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8th April 2005, 06:05 AM
Can you please suggest suitable pieces for bharatanatyam on Godess Parvathi , preferably in a tala other than adi tala? Any language is ok.

21st April 2005, 08:42 AM
If by Paarvathi you mean any Parasakthi, there is one we used to do in Kuchipudi

"Akilandeswari Chamundeeswari paalayammam Gowri
pari paalayamaam Gowri"

Song you can also get it from a Telugu movie called "SapthaPadhi"

Hope this helps.

21st April 2005, 10:26 PM
Do you know whether I can hear this song on the web? What raga and tala is it in? Who is the composer? Thank you very much for your help.

21st April 2005, 11:32 PM
Another song akhilANDEshvari is attached below but it is in Adi tALA.

akhilANDEshvari. rAgA: mOhana. Adi tALA. Composer: Kadalur Subramaniam.

P: akhilANDEshvari pAlayamAm shrI
A: sakala lOka nAyaki sAmbavi shankari sadA jambukEshvara vAma bhAga nilayE
C: kAma kalAdhari kAmEshvari shrI kArtikEya janani kamalAsini
shiva kuncitapAda mahEshvari shrI lalitE parama krpAkari panca dashAkSari
pATalIsha priya nAyaki shrI gauri krpAkari sadAshiva manOhari

22nd April 2005, 12:05 AM
Thank you very much Mr. Lakshman Sir.

22nd April 2005, 12:38 AM
Muttiah Bhagavatar has composed 108 songs on cAmuNDEshvari. I am sure many of them are in tALAs other than Adi. If you are interested I can look for some of them for you.

22nd April 2005, 07:51 PM
Oh Thank you so much Lakshman Sir.

Though this song is set in Adi Tala, the saranam is done in "Gantam nadai".
So for dance changing the "natai" totally boost the song.

22nd April 2005, 08:27 PM
Aarvi: I couldn't understand what you were getting at. Which song is in Adi tALA and the caraNa set in khaNDa naDai?

23rd April 2005, 08:09 AM
Sorry for the confusion Lakshman Sir.

I thought you have given the lyrics for the song that I had mentioned.

And since the request is for a dance song, I thought though the song that I had originally mentioned is set in Adi Talam, the Nadai is different for Pallavi, Anu pallavi and Saranams. Its just a beautiful piece in Kuchipudi.

Just trying to give suggestions.

23rd April 2005, 12:51 PM
Aarvi: Thank you very much for the suggestion. Is that song available on the web to listen to?
Lakshman Sir: We have some of the common songs of Muttaiah Bhagavatar. I am looking for a devi song for a dance arangetram. My daughter and her teacher would want to hear the song before selecting. If the songs are on the web it will be helpful. Do you know any website that has Muttaiah Bhagavatar's compositions? Thank you very much.

30th April 2005, 01:30 PM
Can you please suggest any composition of devi in misra chapu talam suitable for dance?

1st May 2005, 01:38 AM
Here are some non-adi tala songs by Muttiah Bhagavatar. If you want the notations of any of these songs, please request.

ambA mahAvANi. rAgA: sarasvatimanOhari. khaNDa cApu tALA.

P: ambA mahAvANi akhila vidyAdAyini
A: ambuja bhavAnandE Ana tAmara brndE
kambugaLE karuNisau kamala padE shAradE
C: bhAsurAngI bhakta pAlini bhArati bhUsurArcitapadE bhukti muktipradE
vAsisenna mukhadali shrI sarasvatIshvari vAsavArcitE harikEshapurAdhIsvari

sahasrashIrSa. rAgA: shuddhalalita. khaNDa jhampa tALA.

P: sahasrashIrSa samyuktE sahajAnanda shaktE
A: sahasrAmshu himAmshu pAvaka nEtrE cAru caritrE salahennu tAyE
C: bhakta pArijAtE sharavaNabhava mAtE girisutE suravaranutE
shaktitri daya rUpiNi hasiti carmAmbaradhara harikEsha bhAmini

kausumbhavasanOpEtE. rAgA: karnATakakApi. cApu tALA.

P: kausumbhavasanOpEtE kAmitArthadE
A: shrI shAmbhavI ninE dikkammA enagE shivE jaganmAtE dEvarAjanutE
C: ninna neneyada manavadEtakE ninna nutisada rasana edakE ninna nODada
kaNgaLEtakE ninna bhajisida bhakti EtakE ninna bhaktaranupacari sadihatanna
bALuva badukadEtakE enna tappa mannisammA sannutE gauri harikEsha sundari

parama mangaLadE. rAgA: dvIjAvanti. cApu tALA.

P: parama mangaLadE brAhmyAdi mAtrukArUpE shivE ambA
A: niratavu ninna caraNava bhajipa vara bhaktara manOrathavanu pAlisuva
C: nInE mahEshvariyu nInE kaumAriyu nInE varAhiyu nInE vaishNaviyu
nInE indrNiyu nInE cAmuNDEshvariyu nInE harikEsha ramaNi maNiyu

bindu pITha. rAgA: husEni. cApu tALA.

P: bindu pITha krtAvAsE bhEda rahitE jaganmAtE
A: indu vadanE mandagamanE indrAdi vanditE
C: vEda janita gAyatri hrdaya svara shruti catur-vimashati
nAda nilayE mOda hrdayE Adarisu harikEsha hitE

ratna kancuka dhAriNi. rAgA: kAmbhOji. cApu tALA.

P: ratna kancuka dhAriNi ambA
A: ratna tATanga bhUSaNi yatna kAryava kaikuDisu ambA
C: manda gamanOllAsini dEvEndranutE mrdubhASiNi
indushEkhara harikEsha sundarAnga vihAriNi ambA

Ratna kancuka is a popular one and is available here:

1st May 2005, 01:41 AM
Forgot to add that the song is credited incorrectly to Tyagaraja on the site.

1st May 2005, 03:15 PM
Thanks Lakshman Sir. I did hear Ratna kancuka. It is quite nice. How about other songs? Do you have audio clips for those? Is it possible to hear them?

1st May 2005, 03:27 PM
Lakshman Sir, Is there another line in pallavi of Ratna Kancuka? My daughter has dance class tomorrow. Can you please reply to this soon? Thank you very much. I realy appreciate your help very much. Is it possible to hear any of the other songs?

1st May 2005, 05:34 PM
Yes there is. Don't know how I missed it. Thanks for pointing it out. Here is the pallavi line.
P: ratnakancuka dhAriNi ambA ratnasAnuni vAsini ambA

2nd May 2005, 03:58 AM
Thank you very much Sir.