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29th April 2005, 09:57 PM
tofu is a gr8 substitute for paneer (especially for over weight people like me who luves food). moreover i only get tofu in Germany and not paneer.
i try many different things with it and invariably all my recipes worked fine. :wink:
if somebody is interested, i'll post some recipes. anyone can contribute in this too.

29th April 2005, 10:21 PM
hi mini

so nice of U.
really wanted some tofu recipes. I have tried a few too.. will post as and when possible.

thankyou for starting this

29th April 2005, 10:41 PM
I made palak tofu ,still some Tofu is remaining i will be glad if some one can post any new & easy variety in tofu either for chapathi or rice.

29th April 2005, 10:51 PM
Hello appujittu,

Just substitude tofu in place of paneer in ur fav. Recipe.

29th April 2005, 11:19 PM
herez a recipe i tried yday. it came out well.


tofu 200 gms
baby corn 6cobs
onion one medium
garlic 1 large bulb
tomato puree from 2 tomatoes
coconut milk 1.5 cups (thick)
curd 1 cup
salt and chilli powder as per taste
butter or oil 2Tsp
jeera 2tsp
poppy seeds 1tsp

1. cut tofu into small cubes and slice baby corn. sprinkle some soya sauce on them and grill it at 250deg till it becomes brown
2. add butter to a pan put jeera and poppy seeds
3. add chopped onion and garlic and a little salt
4. after it is cooked, add tomato puree. let it cook for some time
5. pour in coconut milk, add curd and rest of the salt and chilli powder
6. let it cook for a few minutes
7. add the grilled tofu and baby corn. let it boil for some time on a low flame

this goes well with rice and chapathi

adding a tsp of sugar to ur recipe will give an excellent flavour and taste to it.

30th April 2005, 12:19 AM
Hey Guys,
Hope u don't mind I know a tofu recipe.
Tofu Burji/tofu scramble.
Crumbled Tofu 1cup
onions finely chopped 1cup ( red onions work great)
finely chopped green chillies 4
capsicum diced 1/4cup
tomatoes chopped 1/2cup
garam masala 1tsp
tumeric 1tsp
chilli powder 1tsp
jeera seeds 1tsp
corriander leaves for garnish
heat oil,add jeera and onions,saute for 3mins,.
next add the remaining vegetables and the dry masala powders.
stir and cook till tomatoes are soft.
add the crumbled tofu and salt and mix well.
cover and cook for 4mins and garnish with corriander leaves.
serve hot with rice or rotis.
Its yummy and very simple.

30th April 2005, 01:10 AM
Heres another different recipe for tofu. I make it often.


Serves - 2
Ingredients :-
Pasta - 2 Cups
Water - 4 Cups
Tomato Puree - 1/4 cup
Garlic - 2 pods
Red chilli pd - 1 tsp
Pepper - 1-2 tsp
Fresh/dried herbs

Sauce :-
Red Capsicum - 2 Big sized
Onion - 1 Big
Tofu - 1/4 cup
Olive Oil - 1 tbsp

Method :-
--Cook pasta in boiling water and a tsp of olive oil. Cook till
aa la dente. I usually cook with lot of water
--Mix the vegs in a bowl with olive oil. Keep in oven for 20 min at 350 def F
--After vegs are cooked, cool it and blend.
--Puree tofu and keep aside.
--Heat olive oil in a wok, add the puree, tomato puree, garlic, salt, red chilli pd, pepper and cooked pasta. Add tofu paste and fresh herbs or sprinkle some oregano and basil.

Try this and sure it will be good.
Thankyou and enjoy.

30th April 2005, 03:07 AM
Thank you all , everything looks yummy .....have to go & buy another pack of tofu :lol:

1st May 2005, 11:33 AM
CLICK HERE FOR THE BEST TOFU RECIPES... FROM SANJEEV KAPOOR (http://www.earnmoneyindia.com/earn/idevaffiliate.php?id=935&page=14)

1st May 2005, 11:59 PM

me luv tofu n paneer n chapatis mmmmmmmm lol :D

6th April 2006, 06:14 PM
I live in the US. I would love to try out tofu recipes. When I went to the stores I found so many varieties of Tofu. Which kind should we buy?

7th April 2006, 01:54 AM
ShivShanth, Buy firm tofu which is good to substitute for paneer.

7th April 2006, 02:21 AM
Hi all,

I substitute tofu for coconut in most of the recipes. Our spices makes it seem just like coconut and people will not find any difference even if you tell them. I have made avial, mor-kulambu, non-veg gravies and even kurma. Even for coconut chutney, I mix 1/2 coconut and 1/2 tofu. Only thing is we have to reduce the hottness level a bit since tofu will not reduce the hottness level as coconut does. I use reduced fat firm tofu and it is much healthier than coconut.

7th April 2006, 03:17 PM
I just do this- stir fry boiled Tofu(& excess water squeezed out) Onions, carrots, beans & beetroot(all sliced into long pieces)- add a pinch each of salt, turmeric powder, corriander & chilli powders. Add a spoon of oil, cook covered till done- Garnish corriander leaves

10th April 2006, 07:28 PM
ShivShanth, Buy firm tofu which is good to substitute for paneer.

Thanks for the information. Will definitly include it in this weeks's grocery list.

15th April 2006, 05:05 PM
TOFU with mushroom

tofu - 250 gms, cut in to quares
soya sauce - 1 tbsp
tomato sauce - 3 tbsp
chilli powder - 1 tsp
marinate tofu in the above ingredients for 30 minutes.

olive oil - 2 tbsp
butter - 1 tsp
onions - 2 nos, chopped
ginger - 1 tbsp, chopped finely
garlic - 1 tbsp, chopped finely
green chilli - 1 no, chopped finely
fresh mushrooms - 1 cup, chopped
sour cream - 1 cup

1. heat oil and butter, saute onion, mushroom, ginger ,garlic and green chilli.
2. add tofu along with marinade and fry till brown.
3. remove and add sour cream.

can be had on its own or with any thing...rice , noodles, rotis, bread, etc