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1st May 2005, 07:33 PM
Hi Lakshman or anyone,

Pls let me know where I can download from the internet or any books available online to play in the piano.

Quick reply would be great.

Many thanks in advance.

1st May 2005, 07:53 PM
I presume you are talking of Karnatak music. I don't think there are on-line sites available for this that give western notations.
There are some books that I know of that have songs in staff notation
1: Oriental Music in Western Notation by A.M.Chinnaswamy Mudaliar
2: VarNas by Emmie te Nijanhuis
3: a series of books by a lady from Texas-I am not sure of the details but can look for them.

1st May 2005, 08:12 PM
This site may have something that might interest you.

3rd May 2005, 07:52 PM
Thanks, Lakshman. That site was really useful and tried a couple of songs.

But, on the second thought, am planning to buy a book, not thro' online. Since I want to go through the book personally, can you suggest any shops/book, author name either in US(preferably in new jersey) or chennai?

Sorry for the continuous pestering and thanks for understanding.


3rd May 2005, 08:11 PM
R: Visit the library in any well known music college. They should have books on Indian classical music. Or, visit any leading book store in NYC. You can review the book and order it in any book store.

4th May 2005, 12:45 AM
The best place to look for karnatak music books in Chennai is at The Karnatic Music Book Centre, New 27, old 14 Sripuram 1st street, Royapettah. 600 014. Also Srutilaya 93/3-A Royapettah High Road, Luz Corner, Mylapore. Chennai 600 004

4th May 2005, 06:20 PM
Thanks, both of you for the info.,

And, rajraj, can you suggest me any book store in NYC becoz, in NJ, used to visit Samash where they have instruments and books based on the same, but they dont have any Indian based instrument or music books.

Thank you so much for the favor in advance.

6th January 2006, 05:27 PM
Hi both of you & others,

Now that my son has started reading notes easily, am into the next step. If there is any site with simply notes for Indian songs(classical or cine), it would be of great help.

I just checked the site which Mr.Lakshman has given and dont see any notes but, keys/letters.

Any idea on what I am asking for..

Waiting for a reply..

Thanks & Rgds.

6th January 2006, 07:56 PM
R: I am not aware of any site where you will get music sheets for Indian songs. Try printing what you have seen (keys/letters) and ask the music teacher to code it as sheet music. It is not that difficult to do. My son did it for a song to play on violin by just listening to the song. If I find any sheet music I will let you know.

6th January 2006, 09:13 PM
Thanks, Rajraj for replying..

Actually, I managed to find a book from Chennai which has some keerthanais; of course, my son though he is 7, managed to play a few slokams like aarathi, lingashtagam, but it takes a little extra time to get it done perfectly. So, thought of checking with more notes/notations as he can go fastly.

And, also the other site which Mr.Lakshman has mentioned has notes in Indian notes like sa ri ga....so thought that getting notes without letters(western or indian) is also easier.

I think that I am clear here. Anyways, if you dont know based on my explanations, that is fine.

Thanks a lot for reading my query patiently.


7th January 2006, 01:59 AM
but it takes a little extra time to get it done perfectly. So, thought of checking with more notes/notations as he can go fastly.

R; Violin is considered to be the most difficult instrument to learn (apart from Sarangi). It takes time. I can relate to you my own experience. All three of my children started violin when they were five. It took them more than ten years to reach the leading position in their orchestra (first chair). Be patient ! :)

7th January 2006, 02:43 AM
I have all the three books that I mentioned about in an earlier message. If anyone of you wants a sample song in western notation I will be pleased to provide it.
Emmie te Nijenhuis' book has only varNams and Chinnasami Mudaliar's book has many Tyagaraja kritis.

7th January 2006, 03:44 AM
Hi Mr.rajraj,

Yes, piano is easier to play unlike string instrument. Since he is 7 or have not started with proper carnatic music, could be, he is struggling a bit. Agree with you, have to be patient and I am..

And, Mr.Lakshman, yes, pls do provide it. Recently, bought a book and the title is The structure of Music in raga and western systems and the author is Mr.Raja Ramana.

It has some simple songs like vara veena, sri gananatha and they are quite simple to play. Anyways, pls do provide sample notations whichever you can.

Thanks in advance.


7th January 2006, 09:59 PM
R & Rajraj:
I have scanned one song for you but I need emai addresses to send the pages. Please send me an emai at luzchurch@hotmail.com

8th January 2006, 11:45 AM

Tamil film Songs in 'S R G' notation: http://tfmpage.com/notes/

There's a simple way to get sheetmusic. Download any midi file from the net (just google for 'indian midi' or 'tamil midi'), and open it with software like cakewalk. You can get the western notation that you can simply print.

For carnatic songs, I have seen some 'Learn harmonium' books that give indian notation. Such books help in playing gamakam's.

8th January 2006, 04:53 PM
RR, that was really informative..will try downloading midi and let you know..

Thanks for sharing yr inputs.


16th July 2006, 06:20 PM
hi friends,
if any body is interested in the notations of hindi film songs, kindly let me know. in the trivandrum university library there are 24 volumes of old hindi film songs with notations. i can scan them and send it to you.
bye uma :o

27th March 2010, 07:52 PM
Itz a great job to provide western notes on hindi songs for piano - keyboard lovers.I've also completed more than 900 hindi songs western notations, out of them my more than 160 western piano notes freely available on http://www.desibits.com/forums/ songs since 1960 to 2010.
... mmv