View Full Version : Juices in USA

10th May 2005, 07:02 PM
Hi US Hubbers,

We get lot of variety of juices in USA like pasteurised, concentrate,.. I want to know which one is good for heath. I heard that pasteurised is not good for health. Is that right? Is there any website that discuss these?

Always fresh juice is healthier than these readymade juices. There are lot of juicers available iin US markets. Could anybody recommends which brand juicer is the best one for long time use?

Please enlight me on this!!


31st May 2005, 11:04 AM
hi i for year have been drinking tropicana, although theses juices weather they are pasturised or concentrated taste good they are no where near the real fresh juice that u squeeze at home. juices like tropica usually contain high fructose corn syrup or processed sugars! these are not natural and are not good for health! juicing your juice is way better and good for you at the same time! i use the jack la lane express juicer, i love it! to know more about juicing u can see my thread the beenfits of juicing!

31st May 2005, 04:10 PM
Hi Inimai,
I'm not staying in US, but in UAE ; just giving my experience, hope will be useful for you.

Any day, home-made is always better. But it not always practical, so on rare occassions, [when bored of making/ tired etc.] I do buy some packet juice. We didn't like Tropicana taste, so we buy only Bluebird brand --- esp. their fruit cocktail is good. Plus I always dilute before giving to kids.

I regularly [4 times a week at least] use juicer , mainly for making Tomato, Watermelon, Pomegranate, Purple Grapes, Celery, Carrot juice. It is generally advisable to eat the whole fruit/veg. as you can get the fibre goodness also. But sometimes, like carrot, most of the fibre passes undigested as it is difficult to digest. Also, it is easier to give my kids carrots, beets etc. as a 'juice' rather than as a 'vegetable', that is another reason for my using. I'm using Black& Decker brand called 'Juice Factory' for the past 10+ years ---- till date, no problem at all, excellent results !


6th June 2005, 08:39 PM
Hi Neha and indu,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

6th June 2005, 08:47 PM
Hi Inmai,
I am myself searching for a juicer.... what I am looking in a juicer is protability and easy to clean...we had a juicer in india and would hardly use it because of all the effort that would go in the end to clean it....here I am looking for something which can easily go in the dishwasher.
Apart from that there are a few things that my mom used to do whicle making juices that was healthy...
one is she used to make carrot,beetroot and amla juice...put just 1 amla into it and you dont feel the strong taste of it ..moreover amla is the best source of vitamin C so it used to be very healthy.
The other really tast and healthy juice she would make is put fruits like pineapple, watermellon etc and add a few florets of brocolli with it...brocolli is very healthy too and kids dont generally like to eat it oherwise so this juice was very very healthy too in that regards.
With regards to bottled juice ..... I believe it is maximum amount of sugar thats it...so we generally avoid it...but since till now we have no kids it is ok..but kids definately need juices etc....so i would suggest fresh is the best ..but in unavoidable circumstances bottled is ok

7th June 2005, 09:24 PM
Hi foodlover,

thanks for your inputs!