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2nd March 2005, 12:48 PM
After one more buget in India, people are hailing the generous allotments to social sectors like health care services and food for rural poor. As usual as the budget, voices are heard from one quarter as to how much of this much needed money reaches the poor of this country really? Rajiv Gandhi , it was who startled the nation by saying that only 15% of the mone allotted for poor really reaches the poor.The situation is no different in many other developing nations around us. The questions this thread wishes to raise are:
1. What are the root causes of corruption?
2. What is the actual impact of corruption on common people?
3. Is there no solution for corruption?
4. Is democracy a hurdle in weeding out corruption?
5. What can elements of civil society do to remove corruption?
6. What can the common man do to combat corruption?
Much of these points have been discussed threadbare and beaten to death in media. Let those discussions of the past be the steps on which we will continue ours. Have your say. To facilitate proper serious discussions and also to extract solid points and suggestions every month a consolidated review will be made out of the discussion and posted in all leading newspapers of india. A copy will be posted in prime minister of india's site and also to the president of india website. Members of other countries may choose to do the same for their country. If they feel that their country has tackled corruption in a better way, let them post it and thier suggestions will find a place in the monthly review. Let the lights be lit, let the brightness spread and chase the darkness away. As a precursor to this discussion please read the following article (http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/APCITY/UNPAN019103.pdf) as it consolidates most of the points already.

2nd March 2005, 03:35 PM
What steps has the indian government taken to free itself of corruption?
In the case of corruption, it is a strange disease that affects the government but the effects are to be borne by common men and women of the country. The person having disease has to be examined and treated by a doctor who himself is free of the concerned disease. To do just that Indian government has set up a Central Vigilance Commission, which is currently headed by P.Shankar. Here is the link to CVC (http://cvc.nic.in/). CVC takes complaints from common citizens if the department to be investigated is under central government. for more details, visit the site of CVC.

2nd March 2005, 04:11 PM
In a country like India with a bursting at the seams population,huge differences between different sections of people in terms like education,life style etc,the complete neglect of villages(esp in agriculture)&the subsequent migration to cities,caste clashes,lack of unity etc etc etc,corruption has become a way of life.Everybody is trying to accumulate material wealth despite the fact that they might be academically less qualified,might not have a well paid job etc&that is why the desire to earn money by crooked means. A deep rooted spirituality&contenment in life has become nonexistant.Add to that the fact that the majority does not look at 'India'as their country-there are way too many divisions on the basis of caste,religion,language etc.under these circumstances corruption is bound to be there like other things like spitting&defacating(spelling mistake :) ) on the roads,indisipline,rash driving,utter contempt for the law etc.Personally my opinion is that no amount of laws&punishments will act as a deterrent as we are intelligent enough to find a loop hole.To start with the right kind of people should rule which will happen only when the majority vote on the basis of merit&nothing else.then there should be unity&a feeling of oneness in terms of 'our country','our city','our road'etc.Development should be spread&not concentrated in certain cities,People should be encouraged to stay in the villages-agriculture&other means of living should be provided to them,the environment should be protected so that droughts,floods etc don't become the order of the day&most importantly people themselves should become more honest.Will all this happen&if yes when?GOD ONLY KNOWS.

2nd March 2005, 04:19 PM
Cinefan wrote:

most importantly people themselves should become more honest
People are generally lazy and corrupt. Unles the fear of law is in place, they will not change. Current malaise is due to the fact that the finger that is pointing a blot is not stain free. It also is smeared. To enable change, the campaign against corruption should start from the top.

2nd March 2005, 04:32 PM
People are generally lazy and corrupt. Unles the fear of law is in place, they will not change. Current malaise is due to the fact that the finger that is pointing a blot is not stain free. It also is smeared. To enable change, the campaign against corruption should start from the top.

I beg to differ with you Jai,honest rulers will never emerge from dishonest people.Rulers are not from a different planet,they are there between you&me.'yatha raja thatha praja'was in a monarchy,in a democracy it is 'yatha praja thatha raja'.Honest people will bring in honest corporators,MLA's,MP's&the change will start happening.Even that is a very long drawn process but how will the start happen in the present circumstances?To be very frank,I am very pessimistic of India becoming a better country unless there is 'Total revolution&cleansing'which the present set of population will never do.

2nd March 2005, 10:10 PM
Questions on Corruption....?

Corruption is a Mighty-Monster which can severely beat down the Economy and Financial-Stability of not only any Government but allso even in a single family, if it is beseiged by that Devil.

Although the below-mentioned Questions have been deeply analysed and several Seminars Reports and Scholarly discussions had been held so far... exhaustively... by the Professionals like Economists and such other Finbancial-Experts.... No palpable Solution to this Sickly Menace have been practically found or implemented so far effectively.... pertaining to India.

No doubt by means of some sensible measures from Mr. Manmohan Singh along with Mr. Chidambaram... since Mr. Narasima-Rao's period, it has come under control upto some extent.

But still ... the past Accomplishment is Insignificant... when compared to the Magnitude of the task yet to be completed... to achieve the Ultimate Goal and Target.

Because most of such Proposals are far from Realities and thus leading to Unfeasibility on the Field.

Why So?.... Mainly because the major part of the Data... are Theoretical... as also the Theoretical Persons handling the causes. It can be truly understood and solved only with the LEADERSHIP of the Sociologists... who only are quite close and proximate to both the sides of the Giver and Taker.

Is there No Solution at all?... Can this Disease NOT be Eradicated?

Positively if approached... it can be solved by means of concerted and Co-operative endeavour from all the sides concerned..

Now... I will put forth my Answers to these Questions...

What is the actual impact of corruption on common people?

(a) It leads to Price-Escalation... unduly and irrationally.... thus Flouting the Countries Budget Targets and Implementation- Schemes... and even the Rudimentary factors of day to day Economy.....

(b)It affects the Common-man due to irrationally heavy increase in Cost of Living. The worst affected Victim is the Poor...being made poorer innocently and unjustly... for no fault of him

(c) In the International-market arena the Nation cannot firmly stand with a firm-foot due to its incompetitive price.... Which results in stagnation of Products or Loss to the Government.

(d) When compared to any other other World Nation, India is a country of unusual public set-up with an contra-distinctory living conditions as well as the mosaic pattern of people of wide varieties. The extreme opposite conditions as seen in India... cannot be seen anywhere else to such an extent and Degree.

So to say... Mainly...

(i) The Highest land Himalayas... and the lowest Sea-level... at Andamans, and Kanya-kumari..

(ii) The Coldest city Simla and the Hottest in Rajasthan

(iii) Highest degree of Illiteracy in Sikkim and the Lowest in Kerala

(iv) Heaviest Rainfall in the World in Assam and Nil Rains ever... in Jaisalmer in Rajasthan.

(iv) Richest Millionaire and the Poorest down-trodden far below the Minimum Human-Susbsistence-Level amongst the same Country people resulting in high Contrast

Consequently.... the problems are multi-fold and inter-depenant as also much complicated unlike any other Country.. So any Scheme advantageous to one side is the opposite to another section or sections...

...which peculiar State of affairs does not exist in any other World Nation to such a degree.

However... emulating partly the Fore-running examples of USA, France and Swizerland...

..and partly by carving out a unique ploicy as relevant and applicable to Indian conditions...

... this Healthy Goal can become a Success.

Because the major Chunk of the National earnings are reaching some Dark-Pockets.... so far .. unduly ... and undeservingly.

Apart from indefinite Economy by Stagnant Products....being unsold or under-cost-sold

... and Increasing Cost of Living... making the Working-class poorer and poorer ...unjustly.

... as also the avoidable Escalation of Working-Cost of the Products. unreasonably.

Mainly because of CORRUPTION... in most of the functional areas.

By eradicating Corruption... a major Disease... or at least by restraint upto the minimum...

India can become an ADVANCED NATION ... Fast .. and Soon....!!!... How?

To Continue.....

3rd March 2005, 08:55 AM
Since Sudhaama is here and Cinefan is also quoting some sanskrit slokas, let me break open this discussion further and along controversial line a bit. Advise me if you find this a digression and I will stop it right there.
How much of this prevalence and don't care attitude of common man to it a result of Hindu religious beliefs?
For example, the karma theory and next birth. Surely affected people do not go the extra mile to see the offending corrupt person is punished. Rather he/she adopts a meek line of thought and says his bad karma will punish him or GOD will take care of him instead of steadfastly applying himself/herself to the task of reporting and fighting it out legally. Currently people with sufficient political background and monetary power alone seem to be fighting against corruption byan individual. These people, it seems can be bought over and compromised easily as they are not fighting a personal battle. When are our religious leaders going to advice public to fight corruption(which is an evil right before eyes) instead of fighting an abstract evil? Do you think if the acharyas, maulvis , priests in our temples, mosques and churches ask people to take corruption head on this problem will be solved?

3rd March 2005, 09:43 AM
W/ the inputs tat u hav provided, I'm sure tat I need not provide ne introduction to corruption or its effects.....!
Cinefan, ur cent % rite abt the 'yatha praja tatha raja' saying! :clap: On reading this, I feel like asking our ppl.-
Y did we kick out the Brits from our country at all??
Wat use was it in getting ourselves a democracy to govern us??......we mite as well've been a monarchy for all these years :evil:
Its become very common 4 most of us to blame evrything on the govt. and politicians alone thanx to our own wretched 'chalta-hai' attitude :evil: :evil:
We just say this & forget tat the common man makes up the larger part of the society as opposed to the govt.....but of course lone individuals cannot take ne major steps against such social evils so our country can improve only if everyone in today's society wakes up and works united to lift it up......but I personally doubt if today's India can wake up to such a challenge cos I've lost all confidence in this regard, looking at today's Indian society.....let's ask ourselves- how many Indians living in India itself really care abt India??
Most of the present gen. is living in a fool's paradise, magnifying the minute fame tat our countryz achieveing due to the IT sector (and no, Indiaz not the leader in IT, as ppl. say......its leading in IT professionals only, mainly cos they r cheaper to hire!).....and half of them r busy chasing the American dream (which they don't mind achieveing by corrupt means as well!).....while a remaining 1/4th of them r successful in bringing to India the worst or most useless parts of the West, such as pubs, pornography, Valentine's Day and so on.....to sum it up, they just don't give a damn abt the way the countryz turning out..... :evil: :evil:
And so long as this is wat today's and tomorrow's India is, we mite as well continue building castles in air abt a socially and morally developed India!
Take Singapore for eg., or China (even bigger than India), which were as poor as India not more than 40-50 yrs ago, but since then they have miraculously come up from the status of 3rd world to 1st world countries......mainly bcos the ppl. here had all unanymously worked to bring abt a change in their countries w/ or w/out the govt.'s guidance.....ultimately it was all in the ppl.!

3rd March 2005, 09:56 AM
I agree with your sentiments while I beg to differ on the final notes that u have put up.

1. Question of Singapore and malaysia:
Corruption under control because the area to be controlled and the population in question is lesser and therefore weeding out corruption is easy. Also there is no question of human rights when it comes to law enforcement. The other way around is the case in India. When somebody brings up Singapore argument, I always give them this analogy. A class of 35 with two teachers and two monitors. It is a dream situation! Govt makes a decision and there is no debate, everybody accepts as political fragmentation among 35 people is far lesser compared to 90 people.
2. Question of China:
Sorry! it is no democracy and we cannot compare them either in spite of being in a similar position as far as population is concerned.

The model we have to follow is either American or British when it comes to combating corruption and sadly that is why there are committees and sub committees at various levels. Although there seems to be one way out legally. It is by stregthening the arms of all independant agencies involved in routing out corruption. The Central VigilanceCommission is currently a committee and it can be made an independant bureau like CBI and more powers for it to act according to a single law across states and union territories.
Morally and socially it is up to the religios and political leaders to bring out the combative spirit of people against corruption. Our religious leaders must give an open call to ask people no to tolerate corruption even if it is not affecting them directly.

3rd March 2005, 11:10 AM
Would like to start with a question...is India the only country in all of the world to be afflicted by this malaise?

Guess the answer has to be a NO. It is there everywhere...problem with us Indians is we parade it as though it is a virtue, with the result everyone is quick to point fingers at us.

There is corruption in the US - reports are emerging of scandals in the hightest places...

One issue got prominence in UK - about someone getting a visa for a nanny or something...don't quite remember..quoting it just to show it is prevalent.

Money cannot be too far away from corruption. Money is the root of all evil, they say. Artham Anartham, sang Adi Sankara.

If we understand this equation, things become clear.

Money+Power+Desire = Corruption.

Especially desire that overwhelms values such as honesty and integrity.

Have you read these detective novels of yesteryears? Like Agatha Christie, or Perry Mason series...the detective will jump into a cab and say,

"Follow that cab. I will give you a tenner if you can make it there on time..."

I used to wonder, what is this? Is this bribery? Are you willing to pay more so that the driver will get you there within time, even if it means driving more rashly than he would?

Have you ever tipped a waiter more than you would usually tip, perhaps hoping he would do a better service when you come back again?

Or paid that hired help a little more than he actually asked for, so that he would be readily available the next time you need him?

Are these harmless things, or do these classify under corruption? At the very least, are these not the seeds of corruption? The waiter or the cabbie or the hired help didnt really ask for the extra money, but you gave it nevertheless and in doing so, instituted a culture of more for better/faster so that what started as an innocent reward becomes a culture of bribery to get things done.

Even the peon in the government office who asks for bakshish to place your file right on the top - well, he is not really corrupt is he? Yes it is his job, but he's just expecting a tip for a service well done.

So, when we view it this way, what do you people think?

3rd March 2005, 11:21 AM
Since Sudhaama is here and Cinefan is also quoting some sanskrit slokas, let me break open this discussion further and along controversial line a bit. Advise me if you find this a digression and I will stop it right there.
How much of this prevalence and don't care attitude of common man to it a result of Hindu religious beliefs?
For example, the karma theory and next birth. Surely affected people do not go the extra mile to see the offending corrupt person is punished. Rather he/she adopts a meek line of thought and says his bad karma will punish him or GOD will take care of him instead of steadfastly applying himself/herself to the task of reporting and fighting it out legally. Currently people with sufficient political background and monetary power alone seem to be fighting against corruption byan individual. These people, it seems can be bought over and compromised easily as they are not fighting a personal battle. When are our religious leaders going to advice public to fight corruption(which is an evil right before eyes) instead of fighting an abstract evil? Do you think if the acharyas, maulvis , priests in our temples, mosques and churches ask people to take corruption head on this problem will be solved?

I don't think the 'karma 'theory has got anything to do with it,it's just the system which wears down the complainent than the accused.Today if I decide to say that I will never bribe anyone in my life,what are the consequences,no of my work esp related to govt will get priority or might not get done at all.to whom do I complain-the Lok Ayukta.They might interfere once&get my work done but I can't go to them at every stage.there are so many laws,clauses,sub clauses that I can be made to walk till my death,after all we have read/seen cases like that.So it's not the karma theory but the lack of an effective,time bound deterrent which has made even the few honest people(they might not accept bribes but will not take a strong stand against giving) accept corruption as a way of life.having said this,I maintain that a deterrent alone will not eradicate corruption in India becos of it's huge population.There has to be a turnaround in the mindset of the people.In this respect i agree with Jai that religious leaders can to some extent influence people.But unfortunately the trend today is that 'mathas' themselves are getting into the money making business by opeaning educational institutions from K.G to Engg/dental&so they are also compromised.Next,every caste/subcaste has it's own religious leaders&so first there has to be unity in them.I only see pessimism all around.

3rd March 2005, 12:11 PM
Reading the initial post in this thread I thought there is going to be some serious consentrated discussions here without diversions.

But here comes religion into it, soon language and then gender will come.

3rd March 2005, 12:24 PM
1. What are the root causes of corruption?
- A combination of lack of self respect, consideration for fellow being and dicipline.

2. What is the actual impact of corruption on common people?
- Most importantly loose of faith. Faith in the system, life, ideals and country. One will be happy even in suffering if he knows that geniune attempts are being made to improve the situation.

3. Is there no solution for corruption?
- Corruption cannot be rooted out completely as greed and selfishness are part of life. But by multiple actions from all can sure control it. There is no one short wonder pill for corruption.

4. Is democracy a hurdle in weeding out corruption?
- Democracy only leads to the democratisation of corruption. What is missing is leadership. In USSR it was said that there was only one mafia and that was the Govt. Where as now there are multiple mafia groups. Same is the case with corruption.

5. What can elements of civil society do to remove corruption?
- Media ofcource has a very important role to play. It has to not only bring out dirt but also make sure that public interest is carried to the result. This needs that newer and fresher facts are brought out. There courts have a very important role since its imposible to retain public interest for the kind of period that courts take.

6. What can the common man do to combat corruption?
- Common man should be more involved and informed in the day to day happenings around him. He should be involved more in discussions and not shy away. How many will take part in a anti-curruption protest march (non-political). Very few. Inspite of corruption being so rampant and wide spread why there has not been a single large case public responce to that. A religious, caste, or political meeting would attract thousands.

3rd March 2005, 02:26 PM
I introduced religion only as a counterpoint to the argument that people at an individual level remain unaffected by corruption. Religion, spirituality and attachment to ideals is one element that can reach the most innermost reaches of one's mind even when one is all alone at home. In certain forms, religion can also act as deterrent to refrain from corruption. If there is no fear of law that stops one from corruption, then atleast the fear of the Lord might do it, right?
Anyways as sandeep feels it is a digression, I am not going to delve into that area anymore.
By the same token, expecting everyone who is corrupt to turn over a new leaf overnight is also a bit too dreamy a thought.
I strongly feel that there exists a three part solution to this problem. Contradicting my earlier statement, I am going to propose a part US and part Chinese model of solution.
Part 1. Strong independent agency that investigates, monitors all Govt. officials, judges and elected representatives for financial impropriety all times. If it is not possible atleast a notion that they are watching all the time must exist, like the "Big Brother" watching over you all the time that prevails in USA. In case of law enforcement agencies, the whole process of filing a complaint , carrying an investigation, everything must be digitized and there should be a strong "Internal Affairs" kind of agency that must be keeping a constant vigil over the law enforcement agencies. The salary and perks paid to this new agency and associated arms must be unparalleled so as to keep them aloft of any temptations.
Similarly Salaries of judges must be relatively high and in addition any judicial officer or police officer should be barred from standing in elections after retirement also.

Part 2. Setting up special anti-corruption courts that have special laws governing them which prevent undue stretching of cases guaranteeing speedy justics and severe punishment. Punishments should be like penalties to the tune of 10 times the amount received by the accused. Failing to submit that, attaching all properties of the accused and that of his/her near relatives(ala Citizen style), debarring them from ration and electoral rolls, cancellation of retirement benefits. If the accused is serving in armed forces, health services (like government hospital), education or law enforcement, the punishments can be severe than normal and the person may be denied a chance of appeal.

Part 3. Grants and rewards to people who act as informers in exposing corruption. People providing leads to moles in their department will be given promotions and paid vacation. If common public helps the anti corruption special force, then financial rewards free of tax should be awarded. Details of that person should be a guarded secret, exposed only after the guilty is punished.

I guess this plan might just work. Some might feel it is too radical and costly to implement this. I would like to implore them that every person is paying 20% corruption tax for buying anything or using any service today. If there were no corruption, our growth rate is automatically adjusted to 12% (we are still in 6 to 7 % range). If someone is corrupt totally will it stop him or her? I dont know, but it will definitely act as a deterrent to those who are sitting on the fence. I guess even if that is achieved, it will be a spectacular result.

3rd March 2005, 02:39 PM
Jaiganes all that you have said will sure help reduce corruption. But seriously do you think what India lacks is the mechanism to handle corruption or the will power/desire to do so.

Our law and our agencies have the means and methods to handle corruption but we as a country dont have the will power and determination to root it out.

The same 'common man' who brags about corruption doesnt hesitate to give bribe so as to get services. And I am not speaking about essential services. For instance an 18yr old's father is ready to pay to get DL for his son through back channel.

3rd March 2005, 03:36 PM
Sandeep wrote:

But seriously do you think what India lacks is the mechanism to handle corruption
Please go to the first post and read the document link provided.
Most of the laws are archaic and the loop holes are simply too many in cases of corruption. While the Indian criminal procedure code has been amended to keep abreast of times, the section pertaining to corruption has remained as archaic as ever. The mechanism needs to be toughened up. Corruption has reached a level where radical thoughts need to be applied.

Sandeep wrote:

but we as a country dont have the will power and determination to root it out.

It is because we are being ruled by rulers who live in glass houses, therefore they are unable to throw stones in the right direction. That is where influential opinion makers with clean images should step forward. Corruption Hatao (remove corruption) should be the first mantra, even before Gharibi hatao (remove poverty). Political parties and their inner organization also should be brought under the microscope of public accountability. Big media should report corruption meter daily as they would temperature readings in big cities. If a state is identified as highly corrupt, budgetary allocations should be reduced, till its governemtn comes clean on corruption front. Trust me, if a government decides to have balls no body can stop that. Classic example is present TN govt is bold enuf to say, 'Ration card - change' and citizens fall in line. So it is not unprecedented. If the same government says 'corruption - punishable and beware', see what is the response. Right now there is no political will thats it. Even with political will, our archaic laws will prove to be a huge obstacle, to correct which I had detailed a few hard steps earlier.

Sandeep wrote:

For instance an 18yr old's father is ready to pay to get DL for his son through back channel.
Put one such dad in jail, see how the son will never try to bribe another oficial for his lifetime.

4th March 2005, 10:02 AM
Put one such dad in jail, see how the son will never try to bribe another oficial for his lifetime.

How can we trace down, when the official is too happy receiving a
handsome sum, and the dad is not glum at all to pay the same.?

I am happy, u are happy. So who would complain???

Barter system after all. As long as I get what I want, WHY should I dream of bringing in law?

Again if I bring in law, where would I be justiced? Even more IMPORTANT QUESTION IS "WHEN WILL I SEE JUSTICE?

Need to pay bribe or exhorbitant fee to the lawyer and after all this, the son still wont have any seat. Who is benefited? THE COUNTRY?
Too heavily populated to learn from few lessons.

Here I am, happy to save money for bribe from my son/daughter's childhood.....

1. I dont lose anything as I was mentally prepared(better than walking up and down the court room to put the official behind the bar)
2. my son gains seat
3. official is happy
4. No torture of hooligans troubling me for having taken legal action.

Now, a prudent, diligent person can have his chioce. WHAT WOULD BE MAJORITY'S choice?

4th March 2005, 10:24 AM
That says it all.

That is what majority thinks and that is why we are where we are.

4th March 2005, 12:10 PM
If it were US, what would have been SP's reply?
SP you are forgetting one thing. just because you pay, there are hooligans waiting there for your money. It is true that the procedure can be simple leading to lesser hassle in getting things legally. But, but but.... In USA getting DL is very very difficult , yet people don't bribe because, bribing an official is an offence and a very serious one at that. If the official takes the money and lets say spends it even on a hairpin, IRA will get a wind of that and start proceedings, even without the knowledge of local police, which means our officer who paid will have to run around for months behind IRA and local courts, probably end up losing his job. Thats why u need independent agencies with strong power, faster court support. If these are done, then even if u voluntarily offer bribe, there will be no takers at all. It is sad that you will not hesitate to bribe someone and get things done. I would rather wait and have it done slowly than to bribe someone and get it done fast. The result of this bribe is not very cheap. Coz we have
1.a kid who doesn't know how to drive properly driving a vehicle
2. a kid who thnks it is better to bribe and get things done

So thanks to this small bribe episode, you have a kid who may end up dead in a road accident(worser.. kill someone in an accident) or someone who is going to spread corruption further in the society. In the first eventuality it is a disaster and in the second eventuality it is a social catastrophe.
So I would prefer to be taken for a ride by the officer issuing license for a stern test of my driving abilities as it happens in USA. What gets proven is ultimately it is the upper class and middle class people who create the filth of corruption and it is they who also cry foul in the name of corruption. the pooper section is a mute spectator to this phenomenon and a silent victim.
Another point to ponder....
SUNTV said in a program that govt offics are totally corrupt in TN.
Who are the corrupt people? no doubt it is the govt employees.
When govt fires govt employees en masse SunTV changes sides and supports these mostly corrupt govt employees. Most of the media(print and electronic) toes along that line.
When state govt. budget is released, opposition parties cry saying govt employees do not get anything extra in this budget.
why this double stadards? I say all govt staff should be denied bonus and other economic packages till they improve thier moralities and reduce corruption. If an act like this is passed and independent agencies are asked to monitor (like Tehelka expose), then we will see reduced corruption and that will be the first step to eliminating corruption.

4th March 2005, 01:15 PM
Put one such dad in jail, see how the son will never try to bribe another oficial for his lifetime.

How can we trace down, when the official is too happy receiving a
handsome sum, and the dad is not glum at all to pay the same.?
I am happy, u are happy. So who would complain???
Barter system after all. As long as I get what I want, WHY should I dream of bringing in law?

Corrpution doesn't always hav to concern only money in the form of bribe.....imagine if the kid was not a son but a daughter, then the official cud've even shamelessly asked the father to send her to his home 4 a nite & u know the rest.....she'd get a seat in sum course she was applying 4 (eg.) the next day......!
Wat wud ur reaction be then?? Wudn't u want to bring in the law then?? :|
I've heard of such cases where girls get jobs in cos. in this way.....so bribing doesn't nec. hav to be in monetary form...can hav even worse demands!

14th March 2005, 03:38 PM
simply posting to keep this thread on top of public consciousness and a bit of self promotion and advertisement . he he he :lol:

14th March 2005, 03:52 PM
Why dont you try bribing NOV, in real Indian ''styyyle". And as lordstanher said not necessarily in form of monitary benefits. :D

14th March 2005, 04:11 PM
It is not NOV I want to bribe. As such I am surprised to see mundane and pointless discussions on MIL-DL and its likes getting frequent updations while our hubbers are not comfortable discussing corruption. How I wish for Praveen Kumar Manangi to make a great return. :roll:

14th March 2005, 04:31 PM
May be people are not interested becoz they dont see any hope and isnt it a depressing topic.

14th March 2005, 04:35 PM
As such I am surprised to see mundane and pointless discussions on MIL-DL and its likes getting frequent updations while our hubbers are not comfortable discussing corruption. How I wish for Praveen Kumar Manangi to make a great return. :roll:

Or is it that majority of hubbers themselves give/take bribes&so are not comfortable discussing :? :lol:

14th March 2005, 08:50 PM
cinefan wrote:

Or is it that majority of hubbers themselves give/take bribes&so are not comfortable discussing
I had this thought in my mind. but didn't put it down fearing it might be hurtin to some one. Cinefan came out and tied the bell to the cat.