View Full Version : Child Labour

20th May 2005, 09:26 AM
The topic was prompted by the News article that 34 children where freed from child labour in Coimbatore.

We see children working everywhere shops, industies (some of them dangerous) etc.

Shouldn't they be in school, studying and playing like other kids. Or dont they deserve this by birth.

Considering the proverty and limited resources in our country what are the solutions.

20th May 2005, 09:36 AM
The topic was prompted by the News article that 34 children where freed from child labour in Coimbatore.

We see children working everywhere shops, industies (some of them dangerous) etc.

Shouldn't they be in school, studying and playing like other kids. Or dont they deserve this by birth.

Considering the proverty and limited resources in our country what are the solutions.

first of all u shd blame the parents who send them

20th May 2005, 09:42 AM
In hunger you do things differently.

Parents who send their children for labour are mostly illterate and proverty sticken. They dont see any good in getting thier children educated, they see the same attitude among others in the community.

In proverty naturally an earning member seems more valuable than an educated on.

20th May 2005, 09:45 AM
Considering the proverty and limited resources in our country what are the solutions.

As you suggested in the other thread Patience is :).

You cannot preach to people with empty stomachs about the evil. Instead NGO's should work closely with government and educate them. Night schools are better idea. Visit http://www.sslindia.org. They are running night schools which are targeted primarily towards working children and working ill-literate adults. Once you educate them they will automatically realise the importance of education in early ages. Atleast next generation will not suffer.

20th May 2005, 09:56 AM
As you suggested in the other thread Patience is :).

That was wily. My words against me itself. :x

You cannot preach to people with empty stomachs about the evil. Instead NGO's should work closely with government and educate them. Night schools are better idea. Visit http://www.sslindia.org. They are running night schools which are targeted primarily towards working children and working ill-literate adults. Once you educate them they will automatically realise the importance of education in early ages. Atleast next generation will not suffer.

India is said to be having one of the best networks for NGO's in the world. So the solution you mentioned seems to be the best. With better co-ordication amoung NGO's they results will be multiplied. Night schools hmm thats good but whill children study after a whole day of hardwork.

20th May 2005, 09:03 PM
Night schools hmm thats good but whill children study after a whole day of hardwork.

You are right. Initially lack of attendance will be a problem. Curriculam should be different from that of the regular students and should be planned in such a way that chidren has fun while learning. A few of us (who formed a virtual organisation) are planning to initiate it as a thought process and send it to SSLIndia and execute it thru them, some of our plans are -

1. NRI's contributing to get learn-while-having-fun kits from USA or in India (if available).
2. Get TV and educational casettes that educates children through cartoons.
3. Buy a computer (used - in working condition) for every classroom.

Hope it works out. The psycology is when kids come back from work, most of the time they don't get time to play, which they would like to. The only reason they are not able to do is because of lack of facilities. Our idea is to tap on that area. Though this activity is not physical we wanted to try out learn-while-having-fun ideas since our intention is not just make them play, but to make them learn too. Most of the children (esp girls) tend to do some household chores after a day of work. Looks like sslindia already did the groundwork of convincing the parents about the importance of education (Atleast in the vavipalayam panchayat area), and if you make it interesting for them I don't see a reason for the lack of attendance. After all it's 2-3 hours of fun after a hard day of work.

We just set the thought process rolling and haven't done anything yet. Hoping with fingers crossed, that no textbooks, no homeworks appeals to the children. More suggestions are welcome.[/quote]

21st May 2005, 04:19 AM
Parents who send their children for labour are mostly illterate and proverty sticken. They dont see any good in getting thier children educated, they see the same attitude among others in the community.
This was true twenty years ago. Today, however, many parents are quite keen to see their children educated. The real problem is that the corporation schools don't educate them, and the parents know this.

A study conducted in 1993 in Mumbai showed that less than one third of students finished primary school in the expected four years - even though there are no exams to pass or fail. On top of that, as much as 20% of those who do manage to finish in four years do not meet basic standards of literacy prescribed for primary students. And, to crown it all, we have the utter irrelevance of the school curriculum to the majority of poor students, and the sheer absurdity of the teaching techniques used in classroms. Parents in poor families are more aware of this than people realise.

Outside the realm of middle-class myth, "negativity" towards education plays a very minor role. The dismal quality of the municipal education system is much much more of an obstacle.

21st May 2005, 03:06 PM
The topic was prompted by the News article that 34 children where freed from child labour in Coimbatore.

We see children working everywhere shops, industies (some of them dangerous) etc.

Shouldn't they be in school, studying and playing like other kids. Or dont they deserve this by birth.

Considering the proverty and limited resources in our country what are the solutions.

first of all u shd blame the parents who send them

All hubbers,please forgive my digression.

But this 'hi' guy is supposed to have joined the hub this month and has become a senior hubber by posting more than 500 posts.Yet none of his posts can be viewed by you.What the hell is this?

I feel the Prime Minister if this hub should be more careful while selecting his colleagues. :evil:

21st May 2005, 09:21 PM
Dear Hubbers,
As a poet, my heart goes out with the children.
A small poem for people.

....And they said, children's fingers make best products

In a dingy room
Rows of children...
Very young children,
Weave coffin cloths for their
Childhood .

A childhood,
which died before they were born.
And people call them Carpets.

Same nimble fingers have
Lost sense of touch
And mechanically, now,
They roll tendu leaves
They do not fill tobacco
But each leaf roll is filled with
Their childhood.

A childhood,
Which died before they were born.
And people call them Beedies.

In an isolated factory hall,
Rows upon rows of children,
Wearily roll papers,
And fill them with
Their childhood.

A chilhood,
Which died before they were born
And people call them Fireworks.

Come, let's give back their childhood,
And freedom to play and dream.

Its not difficult.
Give up with determination,
Smoke, carpets and crackers.
Each one , teach one.

Nichiro :?:

26th May 2005, 12:14 PM
The topic was prompted by the News article that 34 children where freed from child labour in Coimbatore.

We see children working everywhere shops, industies (some of them dangerous) etc.

Shouldn't they be in school, studying and playing like other kids. Or dont they deserve this by birth.

Considering the proverty and limited resources in our country what are the solutions.

first of all u shd blame the parents who send them

All hubbers,please forgive my digression.

But this 'hi' guy is supposed to have joined the hub this month and has become a senior hubber by posting more than 500 posts.Yet none of his posts can be viewed by you.What the hell is this?

I feel the Prime Minister if this hub should be more careful while selecting his colleagues. :evil:

Hello blahblah,

hve u ever entered the tamil film...section ..."hi" is a active member in that....see got so many posting in sort span of time is becoz...she particpate in the song section......please don't pass comments like this....

and moreover the hubber status is activated by forumhub....we r not choosing oky

1st June 2005, 05:40 PM
first of all u shd blame the parents who send them
Every one knows, this happends when the parents are fools, are you gonna blame the fools for their mistakes?? The only go is, steps to be taken. Not just blamming and drop the ball on others court!!

1st June 2005, 05:44 PM
see got so many posting in sort span of time is becoz...she particpate in the song section......please don't pass comments like this....

and moreover the hubber status is activated by forumhub....we r not choosing oky

Even our Mandakkai had posted soo many Informative Posts :wink: