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6th March 2005, 12:20 PM

Any suggestions on how to make use of left over rice and curds? I've already made many different kinds of variety-rice, including curd rice..and have used the curds for mor-kozhambu/koottu and aviyal varieties, and also making mor etc., etc.,

Can the left over rice be used for any type of dosas or tiffin / snack items? What about the curds..? The quantity of left over could easily be about 1kg and the curds about 3 litres.

Thanks in advance!


6th March 2005, 06:23 PM
A good thread. All of us have left-overs at sometime or the other. It will be helpful to share our idea as to how each one of us comes up with a innovate idea to redesign and present the leftovers in a new avatar to our unsuspecting families :wink:

But Shoba, 1 kg rice is one thing , but how come u r left with 3lt of curds!!! thats a huge qty. So best thing would be to make a little less in the first place.
RICE: u can make puliogare using MTR puliogare mix. ( just follow the packet directions.)
U can also make coconut rice, lemon rice or fried rice with leftover rice. And believe me these taste better with leftover rice than with freshly cooked rice. Oh sorry maybe u have made all these already. Anyway just in case.

CURDS : u can make lassi.
Also u can make a sweet dosa called 'surnali'.
2 cups rice (the one u use for dosa- wash 3-4 times and drain)
1/2 cup poha (beaten rice) or puffed rice
Curds (sour also will do)
1/2 cup grated jaggery (or to taste)
1/2 tsp salt
A small piece turmeric

Soak the washed and drained rice(plus turmeric) in enough curds for 2-3 hrs. Then grind it coarsely. Then add poha/puffed rice rinsed once in water. Grind to a smooth paste. Add salt and jaggery. run the mixer for a min or so. In case the mixture is too thick use curds to thin it down. Leave it overnight to ferment.
in the morning heat tava, spread some ghee/oil. Pour a laddle of the dosa batter. Do not spread with ladle. the doas should flow out on its own and be thick. Cover with a lid and cook till the top side looks cooked. Ease it with a spatula and remove on plate.
Serve hot with butter. The dosa will be yellow in color due to turmeric and jaggery. And it should have a lot of holes in it and be soft. If u do not get a lot of holes in the first dosa add a pich of cooking soda to the batter when making dosas.
This one is usually a fav with kids.

7th March 2005, 09:50 AM
Tomato, thanks for the Surnali recipe-which region does this dish belong to?

Yes, I have already used the cooked rice for all kinds of "mixed-rice" dishes. I was 'donated' the the execess rice & curds-neighbours leaving the country, long story...

What I want is recipes which makes use of cooked rice and curds.


7th March 2005, 09:53 AM
'Surnali' is a dosa from Coastal Karnataka-Mangalore to be specific.

7th March 2005, 10:32 AM
Here is a recipe for Mushroom curry which i read from a cookbook(uses curd)...

10 large button mushrooms, quartered
1 teaspoon ginger-garlic paste
2 tablespoons onion paste
1 teaspoon tomato puree
1/4 teaspoon chilli powder
curds-as required
1/4 teaspoon garam masala
1 tablespoon oil
Salt to taste
For garnish
2 tablespoons chopped coriander

1. Heat the oil in a pan, add the ginger-garlic paste and the onion paste and saute for some time.
2. Add the tomato puree and chilli powder and stir for some time.
3. Add the mushrooms and saute till they are tender.
4. Finally, add the curd, garam masala and salt. Mix well.
5. Garnish with coriander and serve hot with chapathi

Instead of onion paste,tomato paste & gin-gar paste i chopped everything & sauted onion,gin ,gar in 1 tsp oil...& then added tomatoes..cooked for a min...took off the flame & let cool...& the ground it with chilli powder & added back to the pan & let boil for a while with little water & proceeded as given in the recipe. This way we can reduce the consumption of oil.Remember not to cook for a long time afer adding the curd...just mix it & take off flame...

7th March 2005, 10:35 AM
Dunno if U've tried this too...U can use the curds to make rava dosa & curd semiya...the rice can be used to make a sweet that I've mentioned already in aother thread...This is the thread..."Can someone help me make Milk Sweets"...http://forumhub.lunarpages.com/hub/viewtopic.php?t=2303

7th March 2005, 10:39 AM
Try this link too...:)


11th March 2005, 09:36 AM
Thank you all for the various suggestions and tips!


11th March 2005, 02:26 PM
Hi Shoba,

You can also try this sweet item that you can make with curd:

Sweet Yogurt With Saffron Recipe
This Gujarati favorite is always served with deep-fried bread (puri). As it is so rich and substantial, one may prefer it simply on its own. For variation, the saffron may be omitted and about 125 ml concentrated mango pulp added for different flavor.


1 1/2 liters Plain yogurt
125 g Superfine (castor) or confectioners' (icing) sugar
1 tbsp Skinned pistacho nuts, chopped
2 tsp Chironji nuts, hazel nuts or almond,chopped
1/2 tsp Cardamom powder
- Pinch of saffron threads, soak in a little hot milk

Method :

Put yogurt into large sieve or colander lined with wet cheesecloth and allow to drain fro 6 - 8 hours, until it is firm.

Sprinkle the drained yogurt with sugar, stirring to dissolve it, then push the mixture through a fine sieve to obtain a silken smooth texture.

Add half the pistachos, chironji nuts, cardamom and saffron.

Mix and chill before serving, garnished with the remaining pistachos. Additional saffron can be used for garnishing if desired.


This can also be had with phulkas or even as a dessert item. Hope this helps :)

17th March 2005, 04:22 AM
Curd can be used used with chicken and Mutton curry. it really tastes good.
And curd with sugar can be used as side dish for Paratha's (Aloo pharata, veg mix Pharata) and for chapathi too. no need 2 prepare special side dish.

17th March 2005, 04:45 AM
For left over curd -- here is my suggestion :idea:
You can make moore Kulambu or Use it to make rava idli.
These recipes need more curd

Good luck
