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View Full Version : Home remedies and homemade products for face, body and hair

29th April 2005, 10:43 PM
Hi Friends,
I dont know if this is an appropriate forum to start this thread.
Please let me know how u feel or any suggestions as to where i can start this thread.
and then the show begins


29th April 2005, 11:33 PM
I am sure this thread would be supported by all the womenfolk here. I for sure was expecting to see a thread like this.
I would be glad if someone post easy and daily beauty routine

29th April 2005, 11:39 PM
Here goes the first remedy and care
for cracked heels-
I just apply glycerine on the cracks of my heel at night and let it dry for a while and then get into bed. It makes the skin soft and supple and heels cracks. U can also apply this to maintain softness.

Hope it works for u people.

29th April 2005, 11:43 PM
for soft and supple and glowing hands and legs-
apply some oil(i use normal cooking oil- canola) on legs and hands and then scrub in sugar cyrstals on the applied area till it dissolves. U will feel the difference. So soft and silky skin.

Everyone is welcome for their inputs with body/beauty care in this thread..Please share ur recipes/experiences..

30th April 2005, 01:44 AM
Quite interesting thread..there is no age limit to take care of yr body and face..So, keep on doing to make yrself young which I use to do..This is what I do everyday.

Take a piece of banana and mix with olive oil, apply on face. After 30 mts, wash completely in warm water. You can feel the softness immediately and yr face will start glowing slowly!!

During summer, can apply fresh whole moong flour(not direct flour) with curd or buttermilk on the face. Basically, moong is very good for skin and that is why, we are applying it to the new born baby's body. If you dont want, can omit kasturi manjal podi. But, moong with curd itself gives a good improvement to yr face.

Will share more..

30th April 2005, 02:52 AM
The best scrubber:

For face the best way to scrub and cleanse it is use sugar. Apply soap on the face and neck and then use sugar and keep scrubbing , till the sugar dissolves in the soap. You can definitely feel the difference.


30th April 2005, 03:24 AM
wow nice thread!! Yes you are right R.

For soft face skin. take a few drops of gingellly oil and add a few drops of water and turmeric and rub it in the palm of the hand and apply on the face (also can be applied on hands and legs).

Wash with soap or face moong dal powder. You will feel and see the difference

Keep it going napolims445!!

30th April 2005, 03:36 AM
what is face moong dal powder? Seethab
and one more Q. Do u get moong dal powder from store or make it at home? if at home how do u grind it to a fine powder?


30th April 2005, 03:41 AM
Dear Friends,
one more thing along with the tip/remedy if u could mention for what purpose and for what kind of skin(dry/ oily/ combo) that would be great.


30th April 2005, 03:46 AM
But, seetha, there is a problem with this local indian store turmeric because of the strong stain which will never leave the face. Being in US, it is difficult. So, it is better to use virali manjal or kasturi manjal where you will not face this yellow problem and the smell for kasturi manjal will also be much much better than our regular turmeric.

30th April 2005, 04:03 AM
Friends please use English terms for anything that u mention in other language. If you do not know what a specific item is called in english Could u please give the description of that specific item.

I'm guessing kasturi manjal is kasturi turmeric. is it?
what is virali manjal?


30th April 2005, 04:55 AM
People with acne- pimple problem, please don't scrub your face too much.

30th April 2005, 05:14 PM
Yes, you are right for kasturi turmeric. The smell is totally different from our regular turmeric. And for virali manjal, it is in the form of solid (can say hard turmeric).

In those days, they used to rub this virali manjal on stone and apply on the body; that thick. And, also they use to give it to ladies during function/festival(haldi kumkum).

30th April 2005, 10:38 PM
Can some one suggest a home made solution for clearing the acne scars please?

2nd May 2005, 09:00 PM
Today, I read in a magazine:

Give a try-Take equal quantity of Radish juice and buttermilk, mix and apply on the face; after 30 mts or so, clean with water.


Take a quarter portion of tomato or whatever you need and apply on the face or that particular black scars. Wait for some time and clean with fresh water.

But, you cant find the result soon; will take a longer time.

3rd May 2005, 01:57 AM
This is an interesting thread .
I made a home made scrub using sugar and honey equal parts mix well and store in a bottle. it was good for two weeks, it got over by that time and my face skin was soft and supple due to the honey.
one more tested recipe is grated potato with curd applied to the face reduces black cirlces and black marks on the face, but have to do it cont. for long time.


3rd May 2005, 02:34 AM
Hello KZ,
what u do with honey sugar mixture? Can u post in detail? Thks.

3rd May 2005, 02:52 AM
I heard so many tips using honey. Will it not change the hair color ?

3rd May 2005, 09:09 PM
here is tip using malai (creme from milk..)
Very good for dry and normal skin. for oily skins suits to some and does not suit to the other..
Apply malai on skin( face/ neck/body) and lightly massage while applying and let it sit on skin till dry. wash with cold water.
UR skin will be soft, supple, shining and will have got moisturised in this process.

4th May 2005, 08:15 AM
Use the honey sugar mixture as a scrub. if ur skin is too smooth then dont use it, if it is rough and u have black heads etc, then u can use the scrub alternative days or once in three days , apply little on ur face and rub it gently and then wash away with lukewarm water. it helps exfoliate the dead cells in ur skin.

Honey doesn't change the hair color. i have applied it on my face and sometimes it gets over the eyebrows etc, but the hair color doesnt change, i remember my mom telling that honey on hair will make hair turn white but it doesnt. it is a natural moisturizer.

4th May 2005, 09:52 PM
Hello KZ,

Thanks for ur explanation. Take care.

6th May 2005, 10:51 PM
Whoever is having hairloss problem, apply this:
Soak Fenugreek in water the previous night. Next day morning, you can grind it in mixie and apply in your hair-wait for 40 min and then wash it off-u can use shikakai for washing or fenugreek itself is a good cleansing agent.
After taking bath, wait for 15 min or so and remove the towel and just dry your hair by running your fingers inbetween the hair so that the fenugreek falls off even when the hair is wet.

You will see the results soon.

7th May 2005, 12:31 AM
Hi Anandi,
I have tried this tip ( while in india)of fenugreek for hair, but i used to soak in little buttermilk and grind it next day and apply, but now here in US the bathtub gets dirty and it is more pain to clean the tub. but the hair is so soft and silky.

do u have any other tip for hair?something simple and easy?

7th May 2005, 12:46 AM
I read that adding fenugreek seed in milk and applying in hair will help. But, when it comes to this seed, have to be careful becoz it is a cooling product and you might even catch cold.

7th May 2005, 01:43 AM
fenugreek, amla, mehndi, coconut oil, curds all these induce cold. So better to avoid when not well.

Kz and other friends,
here is on an easy tip-
for hair loss( u generally dont see quick results for this problem- try for about 2 months to notice difference)-
apply fresh lemon juice to the scalp and hair and let it sit for few minutes and then shampoo.
for oily hair can add curds along with lemon so that u get cleansing effect along with curing the hair loss prob.

just for good health of hair-
mix mehndi powder, amla powder, hibiscus powder, lemon juice and curds and apply to hair and let it sit for .5-1 hour and then shampoo.
Not necessary u should mix all of these but whichever is available is fine for this mixture.

Hope this helps

7th May 2005, 03:38 AM
Applying egg (white alone) on the hair will also bring thickness and give strength to the root.

7th May 2005, 04:34 AM
Fenugreek just not stain the bath tub. You can just pour a lot of water in the tub when u get out of it, so that u need not have to scrub etc when it dries off.
You can apply amla powder -which is available in Indian stores. That is also really good for hair.
For dandruff problem, apply white vinegar and keep in hair for 30 min and wash it off with shampoo.

7th May 2005, 04:36 PM
My niece is just 4 years old but already has brownish/grey hair strands ??? She is an active, healthy girl, eating properly, fruits, veggies everything without a fuss . Does too much non.veg cause white hair ? How to stop the greyness from spreading and to encourage darker hair colour ? They use only Parachute coconut oil & Johnson's kid's shampoo as shikakai irritates / burns the kid's eyes.
Kindly suggest an effective method please ? Thanks.

7th May 2005, 05:37 PM
Hi Indu,

When my son was 3 yrs old, he had this problem. He had only one grey hair and was very much worried becoz my husband's side people have this problem(kind of hereditary).

But, I got the info., from some experienced people that if it is hereditary, there is nothing that we can do. Maybe you can increase leafy vegetables, greens, curry leaves (curry leaves chutney, thogayal, podi) in her food. Why dont you nallennai for a change? If you are in US, it is better to use nallennai than coconut oil.

My mother use to say that ilanarai will go by itself. Maybe that is true, now, my son is 6 yrs old and for the last couple of years, dont see any.

One of my folk use to tell that one should not mixmatch like oil with shampoo which is not good for the hair. So, why dont you try meera shikakai? though it is not a pure shikakai, compared to the shampoo, it is much better and will not burnt eyes too. Dont rush or dont pluck those hair(will grow more, heard) and just monitor if she is getting more. I hope it should not.

Good luck!!

8th May 2005, 09:37 AM
For the grey hair problem-

to prevent grey hair- eat 8-10 raw curry leaves/kadi pattha
daily to maintain the black color. if u already have grey hair prob then eating this will prevent MORE greying of hair.
also curry leaves are very good for cancer fighting.

to get rid of grey hair-
never pull the grey hair from its root, it is said that it will make grow a lot of grey hair instead cut the grey hair at the end near scalp. Apply ,mehndi mixture at least once a week and keep it for 30 minutes and shampoo or shikakai it. this way the grey hair will start turning red slowly and finally become brown after a while which looks more like highlighted hair.

In the coconut oil add curry leaves and boil it on medium till u start seeing the black residue and then cool it and strain it and fill in a bottle. apply this to hair for good health, thickness, black hair.

My mom had these problems and i somehow thought it its good for hair so why not mix it in oil and apply it and then i came with this simple recipe. her hair started to get black and thicker. and people who had seen her with thin hair were surprised and asked the secret. I was so happy. and thanks for listening to my story.

All this we have tried and have proved to be a success hope this wiull solve ur problems too.

8th May 2005, 11:51 AM
Thanks R and Napolims445 for responding. I will let my sis. in law know about this curry leaves, and nallennai too.

9th May 2005, 05:05 AM
hi napolims,
what is the proportion of curry leaves and coconut oil and we have to boil for how many minutes?

9th May 2005, 05:55 AM
Hi Indu,

Check this URL and it is about grey hair.


One more old thread is there, but didn't save in my favorites. If you want, can check the old thread.

Best of luck!!

9th May 2005, 07:07 AM
I do not follow any proportion as such. I can give u an approximation for 200 ml of parachute oil- may be 2-3 handfuls of curry leaves washed and dried of all water along with their twigs. and boil it on medium-low till u see black residue in the oil. then switch off and cool andf fill in bottle.

This oil leaves stain on light coloured dresses and bedsheets and pillows. so prepare accordingly by using old sheets and towels to spread on bed and wear old clothes.

Hope this helps.
Please let me know the results.

9th May 2005, 08:33 AM
Thanks a lot Napolims. Can we apply this daily and can we apply it for the whole length of the hair?because -u said it will stain..Then hpw do u handle it-do u apply only in the top ie in the roots I mean??

9th May 2005, 09:09 AM
Yes..u can apply it daily and u can apply it to the full length of hair. But if u have cold its better to avoid any oil till u get rid of cold.
when do i apply and how do i manage?
ans- I apply it to the scalp and all of hair.
I apply this in the mornings and leave it for atleast 2 hours and then have headbath or i plan ahead and when its time to wash bedsheets i apply it the previous night and in the morning put all the sheets for wash. but in any case if theere are any light colours I spread a dark towel on my pillow case and sleep on that. I always wear dark and old clothes when i apply this oil. because even though u strain this oil it will always have small black particles in it. so dont bother to strain the fine particles...thats fine..

Hope this clarifies ur question..

9th May 2005, 06:18 PM
so, that means you dont apply this oil daily, u apply only before taking head bath?[/list]

9th May 2005, 06:57 PM
Hi Napolims,
I have tried this coconut oil with curry leaves in it and it is just great. when i was in india my mom use to apply that oil only for me and i had so much thick ,silky hair ( hair loss was there but still growing) now after coming to US i stopped using that oil and found great difference. my mom used to add many more ingredients to the oil while boiling. but it is very effective.

I have tried applying the whole egg as my hair is dry so egg yolk is good . the hair is silky and healthy.

Anandi, regarding fenugreek seeds i mean the the methi particles get stuck in the drainage, do u grind it finely? may be i should try grinding it to a fine paste. have u tried methi powder? is it as effective as the paste?

9th May 2005, 07:37 PM
Hi Kz,
I do add a lot of water while grinding methi seeds beause then only it will stick in the hair-still, it wont be v fine-its a bit coarse only, but I have never had the problem of it getting stuck in the bathtub etc..-or clogging the tub-it wont clog the tub as it dissolves itself..
I have not tried the methi powder, but I have used Amla powder here and it is really good..
I too had a v thick hair , but after comng to US , and the baby, my hair has reduced to less than 1/2 of what was before..I am just desperate to arrest hair fall and regrow the hair..Does any have any idea-will our hair grow back to its original thickness ever??

9th May 2005, 07:45 PM
yes true..i apply this oil when i have to take headbath. because otherwise u will stain everything ur head will come in contact and also it has fine black particles in it from curry leaves and u start to see them onm th e borderline of ur hair. i think applying once a week should work. Thats what my mother used to do when she had a severe hair fall problem but still it worked for her. after about a year people could see the difference and asked the secret.
me..inspite of knowing the good effects of this oil....i'm just so lazy to apply everyweek. i do it kind of once a month.... talk about laziness...

10th May 2005, 03:53 AM
Rub inner peel of ripe papaya over face and neck. leave it for 10-15mts and Wash off , wipe with a soft towel.This leaves a cool, fresh, Feel on the face for hours. Regular use, will make the skin soft and glowing.

10th May 2005, 09:04 AM
hello Napolims,
Thanx for sharing the tips making curry leaves oil.

Hello Kz,
Can u pls find out from ur mom what other ingredients she used to add to the oil. Would like to give it a try

10th May 2005, 12:24 PM
Kz, if you soak and grind the seed, then it will be like urud dal(sotness). so, it will grind easily(hope you soak them in milk or b.milk) and there wont be any particles.

10th May 2005, 06:23 PM
Hi friends,

give answers for all kind of beauty questions. :D

10th May 2005, 11:56 PM

This is Regarding the hair loss problem... I use small (pearl)onions(chinna vengayam),methi seeds-2 ,curry leaves...since i have short hair i use abt 5-8 onions.Soak the methi seeds for abt 3-4 hrs...Grind the onions,methi seeds and curry leaves together and apply it ...I keep it for abt 20 mins...don't leave it in your hair more than half an hour...b'coz of the small onions, you may catch cold or fever.


11th May 2005, 03:55 AM
Hi Anandi,
I will try it again, but regarding gaining back the thickness i am not sure, i used to have long hair while in india, now i cut it short and my mom says it is little thicker than before. so i guess trimming it often to avoid split ends, then regular maintenance will atleast reduce the hair fall. good nutrition is also important. try applying egg once in a while. do not wash ur hair in very hot water and rinse it finally in cold water. this advice was given here in US by a hair stylist. as hot water leads to more hair loss, and cold water helps the pores in the scalp to close. try hot oil massage once ina while using the oil told by napolims. i do hot oil massage once in a month.

I will ask my mom abt all the herbs she used in oil, but i doubt if we will get it all here in US. i will be able to contact her only after a week.

11th May 2005, 08:19 AM
Hi Kz,

Thank you for taking the trouble. I'm currently residing in Singapore, and there are some very good indian shops here in Little India. I might have a good chance to get hold of a few herbs from these shops. So pls post the entire recipe.

12th May 2005, 08:33 PM
Hi Tomato
I will post the entire recipe after asking my mom after a week.

6th June 2005, 10:28 PM
Almond Body Exfoliator

2 tsp almond paste (moisturiser)
2 tsp coarsly ground almond (for scrubbing)
1 tsp honey
1 tsp lemon juice (astringent)
blend together all above ingredients

Finally add 2 tsp of coarse sugar and be ready to apply immediately. The sugar must not be added before, else it will dissolve and will not serve the purpose of a scrub. So mix it in just before u apply the scrub.

Rub it on wet skin...and take a shower!!! Helps heal thick patches of skin on heals, elbows and knees. :D

6th June 2005, 10:31 PM
Glistening Green Gram scrub

2 tsp Green Gram powdered
2 tsp Fenugreek powdered

Add water and mix to a thick consistency. Apply to skin and scrub off while bathing or can be used instead of soap.

Prevents the natural oils in our skin to dry away. Makes skin soft & glowing.

6th June 2005, 10:34 PM
both the above homemade remedies, were advised by a Kerala Ayurveda Shala guy on TV...

7th June 2005, 04:31 PM
hello evryone....

i wud just like to know if there is any homemade remedy for removing facial hair ......apart frum waxing ....

7th June 2005, 06:14 PM
Applying kasthuri manjal(kasthuri haldi) is good anywhere in the body, face and safe.

And, I read that mixing fenugreek powder and whole moong flour with little water; apply on the face wherever hair is there. It will fall down slowly.

Back in India, there is this keerai called kuppameni keerai(dont know the english or hindi name) and it is also equally good. Here, it is very difficult to find it. That keerai(greens) will grow in all front yards with the other unused plants!!

Hope the first two methods will be useful to you..best of luck..


8th June 2005, 08:40 AM
fenugreek powder and moong dal powder :is 50:50 ok proportion??

8th June 2005, 02:04 PM
Yes, but, not moong flour. The flour from the direct whole green moong.

8th June 2005, 06:21 PM
Can we powder the green moong at hoome with a mixie?Will it do

8th June 2005, 08:32 PM
Back in India, there is this keerai called kuppameni keerai(dont know the english or hindi name) and it is also equally good. Here, it is very difficult to find it. That keerai(greens) will grow in all front yards with the other unused plants!!

Kuppaimeni (Tamil) a common weed in the tropics;
Bot: Acalypha indica

Search 'Acalypha indica' for common names and other vernacular names.

8th June 2005, 11:00 PM
Hi R,
Are you getting kasturi turmeric here in US?if yes will it be in powder form or like fresh roots?

8th June 2005, 11:45 PM
Hi Raathi
I have been seeing Kasthuri manjal in the Indian grocery stores for the last couple of months now..Not powder but the root one that looks like ginger..

9th June 2005, 12:18 AM
helo R,

will the 3 tips tht you have provided for removing facial hair...work on hair tht has regrown after waxing ???

approx. how much time do you tink it'll take for the hair to completely cum off???

9th June 2005, 01:01 AM
Thank you gvb! the inner flesh will be yellow in colour and the skin like pale yellow write?

9th June 2005, 04:39 AM
Raathi..It will be little orangish in the inside..I wud say the outside is of a dark color definetely darker with a orangish tint..anyways if u can smell it u can find out right away..

9th June 2005, 05:00 AM
Can anyone give me tips on home remedies for dark circles under eyes!.

9th June 2005, 07:29 AM
Hello anandi,

I am not sure; since I always bring the ground whole moong flour for my kids, have not tried. Though I have our Indian mixie, dont want to take any chance.


9th June 2005, 07:31 AM
Hello zia,

I have no clue. My mother always says that the turmeric is one of the best and that is why, in TN all grand mothers use to apply the new born girls that particular turmeric becoz it gives such a good flavor and very good for the skin too.

And, obviously, homemade treatment-all will take their own time. Atleast, you can stop from growing more.

Abt waxing, dont have any clue.


9th June 2005, 07:37 AM
Hello Raathi,

I have not seen the solid form of kasthuri manjal. And, as gvb said I also saw the solid form turmeric root; from that plant, we use to tie around pongal vessel; but, not sure that is the one called kasthuri manjal becoz there is another variety called virali manjal which we use to make sambar powder(grinding it with other items) and to give ladies for all festive occasions.

I always buy it from India a few packets just for my daughter. Anyways, check it out.


9th June 2005, 07:39 AM
Applying lukewarm milk(tolerable heat) under the eyes using cotton will help definitely.

Heard abt cucumber too; but here, it is winter most of the time. So, I am ready to take any risk.

9th June 2005, 06:46 PM
Hi apujittu
I have heard that paal adai and also potato slices wud reduce the appearance of dark circles..

9th June 2005, 06:49 PM
Hi R and Raathi,
Kizhangu manjal is the one we tie in Ponga paanai and it is not kasturi manjal. Kasturi manjal is like a chalk piece and it is hard. When you apply in your face, there will be no trace of it applied after washing with water. It has a good smell. I have not looked for it in the Indian stores, but I think you may get it in big Indian stores.

9th June 2005, 06:52 PM
Thanks R. I will try moong dal and fenugreek powder and see if it works. Kasturi manjal has never worked for me :(

9th June 2005, 07:06 PM
Hello anandi,
I know a manjal which is hard and kind a oval shaped. Is that is kasturimanjal? It is pitty as i am from erode but don't know whats the name of oval shaped manjal.

9th June 2005, 07:09 PM
hi kavitha,
I think what you are saying is gundu manjal. It is another variety. Just test it: apply a bit in your palm and check. If it colors v badly, then it is gundu manjal. It will take a lot of water and soap to clean it off from your hand.!!!!!

9th June 2005, 07:11 PM
Anandi, Are you talking abt the virali manjal? That is also hard and if you apply in yr face, there will be no stain like our regualr powder manjal podi.

And, I thought that if you dry the kizhangu manjal, you will get virali manjal which is a harder one, isnt it?

I shd definitely talk to my mother to avoid this cofusion..

Thanks, anyway..bye..

9th June 2005, 07:11 PM
thks for the info anadi.Can you tell me the types of manjal if you know.

9th June 2005, 08:00 PM
thks for the info anadi.Can you tell me the types of manjal if you know.

Manjal - Tumeric. Belongs to the the Ginger family - Zingiberacea.

Manjal used for cooking is -- Curcuma longa (sometimes Curcuma demostica
Kasturi manjal is -- Curcuma aromatica

other species of the same genus used in medicine or food (their rizhomes are not yellow)
maangaai inji -- Curcuma amada
araroot -- Curcuma angustifolia

9th June 2005, 10:18 PM
The types of manjal that I know are:
1.kasturni manjal-hard and lean with good smell
2.virali manjal-this is also hard and has sort of branches-they give in tamboolam, use for rasa podi-I think this is the dry form of kizhangu manjal
3.Gundu manjal-this also they give in tamboolam-some people use for faces-it is like manjal paint!!

9th June 2005, 10:25 PM
I have a problem. My dayghter is 16.5 months. We put her mottai in 1 year-she didnt grow much hair afterwards(she was not having much hair even before)-many people said this is because, here in US, they use clippers for putting mottai and doesnt stimulate the cells-so 3 months later, we put mottai again in a barber shop-still I think she is not growing much hair atall.
I have good hair(had v v thick hair when I was in school) and my husband also has good hair. I dont know why my daughter is not growing much hair. Please give me some suggections.
Now I am applying coconut oil heated with curry leaves suggested by napolims here.

Please help me in this. Do you think I should shave her head a couple more times?

9th June 2005, 10:43 PM
Idiappam and anandi thks for the reply. Will search in the web for images.

9th June 2005, 10:49 PM

Don't be sad. Since ur child is just 16 months old..no need to worry. My friends daughter also has same problem. hope it will grow when she grows. Ask ur mom and mom-in law wheather either of u or ur husband has less hair when were child.

10th June 2005, 12:00 AM
Thank you gvb, R,Anandi and idiappam ! let me check it in my local indian store.If you click below page you can see kasturi manjal.


10th June 2005, 02:53 AM
Can anyone suggest a remedy for removing the black lines from the neck. i have pretty much tried using a mud pack and nothing. really appreciate your help.

10th June 2005, 03:21 AM
Hi kavitha,
My mon said that me and my sisters I used to have such a thick hair that we got "jadais".
My husband also seems to have had good hair when he was little. This is what really bothers me. We have to wait and see.

10th June 2005, 04:06 AM
Hello Anandi,

My daughter is 2 +. When she was born, she did not have much hair. Around 11 months, her hair was much better. But, after mottai, upto 6 months or so, she did not grow up more hair. Whoever we saw, everyone asked us whether we put the mottai then!!

A couple of months back, we took her to salon and trimmed her hair; then, unbelievably, her hair has started growing. So, instead of shaving the hair completely(am not sure whether it is good or not),keep trimming her hair every 20 days or so which might help, guess. Though the kid does not get a very strong lengthy, atleast, you will find a noticeable difference which I saw with my friend's daughter.


13th June 2005, 03:22 AM
Hello Indu,

today, I was sorting my \shelves and found this tip from the files for grey hair.

Dry fry curry leaves and take it daily with butter milk which will help to reduce grey hair.

good luck.

13th June 2005, 06:50 PM
Thanks R.
I have to wait for some more days because my daughter's hair is so short that it cant be trimmed now. Let;s wait and see how it grows.

13th June 2005, 11:45 PM
This is a problem with my friend's daughter-
her daughter is 3+ months. she had rashes all over her body when she was born and very soon she got infant acne and now for a long time she been having atopic dermititis(eczema) all over her body so much that the docter refused to do a skin test for her because she does not have any part of her body healthy...
now she said she has to apply some steroid cream and etc...for that..
I read in so many articles that the steroid cream has a lot of side effects(bad).

Please suggest some home made remedy/natural remedy for her.
I read somewhere that coconut oil is very good for eczema and also applying combination of carrot juice and spinach juice to the affected area is good..is it true...

I think she also said that her daughter is allergic to protein, wheat etc..

Ur responses would be appreciated...

14th June 2005, 10:19 PM
Hello people,
Please respond to my above query...


14th June 2005, 11:45 PM
Hi Napolims,
Sometime back, when my daughter was having rashes (due to some insect bites), one of my friends told that it is best to apply "kokam"-she didnt know the English word for it and we have not heard of this word-so I could not apply it though I was desperate. So any of the North Indians here must be knowing what it is and they can help. But the friend said that it has v good healiing properties and it is red in color.

15th June 2005, 01:31 AM
I know what kokum is....but i do not know what is it known in english..Its a sour fruit...the peel is dried and used in cooking, I have seen it in dry form though i have never seen the fresh kokum in my life.

Thanks for ur info...
I'll let my friend know about this tip.

Please post ur reponse here if u come across something else regarding this problem..

15th June 2005, 08:26 AM
did a search in google and found this:

Attributed Medicinal Properties
As mentioned in the introduction, kokum’s refrigerant properties are well known. It is useful as an infusion, or by direct application, in skin ailments such as rashes caused by allergies. Kokum butter is an emollient helpful in the treatment of burns, scalds and chaffed skin. The fruits are steeped in sugar syrup to make amrutkokum which is drunk to relieve sunstroke.

15th June 2005, 09:21 AM
Hello Anandi,
The web site http://www.theepicentre.com/Spices/spiceref.html
is full of useful info. Thank u very much for posting it. I always find it difficult to find nutrition value and medical properties of 'Indian' ingredients from reliable sources. The site u have posted is simply too good. Whenever u come across such threads pls do post it.

13th July 2005, 03:29 AM
Can anyone tell me the proper way to apply egg on hair.
Whats the interval between one application and another.
is 2 much harmful for scalp

Kz, I saw ur reply on household tips. thanks for the same.

Thanks in Advance

13th July 2005, 09:17 AM
hello gv,

i have used egg(whole) alone and also mixed along with green henna .my hair texture is oily.it not only controlled it but also removed dandruff.hair remains smooth.i use it every week.surprisingly,it has cleaning properties does'nt smell at all if it is thoroughly rinsed.just use very little shampoo for the final rinse.but better rinse it in an enclosed area like the sink maybe or the whole place will start stinking of eggs! :)

wish u success!


13th July 2005, 09:27 AM
jus remembered one more thing,Gv,my cousin had falling hair problem and the doctor had prescibed the weekly egg wash without the final shampoo.it had positive results too.hope this helps.regards,


13th July 2005, 03:01 PM
Use egg white only and it wont stink... beat an egg white with few drops of lemon juice. apply it on the scalp well. and cover hair with a warm cloth for 30 minutes and rinse off well.

cut a lemon into pieces and boil in 6 glasses of water and cool when the whole water becomes 1/3 of it approximately. rinse hair with this lemon water after your hair wash. do not wash this off. you will not require any other hair grooming products.

13th July 2005, 10:24 PM
thanks rain and cindy.
will defntly try and let you know
can u tell me if its harmful if i apply once in 2 days?

13th July 2005, 11:39 PM
hi gv,

normally if u use it u won't feel it necessary to use it every other day.i would say if u use with henna once otherwise twice a week would suffice. i just apply the egg(after jus mixing the white and yellow a little bit)on the hair and scalp gently and do not rigorously massage it in.leave it for a minute or two and rinse off thoroughly.

actually egg is known to be an effective agent for good upkeep of hair and have not encountered any side effects yet.again for chronic and serious hair problems its better to take professional help.



29th July 2005, 10:45 AM
Hi friends,
Have some hair probs. & would like some advice please,

Two days ago applied henna for my hair. Now though nice colour has come, hair feels more coarser, not soft like before. How to get back the previous soft texture & reduce the frizzyness ?

Which herbal shampoo gives good results, Vatika, Nyle, Clairol herbal essences ....
I've tried almost all others like pantene, head& shoulders, pertplus, clinicplus, sunsilk, etc. but all have only good smell, next day itself hair loses bounce & becomes limp ? Can it be used for children too ?

Any good remedy for thinning hair ? This is esp. obvious when I wear as a plait, as there is more thicker at the start of the plait & gradually tapers to very thin ?

Thanks in advance,

29th July 2005, 10:53 PM
May be ur hair is too dry. if it is dry try warm oil massage, apply warm oil to ur scalp and massage well.
then cover ur scalp with warm towel or cloth for 25 minutes and then take bath. do it once ina week or twice.

for hair tapering to the end u should trim it once in a while and longer the hair it usually tapers.i had this problem when i had long hair with split ends. now i trim often and keep it short, that way the volume is even.


9th August 2005, 08:41 PM

My daughter just now came from India to US and she has head-lice problem..As i sleep with her..I also got head-lice problem..how to get rid of this problem..any suggestions..
She has to go to KIndergarden in 1 month and we have to get rid of this before that..
we don't get any of those lice cleaning kit as in India (Medicare, Hens shampoo etc)
Please advise me regarding this..

9th August 2005, 11:10 PM
Hi Sri,
You can keep tulasi leaves in your head while sleeping. they say its smell makes all lies go away..not sure of it though. But u can give a try.


9th August 2005, 11:48 PM
Hello Sri,

Try in any pharmacy or American stores(not sure) and you will get this thin comb which is purposefully made to remove lices(even smaller one) & the eggs, that powerful.

The comb will not be like what we get in India; the brush(teeth)portion, you have to fix and it is made upof some metal. Anyways, it is available as a set. Tried once for my kid and it worked out like anything.

Good luck.

10th August 2005, 01:24 AM
i read somewhere that applying mustard oil and then combing hair regularly removes lice to a great extent.

havent tried it though...

16th August 2005, 09:48 PM
Go to walgreens and get a lice controlling shampoo.. I don't remember the name though. I have seen my cousin using it for my niece.

Hope this helps.

15th September 2005, 09:34 PM
Hi Sri,
You get "PRONTO PLUS" in any pharmacy ( in super markets also) .when you apply this to your daughter, everybody in the house also must apply and take bath and use the comb given in the pack. Every alternate days apply this and comb her hair.Wash the beddings and clothes also.It is very effective shampoo. follow the direction given on the pack.
Hope this will help you.

8th October 2005, 01:57 AM
I do not follow any proportion as such. I can give u an approximation for 200 ml of parachute oil- may be 2-3 handfuls of curry leaves washed and dried of all water along with their twigs. and boil it on medium-low till u see black residue in the oil. then switch off and cool andf fill in bottle.

This oil leaves stain on light coloured dresses and bedsheets and pillows. so prepare accordingly by using old sheets and towels to spread on bed and wear old clothes.

Hope this helps.
Please let me know the results.


I am 34 years woman. My hair started greying when I was 9 years. I have lots of grey hair from then; and I tried all the possible ways to stop it. I never heard of coconut oil with curry leaves. After reading your post, I boiled cocnut oil with curry leaves as per your instructions. And I seen curry leaves became like fried and slowly mixed in the oil but we can see small and tiny pieces of it in the oil. Is that when we should stop boiling??

Any other tips to stop greying and blackening of grey hair with natural ingredients??

Your suggestions are appreciated.


8th October 2005, 03:33 AM
Indian remedy for greying hair

Mix 10 ground black peppers in one cup curd and wash hair with this mixture.

This will soften the hair and blacken them as well. Do this at least once a week for good results.

In half a cup of curd mix the juice of one lemon and massage into scalp.

Leave on for 20 minutes and then wash. This will make the hair soft and will reduce the greying of hair.

8th October 2005, 03:34 AM
http://www.blogs.krify.com/mpvijay - see this for haircare

14th October 2005, 06:11 AM
Greying hair?? Hair loss?

Eat Karisalankanni - Eclipta alba (Eclipta prostrata). or drink its juice.

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21st October 2005, 01:36 AM
Urgently need some effective home remedy for sinus ---- headache, runny nose etc. Have tried steam inhaling [with Vicks, eucalyptus oil etc.] but every morning after getting up from sleep, nose is totally blocked & head is heavy . Have been told due to Airconditioning, but can't live without AC in the Gulf !!!

Please suggest some effective relief or medicines. Will be very thankful,

21st October 2005, 02:06 AM
I could suggest something if you let me know u like to try it..

Its urine therapy...
yes!!! using one's own urine to treat ailments.
If u r ok with this let me know..

21st October 2005, 05:53 AM
Any suggestions for dark elbows and neck. I desparately need help


21st October 2005, 08:13 AM
Any suggestions for dark elbows and neck. I desparately need help



hope this might help u :D

11th November 2005, 04:28 AM
Hi Hubbers,

I heard lot about Aromatherapy and Aroma oils. I want to buy lavender,almond oils. But I don't know which is the best/well known brand in Aroma oils. Could anybody let me know about this?


11th November 2005, 08:55 PM
u will get a variety of essential oils in Ulta store. One brand which they carry most is Tisserand. I have been using that for a few months now.
They have a website too..Hope this helps..
enjoy ur aromatherapy....

11th November 2005, 10:11 PM
I've read that every aroma oil has some unique features & it has the power to affect our moods/emotions... "ve read that some can even cause/aggrevate depression,blood pressure etc & some shouldn't be used when pregnant... So, I've been a bit sceptical abt using them at home(though I am crazy abt some aromas) on a day to day basis... Would be greatif somone can through light in this regard...

Pls chk the link to know abt the properties of a few oils...

16th November 2005, 02:00 AM
Hi dev & binal142001,

Thanks for your suggestions!
dev: which brand do you use?

16th November 2005, 07:15 AM
Hi Inimai,

As I said earlier, I've not started using aroma oil at home...

22nd November 2005, 11:17 AM
essential oils ( ex: lavendr , tree oil )are extracted from aromatic plants basic tool of aromatrpy
if used in large quantities - can be toxic! never use essential oils internally
unless instructed by prof practitioner /aromathrpst.
if you are pregnant , brst feeding babies, if undr treatmnt for blood pressure ,epilepsy OR DIABETES .

if you have no health concerns and still blve u might be sensitive alergy then do a patch test
apply small amount of the substance inside wrist or elbow cover with bandage leave overnight .
if redness or irritation occors u avoid them

carrier oils ( ex :sunflor oil , almnd , apricot , avacado , grapseed , olive, evning primrose ,
wheat germ) cold pressed oils give penetration of the skin

essential oils are very strong usuly diluted in water when used for bath and sauna
when oils are used for massage carrier oils are used as the base

now i give easy common method for xternal use :

for massage : blend 7 drops of any essential oil in 1 tablespoon of any carrier oil
for bath : add 6 drops of essential oil once the bath tub is full , gently stir to disperse the drops .

for a steam inhalation : 3 drps of essential oil added to 1 liter frshly boild water . cover ur head and shoulders with towel while you inhale .

when above is understood well...i will give you few more tips how you benefit from certain oils thats including...
ladies ! CELLULITE .
stay tuned .

26th November 2005, 04:12 AM
Sinusitis is a recurring problem and the best and only way to tackle it effectively is to perform a nasal wash with warm salt water (as is used for throat gargling)twice a day for a period of atleast 6 months. well it takes only 5 minutes for each session and keeps you away for years thereafter. there is a small kettle shaoed pot available in pharmacies especially in india for the purpose or else any steel plate with a 1/2 cm edge would do. the process using steel plate takes a while to master as water is poured on to the plate aand it is held at 45 degrees to one nostril and sucked in to be thrown out thru the mouth. this is the safest and easiest remedy with a little practice and no side effects r after effects to worry about

5th December 2005, 01:46 PM
Yoga is very effective in curing sinusitis.Follow this link to find out more

20th December 2005, 09:28 AM

i have this white down jacket and the shell is polyster material.it is smudged in many places esp.sleeves and front side in black dirt stains. machine wash and spot cleaning with wash liquid has hardly removed it. can anyone please suggest a remedy? it is such a nice one but becoz of the stains i may have to discard it :( . so any input will be welcome.


VK Narayanan
3rd January 2006, 11:53 PM
Hi everyone - My first post to this thread. I would need at least a week's time to read all previous posts. So pardon me if I am repeating anything which is already posted.

For lustrous and shiny hair - after shampooing and washing your hair, add 1 or 2 teaspoonfuls of vineger to the last rinse. The hair will become so soft, have a nice shine, and bring out the highlights. Feedbacks?

Wish you everyone a delightful and prosperous new year 2006. Cheers!

20th January 2006, 11:48 PM
essential oils ( ex: lavendr , tree oil )are extracted from aromatic plants basic tool of aromatrpy
if used in large quantities - can be toxic! never use essential oils internally .....................................
ladies ! CELLULITE .
stay tuned .

Hi tfmlover,

Just now I saw your reply to my question. Thanks for the detail. As I said, I want to know which brand is popular/best to use?


20th January 2006, 11:52 PM
I do not follow any proportion as such. I can give u an approximation for 200 ml of parachute oil- may be 2-3 handfuls of curry leaves washed and dried of all water along with their twigs. and boil it on medium-low till u see black residue in the oil. then switch off and cool andf fill in bottle.

This oil leaves stain on light coloured dresses and bedsheets and pillows. so prepare accordingly by using old sheets and towels to spread on bed and wear old clothes.

Hope this helps.
Please let me know the results.


I am 34 years woman. My hair started greying when I was 9 years. I have lots of grey hair from then; and I tried all the possible ways to stop it. I never heard of coconut oil with curry leaves. After reading your post, I boiled cocnut oil with curry leaves as per your instructions. And I seen curry leaves became like fried and slowly mixed in the oil but we can see small and tiny pieces of it in the oil. Is that when we should stop boiling??

Any other tips to stop greying and blackening of grey hair with natural ingredients??

Your suggestions are appreciated.


Hi gaya3,

Aloe vera gel helps to stop greying hair. I read this in a tamil magazine. I am searching for the gel to try it out. if you can get it try that.


21st January 2006, 08:23 AM

U should be able to find aloe vera gel in most chinese shops... I find aloe vera to be very popular in Singapore,Malaysia & other neighbourhood countries...

23rd January 2006, 10:13 PM

Thank you for your input!

1st March 2006, 07:22 PM
Hi Shoba,
I guess this is the thread you were looking for..........

2nd March 2006, 11:40 PM
Yoga is very effective in curing sinusitis.Follow this link to find out more

Sailu, I can't agree more. Two years back, I had a cold continuously for more than 2 months... My naturopathy doctor suggested that as a part of my yoga practice, I should take up jalaneti. Two days after my first Jalaneti session, I was alright... No more cold.

She then, told me that it is very effective for sinus patients and should be learnt only under a yoga master, who knows this stuff very well.

3rd March 2006, 09:52 PM
Hi Sailu and Kavikuil, Do u do yoga everyday now?Where did u learn it?


4th March 2006, 01:18 AM
Hi Sailu and Kavikuil, Do u do yoga everyday now?Where did u learn it?


Nope, I dont do now. I'm pregnant right now and was advised not to do it during the first trimester. I was doing yoga on and off before that, thought that wasn't my only way of exercising.

Learnt it from 3 sources -

1. a certified yoga master in BHEL, Trichy
2. an American lady who taught yoga classes in my apt complex, at Santaclara, CA
3. a yoga class held by Bapu Bhavan, Pune (A naturopathy insititue run by central Govt.)

6th March 2006, 11:34 PM
Hi.....Can somebody give some tips on doing eyebrow threading at home????

Thanks in advance......

7th March 2006, 03:46 AM
Kavikuil, Congrats! is this ur first baby?


7th March 2006, 07:30 AM
For common cold and severe sinuse you can take i tablespoon luke warm honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days.

It really works.

8th March 2006, 05:18 PM
Hi Shoba,
I guess this is the thread you were looking for..........

tomato, thanks a lot! i've got a little home spa going with tips from this thread :-). so happy!


8th March 2006, 09:10 PM
Kavikuil, Congrats! is this ur first baby?


Yep! :D Thanks Kz!

9th March 2006, 07:55 AM
My sis in law is 33yrs. She has just deliver a baby boy. she has a very little hair.
Her hair drops even before she delivered.
This has been bothering me so much.
Can anyone give me some tips to stop hair dropping and to make it healthy and thick.

9th March 2006, 08:11 AM

If u consider it to be a serious problem, try meeting a trichologist... Someone who has done a proper course in trichology... Not those who promise wonders... If U r in Soutn India, I can give U the addr of a trichologist whom I find to be impressive(though I've not taken any treatment from them personally)...I guess she is the one & only certified trichologist in soutn India...

Generally overall health, stress, lifestyle are all said to influence one's hair growth/health...

9th March 2006, 12:44 PM
we staying in Penang, Malaysia.

9th March 2006, 12:50 PM
oh okay... try to find a trichologist there... These r ppl who do a specialised course(2 yrs) on hair & things related to hair...

10th March 2006, 07:31 AM
Thank you Dev. Will try to find one.

15th March 2006, 06:33 AM
i heard ur not suposed to apply oil everyday u have to apply only b4 washing ur hair how far is this true if i do not apply oil evry alt day my hair feels very dry wt can i do 4 this?

16th March 2006, 10:16 PM
hi alamelu,

u can use oil(leave it for half hour) every day in hair provided u r hair washing daily too. a small amount of
mild(pref.egg based) shampoo helps to scrub it off. but definitely follow it up with a hair conditioner. that's a
must otherwise it will become drier. if u don't wash hair everyday u can use egg in ur hair twice a week. u won't
feel the need to oil for two days after using egg also found that if u warm the oil lightly before applying that
helps too. it helped me with a similar condition. u can check this thread for inputs .there's a lot of good tips for specific problems of dry
hair too.


21st March 2006, 08:59 AM

This is Regarding the hair loss problem... I use small (pearl)onions(chinna vengayam),methi seeds-2 ,curry leaves...since i have short hair i use abt 5-8 onions.Soak the methi seeds for abt 3-4 hrs...Grind the onions,methi seeds and curry leaves together and apply it ...I keep it for abt 20 mins...don't leave it in your hair more than half an hour...b'coz of the small onions, you may catch cold or fever.


Hi sk what is methi seeds and how to get it.

21st March 2006, 11:10 AM
Hi sk what is methi seeds and how to get it.

It's fenugreek seeds... You'll get it in all Indian stores...

Pic here:


21st March 2006, 12:11 PM
o.k thank you. Now i know. i used everyday to cook Fish curry.

22nd April 2006, 02:37 AM
does anyone know if drinking tea causes early greying of hairs?.. ma mom used to say that pitham from too much tea used to do that.. i usually take abt two cups a day.. n somtimes more if i hav exams goin on.. can somone lemme know?.. ty!

4th May 2006, 07:44 AM
does anyone know if drinking tea causes early greying of hairs?.. ma mom used to say that pitham from too much tea used to do that.. i usually take abt two cups a day.. n somtimes more if i hav exams goin on.. can somone lemme know?.. ty!

too much of pitham in the body causes troubles like craked heels, grey hairs, head ache, vomiting etc... but 2 cups of tea shouldn't be a problem... I believe incerease in pitham is associated with sluggish liver... not too sure...

6th May 2006, 01:31 PM
using very hot water to wash hair..can also lead to greying of hair....in south we are used to having a hot water head bath....but it is suggested that u use it warm .....

6th May 2006, 01:36 PM
make it a habit to take a tsp of grated ginger with a tsp of honey every morning....it is said to prevent premature greying....one more good effect...it is a natural slimming remedy :)

6th May 2006, 01:39 PM
To reduce pitta and preserve the health of hair, drink 1/3 cup aloe vera juice. Or you can take 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel with a pinch of cumin 3 times a day for about 3 months.

15th May 2006, 04:02 PM
yes..grated ginger + warm water is very good for our body..it helps to get rid of the wind in our body..and it dissolves the extra fat ..and digest carbohydrate faster...
one glass in the morning..and one glass before you go to bed...
but remember to drink lots of water..because ginger causes body heat and drinking lots of water helps to reduce body heat and washes of internal toxic

17th July 2006, 09:17 PM
thanx dev, ayesha n malsi! :) .. i will giv it a try!!

20th July 2006, 04:09 AM
does anybody know how to reduce the body heat, ive got heat boils on my stomach & legs.
my mom asked me to drink fenugreek seeds (vendayam) soaked in water overnight & drink it the first thing in the morning with buttermilk, but i ended up throwing i could'nt take it, are there any other solutions to this problem? if so please let me know, thanks in advance.

20th July 2006, 07:52 AM
Hello Grapes,

boil water with jeera seeds for 5 to 10 mins then drink that water instead of plain water all the days of summer.

Just munch the soaked vendayam.

Drink butter milk. Butter milk with jeera powder with little salt is a heat reducer and it tastes good too.

20th July 2006, 07:21 PM
thanks kavitha for the help, i will try them out.

1st August 2006, 10:26 PM
to reduce body heat, my mom in law suggests "padha neer"

2nd August 2006, 07:42 PM
hi ayesha,
what is padha neer.
(i guess its cooked rice soaked in water over night)

5th August 2006, 12:24 AM
padha neer is made from 'nungu' (tamil)i dont know what its called in english...
its a non alcoholic fermented drink made from nungu tree , a type of palm tree ( i hope u know)