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14th March 2005, 10:41 AM
Sigh! I am 20 kgs overweight................I hate myself.............I feel low & my confidence level is inversely proportional to my size. The larger I am, the lower the confidende. I have seen a dietician & is acting on her advice. I love food...Sigh!!!!And I hate exercise.
Anyone here, with my problem?

14th March 2005, 11:39 AM

It is just your 'determination' to lose weight that matters. If you are determined to shed that extra flab, nothing can stop you. My sister is a living example for that determination. Both of us used to look like 'Laurel and Hardy' till sometime before and now, she is as trim as I am inspite of a caeserean section recently. Follow yr diet chart with passion and if possible, ask yr parents / others in the family to support you by not eating and tempting u in the process with high-cal foods. Exercise is boring to start with, but if you make it a routine, believe me, you'll feel a vacuum if you dont exercise even for a day.

Fellow hubber Dev contributes a lot on weight loss in 'Healthy lifestyle' thread in 'Indian food' section. Do peep in and reap the benefits.

All the best!

14th March 2005, 11:58 AM
niranjana wrote:

I am 20 kgs overweight................I hate myself.............
You dont have to. Being overweight is just a reflection of your body, not your mind and soul (are they one and the same?). So all is not lost. I am a person who is overweight just like you. My office timings prevent me from running regularly, yet I play every weekend in an attempt to keep fit. Not that it is producing great results, but atleast it is one way of shedding extra pounds. My advice is if you find yourself running away (!!??) from exercises in the gym for weight reduction then,
1. Go find a nice swimming pool and start swimming.
2. If you can walk/run to a place to which you are currently commuting by car or other motor vehicle, then start walking and running.
3. Exercising all alone can be boring at times, if so then find out any group that plays team games like softball, badminton, squash, cricket or tennis. Play regularly, there is an element of learning nuances and skill as you play so the mind gets hooked and body doesn't mind obliging to that.
4. As you play these games, swimming, you will realise that you can do these things better by a little bit of exercise/yoga. Then you will find that you don't mind exercising.
5. Sports has the potential of conditioning body mind and spirit. Even if you are not endowed with a great body or an astute mind, you definitely have a spirit, for all humans are blessed with one. Sports will help you find the hidden spirit in you as you want to do be on par or better than your peers while playing. It is a well proven fact that most efficient and physically fit animals do not exercise, rather they play and their play provides them the exercise and all the skills they need in future. Humans are no different in this regard.

As far as the dieting part goes, I am not the right person to talk about that ( :roll: ) try PM ing raghu and ratchasi and other hubbers who contribute in fitness freaks thread. They might be able to help you out on that.

14th March 2005, 12:47 PM
I was 15 Kg overweight a month back and i am now 10Kg overweight.

I have not reduced on my food and havent done much exercise. All I did was some changes in the selection of food. Like fruits instead of sweets (i like both). Stoped having Roti (Roti has maida which uses more nutrietians to digest that it gives) instead have chapati (pure wheat). Brown rice instead of white.

Why dont you consult a dietician and tell her your limition. Without diet and exercise it may be slow but you can sure reduce weight by knowing what to eat and what not to.

14th March 2005, 01:38 PM
sandeep wrote:

Like fruits instead of sweets
Yeah! thats a good one. Even among fruits hi carb fruits can be avoided (eg. banana, sapota and more juicy and citric fruits can be taken) If you are in US, search for the nearest sweet tomatoes . a good restaurant serving salads and fruits for lunch.

15th March 2005, 04:08 PM
As far as the dieting part goes, I am not the right person to talk about that ( :roll: ) try PM ing raghu and ratchasi and other hubbers who contribute in fitness freaks thread. They might be able to help you out on that.

Thanks Jaiganes,

Niranjana, please visit the 'Any fitness freaks thread', Me, akash & a.ratchasi will help u, I lost 24kg in two months, if I can do it you can do it too :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

16th March 2005, 02:59 PM
Hey niranjana cheer up :wave.


I would personally advice DO NOT GO TO

Just follow these..................

1. WITH GREAT DETERMINATION....start skipping
10 nos.

2. increase it to 20 next day

3. in one week increase it to 100

4. keep doign this for 3 months. (if possible do twice
a day)

u cant live without it.

JUST DO IT. would eb tough for first week
then u would love it.

Just skip. and eat the regular food. (do not eat more)

Remember, being fat has nothign to do with
physical looks. DO NOT FEEL PUT OFF. IF YOU


SO, pls DO IT. u can.


p.s, raghu PLZ TELL me HOW U LOST 24 KG!!!!!!!!
Thats amazing.

p.s.2 .. :D I actually happen to be
5 kg over weight...and yes, love to be 5 kg on
heavier side... :lol: :P

16th March 2005, 04:06 PM
Remember, being fat has nothign to do with
physical looks. DO NOT FEEL PUT OFF. IF YOU

Wonderful Shakthi.

If you feel the excess weight might be of concern due to health reasons, try the following:
i)Exercise:vital to keep fit, not necessarily to lose weight only
Going to the gym is not the only option, a simple routine such as walking/skipping is sufficient for starters.

ii)Food: Minimise white rice consumption. If still feeling hungry, go for the side dish rather than adding rice + side dish all over again.
Minimise sugar intake, not only in food but also in drinks.
Go for high in fibre meals such as capathi, wholemeal bread. No coconut milk based curry!
Increase fruit intake. If you are used to having in-between snacks, substitute those with fruits or juices made from fresh fruits.
Instead of having meat, consume fish as it's high in protein.

Do not skip breakfast, lunch and dinner at all.
It is highly important to have a good breakfast.
Your body needs all the energy it needs to function throughout the day.
On the contrary, dinner should be light if possible and sleep atleast 2 hrs after having your dinner.

16th March 2005, 04:11 PM
Good and effective points a.r. It works definitely !!

16th March 2005, 05:04 PM
Remember, being fat has nothign to do with
physical looks. DO NOT FEEL PUT OFF. IF YOU


SO, pls DO IT. u can.

Comforting,yet not so convincing!HaHa!

Many shoulders to cry on! :lol: :lol:

16th March 2005, 05:36 PM
I actually happen to be
5 kg over weight...and yes, love to be 5 kg on
heavier side... :lol: :P

Hey did you miss any 0's after 5?? :roll:
Seems to be very convincing!! huh?

17th March 2005, 06:09 AM
Hi Niranjana... I am also in the heavier side with 25kgs over weight.. Actually this is after my pregnancy..my baby is 5 mths now..and I am not shedding any flabs.. I tried skipping lunch, dinner and junk foods, but to no avail.. I need help too..I feel very very heavy that sometimes I experience backache.. My height is 1.66cm and I weigh 85kgs! :cry:
Can somebody help me? :roll:

17th March 2005, 10:02 AM
Hey did you miss any 0's after 5?? :roll:
Seems to be very convincing!! huh?[/quote]

I am supp to be out of FH (taking a break),
not even reading it.

And you know why I thought I should post my
(hopefully) last post?

:huh: :evil: :x :evil: :evil: :evil:

Mind u I can go down to the level of a college kid,
and say....

"did u accidentally talk bout how much u over weigh...

no......... dont reply for this...(not in hub atleast)...cause
I dotn have time, or patience to reply back.

(Warning: If u do reply, invariably my ego wont let me keep quiet,
without replying)

17th March 2005, 10:33 AM
God!! It works :lol: :lol:

Come on SP, how can you take a break!! Give some useful tips....
will you come back? or you want me to type some more :P :P

17th March 2005, 10:38 AM
I tried skipping lunch, dinner
Pls!! skipping the food is not dieting...
ITs harm to digestive system and for brain cells too

17th March 2005, 11:02 AM
Thankyou everyone for the advice & support u have given me.

It is not easy to give up food but I have started it with great effort esp the in between snacks like biscuits, chips etc. I try not to think of it.
My motivation is to wear fashionable clothes once I shed weight. I want to look good.

Yes, Shakthiprabha, as you said, it is one's personality that is more important. But wherever I go, I hear my idiotic relatives saying just this, "Look how fat you are". ,,,,,Sigh!

Once again, thankyou for your support. I'll update my progress with you all.

17th March 2005, 11:41 AM

If any insensible person, comments AS TO HOW FAT or otherwise u are, and if it hurts u....



Incase it is more concern for ur health, then try
and ask tips from them.

I understand its erally tough giving up...snacks and other
munching habbits.

Make an effort like this...

1. for every one piece or smallest bit of chips or snacks,
drink 2 glasses of water. Believe me, you wont go in for
more than 3 bits.

and regardign this relatives...another way of tackling is..

tell them...


IF its a genuine advice ask them to say it in person and
when u are alone.

good luck.

Cheer up. you seem too sweet :)

Very soon, I am sure u would wear all trendy outfits.


17th March 2005, 01:31 PM
Raghu said:

I lost 24kg in two months, if I can do it you can do it too Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up!

Hi Raghu,
I'm sorry to tell U this...Even though losing 24kgs in 2 months shows ur determination,It's not advisable to lose weight at such exhorbitantly high speed... Anything more than 5-6 kgs in a month can be harmful... (P.S.No offence intended...just wanted to put in the info...)

Hi Shakthiprabha,

Ur tip on weight reduction by skipping is good for people who are slightly overweight. But for those who are very plump,it's not advisable to get into skipping,jogging etc coz it can damage their knee joints,if not done carefully...(P.S.No offence intended...just wanted to put in the info...)

Hi ratchasi

Ur tips were really good...keep up the good work...

17th March 2005, 01:40 PM
Hi guys,

Anyone really interested in weight reduction ,pls visit the 'healthy lifestyle' thread in 'Indian food'... I'll help you out to the extent possible...

& thanks Scorpio for recommending the thread...:)
BTW,where is ur thambi Badri?...He was visiting the thread until he got a diet plan done...After tht,he seems to be missing...Enna innum peanut chutney-laye pugunthu vilayaaditu irukaara?...Diet aa ellam follow pannura maathiri theriyalai... :wink:

17th March 2005, 02:20 PM

Welcome to Misc. section.

Even I have my doubts about Badri following yr diet plan, he is seen busily discussing if virgin Olive oil can be used for Indian cooking, frying etc - that too when you've allowed him only 3 spoons a day and thanking away the hubber for Tomato jam recipe! :shock:

17th March 2005, 02:27 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

17th March 2005, 02:27 PM
JG-where are you?

When it almost impossible to control my food intake due to various lunch/dinner engagements, I would stop eating meat, fish, even dairy products. In other words, I become a vegetarian.
It is vegetables all the the way for the next one month.

This approach is definitely effective for me, Roshan. :wink:

dev, will drop by healthy lifestyle thread later.
Looking forward to see what you have in store over there. :)

19th March 2005, 02:08 PM
Hey! I burnt 440 Cal yesterday on the tredmill. Feeling good about that!

20th March 2005, 10:17 AM
Good going Niranjana :clap:

Just do it regularly. :thumbsup:

20th March 2005, 01:21 PM
Thankyou, Tomato! I like your nick and I love tomatoes!

20th March 2005, 01:24 PM
Raghu said:

I lost 24kg in two months, if I can do it you can do it too Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up!

Hi Raghu,
I'm sorry to tell U this...Even though losing 24kgs in 2 months shows ur determination,It's not advisable to lose weight at such exhorbitantly high speed... Anything more than 5-6 kgs in a month can be harmful... (P.S.No offence intended...just wanted to put in the info...)

Hi Shakthiprabha,

Ur tip on weight reduction by skipping is good for people who are slightly overweight. But for those who are very plump,it's not advisable to get into skipping,jogging etc coz it can damage their knee joints,if not done carefully...(P.S.No offence intended...just wanted to put in the info...)

Hi ratchasi

Ur tips were really good...keep up the good work...

Yeah, even I think losing 24 kgs in 2 months was too drastic a step. The dieticians and doctors always advise a weight loss of not more than 2kgs per month. That way, in a year, you can lose all the weight you want.

20th March 2005, 01:28 PM

If any insensible person, comments AS TO HOW FAT or otherwise u are, and if it hurts u....



Incase it is more concern for ur health, then try
and ask tips from them.

I understand its erally tough giving up...snacks and other
munching habbits.

Make an effort like this...

1. for every one piece or smallest bit of chips or snacks,
drink 2 glasses of water. Believe me, you wont go in for
more than 3 bits.

and regardign this relatives...another way of tackling is..

tell them...


IF its a genuine advice ask them to say it in person and
when u are alone.

good luck.

Cheer up. you seem too sweet :)

Very soon, I am sure u would wear all trendy outfits.


Thankyou soooooooooo much for your support, Shakthi. You really have a knack to console ppl and make them feel good.

Well, my relatives are purposly saying things to hurt me.
I have an Uncle who has a very obese daughter. She's just 13 and is tall & fat. But whenever this uncle sees me, he talks about my weight. My parents never mentions that girl's weight. I mean.......ppl are such mrons, aren't they?

21st March 2005, 11:09 AM
the key is regular exercise(cardiovascular and weight training), healthy eating (not necessarily dieting).

make sure you eat your main meals when your metabolic rate is higher, ie, have a good b'fast and lunch, and less for dinner. never eat within a couple of hours of your bedtime.

try and eat lots of protein.....fish is v good.

cut out fizzy drinks and candy. eat fruit when you feel peckish.

if you get bored exercising alone.....play a sport with other people...that will keep your motivation up.

finally, don't get obsessed by the scales.....aim for a trim healthy figure, not an arbitrary weight. look at the mirror instead....soon you may get a pleasant surprise. in fact even this is unimportant, living healthily will make you feel better and happier regrdless of how you look.

good luck

21st March 2005, 02:12 PM
Thankyou dr. I'm trying to do all that you have said. Thankyou for your support. I'll update you with my progress.

22nd March 2005, 04:36 PM
no problem.

just remember that your aim is to be healthy and happy. in the end even a supermodel who has bad thoughts and an evil attitude can look unattractive.....so keep smiling!

23rd March 2005, 02:56 PM
Oh yes! How right you are, dr! :-)

One doubt- Is Rusk low in calories? I've been binging on Rusk today......:-)

23rd March 2005, 02:57 PM
Oh yes! How right you are, dr! :-)

One doubt- Is Rusk low in calories? I've been binging on Rusk today......:-)

24th March 2005, 06:52 AM
probably low in calories, but nothing is good in excess.
just eat balanced meals

25th March 2005, 10:19 AM
ratchasi! I am back! was off to a wedding in Ahmedabad.
I learnt a great thing there. The food habits of jains are really good. Maybe we can switch to that. The amount of oil used is less, they do not use the vegetables that grow beneath the ground eg. potato and beetroot. Usually we find that these are having high carb and fat (carrot is an exception). Most of the food is kind of dry and they eat more salads (cucumber, tomato and other green vegetables). They drink more water before any meal. It reduces hunger and need to eat more rice or oily stuff. Overall a healthy diet. I have heard that rajasthani, kannada and traditional thamizh food is also good for diet. My dietician has advised me to eat more raagi (i dont know whats the english name) and less rice. Further advice is to go for chukka roti if at all I have to eat outside. This is because of lack of time to exercise. Most of the gyms will prescribe a healthy diet to lose weight, If one follows it strictly, it can work wonders. All said and done, "No pain, no gain".

25th March 2005, 01:11 PM
Welcome back, JG!

Looks like you had fun savouring Jain food!
No wonder you went to visit the dietician!! :)
Anyways jokes aside, it is good to keep control of food intake regardless of our weight. Though it is not easy, the sooner we take note the better!

Btw, what do you mean by chukka roti?

25th March 2005, 04:54 PM
Chukka probably means sukha (chappati without applying butter on its sides)

I sinned today! Yesterday, we had guests for dinner, so obviousely a grand meal was prepared. I, who have been controling food since some time, forgot about everything for a while and eat like HELL>

I ate 3-4 servings of Tomato Rice, Chappati Kurma, Soan Paapdi & 3 Jilepis!

Good God! How am I going to burn it off?

25th March 2005, 11:39 PM
Niranjana wrote:

Chukka probably means sukha (chappati without applying butter on its sides)

Yes. that is what I meant.
Niranjana also wrote:

we had guests for dinner, so obviousely a grand meal was prepared
In US, we went to a friend's house and were surprised to see mostly fresh fruits and salads for dinner. we were a bit disappointed, but felt lighter after the dinner and in the night we slept very well. The next morning had a great game of tennis and swimming and we had energy and enthu to do all this. That friend called us up and enquired our health and we realised what a great help he had sone by forcing us to consume green salads instead of oily biryanis and butter nans. He is the same guy who introed us to sweet tomatoes. So u wanna play a good host, then give your guests healthy food, not the food that raises acidity and fat levels. Till 30 body can process fat and carb very easily, after 30 we need to control the diet, not just for losing weight but also to take care of our alimentary canal and intestines. So healthy food is not a fad but an alternative that we will be forced to choose sooner or later.

29th March 2005, 08:31 PM
Dear Niranjana and others

Pls continue your discussions here


if you go back couple of pages , you will get your answer Niranjana

thanks :D

31st March 2005, 11:29 PM
Thankyou for the thread, Raghu