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17th November 2004, 11:29 PM

I am going to try and write an article for an Indian Magazine on the topic : Ideal Age for Marriage. (That's not the name of the topic though) I am just taking a poll so if you would like to contribute, please provide the following information.

Are you a Male or Female?

Your Age?

Where were your parents born?

Where were you born?

What do you think is the ideal age for marriage ( for a man? for a woman?)

Are you married?

Any other comments/suggestions you have, feel free to let me know.

Thank you for your answer!!

18th November 2004, 10:30 AM
Oh,Now I got a better idea about your earlier post.Well,Don't you think you are asking for too much personal information about strangers?And do you expect any one to be so honest on the hub?

21st November 2004, 10:02 AM
24 4 guys 22 4 gals

22nd November 2004, 07:27 AM
hey kavitha good to see you here :D

27th November 2004, 02:45 AM
hehe walrus ur a baby

27th November 2004, 04:29 AM
ummm i think the ideal age to get married for guys and gals is 26 and above.. peopela re way too young to be tying the knot.. not everyone is mature adn is able to bear the responsibility of marriage.. twenties should be enjoyed.. study, work hard, travel, live.. u havea a lifetime to grow older.. and settle down!!

27th November 2004, 06:28 AM
i agree

27th November 2004, 11:02 AM
ummm i think the ideal age to get married for guys and gals is 26 and above.. peopela re way too young to be tying the knot.. not everyone is mature adn is able to bear the responsibility of marriage.. twenties should be enjoyed.. study, work hard, travel, live.. u havea a lifetime to grow older.. and settle down!!

26! seriously....does he know????? :P :P :P

27th November 2004, 03:57 PM
19 for Girls. 91 for man!! :lol:

I know why.. because I got drowned at 22!!! :)

27th November 2004, 11:09 PM

Ideal age for getting married is 24-27 for men, for women 23 -25.if u r getting married in 29 or 30 u will not have a choice,Moreover if the boy is 30 and the girl is 28 at the time of marriage, she will be more matured than the boy.


I am going to try and write an article for an Indian Magazine on the topic : Ideal Age for Marriage. (That's not the name of the topic though) I am just taking a poll so if you would like to contribute, please provide the following information.

Are you a Male or Female?

Your Age?

Where were your parents born?

Where were you born?

What do you think is the ideal age for marriage ( for a man? for a woman?)

Are you married?

Any other comments/suggestions you have, feel free to let me know.

Thank you for your answer!![/quote]

28th November 2004, 12:04 AM
Hey Rahul no matter what age the girl is going to be more mature than the guy...and Shekhar the man being 91 just makes him into the same irresponsible needy baby he was at 19! :D :D

just kidding seriously i say dont ever think that because you are older you have to "settle" for someone...seriously not only is it offensive to know that someone felt pity enough to just 'settle' for you...you're not doing anyone a favour...

29th November 2004, 05:00 AM
Hi Kavitha,

Hope. you didnt get the answer for your questions except Rahul...

//Are you a Male or Female? //
//Your Age? //
1 - since Day-before-yesterday.
till then 30
//Where were your parents born? //
have to ask their parents

//Where were you born?//
pass to my parents

//What do you think is the ideal age for marriage ( for a man? for a woman?) //

27 and 24

//Are you married? //
With my thoughts

//Any other comments/suggestions you have, feel free to let me know. //

What you want me to comment/suggest about....

Thank you for your question...!?..

29th November 2004, 06:31 AM
very amusing indeed :D 8)

28th January 2006, 03:55 PM
well ...i am 17 f ........
native is tamil nadu though i am presently elsewer.....

i think the rite time to marry is around 25 ..and i plan to get married at maybe 28 or 29 ....

lots of plans till then....

28th January 2006, 03:56 PM
well ...i am 17 f ........
native is tamil nadu though i am presently elsewer.....

i think the rite time to marry is around 25 ..and i plan to get married at maybe 28 or 29 ....(thoughts change with time .....but as of now thsi is it ,,,)

30th January 2006, 11:57 AM
Are you a Male or Female?


Your Age?


Where were your parents born?

Tanjore and Salem.

Where were you born?

Born in Salem raised in chennai.

What do you think is the ideal age for marriage ( for a man? for a woman?)

23 to 25 for woman....... 25 to 28 for man.

Are you married?


Any other comments/suggestions you have, feel free to let me know.

Marriage is not mandatory yet desirable.

Sanguine Sridhar
30th January 2006, 02:36 PM
Ideal age! It depends from person to person.There is no fixed age for that.He/She needs to settle first or needs settle his/her family.If He/She has an elder then they have to get married.He/She might be jobless,needs to work anything.If there is no restrictions like this IMO for male 26-27 for female 24-25

30th January 2006, 02:43 PM
Are you a Male or Female? MALE

Your Age? 27

Where were your parents born? Dad- Fareedkot Mom-Neelon

Where were you born? Barmer, Rajasthan

What do you think is the ideal age for marriage ( for a man? for a woman?) Man- 26-27, Woman- 20-23

Are you married? No- getting married soon ( in April)

Any other comments/suggestions you have, feel free to let me know. -

It would be best for ppl to marry within not-so -close/distant relations- AIDS is far better than genetic disorders! I know a friend's friend's relative (male) who got AIDs form his infected wife. Ever heard of such a thing? Believe it or not- later, the guy got to know she used to sleep around with her male classmates in colleges.

At least, a known devil is better than an unknown angel! My fiancee is my 2nd cousin- we've known each other from childhood. I don't know how many of you will agree with this. This is my personal opinion.

30th January 2006, 04:44 PM
Ok, thot I'll give this a shot too! :D

Are you a Male or Female?
Haiyyo......ippothiki etthana peru inge intha kelvi keturkanga pa......! :roll: :oops: :lol:
OK ok.....I'm male....confirm! :lol:

Your Age?
Oh, plse.......*blush*, giggle.......:lol:
OK, seriously, 24 & nearly 2 months. :D

Where were your parents born?
Mum- Triplicane, Madras 'Nalla' Madras.
Dad- Vizag a.k.a Visakhapatnam, AP

Where were you born?
Seetharam Maternity Home (now called Hyderabad fertility centre), Hyderabad.

What do you think is the ideal age for marriage ( for a man? for a woman?)
Hmm.....man- ne time between 25-30 (or at the most 32, not postponing further than tat! :))
woman- min. age 23-24 (altho purely from my perspective, as my mum & dad married when they were 24 & 25 respectively), max. age IMHO 30.

Are you married?
I wish! :lol: but tats not my priority at the present time......

Any other comments/suggestions you have, feel free to let me know.
Well, IMHO, nowadyas marrying late is becoming common even among women- atleast among the busy-career oriented (no longer can they be called girls when they r ready to marry! :)) but I feel delaying too much (in case of both men & wmen) wud result in lack of planning for family after marriage.....afterall, if u marry too late, when r u gonna hav children (& today, unlike b4, most of us'd prefer to get to "know" our spouse for a while b4 deciding to hav a child, so tat'd make it all the more postponed!)......medically its not advisable to hav children when u reach/r abt to reach 40.
BUT the MOST imp. thing than the "ideal" age to marry is tat both shud be well-prepared physically & mentally to enter into the householder/family life after marriage, for which they wud hav to be prepared to make sum compromises in their own lives......
Lets face it, it makes no sense in continuing to behave as if ur single (& available? :P) after ur married & hav children! U must be ready to metamorphose into an entirely different person, w/ an entirely different outlook towards life, apart from successfully striking a balance between ur professional, personal (individual) & family self.
However, this is not sumthing tat can be done instantly as we human beings r mainly MINDS not bodies alone.......so this requires an enormous psychological challenge on the part of BOTH the individuals. Tehrefore IMHO everyone shud willingly train themselves to develop into maritally compatible individuals b4 taking the plunge! 'cos there may not be a chance to improvise on this AFTER marriage! :D
Hmm.......'nuff said I think! :lol:

Thank you for your answer!!
Ur most welcome! :D

30th January 2006, 04:53 PM
Dad- Fareedkot Mom-Neelon
Say Alan, where r these places, UP or Punjab??

I know a friend's friend's relative (male) who got AIDs form his infected wife. Ever heard of such a thing?
Nope, but I did reckon there r cases like tat in today's scenario!
Sad all the same! :-(

At least, a known devil is better than an unknown angel! My fiancee is my 2nd cousin- we've known each other from childhood. I don't know how many of you will agree with this. This is my personal opinion.
Well, I guess its good (& lucky!) tat u both got to know each other so much b4 marrying......but still, marrying a cousin (distant or otherwise) may not be the best alternative among all.....in many cases he/she may not like to marry a relative/neone related to their family too.... :)

30th January 2006, 06:20 PM
Dad- Fareedkot Mom-Neelon
Say Alan, where r these places, UP or Punjab?? Punjab

I know a friend's friend's relative (male) who got AIDs form his infected wife. Ever heard of such a thing?
Nope, but I did reckon there r cases like tat in today's scenario!
Sad all the same! :-( -

Well, usually, its the husband who after straying around transmits the virus to the wife- that's what I meant. This is the first case of its kind that I am hearing.

At least, a known devil is better than an unknown angel! My fiancee is my 2nd cousin- we've known each other from childhood. I don't know how many of you will agree with this. This is my personal opinion.
Well, I guess its good (& lucky!) tat u both got to know each other so much b4 marrying......but still, marrying a cousin (distant or otherwise) may not be the best alternative among all.....in many cases he/she may not like to marry a relative/neone related to their family too.... :)

Well, both of have been childhood sweethearts- so we were just waiting for me to get a job & her to finish her House Surgency.

30th January 2006, 06:40 PM
Well, usually, its the husband who after straying around transmits the virus to the wife- that's what I meant.
Yup, tats wat I meant too :)......altho its the 1st time I'm getting to know abt such a case I jus reckoned (or shud I say feared!:() tat there wud be sum the other way round too, as this one! :(

.......so we were just waiting for me to get a job
Btw if I'm not gettin too personal, rn't u currently working? I rem. u saying u've worked b4, altho in other places like Madras.....?

31st January 2006, 02:34 AM
Lemme do this too.Im bored and cant find any hubbers online :).

Are you a Male or Female?
Eppothume Lady than (Female :))
Your Age?
passed the age of blusing when asked about the age.It dosent matter anymore :sigh:
Where were your parents born?
Mum- Miylaaduthurai (think its in tanjore district),TN
Dad- Chidambaram, TN

Where were you born?
Dunno the hospital name but some hosp in Porur,Chennai

What do you think is the ideal age for marriage ( for a man? for a woman?)
Man- between 26 - 32(feel men mature later than women hence the later years :))
woman- 24-29 (Not later than that coz I feel )
Are you married?
Any other comments/suggestions you have, feel free to let me know.
Be sure that this is the person you wantto marry before marriage itself .No use getting married and then regretting.

Thank you for your answer!!
Ur most welcome! Though I think our answers are very late and not really useful to you now.I guess you would have finished with your story long before.Anyways heres my 2 cents :lol:

31st January 2006, 09:14 AM
feel men mature later than women hence the later years :)
:shock: Ahaaa.........appidiyaa??!! Harrrrrrumphh! :poke:

31st January 2006, 09:57 AM
Well, usually, its the husband who after straying around transmits the virus to the wife- that's what I meant.
Yup, tats wat I meant too :)......altho its the 1st time I'm getting to know abt such a case I jus reckoned (or shud I say feared!:() tat there wud be sum the other way round too, as this one! :(

.......so we were just waiting for me to get a job
Btw if I'm not gettin too personal, rn't u currently working? I rem. u saying u've worked b4, altho in other places like Madras.....?

yes, that's right- first our parents thought we could get married soon after my placement, but then she was in her 2nd yr. So, her parents thought it would be better if she completed MBBS first. They thought she might not complete it after marriage-lol!

Its been a loooooooooooooooooooong wait, Lamby!

31st January 2006, 10:58 AM
////Its been a loooooooooooooooooooong wait, Lamby!/////

Good luck alan :)

31st January 2006, 11:15 AM
Its been a loooooooooooooooooooong wait, Lamby!
Ah well, wats tat saying- the fruits of patience r sweet? :wink: :D

31st January 2006, 12:28 PM
Yeah, hopefully!

Thanks Shakthi mam & Lamby!

31st January 2006, 12:43 PM
Yeah, hopefully!

Thanks Shakthi mam & Lamby!
Ur welcome! :)