my query is clear. just to retariate, I want something like this,

An avg. indian women should take 200 grams of dhal,2 cups of milk to meet the daily protein requirements.

This generic measurements can be modified by all accordingly.

Thanks for your time and valuable inputs. May be my query is so blunt with no specific answer. if so please just ignore.

Thanks and Regards

11th March 2005, 12:30 AM
hi dev,
U had posted on another thread the following:
"Take a good lunch and wait for the body signals. You will not feel hungry until the energy from your lunch is completely exhausted. Once exhausted, the body will send you the first hunger signal. You ignore this signal and hold on without taking any food. After about ½ an Hr to 45 Mins, the hunger signal will fade away. Your body gave you a signal and since you didn't provide any food, it started taking the energy from the fat that you have accumulated in your body."

plz chk the facts! u shld NEVER let your body starve for food! dieticiens recommend eating five meals a day(bfst,lunch,dinner and 2 snacks) for everyone-
food shld be eaten at regular intervals. wht matters for weight loss/maintenance is the right food choices/portion control and excercise!!

11th March 2005, 04:05 AM
Di and Dev:

Actually, I came across a school of thought that subscribes to those views too...what happens when you stilfe hunger is that the body goes on a "famine" mode. That is to say, it assumes food is not in supply, so it slows down metabolism. Now, we all know that the higher the metabolic rate, the more the energy we consume, meaning more calories are burnt. But when the rate slows down, and then when we eat, whatever we eat will be burnt at an slower than usual rate...which means more fat accumulation in the body.

But that said, this only happens with prolonged periods of fasting. The first reaction of the body is to burn the stored fat. When food is still not forthcoming, that is when it switches to 'famine' mode.

Disclaimer: Famine mode is something I coined now...there is some other term they use, which slips my mind at the moment...

11th March 2005, 07:14 AM
Hi Anandi,

Sure, can take juices.But,homemade/store bought fresh fruit juices are good provided there is not much sugar added. Better have juices that have no sugar added to it.
Better yet,if u can eat the fruits as such instead of juices so that U get all the nutrients. While making juice,most of us strain out the pulp,right?

Also,I'm very sorry that I couldn't give U a diet quickly. Will post it by mid next week. Am tied up by a few other commitments.Hope you understand.

11th March 2005, 07:22 AM
Hi US,

I'm really sorry...I don't want to give any generic answer to your question coz there are ppl in India weighing 80-85 kgs & if they just take my generic recommendation for 60kgs ,they might fall short of protein.The same holds good for ppl weiging very less.say 40-45kgs.They might oversupply protein based on my generic statement.And I've not mentioned anywhere that the avg weight of Indian women is 60 kgs.It's actually news to me.:)

If U want to know how much of protein U need to take in the form of milk,dhal etc,Pls let me know ur weight,height,age,activity level, So that I can let U know how much of these U need to eat everyday. Hope U understand.:)

11th March 2005, 07:30 AM
Hi di,

If U read the whole message,U'll be able to understand that I've given this as a method to identify whether the body is taking energy from the food that you supplied or from the fat stored in your body.

The actual message:
Let's imagine that your body requires 2000 Kcal everyday and you are supplying only 1500 Kcal every day. You are under supplying 500 Kcal every day and this energy is taken up from the energy store in your body – fat. In a week, you would have under-supplied 3500 (500 * 7 days) Kcals. This has to come from somewhere, right?. Where does it come from? The fat that you have accumulated in the past gets burnt to make up for this under-supply, thereby reducing your weight.

Now i will tell you one very good way of identifying whether the body is taking energy from the food that you supplied or from the fat stores in your body.

Take a good lunch and wait for the body signals. You will not feel hungry until the energy from your lunch is completely exhausted. Once exhausted, the body will send you the first hunger signal. You ignore this signal and hold on without taking any food. After about ½ an Hr to 45 Mins, the hunger signal will fade away. Your body gave you a signal and since you didn't provide any food, it started taking the energy from the fat that you have accumulated in your body.

And,the same que was asked by Pr & I've given the explanation for it in the same thread.Please read that too. I never recommend starving to reduce weight. I always recommend a balanced diet + regular exercise for weight loss & maintenance. U can find this in the diet I've charted for Guy & Badri.

Pr asked:
Does that mean we have to ignore the hunger signal once a day so that body will use stored fat ??

My reply:
Not necessarily but you can do that for 1/2 hr to 45 mins and not for very long as it can be harmful.One important point that is to be noted is that the body needs a good amount of calcium for burning fat.Thus U'll have to provide the right amount of calcium while reducing weight.Else you bones will weaken due to lack of calcium. Since fat reduction is a complicated process,better take the right amount of carbs & fat so that U don't over-accumulate fat in your body.The best method for weight & fat reduction is proper diet & exercise.

Hope I explained ur queries.:)

11th March 2005, 07:34 AM
Hi Badri,

What U've said is right. Thanks for explaining.

11th March 2005, 08:01 AM
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is the clotmaster!. It enables your liver to produce a blood-clotting factor to control and prevent internal bleeding.

Which foods are rich in vitamin K?

* leafy green vegetables
* liver
* pork
* dairy products, like milk and yogurt

However,I don't recommend any red meat & organs in diet. So better get your supply from greens & dairy products.

11th March 2005, 08:06 AM
VitaminB-Complex(8 different vitamins and minerals)

Here's the list: B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, biotin, and pantothenic acid.

The B vitamins are important in metabolic activity - this means that it helps breaks down carbohydrates and fat to energy and set it free when your body needs it.This group of vitamins is also involved in making red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body. It also works to give you a healthy nervous system and healthy skin, helps you digest food and utilize minerals in foods you eat and works with proteins to build and repair tissues.

Which foods are rich in vitamin B?

* whole grains, such as wheat and oats
* fish and seafood
* poultry and meats
* eggs
* dairy products, like milk and yogurt
* leafy green vegetables
* beans and peas
* citrus fruits, such as oranges

11th March 2005, 11:14 AM

I have some more doubts. Tell me what is the correct way to eat fruits. I remember reading somewhere that fruits should not be eaten immediately after a meal. Is it true? I have been having cut fruits as dessert soon after lunch.

Also, is it correct to have only fruits as yr breakfast? What kind of fruits should we have? My friends tell me that during breakfast time our stomach has too much of acid due to starvation for more than 12 hours and will react badly to fruits which are acidic in nature. Pl. clarify.

11th March 2005, 11:40 AM
Hi Scorpio,

It's not advisable to have only fruits for a meal coz it'll not form a balanced meal.As far as my knowledge goes,what ur friends said regarding acidic fruits is right. It's always advisable to have a good breakfast coz of the time gap between dinner & breakfast. In case ,once in a while,if U want to have only fruits for breakfast,avoid acidic fruits.Else eat them towards the end. In ayurveda,they say that sweet fruits & acidic/sour fruits shouldn't be had together. I don't know how far it's true & the logic behind it. Give me sometime,I'll try to get ur queries clarified.

Anyway,I'm not very sure about the best time to eat fruits. I'll check it out & let you know. I've not done much of research in this area . So,pls bear with me.:)

11th March 2005, 11:55 AM
Hi Scorpio,

Sorry that I'm not able to give you a clear answer reg ur fruits query... It would be good if any of our fellow hubbers with clear knowledge in this regard answers this query... I don't want to post anything when I myself am not clear about it...

But here r a few links...read thru it...

12th March 2005, 01:17 AM
Thanks Dev. I like to take juices when I like to drink somehting other than water- that's y I asked.
Regarding scale, isn't 250 g enough?

12th March 2005, 05:50 AM
Hi Dev, Thanks for that info. ok, here goes my details. my height is 5 feet 5 inches and weight is 72 (overweight). I am not on any diet though. Age is 29 and activity level (?) , not very active i think. I am a housewife so I think you can make out. just routine activities.

Would be grateful if you could give me your suggestions for protein intake.

Thanks and Regards

12th March 2005, 08:37 AM
Hi Anandhi,

250 gms should be enough... You can get it...Not a problem...:)

12th March 2005, 04:04 PM
Food Guide Pyramid

The Food Guide Pyramid was designed as an easy way to show the groups of foods that make up a healthy diet. The foods that make up the pyramid's base (the widest part) should provide the bulk of your diet. As you go up the pyramid, the amount of different food you need gets smaller.

Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta Group
This group forms the bottom of the pyramid, so the foods in this group should provide the majority of the energy you need for the day. That's because bread, cereal, rice, and pasta are all great sources of carbohydrate, the nutrient that the body uses as its major energy source. And carbohydrate isn't the only thing you'll get from this food group: You'll also get lots of B vitamins and some iron. Choose whole-grain foods, such as whole-wheat bread and whole-grain cereals.

So you need to eat from the bottom of the pyramid to get the energy you need for the day, but that doesn't mean you can eat unlimited amounts. Too much of a good thing is still too much. :)

12th March 2005, 04:08 PM
The vegetable group is toward the bottom of the pyramid. This means that lots of daily servings of vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. It's cozthey are loaded with vitamins and minerals. Vegetables also provide plenty of fiber. Fiber is important because it helps your digestive system move things along the way it should.

14th March 2005, 07:57 AM
Fruit Group
The fruit group is near the bottom of the pyramid, so you know daily servings of fruit play a big role in a good diet. Fruits aprovide important vitamins that keep you feeling great and looking good. Vitamin C is a big player in this food group - it's in fruits like oranges, strawberries, watermelon, and lots more. Fruits are full of fibre too.

14th March 2005, 08:01 AM
Milk & Milk Products
This food group is high up on the pyramid. This means that even though these foods are important for good health, you don't have to eat as many servings of them in one day as you do of foods lower down on the pyramid. Eating and drinking milk, yogurt, and low fat cheese is the best way to get your daily calcium and potassium & proteins to some extent.

14th March 2005, 08:16 AM
Hi dev,
Can u give me a list of food rich in Iron. I'm slightly anemeic (Hb : 10.8) but I don't want to take supplements. So I'm planning to take iron rich food to improve my Hb count.

14th March 2005, 08:26 AM
Hi Tomato,Hope this helps...

The body needs iron to transport oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Iron helps because it's important in the formation of hemoglobin , which is the part of your red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. Animal foods (e.g. meat) are the best sources of iron and the best way to absorb iron is to eat vitamin C rich foods at the same time.

Foods rich in iron

* meat, especially red meat
* tuna and salmon
* eggs
* beans
* dried fruits, like raisins
* wheatgerm
* dark green vegetables,like broccoli
* black molasses
* whole and enriched grains, like wheat or oats

Recommended daily allowance for Iron

US RDA: 10-18mg (30mg if pregnant)
EU RDA: 14mg

14th March 2005, 09:06 AM
Thanx dev for ur prompt reply

14th March 2005, 09:32 AM
Hi Dev,
I know that we have to burn calories to lose weight. If I walk in the treadmill for 30 min, I am able to lose only 300 cal(app), but if I do the elliptical training (stepper) for 3o min, it shows-the calories burnt as 700. So is it better to do stepper daily than walking? Why does everyone talk of walking so positively if that is the case?

14th March 2005, 09:58 AM
Hi Anandhi,

Walking is preferred by most coz no expertise or equipment is required.You can do it anytime and it's free.:) & provided you do it regularly and for long enough, walking can be just as beneficial as any of the more vigorous activities.Walking,cycling & swimming are easier to do for those who are overweight .

On the other hand,many find it difficult to do stepper for a long time(say 30 mins) & at a good speed.It's not the case with walking. Most people will be able to walk( brisk) easily for 30 mins & at a good speed too.

But if U are comfortable doing stepper,U can continue with it.I used to do a mix of exercises like cycling for 15 mins...the next would be a walking for around 20 mins(with a few mins of jogging) & then I do stepper for 5-7 mins. U can do any combination you are comfortable with,but don't forget to warmup & cooldown.

There is no single exercise called the best exercise.So do whichever you are comfortable with & don't overdo .Never try to do too much,too soon. Start with something very gentle(ex:walking) & do it as long as you are comfortable.Gradually increase the time & speed.There is nothing called the optimal time/speed. It depends on the indivduals's fitness level. But 30-40 mins exercise is what is generally recommended.

14th March 2005, 10:25 AM
just for 1 more question abt this-is it really true about the calories burnt in stepper-it increases so fast-then does that mean that the wt loss will be sooner?

14th March 2005, 11:06 AM
Hi Anandhi,

I don't rely much on the calorie burnt that are shown on the exercise machines. A point to be noted in stepper is that even if you don't make a full step(ie,U don't push the step until the end), it'll be counted as 1 step climbed & the calories calculated accordingly.I've tried by keeping both steps at the same level & just shaking a bit making 1/4 steps.But even then it's counted as 1 step & shows exhorbitant calories burnt.

Ideally,one should be able to lose approx around 12 cal/min in climbing stairs. The same amount(or marginally higher) will be burnt with stepper too. I've already provided the approx calories burnt for various activities, in the same thread.Pls check it out.

14th March 2005, 01:30 PM
Hi Anandi,

Here is your diet.It's a 1350kcal diet.All the weights are for raw(uncooked) ingredients.This diet will help u lose 1.25-1.5kgs per month(depending on how strictly it is followed) .This way,U can lost the excess weight in 4-5 months.In case u increase ur activity but maintain the same diet,U can reduce weight faster.

I've also given a sample diet for you.It will give you an idea about how to dristibute the diet ingredients between each meal.But U can make modifications to the timing you eat it but not to the quantity(taken as a whole).Ex: U can take 50 gms of dhal/day.This can be distributed between any meal as U wish but should not exceed 50 gms/day.Same holds good for all the other ingredients.

The diet:
Cereals:40 gms
Low fat/fatfree milk or curds:400 ml
Rice: 60 gms
Wheat flour:40 gms
Dhal:50 gms
Veg:300 gms
Fruits: 250 gms
Milo(cocoa powder):10 gms
Oil:15 ml
Salt:10 gms
Sugar:20 gms
Masala powders:15 gms

Salt & spices can be added according to your taste.But try to keep it to the minimum possible.
vegetables should be a mix of watery,leafy(both highest %) & starchy(lowest %).300 gms of veg includes onion,tomatoes & garlic also.
Fruits can also be a mix like the above.Better avoid high enegry fruits (like banana) until
U reduce the excess weight.Watery fruits like watermelon are recommended.

Drink as much water as U want but atleast 2.5 litres/day is a must. Avoid areated drinks & canned juices. If U want to have juice,always go in for fresh juice without added sugar.

30-45 mins of exercise(like brisk walking,stepper,cycling etc).

Sample diet plan:
Cereals:40 gms
Low fat/fatfree milk:300 ml
Sugar:10-15 gms

fruits: 100 gms

rice/wheat: 60 gms
Dhal:40 gms
Veg:250 gms
Since you said U don't like curds,I've avoided it.

Milk:100 ml
Milo(cocoa powder):10 gms
Sugar:10 gms

wheat flour:40 gms(chapathis/dosa/broken wheat upma)not the white rava .it is the brown one.
Dhal:10 gms
veg:100 gms
fruits:150 gms

Oil : 15ml for the whole day.

Please avoid biscuits until U reduce weight.After that you can have it in moderation.FYI,if U can avoid the milo powder & drink milk as such,U can reduce the calorie intake by another 40 calories. This 40 calories doesn't have much nutrients in it except for calcium(10mg).

Follow this diet for a week or so & tell me if u need any modifications.And,as always,better consult your physician before starting with the diet.

All the best dieting & keep posting ur feedback.

14th March 2005, 01:49 PM
Hi US,

If U can tell me ur daily diet,like what U have for BF,lunch & dinner,I call tell U how much of what U should eat to meet ur protein requirements.

Sorry for not requesting this info in the earlier post itself.

14th March 2005, 09:06 PM
Hi Dev,
Thanks a lot for the diet. Iam v eager to follow it. Are there any vegetables that I should avoid-like carrot/beets or is it ok to take them?
Also is any fruit other than banana ok? I usually take apple/plums/grapes.

15th March 2005, 07:31 AM
U need not avoid any veg... Root vegetables can be taken in moderation. For ex: if you take 125 gms of leafy veg,100 gms of watery veg,U can have75gms of root veg like carrot,beets etc .Better take a mix of 2-3 vegs. Try to limit tubers like potatoes to 1-2 times a week.

Reg fruits,banana is an instant high energy source. So better limit it. Mangoes too contain a bit higher amt of energy but no harm in having it. Watery fruits like watermelon,grapes etc can be had anytime & as much as u feel like.

Try & let me know in case U need any changes.

15th March 2005, 08:15 AM
Protein Group(Meat, Poultry, Fish,Dry Beans, Eggs and Nuts)

This food group is also high up on the pyramid, so even though these foods are an important part of a good diet, you don't need to eat as many servings of them as you do of foods that are lower down on the pyramid.

15th March 2005, 08:18 AM
Fats, Oils, and Sweets

They are at the top of the pyramid, which means that your body should have smaller amounts of them. Your body needs fat for a few things.So the Food Guide Pyramid suggests that when it comes to fatty, oily, or sugary foods, people should use them sparingly.And although sugary foods like candy and cookies are simple carbohydrates that can give you quick energy, they are usually loaded with calories and don't offer much in the way of nutrients.

Note: Use fats/oils low in saturated fat. Unprocessed vegetable oils are best. Avoid fats with hydrogenated fat or trans-fatty acids.

15th March 2005, 01:50 PM
Here is the pictorial food guide pyramid...


15th March 2005, 06:59 PM

Our bodies are about two-thirds water, and we need to ensure that we keep up this balance in order to remain healthy. It is recommended that you drink at least eight glasses of water(Plain water :wink: .Excludes juices,aereated drinks etc) every day. This will keep all your organs hydrated so that they can function properly.Water also helps to flush toxins and other impurities out of your body. Water serves many other crucial functions including: digestion, metabolism, body temperature regulation and excretion. Water is also responsible for dissolving and transporting nutrients through the body.

16th March 2005, 06:39 AM

The energy in food is called calories. Everyone talks about them as if they are the last things you would want to give to your body. But the truth is, you need them. You need them because your body is always using energy, whether you're running, walking, standing still, or sleeping. Cut back on calories too much, and your system will slow down.

Because it is so easy to get too much of calories and because extra calories turn into fat,you can put on fat if you take in more calories than your body can use. To avoid adding extra fat, you have to eat as many calories as you need, and no more.

17th March 2005, 08:02 AM
All calories are the same:A calorie is a calorie
An important point to remember is that all calories are the same. The calories in a piece of chocolate cake are no more fattening than the calories in an orange. The cake is more fattening than the orange because it contains more calories, not a different kind of calories. In other words, foods vary greatly in the number of calories they give you.So it's not only the amount you eat that matters, but the number of calories in the food you choose to eat. You could, for example, eat one piece of chocolate cake and end up consuming many more calories than you would get from eating several oranges.

I put on weight even though I eat less.Why?

There are a lot of overweight people who complain that they get fat even though they don't eat very much. This is often true. Very often they're not eating big meals, but the foods they DO eat at those meals are very high in calories. Ie,they are eating small quantiities of food that is high in calories.

Ex: Suppose a piece of cake(10 gms) has 100 cal & 10 gms of watermelon contain 5 calories.(These are not actuals but an example)

If u eat a 100 g piece of cake,calories u consume =(100/10)*100=1000 cal
But if you eat 100g of watermelon ,u consume(100/10)*5=50 cal.
So U can now eat 2kg of watermelon instead of the 100gms of cake but still take the same amount of calories(1000cal)

17th March 2005, 04:56 PM

You are doing a great service here. :D I must go through the entire thread lesurely soon. I'm very much keen on the types and quantity of food I consume and I'm sure this thread would help me clear some of my doubts. Thanks dev for your valuable service. :D

17th March 2005, 05:00 PM
Hi Roshan,

Welcome to the health club...:)

Read through the posts leisurely & drop all ur queries here...Will try to clarify it...Also,if U find any wrong/misleading info,pls correct me...

17th March 2005, 05:04 PM
Hi all,

I might not be able to post regularly in this thread for a couple of months from now... Those following my diet plan,in case of any doubts,pls PM me...Will try to reply at the soonest possible...will also make posts whenever I find time...


Eat healthy,live better...:)

18th March 2005, 01:18 PM
Good job, dev! :)

21st March 2005, 10:43 AM
Most medical personnel will tell you that being overweight is unhealthy. A long list of ailments await those who are overweight or obese. These include increased risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes etc etc.

Definition of overweight means different things to different people:
For instance, a 5 foot 2 inch tall woman can be considered overweight at 160 pounds while a 6 foot 2 inch man is on the thin side at 160 pounds.

So,how do you know what's the ideal weight for you?
One way is to put everything on the same scale by adjusting for height. This can be done using the Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation. It describes the relative weight for any given height and measures your overall total body fat content. It does not, however, differentiate between people with too much fat and athletic, muscular body type people. Thus, you should really use BMI in conjunction with other body composition assessments.

22nd March 2005, 07:55 AM
An interesting article from rediff.com...

Is your child eating junk food? Beware!

Vinitha Ramchandani | March 21, 2005

Recently, in a tête-à-tête with fans, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said he wants to ban sale of junk food in California schools.

He disclosed he wanted vending machines that dispense fresh fruits, vegetables and milk in their place.

Radical? Not really.

Talk to dieticians, school counsellors, even educationists, and you will find Schwarzenegger has probably said something very close to their heart.
Says Swati Popat, director, Podar Jumbo Kids, Mumbai, "We have a whole generation of kids with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. And the reason for this is largely [the kind of] food [children eat]."

If you think your child is naughty and half an hour of him/ her is enough to exhaust you, it might be wise to check the food you are giving your child. Junk food might just be the culprit.

Please note, though: there is a difference between junk food and fast food.

Sports nutritionist and child counsellor Sejal Mehta says, "Fast food is food that is fast to cook. Idli is fast food and highly nutritious. Junk food harms the system with empty calories. It has no proteins and vitamins. For instance, aerated drinks fill your stomach with carbon dioxide and decays the food in your intestine. The high sugar content slows down the blood circulation in the brain.

"The child feels full and is instantly energised. The energy then dissipates and the child is left lethargic in half an hour. S/he then wants more of the stuff, thus causing addiction."

22nd March 2005, 07:56 AM

What is junk food, really?

Junk food is a slang word for foods with limited nutritional value.
To put it simply, foods high in salt, sugar, fat or calories and low nutrient content can be termed junk food.

Salted snack foods, candy, gum, most desserts, fried fast food and carbonated beverages are some of the major junk foods.So if your child has fries at McDonald's or decides to wolf down vada pav made at home, s/he is consuming junk food.Any over-cooked food or food that is cooked in high heat kills nutrition. What you consume then is fibre.

All packed food contains preservatives. Most contain food colouring. Both are harmful and often contain carcinogenic substances.When your child consumes foods like these, s/he could develop allergies like asthma and skin rashes.

Homeopath Rajiv Menon says he categorically tells parents to stop their children from eating all pre-packed snacks and stop aerated drinks when they come to him for prolonged allergies and asthma attacks. "Half the time, they don't even require medication after that," he says.

22nd March 2005, 07:58 AM

A step in the right direction

Some schools in India are taking a stand about children's diet, though. Take the Podar schools all over India. They seem to be imposing good eating habits among their students.

Says Dr Devika Paul, a parent, "I was surprised when my kindergarten-going daughter Priyanka told me not to pick up a packet of Ruffles [pre-packed crisps]. She told me it was bad to eat and her teacher would not allow her to carry it to school."

At Podar Jumbo Kids, parents whose kids have gained admission to the pre-primary school are surprised when they are counselled about food.

"The right diet is important for school-going kids," says Popat. "We give a food timetable to parents. They are free to work around it. For instance, on Monday, children are allowed to bring cooked or uncooked cereal. On Tuesday, it is only fruit. On Wednesday, they are told to bring bran bread or chapattis with vegetables.

"We tell parents to avoid chapattis, though. They tend to get rubbery and can be hard on tender jaws. We also tell parents mandatorily that children cannot bring in pre-packed food, wafers and sweetened water in any form. We encourage children to drink water. The more water [you drink], the more oxygen [supplied] to the body."

As for parents, Popat says, "Mothers don't like it. It is so much easier to pack a Peppy [pre-packed crisps] for dabba along with a Frooti."

A school teacher at Arya Vidya Mandir, Bandra, Mumbai, says she noticed all 40 children in her class brought packed snacks to school. This causes a chain reaction. If 10 children bring packed food to school, the rest, too, want to bring the same thing.

It is better if the school bans junk food at school, says another school counsellor.

Parents, heed this!

Perhaps an easier way would be to educate adults and children on how to judge the food you eat.

i. First, while buying pre-packed, convenience food, check the list of ingredients and nutrition facts label found on the packages.

Keep an eye out for sugar, fat or salt as one of the first three ingredients. If any of these are listed high in the ingredients, consider that food to be very high in sugar, fat or salt.

The high sugar content in junk food causes tooth decay, increased tendency for blood clots, decreased levels of good cholesterol, increased levels of blood fat associated with diabetes and heart disease and childhood obesity.

Says Meenal Rajani, "I just spent Rs 7,000 on a root canal treatment for my 11-year-old son."

At Chaturbhuj Narsee Memorial and ND Parikh pre-primary school, Mumbai, children are served healthy snacks, like sprouted bhel, sandwiches, idlis, khichdi curry, patties stuffed with vegetables, unmashed pav bhaji. "And the children love it," says a teacher.

ii. The nutritional information on the label also registers the number of calories per serving, grams of fat, sodium, cholesterol, fibre and sugar content. This information will make you more cautious and select the foods to reduce your child's nutritional health risk.

iii. Studies show that the colour of food affects us, too.

According to Monisha Bharadwaj, writer of Indian Luck Book: How To Bring Luck Into Your Life, the colours of some food are important. Some can calm you, while some act as anti-depressants. Some are stimulating, while others can be antiseptic (see below).

So are all junk foods bad?

"Not really," says Anjali Bose, dietician. "If you can balance junk food with a fruit or a whole vegetable, it is okay, really. Junk foods may have higher levels of fat, salt and sugar, but they still contain nutrients and can be considered a small part of a healthy diet.

"A general rule of thumb is to eat fresh, healthy foods about 90 per cent of the time, and indulge in junk foods no more than 10 per cent of the time."

Here's to healthy eating!

22nd March 2005, 07:59 AM

How colours in food influence our health

~ Blue

* Examples: Raisins, blue plums, mushrooms.
* Characteristics: Antiseptic, soporific.
* They affect: The mouth, throat and respiratory system.
* They induce calm and restful sleep without nightmares.

~ Green

* Examples: Green grapes, coriander, cucumber, milk, milk products.
* Characteristics: Calming, relaxing.
* They affect: The ears, arms, digestive system, heart.
* They give energy to your body.

~ Yellow

* Examples: Yellow lentils, bananas, pineapple, corn.
* Characteristics: Cleansing, laxative, harmonising.
* They affect: The stomach, liver, nervous system.
* They calm the mind, promote well-being and happiness.

~ Orange

* Examples: Mangoes, carrots, egg yolk, papayas.
* Characteristics: Tonic, appetite-builder, anti-depressant.
* They affect: The legs, stomach, the circulatory system.
* They protect against air pollution and the sun's ultraviolet rays.

~ Red

* Examples: Berries, kidney beans, tomatoes.
* Characteristics: Warming, stimulating.
* They affect: The kidneys, bladder, muscular system.
* Excessive amounts can cause anger, irritability and hyperactivity.

Illustration: Dominic Xavier

Here is the link... http://in.rediff.com/getahead/2005/mar/21junk.htm

22nd March 2005, 08:55 AM
thanx dev!

yr posts are highly informational..WE get to know so many facts!!
you are doing a great job

22nd March 2005, 11:16 PM
Hi Dev,
I have been having this question in my mind for some time..If a person can consume 1200 calories a day can he/she eat sweets or fried snacks or watever as long as its within 1200 calories..I know that this cannot be a routine thing..See sometimes when i eat icecream or sthg i usually skip dinner to balance it..so my question is does this balancing work?And is consuming Sugar a definite no-no?


23rd March 2005, 01:51 AM
Hi Dev,
I have been having this question in my mind for some time..If a person can consume 1200 calories a day can he/she eat sweets or fried snacks or watever as long as its within 1200 calories..I know that this cannot be a routine thing..See sometimes when i eat icecream or sthg i usually skip dinner to balance it..so my question is does this balancing work?And is consuming Sugar a definite no-no?


No, though the total calories you can take per day is 1200 calories, you still have to stick on to 60% carbs, 15% protein and 30% fat, where 30% of fat has to have <10% saturated fat. Since Icecream will have more satured fat and sugar, though total calories make it look OK, it will alter the balance. BTW, eating icecream once a while is not harmful. But eating snacks and deserts regularly will definitely affect the outcome.

23rd March 2005, 09:56 AM
Hi Ilavenil,
Thanks for ur replying back so soon..Am clear now..BTW can u tell me how much sugar can be consumed in a day?I guess i have a bit of a sweet tooth..:)..And i have this craving to eat smthg Sugary (in v.little proportion) after my lunch every single day..I wud like to know how much is OK..


23rd March 2005, 10:21 AM
Hi gvb,

Ilavenil is right...the balancing out on calories will not balance out the nutrient requirements for the day...

Hi Ilavenil,

Thanks for taking up the job...:)

23rd March 2005, 10:58 AM
Hi Ilavenil,
Thanks for ur replying back so soon..Am clear now..BTW can u tell me how much sugar can be consumed in a day?I guess i have a bit of a sweet tooth..:)..And i have this craving to eat smthg Sugary (in v.little proportion) after my lunch every single day..I wud like to know how much is OK..



Sugar doesn't only mean the sugar we take with coffee. Most carbohydrates we eat are broken down to simpler sugars. That is why it is better to take complex sugar. For the same reason, it is better to eat fruits(complex sugar) as such than drinking it as juice(simple sugar).

As I said, 60% of total calories should be from carbohydrates. Each gram of carbohydrate gives you 4calories. So, if you are allowed to consume 1200 calories a day, 60/100x 1200=720 calories should be from carbohydrates. Since one gram of carbs give 4 calories, 720/4= 180 grams. So, you can take 180grams of carbs a day.

But, this calculation difficult to use in day to day life, so, it is better to read the label on each product. If that is not possible, I think you can standarize your search in the web, like, how much calorie will a cup of icecream give. Though each icecream differs due to various factors, if it is one of the most common desert you eat, you can have a rough idea. This applies to any food you eat. Just type in your favourite food and calories and do a google search. You will find the answer.

24th March 2005, 12:10 AM
Hi Ilavenil,
As u said I'll google for any info i want..If majority of our diet is carbs then rice doesn't sound so bad now does it?.Anyways thanks for ur reply..


24th March 2005, 05:02 AM
Hi Ilavenil,
As u said I'll google for any info i want..If majority of our diet is carbs then rice doesn't sound so bad now does it?.Anyways thanks for ur reply..


Yes you are right as long as you are not a diabetic.

24th March 2005, 07:05 AM
Hi Dev,
I am following your diet for the past 12 days and have lost 3 pounds!!Thanks a lot..Hope to lose 12 more pounds soon..

24th March 2005, 07:13 AM
Hi Dev,
I am following your diet for the past 12 days and have lost 3 pounds!!Thanks a lot..Hope to lose 12 more pounds soon..

Hi Anandi,

Good to know that you have lost weight. Losing weight is not difficult. To maintain what you have lost is the most difficult part. In long run it might be very frustrating to stick on to a diet plan. So, it is better to be change in your life style not just your diet alone. Now that you have lost 3 pounds, you can start to workout and eat normal healty food. Just my two cents. :thumbsup:

24th March 2005, 07:55 AM
Hi Anandhi,

Great...U r losing weight at a good rate.Keep going & see to that U don't overdo things...U should be able to lose an avg of 0.40kgs per week if U follow the diet & exercise plan I gave...However ,U can lose a max of 3kgs per month without harming ur body.The rate of weight loss will start decreasing after a month or so & U'll be losing at a lesser rate(.30-.35kgs per week)...U should be able to reach 60kgs by end july & that'll be ur ideal weight...there after ,continue with the same diet & exercise plan for another 3-4 months...weight loss won't be significant but the accumulated fat will start getting converted into lean body mass(muscles) & U'll feel more stronger & energetic...

& hope U r comfortable with the diet... If U feel that the quantity of food is not sufficient or if U have any other difficulty following it,let me know...I'll try to help you out...

Happy dieting...:)

24th March 2005, 08:41 AM
An interesting link abt fruits...


24th March 2005, 08:46 AM
This is for GVB for the query on rice...


Sry,I don't get time to write in detail... So,just a link to give u an idea... But ,i would say there is no harm in taking rice in moderation but it should be balanced with a good amt of veg & dhal consumption coz rice(white) loses a large part of its nutrients & fibre in processing... But Brown rice is equally good as whole wheat...

24th March 2005, 12:22 PM
Hi dev,
Thanx for the website on fruit.
One more similar site is


Hey and all the best for ur exams.

24th March 2005, 12:31 PM
Thanks a lot for the wishes,Tomato...

The link looks interesting...will have to look into it sometime leisurely...

24th March 2005, 03:58 PM
Hello dev,
I'm having problem of losing weight. I'm 35 years old, 5f 1in and weight 72kg. I dont exercise, only walking once's a week for 30 min. My job is a sitting down nature (in front of the computer), i dont eat that much usually i take oats with no sugar from mon to sat, sun i usually take bread toast or tosai. For lunch week days i take nestum or hi fibre biscuits (3- 6 pcs) and i drink lot of water in between meals. Weekend i usually eat rice. for tea i take a cup of milo (cocoa). I usually take my dinner between 7.30 to 8.30 : 2 chapati with veg or fish or chicken. before going to bed i take a glass of milo. this has been my routine but i cant lose any weight. the weight i gain is during pregancy but i dont seem to lose any weight, it has been 3 years after my delivery,

24th March 2005, 05:23 PM
Hi Kelly,

Pls let me know the following...

1. will you be able to spare 30 mins everyday for exercise?. I don't advocate diet without exercise. Exercise can just be a brisk walk also,not necessarily heavy exercises.

2.I find that Ur meals are not very balanced.U seem to take very less of veg & no fruits at all. The diet I plan will contain more of dhals,veg & fruits.Are u open to such kind of a diet?

Please look into the diet i panned for Anandhi,from the previous pages,& let me know if such kind of diet will suit you. Else,let me know the diet you are comfortable with.

Also,I have no idea as to what nestum & hi fibre biscuit is...But that alone for lunch without any fruits or veg,am sure is not balanced. Can u take rice or chapathi with veg ,dhal for lunch?

let me know these details & I'll try to plan a good diet for you.

24th March 2005, 07:19 PM
Hi Ilavenil,
Right now I am following this diet plan wiht much enthu and life without sugar/sweets and junk is not v horrible as I thought it to be-but I don't know-this may be "Aaramba surathanam" as they call it..What do u mean by change in lifestyle? How can I incorporate it?
I am walking in Treadmill in 3.7 m/hr for about 40 min..I want to run,but I am not able to even run for 2 min at a stretch!!
I have always worried abt diabetes-as it is in the family history, I was thinking how can I live without sugar in future-but it doesnt seem to be v hard right now-hope it is like this for ever!!! :)

24th March 2005, 07:32 PM
Hi Dev,
I hope I reach the target weight ASAP. I am notm overdoing things I hope-except for the exercise part-I walk in Treadmill for 40 min and do some other ex for 10 min..Infact, I have to admit that I am not following the diet -to the word..-an occasional slip becomes unavoidable-especially on weekends-when i have to eat all rice ,potatoes etc..Also I occasionally snack on sugar free pudding(60 cal)-if I do that I eat only salad at night-is it ok or how can I include a snack of appr 60-70 cal (which is not a fruit :-)) IN BETWEEN this diet.
Kindly advice.
Also I have stopped adding sugar to coffee/tea-no boost,bourvita etc-I say to myself that as I cut that, I can have some snack like this...Is this ok??

Also I try to burn abt 450 cal in gym. Should I increase it? With speed 3.7/hr or 3.8 mph, I can cover abt 2.5 miles.. Is this ok?

24th March 2005, 07:35 PM
Hi Anandhi,

The main cause of diabetes next to heriditary reasons is bad lifestyle(eating habits & idle lifestyle)...Sugar doesn't play a big roll in creating diabetes...So,as long as U r not diabetic,U can take sugar in moderation...No harm in it...

& I'm sure u can follow the diet I gave u forever coz I've been following such a diet for 3 yrs now & I don't find any difficulty following it...

24th March 2005, 07:43 PM
Hi Dev,
Yes I know that sugar does not play a major role in giving diabetes- what I emant was- If i get diabetes in future, life wont be that horrible as I dreaded it to be-because I love sweets and life without sweets had no meaning!!;-))

24th March 2005, 07:48 PM
Hi Anandhi,

U need not avoid sugar alltogether... In the diet plan I gave,I've mentioned the amt of sugar U can take while on diet...

& having sweets & having only salad at night to balance out is ok provided it doesn't become a routine...meaning,u can do tht once in a while... Once u reduce ur weight ,u can have snacks & sweets in moderation once in 10/15 days...not much harm in it...

Burning 450 cal in gym is more than enough...I was actually wondering how u've lost more than my estimated weight loss...now I understand the secret... :wink: keep going...& yes,f U are burning 450 cal everyday,then there's no harm in having the 60 cal pudding even when on diet...:) Enjoy dieting!!!...

24th March 2005, 07:51 PM
No No..I dont want to have that on a daily basis-but is it ok if I have a snack(or 2 marie biscuits) like that once in 2,3 days??

24th March 2005, 07:53 PM
Can u tell me some exercises to reduce the thighs and back? or walking will itself do the trick??

24th March 2005, 07:54 PM
Yes Anandhi,U can do that as U r burning sufficient calories in the gym... not a problem...:)

24th March 2005, 07:58 PM
All the fat accumulations in thighs & back will reduce automatically as u reduce weight...no need of any spl exercise for that... carry on with walking & cycling...If u know swimming,u can do that too...it's very effective in weight reduction & maintenance...

24th March 2005, 08:41 PM
no..I don't know swimming..and no plans of learning it in future-cause cant wear a swim suit!!:)

25th March 2005, 07:22 AM
Hi Anandhi,
Well,If u wanna concentrate on reducing ur thighs try elliptical trianing ..vary the intensity of the workouts by changing the resisitance level and the programs so u won' t get bored..Stairmaster is great for the lower part but is very very tough..Elliptical is really good..Not only will it reduce it also tones!!!Plus there are tons of floor exercises u can do at home like the Lunges,squats for ur thighs and back.My suggestion wud be concentrate hard on the part that u think needs slimming!!


25th March 2005, 07:46 AM
Hi Dev,

I'll try my best to spare the time for exercise.Anandhi diet plan is fine but please include chicken, fish and soya product and i like yogurt. I don't like to take rice in afternoon during working days because it make me sleepy. I used to take lot of dhal (3 or 4 times a week)but i read somewhere that dhal is fattening, that is why reduce it.

nestum is a cereal drink from wheat and hi fibre is cream crackers.

i thought of taking yoga classes, does it help in reducing weight or should i go gym.


25th March 2005, 07:51 AM
Ms. Anandi,

//Can u tell me some exercises to reduce the thighs and back? or walking will itself do the trick?? //

Best Solution... is Physical-Excercise of... REAL-CYCLING..

If Not .. Cycling-Equipment in the Gym.

One Teaspoonful Honey in One-cup of Luke-warm Water... in the Empty-stomach... as the first Grub... 30 minutes before Breakfast... daily... reduces the loose-flesh fast ... and also shapes the Body well... adding beauty to the Skin... because of one of the benefits being Blood- purification also.

25th March 2005, 09:01 AM
Hi Sudhaama,
I have seen that in cycling, v fwe calories are burnt-so it does not feel like doing some ex atall. Is i still good to do cycling in the gym?

25th March 2005, 09:03 AM
Hi gvb,
what are lunges,squats etc?Cna u tell me some website that shows how these ex can be done?

25th March 2005, 10:13 AM
Hi Anandhi,
Reg fat reduction in thighs & back...

1.Noone can determine where our excess fat gets stored coz it depends on our genetical factors.Likewise,spot reduction of fat(ie reducing fat from particular parts alone) is impossible unless you do a surgery.

2. Elliptical training is especially effective in toning your muscles rather than reducing weight.So it can be done once u reach ur target weight.Also,there is a danger of spraining if it's not done properly.So,U need not do all those now.

3.As Sudhaama said,cycling is very effective.U can do 25 mins of walking + 20 mins of cycling.That should be fine.

25th March 2005, 10:17 AM
my only concern is that-cycling does not burn as many calories as any other ex. anyway, will do that.
I have 1 more doubt-are all calories the same? THE 60 cals that the dhal gives and the same 60 cal from icecream are the same???or is there a difference between the calories from fatsproteins and carb? If they are all the same, what is the difference?

25th March 2005, 10:18 AM
Hi kelly,

Can U take chapathi with chicken curry or dhal & veg for lunch?...
& not only rice,any food will make u feel sleepy if over eaten...Try eating in moderation...It shouldn't be a problem...

Yoga too is effective in weight reduction but the rate of reduction will be low coz yoga mainly is to improve body suppleness.Weight reduction is not its main objective.Better if U can add 20-30 mins of walking to it.

25th March 2005, 10:35 AM
Hi Dev,

Sure i can take chapati's in the afternoon and i'll try to go walking in the mornings.

Thanks in advance for the diet plan u are going to prepare for me

25th March 2005, 10:51 AM
Hi Anandhi,

All calories are the same. But when you eat dhal etc,U get various other nutrients like fibre,protein etc which are essential for the body to function properly. Also the sugars & carbs in dhals are complex .But the calories from icecream is mostly from fat & sugar (gives simple carbs)in it.The body needs just a few spoons of fat to function properly.Also, the calories from food like icecream are called empty calories coz they don't have much of other essential nutrients.

I've already made posts abt simple & complex carbs,calories...pls check it out...

25th March 2005, 10:52 AM
Hi Kelly,

That would be great...U'll get ur diet plan in a week time...

25th March 2005, 11:01 AM
Hi Dev,

Where are u from ? Did u have any weight problem?

25th March 2005, 01:51 PM
I'm from India...currently in Singapore...

I didn't have much probs with my weight...I've always been able to maintain it around 50-53 kgs...But my husband was overweight & when he wanted to reduce weight,he started reading a lot abt it...he then developed his own diet & it proved to be very effective...he lost 20 kgs in 4 1/2 months... A few of our friends & relatives too got interested in it after they saw him slim & fit... & those of whom followed it too reduced weight & they say tht they feel fresh & active the whole day... They say tht they don't feel the tiredness that's usually experienced during weight loss...That's the story...:)

25th March 2005, 06:55 PM
Hi dev,
I have been doing elliptical for close to 2 years now and believe me it also reduces..I have always concentrated on my "Problem" areas so as to make my workout more effective..The best way wud be to do change equipments every other day so ur body wudn;t get used to the same routine..

i will search for the website that gives detailed instruction on leg exercises..BTW,where are u from?

25th March 2005, 08:32 PM
Hi Gvb,
Eliptical training is a high intensive exercise.These high intensive exercises burn carbs & tones ur muscles. The rate at which energy is extracted from fat is not sufficient to support the energy expended in high intensive exercises coz these exercises burn more energy in short periods. Fat doesn't get burnt at a rate to match this energy expenditure during elipticals. Therefore,the energy used up during such training is taken from the carbs (as they can supply energy at a faster rate) ,thus leaving behind the fat stored in ur body.

Whereas low intensive exercises, like walking , consumes energy at a lower rate .The rate at which fat can supply energy is sufficient to support low intensive exercises. This is precisely why I recommend low intensive exercises, for sustained periods ,to reduce fat & high intensive exercises for shorter periods for toning the body.I always recommend to pursue fat reduction before going in for muscle toning. This is an efficient way of achieving our objectives:weight reduction & muscle toning.There is no hard & fast rules in sequencing the objectives. Other ways are also effective but not as efficient.:)

Anyways,pls post ur recommendations also...If Anandhi is interested in it,let her follow it...

25th March 2005, 09:38 PM
thanks Dev and GVB.
I have been walking for 40 min for the past 2 weeks-I will include cycling also in my ex..
I am in the US.

25th March 2005, 10:04 PM
Hi Dev,
thats a wonderful explanation
This answers my query a few days back abt y everyone talks abt walking for slimming when elliptical machine burns more calories than walking!!!

the amount in grams u gave for my diet is all for uncooked items ,right?

25th March 2005, 10:07 PM
Am in US too..I get a channel called Fit TV and there is this program by Cathe Friedrich..Its from 8-9 in the morning..She tackles on workouts for different areas of the body everyday and there is this segment called "Legs and glutes" which will give u all the info u need..Try to watch it..Its highly educational.BTW,I cud find some instructions on how to do lunges and squats in the internet..If u want i'll post it for u ..


Hi Dev,
I guess everybody has to figure out for themselves whats gonna work for them..Personally i have shed quite a few pounds myself and have been able to maintain the weight for over 2 years..As u said Losing weight comes first and toning second.:)

26th March 2005, 12:20 AM
please post the sites that have instructions for the lunges and squats. btb, I dont get Fit TV ;-(

26th March 2005, 02:37 AM
check these out.

u can add resistance by doing it with a pair of dumbbells also.IF u are planning on doing it start by doing 10 reps and increase it later on..That way u won'tl feel sore the next day..So u shud know when to stop. Its enuf i u do this 3 times a week..u can google for any additional info..
Good luck witth the weight loss:)


26th March 2005, 06:35 AM
Yes Anandhi,

U r right...the weight is for raw ingredients...

26th March 2005, 06:51 AM
Here are a few sites to throw some light on exercise myths...Including queries on spot reduction...


26th March 2005, 09:07 AM
thanks gvb. I am checking those sites now..
btb, today I went to sweet tomatoes and munched some desserts :-((
I dont know what impact it is going to have in me!!!

26th March 2005, 09:37 AM
Hi Dev,

wow he only took only 4 1/2 months to lose 20kg, that's really great. For the past 1 year i've trying but without any success even to lose 2kg. This thread really give me the cofidence that i can do it, can't wait for the diet plan. All this while i was trying on my own, but it doesn't work, now with all of you i feel confidence

26th March 2005, 09:45 AM
Hi Kelly,

This is not to snub ur confidence...but it's to avoid misleading you...he lost 20 ksg in 4 1/2 months...but was on strict diet & in the gym for 2-2 1/2 hrs everyday...never missed out even a day,guess...:)

but with the diet plan & 1/2 hr walk everyday,U should be able to lose 2-3 kgs per month,for sure...U can do it...don't worry...:)

27th March 2005, 01:47 PM
Hi Kelly,

Here goes ur diet...All these are weight of raw ingredients...Pls buy a kitchen weighing scale for weighing it...

Dhal-50 gms
mixed veg-300 gms(incl onion,garlic,tomatoes)
fruits-200 gms
wheat/rice-75 gms
corn flakes or oats-40 gms
chicken/fish-50 gms(chicken should be skinless & fat out.This is the weight of flesh excluding the bones)
milk products(very lowfat or skim milk better)-175 ml
sugar-15 gms=3 tsp=1 tbsp
Oil or any other form of fat-15 ml=3 tsp=1 tbsp(strictly)
salt,curry powder,chilli powder ,other spices- to taste

Pls avoid nuts(cashew,pista,badam,peanut etc etc).Also,aviod coconut coz it's high in cholesterol.

In case U want to have eggs in place of chicken,U can have 2-3 eggs without the yolk(ie,eat egg whites only)

As said earlier in Anandhi's diet,vegetables should be a mix of watery,leafy(both highest %) & starchy(lowest %).300 gms of veg includes onion,tomatoes & garlic also.
Fruits can also be a mix like the above.Better avoid high enegry fruits (like banana) until
U reduce the excess weight.Watery fruits like watermelon are recommended.

Drink as much water as U want but atleast 2.5 litres/day is a must. Avoid areated drinks & canned juices.

Here's how u can plan ur diet:

milk-100 ml
oats-50 gms

fruits-100 gms(can have it at around 11 am or can have it with breakfast or lunch or anyother time)

wheat flour(chapathi) or rice-40gms
veg-200 gms
dhal-50 gms
curd-35 ml

Milk-40 ml in the form of tea/coffee/milo.But coca pdts are high in energy.Avoid it if possible.

Whear flour(chapathi/wheat dosa)-35 ml
Veg-100 gms
Chicken/fish-50 gms
fruits-100 gms

Walking for atleast 1/2 hr a day is essential...Else the weight loss will be very low... With this diet & exercise as said above,U can reduce 0.30-0.35 kgs per week...Better join a gym & use tradmill for 1/2 hr & if time permits,U can cycle for 10-15 mins...All the best dieting...

Please consult ur physician before U start with the diet. I assume that U don't have any health complications ...

28th March 2005, 05:16 AM
Hi Dev,

Thanks a lot for the diet plan. Iam v eager to follow it, will let u know the progress.

28th March 2005, 09:42 AM
Hi Dev,
Do we need to limit the intake of vegetables also?I have read somewhere that if we eat more and more salad, that helps in weight reduction. Cant we have good(!) vegeatbles like cabbage,cauliflower,broccoli,green beans,kovakkai etc a lot.Should we limit theri intake too?

28th March 2005, 08:30 PM
Hi Anandhi,

I have read somewhere that if we eat more and more salad, that helps in weight reduction

The weight loss is coz,once u start eating more veg U'll tend to eat less of rice ,dhal etc...so,ur calorie intake reduces,thus losing weight... But remember,U might lose balance on diet if u eat too much veg & very less dhals coz that kind of diet might result in very less protein...So,I would say,eat everything in moderation...Even nuts like cashew,peanut etc are good if taken in moderation(2-3 per day)...but we tend to overeat it coz of its taste...:)

Nothing wrong in consuming more of veg but see to it that U don't lose out on balancing the diet... You can add more veg after U lose weight coz afterall vegs too contain calories(though less when compared to dhals,rice,wheat etc)... If u increase the vegs in the diet,it'll give some extra calories,which is not necessary now...

30th March 2005, 10:24 AM
Hi G's mom,

Can u pls let me know if u r a vegetarian or non-veg eater?...Would be helpful in planning the diet for you...Also need ur age,pls...you can PM me or post it here...anything is ok...:)

31st March 2005, 03:28 PM
Hi Dev,

If i'm using powder skim milk, how many tsp should i use. Bye the way what is elliptical trianing?

31st March 2005, 04:36 PM
Hi Kelly,

Pls look into the directions on the pack...else u can use as much to reach the consistency of milk... I don't use milk powder oftern...but When I run out of milk,I use 1 1/4 tbsp for every 250 ml... Try it with ur milk powder...I use Anelene brand...

Here U can see what an elliptican trainer is...
http://www.visionfitness.com/pdf/ELL_Bro8.04.pdf http://www.bodytrends.com/products/elliptical/efx517i.htm

Will write in detail about it when I get time... Sry,am really busy now...

31st March 2005, 07:52 PM
Hi Dev,
lost 1 more pound this week!!:)

31st March 2005, 08:08 PM
great Anandhi...Keep going... 4 months of self-control will give you happiness & satisfaction for the rest of ur life(if u eat sensibly after weight reduction too)...You can be the slim & fit figure you wanted to be if you can control urself for 4 months...keep this in mind whenever u feel like relaxing on diet or exercise...:)

Happy dieting...

1st April 2005, 04:25 AM
s Dev..yr words are really a motivation to me..

1st April 2005, 11:07 PM
Hi G's mom,

Here is ur diet plan...

Veg-300 gms
Fruits-250 gms(100 oranges is a must to meet the calcium needs)
bread-2 slice
wheat flour-35 gms
Dhal-50 gms
milk-150 gms
curds-150 gms
sugar-10 gms
tea leaves-5 gms
oil-15 gms

salt-to taste
curry powders-to taste

Here is a sample diet for you:

2 slices of bread with a few salad veg like lettuce,cucumber etc & a spoon of tomato sauce(if req)
200 ml milk or fruit milkshake (no coco pls)

100 gms fruits

45 gms rice
50 gms dhal
veg 150 gms
curd 100 gms

a cup of tea without milk (leamon tea as u preferred it)
sugar-1 or 2 tsp

chapathi made from 35 gms wheat flour(will give 2 chapathis)
150 gms veg
50 gms curds
rest of the fruits

Please avoid chocolate spreads & coconut...oil strictly 15 ml...veg & fruits can be a mix of watery(more) &starchy (less) ones...veg incl tomatoes,onions,garlic etc...U can see these general instructions from the previous diet plans...

I find that this diet is a bit low in calcium...pls follow this diet for the time being...I'll make changes to it whenever i find time... Do not compensate on milk,curds & oranges as they r the main source of calcium...Also,try to add more of dark green veg like spinach etc to the diet so that U get some amount of calcium frm that too...Let me know if U can take cereals instead of bread for breakfast...

Exercise: 40-45 mins of brisk walk or 30 mins of brisk walk & 15 mins cycling everyday... u can substitute this with swimming if u wish to...

If this diet & exercise is followed strictly U can lose 1.8-2.2 pound in a month...

Disclaimer: It is imperative that you consult your physician before embarking on any diet plan.

g's mom
2nd April 2005, 03:01 AM
Hi Dev

thanks for the diet plan :) really appreciate your effor
I sometimes eat cereal/oat meal too. so thats not a problem.

2nd April 2005, 09:09 AM
Hi G's mom,

U can add an extra 50 gms of milk(always very low fat or fatfree) to the above diet...But bread(whole grain -not white bread) should be
50 gms then...Please look into the outer cover of bread & let me know how much 2 slices of bread weigh...

This way,the calcium intake can be increased a bit...

2nd April 2005, 09:12 AM
got any idea of how much calories are there in a medium sized idli?(I ate 3 idlis tonight!!:))

2nd April 2005, 09:14 AM
Hmmm...no idea Anandhi... I'm planning to measure the calories in all these sometime soon...Needs a bit of time & effort...not able to dedicate the time now...for now,someone might be able to tell us if they have the cook book of malliga badrinath...I remember seeing it in her book long time back...

Anyways,3 small/medium idlis shouldn't be a problem... don't worry...:)

Hemant Trived1
2nd April 2005, 10:14 AM
Hello Anandhi,
Three Idlys should not be tooo much of a problem because its a fermented food and sugar content goes down on fermentation.

I am giving below some calorific values. Hope its useful info for you.


I have been reading your contributions . They are of great value.KEEP IT UP !!

Wheat flour....341
Kadalai Parappu.372
Kadalai Maavu 360
Green Gram....365
G.G Dhall 353
Thoraqm Parappu 355
Ultham Parappu.....347
Masoor Dhall..........343
Kadalai (channa) ....350
Green Gram...........334
Moch kottai............347
Okra (L.Finger).......35
Sorakka (Dudhi)......12
Mulangi (Radish).....28
Ash gourd(pushnika)..25
Elephant Yam.........79
Sweet potato..........111
Bitter Gourd (pavakka) 25
French Beans............48
Broad Beans..............85
Cluster beans.............59
String Beans..............62
Green Peas................93
Green Chillies..............122
Dry chillies...................246
Colocasia leaves.........97
Amaranth ..................39
Murunka Leaves..........60
Sappota (chikoo)............94
Blue Berry......................62
Jack fruit.........................65
Custard Apple...................104
Coconut (green ) 40
milk ..........................117
Maava (khova)................417
Edible oil (G,Nut)............840
Black pepper........305
Nutmeg (jajika).......47

With thanks from net.

2nd April 2005, 10:40 AM
Thanks a lot for the contribution Mr.Hemant... really useful info... Do post ur suggestions whenever u find time...:)

3rd April 2005, 08:02 PM
Hi G's mom,

The diet I've given U is fine in terms of meeting calcium req also. It contains abt 800 mg of calcium. Since we Indians don't take much sodium,800 mg of calcium is enough. No need of any modifications.U can follow that diet after consulting ur Doctor.

Happy Dieting...

3rd April 2005, 09:31 PM
Hi G's mom,Anandhi & Kelly,

I've planned the diet for U all assuming that U r not lactose intolerent...If U r ,pls let me know...I'll change the diet accordingly...

For details,Pls look into this article...

I believe most Indians r able to digest the sugars in milk easily... But I am one of those lactose intolerant & I didn't realise it until a few months back... So,If any of U fall in this category,pls let me know...

4th April 2005, 05:37 AM
Dear Dev,

I'm having problem of keeping the diet on weekend, i used to go function and parties. How can i overcome this problem.


4th April 2005, 06:40 AM
Dear Dev
Do u have any idea of healthy weight gain during pregnancy . My friend is pregnant for second time . During the first pregnancy she gained 40 pounds ( which is quite more than expected) . she lost 16 pounds after first pregnancy . She is overweight still . The doctor has advised her to gain only 15 pounds during this pregnancy . Any specific diet plan u would suggest ?? She is in the first trimester .
I know u r busy with ur exams .. Good luck to u . Take ur time and reply me . Not a problem .

Thanks and regards

4th April 2005, 06:55 AM
Hi Kelly,

whenever possible,try to make the host aware that U r diet conscious... This will not be possible always...so better eat wisely...

Ex: If U find a curry to be oily,try to take as little curry as possible with more of meat or veg from it...coz most of the fat will be in the curry rather than sticking to the meat(except when the meat/veg in the curry is also fried)...

4th April 2005, 07:01 AM
Hi PR,

Thanks for the wishes...

Pls let me know the age,height,weight,activity level,health condition,any allergies she is prone to,her diet etc... It will take sometime for me to plan the diet coz i need to balance all the micro & macro nutrients since ur friend is pregnant...I will try to plan the diet within 15 days...:)

4th April 2005, 08:05 PM
Dear Dev
Thanks for getting back to me
Her details
Age :27 yrs
Height : 5 ft 2 inches
weight : 159 Lbs
Activity level : she was doin elliptical and burning around 400 calories a day , and also doin some pilates for tummy and tush . As soon as she knew she became pregnant , she stopped elliptical temporarily .to get the doctors advise . The doctor advised that she can continue with elliptical . But as she is in first trimester , she cld not keep up the schedule becoz of nausea . she goes for a walk daily .
she shld not gain more than 176 lbs , the doctor told .. ( around 15 lbs weight gain)
Take ur time and get back to me .
Thanks and regards

Take ur time Dev ..

4th April 2005, 08:24 PM
Thanks a lot Hemantji for the details abt calories of various food products..Still can u let me know the avg calories in idli/dosai?

4th April 2005, 10:18 PM
Dear anandi
Here is a website which gives the calorific values of indian foods . Not sure if calories for idli and dosa r posted .. Pls have a look . Hope this will be useful to u ..

5th April 2005, 12:46 AM
Thanks pr. Its there.
Can anyone let me know the difference between cal and kcal?

5th April 2005, 07:56 AM
That was a good link pr...but don't be mislead by the calories given for cooked food coz each ones cooking style varies... even 2 spoons of extra oilcan give yor 18 extra calories...:)

Hi Anandhi,

chk my previous posts for diff bet' cal & kcal...

7th April 2005, 04:35 PM
Here's some intersting info abt fat... Make sure to look into it & get ur doubts clarified...


7th April 2005, 08:51 PM
Hello Dev,

I go thru the whole thread just now. It was very interesting. I like to follow diet plan. Can i follow 1350 diet plan u have posted for Anandhi?

My age 28, height 5'2'' and wieght 55.5 kgs(122). I hope i am in correct wieght. I like to reduce 3 kgs and maintain it. I usually eat wheat bread for breakfast and little rice for lunch and idli/dosa/chapathi for dinner.

Pls let me know wheather i can follow 1350 calori diet u have posted for anandhi and do 30 mins walk for a day? If no will u pls give me a diet plan?

Thanks a lot!

7th April 2005, 09:40 PM
Hi Kavitha,

U weight is perfect for ur height...May I understand why U want to lose weight now?...

Diet differs from person to person... I'll plan a diet for U sometime later depending on whether u want to lose weight or maintain the current weight...U'll get it done sometime in june coz I've my exams in may...please bear with me until then...

7th April 2005, 10:18 PM
Hello Dev,
Thanks for ur response. My weight was 50 kgs before my 2 yrs old bourn. So thought of reduce wight and maintain somewhere 52 to 53 kgs. Is that worng?

Prepare well for ur exams. By the way what kind of exam? Software?toefl/gre? If u wish then let me know...

Until june can i follow any diet? Is there any common dietplan? Thks in advance.

8th April 2005, 06:51 AM
Hi Kavitha,

If U wish to,U can reduce until u reah 50 kgs...That'll just be the right weight...But if u reduce below that,U'll be underweight...so better stay between 52-54kgs....& until June U can follow the same diet U've been following so far...I don't have a common diet plan that'll suit all... My diets are always custom made...

I'm appearing for the CPA exam...it's the auditing course in US...Hope U've heard abt it...

8th April 2005, 07:01 PM
Hello Dev,

Thanks for your explanation. I will follow the same diet until june. Yes i heard of CPA exam. Prepare well and all the best for ur exam!

13th April 2005, 06:12 AM
Hi Dev..
Lost one more pound!:)

13th April 2005, 01:01 PM
That's great Anandhi...so U've lost 5 pounds altogether in a month... U started this diet on the 10 or 11th march,right?... Continue for another couple of months or so & U can reach ur target weight,for sure... Happy Dieting...:thumbsup:

Also,let me know the changes U find in ur general health...like do u feel hungry too often... do u feel tired or are u able to carry on for the whole day...R u fresh enough for the whole day... Do u feel stronger.energetic or weak?....And any other specific changes U've noticed ...will be helpful in understanding better abt the diet & to decide if I need to make changes to it...:)

13th April 2005, 01:04 PM
Hi Pr,

I would be pleased if U can wait for another month or so for the diet for ur friend...Am busy with a few other things... I can do the diet for U sometime in June...is that ok?...

13th April 2005, 06:37 PM
Hi Dev,
yeah..I have lost 5 pounds in 1 month--but soham :( no one has noticed any change in my appearance..Soemtimes I even think that the scale is wrong!!!:)
I dont feel any difference in energy level. Also I feel hungry in the afternoons, morning I have orange and in the night I have grapes..but between 2 and 5, it is really hard for me..
Sometimes I give in and eat junk food-when I am depressed abt something, I just eat some junk food.. I am trying to be cautious as much as possible though-but sometimes it becomes inevitable!!

13th April 2005, 07:53 PM
Hi Dev,
yeah..I have lost 5 pounds in 1 month--but soham :( no one has noticed any change in my appearance..Soemtimes I even think that the scale is wrong!!!:)
I dont feel any difference in energy level. Also I feel hungry in the afternoons, morning I have orange and in the night I have grapes..but between 2 and 5, it is really hard for me..
Sometimes I give in and eat junk food-when I am depressed abt something, I just eat some junk food.. I am trying to be cautious as much as possible though-but sometimes it becomes inevitable!!

5 pound won't make much of noticeable difference in appearence... If U want to make sure U've lost weight, measure the parts where U feel the fat has settled...like hips,thighs etc...make a note of it now & measure it later on when U lose some more weight...U'll be able to make out...:)

If u feel hungry in the evening U can have some fruits instead of eating junk food...If u feel bored to eat fruits always,U can have some fresh homemade juices,preferably without sugar...But,whole fruits are preferred to juices...maybe U can have an apple or a pear or a big piece of watermelon etc... I believe U are having rice or chapathi with dhal & veg & curds... If not,try to eat dhal in the afternoon than having it for dinner...It'll help coz it contains more calories...

Hope this helps...

15th April 2005, 01:27 AM
Mosty at night I have 1 chapati and sabji only. Then I have fruits before sleeping.

One thing I noticed is as I have been walking regularly now, I am able to walk for even 45 minutes without getting so tired. I am really happy with that!!

15th April 2005, 08:02 AM
Hey Anandhi,

Do u eat all what I've listed in the diet or do U cut back on it too?... 1 chapathi at night(if it's not a large one) ,I would say is a bit low unless U r eating lots of veg & fruits at night... Please eat all that's in the list ... U can eat it at any time of the day...like,if u r very hungry in the evening,U can have one chapathi with dhal,subzi & reduce one from dinner... Even when U want to reduce weight,U shouldn't deprive ur body of esential nutrients... else,U'll reduce weight but will feel weak...

15th April 2005, 07:06 PM
no no..I dont starve..If I starve, how will I be able to do do 45 min of walking..
I cant starve too-I have to take care of the kid and for that I need a lot of energy!!
I am sure I am eating more than 1350 cal that you have prescribed-but in the night I want to reduce the food intake..I make it up during the day..Also I am not feeling v tired and all..but I dont find any major energy boost-thats what I meant..
As such I am not too much of a junk eater and have always been health conscious. but one thing I dint know was eating too much of a good food can also be a hindrance to lose weight(like dhal)..I make it a point to getall the nutrients..
So, dont worry!!!

15th April 2005, 07:30 PM

I hear that when you eat banana (large ones that we get here in US)regularly, you tend to put on weight easily. Is it true???


15th April 2005, 07:32 PM
fruits like banana and apple are v rich in calories. So it is better to avoid them when we are in diet.

15th April 2005, 07:43 PM
Banans have lots of calories... We usually eat bananas at the end of a meal... U would've already taken as much calories as req from the meal & on top of it,if u eat bananas regularly,there r lots of chances to put on weight,unless u burn all the calories u ate...
But it's ok to eat bananas if u r not able to take a meal,say breakfast,due to some reasons(once in a while & not always)...It'll provide u with instant energy...

Anandhi,U can eat apples when on diet...but moderate it...eat it along with some other fruit...like watermelon,grapes etc...& sry,I thought u r going too low on calories...that's the reason i told u that... :)

15th April 2005, 07:44 PM
sorry, I meant fruits like banana and MANGO have lot of calories..
sorry for typing it wrong!!!

17th April 2005, 06:19 AM
DAILY Bananas after meal ... no doubt GOOD... for CHILDREN and Adolescents...

... but not for Elders ... DAILY...!!!.... It contains lot of Potassium... overdosage of which will cause Side-effects...

And its Calories are more than Mangoes... So Doctors totally prohibit Bananas for Diabetics...

...whereas permit them to take Occasional Mangoes... within limits... .

17th April 2005, 07:35 AM
sudhaama, is it ok if we give banana to 1 year olds daily?
My daughter wont eat any food and banana is the only food which she takes without making a lot of fuss..(1/2 or 3/4 th she will take..)

17th April 2005, 08:43 AM

// sudhaama,.... is it ok if we give banana to 1 year olds daily?
My daughter wont eat any food and banana is the only food which she takes without making a lot of fuss..(1/2 or 3/4 th she will take..//

Yes... if it is ... MALAI-VAAZHAI- PAZHAM type... OK.

Daily ...Kadhali-(Poovan)... Type... suits only to some children...

Pachchai-Vaazhai ... 2nd Best... after Malai-Vaazhai...type from Madurai, Kodaikanal region...

If it is SIRU-MALAI- PAZHAM from Dindigul ... Oh ! the BEST .. ...

.. in the World, by SWEET TASTE and HEALTH too for all ... So NUTRICIOUS. !!!

21st April 2005, 08:30 AM
We all know that fibre is an important part of our diet...Here's more info on it...

Soluble and Unsoluble Fibers

There are two basic types of dietary fiber: soluble fibre and insoluble fiber. Soluble fibers are those that dissolve in water. Some soluble fiber is very viscous when dissolved and therefore slows down the speed of digestion . Other fibers are insoluble ,do not dissolve in water,and do not affect the rate of digestion. Many fiber-rich foods contain a mixture of soluble and insoluble fiber although one type usually predominates.

Although devoid of caloric or nutritional value, food fiber has significant health benefits .Soluble fiber slows down digestion in the stomach and intestines, thus stabilizing blood glucose levels, and may also increase the uptake of minerals and other nutrients during digestion. Insoluble fiber improves health in the intestinal tract by increasing stool volume and stimulating normal bowel contractions thus reducing passage-time through the colon. This reduces digestive complaints like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome .

Good Sources of Fiber

The best sources of fiber include beans, wholegrain cereals (barley, oats, rice), fruits, vegetables and nuts. Sources of insoluble fiber include: wheat, corn, rice, veggies and beans. Sources of soluble fiber include: citrus fruits, apples, mango, oats, dried apricots and beans (like soybeans etc).

How Much Fiber Do We Need in Our Daily Diet?

RDA is 25 g-40 g. About 20-30 percent of this total daily fiber intake should come from soluble fiber.

Eating excessive amounts of fiber is not healthy as this can interfere with the absorption of minerals and vitamins, and also may divert too much water from the cells.

Dietary fiber comprises a group of low-Glycemic Index carbohydrates whose chemical structure prevents them from being digested by humans as we lack the digestive enzymes needed. Therefore, fiber cannot be metabolized to glucose and thus contributes no calories to our diet.Glycemic Index rates the carbohydrate quality in foods according to its immediate effect on blood glucose level. Thus carbs that break down quickly into glucose during digestion, causing a rapid rise in glucose levels, have a High GI value. Those carbs that break down more slowly, are given an Intermediate or Low GI value.

21st April 2005, 10:03 AM
lost 1 more pound this week. I am surprised, because lost week I could not go to gym for more than 2 days. Due to newyear, I ate some junk also (like poli, payasam)-still I have lost 1 pound.. I am really surprised!!!

21st April 2005, 10:18 AM
Hi Anandhi,

U must've either balanced out by cutting the intake of other food stuffs or increased workout & other activities...else ur body metabolism rate must've gone up... :)

21st April 2005, 10:19 AM
Wondering Y there is no feedback from the others like Kelly,Badri & G'smom... Hope U guys r able to follow the diet!!!... :wink:

21st April 2005, 10:33 AM
Dev: Don't ask embarassing questions! Unless you are ready to listen to lies!!! :lol: :lol:

No seriously, I told you I was following the diet and have lost weight. I haven't checked though, like a pound a week or anything, but I know I have lost weight and that is good news for me!

I feel more energetic too.

Thanks a lot Dev.

21st April 2005, 12:41 PM
Hi Badri,

Gud to know that u WERE following the diet & lost weight... Hope this is not one of the 'lies' U were talking abt... :wink: :lol:

Hey,this makes me think seriously if I should continue with charting diet plans... It takes so much of time & effort from my side... & if those receiving it don't even bother to (try to) follow it,what is the point in spending my time on it???!!!... :roll: Hmmm...but I don't want to deny it to dedicated ones like Anandhi... I've seen ppl complaining abt the weight loss packages available commercially...they say it's priced high...But from my experience I feel that there's nothing wrong in pricing it high...Those enrolling in it will workout atleast for the money that they r paying... :lol: Not like the free ones...U just get it & vanish off... :evil:

21st April 2005, 12:46 PM
Hey...no fair!!! I am so scruplously following it!!! :( :cry:

but it is right...when something comes free, we rarely give it importance!

21st April 2005, 12:51 PM
Hey...no fair!!! I am so scruplously following it!!! Sad Crying or Very sad

:lol: :wink:...Ok Badri, :thumbsup: ...

21st April 2005, 12:53 PM
but it is right...when something comes free, we rarely give it importance!

So,Shall I start charging for my diet plans too... :lol: :wink:

21st April 2005, 12:54 PM
So how do you plan to accept fees? Paypal? Credit card? :lol: :lol:

21st April 2005, 01:08 PM
Both r accepted... how abt this Badri...U pay if u don't lose weight... U'll get the diet plan only after u send me ur current pic...& later U'll have to send me the 'after' picture...If I don't 'see' any weight loss,I'll charge U guys...:lol:

21st April 2005, 01:10 PM
Yes...that is an admirable way..instead of the usual charge for weight loss, this is a good idea...charge for not following the plan...

of course, you always have to consider the possibility that the diet plan was not working!! which means you get paid for being wrong!!!!! :lol:

21st April 2005, 01:16 PM
of course, you always have to consider the possibility that the diet plan was not working!! which means you get paid for being wrong!!!!! :lol:

Ada paavi... I'll include a clause saying that this diet will not work with peanut chutney...Only then i can collect my fees from U... :lol:

21st April 2005, 01:24 PM
Cha, you are very cruel..

First of all, you ban peanut chutney from my diet. In all these days, I haven't eaten it at all, and then you go and remind me of it????

SADIST!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

21st April 2005, 01:29 PM
adada...I never knew that Badri is such a 'chamathu paiyan'... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok Badri...no more 'peanut' jokes...This is the last one(hopefully)...But when I read ur comment abt ur brain(pea sized brain) in 'roast fellow hubber' ,i thought it might be the effect of eating too much of peanut chutney... :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

21st April 2005, 01:33 PM
My pea-sized brain???

When did I say that? :idea: :roll:

21st April 2005, 01:40 PM
Oooopppsss....Sorry Badri...It was JG's comment... just checked it...

21st April 2005, 01:43 PM
See, you accused me unjustly of eating too much peanut chutney!! When it has really been ages since I ate it!

Romba mosam, Dev... :evil:

21st April 2005, 01:48 PM
'Before' and 'after' picture-aa?


Obelix melinju pona that picture will look really awkward, illaya? :wink:
Remember Badri giving permission to someone to call him 'pot belly'. Now, do you really think he is following yr diet??

21st April 2005, 01:54 PM
'Before' and 'after' picture-aa?

Remember Badri giving permission to someone to call him 'pot belly'. Now, do you really think he is following yr diet??

:lol: ... Hmmm... Yosikka vendiya visayam thaan...Aanal enna pannurathu,he's my client & I'll have to (try to)believe whatever he says... 8) Guess I should make a trip to Australia to chk out what's happening there... Badri,sponsor pannuringala?... :wink:

21st April 2005, 01:56 PM
Meeting mudinju vanthachu pola irukku....enna, delegation ellam nalla acha???

I gave bunny the permission to call me potbelly bcos we call him bunny...just as we call you mottai harry, sottai harry, kann drishti harry, and ippo, todapakucchi harry!!! :lol: :lol: (at least, that is what that thing between him and hermione looks like!!!)

21st April 2005, 01:58 PM
Hey guys,

I'm looking out for some tips to alleviate air sickness(nausea)... anyone with some tried & tested tips,pls post it... FYI,even avomin fails to work on me sometimes... I really pity my fellow travellers... Wish i don't make the whole flight sick this time... :roll: :(