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View Full Version : Mrs Soma's Recipes (In memory of Mrs.Soma)

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
Topic started by Ramki (ramkipillai@yahoo.com) (@ 1cust214.tnt1.bloomington.il.da.uu.net) on Mon Oct 7 10:45:47 .

Dear all,
I deeply regret the sad demise of our active and generous hubber Mrs Soma.
I am posting all her personal recipes in this thread,so that everyone can cherish and remember her always.Please let us all make a thread In memory of Mrs Soma,who is still alive amougst us through her writings.
Thank you

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
From: Mrs,Soma (@ ce5.time.net.my) on: Wed Jul 31 23:59:00

Dear Mr. Ramki, thanks a lot for your recipes. Is there any subtitute for kala jeera. I do not know wheather we can get it in Malaysia.Can I post any non-veg recipes in your thread. The reason is I want you to correct my recipes if it needs any alterations. Thanks.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
From: Mrs. Soma (@ ce5.time.net.my) on: Fri Aug 2 07:46:29

Dear Mr. Ramki,
I want to ask you something. You have said that you are a chef, and you own a resturant.I was approched by a woman's magazine, asking me to contribute few recipes for their issue. They told me that I could omit one or two ingredients in my recipe to keep the original recipe. I was taken aback by their suggestion. They told me it was the truth and that nobody gives complete recipes. They also said hotels, resturants, cookbook, writers, would never give complete recipes, and that they are their trade secrets.This reminds me of Hemantji's words, he too has said that no one gives complete recipes. I feel my happiness is when someone says that they have benefited from my recipes.What's your opnion Mr. Ramki.

From: Mrs,Soma (@ ce5.time.net.my) on: Fri Aug 2 08:18:24



500 grms boneless chicken sliced into small pieces
2 tsp light soya sauce
2 tsp oyster sauce
2tsp ginger juice
¼ tsp salt or to taste
1 tbs water
3 tsp corn flour
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp aniseed
1/4 tsp tumeric powder
4 small shallots sliced
4 pips garlic sliced
5 long red chillies ( rinsed and cut into 4 pieces each )
2 tbs oil or more a bit
Curry leaves a little

Mix the seasoning ingredients with the chicken pieces and marinate for about 2 hours.
Put a kadai on fire and add the oil, and lightly brown the garlic and the shallots. Put in the cut chillies and toss for about 30 seconds. Add in the curry leaves.
Add the chicken pieces and stir fry until cooked. The cooked pieces would look like fried chicken, so use oil accordingly.

Mr. Ramki, this is how we make chilli chicken.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
From: Mrs. Soma (@ ce5.time.net.my) on: Sun Aug 4 01:18:55



3 slices of fish ( pomfret, salmon, or spanish mackerel, or any of your choice )
3 tbs coconut scrapings
1 tsp aniseed
3or 4 tsp of chilli powder,or more to taste
2 tsp thick tamarind juice, or more to taste
½ tsp tumeric powder
½ tomato chopped into tiny pieces
salt to taste
2 – 3 tbs oil or more


Grind the coconut scrapings and aniseed to a fine paste. Remove the paste, add in the chilli powder,tumeric powder, thick tamarind paste, salt, and the chopped tiny pieces of tomatoes and mix well to form a paste.
Clean and wipe the fish slices. Apply the masala all over the fish, so that the masala is well evenly coated through out. Keep them aside for an hour or so.
Put a non stick pan on fire. ( It’s important , so that we get neat finished fish slices )
Add the oil , then add the fish slices on the pan and cook on slow fire. Let it brown nicely before turning on the other side. This not a deep fried fish, but we have to use oil a little bit more for the masala and the fish to be cooked..So add oil accordingly.

Note: After cooking ,you can put the fish pieces on a hot tosai kal to get a very dark brown finish, without burning the masala.
This spicy masala fish will be very tasty to eat with steaming rice.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
From: Mrs,Soma (@ j76.kja34.jaring.my) on: Mon Aug 5 19:00:16

Dear Mr. Ramki this is how we do our talcha
Hope it helps.


½ kg mutton with bones ( chest bones )
1 cup toor dhal
½ coconut scraped
1 brinjal
1 potato
2 tomatoes
1 small lime sized tamarind
1 big onion
1 tbs meat curry powder
½ tsp tumeric powder
2 tsp garlic paste
2 tsp ginger paste
2 green chillies slit
1 stalk curry leaves
1 stalk coriander leaves chopped
2 one inch cinnamon sticks
2 star anise
4 cloves
4 cardamons
½ tsp aniseed
2 tbs oil or more
salt to taste

Clean the dhal and the mutton, add tumeric powder and cook till the dhal and mutton are cooked..The dhal must be really mashed.( or you can cook separately and mix )
Have enough gravy after boiling the mutton and dhal.
Extract the tamarind juice about a cup
Extract 1st and 2nd milk 1 cup each.
Cut the brinjal and tomatoes.
Cut the potato into big cubes.
Slice the onion.
Heat the oil in a pot..
Add in the cinnamon, cloves, star anise, cardamoms, and the aniseed. When they splutter, add in the sliced onion, and the slit chillies. Fry till the onion turns limp.
Add in the brinjal, tomatoes, potato and curry leaves, and stir for a second.
Now add the second coconut milk, mixed with the meat curry powder, add also the tamarind juice, stir nicely.Let it boil, Now add the mutton dhal mixture, and give it a good stir and let it boil till the vegetables are cooked.Add salt to taste..
( The talcha curry should be a bit watery, not very thick, so add in water, or more coconut 2 nd milk if your curry is thick. )
When the vegetables are cooked, add in the first coconut milk, and boil for a minute.
Sprinkle the coriander leaves and remove from the stove.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
From: Mrs,Soma (@ jrc-cache5.jaring.my) on: Tue Aug 6 03:02:25

Dear Mini, you can use my prawn pickle recipe for fish pickle.
Here I have given another recipe with a slight varation.

Fish Pickle


500 grms fish slices
1 tsp tumeric powder
3 tbs chilli paste or more to taste
6 pips garlic
1 thumb size ginger
2 tsp mustard powder
1 tsp cumin seed powder
1 tsp fenugreek powder
2 tsp sugar or more to taste
2 cups vinegar
2 cups peanut oil
salt to taste


Cut fish into 1 inch pieces. ( discard the middle bone, or you can use it as a slice )
Smear the fish pieces with salt, and tumeric powder, and leave it for ½ an hour.
Grind ginger and garlic into a paste.
Heat oil and fry the fish pieces, and remove.
In the same oil fry the ginger, garlic paste, and also the chilli paste, until there is a nice
Aroma. Add in the fried fish, the three powdered spices,sugar salt to taste and
Enough vinegar. Cook till oil floats on top. Cool and bottle it.

Note: The oil and vinegar are given as 2 cups each. Please use your judgement

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
From: Mrs. Soma (@ brf-cache11.jaring.my) on: Fri Aug 9 00:05:01

Dear Mr. Ramki, I really envy how you manage to post so many recipes inspite of running a restaurant.. I really become tired looking into the affairs of my three compnies.
My son laughed at me jotting down recipes from my scrap book.
You are doing a great service, keep up the good work Mr. Ramki.

Well here is how we cook Crab perattal


Medium crabs 6
Big onion 1 sliced
Grated coconut 3 tbs --stir fried
Kas-kas 1 tsp --stir fried
Aniseed 1 tsp --stir fried
Pottu kadalai 1 tsp
Garlic paste 1 tsp
Ginger paste 1 tsp
Fish curry powder 1 tbs
Chilli powder 1 tsp ---for extra hot
Tumeric powder ¼ tsp
Tamarind juice ½ cup from a small marble sized tamarind ba#ll.
Salt to taste
Oil about 2 tbs

For tempering
One inch cinnamon stick 1
Cloves 2
Cardamoms 2
Star anise 2
Curry leaves 1 stalk


Clean the crabs, remove the shell. Break off the legs and also the claws.
Use your chopper and bash the claws once.
Pound the small legs in a pounding stone . Add ½ cup of water and squeeze out the juice.
Discard the legs.
Grind to a paste, the fried coconut, kas-kas, aniseed, and pottu kadalai.
Make a paste with fish curry powder, chilli powder,and tumeric powder.
Heat the kadai with oil. Add in the spices , when they splutter, add in the sliced onion, and let it turn limp. Add the garic and ginger paste, fry for a second..
Add in the fish curry paste mixture,and the coconut paste mixture.
Fry nicely, add in the tamarind juice, and juice from the crab legs.
Add salt to taste, and the curry leaves. Let it boil,till the gravy is a bit thick..
Add in the crabs, and give a good stir, so that there is masala on the crab pieces.
Dish out as soon as the crabs are cooked, and serve with steaming rice.

Note: Keep a box of tissue by the side to blow your nose while eating the crabs.

Oops, add in the bashed claws along with the crab pieces.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
From: Mrs,Soma (@ brf-cache11.jaring.my) on: Fri Aug 9 03:06:20

Malaysian Style Prawan Sambal


1 kg large prawns – cleaned, shelled, and deveined, leaving the tails intact.
10 shallots ground finely
5 cloves garlic crushed
3 tbs chilli paste
1 big onion chopped
1 tomato chopped
½ cup tamarind juice, extracted from 1 tbs of tamarind pulp.
2---3 tbs thick coconut milk
Dash of pepper
Sugar to taste
Salt to taste
3 tbs oil or a bit more


Heat oil in the wok. Fry the crushed garlic, let it brown a little.
Add in the ground shallots, chilli paste, and the chopped onions.
Fry until fragrant, and oil separates.
Add tomatoes and fry for 1 to 2 minutes.
Stir in the prawns and tamarind juice.
Cook until prawns change colour.
Lower the heat and add salt to taste, sugar to taste, dash of pepper, and the thick coconut milk.
Stir and cook until oil rises to the surface.
Dish out.
It goes well with rice cooked in coconut milk, roti, or plain rice.


12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
From: Mrs. Soma (@ jrc-cache5.jaring.my) on: Fri Aug 9 20:07:55

Mr. Ramki, this is my grandmother’s favourite dish . Sora (shark ) puttu
For this dish the fish must be large and mature, and of the kind which has no tiny bones.



500 grms shark fish cut into thick slices
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp tumeric powder
5 medium onions chopped
5 pips garlic crushed
1 tsp ginger paste
6 green chillies slit and cut into small pieces
¼ to ½ tsp tumeric powder
2 tbs scraped coconut or a bit more
powdered salt to taste
1 tsp aniseed
1 tsp urad dhal
2 sprigs curry leaves
½ a small lime juice or as per taste
little coriander leaves chopped for garnishing
2 tbs oil and 2 tbs of ghee


Clean the fish slices, smear with the ¼ tsp of salt and ¼ tsp of tumeric powder, and steam the fish.
Remove from the fire. Peel of the thick skin, and remove the back bone.
Mash the shark flesh into tiny flakes.
Mix ¼ to ½ tsp of tumeric powder, and enough powdered salt to taste, into the steamed fish flakes.
Heat a wok on the fire. Pour into it the oil and the ghee.
When smoking hot, add in the urad dhal, and the aniseed.
When they splutter, add in the crushed garlic, the ginger paste, also the chopped onions
Cut green chillies,and the curry leaves,
Fry till the onions and chillies turn limp.
Then add the mashed and seasoned shark flakes.
Fry turning over very frequently.
Then add in the scraped coconut , and keep on turning over till the coconut turns a little brown here and there.,and an attractive aroma is given out.
Do not allow the contents to stick to the wok, or burn.
Lower the heat, sprinkle the lime juice, and give it a final toss, and dish out.
Garnish with the chopped coriander leaves.

Sora puttu is very tasty eaten with plain rice, or as a side dish.

Thanks a lot Mr. Ramki for your suggestion.
I will keep that in mind, and write a note in
My cookery book, about shallots and onions.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
From: Mrs,Soma (@ brf-cache11.jaring.my) on: Thu Aug 15 10:38:27

Dear Verna, I am really sorry. please accept my humble apologies. I am also a grandmother of six adorable grandchildren. Thanks.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
From: Mrs,Soma (@ j133.kja34.jaring.my) on: Wed Sep 11 00:22:05

Dear Mr. Ramki,
Thanks for your Karuvepillai Kozumbu recipe.
This is one dish I have never tried.
Thanks for explaining on the goodness of this simple curry leaf.
I wll cook and let you know the result.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
From: Mrs.Soma (@ ce7.time.net.my) on: Thu Sep 19 10:43:23

Dear Mr.Ramki,
Thanks for keeping this thread very lively.
I tried your ginger resam. It was very nice.
Everyone in my house enjoyed it.This is the first time I am adding ginger to resam. Thanks
I am posting a simple recipe.

Chicken with cashew nuts
200 grms boneless chicken diced
½ tsp salt
1 tsp corn flour
1 egg whipped
½ litre oil ----- for frying

Part B
1 big onion diced
1 carrot diced
100 grms green peas
20 grms cashew nut fried
1 tbs soya sauce
2 tsp corn flour + 2 tbs water
chicken stock or water
salt to taste

Marinate Part A ( except the oil ) for 15 minutes.
Heat oil in a kadai and fry the marinated chicken pieces.
Drain and keep aside
Remove the oil, and in the same kadai, now add the diced onion,
Carrot and the green peas. Stir for 2—3 minutes.
Now add the fried chicken pieces and mix well
Now add soya sauce, salt and 4 tbs of water.
Stir for few minutes. Finally add the dissolved cornflour and cashew nuts.
Cook for a few minutes and serve hot..

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
From: Mrs. Soma (@ brf-cache11.jaring.my) on: Sat Sep 21 05:43:07

Chicken Chuka Varuval

Part A
500 grms boneless chicken or with bones
Part B
3 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp aniseed powder
1 tsp ginger paste
1 tsp garlic paste
1 tsp onion paste
1 tsp pepper powder
1 tsp tumeric powder
½ tsp cinnamon powder
¼ tsp clove powder
1/8 litre coconut milk
salt to taste
Part C
2 large eggs
onion slices
lemon slices
coriander leaves
oil for frying

Mix all the ingredients in Part B with the chicken pieces.
Put them in a wok and cook till all the liquid is evaporated.
The chicken pieces well cooked with the masala well coated.
Remove from fire.
Beat the eggs well.
Heat oil in a non-stick pan.Dip the pieces in the egg,and fry till golden brown.
Fry about 2—3 pieces at a time.
Serve hot. Garnish with lemon, coriander and onion rings.

Hello Sarah,
This is how I do chuka varuval.
Please try and let me know.

Dear Mr. Ramki,
There is a recipe called ceylonese chicken.
I have misplaced the recipe.
All I know is beaten egg is added in the end.
Please kindly post the recipe if you know.
I know running a restaurant and pleasing all the hubbers are very difficult. Anyway you are doing a great service. Thanks

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
From: Mrs.Soma (@ on: Wed Sep 25 02:10:18

Dear Sarah, no problem. Hope you enjoy the chuka varuval.I posted the recipe since you wanted the method of cooking and frying.Thanks

Dear Mr. Ramki, thanks for your recipes.I normally e-mail your recipes to my relatives around the world.Every one likes your recipes.
I have posted the egg masala, please give your comments.Thanks


6 eggs hard boiled
2 tbs scraped coconut
6 dried chillies
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp mustard seeds
5 pips garlic
½ an inch ginger
1 tsp tumeric powder
I tbs thick tamarind juice or as per taste
1 big onion chopped
1 big tomato chopped
2 tbs ghee or little more
salt as per taste
coriander leaves little

Boil the the eggs, remove the shell and prick all over with a fork.
Keep aside.
Grind to a fine paste ,coconut ,chilli ,cumin ,mustard, ginger and garlic.
Add the tamarind juice and tumeric powder to the ground paste.
Heat ghee in a wok, add the chopped onions, and tomatoes and fry till golden brown.
Add the ground masala and fry for a few minutes.
Add ½ a cup of water, salt to taste and let it boil.
Add the eggs and boil further till the masala is thick.
Remove and garnish with coriander leaves

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
Dear Chitra,
Sorry to hear the bad news. I was hoping Mrs. Soma would get back in good health. Suddenly it shook me when I read the news. May God give you the strength to bear the sorrow. Please accept my sincere condolence.


12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
Hello Ramki,
I will go through the 'Recipes from Kerala' thread, and post Mrs. Soma's recipes here. It is a wonderful suggestion.

From: Mrs Soma (@ on: Wed Aug 28 11:16:29

Dear Chitra,
Thanks for all your nice recipes.
Chitra, I remember my grandmother's cook who was from Kerala, used to cook a payasam in ripe pumpkin, and also a black colour halwa.I think he used rice flour.Do you by any chance know these recipes? Thanks

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
• From: Mrs.Soma (@ brf-cache11.jaring.my) on: Sat Sep 21 06:05:57


2 cups ripe pumpkin,cooked and mashed well, without lumps (like puree ).
500 grms grated jaggery
25 grms fried raisins
25 grms fried cashew nuts
2 tbs honey
1 tsp cardamon powder
4 cups thin milk or more and 1 cup thick milk from 1 big coconut
2 tbs ghee
salt a pinch

Add a cup of water in jaggery and prepare a syrup.
In a pot, add the syrup ,thin milk and the mashed pumpkin and bring to boiling point
Reduce the heat, add the honey and ghee and cook till thick.
Add thick milk,cardamon powder and boil again once.
Serve decorated with fried raisins and cashew nuts.

Note: Reduce or increase the thin coconut milk,
According to the thickness of payasam wanted.
• Dear chitra,
I have posted the pumpkin payasam.
Hope the method is like what you found in the papers.Chitra actually I was talking to my mum, and she said that the olden days cookery are all slowly forgotten.I remember my mum can do about six seven different dishes with just ladies fingers alone.The young jack fruit, young papaya,banana flower, drumstick flower, and so on.I feel I should retire from my family business( I am already sixty ) and concentrate on reviving my mum's recipes.By the way all these recipes are from Kerala because my grandma's cook was from Kerala.Thanks

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
• From: Chitra (@ sdn-ap-023txhousp0459.dialsprint.net) on: Sat Sep 21 11:33:36

Dear Mrs. Soma,
Thank you so much for posting the Pumpkin Payasam recipe. The one I found in the paper, is almost the same, except that the honey is not written as an ingredient.
Yes, what your mother said is very true. The traditional recipes are being forgotten, and we can hope and pray that these sites may preserve them for future generations! Please convey my warm regards to your Mom, and thank her for providing these wonderful recipes to Forumhub. Thank you Mrs. Soma.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
• From: Mrs.Soma (@ jrc-cache5.jaring.my) on: Mon Sep 23 02:28:56


500 grms rice flour
400 grms finely grated jaggery
2 litres coconut milk from 2 coconuts
1 tsp cardamon powder
50 grms chopped cashew nut
50 grms melted ghee
a big pinch of salt

Mix the flour, milk and jaggery.
Dissolve the jaggery and pass through a muslin or a strainer.
Put the mixture in a big wok,with cardamond powder, chopped nuts,
Salt, and cook on a slow fire, stirring all the time, till the mixture turns thick.
( The fire has to be slow to allow the flour to be cooked )
Add the ghee and continue cooking, till the mixture leaves the sides of the wok.
A small portain of halwa rolled between the thumb and forefingers forms a non-sticky ba#ll.
Put in a well- greased tray, level the surface, set aside to turn cold.
Cut into small squares when cold.

It’s hard work, but the end result will be sweet.

Dear Chitra, here is the black halwa recipe.I am collecting the banana flower recipes from my mum
hope to post one by one.

Thanks a lot Rimi for your kind words.
I will try my best. Thanks

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
• From: Chitra (@ sdn-ap-025txhousp0447.dialsprint.net) on: Mon Sep 23 09:30:06

Dear Mrs. Soma,
Thank you for posting the Black Halva recipe. Our recipes are almost the same, except that the one I have has Rose water as an extra ingredient. Rose water is added, after the rice is cooked, and before adding the ghee.
Your hard work is very much appreciated. Thanks...

• From: Rimi (@ dsc03.aui-tx-2.rasserver.net) on: Mon Sep 23 12:39:49

Hi Mrs. Soma;
Your Black Halwa recipe looks tempting. My sweet tooth will force me to try it one of these days.
Please let me know if I can also cook the Halwa by substituting jaggery and coconut milk with brown sugar and plain milk. Thanx for your contribution.
• From: Mrs. Soma (@ on: Wed Sep 25 03:03:34

Dear Rimi, Thanks for your compliments. Yes, you can use brown sugar. As for the milk, Rimi, you see we use very little ghee. The coconut milk towards the end of cooking becomes oil.WE need lot of oil for halwa.So I am not sure how you can use plain milk. Hope Chitra can help in this matter.

Dear Chitra, I have posted the Banana Flower Tuvayal ( Chutney) I hope I have made myself clear on how to clean the flowers. I have also given all the ingredients name in English. I feel scared when people bombard me with questions.
Thanks for your young jack fruit pan fry.Later I will post few recipes using tender young jack fruit.Thanks

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
• From: Chitra (@ sdn-ap-025txhousp0447.dialsprint.net) on: Mon Sep 23 09:30:06

Dear Mrs. Soma,
Thank you for posting the Black Halva recipe. Our recipes are almost the same, except that the one I have has Rose water as an extra ingredient. Rose water is added, after the rice is cooked, and before adding the ghee.
Your hard work is very much appreciated. Thanks...

• From: Rimi (@ dsc03.aui-tx-2.rasserver.net) on: Mon Sep 23 12:39:49

Hi Mrs. Soma;
Your Black Halwa recipe looks tempting. My sweet tooth will force me to try it one of these days.
Please let me know if I can also cook the Halwa by substituting jaggery and coconut milk with brown sugar and plain milk. Thanx for your contribution.
• From: Mrs. Soma (@ on: Wed Sep 25 03:03:34

Dear Rimi, Thanks for your compliments. Yes, you can use brown sugar. As for the milk, Rimi, you see we use very little ghee. The coconut milk towards the end of cooking becomes oil.WE need lot of oil for halwa.So I am not sure how you can use plain milk. Hope Chitra can help in this matter.

Dear Chitra, I have posted the Banana Flower Tuvayal ( Chutney) I hope I have made myself clear on how to clean the flowers. I have also given all the ingredients name in English. I feel scared when people bombard me with questions.
Thanks for your young jack fruit pan fry.Later I will post few recipes using tender young jack fruit.Thanks

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
• From: Chitra (@ sdn-ap-025txhousp0447.dialsprint.net) on: Mon Sep 23 09:30:06

Dear Mrs. Soma,
Thank you for posting the Black Halva recipe. Our recipes are almost the same, except that the one I have has Rose water as an extra ingredient. Rose water is added, after the rice is cooked, and before adding the ghee.
Your hard work is very much appreciated. Thanks...

• From: Rimi (@ dsc03.aui-tx-2.rasserver.net) on: Mon Sep 23 12:39:49

Hi Mrs. Soma;
Your Black Halwa recipe looks tempting. My sweet tooth will force me to try it one of these days.
Please let me know if I can also cook the Halwa by substituting jaggery and coconut milk with brown sugar and plain milk. Thanx for your contribution.
• From: Mrs. Soma (@ on: Wed Sep 25 03:03:34

Dear Rimi, Thanks for your compliments. Yes, you can use brown sugar. As for the milk, Rimi, you see we use very little ghee. The coconut milk towards the end of cooking becomes oil.WE need lot of oil for halwa.So I am not sure how you can use plain milk. Hope Chitra can help in this matter.

Dear Chitra, I have posted the Banana Flower Tuvayal ( Chutney) I hope I have made myself clear on how to clean the flowers. I have also given all the ingredients name in English. I feel scared when people bombard me with questions.
Thanks for your young jack fruit pan fry.Later I will post few recipes using tender young jack fruit.Thanks

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
• From: Mrs.Soma (@ on: Wed Sep 25 03:12:47


1 medium banana flower
8 dried chillies
1 tbs black gram dal
2 tbs scrapped coconut
2 tsp oil
¾ tsp mustard seeds
¼ tsp tumeric powder
little asafoetida
1 small marble size tamarind
salt to taste
little curd

Remove the maroon coloured sheath of the flower.
Remove a bunch of florets at a time.Remove the stamen and also the white pinkish petal.
While cleaning, try not to separate each floret, then it will be easy to cut.
Cut the bunch into small pieces. Wash them in water mixed with little curd.
( This is to avoid it becoming black )
Cook the cleaned flowers with little water and ¼ tsp tumeric powder..
When cooked, remove and squeeze out the remaining liquid.
Heat oil in a wok and fry the black gram dal, dry chillie, mustard seeds.and asafoetida.
Grind the fried ingredients with coconut, tamarind, and salt to a fine paste.
Lastly add the cooked banana flower and grind to a coarse paste.

Note: To aviod the stains in hands while cleaning the flowers apply coconut or olive oil very well in your hands before cleaning

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
• From: Rimi (@ dsc02.aui-tx-1.rasserver.net) on: Wed Sep 25 12:27:43

Dear Mrs. Soma;
Thank You for your advice. Your explanation really makes sense. I will stick with coconut milk.
I also want to try your banana flower tuvayal. Back home we had banana trees galore and I used to enjoy this dish very much.
Thanx again.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
• From: Chitra (@ sdn-ap-026txhousp0483.dialsprint.net) on: Wed Sep 25 14:39:15

Dear Mrs.Soma and Rimi,
About substituting milk for coconut milk in Halva, I think that Mrs.Soma's explanation is correct. Of course we can ask Hemantji, about his expert opinion on this. Hope he got a minute to spare...

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
• From: Mrs.Mano (@ on: Thu Sep 26 08:38:07

Dear Soma,
Eventhough our 'karunaikizhangu' episode had ended, I am happy that another episode with 'banana flower' had started. Yr 'banana flower thuvaiyal' realy is a rare and very different recipe. I have to really thank you for this. I am also eagerly expecting varieties of 'young jack fruit'.All these are coming from yr mother?

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
• From: Mrs.Soma (@ j161.kja34.jaring.my) on: Fri Sep 27 08:47:48



200 grms banana flower
11/2 tsp chilli powder more or less to taste
¼ tsp tumeric powder
1 small marble size tamarind
little asafetida
salt as per taste
oil for frying


Discard 1st 2nd layers of the banana flowers ( It would be a bit tough )
Clean the flowers by removing the stamen and the pinkish petal.
Extract little juice from the tamarind.
Mix all the ingredients with the flowers using the tamarind juice.
Keep aside for about 10 minutes.
Heat a wok with oil, when it becomes hot ,fry the flowers little at a time.
Fry till crisp and remove from the fire.
The flowers will cook very fast and would be very crispy.
It’s best eaten when hot.
It will become soft when cold
It’s a good snack for a rainy day.

Dear Mrs. Mano,
Thanks for your kind words. Yes these are from my mum.She is a tunnel of knowledge, with lots of recipes all in her head.This is another rare recipe, try it when time permits. Thanks
NOTE: This was her last recipe, posted on Friday, September 27, 2002.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
Thank you Chitra and Ramki for your good work to collect Mrs.Soma's recipes. By protecting these recipes for the future hubbers and for us, we can at least convey our gratitude and eternal love and respect to our kind friend and guide Mrs.Soma. And I think this is her last post.

From: Mrs.Soma (@ on: Wed Sep 25 01:56:03

Dear Sam, karunai kizhangu in english is elephant yam.
The tubers are highly acrid and cause irritation in throat and mouth due to excessive amount of calcium oxalate present in the tubers.
Normally after harvesting, the tubers are kept aside for sometime ( about a month ) for the juices to dry.
There is a variety for commercial cultivation in India called Gajendra. It is non- acrid and does not cause any irritation while eating.
Many indigenous Ayurvedic and Unani medicinal preparations are also made using it's tubers.
The tubers are believed to have blood purifer property and are used in medicines for piles,Asthma dysentery and other abdominal disorders.
Hope you are clear now,and happy cooking with elephant yam. Thanks

Note: If you have been following the thread you could have read Hemantji has mentioned that Karunai Kizhangu is elephant yam

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
Thank you Chitra& Mini.

I know that now every new hubber will be benifited by these simple delicous authetic recipes by Mrs Soma.


12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
I have just been looking for a recipe for black halva to cook for my husband. Could anyone please send me a recipe for this. It would be much appreciated.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
hi, ramki

these are only recipes of mrs soma is it? she has told in one of the responses that your karuvapilley kolambu is very nice - where is the recipe.. where is the recipe for black halwa cannot find them or do you have any other thread.. i don't understand, is anything missing (recipes) missing from this thread... pls explain.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
Please....where is the black halva recipe?? Can someone send it to me??

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
Dear Jani, I am reposting the BLACK HALWA RECIPE.
Click the old responses, you will get more recipes

500 grms rice flour
400 grms finely grated jaggery
2 litres coconut milk from 2 coconuts
1 tsp cardamon powder
50 grms chopped cashew nut
50 grms melted ghee
a big pinch of salt

Mix the flour, milk and jaggery.
Dissolve the jaggery and pass through a muslin or a strainer.
Put the mixture in a big wok,with cardamond powder, chopped nuts,
Salt, and cook on a slow fire, stirring all the time, till the mixture turns thick.
( The fire has to be slow to allow the flour to be cooked )
Add the ghee and continue cooking, till the mixture leaves the sides of the wok.
A small portain of halwa rolled between the thumb and forefingers forms a non-sticky ba#ll.
Put in a well- greased tray, level the surface, set aside to turn cold.
Cut into small squares when cold.

It’s hard work, but the end result will be sweet.
reposting the black halva recipe

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
Sorry, the reposting the black halva recipe was wrongly printed at the bottom. Thanks

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
Hi Ramki

I have joined in the forum recently. I have missed most of Mrs.Soma's recipes. When I tried the old responses it goes back to 3 full screens and stops. If you have a recipe collection from Mrs.Soma, could you please email it to me?
Thank you

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
yes even I need the recipes thank you ramki in advance.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
Dear Shanty and Uma,Please click OLDER TOPICS, and see the threads:
Hemant's Cookery corner,
Recipe of the week contest,
I can't believe it's non-vegetarian,and
Kerala Recipes.
You can find all Mrs.Soma's recipes.
Note: Mr.Ramki is no more.

12th June 2005, 02:49 PM
Thanks for your response Indera. I will try and get the recipes.

<a name="last"></a>

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 12:25 PM
[tscii:0dc108ba1f]From: Mrs Soma (@ on: Thu Jun 20 12:57:04

Dear Hemantji, I would like to share with all of you a very popular Malaysian dish. This fried rice is quick to prepare as well as nutritious.

Vegetarian Fried Rice


2 cups cooked cold rice (not over cooked)
2 tsp garlic paste
2 tsp chillie paste
2 tsp light soya sauce
1 big onion chopped
1/4 cup oil or ghee
1 cup of mixed vegetables diced. ( carrot,cauliflower,beans )
Or any vegetables of your choice,bell-pepper,mushroom,broccoli,cabbage,long beans..
1 tbs of shelled peas
1/2 a potato diced and fried
1 tbs corn kernals
1/4 tsp aji-no-motto optional
Salt to taste

For garnishing

1 small fresh red chillie cut in slanting slices
1 bulb onion leaves cut into small circles
1 tbs of deep fried onion crisps

Put the kadai on fire. Pour the oil or ghee. Put in the garlic and stir for minute. then add the chopped onion and stir again. Then add the chillie paste and continue stirring over a medium heat, till the raw smell goes.
Add in the vegetables, except the fried potatoes, and salt to taste (remember you have the soya sauce) and cook for 1-2 minutes, till the vegetables are a bit tender. Add the rice, the fried potatoes, Soya sauce, aji-no-motto (if used) and stir-fry until the rice is heated through.
Dish out and garnish with fresh red chillies, cut onion leaves, and onion crisps.


For non-veg, you can add ½ cup of cooked chicken meat, or cleaned, diveined, boiled prawns.

For garnishing

½ an egg omelets, shredded [/tscii:0dc108ba1f]

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 12:30 PM

From: Mrs.Soma (@ ce5.time.net.my) on: Fri Jul 5 20:24:44


Kadalai parupu 2 cups
Coconut scrapings 1 cup
Sugar 2 cups
Cardamon powder 1 tsp
Maida 2 cups
Gingelly oil 4 tbs
Ghee for frying or oil
Kesari powder a pinch
Salt ¼ tsp


Add the ¼ tsp salt, a pinch of kesari powder to the flour,and bind to a soft dough with some water.Add 4 tbs of oil to the dough and knead till it becomes rather slippery. Keep aside covered for 2 hours
Fry the coconut scrapings to a golden brown in a tsp of ghee.
Clean the dhal and boil it. See that the dhal is just well boiled, and not boil to a pulp. Strain off all the dhal water completely into another vessal. (Use this water to make a tasty rasam ) Add the sugar, coconut scrapings,and cardmon powder to the cooked dhal and keep on low heat stirring till the mixture becomes semi-solid. Stir constantly, till no liquid oozes out of the mixture. Remove from fire, let it cool and grind the mixture to a very smooth lump, without adding any water. Make into ba##lls the size of a duck’s egg. Keep aside.
Keep an oiled piece of banana leaf over your chappati rolling board, and a bowl of oil or liquid ghee handy.Then knead the dough again nicely and make into ba##lls equal number with the dhal ba##lls.
Take a dough ba##ll, smoothen it to a round flat cake, and pat with fingers dipped now and then in the bowl of oil or ghee to a circle 3 ½” in diameter. Take a dhal ba##ll and place it in the center of the patted dough. Gather up all the edges of the dough circle over the top of the dough ba##ll and join them all together to cover the dhal ba##ll completely.With greasy fingers pat into a round 6 inches in diameter.Pat it to a uniform thickness throughout.
Grease a heated tava. Turn the banana leaf upside down over the tawa. Gently peel off the banana leaf. When the boli turns firm, pour one tsp of ghee all over the surface of the boli. Turn over the other side and pour another tsp of ghee over the surface. When cooked on both sides remove to a dry plate. Turn the rest of the dough to bolis in the same way.


Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 12:33 PM

From: Mrs. Soma (@ jrc-cache5.jaring.my) on: Wed Jul 10 23:10:27

This is a tasty brinjal dish, which goes well with ghee rice.
This dish is usually made with long purple brinjals.
The fried coconut paste gives a different taste to this dish.

Spicy Brinjal Curry


3 long brinjals
1 coconut scrapped
2 tbs coconut scrappings
1 tbs chillie paste
¼ tsp tumeric powder
2 tbs of madras or meat curry powder
4 small onions - pounded
3 pips garlic - pounded
1 cm ginger – cut into thin strips
1 tbs tamarind juice to taste
Salt to taste
Oil 2 tbs or more
Sugar to taste ( optional )
3 star anise
3 cloves
1 one inch cinnamon stick


Clean and slit the brinjals into halves, and cut again into two halves. Soak them in water ( 4 pieces in a brinjal ).
Make a paste with the curry powder, chillie paste, tumeric powder, and tamarind juice.
Fry the 2 tbs of coconut scrapings to a nice crispy, brown in colour, then pound it to a paste.
Extract 2 cups of thick coconut milk, from the scrapped coconut,. ( more if you want more gravy )
Heat oil in a wok. Add the cinnamon stick, star anise, and the cloves. When they crackle, add in the pounded garlic,onions and ginger strips. Fry till there is a nice aroma, add in the curry paste and stir till oil breaks out..
Add in the brinjals and coconut milk cook till the brinjals are cooked.
Add salt to taste, and sugar to taste.When the gravy is a bit thick add in the coconut paste,stir well and dish out.

Note: this dish can also be cooked with pineapple.Simply subtitute brinjals with pineapple, cut into small pieces and proceed as above. The pineapple gives a very sweet aroma to this dish


Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 12:36 PM

From: Mrs.Soma (@ ce5.time.net.my) on: Wed Jul 17 04:41:54

This is a simple satisfying and nutritious way of cooking greens with tuvaram dhal. It is delicious with rice or chappaties. Pour a spoonful of pure melted ghee over each serving of hot sauce. The children will love this.

Tuvaram Dhal And Greens Creamy Sauce


1 cup tuvaram dhal
2 big handfuls of greens, after picking of the stalks.
( parupu keerai,methi kerrai, spinach or any of your choice )
2 onions, chopped into tiny bits.
4 pods of garlic peeled
2 green chillies,slit into haves
1 tomato chopped into tiny bits
2 tsp thick tamarind juice
1 dried red chillie broken into 2 pieces
¼ tsp of mustard seeds
¼ tsp of jeera
¼ tsp of tumeric powder
1 tbs of ghee
1 tsp of oil
salt to taste

Clean the greens and chop into shreads.
Add 1 cup of dhal with ¼ tsp of tumeric and 1 tsp of oil in 6 cups of boiling water. Cook till the dhal turns soft.
Add the greens, chopped onions,slit green chillies,peeled garlic,all to the boiled dhal. If the mixture is too thick, add ¾ cup of hot water. Cook for another 5 minutes.
Add the tomatoes, tamarind juice, salt to taste,and boil till the greens are cooked. ( not over cooked )
Pour the top thin dhal – greens liquid only,into another vessal. Mash the residual thick dhal,greens, and tomato,till creamy smooth, with the wooden dhal spoon churner. (It’s tasty done this way, or use your mixie )
Pour back the top thin dhal water into the mashed mixture.
Heat a wok and pour in the 1 tbs of ghee. When it turns hot, add the ¼ tsp of mustard seeds, when they stop spluttering, add the jeera and the broken dried chillies. When the chillie turns crisp, pour in the dhal mixture. Stir once thoroughly and dish out.


Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 12:38 PM

From: Mrs. Soma (@ ce5.time.net.my) on: Mon Jul 22 12:17:33


Ripe Tomatoes 1 kg
Tamarind 80 grms
Chilli Powder 70 grms
Mustard 2 tbsps
Fenugreek 2 tbsps
Asfoetida 1 teasp
Salt 2 tbsps – or to taste
Oil 250 ml – or 1 cup gingly oil
Mustard 1 teasp - for tampering


Wash and wipe dry the tomatoes. Put them in a deep bowl, and steam it in a steamer, till the skin shrinks.
Remove the bowl from the steamer.
Remove the tomatoes with a perforated spoon.
When the tomatoes become cold, remove the skins and blend it in a blender.
There will be tomato juice in the bowl.
Soak the tamarind in the juice. (add little hot water if the juice is not enough )
Make a thick extract,remove all fibres and scum.
Roast the funugreek and mustard , and powder it.
Take a kadai , pour the oil and put mustard on low flame. When mustard starts to crackle, add the asfoetida, the tomato pulp, and the tamarind extract.
Let it boil, till the water evoparates.
Keep stirring all the time.
Now add the chillie , mustard, and fenugreek powders, and also the salt.
Stir till the oil starts leaving.
Remove it and let it cool. When cold, fill up in a clean bottle.
It keeps well in a fridge for about 2 months.

This tomato pickle is very famous among our relatives
Our new friends after tasting, would definitely ask for the recipe.
Try it once. Goes well with anything. [/tscii:cc38fe6343]

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 12:41 PM
From: Mrs,Soma (@ ce5.time.net.my) on: Sun Jul 28 05:19:54

Hello Mrs. Mano, Here is our style of doing the tomato jam. It's very simple.It's served with ghee rice. We cook this dish when we have friends coming for dinner or lunch.

Tomato Jam

400 grms ripe red tomatoes.
2 tbs ghee or more a little.
2 one inch cinnamon sticks
2 star anise
10 whole kechew nuts,broken into quarters
4 tbs sugar, or more to taste
1/2 tsp salt or to taste
1 1/2 tbs of chillie powder

Blanch the tomatoes, remove the skins, and mash it into pulp with your fingers.
Heat a kadai, and pour the ghee. When it is hot add the cinammon sticks, and the star anise.When they crackle, add the tomato pulp, and chillie powder. Stir till the juices have dried up. Now add the sugar, salt and the kechew nuts, and stir again till the jam has thickned again. There will be a nice aroma.Store it in a bottle.
P.S. If your tomato is not red enough, add a tinge of red food colouring.
Please try it once.You will not regret.

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 12:43 PM

From: Mrs. Soma (@ ce5.time.net.my) on: Fri Aug 2 00:11:52

We do this vadai to be made into vadai malai, for Aanchineyar.



2 cups urad dhal
1 tbs rice
2 tsp black pepper
½ tsp jeera
powdered salt to taste
oil for deep frying


Soak the urad dhal and rice serperately, for about an hour. Take about 2tbs of the whole soaked dhal and keep them aside. Grind the dhal and rice to a very smooth , thick batter. While grinding the dhal, use very little water, because you must keep the batter firm enough to pat into vadais.
Add to the batter the whole soaked dhal, the powdered salt, and the black pepper and jeera crushed together coarsely.. Mix thoroughly.
Heat oil in a kadai. Reverse a small vessel which has a smooth flat round bottom. Put a clean plastic paper on the base of the vessel.Dip your hand in a cup of water. Take an egg-sized ball of batter, shape to a ball ,and pat it to a thick round, about 3 inches in diameter, on the plastic paper. Make a hole in the center of the patted round.
When the oil becomes smoking hot , peel the dough gently from the plastic paper, and slip it carefully into the oil. When firm , reduce the heat slightly,and turn the vadai over, and cook till fried to a light brown colour.
Pat 3 or 4 vadais quickly ,one after the other and put into the oil to cook in one batch.
Do the same to the rest of the dough.
You can enjoy the vadais as they are, or you may eat them with some coconut chutney for an extra tangy flavour.
It will be a change from our normal urad dhal vadai [/tscii:c31227ae33]

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 12:46 PM

From: Mrs,Soma (@ j97.bkj26.jaring.my) on: Thu Aug 8 09:35:19

This is one of our favourite snack on a rainy day.

Coconut Tayir Panniyaram


½ kg maida flour
1 cup thick tayir (curd )
½ cup coconut bits ( pallu )
1 tsp cumin crushed
1 tsp black pepper coarsely crushed
soda a pinch mix with a little water
salt to taste
oil to fry


Remove the outer brown skin of the coconut.
Cut into long thin strips, then cut across into small pieces. ( pallu, pallaga )
Mix all the above ingredients, to a idlli consistency.
Heat a kadai and pour the oil. When the oil gets hot drop spoonfuls of batter into the oil, and fry to a light brown colour.
You can eat it as it is, or with chilli sauce or coconut chutney.


Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 12:48 PM

From: Mrs,Soma (@ brf-cache11.jaring.my) on: Sat Aug 17 06:25:06

Spinach Paratha


1 cup wheat flour
1 cup maida flour
salt to taste

1 cup finely grounded spinach
½ cup grated onion
½ tsp cumin powder
1 tsp green chilli paste
1 tsp lime juice
1 cup fresh boiled corn
1 tsp ginger paste
salt to taste


Sieve maida and wheat flour together and add salt to taste.
Knead into a dough with water. Keep aside for half an hour.
Heat 2 tsp of ghee, fry the onion,add the green chilli paste, ginger paste,cumin powder.
Add also the spinach to it..Cook for five minutes.
Add the cooked corn and mash well.
Cook till the mixture is completely dry. Add salt to taste and lime juice.
Mix well , remove from flame, cool.
Make equal ba#lls with the paratha dough.
Roll out each ba#ll, fill with the filling (1 tbs each ba#ll ) and close to seal well.
Roll out again into paratha size.
Heat a tawa. Roast the parathas, applying ghee on both sides till well roasted.
Serve hot with raita [/tscii:9ad13038fe]

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 12:50 PM
From: Mrs Soma (@ j204.kja34.jaring.my) on: Thu Aug 22 05:19:43


500 grms garlic
125 ml lime juice ( from about 10 fruits )
50 grms salt or to taste
250 ml mustard oil or gingelly oil
5 grms mustard seeds
5 grms asafoetida powdered
5 grms fenugreek powdered
5 grms cumin powdered
5 grms tumeric powder
50 grms chilli powder
50 grms vellam powdered
10 ml vinegar optional


Peel the garlic and take the pearls.
Put the pearls in boiling water for about 5 minutes, then immediately immerse them in cold water. ( This is called blanching )
Remove from the cold water and dry them in paper towel.
In a kadai pour the oil, and when it is hot , add the mustard seeds. When they crackle, add all the powdered items. Stir nicely, add the lime juice and the garlic pearls.
Cook for about 6 minutes. The oil should float on top.
Add the vinegar if using.
Remove from fire, cool and bottle

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 01:00 PM


125 grms roasted mochai
1 litre water
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp black pepper
2 dry chillies
1 lime-size tamarind
¼ tsp tumeric powder
4 pods garlic roughly smashed


2 tsp oil
½ tsp mustard
2 stalks curry leaves
2 red chilli broken
salt to taste


Boil the roasted mochai in a litre of water till cooked , and keep aside.
Coarsely grind the blacl pepper, cumin seeds and the dry chillies, and
Add to the mochai mixture.
Extract the tamarind juice, using a little water and add it to the mochai mixture.
Also add the tumeric powder, and the roughly smashed garlic.
Add some water to the mixture if you find the liquid is very little.
Heat a pot, add 2 tsp of oil. When it’s hot add the mustard seeds followed by the broken red chillies, and the curry leaves.
When the dry chilli browns, quickly pour the motchai mixture and close immediately.
Open the lid when it starts to boil, add salt to taste, and remove from fire.

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 01:03 PM



6 firm bell peppers
6 green chillies chopped
1 big onion chopped
2 pips garlic crushed
1 cup cabbage sliced finely
1 cup mushroom sliced finely
1 cup green peas
2 tsp garam masala
salt to taste
2 tbs or more oil
1 egg
¼ tsp pepper powder
1 cup scrapped cheese


Cut off the stalk end of each pepper, then deseed.
Blanch in boiling, salted water for 5 minutes, then drain.
Heat a kadai, pour the oil, when it gets hot add the garlic.
When it gets brown add in the chopped onion and fry for a minute.
Add in the green chillies,sliced cabbage,and the mushroom , and also the green peas.
Fry nicely, add in salt to taste, and the garam masala. Fry again and remove from fire, and let it cool.
Beat the egg with ¼ tsp pepper powder and mix with the cooked vegetables.
Spoon the stuffing ¾ full in the pepper.
Then fill the pepper with the scrapped cheese.
Do this to all the peppers.
Butter a baking dish and put the stuffed peppers in.
Pre heat the oven to 350 degrees F and bake in center oven for about 30—40 minutes
When done cut the peppers in half to show the stuffing and serve with hot chilli sauce or tomato sauce.

Vegetarians can omit the egg, but add a mashed potato to bind the ingredients.

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 01:08 PM


4 pcs chicken breast , cut into halves
½ tsp ginger paste
½ tsp garlic paste
½ tsp tumeric powder
little salt
oil for frying

1 big onion sliced
4 red chillies slit into half with stalk intact
3 tbs chillie powder ( more or less as to taste )
1 tsp ginger paste
1 tsp garlic paste
1 tsp aniseed powder
1 tsp white pepper powder
½ tsp tumeric powder
3 tbs lime juice
2 tbs tomato sauce
2 pcs lemon grass smashed
2 I” cinnamon sticks
2 cloves
2 star anise
3 cardamons
2 eggs beaten with a pinch of salt
2 tbs onion crisps
little coriander leaves
water about 1 cup
3 tbs oil or little bit more

Marinate everything in group A for an hour. Then fry till half cooked
Heat a wok. Add about 3 tbs of oil, or little bit more.
Add in the spices,cardmons,clove,cinnamon sticks, star anise.
Then add in the onions, ginger garlic paste, smashed lemon grass, the slit chillies, and fry.
Mix a little water to chillie,tumeric,pepper, and aniseed powders to form a paste.
Then add in the paste to the wok and fry nicely.
Then add in the half fried chicken and fry for a minute.
Then add in about a cup of warm water, tomato sauce,lime juice,salt and cook on slow fire till the chicken is done.
Add in the beaten egg all over the chicken . Let the egg set.
Once set, turn over the chicken pieces slowly without much stirring.
Dish out the pieces and garnish with onion crisps and coriander leaves.
Note: This dish should not be very dry. It would look a bit oily.

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 01:09 PM


2 slices of fish
½ an inch ginger
3 pieces of garlic
1 tablespoon of light soy sauce
1 tablespoon of oil
½ teaspoon of pepper powder
little onion leaf for decoration
little salt ( very little b,cose you are using soya sauce )
a slice of lime .


Clean the fish, and rub with a little salt .
Slice the ginger and garlic finely..
Add the oil with the ginger and garlic.
Place the fish on a steaming plate
Sprinkle the pepper powder on the fish..
Pour the oil garlic mixture on the fish.
When the water boils, steam the fish for about 10—15 minutes.
Test to see if the fish is cooked.
Remove from the fire, and pour the soya sauce on top of the fish.
Decorate with cut onion leaves,
Serve with a slice of lime.

NOTE; You can serve with sliced red chilli if you want it hot..


Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 01:11 PM



2 cucumbers
2 carrots
6 shallots (quartered )
6 cloves garlic (sliced into 4 )
3 red chillies ( cut into strips )
3 green chillies ( cut into strips )
½ inch ginger (blended )
50 grms dried chillie paste
¼ tsp mustard seeds
Vinegar to taste
Salt and sugar to taste
2 tbs oil


Half and core the cucumber.
Cut the carrot and cucumber into strips.
Dissolve a tbs of salt in water in a large bowl.
Soak the cucumber and carrot for half an hour.
Drain the salt water and dry the vegetables with tea towel.
Heat oil in a kadai.
Fry the chillie, and ginger pastes until fragrant.
Add cucumber, carrot, chillies, shallot and garlic.
Stir fry for a few minutes.
Add vinegar, sugar ,and salt to taste.
Toss in the mustard seeds and turn off the heat.
Serve with briyani rice.


Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 01:14 PM



250 grms dried fish
2 tsp curry powder
¼ tsp tumeric powder
a pinch of salt ( if the dried fish is not very salty )
1 large bulb of garlic, peeled and smashed coarsely
¾ cup of chopped onions
1 firm ripe tomato cut into small bits
4 tbs of oil
½ fresh lime


Cut the dried fish into 1 inch cubes and wash it well in a few
Changes of water.
Add to it the curry powder ,tumeric and salt.
Smear these three ingredients all over the dried fish, using a sprinkling of water
Heat a wok, put 4 tbs of oil. When it is hot, fry chopped onions
And the smashed garlic together. till the onions turn limp.
Add the chopped tomato. When no juices oozes out of the tomato bits,
Add the seasoned dried fish along with ¼ cup of water.
Cover with a lid to cook over a moderate heat till tender.
Remove lid, fry well turning over frequently on all sides, over low heat till masala seasoning sticks to the cooked dried fish cubes.
Taste for salt and remove from fire.
Serve with a squeeze of fresh lime over it..

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 01:17 PM


Mutton 1 kg
Oil for frying
Onions 3 sliced
Tomatoes 3 chopped
Jeera 11/2 tsp
Garlic paste ½ tbs
Ginger paste ½ tbs
Cilli powder 2 tsp
Daniya powder 2 tsp
Green chilli 2 chopped
Salt to taste


Mix salt with the mutton and semi fry it in oil.
Add oil to a pan and satuate the onions.
Add jeera than the tomatoes.
Cook nicely add the ginger and garlic paste.
Stir nicely,add the chilli and daniya powders and cook well.
Add the fried mutton and chopped green chillie.
Pour a glass of water and pressure cook for two whistles.

Note: For those who do not have a pressure cooker,
Cook it in a pot on slow fire till the mutton is cooked.
Add enough water for the mutton to cook, and for the little gravy.

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 01:20 PM


250 grms urad dal soaked
1 litre milk from one coconut
a pinch of salt
125 grms sugar
1 tbs ghee
¼ tsp cardamon powder

Grind the soaked urad dal to a smooth thick paste.
Add the coconut milk and salt to the paste to form a watery mixture.
Put a wok with the mixture on a medium heat and keep on stirring
Till it boils and becomes thick. ( take care not to burn it )
Add the sugar, ghee, and cardamon powder.
Give it a good stir till it thickens again, and remove from the fire.
This finish product will be a bit soft.


250 grms roasted and powdered urad dal.
½ a litre coconut milk
2 tbs ghee
10 cashew nuts roasted in ghee
250 grms sugar
¼ tsp cardamon powder
a pinch of salt

Mix everything except the ghee..
Pour it in a wok. Put it on fire on a medium heat.
Keep on stirring till it becomes very thick.

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 01:22 PM

Mutton Varuval:


Mutton - 750 gms
Onions - 3 medium
Ginger - 1 inch piece
Garlic - 4 cloves
Cinnamon - 2 pieces
Cloves - 6 nos.
Cardamoms (green) 2
Cardamoms (black) 4
Pepper - 1 tsp.
Green chillies - 2
Kashmiri chillies - 4
Poppy seeds - 1 dsp.
Cashewnuts 8-10 nos.
Curd ¾ cup (thick)
Turmeric powder - ¼ tsp
Salt to taste
Oil or ghee

Clean and cube mutton and keep aside. Chop one onion fine. Cut the other two roughly. Chop ginger, garlic and soak poppy seeds in a little warm water for 15 mins. Blend ginger, garlic, rough-chopped onions,de-seeded kashmiri chillies, pepper, turmeric, cashewnuts and soaked poppy seeds in a mixer till smooth.Heat ghee or oil. Add finely chopped onions and fry till transparent. Then add the cleaned mutton and fry overmedium fire till the meat is brown. Add whole spices and fry for a few minutes. Add the ground mixture and fry again till the mixture is dry. Add salt and the well beaten curd, along with 2 cups of water. Pressure cook for 10 minutes, or till mutton is tender. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves. Serve hot with rotis or rice.


Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 01:24 PM

Mutton Varuval:


Mutton - 750 gms
Onions - 3 medium
Ginger - 1 inch piece
Garlic - 4 cloves
Cinnamon - 2 pieces
Cloves - 6 nos.
Cardamoms (green) 2
Cardamoms (black) 4
Pepper - 1 tsp.
Green chillies - 2
Kashmiri chillies - 4
Poppy seeds - 1 dsp.
Cashewnuts 8-10 nos.
Curd ¾ cup (thick)
Turmeric powder - ¼ tsp
Salt to taste
Oil or ghee

Clean and cube mutton and keep aside. Chop one onion fine. Cut the other two roughly. Chop ginger, garlic and soak poppy seeds in a little warm water for 15 mins. Blend ginger, garlic, rough-chopped onions,de-seeded kashmiri chillies, pepper, turmeric, cashewnuts and soaked poppy seeds in a mixer till smooth.Heat ghee or oil. Add finely chopped onions and fry till transparent. Then add the cleaned mutton and fry overmedium fire till the meat is brown. Add whole spices and fry for a few minutes. Add the ground mixture and fry again till the mixture is dry. Add salt and the well beaten curd, along with 2 cups of water. Pressure cook for 10 minutes, or till mutton is tender. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves. Serve hot with rotis or rice.


Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 06:09 PM
Karunai kizhangu Chutney

200 kizhangu boiled
1 tbs urad dhal
5 dried red chillies ...less if you want less hot
5 green chillies sliced ...."""""""
1/4 tsp mustard seeds
marble size tamarind or to taste
2 tbs scrapped coconut
vellam 1/4 tsp or to taste
salt to taste
asafoetida a pinch
little oil

Pour a little bit of oil in a kadai. Add the mustard,let it splutter, add the urad dhal and fry a little. Add the red chillies, green chillies.Stir a little. Then off the fire and add in all the remaining ingredients and fry and remove from the fire.Cool and grind to a smooth paste

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 06:11 PM



1 cup thick curds
½ tsp urad dhal
½ tsp mustard seeds
1 red chilli broken into bits
Hand ful of coriander leaves
Salt to taste
1 cup karunai cut into ½ inch squares
Little oil


Fry the karunai in oil till crisp.
Fry the mustard seeds urad dhal and the chilli in little oil,till the seeds stop popping.
Mix everything with the curd, and salt to taste.
Add the fried karunai just before serving.

Note:You can even boil and cube the karunai and add it to the pachadi.

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 06:14 PM

From: Mrs,Soma (@ j133.kja34.jaring.my) on: Wed Sep 11 00:06:21



¼ kg karunai
oil for frying

Part A
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp gram masala powder
little tumeric powder
salt to taste

Part B
10 small onions sliced
1 tsp mustard seeds
½ tsp garlic paste
½ tsp ginger paste
1 sprig curry leaves
3 tbs oil
little water

Boil the karunai till half cooked. ( Do not over cook)
Drain , peel the skin. Cut into 1” x 1 ¼ ‘ pieces.
Heat oil and fry the pieces.
Mix all the ingredients in Part A with the fried karunai and set aside.
Heat a kadai, add about 3 tbs oil.
Add the mustard seeds,when they splutter add in the onions, fry a little.
Add in the ginger and garlic pastes, also the curry leaves.
Add about 1 or 2 tbs of water and stir till there is a nice aroma.
Add the masala karunai and toss in a small fire till roasted well

There is a another simple way to roast.
Boil ¼ kg karunai in tamarind water till ½ cooked.
Slice them in neat slices as you would do for fish.
Rub 1 tsp chilli powder,salt and tumeric powder and keep aside for about 10 minutes.
Heat a tawa or a non stick pan. Pour about 2 tbs oil.
Place the slices in oil and cook on one side till nice golden brown.
Turn the other side and do the same.


Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 07:27 PM
From: Mrs.Soma (@ on: Fri Jun 14 03:30:30

Tamarind And Chilli Pickle


Tender green chillies 100grms about10
Tamarind lime size
Asafoetida small piece
Mustard 1 tsp
Funugreek 1/2 tsp
Jaggery marble size
Gingelly oil 3tbs
Salt 2tsp or to taste
Tumeric powder 1/4tsp

Wash and wipe, and slit the green chillies length wise. Soak the tamarind in a glass of water and strain out the juice. Fry the fenugreek and asafoetida together and grind them well dry. Now place the kadai on the fire, pour the oil and put in the mustard. When the mustard crackles, put in the slit chillies, pour the tamarind juice.When the mixture begins to boil add the ground fenugreek,asafoetida, tumeric powder,along with the jaggery.Allow it boil for sometime.Add salt to taste.The pickle when ready should be of not too thick nor thin consistency

Hope this simple receipe keep you all busy till Hemanji comes

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 07:34 PM
Dear Hemantji,I think you do not have time, feeding all your hungry children, with different receips.That also non-veg recipes. Can I help you a little?



200 grms cleaned prawns
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp salt

5cm ginger-ground
5 cloves garlic-ground
2 tbsp chilli paste
1/2 tsp tumeric powder
1/4 tsp cumin powder
1/2 tsp fennel powder
1/2 tsp black pepper powder
1/2 tsp mustard seeds -fry without oil then pound
1/4 tsp fenugreek- fry without oil then pound
5 small onions-sliced
2 cloves garlic-sliced
2 stalks curry leaves - use leaves only
50ml vinegar
50ml tamarind juice (from 25grms tamarind mixed with 100ml water)

3 to 4 tbsp sugar or to taste
salt to taste

Smear the prawns with the tumeric powder,and salt.
Heat enough oil in a kadai and deep-fry the prawns until golden brown. Drain well and set aside.
Heat 4 tbsp oil and stir-fry sliced onions and garlic until limp. Add mustard,fenugreek powders,curry leaves and saute until fragrant.Add the rest of the spice ingredients and stir-fry well.Blend in vinegar,tamarind juice and sugar. Bring to a boil then simmer until the gravy is thick and the oil has separated.
Add in the fried prawns, and salt to taste.
Cool the pickle, then dish out and keep in clean dry bottle.


12 chicken wings, rinsed and wiped dry with kitchen paper.

1 tbsp ginger juice
3 garlic pips finely ground
1 tsp sugar
2 tsp light soya sauce
1/2 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp salt or to taste
1/2 beaten egg

3 tbsp rice flour
1 tbsp plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt and pepper
pinch of garam masala powder

Marinate the chicken wings with seasoning ingredients for at least 2 hours.Pr**ick the chicken wings, with a fork for better results.

Heat the oil for deep frying until hot.
Toss the wings in flour mixture and fry in hot oil until cooked through and golden.

If you prefer deep-frird wings in a light crispy batter, mix the combined flour ingreidents with about 8 tbsp of water and an additional 1/2 tsp of baking powder.
Dip the chicken wings in the batter and deep fry in hot oil until light golden in colour.

Kavitha Ravi
15th June 2005, 07:39 PM
Coconut Barfi.

115 ml evaporated milk (4oz tin)
2 tbsp condensed milk
325g granulated sugar

375g grated coconut
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp butter
A few drops red food colouring

Combine ingredients(A) in a kadai and cook,stirring constantly, over a very low fire until sugar dissolves completely.
Stir in grated coconut and food colouring and cook until almost dry, about 30 minutes.Add essence and butter mix well to blend.
Grease a tray lightly with butter,and fill the tray with the coconut burfi.Press burfi down firmly with a clean piece of plastic wrap,then set aside to cool slightly.
Turn burfi out and cut into neat slices,before it dries completely and hardens.Allow to cool completely before placing in clean air-tight jars.

21st December 2005, 12:15 AM
I drag this out for u guys. This is the one i mentioned in other thread which u guys created recently.

21st December 2005, 06:46 PM
Thanks Kavitha,
But how ironic it is that this thread was started by a member under fictitious name.

22nd December 2005, 03:23 AM
Del. by kavitha senthil.

25th December 2005, 08:48 PM
I tried Mrs. Soma's "Tomato Pickel", it is so tasty... this will take time, but the end result is very good.


27th December 2005, 05:35 PM
Thanks Kavitha,
But how ironic it is that this thread was started by a member under fictitious name.

How do u know she's fictious (Soma) And why is ths thread "In memory of Mrs. Soma"? Is she no more?

27th December 2005, 08:54 PM
Thanks Kavitha,
But how ironic it is that this thread was started by a member under fictitious name.

How do u know she's fictious (Soma) And why is ths thread "In memory of Mrs. Soma"? Is she no more?

Mrs. Soma was my sister. The person who started this thread never existed. It was posted by a lady under fictitious name of Mr. Ramki.

28th December 2005, 06:40 AM
Thanks Kavitha,
But how ironic it is that this thread was started by a member under fictitious name.

How do u know she's fictious (Soma) And why is ths thread "In memory of Mrs. Soma"? Is she no more?

Mrs. Soma was my sister. The person who started this thread never existed. It was posted by a lady under fictitious name of Mr. Ramki.

So, were the receipes your sister's or were they "Mr. Ramki's"?

28th December 2005, 06:29 PM
Thanks Kavitha,
But how ironic it is that this thread was started by a member under fictitious name.

How do u know she's fictious (Soma) And why is ths thread "In memory of Mrs. Soma"? Is she no more?

Mrs. Soma was my sister. The person who started this thread never existed. It was posted by a lady under fictitious name of Mr. Ramki.

Oh I see............okok

28th June 2006, 06:56 AM
reviving the thread... for me...:))

28th June 2006, 07:19 AM
hi all.
can anyone pls explain the differences between the condensed milk, 1/2 and 1/2 and evaporated milk.