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12th May 2005, 02:23 PM
Hi Lakshman,

Can you tell me based on which God Jayadeva has written the Ashtapadhis?

It is better if you brief me for the song Anila tarala...

Thanks so much.

12th May 2005, 03:41 PM
I think it is Lord Krishna.

12th May 2005, 06:27 PM
Here is the text of anilatarala. It has been rendered by Maharajapuram Santhanam in vishvapriyA.

anila taraLa. rAgA: punnAgavarALi. Adi tALA.

P: anila taraLa kuvalaya nayanEna tapati na sA kisalaya shayanEna
C: yA ramitA vanamAlinA sakhi
1: vikasita sarasija lalita mukhEna sphuTati na sA manasija vishikhEna
2: amrta madhura mrdutara vacanEna jvalati na sA malayaja pavanEna
3: sthala jalaruha rucikara caraNEna luThati na sA hima kiraNikarENa
4: sajala jalada samudaya rucirENa daLati na sA hrdi viraha bharENa
5: kanaka nikaSa ruci shuci vasanEna shvasiti na sA parijana hasanEna
6: sakala bhuvana jana vara taruNEna vahati na sA rujamati karuNEna
7: shrI jayadEva bhaNita vacanEna pravishatu harirapi hrdayamanEna

12th May 2005, 06:37 PM
Sorry, Lakshman..did not mention clearly..asked for the meaning. anyways, thanks for the lyrics.

Regret for any incovenience..

13th May 2005, 12:20 AM
Poet jayadhEva's ashtapadhI's are on krishNA. Many of his compositions speak of the various facets of krishNA and the gOpIs' (especially rADHA's) relationship. And if interpretted literally, they can sound erotic and carnal. However, all of this occured before krishNA leaves brindhAvan and goes to maTHurA, never to return. According to the BAgavatham, krishNA was all of 11 years old at that time. So, I think the ashtapadhIs can't refer to erotic or carnal love with a prepubertal boy. Instead, they highlight the love and yearning of the jIvAthmA (symbolized by rADHA and the other gOpasthrIs) to unite with the paramAthmA (krishNA).

13th May 2005, 10:20 AM
What a beautiful way of putting it.Gita Govindam is supposed to be very erotic .

13th May 2005, 02:12 PM
Thanks a lot for yr explanation..

14th May 2005, 01:16 AM
Jayadeva a Krishna-Devotee of Orissa ... composed this Song out of Ecstacy...but could not find words ... beyond the Fourth line... because he got some doubts on his further Thoughts....

So left it incomplete... to be continued later... and left for the Morning- bath.

When he returned after bath and asked his wife to get the Palm-leves to complete the balance ... his wife replied...

"Are you Mad... What a Wonder!!..just a little while ago... you came back after bath.. asked for it... and wrote yourselves the balance lines too... I was surprised to see you write SO FAST... you completed the remaining THREE LINES withina few minutes...and handed over to me to keep safely... and then went out...

And now you are asking for the same... to complete it!!!

And Jayadeva... was quite wonderstruck and AMAZED to see... the LAST THREE LINES... wriiten in his own Hand-writing... with beautiful words aptly clearing the doubts of the Poet...

Quite bewildered on this ... for the whole day... Jayadeva went for Night- sleep ... while in his Dream .. Krishna appeared... danced before him with Abhinaya... for the whole Content including that of Jayadeva... explaining its meaning too... line by line.

The Most wonderful point is... Lord Krishna.. has affixed as Mudra...JAYADEVA.. the name of the Poet in the last line... giving the whole Credit to the Poet exclusively.

Since this composition was acknowledged by Krishna HIMSELF..

...it is considered as... DHIVYA-SOOKTHI..(Divine-Utterance)

...Qualified to be recited and Sung in Temples... before the Deities.

14th May 2005, 10:41 AM
Thanks Sudhaamaji.Similarily, I heard that some verses in Subramanya bhujangam was sung by Lord Murugan himself.Adi Sankara sang it when he became sick in tirutani(or tiruchendur) and the last verses are supposed to have been sung when Murugan entered the body of Adhi Sankara and cured him of the ailment.Hence, some verses are considered to be sung by Murugan himself.