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nirosha sen
15th November 2004, 12:04 PM
Hi Buddies, Yup ! I decided to start this thread after a popular radio programme here in Malaysia. Listeners get to phone in either their personal experiences or from others. Whatever it is, I'm sure each of us have had our fair share of exposure to Tales of the Spooky Kind!!!! :twisted:

So without much ado, stopover and unload your very own "Tales from the Beyond.............."

nirosha sen
15th November 2004, 12:28 PM
Okay folks, this one is from my great-grandmother whom I knew till the age of 12 when she passed away. One of her favourite pass-time was telling us stories of her early days in Malaya. She was our forebear, from my maternal side, and in those days living conditions were harsh. Great-gran would tell us everything including the spooky kind .....

Great-gran lived in what is commonly called the "lines" where thatch-roofed wooden houses were all built in a row for new immigrants, who came to then Malaya. They all had to troop down to a common stand pipe-tap to collect their daily water and to wash. For women, they had to wait till nightfall to get to the stand, so as to bathe away from prying eyes.

One night, while great-gran made her way to the stand-pipe for her daily ablution, her neighbour a Muslim man who had been sitting outside his quarters resting, saw that she was not alone but was followed by a strange sillouette as well! He didn't say much but decided to observe great-gran for a few days.

Every night, great-gran would arrive at the stand-pipe, fill her bucket with water and raise it overhead to wash herself. And every time she did that, a voice would say from behind her, "Ennakum konjum voothe"! (Pour me some water, too)! Though great-gran was scared speechless, she continued washing herself this way, and pretended not to hear the voice.

After a few nights of observing the entity behind Great-gran, the Muslim neighbour decided to speak with her. He told her what he had been seeing all along and she admitted that there was something and told him abt the voice. Immediately, being a Sufi, he got down to work and decided to arrest the problem, with his craft as an occultist.

The man prayed and conjured the entity that had been following great-gran all along, and caught it in a bottle and buried it in the ground. After that she lived her life in relative peace, till the next disturbance!! But that's another story .....

16th November 2004, 06:52 AM
Here's a horror story, it has no ghost. But its a about a psyco :twisted: . Tell me how you like it.

16th November 2004, 07:01 AM
I was on my way to school on day last year and I was getting late.

"Rob, hurry up! We're getting late for school." I heard my cousin yelling. He goes to the same as I do, and lives next door.

"Alright! Wait outside in the car, I'll be out in a minuet." I said as I packed my backpack for school. When I was heading out I saw my mother's rose plant, and was horrified. It was deformed. The stems were broken off, the once colorful rose plant was only a memory. Who could have done such a horrid gory crime? AHHHH! I can't look at it! It's.

"What the hell are you just standing there for man! Come on! Get inside the stinking car." My cousin yelled. I got in and we rode off to school. The whole day the horrific scene just kept coming back to me. But the worst part was yet to come. My cousin and I went home after school and when went inside the house there was pin drop silence, then my father broke the silence.

"Don't worry, we'll get a new rose plant." He said to my mother who was covering her face.

"But nothing is going to be as nice as bushy." It sounded like my mom. I walked up to her.

"Are you OK ma?" I asked.

"Well look whose home? If it ain't little Rob." I heard a voice that had terrified me ever since I can remember. I slowly turned around to see if it was whom I thought it was.

"AHHHH!" I yelled. It was my older brother, he went off to college, and now he was back! I ran and took cover.

"Robert, we have to talk to you." My mother said.

"About what?" I asked.

"The Rose plant, and who killed it. We think it's you." She said, "Because you're the only one always playing around the garden." I couldn't believe it! They were accusing me of this unthinkable, ruthless, crime! "In result, you have to get another one plant it." she said. I wasn't going to do this! It's not punishment that bothered me but taking blame for something I didn't do. It's bad enough that I take blame for things that I do, but taking blame for things that I didn't do. No way! Not happening!

2 days later. "That rose plant will be $3.99." Said the cashier on the other side of the counter. This is so unfair! Someone else does something wrong and I get blamed for it! I'm getting to the bottom of this.

That night, after planting the new plant. I was hiding in a bush next to a tree, I was about three feet away from the plant. The culprit has to show up sooner or later.

Three minutes later, I heard the door open, I looked at my watch, it read, 11:50pm. A body emerged from the darkness, I still couldn't see who it was. Then the person pulled some sort of striking weapon, possibly an axe or something, and suddenly struck hard on the brand new rose plant! Again! Then again! Who was this? Was this my brother, my cousin? Or my mother herself? It was time to find out. I pulled out a flashlight, switched it on and turned it to the person's face.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled so loud everybody ran out and switched the garden light on. It was my.Father!?

"Gasp! Oh my god." My mother yelled and fainted, a few seconds later so did I. When I woke up I saw my mother sitting on the couch almost about to cry with my father standing. My brother asked,

"Dad, why would you do this?" My mother looked at him expecting an answer.

"No Joe, you won't understand." He said.

"Maybe we will dad tell us now." My brother replied. My father was hesitant.

"TELL US NOW!" we all yelled.

"Alright! Alright. Do you have any idea how it is being a father, putting bread on everybody's plate? Finally when the weekend come every man is very happy. He can watch TV all day, and have chips and fruit punch. But that is the day I have to deal with the stinking rose. Pruning, watering, fertilizing, it keeps piling up! Every time I think that that is the last Sunday I'm going to spend with roses, your mother asks me to move the old one to the back yard and plant a new one, and the whole circle starts all over again! Dealing with the same old roses over and over and over again!" He yelled as he fell to his knees. We were stunned. WE didn't know what to do. My brother took Dad into another room. My mother started sobbing. I walked up to her and said,

"Don't worry ma, we just get another rose plant."
-Surya. Wrote it for a class assing years ago in High School. One of the worst things I've ever written, but the only thing that even goes near horror. 8)

nirosha sen
16th November 2004, 09:22 AM
Surya - Your story should have been called, "The Rose Hacker"!!! Good one, Buddy!

My next spooky tale took place on a long and winding road - Chandra was a truck driver. Most of the week he's away from home on his long haul assignments that took him the length and breadth of Malaya. Sometimes, he has another driver with him who also doubles up as the "cleaner", as they're called in Malaysia.

One night, while Chandra was driving the long and winding stretch near Trolak, Perak, he came across a strange phenomenon. The cleaner was of course fast asleep on this trip as he had driven all day, with snatches of rest in between. It must have been abt 2 am when Chandra was negotiating the sharp, hairpin bends when he came across the girl!

She had her back to him, long beautiful dark hair and barefoot, running on the side of the road in an easy jog. Nary a soul was in sight except for the high beam of his truck light and the girl running alongside the road. It would have been a perfectly innnocuous scene had it not been the wee hours of the early morning! But the icing on the cake was, Chandra must have driven like 5 minutes before he realised something else that left him in cold sweat. Throughout the duration of those agonising 5 minutes, the girl was always ahead of him!!!!! Mind you, he was driving a heavy truck that was going like 80 kph and this girl was only running on foot!!!!

Then just as realisation dawned on him, leaving him trembling with fear, the girl loped over what looked liked a big, monsoon drain and disappeared into the surrounding thicket of undergrowth!

Care to figure out what it was that dear Chandra might have seen??? Your guess is as good as mine!!!!

16th November 2004, 11:34 AM
That was pretty good! Strange, and freaky, which makes it good. 8)

16th November 2004, 04:37 PM
Okay.. this one happened to a friend....1989-90

This girl used to live opposite our house and we knew each other since child hood. My sister and her are the same age and they both were studying at a college very near Anna salai in Chennai. They used to go to college by bus. one day my sis was late to college and my dad had to drop her off . There was a small crowd near the college gate and in there was my neighbour. She was badly bruised and shivering with shock. She had missed the bus that stops besides the college and had taken another bus which stops half a mile from the college. She alighted the bus and was trying to cross the busy road. She made it to the middle and saw that the traffic lights were red and that no vehicle was coming and hence started to cross to the other side. Just then, a motorcycle had come from nowhere and they had a collision. She toppled and her books were all over the place. The signal went from Red to green and traffic started to flow.

In chennai, the nightmare is not the buses or heavy vehicles but motorcycles on such roads as the buses had spotted her and slowed down to stop. The motor cyclists, from behind the bus tried to go around it... this lead them directly to the girl. Suddenly , another girl appeared from no where, grabbed my friend and dragged her to safety. When asked, this girl told my friend that her name was Lalitha and that she was studying in the same college. Just then my dad and sister made it there and they thanked Lalitha for saving our friend and took her to the doctor.

Next day, my sister was enquiring about this Lalitha at her college and it seems nobody knew her. She was asking the college attendant if he knew of a Lalitha. This guy didnt know about the accident and told my sister that there is no one by that name, with the features that my sis described. He was a bit miffed when he was talking to my sis and was asking her if she was taking him for a ride...

She explained to this guy about the accident....and his jaw dropped... it seems there was one Lalitha, who studied in the college a few years back.... who unfortunaely was killed in a road accident.... precisely at the spot where our friend got hurt...by a motorcycle who was trying to run around a bus that was slowing down, seeing her in the road....

nirosha sen
16th November 2004, 07:23 PM
Boy, that was indeed a kind soul TS!! Nice to know that not all ghosts are freaky and angry at the living!

16th November 2004, 08:33 PM
This story is from a friend as well... this one is divine and not scary or ghostly.....

Many years ago, my friend's dad and around 10 of his friends decided to go to Sabarimala and joined another group. They had been there twice and this is the third year. Their original guru was down with health problems and hence they joined this group.

The trip was not that good. They did not have reserved seats in the train. Not enough food. Very bad planning and nobody to guide. When they came back, they dediced to go by themselves the next year. Those days trekking was very difficult and very little people go to the temple. They were scared about ths fact but then decided to take a chance. They arrived in Erumeli, a little village with a little mosque where they offer vibhUti as prasadam (only one in the world to do it) and started their trek. Few miles down the road, a stranger joined them. He was chatting with them and told them that his name is Ranganathan and is from Vellore, working in the court there. This new guy would show them directions and tell them stories about various things happened there. They halted that night in the forest. This man wouldnt sleep and was awake, looking out for wild animals. He would go down to the river at night and take bath a few times. The place is lika a refregerator in December and at night, in the open jungle it is simply unbearable cold. This man would still took bath a few times and came back as if it was summer. Two days later, they reached the temple and had a nice darshan, did the abhishekam with ghee that they took inside coconuts. Next day when they were about to leave, they asked him if he wants to accompany them and that they can drop him at Vellore. To this the man said...no need for that as i stay here.... They insisted him but he turned down.

One of the guys from the group went to vellore a few weeks later on business and thought of dropping by the "friend" who helped them. He found out that in the history of Vellore court, there was nobody by the name Ranganatham working there. This guy shared this info with his friends and suddenly, one by one, they realised his actions...

someone who joined them while they started the trek and guided them

baths in the middle of night when it is freezing

guards them against animals without sleeping

when they had food somewhere, the shop keeper charged them for less.. (they had thought that the shop keeper is giving a discount as they didnt know the language)

At the temple, for ghee abhishekam, one has to show the coconuts and get the tickets... they werent charged for the coconuts that the "friend" had brought...

and finally the hymns and mantrams that this friend would chat at the night.....

till date, they know nothing about the friend and believe that it is god himself who guided them that day...

sonu gopi
17th November 2004, 09:04 AM
Hello there!

I too would like too write about my experiences when I get the time.......soon. :lol: :lol:

So many I do not know where to begin! :roll: :?


nirosha sen
17th November 2004, 09:51 AM
Kitchan, was an old timer in our estate who looked ancient. Nobody actually knows his real age as in those days they didn't record their births by law. Anyway, I heard he was a young lad when he stepped out of the steamer that brought him from his native Namakkal, Tamil Nadu.

Never a day passes, when one sees him with a bunch of youngsters, regaling them of tales from the bygone days. As they sit in silent fascination, Kitchan takes off to the old days when things were really happening unlike the sleepy, peaceful days of the present era, when nothing exciting ever takes place! Looking into the distance, he started his favourite tale, the one abt the old Manager's bungalow that now lays in ruins. But in the old days .......

To be continued ........

17th November 2004, 09:54 AM
well mine's real quick..dont have the skill to write it as a story like the rest of you....just my appa when working on a railroad in KL across the jail...was working real late and all his friends told him not to freak out if he felt a presence...he remembers turning his head after feeling cold rush and smelt strong cigar smoke...and saw smoke float by and froze...then it passed....

a friend from vietnam use to tell me that when walking by graveyards in vietnam to carry candy so when they grab your ankles you drop the candy or they wont let go and pull you under...

17th November 2004, 10:04 AM
In Nibong Tibal where my auntie Rani use to live with her friend...and they had this haunted bathroom...supposedly where this girl was brutally killed...well everytime at about 1 to 3 am you would hear the door slamming, lights going off, screams, creaks the whole shebang..luckily they didnt hear from where they slept....but one night her friend just had to go....what to do held hands and went in and shut eyes and prayers speedily muttered waited it out and then of course ran like hell back to bedroom....

17th November 2004, 03:38 PM
ooooh I like this thread!! Ok this is my rather spooky experience.

I was working in Oxford at that time and as I was doing a grduate job my salary was not that great. All I could afford was a room in a shared student house. Oxford has one of those magnificent large town houses which were purpose built for students. They've been there for centuries. The house I stayed was a huge town house with 3 floors including a ground floor with 24 rooms, 2 large kitchens and 2 dining rooms. I stayed in room no 14 on the 2nd floor. There were eight more rooms on the top floor. A girl called jane lived right above my room. Both our rooms had huge windows looking towards the front garden. She was quite reserved and the guys in the flats called her a wierdo, as she never spoke with anyone, she was working in one of the bars in town. I dont get to see her much as she works in the evening and when i'm come home she goes to work. After about six months of my stay it was my first summer in oxford. one night I heard someone crying, I knew it came from upstairs as I could hear it louder when I went closer to my window. It was about 2.00 AM and I thought the freak upstairs must have had a bad day at work. I heard it the next day too, I was not too worried, sometimes I was in such deep sleep it didnt even bother me. I started to hear this loud crying quite very often. One day when I was having my breakfast I was chatting with another house mate of mine susan, I told her about jane crying all night and how it annoys me. But susan looked at me very strangely and said 'Dont you know that jane moved out couple of months ago?' I was so shocked!! :shock: gulping my cereals I ask like a timid chicken, 'Who lives upstairs then?' she said 'Its been empty since jane left!!' :shock: ...that was it, I could never sleep alone in that room again. I was even scared to goto the toilet in the middle of the night and would wait until there was light. I still heard the crying though, I once even asked susan to stay in my room and she heard it too.......Then the landlord found a new housemate who moved in the room....The cryings have stopped since then. Niether Me nor susan did mention anything to the new house mate :roll: its been our little secret.

18th November 2004, 01:14 PM
Ooooh! Nirosha - this is FUN!!!! :) :) :)
I hv a few to share with all of you ....will write when I've finished reading my e-mails.......hectic after D'vali! Ore Thale vali!

nirosha sen
19th November 2004, 07:10 AM
Continuing from Kitchan's Tales :
The old manager's bungalow lies in ruins now with its tall trees, casting dark, sinister shadows on it. But in the old days, when the old manager was still living there, it was Kitchan who was privy to that scene which still lives in his memory!

Having lived his life in relative bachelorhood, although he was not short of female company, the manager Jock Ewing, brought home his new bride from Inverness, Scotland one fine day. The young, blonde and beautiful Bronwyn, initially took to her new life with enthusiasm. But with the passing months, she soon found life unappealing and lonely. But the one reason that made her utterly miserable and ashamed, was Jock's secret itself!

At this juncture, Kitchan cleared his throat and sat there with a faraway look as he reminisced abt the old days, including the young and pretty Maam, for whom he served as house-boy and regularly served her, thimbles of scotch whiskey.........

19th November 2004, 09:04 AM
You guys are giving me goosebumps! Now I'm Scared! :(

sonu gopi
19th November 2004, 11:32 AM
My story happened a long time ago – I was about 9 yrs old then when we used to live in an old government bungalow. During school break my 5 senior cousins ( 2 boys & 3 girls) came to our place for holidays after their Senior Cambridge examinations There are 3 rooms in this house – each one big enough to accommodate 3 double beds, 3 cupboards, side tables, racks etc.

I was sleeping with my sister on one bed. My three cousin sisters were on another, which was between my bed and the one my auntie and my mom were sharing. My dad, uncle and cousin brothers were using the other 2 rooms. The bed room door is left open and it is adjacent to the dining room. You can see the wash basin from one of the beds in this room esp. from mine. I suddenly got up in the middle of the night ‘cos of mosquito bites. Decided to pull my blanket, which was placed, at the end of the bed. As I opened my eyes and pulled the blanket up, I saw this lady in a black and pink flowered wardrobe washing her hands (wash basin) and using the towel which was hanging on the wooden rack. She was adjusting her attire and then went back to wash her hands again. I kept looking at her thru’ my half opened eyes ( too scared to fully open my eyes). She looked pretty, fair but I have never seen her anywhere around our area before. But what was she doing in my house at this hour – probably past 2.30 am! :x

I was trembling so I slowly pinched my sister who was fast asleep and snoring away! She turned further away from me and continued sleeping At the same time I noticed my cousins were missing from their beds too. I also heard some whispering from my mom’s bed. So I called for my mom slowly saying I was scared. She told me softly to run quickly to her bed. This figure was still at the wash basin washing her hands and continued wiping her hand. I counted one, two and three – jumped out of the bed and snuggled close to my mother. Wow! my three cousins were on the bed too!! – altogether there were 6 of us in one bed now – all curled up. They asked why I have joined them – I narrated to them what I saw. They then told me that was the same reason why they are also in the bed too! One after another they had too had crept into the bed slowly. :wink:

The description and the lady’s clothing matched as what I saw! We were all wide-awake waiting for daybreak. There was a cupboard with mirror in front of this bed facing the door – but the figure of the woman could not be seen in it. My cousins said that the figure was still near the wash basin but she is not visible in the mirror – they had check this out as each of us took turns to join my mom’s bed. Immediately the next day my uncle, aunt and my cousins left for their hometown – saying our house was haunted! :roll:

NOTE: This house I was told was built during the Japanese Occupation - its still there almost 60yrs now! Anyone would like to visit this house? I can take you there! :wink: :wink: :wink:


nirosha sen
19th November 2004, 12:45 PM
Boy, that indeed was a good story! So many saw her!! But how did your family fare, after that? Did you continue to sight her???

sonu gopi
19th November 2004, 12:52 PM
Boy, that indeed was a good story! So many saw her!! But how did your family fare, after that? Did you continue to sight her???

Not her but other experiences too! :lol: :lol:

Sonu Gopi

19th November 2004, 01:05 PM
C'mon,I am getting interested in this too![Let me cook up some story and come back tomorrow] :lol: :lol: :lol:

nirosha sen
19th November 2004, 02:49 PM
Kitchan was privy to a lot of things that was going on at the bungalow. He knew how frequently the Dhurai uses the spiral-staircase that leads out from the balcony, next to the master bedroom directly into the back of the servants quarters!! How often in the nights, he had personally seen the Dhurai visit his mistress, the beautiful Pavay who by day is the house maid and by night held the key to the master's heart and lust ......

It was this open secret, that soon Bronwyn had become privy to a few months after her arrival. There were countless arguments between man and wife over Pavay, until in despair she began to down more than a thimble of scotch whiskey to drown her sorrow in having to share her husband's affections with the dusky beauty, Pavay!

One night, after yet another fight with Bronwyn, Jock cranked up his old car and left in a huff to town to cool off. Bronwyn in the meantime, began to nurse yet again, her wounded pride with her thimbles. But this time, instead of being subdued into a stupour, she stumbled towards the safe in the master bedroom where Jock kept his hand-gun!! Too upset and beyond caring, Bronwyn unsteadily wrote a note to Jock, sat in his big leather chair in the adjoining writing room, held the gun to her head, and pulled the trigger!!!!

It was Kitchan who heard the shot like a cannon blast which shook the house! It was he who found the Maam, lying there in the Dhurai's chair with her glazed beautiful blue eyes, staring at him, gun in hand and the blood that was oozing like an open tap, dripping from her head to her snowy white nightdress and finally to the floor..........

Coming back to the present with a start, Kitchan told the youngsters that it was young Bronwyn who still roamed through the walls of that big, spacious bungalow which now lay in ruins. Following the tragedy, none could live in that house in peace. Many had sighted her, thimble in hand, gun in the other as she glided from room to room in her snowy white night-dress..........

sonu gopi
20th November 2004, 01:14 PM
This story too happened in the same government bungalow that we were living long time ago. One evening when I was doing my homework - my mother called and told me to rock my little brother to sleep as it was past his bedtime. He too was very irritable and wanting to be rocked in his cradle. Mother was busy preparing something extra for dinner. Being the eldest I took the responsibility of helping my mother to look after my other little siblings - there were 7 of us in the family including my parents!

I was about 10 yrs old then and I was rocking my little baby brother in his cradle to sleep. It was between 7.30 –8.00pm. I was singing all the nursery rhymes that I knew. Instead of sleeping he was looking up at me smiling and listening to his chechi’s off tune rhymes! I remember telling him to sleep quickly so that I could continue doing my homework – he would chuckle away the more I talk!

As he was sucking his thumb slowly and dozing off – and me singing away - I saw this lady in a blue sari and a brown blouse (what a combination!) with her long hair almost touching her bumps walking from the hallway towards the wash basin in the dining room. I am seeing her from the side of my left eye and she resembled my mother. She turned into my room and walked towards the attached bathroom door and stood there. I thought she was indeed my mother and asked her (not looking at her but concentrating on my little brother) whether she has finished her cooking and could now look after my brother, as I wanted to finish my homework. I also asked her why she was wearing a blue sari with an unsuitable coloured blouse. While enquiring this I was at the same time covering my brother (who is asleep now) with his blanket The “person” was still standing in front of me but she did not respond at all. This time I looked up thinking why my mother was so silent – Oh! my God this “thing” just disappeared (before I could get a proper look) into the thin air right under my nose! A chill ran down my spine and I almost stopped breathing!

I ran quickly to the window where this washbasin was ( just a few steps forward only) and I could see the kitchen down stairs – my mother was beating up some eggs and she was in a tiny floral red sari with a matching blouse! I quickly ran back to my brother’s cradle, carried the sleeping baby and joined my mother in the kitchen telling her everything that had happened. Of course my mother quickly told me it just could be my imagination and not to tell and frighten the other children.

My brother became sick after this incident and my parents had a rough time taking him to the hospital and even to see the priest in the temple. I used to feel very guilty and blamed myself for leaving him alone in the cradle for a few seconds to look for my mother - whenever I see him very sick, crying and feeling restless. But I always consoled myself that I had the presence of mind to take him along with me b4 heading towards the kitchen instead of leaving him alone in his cradle in that haunted room. He recovered quickly with the grace of God. My mother made sure that he is never left alone in the evenings but with one of us (my father or myself) when she is busy. In the mornings we had a maid to help my mother with the household chores - so she spends her time tending to his needs.

After this incident my parents then decided to have a pooja in the house – the priest chanted some mantras and sprinkled some holy water everywhere - in and around the house – but do you think it had any effect or stopped the emergence of these restless spirits?


21st November 2004, 02:22 AM
wow Sonu Gopi!:D you have got some really good experiences with the supernatural...thanks alot for taking the time to share them! :D Did you ever find the story/reason behind any of these hauntings?

sonu gopi
21st November 2004, 10:52 AM
wow Sonu Gopi!:D you have got some really good experiences with the supernatural...thanks alot for taking the time to share them! :D Did you ever find the story/reason behind any of these hauntings?

Your welcome! but I will come to that soon.... however, many have died in that area during the Japanese Occupation esp. where this bungalow was constructed. It was not visible to my mother but my father too has seen some "figures". But being a man he was quite calm about it but me....this experiences have only left me such a "scardy cat" till today.

I am not even able to sleep alone in any rooms at night! I always feel "something" is watching over me! Perhaps this fear could be my imaginations due to past experiences but I certainly do not want to take a chance and go thru' another "disturbance"!!


21st November 2004, 12:19 PM
I know one uncle who liked to go partying out late and was always scolded by his mother to come early and not wait to catch the bus at an ungodly hour at a virtually deserted place...of course being the son he was he paid no heed to his mother's advice...until one night....

just like other fun nights as before he had downed a couple and thought happily that he would sleep it off on the busride home...tipsy and stumbling he fell upon the bus bench....there sat another man....'You must excuse me for my uncouth behaviour, for you see im a bit inebriated" or so he thought instead all he could manage was "saaaaarreeee saaar!"
The other man made no reply whatsoever, uncle-ji also noticed that this man was not only the silent type but had a very odd look...quite glaring and penetrating...one that sent chills up his spine....
well uncle started to get a bit antsy and thought it best not to stare back at the man and cursed silently at the busdriver and his tardiness, still uncle felt the man staring at him...so he started to look around to focus on anything but you know who...
he saw the starry sky, moving his eyes down he followed the path of the dusty road, he never had noticed how very misty it was before....uncle felt a bit relaxed until he saw in the corner of his eye the man still staring and seeming to have come a bit closer as well, uncle at this time was really edgy..so he decided to focus on things that didn't need him to actually turn his head around too much....he focussed on his watch, his torn cuff, his curry-stained pants, his two feet sticking out in his shrunken worn sandals...his two feet...only his two feet were present on the ground...he shifted his focus slightly to his left...he saw that the man who was still staring at him had no feet, he was not even properly seated on the bench he was just floating....

what happened to uncle? Well he sobered up, screamed and took off...later found delirious by a friend of his and taken home...and from that day on you can bet dear old uncle did not stay out too late...

howz that? My first attempt, even if highly mediocre at telling an experience i heard from the his very own daughter's friend's sister's cousin's postman's next door neighbour :P

22nd November 2004, 06:54 AM
had fun going thru the posts. really surprised most of the postors are girls!! :shock:
You should all join the police :twisted:

nirosha sen
22nd November 2004, 01:23 PM
Rani and her family ran out into the streets to watch the new sight and sound of activity at their neighbours'. The usual sleepy-hollow which was their neighbourhood had come alive at the sound of the loud and grating noise of the chain-saw as it garotted their neighbour's humongous banyan tree. Most of the neighbours were not happy that the tall and shady tree had to go, but since the tree was not in their compound, they merely muttered their disapproval under their breaths and did nothing.

For Rani and her children, it was indeed a loss as the tree had offered so much shade and cooled their zinc roof in the hot afternoons. But like the rest of the neighbours, Rani too fell silent and waited to watch the last of the felling of the mighty Banyan to the wide, flat, stump that was left. After that, sadly, she too went into her home to brace themselves for the ensuing heat that would now envelope their little, ramshackle house.

That night, which was the only time of relief, from the unrelenting heat of the day, Rani prepared the children for bed before turning in herself. It must have been about 11 pm, when she heard the pitter-patter of what sounded like pebbles falling on the roof. Then there was silence! After about 1/2 an hour, she and the kids heard the sound of someone walking on the zinc roof. Fearing that it might be intruders, Rani ran outside to find out. But, all she saw was a large, gibbon like creature balancing itself on her roof-zinc sheet!! Thinking that it might have been somebody's escaped pet, she shooed it away before going into her house again.

Hours passed, while the family slept, before the next disturbance. This time, through sleep groggy eyes, Rani saw the back-door, opening wide and a small figure coming in! It was no taller than her 3 year old. In the dimness of the kerosene lamp, which was their night light, Rani could clearly see what the intruder looked like!

Standing ramrod straight before her, it had dread-locked hair from top to feet. Arms, legs, torso, it was just knotted, shaggy hair all over! And what shocked Rani was the face! There was none to speak of!!!! It stood before her, breathing hard, but was totally faceless! Just more dread-locks where a face should have been!!!!!!!!

To be continued .....

22nd November 2004, 01:44 PM
Surya, yours is one hell of a story!!
Enjoyed it pal!
the true way to be humble is not to stoop till you are smaller than yourself, but to stand at your real height against some higher nature that will show you what the real smallness of your greatness is- Phillips Brooks

22nd November 2004, 05:37 PM
This happened when I was doing my higher secondary school. I had a habit of playing some melodies of Yesudas in the night and they lull me to sleep that I even forget to switch off the tapes...and to be scolded by mom in the morning. Some days she would switch it off in the night itself. One day I was very tired after my chemistry practical examinations and preparing the records for the next day's botany tests... as usual i went to sleep playing my favourite cassette... and the A side was over ... though i felt like getting up and change the side...felt very tired... it is then i felt a sari edge moved near the shelf where the tape was placed... thinking that it is my mom, i asked her to play the other side and that i will switch it off when it is over... I saw the foot and the sari ends in the dim light in my room..it turned towards me...dint answer ..but was still for a moment and then moved to the next room... Thinking that my mom is angry as usual ... and was giving me an angry look...dint even look up..closed my eyes and when turned i saw her sleeping next to me... quite surprised i asked her when did she come from next room ...she said she was sleeping with me for quite sometime as it was too cold in the other room...she had wheezing trouble...

was shocked and started sweating off.... i told her that i saw an image near the shelf... i said i saw the feet and the sari ends...but did not look up... she said all was my imagination.. asked me to pray and sleep. but couldnt for the next several hours...anyway...

In the morning as i was explaining the story to my cousins and brother, pointing to the tape...was shocked again... the tape wasnt there...not only the tape with my favorite cassette in it... some wrist watches kept near them.... the image was of none other than a thief who just stolen away our tape recorder and watches..it was not the sari ends but the lungi that he was wearing.... we got the tape back later from the police.

nirosha sen
22nd November 2004, 05:41 PM
Boy Cindy!! :lol: :lol: :lol: That was a good punch-line at the end!! I really thought it was like Sonu's tale!! Good one, Moleh!

sonu gopi
22nd November 2004, 08:13 PM
Boy Cindy!! :lol: :lol: :lol: That was a good punch-line at the end!! I really thought it was like Sonu's tale!! Good one, Moleh!

Ya! I too thought it was a "hungry spirit" but turned out to be a petty thief! :evil:

Thank God! Cindy luckily he didn't harm anyone of you! In a way its good he came......otherwise you wouldn't have told us this tale today, that too in a Forum Hub!!!heee.....hee..hee.!! :lol: :lol:


22nd November 2004, 08:34 PM
Once a wealthy business man was about to go on an official tour. His watchman slowly came to hom and told him that he has something to say.. if the business man doesnt mind and can spare some time.

This business man always listens to people and thats the key to his success. He stopped for a minute and asked the watchman as to what he wanted to tell. The watchman told thte business man that the previous night he had a very scary experience. He had a very scary dream in which he saw a very horrible figure. THis was indeed a ghost. The ghost had died of a car accident.. and it told the watchman that his employer will have the same fate if he continues with the journey. He woke up and saw the ghostly figure by the gate which vaporised into thin air, waiving at him......

The business man thought about it for a minute and cancelled his trip. He asked his driver to take the papers with the car and told him that he would join them the next day by air.

That day, the car met with an accident. A container lorry lost control and the container dropped on the car. The driver was unhurt while the back seat was totally jammed. If the business man would have travelled. He would have been killed instantly.

The driver called the businessman and updated him with the information. Immediately, the businessman gave the watchman a big reward .... and fired him.....

22nd November 2004, 10:31 PM
hey sonu gopi pls tell more. ur stories spook the hell out of me :)

23rd November 2004, 12:09 AM
Facts about Witches (Women blamed of doing black magic) in Europe and US

Witch attacks

1) Victims attacked feels like pin pricking all over body.
2) Victims have hallucination (Sees things that doesn’t exist). They see blood flowing from walls, snakes on your body, animals attacking you, bugs filling you floor (In short worst of your fears)
3) Victim has an attack of fits (Like asthma attack)

1) Victims jump out of 2nd floor hospital rooms and die.
2) As a test for witch attack dogs are given urine from the victim to drink. Result dog bites itself to death.
3) Victims shout and scream throughout the witch attack has if in real pain.

How are witch attacks proved?
Doctors try to treat the decease but find it incurable. A case is lodged in the court of law. Victims are brought to court where they give names of possible witches.

Witches are beaten till they accept they are witches and then they are given jail term. If they don’t accept 'they are extremely powerful' and so they are killed.

Numbers: 40,000 witches where killed in Europe in 19 Th century, around 5000 in US.

23rd November 2004, 09:58 AM
hey Sandeep about your witch post....i watched a special a couple of years ago that connected the symptons that victims felt that were believed to be caused by witches was actually rye ergot poisoning..i found a summary of this article @


check it out if you like :)

sonu gopi
23rd November 2004, 10:17 AM
hey sonu gopi pls tell more. ur stories spook the hell out of me :)

I will Walrus, but I need the time to spare - I am too tied down in the office and also back home. :evil: :evil:

I need to type it out first at home after all have gone to bed - too much of disturbance ( not "ghostly" ofcourse!!)- I mean noise at home by my excited son while watching tv esp. wrestling and football!! :? :x

SONU GOPI :lol: :lol:

23rd November 2004, 10:36 AM
ooooooooooooooooooh Nirosha what a way to leave one hanging that faceless creature is all i can think of....chilling indeed hurry and tell us how it ends please..... :)

23rd November 2004, 11:00 AM
Why all you girls are interested in the Ghost thread than guys?May be you identify yourselves with them? :lol: :lol: :lol:

sonu gopi
23rd November 2004, 11:33 AM
Why all you girls are interested in the Ghost thread than guys?May be you identify yourselves with them? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hello Blah2 you want to read our experiences or not? Be such a darling and just carry on reading! 8)

Try giving us girls some of your experiences too! I thought you said you will "cook up" one soon? :roll:


23rd November 2004, 11:41 AM
It's in the oven :lol: .Wait a little longer.Great creations always take time :wink: .

23rd November 2004, 11:44 AM
hope it's good as your expertise in sambhar :wink:

23rd November 2004, 11:49 AM
Why all you girls are interested in the Ghost thread than guys?May be you identify yourselves with them? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Perhaps we are trying to figure the missing link why on earth we are still attracted to males...:wink:

nirosha sen
23rd November 2004, 12:03 PM
Continuing my tale .......

Rani watched now with horror with widened eyes, as the creature stood before her. She opened her mouth to scream but no sound came from within her! Instead, she watched helplessly as it got near her son of 3 years old, grabbed his head by the hair and dragged him out of bed. The child was still asleep but the creature still held him by the hair and began to twirl the sleeping child who was in a sitting position. Rani saw her son levitate from the floor and twirling round and round before her eyes, like some trapeze artist!

Not knowing what to do but intent only on saving her young son, Rani quickly got up and reached for her long-handled broom and whacked the damned creature. This time it howled with rage; dropped the boy and ran out the back door!

The next day, Rani related the incident to her neighbours who immediately alerted the tree owners. This time those neighbours had to speak up and admitted that the creature was indeed some sort of a supernatural being that had lived in that tree!! Which was why they had to cut down that damned tree to evict the creature!!!

Too outraged by their confession, Rani quickly made her way to a local Shaman, who identified the creature as a "Jedayam"!!!! A kind of demon that lives in trees and disturbs people just like a monkey. Sometimes it is visible to human eyes and sometimes it is not! But it could really wreak havoc with one's house if not curbed.
With the Shaman's help, Rani managed to nail a few talismans in the form of a metalic plate with inscriptions on it, to repel the demon from entering their house again.

After that, Rani was kept safe from its disturbance in the house but other neighbours began to sight it swinging from tree to tree and entering some homes as well!!

Till today, none of the neighbours was free from its disturbance and recently, someone was thwacked so hard in the back, one night, that it left a swelling across her shoulder blades!!!

The above story is a true story and the critter still roams freely ...........

23rd November 2004, 12:24 PM
:D :D :D @ a.ratchasi! Good one!

23rd November 2004, 01:47 PM
Nirosha is that really a true story? :?

nirosha sen
23rd November 2004, 01:57 PM
Yup. sure was!! Rani is my aunt!

23rd November 2004, 07:03 PM
hey Sandeep about your witch post....i watched a special a couple of years ago that connected the symptons that victims felt that were believed to be caused by witches was actually rye ergot poisoning..i found a summary of this article @


check it out if you like :)

Bulls eye.

I saw this 2 episode documentary in PBS. The first episode didnt give any scientific reasoning and made you wonder. The second episode gave the scientific reasoning. I was also trying to do the same.

24th November 2004, 03:53 AM
opps :o sorry Sandeep looks like i accidently stole your thunder for this post anyways

24th November 2004, 08:10 AM
what do you know of black magic or possession....living in Malaysia there is no end to the stories i've heard...what about people who get possessed on purpose to tell the future...I remember one experience....the women was well known in granting things and tellings of futures...so when i went back to Malaysia i went to see her with my Appa....she had the most bright sparkling eyes....like those who are either high or enlightened...well anyways we went to another day when she was 'possessed' God was that freaky....she kept chuckling and yawning and making weird mumbling noises...and before she went into trance she warned that we would have to take the responsiblity of keeping the deepam lit with camphor pieces or she would not be able to control her possessor...well the flame came really near to going out...and she bent her head down and looked up...her face changed to a whole different look...her faced was darker and menacing she had on the most vile grin...and her laugh was so bone chilling....i still get shivers when i think of it....it scared me silly....it was she was like struggling between the two personas...anyways my papa was fast to act and put in a camphor piece before it was too late...or i seriously don't know what would have happened...and seriously i don't ever want to know either!

nirosha sen
24th November 2004, 07:36 PM
Well, I have another story abt this friend of mine who is psychometric, I believe you call them??? She needs to only hold your hands and pretty soon she'd get into a journey of sorts and into your past life ........

Tell you guys all abt her reading of a past life of mine, pretty soon!!

25th November 2004, 01:51 AM
By definition black magic is magic practiced for evil purposes. The basis of this is the consept that everything comes in twos(good with bad, +ve with -ve, male with female). So if you believe in the personification of god then you have to believe in the personification of evil which is called devil.

If you are believer and follower of god then ofcource there will be believers and followers of devil also. If you believe in miracles you have to believe in effects of black magic.

But since I dont believe in miracles I dont believe in the opposite. Unlike cristianity and islam where god is personified, in hinduism god is not. Hense in true sence there should be no basis for black magic in Hinduism.

Then where did these hindu rituals on black magic come. I dont know

nirosha sen
25th November 2004, 11:32 AM
Sandeep - In Hindu beliefs, the occult is not new!! Matter of fact, we were the original Heretics and Pagans as per the Judeo-Christians and Muslims!!!

Every strata of human life before us, has some sort of belief systems which was later usurped by later day Dogmas!!! Mankind's history is fraught with all kinds of encounters of the paranormal thru out our days on Earth!! So, I'm just not surprised that till today we have these beliefs in ghosts, goblins, the Devil, etc!!! Many of these beliefs quite simply had to go underground at the onslaught of later day religions that either banned certain rituals or hijacked them for their own agenda! For eg; exorcisms, miracle works, etc, etc!!

26th November 2004, 01:34 AM
Well, I have another story abt this friend of mine who is psychometric, I believe you call them??? She needs to only hold your hands and pretty soon she'd get into a journey of sorts and into your past life ........

Tell you guys all abt her reading of a past life of mine, pretty soon!!

i think it is called clairvoyance Nirosha...i know of someone close who can do that too, but uses rings, watches, key chains...and yes he gives them back after he's done! :D

sonu gopi
26th November 2004, 09:59 AM
My father was dying of cancer (colon) and he was hospitalised in one of best hospitals here in Malaysia. I didn’t know the seriousness of his illness ‘cos my family (mother, cousins, uncles and aunts) decided that it was not the right time to tell us children.

I was preparing myself to sit for my Higher School Certificate Examination (HSC) while my sister directly younger to me was in midst of doing her Malaysian Certificate of Examination (Senior Cambridge of those days).

One night I was sleeping with two of my sisters in my bedroom. We had double and a single beds in this room of ours. I was using the single bed while my two other sisters occupied the double bed. Our rooms were very specious with windows on both sides of the wall. I got up suddenly ‘cos I heard a noise like someone was coughing. Slowly I opened my eyes and I saw my late paternal grandmother (who was blind) walking towards my bed holding on to the cupboard for support while carrying a small Milo tin. She used to eat betel leaf (Paan) so she uses this tin for her to conveniently spit out whatever remnants is left after she has done enough of chewing and grinding!

I was suddenly in a frozen condition, my head was spinning and by heart almost stopped! She came closer and called my name and said me that she was going to take my father away with her and that she felt it was only right to inform me – his eldest daughter. She showed me her soft freckled left palm – on it I saw a half-bloomed lotus flower. She said “ Do you see this lotus flower, this is an incomplete ½ a flower - the other ½ is in your father’s hand. Then I saw like it was my father’s hand next to her and the flower immediately spread from one hand to another blooming into a lovely single lotus She said “This means my son and I shd stay together”. I do not know whether it was some trickery but I was sure of what I have seen.

She then told me to tell the elders in the family not to conduct the “Atma Shanti Pooja” for her just yet but to have it together with my father’s when its his turn after he has joined her! She prefers it that way. I told her that I would not allow her to take him away ‘cos I want him for us. She quickly told me that she was not interested whether I am in favour or not for she has made up her mind to do so. Before leaving she said to me “Go and see your father’s palm and you will note his hand is as freckled as mine”!

I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing and seeing at the same – what sort of trick is this, I wonder!). To me she sounded so selfish and possessive. She slowly walked with the cupboards as a guide and reached the window and just walked thru’ it. After that my voice came back and I shouted for my mother. She heard my screams and came running to our room. Meantime my two sisters woke up due to the commotion.

My mother gave me some water to drink and I told her that I was afraid to sleep alone. She saw the windows opened and quickly closed it advising us not to leave it open again. It was between 3.00-3.30 am. I then joined her in her room but was never able to sleep the whole night.......



sonu gopi
26th November 2004, 10:11 AM
Next morning I told her about the dream and she started to cry. I asked why then she told it is a bad omen and she is afraid for my dad. She went to temple for prayers.

That day at school I was not able to concentrate on my lessons so I excused myself and got the teacher’s permission to go back home. Instead of me going home I headed straight towards the hospital to see my father. When I went there he was fast asleep. I sat down on a chair, which was quite close to his bed.

After about 15-20 minutes later my father woke up. He gave me a loving smile which till today is so vivid in my mind. He said he just had a dream about me coming to visit him. Asked me why I was early from school. I told I was not well and that I came to see him on the way back home. He held my hand and told me to study hard, to be an obedient girl and also help my mum to look after the family. I asked him why he was saying such things to which he said that he just felt like saying it to me.

I slowly took his right hand and looked and Oh! I saw the freckles, just as my grandmother had said. I was so shocked and shaken that I began to cry holding his hand close to my heart and kissing it. My father thought I was crying ‘cos of his advice to me. He consoled me and told me to be a strong person and that he will definitely come home to live us and also to see esp. me getting married and give him his first grandchild. That touched my heart. I then asked him how he has got the freckles in his right palm to which he said he also noticed it only a few days ago. He told that it reminded him of his mother's palm. I just trembled but was not in a position to tell him anything.

My father went into a coma stage shortly after this. He then passed away within two months interval after my grandmother’s death. I hated my grandmother so much for taking my father away – but now I have learnt not to hate her anymore ‘cos I know that death waits for all of us one day.

My mother told me years later that my grandmother always use to tell her (even before I was born) that once she is dead she will come back to take my father along with her. He was her only son and she adored him too much but I had lost him to her and that shall always remain in my mind till my last breath – my pain is inexpressible.

Note: This incident took place in our own home not the government bungalow I was talking to you all earlier about during my childhood.

BTW when my son was born in a private nursing home, I saw my dad’s silhouette near my son’s cradle looking down at him with a cigarette in his hand and then he walked away – I was not afraid but happy that he was able to see his first granchild at last! :D

SONU GOPI :wink:

26th November 2004, 10:17 AM
Sonu Gopi,
Your story has brought tears to my eyes - very touching!!
Thanks for sharing this with us and God Bless You!

sonu gopi
26th November 2004, 10:58 AM
Sonu Gopi,
Your story has brought tears to my eyes - very touching!!
Thanks for sharing this with us and God Bless You!

Thanks NM.......I was very upet just now while typing this as memories kept flooding in my mind. Had to take short breaks in between to get myself composed. However, I'm happy to share my experiences with you all.

SONU GOPI :shock:

26th November 2004, 11:06 AM

Have u seen "Sixth sense?"

When i saw the movie... i thought good imagination though....

after reading ur posts... feel like seeing that again...


sonu gopi
26th November 2004, 11:11 AM

Have u seen "Sixth sense?"

When i saw the movie... i thought good imagination though....

after reading ur posts... feel like seeing that again...


I am not even sure of myself about all these mysteries! But I tell you all these are so scary EXPERIENCES! :shock:

I just replied your mail, Cindy! :lol:


nirosha sen
26th November 2004, 11:46 AM
That was beautiful!!!!!!! :D You are a rare breed of people who are deemed as "sensitive"!! Just like the boy in the Sixth Sense! You remind me of my aunt Narayanee and my great-grandmother whose story I had told earlier.

You actually had the gift of being told beforehand of who is going to greet your father when he crosses over. That by itself was meant to be an assurance that it's his own loved one who awaits him. The Circle of Life - that's what you saw at the door-step!!!!

Read a book abt past lives in "Many Lives, Many Masters". Reading it gave me goosebumps because not only did it confirm re-incarnation for me but also the strong possibility of us not meeting God as long as we are trapped in the Karmic Cycle!

Thank you for sharing your story with us, dear Sonu!!! Karyenda Chechi!!!

26th November 2004, 12:12 PM
Did you see that presentation i sent to you Nirosha? wasn't that a scary one? there is no attachments here... or i would've sent them to all participated here...

I was thinking all fake stories.... and the fotos are superimposed ones...

but now after reading all ur stories.... :shock: oooooops!

nirosha sen
26th November 2004, 12:15 PM
Sorry Cindy! Couldn't open the attachment, dear!! What else could I do except sigh .......

26th November 2004, 12:31 PM
will try sending again... later...

but that was a good one...

sonu gopi
26th November 2004, 12:49 PM
You actually had the gift of being told beforehand of who is going to greet your father when he crosses over. That by itself was meant to be an assurance that it's his own loved one who awaits him. The Circle of Life - that's what you saw at the door-step!!!!

Read a book abt past lives in "Many Lives, Many Masters". Reading it gave me goosebumps because not only did it confirm re-incarnation for me but also the strong possibility of us not meeting God as long as we are trapped in the Karmic Cycle!

Thank you for sharing your story with us, dear Sonu!!! Karyenda Chechi!!!

Thanks Niro for your concern - I feel much better now! :)

My mum said he always use to tell her that his mother wearing the typical Kerala attire standing near his hospital bed or at the door way almost everyday. He tells her too that he feels she (grandma) has come to take him back. He passed away in our home after the doctor told us to take him back. :(

Sometimes I wonder what our lives are all about. How do you explain all these stranges incidents?

Where did you get this book "Many Lives, Many Masters" - is it from Popular Book Stores or MPH? I want to read - must be exciting! I want to compare notes with my other experieces too! :wink:


nirosha sen
26th November 2004, 04:00 PM
Yeah, the book is available at MPH Books, written by Dr Brian Weitz, a Jewish psychiatrist!! It was abt his experience with and recording of a patient. who underwent hypnosis and was able to rattle off abt all her past lives!!!! There's even a sequel to the book but the 1st one is better.

You know your story confirms for me what my own mother told us abt a sighting when her father passed away. She had an elder sister who died at the age of 4.

Many years later, when my grandfather passsed away at home, in the evening hours, a sensitive neighbour just like you, saw him walking out the front door held by the hand by Parvathy, my mum's late elder sister!!

I only hope everyone is as lucky as those who are gently led away by their loved ones. How peaceful it would be then ...........

26th November 2004, 08:47 PM
Nice recollection sonu gopi. share more with us.

26th November 2004, 10:23 PM
Sonu Gopi I know that many times you may have even asked why me? But I think that you are special to have such oppurtunities that the rest of us at times can even envy....I feel i would have been happy to atleast see my grandmother..i was always afraid that she never thought me as good as all her grandsons...and well i'll never know.... thank you so much for taking the time to share your stories...i hope atleast by posting these you yourself get some consolation or relief or even you understand how touching it is for the rest of us to be invited to relive your exceptional moments... :D

sonu gopi
27th November 2004, 06:27 AM
Sonu Gopi I know that many times you may have even asked why me? But I think that you are special to have such oppurtunities that the rest of us at times can even envy....I feel i would have been happy to atleast see my grandmother..i was always afraid that she never thought me as good as all her grandsons...and well i'll never know.... thank you so much for taking the time to share your stories...i hope atleast by posting these you yourself get some consolation or relief or even you understand how touching it is for the rest of us to be invited to relive your exceptional moments... :D

Thank you Querida. You touched my heart. :cry:

I am glad Niro started off this thread which now enables all of us to participate and share our experiences together. Cheers to Niro!! :lol: :lol:

SONU GOPI :wink: :wink:

27th November 2004, 11:20 AM
Sonuchechi,You seem to be very,very sensitive and that could be the reason why you have the rare gift of experiencing what other pople are longing for.We have all heard about a medium
communicating with the dead on behalf of a dear one who is alive.I have read a book called 'the challenging counterfeit'[Bridge Logos Pub, 1966, available at allbookstores.com,ebay,half.com] by Raphael Gassan, an ex-medium,in which he says communicating with the dead is impossible.He claims while the medium is not faking it,these visions indeed occur to people who are sensitive to psychic vibrations and are brought about by demonic powers.I remember a house maid who told my mom in a hushed voice that she can distinctly hear her dead father cleaning his footwear on the doormat in the evening at the exact time he used to come home.I myself had a very strange dream every night after my fathers death for many days.I can be sure that it was only a dream,but can't say why it can be repeated for many days.May be because I wanted him so much!I wanted him to be alive!For one thing I would like to hear from you:Can you be sure that you were very much awake when these things happened to you?

sonu gopi
28th November 2004, 12:12 AM
For one thing I would like to hear from you:Can you be sure that you were very much awake when these things happened to you?

Just like my earlier experience I woke up - first one due to mosquito bites and the second one was my grandma's cough. :roll:

I say her going thr'u the window and when my mother came she saw the windows open but later advised us girls not to leave it open again at nite. We must have forgotten to close it. :?

I have also seen her again with my father (after his death, of course) at about 6.30 pm in my auntie’s house - both holding hands, smiling to me and then just disappeared behind her cupboard. :cry:

I was coming out from an adjacent room. For a moment I asked myself "Heh! I have seen them somewhere'? What do you think I did when I realised who they were? I ran for my life not quietly but screaming away!! :oops:

I heard my mother saying to others in that house "Oh! God! she must have "seen" something" My cousins had to console me and tell me that there was nothing there near the cupboard and that it was only my imagination. :roll:

I kept quiet thinking that its fruitless arguing with them. Nobody is going to believe me.Sometimes its difficult for others to understand or accept it - I do not blame them at all - I too might even react the same way if I were to be in their shoes. 8) 8)


nirosha sen
28th November 2004, 08:55 AM
Well, we all believe you Sonu!!!

I'm one of those who cannot see anything but I do know and believe other members of the family who do see them. I've even been told it's hereditary. On my mother's side just abt everyone has something to relate to me but on my father's? It's nil, absolute nothing!!!

Off all the family members, I believe best is my aunt Narayanee!! She's still very much alive and has the most sensitivity to see them! Just like you Sonu.

One night after a late night movie in town, my aunt Narayanee and the rest of her group got off the bus, at their bus-stop nearer home. She told us she was part of a group as they made their way home in the dark, abt 11-ish, I guess.

There, not too far in front of her group was an entire platoon of Japanese soldiers, completely dressed in their military fatigues, gun in hand, with bayonets attached, were marching past in front of her group!!! Naturally, my aunt stopped dead in her tracks and hushed her group and told them to stand still while waiting for the you know who, to file past in front of them!! The others could not see anything of course, but they listened to her and waited!

The year this took place????? 1990!!!!!!

28th November 2004, 09:33 AM
wow thats amazing for sure Nirosha! :o

sonu gopi
28th November 2004, 10:29 AM
There, not too far in front of her group was an entire platoon of Japanese soldiers, completely dressed in their military fatigues, gun in hand, with bayonets attached, were marching past in front of her group!!! Naturally, my aunt stopped dead in her tracks and hushed her group and told them to stand still while waiting for the you know who, to file past in front of them!! The others could not see anything of course, but they listened to her and waited!

The year this took place????? 1990!!!!!!

I believe what your aunt went thru'. I was told that those who are born under certain stars, time of birth and influenced by planetary changes etc are prone to see these "things" :lol:

I have had dreams turning into reality. This is why I wish I could sleep peacefully without seeing anything like others. How am I to achieve this?

Of course there are beautiful dreams too which I welcome them with open arms esp.those that involves deities! :lol: :wink:

I wash my legs, say my prayers before retiring to bed but in vain. Just like how busy I am in the daytime, I am also "busy" at nite
"seeing" and "visiting ppl". What a tragedy! :cry:

SONU GOPI :roll:

28th November 2004, 10:37 AM
ever try meditation Sonu Gopi?

sonu gopi
28th November 2004, 11:07 AM
ever try meditation Sonu Gopi?

No, I haven't! What about you? :lol: :roll:


29th November 2004, 02:49 AM
ever try meditation Sonu Gopi?

No, I haven't! What about you? :lol: :roll:


no that's why i asked you! :P :D :P

29th November 2004, 04:02 AM

nirosha sen
29th November 2004, 05:02 AM
No way it's a tragedy, dear Sonu!!!! It's definitely a gift!!!! Do not disparage it! For it'll prove to be your greatest asset yet!

I reckon it all boils down to harnessing this gift that's still a puzzle to you. Perhaps, once you become aware of it and accept it more as a boon from the Gods, I do believe the answers would be presented to you on a platter!

Till then, be patient dear Heart!! :)

nirosha sen
29th November 2004, 09:22 AM
Okay this one is abt a Clairvoyant who is a friend of mine. She has the uncanny ability to merely hold your hand and takes you into a journey down a rabbit hole of intrigue..........

Pam is in her 40s and is regarded as weird as some. To the many taunts and name-calling behind her back, she merely gives an enigmatic smile for she alone knows that special gift which none others have!

On a sultry afternoon, with all of us gathered at her sister's house, I held her hand to feel the warmth but immediately it tightened into a vice hold and in a firm voice, she instructed me not to let go, but to be patient! So playing along with her, I held hands and closed my eyes ........

Almost immediately, I found myself slip sliding into this smooth vortex of energy that sucked me into a rabbit-hole. Slithering down and down I went, until I was softly deposited onto a green. lawn of tussock. Getting up to regain my balance, I looked around in wonder, wondering where I was!

The sky was a vastness of blue with a few wisps of cloud to see. Everywhere I looked, I was faced with a dry and barren landscape. It was clear to see it was land that was thirsting for water, for everything was tinder dry! The trees were mere skeletons of having seen better days. The earth was scorched dry and the wind was a whistling, howl. A foreboding of worse days to come ......

To be cont......

30th November 2004, 11:05 AM
Two years living with an UNKNOWN

It was somewhere middle of 1997 and my horror started at a rented house my husband and I lived in.

I was a few months pregnant with my first son and both my husband and I were very cautious as I had miscarriage early 1996. I was not feeling very well that morning and I decided to see the doctor. My husband wanted to accompany me to the clinic and said he will be back after getting some things sorted out at the office.

About 15minutes after my husband left, I heard his car and thought he might have decided to buy breakfast for me since I told him I was hungry. I heard him open the gate, the door and he was coming up the stairs to our bedroom. Five steps before he reached our bedroom this particular wooden staircase has a squeaking sound and everytime someone steps on it, this squeaking noise can be heard however when he came nearer the bedroom, I couldn’t move and I sensed that it was not my HUSBAND who was heading to my bedroom.

I could not move or scream so I recited Mantharas in my heart and it went on about two minutes. The UNKNOWN could not come near me but it was in the room already. I continued to recite the Mantharas and this UNKNOWN ( I could sense that it was a very very short creature) hid under my bed, I could not move and the Mantharas did not work, this UNKNOWN from underneath my bed climbed up the bed I sensed like a wind entering my body. I was terrified about this whole thing and quickly called my aunt as my husband left his handphone behind. My aunt asked me to take a shower and to put on the Vibuthi all over my forehead and to sit there until my husband comes.

My husband came after an hour (this was my real husband) and the moment he entered the house he got terrified to see me as I looked so scary with my long wet hair with the vibuthi all over my forehead. I narrated what happened however he said that I was dreaming and after sometime he decided to believe me and took me to a temple and I was given a string so that this UNKNOWN stopped disturbing me.

I sensed this UNKNOWN whenever my husband was not around, I stayed at my my parents place . This UNKNOWN was there wathching me and each time when I turned around it’s gone.

Finally to put a stop to this UNKNOWN to enter the house, we got some rituals done at a temple and buried limes all tied up inside a yellow cloth and we were asked to bury it in our house compound to prevent the UNKNOWN to enter.

I wonder if the UNKNOWN still disturbs the new tenant living in that house as we no longer live there…..

30th November 2004, 11:15 AM
hope u dont my asking this. Did you really hear the sound of a car pulling up before the Unknown came to your house?
What did the unknown look like?
exact physical features?
how does it manage to appear from your house to your new house?
And was it visible only to you?

Any guys interested in playing Ghost-Busters? :lol: :lol:

30th November 2004, 11:20 AM
i loved that cartoon when a wittle one

something strange in the neighbourhood... :twisted:
something weird and it don't look good... :evil:
who you gonna call???? :?

30th November 2004, 11:26 AM

I too was thinking about such an incident... when i was pregnant and was in my in laws' house... the same day i reached there, at sandhya... i heard someone's foot steps... (there were dry leaves in the front yard... ) thinking that it is my father in law ..i opened the door.. but there was none.. the gate was closed too... and my mother in law said since i had just reached that house .... the "pithrukal" (forefathers) have come to see the baby... and asked if i had fetal movements then... she said they will talk to the fetus... all sounded funny to me... but dint answer her... i guesed it must be some dog or cat...

The next day i cleaned those leaves... and waited for the foot steps... nothing happened... in the night.. i dreamt of an old lady ( i repeat it wasnt any vision... dream) who wore big eat studs, white and white mundu veshti.... fully white hair, and whom i was sure i had never seen before in my life....told this too to my MIL... she took me to their old ancestors house' upstair (thattumpuram)... and took out one old framed black and white foto.... and asked if that resembled the one in my dream.... I dint remember her face then... but she had similar appearance... but most grannies of that time looked so... with big ear studs... the same white dress... again... couldnot believe if such things would happen..... but my MIL believed it was her MIL for sure....and so we offered a puja and her favorite palpayasam for her...

Alisha... now that u have this in this forum... let ppl begin to disclose... i have heard that such things happen to many pregnant ladies.... but most time left unnoticed... i heard that foot steps since i was there in that lonely place... if it was in our busy town... who cares if u hear a foot step.. we would probably conclude that someone from the next flat....

or if any psychologist reading these may give an explanation... I have noticed lots of psychological changes during and after my pregnancy.... i am sure our mental balance also adds up to these incidents.....

sonu gopi
30th November 2004, 11:31 AM
Two years living with an UNKNOWN

I believe every word you said. Only those who go thru' this will understand. There is no questions for me to ask you, Alisha! I had a similar one but this time it was my late uncle and I too said all the mantras but........ :roll:


30th November 2004, 11:38 AM
but...?what happened?

30th November 2004, 11:41 AM
Alisha, sonu chechi
tell us more things so we can picturise how it exactly looks like.

often when i'm alone at 2-3 in the night in the dark, i think of your creepy experiences. Then I tell myself if some ghost comes, I will show it my textbook/grades/prof's name and it will run away in fear!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

sonu gopi
30th November 2004, 12:01 PM
Alisha, sonu chechi
tell us more things so we can picturise how it exactly looks like.

often when i'm alone at 2-3 in the night in the dark, i think of your creepy experiences. Then I tell myself if some ghost comes, I will show it my textbook/grades/prof's name and it will run away in fear!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I will write one soon for your sake, walrus! :)

At 2-3 am think of my creepy experiences with a back ground music (ghostly) to support this - see whether you get goosebumps! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Are you not approaching that time now? Enjoy!!:P


sonu gopi
30th November 2004, 12:04 PM
but...?what happened?

I have to write about that episode to make it clearer. :lol: :lol: :wink:


30th November 2004, 12:09 PM
i am in lab surrounded by 100 people under lights. thats why i am doubting your stories. wont happen when i return home :lol: :lol:

30th November 2004, 12:10 PM
unfortunate thing is that in my dreams, i see both your characters and my lessons! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

sonu gopi
30th November 2004, 01:09 PM
unfortunate thing is that in my dreams, i see both your characters and my lessons! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Good for you, Walrus!! :lol: :lol:


30th November 2004, 01:35 PM
hope u dont my asking this. Did you really hear the sound of a car pulling up before the Unknown came to your house?
Sound of the car was my husband's and my husband has his own way of opening the gate, walking on the staircase and the UNKNOWN did exactly to fool me but I wasn't.

What did the unknown look like?
exact physical features?
I was very brave and was not reluctant to see the UNKNOWN but the only problem was I could not move and I only could see side ways. The UNKNOWN was invisible but I could sense that it was short. (About the height of a 3years old)

how does it manage to appear from your house to your new house?
This incident happened at my old house however I am not sure if the UNKNOWN was the same thing that attacked me again at my new residence which is only two rows away from my previous house.

There has been so many incident that happened that I just became immuned. I got to recall back however the one I shared with all of you is the most spooky one and the rest were all minor.

I will share when ever I am able to.

And was it visible only to you?
Yes, it was and my husband use to scold the UNKNOWN and asked it to appear in front of him and not to disturb me. Well, I don't know if he said that .... I was not there to hear it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Any guys interested in playing Ghost[/color]-Busters? :lol: :lol:

30th November 2004, 02:42 PM
Next morning I told her about the dream and she started to cry. I asked why then she told it is a bad omen and she is afraid for my dad. She went to temple for prayers.

That day at school I was not able to concentrate on my lessons so I excused myself and got the teacher’s permission to go back home. Instead of me going home I headed straight towards the hospital to see my father. When I went there he was fast asleep. I sat down on a chair, which was quite close to his bed.

After about 15-20 minutes later my father woke up. He gave me a loving smile which till today is so vivid in my mind. He said he just had a dream about me coming to visit him. Asked me why I was early from school. I told I was not well and that I came to see him on the way back home. He held my hand and told me to study hard, to be an obedient girl and also help my mum to look after the family. I asked him why he was saying such things to which he said that he just felt like saying it to me.

I slowly took his right hand and looked and Oh! I saw the freckles, just as my grandmother had said. I was so shocked and shaken that I began to cry holding his hand close to my heart and kissing it. My father thought I was crying ‘cos of his advice to me. He consoled me and told me to be a strong person and that he will definitely come home to live us and also to see esp. me getting married and give him his first grandchild. That touched my heart. I then asked him how he has got the freckles in his right palm to which he said he also noticed it only a few days ago. He told that it reminded him of his mother's palm. I just trembled but was not in a position to tell him anything.

My father went into a coma stage shortly after this. He then passed away within two months interval after my grandmother’s death. I hated my grandmother so much for taking my father away – but now I have learnt not to hate her anymore ‘cos I know that death waits for all of us one day.

My mother told me years later that my grandmother always use to tell her (even before I was born) that once she is dead she will come back to take my father along with her. He was her only son and she adored him too much but I had lost him to her and that shall always remain in my mind till my last breath – my pain is inexpressible.

Note: This incident took place in our own home not the government bungalow I was talking to you all earlier about during my childhood.

BTW when my son was born in a private nursing home, I saw my dad’s silhouette near my son’s cradle looking down at him with a cigarette in his hand and then he walked away – I was not afraid but happy that he was able to see his first granchild at last! :D

SONU GOPI :wink:

Sonu Chechi,

I had goose bumps while reading your posting.

30th November 2004, 02:48 PM
For one thing I would like to hear from you:Can you be sure that you were very much awake when these things happened to you?

Just like my earlier experience I woke up - first one due to mosquito bites and the second one was my grandma's cough. :roll:

I say her going thr'u the window and when my mother came she saw the windows open but later advised us girls not to leave it open again at nite. We must have forgotten to close it. :?

I have also seen her again with my father (after his death, of course) at about 6.30 pm in my auntie’s house - both holding hands, smiling to me and then just disappeared behind her cupboard. :cry:

I was coming out from an adjacent room. For a moment I asked myself "Heh! I have seen them somewhere'? What do you think I did when I realised who they were? I ran for my life not quietly but screaming away!! :oops:

I heard my mother saying to others in that house "Oh! God! she must have "seen" something" My cousins had to console me and tell me that there was nothing there near the cupboard and that it was only my imagination. :roll:

I kept quiet thinking that its fruitless arguing with them. Nobody is going to believe me.Sometimes its difficult for others to understand or accept it - I do not blame them at all - I too might even react the same way if I were to be in their shoes. 8) 8)


Yes Chechi, people like us who are sensitive can see this things and just wonder if it is good or bad.

I have many many dreams that come true which I like to share. I wonder if I can post it here or at the dreams thread.

nirosha sen
30th November 2004, 03:12 PM
You know you folks are ever welcome to post your experiences here!!! Need you even ask, my dear Alisha??? :) :) :)

I'm just so happy that all of us have this avenue to unload what's been bottled up in the recess of our minds, Dears!!

So go ahead, and tell us all about it!! You know very well there's no doubt there is another world of Spirits out there, that only some of us are priveleged to see!! So Go Right Ahead!!!

ruth premi
30th November 2004, 03:41 PM
hey! u started something again and not inform me??? how cruel!

ANyway.... can u catch some one lying??? or when someone is talking of something and its sounds fake could you tell if its the truth?? I can..... Iguess its a gift!

I can tell if you braggin gor the statement or the story you're saying is true... i get goose bumps and my body becomes cold! I know its the truth! It does even have to be a scary story! And yeah i would know ur're lying cause of ur body languange...... i could spot a bluff in a mile! Too many experiences pa!

And one more weirdness..... whether its family or friends or even ppl i work with..... if something were to happen to anyone of them wheter they get bag snatched or boss is angry with them or mom has a caugh.. believe me i would have the worst stomach upset and sleep disorder of at least the entire sequel is over. during this time i would not know who or where or whta.. i would just have the worst discomfort in the world! I use to call each one of them but now i just pray!

Most of my friends call me lucky! u know why.... i have been travelling via taxi or cabs all my life and not even one has made me uncomfortable whether late at nite or even scheluded areas!

I remeber once i was working temporarily for a pr company and the event finished after midnight that was my first past midnight encaunters....... i had bad stomach coz i ate medium rear steak.... i got into a cab and told him to go to kajang thats where my mom place is. i was staying with her! I could not stand the pain.... he gaveme minyak angin and asked me to relax...i wrote my address down and i just slept off! He took me back home and brought my mom to wake me up! I was it happened about 5 yrs back!

ok this is enough for now!

nirosha sen
30th November 2004, 08:49 PM
Ruthie dear - I'll be careful not to let you see my body language!! You are way too astute for my comfort Pa!! :lol:

sonu gopi
30th November 2004, 10:58 PM
One night day I had a strange dream - it was of my late uncle who requested me to call my aunt (his wife) and to patch up for a misunderstanding our families had. He told he knows that his family had made the mistake and he seeks forgiveness on behalf of them. He said he feels good if I were to settle the differences! I suddenly got up and thought how strange this was – as I had not seen him for many years.

(His death was not informed to us and we only found out about it after his funeral. I felt very sad for he was such a darling and a peace loving man.)

The following day I had the same dream where he kept repeating what he said. This time he told me I shd listen to him and do the necessary action. I told myself that it has to be my conscious mind playing tricks on me. I decided to forget about it.

On the 3rd day he appeared again and reminded me and asked me why I was stubborn and not heed to his advice. All these three times I was not able to talk to him but could only listen – ‘coz I was tongue-tied! I thought that I must be guilty inside me for not being able to attend his funeral or partake in his Atma Shanti Pooja.

On the 4th day in the afternoon after feeding my children – I made sure my son was sleeping in his room together with my brother who had come to pay me a visit. My daughter was fast asleep in her cradle. I was not feeling too good, so decided to take a short nap. My husband left for work again after lunch.

It was around 2.30pm the neighbours’ children were all making so much of noise and I could hear their screams and shouts! I was restless and not able to sleep so I just closed my eyes to rest. All of a sudden my whole room started to smell of “Cheroot”. I still had my eyes closed. For a moment I thought my 4-year-old son was playing with match sticks- lighting a paper. I called out to my brother to check on him (my eyes still closed) to which he responded by saying “okay”. I carried on resting and the smell became stronger and stronger and I could feel like as though someone was blowing the smoke right into my face. This time I thought my son was up to no good!! I even thought he was trying to smoke!

I decided to catch him red handed so I slowly opened my eye looking thr’u the almost closed eye-lid. I saw a man’s figure (I knew it was not my husband’s) with a green chequered sarong (lungi) and a sleeveless white singlet. I saw his bulging stomach, his singlet tucked into the sarong, hairy chest and the slightly wrinkled arms…Oh! My God I recognised him to be my UNCLE!. I had no guts to go further up to see his face! What if I were to see a faceless skull!!

I quickly closed my eyes and started to recite the mantras – calling all the Hindu deities, Christ, Buddha and even Allah – to help me out. I thought I am going to die – this spirit is going to strangle me – coz I was still lying down flat on the bed. I have no guts to get up ‘cos I will knock into him – he was that close to my bed.

Then I suddenly remembered the dreams I had for 3 subsequent nights! – I said “Pls. uncle go away. I promise you I will call aunty today”. Like as though he heard me, the smell of the cheroot faded slowly away. I opened my eyes gently seeing thru’ my eyelids again and he was no more there! I got up from my bed all sweating and weavering - looked around the room – my daughter was still asleep – neighbours children still making noise. I walked to the room where my brother was sleeping with my son. The smell of cheroot was still playing in my nostril.

I slowly called my brother and he got up and came out to the hall. He said “Chechi, who has been smoking cigarette? Chetta (my husband) doesn’t smoke. Did we have a visitor just now? I didn’t want to upset him so I told him sometimes when neighbours are smoking you could get the smell. He said this smell is not of a cigarette but something like a cheroot!

My uncle is very fond of smoking cheroot till the last day of his life. As promised at about 3.15pm I called up my aunty. She was so happy to hear my voice and she asked me what made me to call her. I told her I had dreams about uncle asking me to do so. She said that it was strange that she too had the same dream and he was asking her to call me! I kept in contact with her till her death after few years of this incident.

Later in the evening my neighbours from down stairs were telling me that there was a strong smell of cheroot coming from my house in the afternoon.. That confirmed my doubt! I sat down on the staircase – the ladies asked why my face was so pale like as though I have seen a ghost!

On the 5th day my uncle appeared in my dream again telling me how proud he was of me and happy that things have been settled between the two families. After this, I never saw him again.

Note: Even today when I think about this I get goose bumps all over. The question that always plays in my mind “What if I had carried on looking at my uncle and did not stop at the neck – would I have seen a face or……….. what?

I think my uncle was trying to tell me thru' dreams (3 times) to call my aunty but seeing me not nudging an inch he decided to make an appearance - this time he meant business!


1st December 2004, 08:04 AM
Dear Sonu Gopi,

This time your story brought out goose bumps all over me just now!! :roll: :roll:

My Mom had a similar experience. This happend after dear old Grand-ma passed away. Mom was very close to Grand-ma, who lived with us until she died. Mom refused to eat after Gran passed away. My paternal Grand-ma stayed with us for a while, to keep us company as Dad was away from home.

One night, just before the 16th day ceremony, Mom dreamt of Gran. Gran came and told her not to worry, take care of herself and the kids (us). Mom told me Gran wore her favourite green saree (I can still remember the saree) when she "visited" her. Mom woke up the next morning and told this to my paternal grand-ma.

Grand-ma broke down and cried! You know why?? Apparently Gran came in her dream too the same night and asked her to take care of my Mom and the children (us)!

When Mom is sad or worried about something, Gran still comes in her dream...........!

sonu gopi
1st December 2004, 08:43 AM
When Mom is sad or worried about something, Gran still comes in her dream...........!

That is absolutely true! My dad still comes in my dream when I am upset too........I feel much better after that. :lol: :lol:

SONU GOPI :roll:

1st December 2004, 09:42 AM
I had Chicken Pox when I was nineteen years old and I was preparing for an important examination, STPM. I had the privilege to have a room on my own as I am the only daughter and my only brother takes up another room.

It was a painful third or fourth day of Chicken Pox and I was sleeping in my locked room. It was about midnight and everyone at home was fast asleep and I was restless not able to sleep due to the discomfort of Chicken Pox.

I heard someone walking slowly like how a Bharatha Natayam dancer does with those anklet with bells, CHUCK, CHUCK, CHUCK, CHUCK. I was terrified and closed my eyes tight but still could hear the sound of the bells for about 5 minutes and it was gone.

My mum told me that it was Amman herself who came to visit me but of course I don’t believe that it was goddess as I was terrified and not feeling peacefull hearing CHUCK, CHUCK, CHUCK. CHUCK.

1st December 2004, 10:10 AM

Imagination running high :)
Ghost driving car
Ghost dancing with anklets
What next? Ghost winning Formula One and giving a victory speech? he he he

very funny if true

1st December 2004, 10:35 AM

Imagination running high :)
Ghost driving car
Ghost dancing with anklets
What next? Ghost winning Formula One and giving a victory speech? he he he

very funny if true

ok who told you to steal my story before i could type it out??????
all the ghost uttered was perdants!!! :P :P :P

anyways where is your story...i'll give Asin earplugs and blindfold her as well...so you won't scare her too much..... :P :D

1st December 2004, 10:41 AM
heres the trailer:
....the plot thickens...the mystery deepens...as walrus takes his exams...

what if a ghost runs a talk show?
Ladies and gentlemen, here's your (g)host jay leno!

1st December 2004, 10:43 AM
hehehewalrus...that was a really bad pun... :P
anyways i like Jon Stewart's Daily Show better...

1st December 2004, 10:45 AM
He3walrus,don't steal all the Harry Potter stuff-Ghost taking history class and all! :evil: :wink:

1st December 2004, 11:00 AM
blah blah,
this reminds me - did sonu chechi ever meet any ghost while in school/college? :)

1st December 2004, 12:22 PM

Imagination running high :)
Ghost driving car
Ghost dancing with anklets
What next? Ghost winning Formula One and giving a victory speech? he he he

very funny if true

Wait till you come across one and see if the rest believe you. Like what Sonuchechi has said before only those who have gone thru will understand.

You better pray hard that you don't become sensitive like Sonuchechi and myself.

sonu gopi
1st December 2004, 12:45 PM
blah blah,
this reminds me - did sonu chechi ever meet any ghost while in school/college? :)

Imagination running high
Ghost driving car
Ghost dancing with anklets
What next? Ghost winning Formula One and giving a victory speech?

Walrus, I am waiting for the day when you have to eat your own words! :(

Hope its from your Lab tonite that you get your first lesson! :lol:


1st December 2004, 01:43 PM
Alisha, Sonu Gopi :)

I never said i disbelieved the supernatural. I have seen many spirits talk through HUMANS..but they were physical humans - i have not seen dead persons appear for a while and then disappear or pass through physical objects.

But I have heard others with similar experience like yours.

Only once I had an experience like yours. Once when I was small(about 5) I went to the kitchen to drink water all by myself(the kitchen light is usually on). I noticed a person just like my grandma sitting. I went close to her to see if it was actually her sitting up at 2-3 AM. Looked like her. I just went back to sleep. Next day i asked her and she said she was never out of bed. But I wasnt scared by that.

There have been 4-5 occasions when before the death of someone I know, I am prompted. Most recent was in Jan 2002. I was supposed to attend a function where my close friend was the lead guitarist. I had a dream of the function and suddenly his dad turns up @ the function and asks him to come home midway.

I was wondering at this dream, coz I had never seen his dad. Later when I got to work, my friend had emailed me from his hometown saying his grandma had passed away.

But this is nothing compared to yours.

nirosha sen
1st December 2004, 03:19 PM
Walrus - You crack me up, Man!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I bet if it happened to you, you'd pee in your pants!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

sonu gopi
1st December 2004, 09:00 PM
I never said i disbelieved the supernatural. I have seen many spirits talk through HUMANS..but they were physical humans - i have not seen dead persons appear for a while and then disappear or pass through physical objects.

Only once I had an experience like yours. Once when I was small(about 5) I went to the kitchen to drink water all by myself(the kitchen light is usually on). I noticed a person just like my grandma sitting. I went close to her to see if it was actually her sitting up at 2-3 AM. Looked like her. I just went back to sleep. Next day i asked her and she said she was never out of bed. But I wasnt scared by that.

But this is nothing compared to yours.

Gee! Walrus, I am glad we provoked you to write at last - your first experience with the unknown. :D There is nothing to compare here - each one of us have our own encounter to share. :lol:

BTW how close did you go to check that "grandma"? Was she looking at your direction or bending her head down - so that you are not able to meet her eyes? Ppl say there is no ghost but I say there is! :shock: :wink:


1st December 2004, 09:17 PM
sonuchechi i saw her eye to eye and she was having the same glasses grandma used to wear
but i could have imagined it since i was half asleep.
my grandma was a kind soul who never did any tricks, she was good in making delicacies :D

1st December 2004, 09:18 PM
what do you mean???

i have seen/experienced several scary happenings and remained unmoved :)

2nd December 2004, 02:04 AM
hey thankyou for reaccounting your experience finally....geez how long did it take to convince you? :lol: Nirosha Sen had to chase you from dream thread to all the way here! :lol:

2nd December 2004, 11:35 AM
it was hardly an experience - maybe my eyes were just playing tricks :D

2nd December 2004, 11:53 AM
he3walrus,accept defeat with honour :evil: .They have got you man :? .Now don't try to escape :twisted: .

2nd December 2004, 12:46 PM
what defeat? i dont know the rules of the game itself :)

i am just glad no ghost dares to mess with me :D

nirosha sen
2nd December 2004, 02:58 PM
Remain unmoved huh, Walrus????? I believe the word is PETRIFIED!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

2nd December 2004, 10:51 PM
he3walrus,accept defeat with honour :evil: .They have got you man :? .Now don't try to escape :twisted: .

heheheh watch out blahblah you're next :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
haha dont get all worried blahblah me just kidding :P :D

3rd December 2004, 12:23 AM
Remain unmoved huh, Walrus????? I believe the word is PETRIFIED!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

The ghost wanted to make a statue out of me, so I was just posing :P :D :D :D

3rd December 2004, 12:23 AM
hey querida,
just saying hi :)

3rd December 2004, 12:31 AM
Remain unmoved huh, Walrus????? I believe the word is PETRIFIED!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

The ghost wanted to make a statue out of me, so I was just posing :P :D :D :D

ayyo hehehewalrus :lol:

3rd December 2004, 10:37 AM
I was on my way to school on day last year and I was getting late.

"Rob, hurry up! We're getting late for school." I heard my cousin yelling. He goes to the same as I do, and lives next door.

"Alright! Wait outside in the car, I'll be out in a minuet." I said as I packed my backpack for school. When I was heading out I saw my mother's rose plant, and was horrified. It was deformed. The stems were broken off, the once colorful rose plant was only a memory. Who could have done such a horrid gory crime? AHHHH! I can't look at it! It's.

"What the hell are you just standing there for man! Come on! Get inside the stinking car." My cousin yelled. I got in and we rode off to school. The whole day the horrific scene just kept coming back to me. But the worst part was yet to come. My cousin and I went home after school and when went inside the house there was pin drop silence, then my father broke the silence.

"Don't worry, we'll get a new rose plant." He said to my mother who was covering her face.

"But nothing is going to be as nice as bushy." It sounded like my mom. I walked up to her.

"Are you OK ma?" I asked.

"Well look whose home? If it ain't little Rob." I heard a voice that had terrified me ever since I can remember. I slowly turned around to see if it was whom I thought it was.

"AHHHH!" I yelled. It was my older brother, he went off to college, and now he was back! I ran and took cover.

"Robert, we have to talk to you." My mother said.

"About what?" I asked.

"The Rose plant, and who killed it. We think it's you." She said, "Because you're the only one always playing around the garden." I couldn't believe it! They were accusing me of this unthinkable, ruthless, crime! "In result, you have to get another one plant it." she said. I wasn't going to do this! It's not punishment that bothered me but taking blame for something I didn't do. It's bad enough that I take blame for things that I do, but taking blame for things that I didn't do. No way! Not happening!

2 days later. "That rose plant will be $3.99." Said the cashier on the other side of the counter. This is so unfair! Someone else does something wrong and I get blamed for it! I'm getting to the bottom of this.

That night, after planting the new plant. I was hiding in a bush next to a tree, I was about three feet away from the plant. The culprit has to show up sooner or later.

Three minutes later, I heard the door open, I looked at my watch, it read, 11:50pm. A body emerged from the darkness, I still couldn't see who it was. Then the person pulled some sort of striking weapon, possibly an axe or something, and suddenly struck hard on the brand new rose plant! Again! Then again! Who was this? Was this my brother, my cousin? Or my mother herself? It was time to find out. I pulled out a flashlight, switched it on and turned it to the person's face.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled so loud everybody ran out and switched the garden light on. It was my.Father!?

"Gasp! Oh my god." My mother yelled and fainted, a few seconds later so did I. When I woke up I saw my mother sitting on the couch almost about to cry with my father standing. My brother asked,

"Dad, why would you do this?" My mother looked at him expecting an answer.

"No Joe, you won't understand." He said.

"Maybe we will dad tell us now." My brother replied. My father was hesitant.

"TELL US NOW!" we all yelled.

"Alright! Alright. Do you have any idea how it is being a father, putting bread on everybody's plate? Finally when the weekend come every man is very happy. He can watch TV all day, and have chips and fruit punch. But that is the day I have to deal with the stinking rose. Pruning, watering, fertilizing, it keeps piling up! Every time I think that that is the last Sunday I'm going to spend with roses, your mother asks me to move the old one to the back yard and plant a new one, and the whole circle starts all over again! Dealing with the same old roses over and over and over again!" He yelled as he fell to his knees. We were stunned. WE didn't know what to do. My brother took Dad into another room. My mother started sobbing. I walked up to her and said,

"Don't worry ma, we just get another rose plant."
-Surya. Wrote it for a class assing years ago in High School. One of the worst things I've ever written, but the only thing that even goes near horror. 8)

Surya, it was great.... :) i really enjoyed it.....

nirosha sen
3rd December 2004, 11:08 AM
Continuing "The Dylexic Clairvoyant".......

Gazing around in wonder at my new surroundings, I instinctively felt that I wasn't alone. Scanning the desolate landscape, I saw her!!

She was there, this lone aboriginal woman, tanned and clad in what looked like native American clothes, huddled on the ground. Clasped in her arms was a small bundle which carried a sleeping child. Emaciated with weather-beaten features, I saw her weeping with the kind of desolation that only the bereaved could feel in their hour of grief.

When she looked up briefly, I felt a strange sensation of bonding with her! I knew she could not see me but only I could see her. It was then that I realised I knew her!! For I could feel every nuance of pain, sorrow and despair that wracked that lone, sobbing squaw.

Like a thunder bolt of lightning, it dawned on me!! I knew why she was crying! Who that sleeping child was!! What had caused that once verdant land of acres of golden corn to whither away into a parched, barrenness from lack of water!! There were no crops to harvest that Fall and a bleak winter to face soon after!

I knew every detail because, horror, I was HER!!!!!! A different time, a different place and a different life!!!

That sleeping child wasn't in slumber but dead! It was her lifeless form and the despair of the famine that took the child that she held.

But before I could reach out to her/me in that faraway dimension of time, I felt the warmth of gentle hands that led me back to the present......

To be continued ........

nirosha sen
4th December 2004, 10:07 AM
Back in the safe sanctuary of my friend Pam's family home, I opened my eyes! There to gaze steadily at me was dear Pam, whose hands I held tightly and broke down into a heaving, sobbing mess, for a while!!

I sat there weeping for an unkind cut of life in my past birth! How I had died as a beaten, worn-down rag-doll with nothing to hold on to but the welcoming embrace of only Death!! I who in this life, am such a firm advocate of Life being for the Living, had been whacked lifeless by Providence, in a distant past!!

With her gaze fixated on me, Pam sat down scribbling on a note-pad on her lap. Soundlessly, she handed it to me and I sat there transfixed on her note-pad, for all the letters she had written were perfectly inverted!! They were whole sentences that made little sense to me!!

Perplexed, I handed the pad to her, and with her usual enigmatic smile, she proceeded to tell in a soft, lilting voice her augury!!

Yes, she admitted, she had taken me on a journey into a previous birth!!

Yes, that woman whom I saw, was indeed me, who had died in the famine soon after!!

Yes, she said, re-incarnation is a reality of the Cycle of Life!

Yes, all that you go through in your present life, is a reaction to the cross-over of the appendanges of previous births. Some that are resolved are left behind. Others without closure we carry it forward!!

Strange but true, almost like a cloud, my usual melancholy which I carry with me for as long as I can remember, had momentarily lifted, giving me that aperture of enlightenment, of what it was all about!

With tears in my eyes, I asked her, if in any of these repeated cycles, do we ever meet God????

And her answer was a NO!!! For as long as we are trapped into the karmic cycle of birth - life - death, we do not!

What do the rest of you think?????? :)

6th December 2004, 11:36 AM
Nirosha,I am surprised that this Question didn't get an answer over the weekend.But who can answer this question?Who knows the unknown,the unfathomable?I certainly don't believe in the Karmic cycle.For me it's either death and God or death and nothing! 8)

Your experience will undoubtedly fall into the so called 'astral time travel' which only a very small minority believes in.People who escaped from near death experiences have come up with stories of such visions.I know one person who claims to have seen God himself.Dreams and visions occur to most people and sometimes we feel that we have forseen something that was to happen or we had a vision of something that has happened in the past.You see such stories all over Discovery and Reality TV and it will take more than me to explain :? .But I would like to see some more responses from the other guys who visit this thread :) .

sonu gopi
6th December 2004, 12:15 PM
Niro, I really wish I could meet this Pam - might be quite interesting and thrilling for me too! :lol:

Wonder which area I would be landing?? :roll: :roll: Really incredible!

Sonu Gopi :oops:

6th December 2004, 12:40 PM
no such thing as re-incarnation - theres just one life :) :) :)

nirosha sen
6th December 2004, 01:00 PM
Hey hey Walrus???? Are you sure you don't believe in re-incarnation????Why not Pa???? Ain't you the mild-mannered scientist who's after logic and reason in everything you see and do???

Everything that surrounds us - isn't it a complete cycle by itself????? Decomposition????? Nitrogen Cycle?????? Rain??????? or even the existence of energy in one form or another???????

So......why not the Soul?????Goes somewhere, exist encased in some body and then either naturally or rudely gets evicted into the blue yonder again, couldn't it????? :wink:

6th December 2004, 02:02 PM
Reincarnation is just the outcome of the karma theory(that you are what your deeds in the past life make you). Reincarnation equates man to animals - which is a fatally wrong premise. Only Buddhism, Hinduism believe in this.

man has been created vastly superior to other living beings. Animals have only five basic senses - they do not have the sense of right or wrong. While both man and animals have the 3 basic urges - urge for food, sleep, attraction to the opposite sex - only man has been capable of exercising control over these urges by practice.

Man is much more developed mentally and spiritually. To compare men and animals is fundamentally incorrect.

The basic foundation of re-incarnation is wrong - Since animals cant distinguish between right and wrong, if you were an animal in the previous birth, how can you be held accountable for your animalistic actions of that birth? :lol: :lol: It is like arresting the indian living in India using German laws.

Also, manusmriti says that salvation for a hindu is to escape this cycle of re-births, however this is possible only for certain upper castes while the rest are doomed. Thats the theory, so you can see how many holes exist in it!!

nirosha sen
6th December 2004, 03:58 PM
Perhaps in the animal birth, the soul takes a break and makes up the balance of the scale for the atrocities committed as human??? :D

Sure we can reason, but that only happens when one is born human. As far as the Soul is concerned, it's just moving from one body to another. Animal or human, that comparison would have no weight, if one were to equate its existance as neither punishment nor reward!

But let's just for a second think, when death occurs to both the mean-spirited and the good-hearted humans, precisely where do they go from there???? Just float around in limbo????? :wink:

sonu gopi
6th December 2004, 10:05 PM
Here is something I would like to share with you all. Pls.Read on:

About 6 months after my father’s death he appeared in my dreams. I was in a garden (one late afternoon) and suddenly I saw something forming in the ground and all of a sudden the earth forms into a ball and finally materializes into a man – guess who? Right! It was my father. I asked him how he was able to come out from the earth to which he replied that we are formed from the earth and we shall go back to earth. He has gone back to the earth but has come back to see me (don’t know whether this makes any sense!). :oops:

I began to talk to him as normal and when I went forward to kiss him – he stopped me ½ way from doing so saying that I shd not come close to him. I asked why as a daughter that I shd not kiss him and he replied that I would not understand it and that I shd not question him anymore. I was disappointed. He enquired about the family. I told him that we miss him and that he shd come back home as soon as possible. :cry:

He told me that it was impossible as he is no more living in our world but he is now residing in another place. He then told me he will show me exactly what happens when someone dies. All of a sudden I was lifted up from the ground ( by some force) and I was shown the scene of his death – in his bedroom. He was lying down on his bed grasping for breath - with all of us surrounded – I could even see myself too. :cry:

He said he saw himself lying on the bed as his soul left the body and all of us crying and hugging him – asking him not to go. He said he was equally sad but he was helpless and was not in a position to do anything about it. He said when a life leaves the body a light comes along to guide it and take it back to where it came from originally. :shock:

He told me he would take me for a short travel – and I felt myself very light lifted off the ground and flying over the snow-capped Himalayan Mountains. I could see mountain peaks below and the dark blue sea - the ice-cold breeze hitting my face. I was flying through clouds with my father. I was not in a helicopter or a plane but in the open air hundreds of feet above sea level – going in a terrific speed - but as light as a feather. Simply incredible! :)

Finally we reached a mandir where I could hear some holy bhajans going on in the background. People were all playing the sitar and singing some hymns and reciting some mantras. A man came out from the mandir wearing a dhoti and a string across (like a Brahmin priest) and my father introduced me to him as his daughter from the previous birth. He acknowledged me but told me that I shd not step into the mandir. Only my father followed him in. I waited outside the temple and observed the huge pillars with some intricate carvings. Meanwhile my father and the priest were engrossed in some conversation but I was not able to hear anything even though the distance was quite near. :shock:

After a few minutes my father came back and told me that he has to send me back home and he has to return in time or else the door will be closed and he won’t be able to return at all. At the same time if the door closes before we cross the line, I would be trapped there instead which means I won’t be able to return to my body. (I did not understand what door he was talking about for I did not see any door). :shock:

He advised me not to call him always or say that I want to follow him, as he gets hurt with my words and actions. He says everything is in the hands of God. After leaving me back in my home he bides goodbye and just left without any sort of emotion.

I woke up feeling so strange and very disappointed but at the same time happy for having spent an evening with my late father. :lol:

Is this what we call Astral Travel or was my sub-conscious mind playing some tricks? :roll:

SONU GOPI :cry: :cry:

7th December 2004, 12:50 AM
sonu chechi,
touching story, thanks.
cant tell for sure on the interpretation.

but one thing is sure - dreams are always the result of our subconscious mind. Our thoughts make our dreams, they need not be reality.

I studied in the same home for 14 years. Though its over 10 years since I shifted, every one of my dreams today happens in my old home. :lol: :lol: Its because in those days I was desperate that I should do all things perfectly.

Interestingly during the semester, almost regularly i get dreams of my exams. But during the week of exams all of my dreams are about my home and nothing related to exams. This is because though I am studying all the time, my subconscious mind wants to go to some other place :lol: :lol:

7th December 2004, 12:57 AM
sonu chechi,
it is obvious that you were very close to your dad, much much more than the average person would be. That is why you are able to see him in everything.

there was a friend whose contact i lost 13 yrs back. I had been to his house but the area has now changed a lot and I dont know anyone else who might know him. often i dream that I am roaming around his area and finally locate him. I then quickly ask his ph no so as not to lose him - he writes it down on a paper. I make it a point to memorise that(in real life i know over 75 ph nos by heart), so in the dream, I am peering very close into the paper and repeating it aloud. however i can only see the first 2 digits, the rest are blurred and I wake up murmuring the first 2 digits and "asking" my friend what are the rest :lol:

7th December 2004, 01:15 AM
hehehewalrus i have similar dreams...i dont know if this is relevant but in one of the batman cartoon episodes batman is put in a mindcontrol machine where he is trapped in a dream made up with his desired life..he only knows it's a dream because he cannot read anything fully...anyways i always have a dream where i walk home from grade school but the path always changes right before my eyes...i know for sure it is a very easy path and once i turn the corner i can see my building but still i always end up going thru the creek which i was forbidden to do so to get home...i guess this is just a desire to go where i was forbidden even though so many others have gone and come out safely...though it was dangerous...i also know the dreams plays on a childhood event..i was always the child that got lost..however much didnt want to be i would just become so afraid i would not be able to think straight...so i guess it is both those elements in that dream coming together...
Sonu Gopi, really i think that is what astral projection is...but i think it is also what hehehewalrus has commented...it is something you very badly want...so this may have encouraged this contact or even let you believe in this contact...but more so it has left you happy has it not? Then let things be, and thank yourself for sharing it with us....again we really appreciate it... :D

sonu gopi
7th December 2004, 08:03 PM
Sonu Gopi, really i think that is what astral projection is...but i think it is also what hehehewalrus has commented...it is something you very badly want...so this may have encouraged this contact or even let you believe in this contact...but more so it has left you happy has it not? Then let things be, and thank yourself for sharing it with us....again we really appreciate it... :D

Yes, Querida it has left me happy and sad as well. Life is full of unsolved mysteries.....during that time I never knew what astral travel was all about neither did I know of light guiding the soul across.

A few years back an aunt of mine was at her death bed and she was heard telling her children that a bright little light was near the door way waiting for her......couple of hrs later she passed away.

My mum told me a few days ago that my dad spoke of a light waiting for him in his room. He kept asking her about the light and she told him that there was no such light in the room. It seems he was very upset. I only knew of this now - so I remembered the dream and decided to share my little experience with all of you.


9th December 2004, 08:51 AM
This happened to my family early in the 90s. I think it was in 1993. That year was the 5th anniversary of my paternal grandmother's death. What happened was on the morning of the day, when my mom opened the door early in the morning around 6AM to go outside, 2 huge butterflies flew inside the house. These butterflies were HUGE. Wider than the palm of my hands. The butterflies flew around my father and just stayed in the house. My mom told me that they are my grandfather and grandmother whom came back for one final time to see the family. When I woke up, I was still in school back then, I was so scared just looking at those butterflies. There was something different about them. Suffice to say, when I came back in the evening, they were gone.

I really wondered if that indeed was grandpa & grandma. Is it a form of transportation when people are on the other side of world? Very strange and disturbing to think what might happen when people die. Is there heaven or hell? Will I return back to earth or disappear forever?

Another strange incident is when sister when for a camping trip in a forest in Selangor. The guide told her that during the night, if you hear a call for your name, ignore it and don't make an attempt to seek the voice out. It seems that there are "beings" in the jungle who would lure a person by calling their name and generally keeping them in jungle with no escape. Kinda strange but my sister kept to the advise but she told that she could feel presence of beings on top of the trees in the forest and these beings could capture the names of people by hearing on the conversation among the people in the group and later to trap people by calling out for them.

9th December 2004, 01:57 PM
It was early morning about 5.00 am beginning of the Year 2001, I had dream and heard a voice saying that IT was going to take away my two sons away and to that I responded that by the blood of Jesus they will be saved. I have never said such a statement before in my life however I sensed a comforting feeling like the lord saying I will take care of that. I woke up and went to the wash room to get ready to work and I totally forgot about the voice or the statement that I had said in my dream.

I came out of my wash room and my second son who was only 1-½ years old woke up crying. I went to the bedroom to carry him and realised that he had a stomach upset and that he had passed motion so my husband and I decided to wait and see before going off to work. We took him to the doctor and left him with my mum to go to work about 10.00 am but it was hardly five minutes my mum called us to come back home saying that our son was suddenly looking pale and that she was getting uncomfortable. When we saw him, true enough he was very weak and was just lying on his coat without many movements.

We rushed our son to the a private hospital as he was purging and was becoming very weak, the pediatrician took a blood test and informed us later in the afternoon that he had been attacked by a some kind of virus and there is no medication for that except for putting him on drips and said that he would not want to treat our son if the condition worsened and warned that we might need to take him to the government hospital.

Only when the doctor said that my son was in a serious condition, I remembered about my dream that I had that morning and shared it with my husband. I called our friends, the pastor and his wife, doctor friend and another good friend of mine who had silently prayed for my cervical recovery before my healing.

Within one hour, my friend and her husband were at the hospital praying over my son and me and my mother and dad were totally shocked to see that. My parents were totaly unaware about my recovery from cervical spondilosis or that we had stopped praying at home or going to temples. My friend and her husband said that it was time for my husband and myself to make a decision which way we wanted to follow and that we cannot be sitting on the fence and the same statement was passed by the pastor and his wife.

My husband was still undecided until my eldest son who was 3 and ½ years had the same attack. I vowed to follow the way of the lord and my husband too with full heart asked the lord to heal our children. I remembered about my vision and the voice saying that IT wanted take away my sons however I just kept confessing the statement which I had unknowingly mentioned in my dream “ By the blood of Jesus they will be saved. I just asked GOD to protect my sons and heal them and to remove the fear of the doctor so that he will treat my sons in the hospital as I could not imagine myself spending nights at the government hospital.

Every night Pastor and his wife came over to the hospital and prayed over our children and at the same time my friends were also praying and after 5 days both my sons walked out of the hospital like nothing happened.

Once we were back home, my husband made a decision and stand that no matter what, he wanted to follow the path of the LORD [deleted].

We did not question GOD why my children was suffering instead we knew that they will be healed just like how I was and trusted the LORD.

sonu gopi
9th December 2004, 07:54 PM
Once we were back home, my husband made a decision and stand that no matter what, he wanted to follow the path of the LORD [deleted].

We did not question GOD why my children was suffering instead we knew that they will be healed just like how I was and trusted the LORD.

The dream was a call from the heavens above asking her to be ready to accept the LORD. Her children's lives were at stake and the sudden illness was the turning point. Her trust and faith in God and the trust in herself too saved the lives of her little boys. :P

Some may say that the dream was just an illusion and the children falling ill during the same period is a mere coincidence but for those who go thru’ these similar experiences will think otherwise - only they will understand. :lol:

Thanks Alisha for sharing your experience with us. :wink:

SONU GOPI :wink:

9th December 2004, 08:34 PM
I dont have a horror story or anything with me but just see these similarities between US presidents Abraham Lincoln(AL) and John Kennedy(JFK).

Elected to the House of Representatives
A.L in 1846
JFK in 1946.

Failed to win the vice presidential nomination
A.L in 1856
JFK in 1956.

Elected to the presidency
A.L in 1860
JFK in 1960

Lincoln defeated Stephen Douglas bor0n in 1813
Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon born in 1913.

John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of A.L, was born in 1839
Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin of JFK was born in 1939.

Both presidents had vice presidents named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson served in the House of Representatives in 1847
Lyndon Johnson served in the House of Representatives in 1947.

In 1860 and 1960 both VP's were serving as Senators.

Andrew Johnson was older than Lincoln and was born in 1808
Lyndon Johnson, was older than Kennedy and was born in 1908


Both presidents won their respective elections with less than fifty-percent of the popular vote.
Each was concerned with the issue of civil rights.
Both presidents while in their thirties, married women in their early twenties.
Both wives suffered the death of a child while in the White House.
Lincoln and Kennedy repeatedly spoke of, and had dreams regarding, assassination attempts.
Each was subsequently warned by advisors not to attend the events that led to their death.
Lincoln and Kennedy were shot from behind, in the head.
They were killed on a Friday, and in the presence of their wives.
The assassins, Booth and Oswald, were southerners who favored unpopular ideas.
Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and was captured in a barn, a warehouse. Oswald allegedly shot Kennedy from a warehouse, the depository, and was arrested at a theater.
Lincoln was killed in Ford's Theater, Kennedy was killed in a Ford automobile; a Lincoln.
Both Booth and Oswald were killed before going to trail. The popular belief is that the two presidential tragedies were conspiracies with subsequent governmental cover up.
The names Lincoln and Kennedy contain seven letters.
The names Stephen and Richard, their political opponents have seven letters each.
The name Johnson contains seven letters.
The fathers of the presidents, Thomas and Joseph respectively, each have six letters.
The names Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson each contain 13 letters, as do the names of their wives, Eliza McCardle and Claudia Taylor.
The names John Wilkes booth and Lee Harvey Oswald both total 15 letters.

sonu gopi
10th December 2004, 01:49 PM
Thanks Sandeep - very strange but very informative! :lol:

What a coincidence! Wonder why so many similarities? :roll: :roll: There ought to be a reason! :o

SONU GOPI :lol: :lol:

11th December 2004, 12:02 PM
Sandeep I have heard about this earlier but didnt have the details regarding the vice presidents.Thanks.

sonu gopi
13th December 2004, 09:57 AM
Once I had a dream of attending the funeral service of my friend Liza’s son who happens to be my neighbour as well. She was staying about 5 doors away from mine. It was the funeral of her 9-year son. They are Muslims. Her house was crowded with her uncles, aunts, relatives and friends who have gathered in her house since morning (I was told).

I too was present at the funeral and I saw this elderly Arabic man heading towards me. He started speaking in a tongue that I do not seem to understand but I could somehow get his message and hear every word he said across. I was not able to open my mouth neither am I able to ask him any questions except hear him speak only. He was of an average height, much shorter than me. He was wearing a long white robe (like the ones used by a priest in a church) with a white rope like belt around his waist. He was holding the holy Koran in one hand and the rosary in the other. He was using a white turban like headgear with one end flowing down till his left shoulders. He was tanned and was sporting a scanty beard.

He was telling me that the young lad died of cancer of the knee and that there was nothing they (doctors) could do for him. It seems it was time for him to leave this materialistic world. After saying this to me he just walked away towards the main gate and just disappeared. Later I saw the dark green coloured portable Muslim coffin with some Arabic words written in white at both the sides. I saw his (Liza's son) body wrapped in white cloth being placed in this specially designed coffin, which was later, draped with a piece of cloth with the picture of Ka’aba embossed. I saw the pallbearers carrying the coffin and chanting holy verses from the Koran.

I struggled and managed to get up sweating with fright and glad that it was only a dream. I saw my husband and children fast asleep. The timepiece showed 2.45 am. I was very thirsty but scared to go to the kitchen alone. I had no choice but to wake my husband. I told him that I had a bad dream and I needed water and whether he could accompany me to the kitchen, which was quite a long away from the bedroom. He said he would get me the water instead. After taking the drink (I gulped it down like as though I have not seen water for months) I told him of the dream and that whether I shd tell about it to my Liza. He said it was only a dream and it is not wise to inform her as she might get very upset. He also said it might strain our friendship as some ppl might get very sensitive about this sort of things. I told him I will go to her place the next day to see if everything was fine but promised I won’t breathe a word to her.

The following day on my way back home from work I stopped by at her place but noticed that the door was locked. I asked her immediate neighbour enquiring about her whereabouts. They told me that she has been going to Singapore (her mum’s place) very frequently but do not know the reason. They feel someone was not well but don’t know who it was. I told them to inform me if she comes, as I wanted to see her for I have not seen her for a long time. I thanked them and went back home. I was restless for a few days after which I completely forgot all about it.

A few weeks after that dream I noticed (I was on leave that day) there were many cars parked in front of her house and I saw many ppl walking in and out of the house. The Malay ladies were using their scarves to cover their heads while the men too covered their heads with scarves or the special Muslim skullcap. I was curious so I walked over and I saw that the atmosphere was very solemn. I was quite doubtful (my hearting beating fast) and I asked the first person I met as to what the matter was. She told me that Liza’s son had passed away the previous night in Singapore and they had just brought his body back home very early in the morning.

I walked into the house and someone pointed the room to me and there I saw the boy lying on his bed surrounded by his parents, grandparents and his younger brother. The moment Liza saw me she came running to me and started to sob silently hugging me so tightly. I was so shocked and confused as I slowly recollected my dream. In between her sobs she told me that he died of knee cancer and that they had amputated his leg knee below the knee as the doctors were not able to do anything – they have done their best. I consoled her and she kept apologising for not informing me about the ordeal her son was going through. All I could do was to carry on consoling her. She excused herself when her other friends came to extend their condolences.

I saw some of the familiar faces I saw in the dream but my eyes kept searching for that tanned Arabic man – but he was no where to be seen. I even went around the garden with my husband to look for him ( I even got scolding from my hubby for being silly!). I have never being to a Muslim funeral before but I stayed on here ‘cos this friend of mine is very close to me (even till today) and I wanted to give her a moral support. Later the green coloured coffin with the Arabic words written in white on both sides and the cloth draped with the picture of Ka’aba embossed arrived just like in my dream. ( I almost fainted out of fright). They had then already given a bath to the boy according to Islamic rites and wrapped him in layers of white cloth. My heart broke when I saw his mother combing his hair very neatly and gently, kissing him before his final journey towards the Muslim Cemetery ( nearby our homes) carried by the pallbearers reciting holy verses from the Koran.

I went home and took my birth and said my prayers too. I was not in the mood to cook anything as I was really tired and disturbed by the whole affair. I was crying and my husband consoled me and said that we shd be thankful to God for easing the boy of pain and suffering and to forget about the dream. Later after many weeks I told Liza about my dream narrating all the minute details. She told be that she was sure that the Arabic man could be a “Wali” (messenger of God) who has shown me the funeral. I told her that it was strange that I being a Hindu was approached by him, a Muslim and informed of this. She told me that it didn’t matter at all since both of us are so close as sisters it just showed that the one was about to face some pain in her life and that the other too had to be informed and share the pain along. She also said that religion was just man made and there is only one God for everyone but all of us are reaching out to Him from different directions.

Almost 4 months after his death he (Liza's son) appeared in my dreams cycling away in a beautiful garden filled with all kinds of lovely colourful flowers enclosed within a large gate. I was standing outside this gate. He told me to inform his mother that he was happy and contended in his new place and that he has got his leg back. He waved his hand and bid me goodbye before cycling away!

I told my friend the next day about the dream and she smiled and told me that he appeared in her dreams too the previous night -also cycling but just smiled and waved his hand to her.

Liza is glad and believes that her son is happy and contented - free from all his miseries and I am delighted to see my friend smile again.


sonu gopi
13th December 2004, 10:06 AM
I went home and took my birth and said my prayers too.

Sorry it shd read as bath and not birth! :oops: :lol: :lol:

SONU GOPI :lol: :lol:

13th December 2004, 10:48 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

14th December 2004, 03:35 AM
Thanx again for sharing that Sonu Gopi..that was beautiful... :cry:

14th December 2004, 10:16 AM
I went home and took my birth and said my prayers too.

Sorry it shd read as bath and not birth! :oops: :lol: :lol:

SONU GOPI :lol: :lol:


If you find any posts after posting your message, you still can edit it.

When did this event take place?

SonuChechi next time if you have dreams like this, just bring the sitution before GOD to take care of it even if you had visions of people that you don't know.

I believe that the reasons behind these Visions/Dreams is if for you to pray for the person's recovery or well being.

14th December 2004, 07:55 PM
sonu chechi
that was wonderful. God is using you as his messenger - do make use of that talent!

nirosha sen
14th December 2004, 08:25 PM
Wow People!! Been away for a whole week and look at you guys!! Sonu - You are a conduit just like my friend Pam!! You are indeed an instrument. Just keep tapping into this talent. One fine day, I believe you'll become psychometric. A mere touch of a person's hand and you'd have visions!!

Thanks Pa for sharing that beautiful recollection!!

14th December 2004, 08:39 PM

We really missed you in the hub. Particularly your avatar :wink:

nirosha sen
14th December 2004, 08:58 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome Sandeep!

Yeah, I missed you guys too!! Nice to have friends who care for my presence and my avatar Pa!! She's doing really well for herself isn't she, our dear Ash!???? :D

sonu gopi
14th December 2004, 09:04 PM
Wow People!! Been away for a whole week and look at you guys!! Sonu - You are a conduit just like my friend Pam!! You are indeed an instrument. Just keep tapping into this talent. One fine day, I believe you'll become psychometric. A mere touch of a person's hand and you'd have visions!!

Thanks Pa for sharing that beautiful recollection!!

Niro missed your presence here .....wow! One (1) whole week but to me it was like ages!! Glad to see you back. :lol: :lol:

I don't want to see anything from now on.....but I feel someday when my time is up somebody will come knocking!! :wink:


nirosha sen
14th December 2004, 09:14 PM
Sonu - despite your fear of all that you have seen and interacted with, you still have done well in communicating with them. It was exactly people like you, whom M Night Shyamalan had in mind when he made that movie, the Sixth Sense!!

In that movie, that poor boy was just way too terrified in having to deal with so many dearly departed Pa!! But just think, how else could they reach out to the living if not for channels like your goodself!!!

You should indeed give yourself a pat on the back Pa!!! :D

sonu gopi
14th December 2004, 09:35 PM
You should indeed give yourself a pat on the back Pa!!! :D

I wish I could but I can't reach!! :wink: :wink: :wink:

SONU GOPI :lol: :lol:

nirosha sen
16th December 2004, 07:56 PM
Okay since nobody else is posting, I shall do the honours soon Pa!! It's abt the humongous tree that was in our compound in the old estate!! My children called it, the God Tree, for obvious reasons, and I actually wrote it as piece for leisure reading in the local daily!

So, soon to be here is "Under the God Tree"!!!! Stay tuned!!!!!! :wink:

Bad Boy
16th December 2004, 09:55 PM

We really missed you in the hub. Particularly your avatar :wink:

stay back. I am still not done with Niro! Sorry, with her avatar I mean. I was the first to mention about that so you are tooooooo Late. :sad:

16th December 2004, 11:39 PM

We really missed you in the hub. Particularly your avatar :wink:

stay back. I am still not done with Niro! Sorry, with her avatar I mean. I was the first to mention about that so you are tooooooo Late. :sad:

You may be the first but I will be the last :wink:

17th December 2004, 10:59 AM
Why there are no more ghost stories?Is it time I start cooking up something?

sonu gopi
17th December 2004, 11:12 AM
Why there are no more ghost stories?Is it time I start cooking up something?

You have been saying this for centuries but with no effect! :wink: :wink:

SONU GOPI :lol: :lol:

17th December 2004, 11:50 AM
what to do .I can't find anything good.I was just trying to encourage you all to do some thing to keep the thread going.Hope you will come out with something good.

sonu gopi
17th December 2004, 11:57 AM
what to do .I can't find anything good.I was just trying to encourage you all to do some thing to keep the thread going.Hope you will come out with something good.

I will cook up something new after telling all the true tales!! Somthing coming in the near future! But need some time to type it out!! :lol:

SONU GOPI :wink:

17th December 2004, 10:04 PM

A pretty woman was serving a life sentence in prison. Angry
and resentful about her situation, she had decided that she
would rather die than to live another year in prison. Over the
years she had become good friends with one of the prison

His job, among others, was to bury those prisoners who died
in a graveyard just outside the prison walls. When a prisoner
died, the caretaker rang a bell, which was heard by everyone.
The caretaker then got the body and put it in a casket.

Next, he entered his office to fill out the death certificate before
returning to the casket to nail the lid shut. Finally, he put the
casket on a wagon to take it to the graveyard and bury it.

Knowing this routine, the woman devised an escape plan and
shared it with the caretaker. The next time the bell rang, the
woman would leave her cell and sneak into the dark room where
the coffins were kept.

She would slip into the coffin with the dead body while the
caretaker was filling out the death certificate. When the care-
taker returned, he would nail the lid shut and take the coffin
outside the prison with the woman in the coffin along with the
dead body. He would then bury the coffin.

The woman knew there would be enough air for her to breathe
until later in the evening when the caretaker would return to the
graveyard under the cover of darkness, dig up the coffin, open
it, and set her free.

The caretaker was reluctant to go along with this plan, but since
he and the woman had become good friends over the years, he
agreed to do it. The woman waited several weeks before some-
one in the prison died.

She was asleep in her cell when she heard the death bell ring.
She got up, picked the lock of her cell, and slowly walked down
the hallway. She was nearly caught a couple of times. Her heart
was beating fast. She opened the door to the darkened room where the coffins were kept. Quietly in the dark, she found the coffin that contained the dead body, carefully climbed into the coffin and pulled the lid shut to wait for the caretaker to come and nail the lid shut.

Soon she heard footsteps and the pounding of the hammer and
nails. Even though she was very uncomfortable in the coffin with
the dead body, she knew that with each nail she was one step
closer to freedom.

The coffin was lifted onto the wagon and taken outside to the
graveyard. She could feel the coffin being lowered into the ground.
She didn't make a sound as the coffin hit the bottom of the grave
with a thud.

Finally she heard the dirt dropping onto the top of the wooden
coffin, and she knew that it was only a matter of time until she would be free at last. After several minutes of absolute silence, she began to laugh.
She was free! She was free!

Feeling curious, she decided to light a match to find out the
identity of the dead prisoner beside her. To her horror, she discovered that she was lying next to the dead caretaker.

Many people believe they have life all figured out..... but
sometimes it just doesn't turn out the way they planned it .

nirosha sen
18th December 2004, 02:23 PM
Good one Sandeep!! You just can't be prepared enough without the 10% contingency plan, Pa!! The best laid plans have been known to go awry! :wink:

nirosha sen
18th December 2004, 02:46 PM
Under the God Tree

In our compound, is a humongous mango tree that stands like a silent sentinel to greet and guard all that is within its presence. It is a towering 10 meters in height, perched on a high mound of earth, a stone's throw from the bungalow we lived in.

This is a tree that holds one in fear and awe for it has its own dark history!! The magnificence of its wide, stretched out canopy, with its dark green foliage, holds any onlooker spellbound!! For beyond its towering presence, was something far more sinister. In the paleness of a moonlit night, the shadows it casts itself, leaves one breathless with apprehension!

The story of the tree was told to us in hushed tones and whispers only, for none dared to raise their voices for fear of being heard by the unseen resident who lives in it!! But the full story of this tree only came to light when Kitchan, the old timer who came to do some odd jobs around the compound, came by one morning.

Kitchan had lived in the same estate for as long as he can remember!! Right from the old colonial days when it was the British planters who had occupied the bungalow where we now lived. Kitchan used to be house-boy, when he witnessed the old gardener planting the new mango sapling in the foreground of the compound. That was nearly some 40 years ago ..........

sonu gopi
18th December 2004, 02:48 PM
Sandeep - that was really a good one. What a way to die - lying in a coffin next to a corpse!! :roll: :shock:

When ppl are desperate they are willing to do anything.....makes me so frighten to even think about it! :roll: :roll:


sonu gopi
18th December 2004, 03:08 PM
It has already made me so apprehensive – moonlight night , canopied mango tree, shadows, still night, owl hooting???…..eeerrrrrk!! :shock:

Can see my goose bumps on my hands and feel the hair standing on its ends!! :shock: :shock:

Some more Niro,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:roll: Any fruits??? :lol: :oops:

SONU GOPI :shock:

nirosha sen
19th December 2004, 03:44 PM
Continuing the God Tree .....

Unknown to many, Muniandy the gardener, was a practitioner of the Occult!! He desperately needed to control the White Manager's household so as to create a dependance on him as old age was catching up with him! With his retirement in sight within the next few years, Muniandy needed to act fast. So, he devised this plan of conjuring a spirit which had been roaming the fringes of the estate land and infiltrated the bungalow with its presence!!

Soon, strange happenings began to take place in the White Manager's household!! Things were moving on their own, pots and pans started rattling in the kitchen and the worst was of course, the disturbance to the occupants of the house itself!! Adults and children were pulled and thrown out of their beds as they slept, in the middle of the night!! Strange apparations were also seen that left everyone fearful! Even in broad daylight, things were flying in mid-air that left everyone just way too terrified to continue living in the house!!

In desperation, the Manager sought the help of the Kanggani to resolve this problem!! And on the pretext of helping out, Muniandy wormed his way in ..........

nirosha sen
22nd December 2004, 10:23 AM
Though Muniandy was quite smug in his knowledge of sorcery, he however, was no match for the willful entity that he himself had released into the bungalow. That's right folks, the plan backfired!! Though he had tried his utmost to convince both the Kanggani and the manager of being able to re-capture his erstwhile "pet", he had to concede defeat in the end!!

All this while, Kitchan the house-boy, had observed silently the comings and goings of the various mediums who had tried to have a pow-wow with the said entity into leaving the bungalow, but to no avail!! It was then, that he realised that he indeed knew of someone who could perhaps be of help.

After work, one weekend, Kitchan and his father, quietly left the estate and made their way to a nearby village where a medium of a good reputation, held regular seances to help people. Now, this particular medium was no mean sorcerer but a disciple of Appan, a manifestation of the many roles of Bhairavan, the terrestrial keeper of Lord Siva's faith!! It was to him that both Kitchan and his father, whispered the problems to.

With a solemn promise that he would indeed help to end the misery of the family of the bungalow, Kitchan and his father went back to the estate to gain permission from the manager. Weary but still hopeful, the manager immediately agreed to the terms and conditions that had been imposed earlier by the medium from the temple.......

22nd December 2004, 10:35 PM
nirosha, before u post, plz tell us whether these incidents are true or false :D Lets keep this thread for true stories.
(dont tell me after the 12th episode of the story that the lead character is related to you :D)

22nd December 2004, 10:36 PM
this thread is dying. where is sonu gopi with all her true stories :)
let me add one.

22nd December 2004, 10:57 PM
(Names of people and dates of incidents have been changed to protect privacy.)

This incident happened in the late 90s. For a certain period of 7 months I was suddenly drawn into reflecting on a series of incidents that happened in the mid and late 80s. Now by nature i am a historian and mathematician and I can easily remember dates, events, numbers just like that without noting down anything. I could probably recollect someone's phone number though I wouldnt have used that number or even thought of it for 7-8 years(this is not a superspiritual talent, something anyone can cultivate - for eg. my mother knows over 70 phone numbers by heart, since she's got long sight and prefers to memorise numbers rather than search her glasses and write down :). And while I may recollect complex sequence of numbers or dates which very few would try, I cannot recall simple things like where I kept my glasses before going to sleep :lol: ) So most events I go through may be coincidences and much different from what sonu gopi experienced :)

22nd December 2004, 11:14 PM
I was preparing for an exam and the previous night I had just finished my dinner. It was about 948 PM and being lazy, I thought I will think of some past events for 12 min so that I can resume studying at 10 PM sharp :) So I went to the frontyard and walked around recollecting some past events. Most of what I recollect are events which I would have recollected some 1-2 months back at least. But that point I suddenly brought to mind an event that happened in our home in early 1989. I was not present at that time. We had installed a new door and the latch had got stuck - it was not opening. My bro, sis and mother had come home in the afternoon but could not get inside the house. They tried for a few hours and then called dad at his office. He returned home and while they tried several keys, the new door just wouldnt open. The next day my brother was writing his final exam, and they were all getting locked out of the house!! Finally after about 4-5 hours, they got a carpenter who fixed the problem. I came home a few minutes after the problem was solved.
Now I was thinking of this event close to a decade later. I was wondering how was it I could never recollect this event for one entire decade. Probably because I got this incident by hearsay and was not part of it when it happened.

Next morn I was leaving for college, my parents and everyone else having left for work early. As I locked home and got on the road two cars stopped on the road and asked me directions to a neighbors house. They were well known to us and lived on the street behind ours. I finished my exam and got back that evening. It seems that the neighboring family whose home directions I had given that morning had a bereavement. Their son passed away in an accident at 10 PM the previous night and my parents had just attended the funeral that noon.
We were talking about the departed person, whom everyone called Ramu anna. He was quite senior to me and I had rarely seen him for years. I was mentioning that to my mother. She was quite surprised by my comment and asked "Dont you remember the time when we got locked out of our house, and Ramu anna came in and tried to get the door to open??". While telling her that I wasnt present that time, I was surpised to learn from her that during that lockout incident of '89, he had walked in and tried a few hours to get the door to open. More amazing was that when I had recollecting that incident the previous night, he was spending his last precious minutes in this earth ! :shock:

22nd December 2004, 11:36 PM
This is a less spooky recollection and quite a pleasant one to remember, so this is quite out of place in this thread(already made famous by brave ladies fearlessly keeping appointments and conversations with citizens of the underworld :lol: :lol: )

This happened in 1997. I was having a tough exam and I was studying all throughout the night. I leave home by 8:45 and since the rest of the family leaves early, I would be the last and hence needed to close all doors/windows and lock the house before I leave. After locking, I would leave the key in a hole in the wall, from where the family picks it when they return :)

I was dead tired after the allnighter and in addition to the pain of exam tension, it was getting late and I needed to race to catch the bus. I had locked up everything in a frenzy and noticed an open window. So as I briskly moved to close it, the key fell out of my hands, bounced on the window sill and fell inside the house!(Being a fidgety fellow with restless hands, I had pulled the key out of the key chain the previous week, so now it was a skeletal key with no chain!) Now the door was securely locked, the key inside the house, and it was late for my exam. With a despairing heart, I pushed this momentarily insignificant problem to the back of my mind and raced for the bus.

I was an hour through the 3-hour exam when sleep hit me and I noticed my handwriting degenerating to a undecipherable crawl so I started drawing some diagrams to keep the sleep away. I managed thus for another hour till I got sufficient strength to finish the rest of the paper. I consoled myself that after the endless last hour, I would be back home to eat a hot lunch of rasam/poriyal and then sleep as long as i liked!

And naturally when I reached home, the reality of the lockout hit me! I badly needed a way to get the key out. My useless puppy was wagging its tail inside the house, too foolish to realise that I was locked out :lol: The door was too strong to break anyway. For 15 minutes I paced around the frontyard looking for a tool.

Then I noticed that the floor of the room where the key lay was recently tiled, with one tile slightly raised and not in sync with the rest. So I found a plastic bag lying in the yard, sufficiently inflated in and threw it in. Next I found a pipe lying around, manoeuvred the key to the raised tile and keeping the mouth of the bag open in front of the tile, gave a firm blow which drove the key into the bag!! Yippee!! now I only had to scoop the bag with the pipe and the key was mine. So just 15min back the problem seemed unsurmountable but now I was inside. I was so relieved and joyous I picked my plump puppy and beat it nicely on its fat stomach(it only eats and sleeps all day without helping anyone)!!! :lol: :lol:

nirosha sen
23rd December 2004, 09:06 AM
ROTFL :lol: :lol: :lol: !!!!!

Oh my God Walrus!! If anyone could reduce me to such hysteria, it can only be you, Pa!!!! What a tale of the unexpected indeed!!! I actually thought for a moment, that you indeed had an encounter of the kind we were supposed to be gathered here for!!! But NO??????!!!!!

Yeah, I'm a bit slow where the God Tree is concerned!! The tree is very much there, so give me some time to compose myself after my hysterical spasm of laughter, okay????

Nalla vambana Payan, Pa!!! :wink:

sonu gopi
23rd December 2004, 10:36 AM
Nalla vambana Payan, Pa!!! :wink:

Yeah! yeah! but also a very cute payan when he narrated his story! Poor doggy got a nice smacking on its tummy! How could you do that walrus for it was your own folly. Looks like you expected it to be Lassie and pick up the key for you instead!!.:lol: :lol: :lol:

SONU GOPI :wink:

23rd December 2004, 02:51 PM
Nalla vambana Payan, Pa!!! :wink:

Yeah! yeah! but also a very cute payan when he narrated his story! Poor doggy got a nice smacking on its tummy! How could you do that walrus for it was your own folly. Looks like you expected it to be Lassie and pick up the key for you instead!!.:lol: :lol: :lol:

SONU GOPI :wink:

Exactly. how could you do that to your puppy?

You too can pass with flying colour to write stories like Niro.

24th December 2004, 02:03 AM
sonu gopi,
all my friends used to say that when they saw my puppy they felt like beating it, when it sleeps it looks like a round ball :lol: :lol: it is a very fussy dog which dislikes milk and likes coke :)

niro, i told you its not a spooky story :)

ok, this incident happened to my friend. It was sometime in the summer of 93. The days were unbearably hot and so were the nights. We were in our teens and school being closed and nothig to do, used to sleep pretty late. One night my friend and 2 other pals went to see a midnight show. It would run from 1130 pm to 130 AM and since there were no buses that hour, they had to walk back some 45 minutes to reach their home.

The movie over they started their long walk. After a while, they got tired and decide to rest under a tree for a few minutes. They found a slipper nearby and kicked it around like a football for a while. They looked for its pair in the darkness(the huge branches of the tree obscuring the street lights) but didnt find it. After a while, they got up and walked home.

They continued to gather next week but one of the guys became very pale and gripped with fear for 4-5 days. He looked very pale and fearful and spent all his time smoking endlessly. It took him a few days to return to his normal self.

The rest of the gang asked him what went wrong. He took out an old newspaper and with a shocked face, pointed to an article.

The article mentioned that a guy had hung himself on the same tree these guys were resting under, the night of the movie. The newspaper mentioned that the cause for his suicide was not known and that one of his slippers was missing. In fact, that night, if only the boys had looked up, they would have found a man's dead body hanging right above them!! :shock:

24th December 2004, 04:56 PM
This happened about a month or two ago

This guy drives from Mumbai to Pune and decides not to take thenew expressway. The inevitable happens and when he reaches the "ghats"his car breaks down - he's stranded miles from nowhere.

Having no choice he starts walking on the side of the road, hoping toget a lift to the nearest human habitation. It's dark and raining andpretty soon he's wet and shivering.

The night rolls on and no car goes by, the monsoon rains are so stronghe can hardly see a few feet ahead of him.

Suddenly he sees a car coming towards him. It slows and then stops nextto him - without thinking the guy opens the car's door and jumps in. Seated in the back, he leans forward to thank the person who had savedhim when he realizes there is nobody behind the wheel!!! Even thoughthere'sno one in the front seat and no sound of any engine, the car startsmoving slowly.

The guy looks at the road ahead and sees a curve coming (remember, thisis in the hills and there is a steep, steep drop beyond the curve).Scared almost to death he starts to pray, begging the Lord for hislife.

He hasn't come out of shock, when just before he hits the curve, ahand appears through the window and moves the wheel! The car makes thecurve safely and continues on the road to the next bend.The guy, now paralyzed in terror, watches how the hand appears everytime they are before a curve and moves the steering wheel just enough toget the car around each bend.

Finally, the guy sees lights ahead. Gathering his courage he wrenchesopen the door of the silent, slowly moving car, scrambles out and runsas hardas he can towards the lights.

It's a small town. Wet and in shock goes to a roadside dhabba, whichis open, and asks for a drink. They find some hooch and give him a shot.And he starts telling whoever is in the dhabba about thehorrible experience he's just been through.A silence envelops everybody when they realize the guy isn't drunk,and is really frightened - he's crying and shaking.So they give him more hooch and talk about what they should do, whetherto call the police or find a priest, or what.

But just then ..................... But just then two guys walk into the dhabba. And onesays to the other "Look, Banta - that's the jerk that got in the car when we were pushingit."

nirosha sen
24th December 2004, 07:34 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: Good one Akash!! Looks like you guys have all decided to gang up on us, women huh???!!! All coming up with hysterical jokes instead??!!!! Bet the next one to join the fray would be our Blah-Blah!!! Been threatening to tell us a good tale for sometime now!!!! :lol:

Sorry guys, I wrote another 6 paragraphs this afternoon to my God Tree, just then, the power failed and my PC went blank!!! Was so mad that I decided to take a break again!!! :cry:

27th December 2004, 02:28 PM
Nirosha, Its not a decision on Gang-up. Its Mutual understanding. :wink:

28th December 2004, 12:50 AM
While we where chunning "Tales of unexpected", trying to put fear in each other, Nature just gave something really unexpected and horrifying.

nirosha sen
28th December 2004, 09:04 AM
Mmm... I agree with you Sandeep!! When Nature strikes, nothing could stand in its fury Pa!! I'm equally appalled by recent happenings!! :cry:

28th December 2004, 09:18 AM
Made me see how weak humans are compared to Nature. My relatives live in Thiruvallikeni, which is very close to the beach. Forutunatly they are safe, the water didn't seem to come that far. But a lot of other families weren't that lucky. :cry:

28th December 2004, 10:11 AM
While we where chunning "Tales of unexpected", trying to put fear in each other, Nature just gave something really unexpected and horrifying.

So very true Sandeep...
Akash i would have never guessed...thanx i needed that :)

28th December 2004, 10:49 AM
Sunday morning, here in chennai was really a "Tale of Unexpected", we guys just got a call stating Beach water covered the sands. We were just curious on hearing that, we thought how good the look gonna be, if sea is near the road. We guys really have'nt thought a bit about the huts near the sea shore. We guys rushed to beach to view the sight, with out knowing the seriousness... Then we FELT the Cause, it was Horrible n its just not a word to explain the cause.

28th December 2004, 10:53 AM
Akash i would have never guessed...thanx i needed that :)Querida, Expect the Unexpected, to be safe... n some times, if we let it to be Unexpected that's the meeting point of LIFE n FUN... :)

28th December 2004, 12:03 PM
The recent GREAT targedy has really saddened me ...wish I knew how to interpret what was coming..U might be wondering why I'm saying this...Well I don't if I can call this an early warnign signal sent ot me but I just had to pen this down..
Lats Wednesday, just after lunch, I felt as thought my office shook for a moment....and I jokingly told my colleague there's gonna be an earthquake. then, on Saturday night, I had this terrible dream which I did not remember until about 8am, when I was in the kitchen with my mom...I suddenly remembered what the dream was ...I was just looking out of my hotel window, which was just beside the beach and suddenly saw great big waves, the sea level rose to my hotel window level ( I don'[t remeber which floor...) and the sea looked scary. I could not leave the hotel and since I don't swim, I was pretty terrified!!!!! I told my mom abt it!!!! Shortly after that, we heard about the earthquake in Sumatra and then, later this TRAGEDY!! I don't how to call this "feeling of tremor" and dream of mine...so it pure coincidence? Am I just trying to fit my imagination/ dream with what happened?? I am troubled. I have had dreams coming true in the past but I usually associate it with the anticipation...... but this!!!!!

My heart really goes out to all those people who perished, the families they left behind and everyone else who had lost their freind or families.......GOD BLESS !!!!

sonu gopi
28th December 2004, 12:39 PM
I suddenly remembered what the dream was ...I was just looking out of my hotel window, which was just beside the beach and suddenly saw great big waves, the sea level rose to my hotel window level ( I don'[t remeber which floor...) and the sea looked scary. I could not leave the hotel and since I don't swim, I was pretty terrified!!!!! I told my mom abt it!!!! Shortly after that, we heard about the earthquake in Sumatra and then, later this TRAGEDY!! I don't how to call this "feeling of tremor" and dream of mine...so it pure coincidence? Am I just trying to fit my imagination/ dream with what happened?? I am troubled. I have had dreams coming true in the past but I usually associate it with the anticipation...... but this!!!!!

NM, I do not call it an “imagination of the mind" but a foresight – it happened isn’t? Sometimes we do “see things” but there is no real explanation to it…no one is actually able too! Life is full of mystery!! :roll:


28th December 2004, 12:48 PM
Yeah, Sonu Gopi, it happened..that's the worst part of it!! Thank God my brother is Ok - he was actually in Langkawi on that day and witnessed the incident from the hill top!!! Otherwise, I may blame myself forever!!!

nirosha sen
28th December 2004, 05:25 PM
I have a confession too, People!! :(

At 11 am when the floor swayed and my hubby and son experienced it, I was actually in the kitchen stirring the dog food! Since I wore thick slippers I didn't feel the tremors. But when I went into the dining room, my hubby inadvertently told me and said the floor was "oscillating"!!! My heart jumped and to allay my fears I joked that only the pendulum oscillates and moved away!

People - I knew it was an EARTHQUAKE IMMEDIATELY!!!! And I also knew it had to be nearby like Sumartra or the Straits of Melaka!! I knew these details because I had already experienced tremors like that earlier in 1991 or 92 when I lived in the hinterland of Sabah. Then, it was a quake that happened in the Philippines and affected even Kota Kinabalu town. So much so in the commotion then, people ran helter-skelter from the Sabah Foundation Building into the streets!! Even Kinabalu mountain was not spared!

So NM, eventhough you had a dream and I had experienced the real thing, we both decided to keep quiet to wait and see! By 3pm that day, we had already got news from the BBC and CNN news! And with horror watched the devastation unfold!!

30th December 2004, 01:36 AM
Hi All ,

This Thread is.... QUITE INTERESTING.... Go on... Mydear Friends...!!!

30th December 2004, 01:51 AM
dear Mr.Srini,
please contribute some experiences of your own, we look forward to hearing them

30th December 2004, 02:05 AM
[quote="nirosha sen"]

//I have a confession too, People!!

At 11 am when the floor swayed and .....the floor was "oscillating"!!! My heart jumped and to allay my fears I joked that only the pendulum oscillates and moved away!.... People - I knew it was an EARTHQUAKE IMMEDIATELY!!!! ......... because I had already experienced tremors like that earlier in 1991 or 92 .......... was not spared!....So NM, eventhough you had a dream .... And with horror watched the devastation unfold!! //

Hi Ms. Nirosha,

Yes... I am breaking my Head... to find out FROM WHICH COUNTRY... you are writing all this?.... so to say.... WHERE ARE YOU NOW?

And all these experiences.... at which places...?

Will you please CLARIFY?..... Thanking you WITH BEST WSHES

nirosha sen
30th December 2004, 07:55 AM
Mr Srini - I'm from West Malaysia. Matter of fact, the Straits of Melaka separates us from the island of Sumatra, the northern most island of the Indonesian archipelago.

The epicentre of the undersea quake that hit was actually abt 10 km north of the northern tip of the island of Sumatra. Had it been further south of this island, then believe me, Hell would have broken lose on us in West Malaysia!! But instead, the reverberating ripples of destruction emanated into the vast Indian Ocean where the bulk of its fury took its toll!!

The Western coast of Peninsula Malaysia is the most densely populated area of my country. Right now, I live in the northern state of Perak, along the coastline in a plantation that my husband manages. Just across our estate in fact, is the wide river mouth of the Dindings River. This river pours into the Bay of Lumut, which is part of the Straits of Melaka.

From my description, you'll understand how close we really are! Matter of fact, we even have our own Kampong Acheh, which is where the earlier settlers came to, from Banda Acheh, the scene of the present day calamity.

Having said that, most of us were saved from the fury of the tidal waves along the southern part of the western coast. However, the northern states of Penang and Kedah were not saved! A lot of people died and have been displaced when the waves, hit at about 1 pm.

We here, have never experienced any kind of natural disasters like earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, cyclones, etc. God has indeed been kind to the this part of the world!! So, when the tidal waves did turn up, people in fact had been coolly flocking to the beaches to watch the choppy seas!! A lot of these onlookers are today dead or missing!! Many had also been at the beaches to enjoy a swim or were tucking into their mid-day lunches, when the waves ploughed into their midst. One picnicker who sat down to enjoy his lunch that fateful day, lost 5 of his children alone!!

Talk abt a real tale of the unexpected for us!! The latest news we have now, are the hundreds of fishes that are now washed ashore along our coastline. Fisher-folks have been warned not to go out to sea as well. So, fish is going to be missing in the markets indefinitely for now!

While we count our lucky stars, tears of pain and despair wells in my eyes, everytime I watch the Motherland and Sri Lanka, believe me!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

sonu gopi
30th December 2004, 12:29 PM
Hi Ms. Nirosha,
Yes... I am breaking my Head... to find out FROM WHICH COUNTRY... you are writing all this?.... so to say.... WHERE ARE YOU NOW? And all these experiences.... at which places...? Will you please CLARIFY?..... Thanking you WITH BEST WSHES

Srini, hope now you get a clearer pic with Niro's vivid description! :shock:


30th December 2004, 09:38 PM
Hi Ms. Nirosha,

Thanks for your IMMEDIATE.... PROMPT ... Reply...

.... and double Thanks for your .... DETAILED.... Narration. !

Best Wishes,... Nirosha,

30th December 2004, 11:46 PM
u talking abt the may 26 1991 quake?

nirosha sen
31st December 2004, 06:08 AM
Is that the date from the archives Walrus???!!! :roll: I can't remember the exact date when the earthquake hit the Philippines then. But yeah, it could be because my son wasn't born until May the following year, so it could be Pa!!

That day, at 2 pm just after my husband left to go back to the estate office, I lay down to rest when the whole house shook and the window panes were rattling away. But I never thought abt an earthquake then, but thought a pretty large truck must have been passing by on the road below to create this much of a ruckus!!

Well, at least I got to know what the tremors could do, Pa!! People just ran every which way to escape then!! The papers were full of news then! :shock:

sonu gopi
31st December 2004, 07:53 AM
Hi Friends!

Is it appropriate now to send in another one of my dreams tale? :roll:

SONU GOPI :roll:

31st December 2004, 11:13 AM
ya sonu gopi :)

sonu gopi
31st December 2004, 01:11 PM
Early one morning I got up from my sleep feeling really confused, tired and lethargic. I have been “travelling” a long way in my strange dream. I woke up and saw the time was 4.30am. My normal time to wake up and get ready for school is at 6.00am. I just lay awake scared to close my eyes to sleep again - afraid that the strange dream might continue from where it was left…this has happened to me so many times before – so for a 11 years old girl I was really confused not knowing what was happening to me.!

Sleep wasn’t coming so I started to recollect what I had dreamt… I saw my family and I travelling south of Malaysia from Kuala Lumpur heading towards my uncle’s residence. My uncle had passed away (my mom’s BIL) and in the dream I remembered my father saying that he had died of a heart attack.( Frankly speaking, I didn’t know what it meant then!)

As soon as we reached there I saw a big crowd gathered outside the compound. I could see dark green tents with bright yellow lights from one end to the other. As I stepped out of the car, I ran towards the house. I saw the crowd breaking into two rows and made a path for me in the middle to make it easier for me to run up the staircase. I was using a grey frock with black lace trimming. As I was running along the path the ground was quite wet due to some rain earlier – I tripped and fell but I was lifted up by strong hands and the man dusted the dirt from my dress telling me “ Slowly dear child, be careful”. I remember murmuring “thank you uncle” but didn’t see his face. I climbed up the stairs (someone saying "turn to your left"!) and I turned to my left - there in the hall, I say my uncle lying in the coffin with my aunt and cousins around him. My aunt was using a light yellow nylex saree with tiny multi-coloured floral designs. I went closer and kissed him (uncle) on his cheek and I heard a good friend of aunt (aunty Madhavi) instructing me to sit next to her. I do remember crying too but suddenly I got up from the terrible nightmare with tears flowing down my cheeks.!

I now heard noises in kitchen so I knew my mother has got up. I slowly got out of my bed and the clock indicated 5.30 am. I went into the kitchen I saw my mother and I started to cry. She hugged and consoled when I narrated my dream. She asked me whether I had washed my legs and had said my prayers before going to bed. I told I did that but the bad dream was so real like it had taken place! She told me to forget about it - to take my bath and to say my prayers so that nothing unfortunate happens. This uncle of mine was my favourite for he always pampers me with chocolates, dolls and trips to the zoo when I visit them during every school holidays.

As usual I went to school at 7.am and my class starts at 7.30 am. In my class I was noted for being the most mischievous girl. All my lady teachers had a tough time controlling me – so to punish me they will give notes for me to copy on the blackboard so that the rest can take down. This way there is less noise in class. That particular morning I was extremely quiet and my history teacher ( plus class teacher) Ms. Parames noted this. She come in to our class towards the later part of the morning around 10.30 am. She called me to her desk and asked why I was quiet. I told her my uncle "died" and I am upset about it. She asked me why I was in school instead of attending the funeral. I then told that the “death” was only a dream. I also stated crying and she (though naughty, I was her favourite student) was consoling me too not to worry for it as it was only a dream. She also told me that for that day she will write the notes on the board herself and advised me to go back to my seat and not to worry unnecessarily

As I was in the midst of talking to her around 11.00 (something) I saw one of my father’s workers ( Mr. Rama) standing at the classroom door. I got permission from the teacher and approached him. He told me that my father has instructed him to pick me from school and send me to his office. I asked him if my uncle has passed away – he was trembling and kept mumbling that he doesn’t know anything but was only told to take me back. I kept arguing with him saying I will only get up on his bicycle if he were to tell me the truth!

While in the midst of argument with him, I saw my father’s car approaching and it came to a halt in front of my classroom. I ran to him asking him if uncle had passed away – my father quickly looked at Mr. Rama, who instantly said that he didn’t say anything but I was the one talking everything like I had known it. (Later I knew that my dad had instructed him not to tell me about my uncle’s death). My dear teacher was speechless when my father approached her and told of his intention of taking me back home. I heard her telling him about my conversation with her. Later my father got my principal‘s permission for my leave for the next few days.

When I reached home I saw my mother crying in the midst of packing and getting things organised. I had my lunch and all the foodstuffs in the fridge and cooked food was given to the maid to take back home. My mother gave us children our change of clothes and we were all ready to leave. As we were travelling my dad (driving the car) said that my uncle had died of a heart attack! My heart skipped a beat…and I was shivering like hell. Then half way thru’ the journey I just bent a little to see what frock I was using –God!! It’s the same grey frock with the black lace trimming!! I was seated at the back seat and I bent forwards towards my mother who was seated in front and whispered in my mother’s ears “ Ma, I am wearing the same dress as in the dream” My mother said “ What same dress?” My father asked my mother what was wrong and she told him about the dream I had in the morning ( I did not mention about the dress to her). My dad said that it was strange that a dream can be so real and my teacher had mentioned it to him.

When we reached our destination (night 7.30pm) – I got off the car. I saw the dark green tent with the yellow lights from end to end. I saw the crowd in the compound - dividing into two and made a path in the middle for me to run up. I ran and tripped just like in the dream ( ground was damp) and two strong hands picked me up and dusted the dirt from my dress and said “Slowly dear child, be careful”. I said “thank you uncle” to this unknown man but this time I looked up at his face and said “Oh, its you” and he said “yes, its me" (my father’s old friend). I made my way up the stairs and turned left to the side of the hall (now I knew which side he was placed) and I saw everything just like in my dream. My aunt with the same nylex saree, my cousins and all other relatives were sitting round the coffin. I went forward kissed my uncle on his cheek and then I heard aunty Madhavi calling my name softly "sonu" instructing me to sit next to her!

Rest of the funeral I have not seen in my dream – ‘coz I had woke up – probably I would have if I had continued to sleep after that short break – that is the mystery I shall never know.

Note: My dream was in the early hours of the morning (between 4.00-4.30 am) but my uncle passed away around 9.00 am (the same day). He was alive even when I was going to school at 7.00am. If only a telephone call was made perhaps he could have been saved but how? – but then again….he was fated to go for his time was up!

I was too young to think and nobody took me seriously – its normal for ppl to say "Don't worry... its only a dream”.

What do you call this? Trick of the sub-conscious mind? :roll:

SONU GOPI :roll:

31st December 2004, 01:29 PM
Excellent post sonu chechi!!

I had mentioned about a friend of mine who had experiences like this here on this link (http://forumhub.lunarpages.com/hub/viewtopic.php?t=369&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=60) but got bashed by skeptics for it and stopped posting more of his experiences.

However just a similar story I will add.

This was the month of March 2004. I was chatting with my friend on yahoo. He was based in Virginia then and it was a monday.

It seems that around 4 AM the previous day(Sunday) he woke up all of a sudden thinking about an uncle of his. Something told him that something was definitely wrong(most probably death) whenever he gets a 'flash of data' like these. He knew that uncle well and his close friend was that uncle's son-in-law. He called up home in India(2:30 PM) and inquired his parents if his uncle was fine. They said they had heard nothing wrong about him and asked him to go to sleep.
He slept off for 2 more hours but was woken up by the phone at 6 AM. It was his parents from India. The uncle had passed away at 2 PM few minutes before his call and since their parents were travelling that time, they got the news from his relatives couple of hours late!! :shock:

nirosha sen
31st December 2004, 02:04 PM
Very Good Sonu!! :D

It was a premonition!! You simply have the gift of being told ahead of what to expect!! You had them as a child and now even as an adult (Cancer Boy's story?), this gift remains with you, Pa!! I think the trick is not to let it scare you but to simply acknowledge it, so that it keeps serving you like a lighthouse's beacon of danger!!

Walrus - perhaps you ought to guide your friend to our site here too??? That way Sonu and your friend could compare notes on their individual experiences. What do you say???? This site should serve as a common platform for people with strange experiences like ours to meet and exchange notes, Pa! What do the rest of you say???? :)

31st December 2004, 02:29 PM
i have lost contact with him now :(
just by looking at a person's name in print he could tell 80% about him!!

31st December 2004, 02:43 PM
Dear Walrus,
you are very much excited with dreams that were really come true!!!.... I kept my questioning mind away and read&enjoyed the incidences written here. Few months back, I had seen a documentary in discovery channel (by a professional explorer) about a Sri lankan girl who could able to remember her previous birth life. In her previous birth, she was drowned to death in a small pond near a mountain and in the current birth she identified the place, her previous birth relatives, used items and death experience so vividly!!! The very interesting thing is she belongs to family (christian) who do not believe reincarnation in the current birth. Now she is considering both parents as her parents!!!. It all came in discovery channel. I will try to give the link...

Can you able to believe?

31st December 2004, 03:35 PM
Dear r_kk
why do u assume I need to break my head over everything? i only supported some events which were confirmed with reality and never quoted any unverified hypothesis or prophecies. anyway this has been a pleasant thread without debating, lets keep it that way.

Dear Walrus,
you are very much excited with dreams that were really come true!!!

very wrong, just now i pm-ed sonu gopi about my dreams which never came true :)

Can you able to believe?

I will keep an open mind and would love an opportunity to discuss with her. I have never shied away from interviewing such people myself.

BTW, I have refrained from posting intellectual things for past one week due to the serious events of last week which require more than intellectual talk. Hope you understood my silence. I do not wish to debate/question anyone in this thread since my methods would only drive away honest-minded people from openly posting their experiences/fears here without the need to produce a satisfactory answer to convince anyone.

sonu gopi
31st December 2004, 05:45 PM
Few months back, I had seen a documentary in discovery channel (by a professional explorer) about a Sri lankan girl who could able to remember her previous birth life. In her previous birth, she was drowned to death in a small pond near a mountain and in the current birth she identified the place, her previous birth relatives, used items and death experience so vividly!!! The very interesting thing is she belongs to family (christian) who do not believe reincarnation in the current birth. Now she is considering both parents as her parents!!!. It all came in discovery channel. I will try to give the link...

Can you able to believe?

I saw this programme too in Discovery Channel - where this girl takes the crew to the spot where she was supposed have been drowned. There were emotional scenes too with her "new found" family. They also showed the photo of the drowned girl then about 9yrs or so.

SONU GOPI :roll:

sonu gopi
31st December 2004, 06:38 PM
Netrikan thirapinum kutram kutrame...
rkk just curious to know what is the meaning of the above quote. Thanks!.

SONU GOPI :roll:

31st December 2004, 07:15 PM
Dear Walrus,
Please, don't be serious... I also do not want any serous discussions (I am the one of the few guys who refused to attend the grand new year party given by my company).

This is just casual posting...becuase I have long holidays, nothing else to do except sitting at home alone....

When you refereed that in other threed, skeptcis didn't believe, I thought I can ask "Can you believe this?" thats all... Please don't think I am making any kind of challange here (in this thread..)!!! I will not make any arguement in this thread. I will be just a listener here...

Let me give more details about the reincarnation documentary aired in Discovery channel.

In that documentary, a reincarnation case about Thusitha, a girl from Sri lanka was reported in detail. This girl, born in 1981, described at about the age of three, how she had lived in a place called Kataragama (at a distance of 230 km from her village) where she drowned in a river. She stated that her father was a flower vendor and that one of her brothers could not speak. In Kataragama, the researchers Ian.Stevenson and Samararatne (1988) found a family of flower vendors that had a son that could not speak and a daughter that had drowned in a river in 1974. Of the 30 statements that Thusitha had made, only two turned out to be wrong, and three unverifiable. In other words, all the other 25 statements were right. The two families in question had never met at all and had never heard of each other. Dr. Ian Stevenson, who did the verification for discovery channel, is a former head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, and presently Director of the Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia.

Netrikan thirapinum kutram kutrame...
rkk just curious to know what is the meaning of the above quote. Thanks!. SONU GOPI :roll:
“Netrikan thirapinum….” Meaning… (it seems you haven’t seen the movie Thiru vilai adal)
This statement was made by a Sangam period tamil poet Nakiran when he made an argument on a subject, in which he contradicts with God. The god got angry with the irritating statements made by Nakiran and decided to burn him with the fire from his third eye. When the God opens his third eye, Nakiran understood the opponent is God but still he argue and say that you can be God, you can burn me with the fire but at this moment also I say that you are wrong. I also have similar questions and want to argue with God even if God burns me with fire… Don’t ask him whether I believe of not… but I am very much inspired with the Nakiran’s courage.

2nd January 2005, 10:29 AM
Sonu Gopi,
I am a bit surprised you have not seen the movie. Among my dozens of keralite friends, most of them were aware of the movie because in olden times parts of kerala especially the travancore area was part of tamil nadu so my friend's dads stayed in tamil nadu and didnt miss a single tamil film(esp with kerala payyan MGR on fire, in stark contrast to the lifeless Prem Nazir across the border :))

Thiruvilayadal is a 1965 movie and was a super hit. Our moderator NOV used to go great guns over it in the tfmpage threads last decade :) It had everything a winning movie could ask for - AP Nagarajan in direction, KV Mahadevan for music, SP Balu/Balamuralikrishna for songs, Kannadasan for lyrics, cast of Sivaji Ganesan, Balaiya, Muthuraman, Devika, Nagesh, Savithri, Sundarambal.

Sivaji played Sivan's role fantastically, it was a class act and an unforgettable one. He had played both Sivan and Dharumi earlier when the movie was a stage play. The stirring dialogue that r_kk mentions is a big hit and memorised by children growing up in TN, when I was a school kid in late 80s, one of my classmates went to the front of the class and recited the entire dialogue word by word - thats shows the popularity of this 1965 movie!

Nagesh's comedy was funny and enjoyable - this was the first tamil movie i saw :)

The dialogue was available as an mp3 download but recently was removed from coolgoose unfortunately :(

Here is a spoof review on thiruvilayadal :) :)

2nd January 2005, 02:01 PM
Thiruvilayadal is a 1965 movie and was a super hit. Our moderator NOV used to go great guns over it in the tfmpage threads last decade :) It had everything a winning movie could ask for - AP Nagarajan in direction, KV Mahadevan for music, SP Balu/Balamuralikrishna for songs, Kannadasan for lyrics, cast of Sivaji Ganesan, Balaiya, Muthuraman, Devika, Nagesh, Savithri, Sundarambal.

Pls tell me the name of your previous avatar. You seem to know my history!

2ndly SPB in Thiruvilaiyaadal?
No! Never!


nirosha sen
2nd January 2005, 08:13 PM
I think I need to re-acquaint myself with that movie with my kids in tow this time!! :D I still remember Sivaji's Sivan helping out a poor poet played by Nagesh! Gosh, that was a classic scene Pa!!

Thought I'd share here : In my English class with the Tamil school kids, I had to wrack my brains to explain the meaning of a tree and log to them in Tamil. None came to mind except these lyrics which amused and enlightenend them!!

Ahem, correct me if I'm wrong People!! :

Parthaal Passu Maram
Paddethe-vittal Nedu Maram
(forgot)........ veruvukku ahem maa...
Nyana thangame.......

Just hope Nov, that they could take a leaf out of your experience and use lyrics of songs in Tamil discussion. I'm sure it'll be a hit, Pa!! (in Tamil schools and POL classes).

2nd January 2005, 08:48 PM
Though not necessarily with todays songs Niro. Check this one out from the movie New ....

coming in the style of the world and a new
shining like diamond pearl and a new
walking in a new kinda sound and a new
in a town and everybody get down and a new
ini varum one o'clock two o'clock new
pudhiyathu iniyathu enakkini oli varsham thaan

one two three, ada you are free
buck up idhu padhmasri
one two three tigonometry


or this one from manmadhan....

manmadhan wanna wanna be a wanna man
manmadhan tell me tell do you understand
manmadhan everybody want to know
manmadhan man man manmadhan
manmadhan to be it in love
manmadhan cant be going around


maybe this is what is actually needed in our Tamil schools. :D

nirosha sen
2nd January 2005, 08:56 PM
Thanks for helping out Nov! So much English in these songs??? Got to check them out!! :)

3rd January 2005, 03:30 AM
Pls tell me the name of your previous avatar. You seem to know my history!
Nov, I wasnt even aware of internet during your tfmpage-enlightening spree. Became an archive moottapoochi and silent spectator later :)

2ndly SPB in Thiruvilaiyaadal?
No! Never!
sorry - confused the 1965 movie with SPB's debut song(1965) :(

7th January 2005, 01:17 PM
When my husband was attached to a plantation in Perak Malaysia, we encountered a number of weird happenings. These are some of them:-

The manager's bungalow that my husband occupied is about 80 years old, right from the British era. It is a double storey part wooden and part brick house - very big and very tall. The bungalow sits on a one acre land. Surrounding it of course is the plantation (palm oil).

Before my husband was transfered to that plantation, for about 10 years the other managers who had occupied were all bachelors - and none of them had ever used the upstairs portion of the bungalow. When my husband started staying there he got the helper to clean the whole house. The sitting room upstairs is surrounded by long windows and is very airy. My husband cleaned it bare (took away all the furnitures) and made this place his meditation area. The rest of the rooms he just cleaned up.

At that point of time I was working away at another city and only returned to the bungalow during weekends.

At first everything was ok. Then the disturbances started. First the daily cleaner complained that when she is cleaning the upstairs portion, she could hear the front or the kitchen door being opened. But when she comes down to investigate, the doors are indeed open but no one is there. Then, when she is cleaning downstairs, she could hear noises upstairs, noises made like when ppl are moving around the house. She didn't think much of it but it started to become worse. The final straw was when she could hear loud (really loud) sounds of children playing and running upstairs. After that incident she asked to be transfered to the plantation & refused to work at the bungalow!

The thing is nobody else experienced these so at that time we thought the helper just made up the stories, though I myself felt that there could be a slight truth in the helper's complaints.

All was fine until we told my mum-in-law (whose family pray to Ayya - Muneeswarar) about it and she being a very pious woman arranged for an altar with Ayya's photo to be put in the house (My husband was not really into prayers etc).

Then it started. You see the place where my mum-in-law put the altar was exactly at the corner facing the foot of the staircase going up.

First the noises started. The bungalow is quite far away from anywhere else, the nearest neighbours are the plantation clerks and their houses too were about 200 metres away, so the place especially at night is so quiet that even if you drop a pin, you can hear it.

My husband didn't bother the sounds. He continued to meditate upstairs. When I come back during the weekends, I used to have the feeling that someone is staring at me from upstairs through the corner of the staircase railing. When I look up suddenly, I could see just the slightest of shadow moving away from staircase.

And once when I was bathing (the master bedroom and its attached bathroom is downstairs) I suddenly had goosebumps and then I saw something very tall & dark (I am short sighted and was not wearing my glasses at that time) at the doorway (which I normally don't close fully) staring at me, a couple of seconds later it went away from the bathroom door . I thought it was my husband back from work. I called out but he didn't reply. When I came out of the bathroom, I looked for him but he was nowhere. Then I realised that it was not him whom I saw!

After that I just stayed put in the downstairs living room with the front door open till my husband returned home. He told me not to bother and just pray or recite some mantras. I was quite scared after that incident. It never happened again.

After that every now & then from the corner of my eyes I could see something scurrying down and up the staircase especially at dusk when I am at the sitting room alone watching tv. One thing I noted it never went down completely - probably because of the altar?!

Although we were both not really disturbed much, almost all our guests refused to stay overnight in the bungalow - they never told us the reason but we figured it must have stemmed from the bungalow's other 'occupants' !

However one particular incident which happened about 2 months before my husband resigned from his job till to day has never failed to give us the creeps.

One night after travelling from Penang, hubby and his friend reached the bungalow at about 11 pm (I was away). His friend stays not very far away but since it was already late, he agreed to put up the night in the bungalow.

My husband arranged for him to sleep at our bedroom downstairs (since he didn't dare to allow him to sleep upstair lest he gets disturbed!). Hubby then watched tv until about 1 am and then fell asleep in the sofa.

At about 6 am, hubby woke up and went to wake up his friend - he was missing! And the bed did not show signs that anyone had actually slept in it! . Hubby searched the whole of downstairs & after failing to find the friend started upstairs ........ there at the landing of the staircase, his friend lay unconsciuous his legs on the staircase and the upper body on the landing !

Hubby was by taht time very scared - he tried to wake his friend. THank God! his friend woke up albeit drowsily. He complained he was very very tired. Hubby then helped him to stand up & held him & slowly started to go downstairs. At that time he noticed the marks of a hand with all the five fingers across his friend's back as though someone had slapped the back very hard.

He didn't mention anything to his friend & pretended as though nothing had happened. His friend went to sleep.

At about 10 am when the friend woke up, my husband asked him why he was sleeping upstairs - his friend with surprised look said "It was you who woke me up at night & brought me upstairs to sleep, don't you remember!?"

Till now we do not know what actually happened but we were very glad that nothing untoward had happened to us while staying there.

nirosha sen
7th January 2005, 07:36 PM
Boy!! That is sca.....ry Pa!! To make matters worse, I happen to live in a similar type of bungalow too!! It too is abt 80 years old, and we do use the two bedrooms upstairs and the hall!!!! In Perak, too!!!!

You're giving me the creeps Shakti!!!! I've sent you a private message, please reply Pa!! I'm on tenterhooks here!!! :roll:

8th January 2005, 04:57 AM
hi nirosha maam
check the carpet on the third step of the staircase...look underneath it - there would be a picture of a skull

8th January 2005, 05:28 AM
*At that time he noticed the marks of a hand with all the five fingers across his friend's back as though someone had slapped the back very hard. He didn't mention anything to his friend & pretended as though nothing had happened. His friend went to sleep. *

*At about 10 am when the friend woke up, my husband asked him why he was sleeping upstairs - his friend with surprise and said "It was you who woke me up at night & brought me upstairs to sleep, don't you remember!?" *

Tell me about the markings he had. The markings were gone then at 10 am? Or, did he say, that was also a compliment of your husband? Did your husband take him to hospital to treat that markings at all??? :? :?

May be he had a dream and has a "disease" of walking during sleep. The problem with these "facts" is that they are NOT REPRODUCIBLE just like the cold-fusion or herbal petroleum, observed for only once. :roll:

However, I should say, it is a good "tale" for the people those who are already superstitious. This tale will sure make them stupider than they are now. :(

8th January 2005, 05:54 AM
Having seen the wholesome and serious postings of shakti in other threads, i am not inclined to doubt her post. I would prefer to wait and watch if she can share more incidents.

Wonder if anyone has experienced this - A couple of years back there was a period when i would have a sharp burning sensation in my back and shoulders while taking early morning bath in hot water. I examined myself in the mirror and surprisingly found scratch marks as if made by a sharp instrument. It wasnt very deep but dry. I wasnt having any nails and I dont have the scratching habit either for any reason. This would persist randomly for days at a stretch. :twisted:

8th January 2005, 06:48 AM
:roll: Intersting!!!

in my home(4 bachelors) :D

Did you have any serious argument with any of your other roommate, who has long finger nails? :lol:

In college days, we used to apply tooth paste on the mouth of sleeping guys, draw scar images on their body and threat by imitating the presence of Ghosts :twisted: (Connect some wires to spoon and keep it inside the glass and operate it by sitting at another room at midnight).

(treat this as casual post....)

nirosha sen
8th January 2005, 08:35 AM
I believe Shakti too!! Primarily because, I've heard these experiences related by umpteen others in different circumstances!!

Matter of fact, there was an infamous rest-house in a nearby town, which had to be demolished due to poor business! Nobody wanted to stay there, because of these episodes of finding themselves out of bed, in different places, by early morning!! None of them could remember how they got dragged out and placed anywhere else but the bed!! And I don't think they're all nocturnal Somnambulists!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:

Anyway, prankster entities like the one Shakti mentioned are generally referred to as poltergeists or boggarts in English folklore! But I think it's what is commonly referred to as the "djin" here in Malaysia!! It has an interesting origin too!!

Djins are generally kept as pets by many Malay Muslims in this part of the world. Just like the rest of us who keep dogs as the house guards, there are people who keep them as their family pets and guards. From the description that Shakti gave, I believe that's what it was. Perhaps, it got left behind, by a tired owner who could not keep up with its maintenance, so decided to leave it be!!!

Djins are known to have originated from Mecca in fact. Not everyone who goes there are on a pilgrimage!!! There are sorcerers too among the teeming masses who make their way there in search of "pillars" where one could invite home these entities after a certain stipend changes hands!!

The above details was intimated to me by an old Malay colleague, who explained that it was indeed a peculiar custom to many of his people, in the community. Not everyone practices it of course, but it's generally meant to strike a chord of fear, by those in the know, not to mess around with you know who, in the village because of what you know is around, as family pet!! :wink:

8th January 2005, 10:45 AM
[quote="hehehewalrus"]Sonu Gopi,
I am a bit surprised you have not seen the movie. Among my dozens of keralite friends, most of them were aware of the movie because in olden times parts of kerala especially the travancore area was part of tamil nadu so my friend's dads stayed in tamil nadu and didnt miss a single tamil film(esp with kerala payyan MGR on fire, in stark contrast to the lifeless Prem Nazir across the border :))

LIFELESS? :o PREM NAZIR? :? HOW DARE YOU? :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

nirosha sen
8th January 2005, 11:37 AM
Blah-Blah - You have to admit that Prem Nazir was a more insipid lover boy that our dear MGR ever was????? :lol:

MGR was a fire-brand Pa!! He weaved in social messages in between wooing the lovelies!! Now who could surpass that, mmmm????? :D :D :D The man gave us fantasies to die for!!!!!

10th January 2005, 10:18 AM
No, mellon, he had the markings for almost a week & he also had high fever for almost a week (a point to note - my hubby did not tell him what he saw & neither did we tell the wife). This friend has never had a history of sleep walking either. So what do u all say?

And yes, nirosha, you may be right about the Djin (Isn't the spelling supposed to be jin, no?) I too have heard similar stories from my malay friends.

And what about this creature called Toyol? It's supposed to be green, bald, ugly, about 3 feet tall (sometimes can appear to be very tall & dark also)?

Any interesting real life experinces, anyone?

10th January 2005, 10:23 AM
Jinn,Toyol,Yakshi,Kuttychathan,Madan,Marutha!Why don't all these creatures come out in the open?

OH!I FORGOT ABOUT FORUMHUB! :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:

sonu gopi
10th January 2005, 10:42 AM
Jinn,Toyol,Yakshi,Kuttychathan,Madan,Marutha!Why don't all these creatures come out in the open?

OH!I FORGOT ABOUT FORUMHUB! :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Blah-Blah do you think all the above exists? :roll: If they come out my friend, then you would run for your life! :lol:


10th January 2005, 10:44 AM
you call me a coward? :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

sonu gopi
10th January 2005, 10:51 AM
you call me a coward? :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

If the cap fits you - wear it!! :lol: :lol:

SONU GOPI :wink:

10th January 2005, 10:55 AM
:poke: :lol: :lol:

10th January 2005, 11:31 AM
do u remember a cartoon serial called You Just Wait in 1987 on sundays 5 PM on DD? your avtar reminds me of that :)

sonu gopi
10th January 2005, 01:36 PM
do u remember a cartoon serial called You Just Wait in 1987 on sundays 5 PM on DD? your avtar reminds me of that :)

But that was Bugs Bunny with with his famous lingo "what's up doc?" :wink:


nirosha sen
10th January 2005, 02:36 PM
:roll: Blah-Blah's spooky tale still cooking or has it burnt to a singed crisp, Pa???? :lol: :lol: :lol:

10th January 2005, 02:46 PM
But that was Bugs Bunny with with his famous lingo "what's up doc?" :wink:

Was it really Bugs Bunny? I dont think it was a Hanna Barbera production and there was no Daffy in it. It was always a fox & a rabbit(who spoke russian and in a voice unlike Bugs bunny)

11th January 2005, 10:28 AM
Hi guys n' girls[thats the convenience-even grannies can be called girls on this forum :lol: ]

1.Walrus,its Bugs Bunny all set to go hunting for the rabbit season :lol: .
2.Nirosha,good things can wait a little.
3.Sonuchechi[a particularly young girl! :twisted: ],we are deviating from the subject of this thread.So come out with one more of your dreams urgently :D .

11th January 2005, 11:12 AM
Shakthi's post was very interesting! I have something similar to share. My father was a judicial officer in Tamil Nadu. Once he got transferred to Chengalpattu as District munsif. He got allocated a quarters where judicial officers lived. My mother was a school teacher in chennai at that time. When we went to Chengal pattu to see the quarters, we found it quite eery as there were very few houses occupied. The houses were quite expansive with a top floor and a balcony. That was the first time we ever lived in such a big house. Also facing the quarters was a hill (quite big). We could hear howling of wolves and foxes in the evening. After we moved in, myself and my brother were admitted into the Ramakrishna mission school in Chengalpet. So soon my mother was staying alone in the day. She could recall similar images that shakthi recounted earlier . She would tell us about four dark forms sitting around the dining table and playing cards and smoking beedis. She said she could even smell the beedi. My mother always had some extra spiritual sense (which my father would jocularly remark as nervous weakness. Her insticts always came true on people, places and journeys). I was in my third standard then. I used to get some kind of difficulty in breathing even if there is no cold or cough and only in night times(I still remember the smell of molten camphor and eucalyptus oil that my father would apply). Strangely when we moved back to chennai, my breathing difficulty also ceased(after reflecting on it now). Later someone told us that the judicial officer's quarters was built on an erstwhile burial ground ( ala poltergheist). I dont know how much of that was true but the place was sure as hell spooky. My mother also became quite relaxed later. I donno, but women are more sensitive to the matters of spirit and generally men like me are quite dumb in this matter.

11th January 2005, 11:48 AM
welcome here, i am a silent reader of your blog and tfmpage posts :)
Appdiye indha foruthlayum blog pola edhachum ezhudhunga

11th January 2005, 02:51 PM
Thanks hhw!
I was a silent reader once in this forum reading all the interesting posts. Thanks to corporate bureaucracy , I am finding tonnes of free time at the computer to post. That apart, I could only post partially whatever I wanted to in the previous posts. I had some interesting deja vus and heard about interesting ghost stories from my friends and relatives. Interesting to note that Vijay TV is going to run a show on this topic called "Kaathu Karuppu". We will have to wait and watch on that. Anyways in my blog spot I intend to open an eerie corner containing collected spooky stories. Let us see how that pans out. In the meanwhile we can discuss a lot about these paranormal happenings. In Tamil milieu, we come across guardian angels of villages , who are nothing but spirits of departed, good hearted souls. Similarly we also come across evil spirits and their manifestations in village stories. There is someone called A.K.Perumaal who is running a series called"Makkal Dheivangalin Kadhaigal" in www.thinnai.com . It is very interesting to read. Unfortunately it is in Tamil, so ppl who can't read Tamil cannot enjoy it. Once again thanks for welcoming me in this area of the hub.

nirosha sen
11th January 2005, 03:08 PM
Thanks for sharing your experiences Jaiganesh!! You are most welcome to share more Pa!! We all have them no matter where we live in this world. I always believe that just because we cannot see certain entities, it doesn't mean that they don't exist!!

11th January 2005, 03:22 PM
Later someone told us that the judicial officer's quarters was built on an erstwhile burial ground ( ala poltergheist).

There was a good article on poltergeists in Readers Digest in one 1989 issue. The term is used mostly in England and it refers to a harmless ghost with no malicious intentions.

11th January 2005, 03:50 PM
The following events also had happened in my hubby's bungalow.

Just about the time before he resigned from the estate, my hubby had a lot of disturbances - not the spiritual type but snakes!

In a span of one month only, suddenly the bungalow was infested with snakes about 30 ++. Before that nobody apparently had experienced this.

And it all started the night after this guy came over to the bungalow & helped my hubby to arrange the bungalow according to vaastu shastra! (Perhaps the vaasthu was the cause of it !?)

The first snake that hubby saw was sleeping across the doorway to his bedroom as though guarding the bedroom. It was a black cobra thicker than a man's forearm and perhaps 3-4 feet long or less.

(One of our friend told us the shorter a snake the older it is - can anyone verify?)

The snakes were just all over the places, under the bed, coiled around the staircase railing, at front door, on top of the kitchen door - u name it , they are there including outside the bungalow hanging from trees.

One isolated incident was when one cobra was found coiled under hubby's table at the estate office. By God's grace hubby did not go to office that particular morning (his job starts at 6 am when it is still dark & couldn't have seen what was under his table ). The cleaner found the cobra later that morning (about 10-12 feet long & thick).

We do not know what had caused the snakes to suddenly appear - but at that particular time, hubby was not exactly having a pleasant working environment what with the new Senior Manager who was constantly monitoring him & the increasing workload.

I do not know what the snakes symbolize - does anyone have simiar experiences?

Another thing that happened during all these trying moments hubby went through, was what I would call spiritually enhancing moments. Each time before his boss calls him to query or before a problem arises, he always gets a strong smell of cigars or cheroots (normally ppl associate this with the guardian God - Ayya/Muneeswarar).

Eg: once when he was very down, emotionally (I think the boss was extra hard on him the previous week) he was making his rounds alone on the estate grounds at about 6.30-7.00 am, he suddenly caught a whiff of cigar smell. He didn't think much of it but the smell became stronger & stronger as though someone was smoking cigar just behind him.

Surprisingly, he was not scared & after that felt much better and was back to his oldself. He thinks that Ayya (his family ishta teivam) may have made an appearance just to console him & to let him know that Ayya is with him.

Then another time, there was this quarrel among some foreign and local workers at the estate - hubby had to intervene & solve the matter. After that apparently the locals were not very happy with how hubby handled the matter & were sore at him.

A few nights later, while driving back to the bungalow, hubby had the same sensation i.e. smell of cigar but this time coupled with a strong smell of vibuthi (holy ash). He could feel himself becoming very calm & peaceful as though all the burden in his heart has been lifted off.

A few minutes later, just about to reach the corner to his place, he saw some figures in the middle of the road. Upon going nearer, he realised that they were the same local workers who were involved in the fight earlier.

At that time, hubby felt as though something was controlling him -he could sense his surroundings all right but at the same felt like somebody is leading him - like he is not in full control of himself.

He stopped the car & came out. He could see that some of the workers had some thick sticks & one a parang (long knife). He asked what they are doing there & one worker who appeared to be the leader told him taht they were no happy with preferential treatment given to the foreigners. Hubby proceeded to calm the worker and asked him to rationalize the issue & told them that nothing is going to materialise by them assaulting him.

The angry worker then started to calm down and spoke in a softer manner. After some cajoling & promise to look into the matter the workers left.

Hubby then went into his car & started home again. At this time he felt as though he just came out of a dream & realised that if only things had turned the worng way, something worse could have happened to him if the workers' anger were not appeased. After recollecting, he again felt as though Ayya or some divine power is helping him.

I have more such experineces but to be shared later ................

12th January 2005, 12:33 AM
about four dark forms sitting around the dining table and playing cards and smoking beedis.

A ghost as brand ambassador for Mallisseri Beedi? Holy Smokes!!

[just joking, dont let it stop you from writing more]

12th January 2005, 10:05 AM
I would love to see you write on contemporary issues like the indian media, indian sport, etc . Since most of the posters here reflect the indian diaspora, i have not been motivated to write on indian subjects here.

12th January 2005, 11:13 AM
Shakti,Your experience reminds me of something.My father in law had similar experiences with snakes.He and his younger brother decided to divide the land between them after their father's death around 10 years back.My FIL was unfortunate enough to get the least developed part of the land and out of sheer necessity he was forced to cut off a huge bamboo clump which was said to be home for ''Sarpam''.This he did by inviting the local Hindu priest and asking him to remove the Sarpam in a way which is not offensive to the Gods[and not to mention,the locals who still criticise him for the decision :wink: ].The priest is said to have done this and the eye-witnesses including my wife describe the 'Sarpam' as a small,two feet long snake with the hood of a cobra and a shiny,golden or yellowish head :? .

Now comes the tragic story.Snakes were seen every where and they often ventured into the house.Every time my FIL responded by re-enforcing the stock of large canes,storing them at every conceivable place and killing the snakes whenever possible :( .This went on for years.It was 4 years back when he had a serious bite from a saw scaled viper[Called Rakthamandali,since its venom affects the circulatory system] which almost killed him :( .Doctors had given up hope and he started bleeding through even the minute pores in his body.My wife told me that blood was coming out instead of urine.Finally he came out of the Hospital after 144 days as a mental and financial wreck.The snake sightings continue even to this day.This Christmas we were there and we went to our Uncle's house just 100 mts away and I saw something distinctly in the torch light-A Russel's Viper,bigger than the largest I have seen in the Zoology lab.My father in law vows that it is not an accident and claims the snake was there on purpose :roll: .I laughed at the theory but he won't let us go anywhere after dark.

Now as someone who is much interested in snakes,I reject the theory of Snake's revenge 8) .And I will never believe there is something called 'Sarpam',as I have never come across such a species in any of the articles I have read or snake parks I have visited.I wonder if any one can explain the belief of this people on the existance of a such a snake.And for your query I have never heard that the shorter the snake the older it is.It would be like saying that Parthiv Patel is older than Zaheer Khan :lol: .

12th January 2005, 02:54 PM
BB and Sahkti : Your posts just reminded me of something ....

I was only 11 then, my brother was 8. Dad was away from home and my mom asked an old friend of hers to send her son (abt16yrs old) to stay with us at night, as mom was pregnant.

One night, this boy (Segar), was very late. So we locked out the doors and all 3 of us got ready for bed. At abt 11pm, he came. So, I came out of the room and switched on the dining room light (usually, I'll go straight to the hall and switch on the hall lights).

As I turned and walked towards the door, I noticed something long and black at the corner of the hall, where the door was. I went nearer and suddenly, I saw the thing started to move and one end shot up....I realised then it was a snake!!! I shouted for my mom, dared not move at all!! Mom thought something happened to me, she came rushing and saw the snake.

She asked me to keep watching the snake while she went to get help. Mom asked Segar to come thru' the back door. Then, she went and called one of our neighbours for help.

Luckily, all these while, the snake stayed put..guess it must have been due to the slippery terrazoo floor. Our neighbor uncle came and with his brother's help, managed to catch the snake. Mom made it clear they should not kill the snake in the house.....though they were Chinese, they respected my pregnant mom's decision. They did not kill it in the house but took it outside and I later came to know that they killed it and threw it into the big drain across the road.

Well....mom was scared and worried that this might affect the baby and she told me that it was black cobra that came into our house...and, she also kept thanking God I switched on the dining lights that night, else..........

Fortunately, my little brother was born healthy and without any problem/complications. But, there is one unexpected thing here....
his forehead is broad, the right side is slightly raised and the hair line parts here - we used to joke saying it is "Vanenggaa mudi". The point where it raises remind one of a cobra which is ready to attack. When he was small, we noticed that his fine hair on the forehead shapes like a snake..... .. is this a silent reminder to us?? I don't know..... but I guess there is some truth in what they say about killing cobras especially when a lady in the house is pregnant...!

nirosha sen
12th January 2005, 03:07 PM
Blah-Blah - I sure am spooked by your tale abt the Sarbum, Pa!! Thanks for comin out of the closet at last!! :)

There's a similar Naagam pit at my in-laws compound too in Kerala!! Theirs is Tharavad land and I understand that that pit had been there for a long time! Could be even a century! (I'll confirm with hubby over this!!)

Every year my in-laws do special poojas at the Naagam pit, and they consider it as some sort of a clan guardian of course. Come to think of it, I had yet to see the snake on the number of times I had been home!! Boy, am I glad they didn't disturb it Pa!! Matter of fact, they even had it gated so as to prevent trespassers from going near!!

But I have to admit though, on my trips to the numerous Kerala temples around Malabar, I was perplexed on the obsession of Keralites for Naagam pooja! Everywhere there were temples which had pits as big as mini hillocks with people offering milk and eggs. There was one temple that raised my hackles; as I peered down the big "kolam" in the temple grounds, there were so many bags of plastic floating in it!! Initially, I thought that people were just being litter-bugs but on closer inspection????? They were actually molted snake skin!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

12th January 2005, 03:20 PM
Nirosha,Sarpakkavu's are common in Kerala.It is not strange to see snakes there too as snakes are supposed to live there and people usually leave the area undisturbed.There are many stories of 'Kavu's being destroyed for financial gains and later those who did it being subjected to a lot of misfortune.My question is specifc and is about the existence of a two feet long snake with a cobra's hood[not a cobra].My mother claims to have seen one many years ago and one person asked her not to disturb it as it was Sarpam.My mom says there was something shiny on its head too.Some people say there is a stone on its head.I would like to come across one of those as the poisonous snakes in our area are Russel's Viper,Saw scaled viper,Cobra and Crait and I am sure they are mistaking a Cobra for it.But as always people like to believe such stories.

12th January 2005, 03:26 PM
But, there is one unexpected thing here....
his forehead is broad, the right side is slightly raised and the hair line parts here - we used to joke saying it is "Vanenggaa mudi". The point where it raises remind one of a cobra which is ready to attack. When he was small, we noticed that his fine hair on the forehead shapes like a snake..... .. is this a silent reminder to us?? I don't know..... but I guess there is some truth in what they say about killing cobras especially when a lady in the house is pregnant...!

NM, you are absolutely freaked out, relax and have a coke . Is your brother's name Nagaraj? :lol2: :lol2:

What made you interpret that to be a snake and not as the hood of a peacock? Nagaraj shud have been Mayilvaganam
Nice video here :)

[who has never seen a live snake all his life]