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View Full Version : Dikshitar music and healing

5th May 2005, 06:41 PM

9th June 2005, 11:33 AM
Dikshitar composed songs that were later fantasised by laymen to possess magical powers. The magic is not in the composition, but in the faith that the song would do some magic. It is nothing more than faith heeling. The monotonous lyrical style of Dikshitar using Vibhakthi's and Namavali-s is similar to the compositions of Sahasranama, Ashtottara etc.
Whether Akshara is so powerful, is yet to be proved 'scientifically', in which case we can go back to 'Mantra Sidhdhi' than Medical Profession.
Concept of Music Therapy is wholly distorted by some vested groups. Music can give only an ambience to get cured but music by itself doesnot have curative powers
Let us not disfigure Dikshitar's music with such cheap tricks