View Full Version : KITCHEN TIPS & TRICKS

16th June 2005, 01:55 AM
I thought it is good to share some tricks and also tips that every women invents and that will be so useful for all. Well I havent invented anything but I try lot of them from websites...
For start let me share some things..

1. Add a pinch of sugar while cooking spinach and green leafy vegetables, it will retain its green colour
2. To Sprout beans faster , store any just to ripe fruit next to it. Fruits emit ethylene gas during the process of ripening.
3. To open a presurred cooker faster either dip the cooker in water or just srinkle water on top.. for a few secs
4. Add one bayleaf to a container that stores flour.. this will avoid flour getting moist
5. To avoid Bhendi (Okra) from sticking .. as salt to it at the end or can add kokum ..
6. To keep cauliflower white while cooking -add a little milk to the water
7. While storing green chilies, remove the stems. This will help the chilies to stay fresh for a longer time (this works very well)
8. No more tears while cutting onions.. keep the onions in a plastic bag and keep it in the fridge. Take out just before cutting
9. Rub a little oil on the rim of the container, the milk won't overspill while boiling
10. When using good old coffee filter, dont use powder till the top, add little powder and add little water. Let the powder settle then add additional water.. by this way you can get thick coffee decoction

Does anyone know how to shine brass items (except Brasso and tamarind)
Have a great day..

16th June 2005, 01:57 AM
Any gardening tips most welcome

16th June 2005, 02:46 AM
Good one, rajsand..

Similar to the method of opening cooker, if two containers got stuck one inside the other, dip them or run under hot water and in a few mts, you can take them out without any struggle.

More will share in future..


16th June 2005, 03:47 AM

16th June 2005, 07:36 PM
Hi to all
Yest I made bagels at home for the first time. Taste came out very well except I over baked them and they turned out very hard.
After cooling it down.. I then steamed each bagel in a small vessel for 2-3 minutes and then cut open half. It came out very well.

16th June 2005, 09:00 PM
For egg lovers:
see Kitchen Magic

17th June 2005, 08:36 PM
I happen to watch a program on TV, it was a talk show and the talk was on Drugs and Allopathy medicine.
It was a Homeopathy doctor Kevin Trudeau
sharing his experiences with the Drug industry, how they dont try and promote alternative medicines and how they stop any company from growing!!
Have we seen many adds on TV selling drugs.. what do they say?
Well anyway, we need a prescription and anyways doctor will give what he feels will suit your body and conditino then why ADVERTISE? This is to physhe the people into demanding the particular drug and hence boosting sales.
Also, the major point here is .. they advertise like 'Take a pill everyday' (what it means is keep this going for life)
Majority of the drugs dont have a long time curative properties.. most of them are temporary! So what happens you tend to keep taking the pills thinking thats the only alternative..
He was not advertising his drugs.. He wanted to mention that cure can be natural.. anything from headache to cancer.. can be cured naturally ..
Thats when he told about a guy who came to him for acidity. Now, acidity is a general and very temporary problem that can be cured fast and naturally! But the industry has labelled it as a 'disease' and thereby giving 'n' no of drugs for the same.
Well, he gave the guy 2tsps of vinegar ..the guy was shocked !!
Scientifically, he gave a very good explanation for that..He says during acidity the stomach is devoid of acid..


another link :

Anyways, here are some of the benefits of vinegar...

Benefits of vinegar

Uses for vinegar, from household cleaning to medicinal.

I really do not believe that there is one thing this amazing product called vinegar can't do! It has hundreds if not thousands of uses and is not limited to cooking. There is not a room in anyones home that one could not find and use vinegar for.

The ancient Babylonians inscribed its virtues on stone tablets over 7000 years ago. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used it to treat his patients in 400 B.C. Helen of Troy bathed in it as a way of relaxing. In the Middle Ages, during the Black Plague, bands of thieves doused their skin in vinegar to protect themselves from germs before robbing the dead and dying.

Here are some tips and ideas for using vinegar:

Buy a large bottle of the cheapest brand vinegar and use it lavishly. The brand name has the same benefits as the non-brand, both are good so go for the cheapest brand.

Shower heads or spigot aerators get clogged with mineral deposits. Boil for 15 minutes in a solution of white vinegar and water-one half cup of vinegar in a quart of water, or stronger if the problem is severe. (Don't boil plastic; just soak in hot water and vinegar.)

Run a solution of vinegar and water through your coffee make periodically, just as though you were brewing a pot of coffee; rinse by running clear water through it. Free of mineral deposits and coffee oils. your coffee maker will last longer, and your brew will taste better.

Do the same thing with the steam iron, using equal parts of water and vinegar? After steaming for a few minutes, allow iron to stand for an hour. Empty and rinse well with clear water. Remove burned-on spots from the sole of the iron by rubbing with a paste made of salt and heated vinegar.

Add a few drops of vinegar to the water when poaching eggs. It will help keep the white together, and you "ll never notice ant flavor.

Vinegar and water make the best window-washing solution-for really grungy windows, make the solution as strong as necessary. It also removes soap film from shower tile and glass shower doors.

Old decals will come off with gentle scraping, if you soak them well with vinegar first.

A cup of white vinegar in the laundry rinse cycle will help dissolve alkalines left from detergent. The clothes will be solf and sweet-smelling, too.

Boil vinegar and water in your tea kettle to remove sediment. Open bowls of vinegar to help absorb the odor of cigarette smoke in a room.

If you have sticky hands or smelly hands, wash your hands with a drop of vinegar, it will cut the grease and reduce the smell.

Rub full strength vinegar to a tooth which you have a toothache in as well as the surrounding gum. This relief is only temporary, but it works.

Quickly cool down a painful sunburn by gently applying full strength vinegar on your skin. Do this the minute you come in from the sun and stop the burn before it starts to hurt in the first place.

17th June 2005, 09:26 PM
Hey rajsand

that was interesting post abt natural healing.

17th June 2005, 09:43 PM
I dont know if this is the right thread to talk about this or not..but my reply is in response to rajsand's post.
Yes...whatever that doctor told is the truth. In USA people cannot tolerate even a little pain like headache or digestion problems and they want instant relief for everything. People in USA are so much in love with the word instant like instant food, instant weightloss and now instant remedy. And that day is not far that such people will have an adverse effect on their body because of all the chemicals they have been ingesting in the form of medicine..
The ads for medicine and people demanding go hand in hand, like manufacturers make them because there is demand for such things and people's demands make the manufacturers invent new medicines even for the silliest and commonest of problems..

I have been a homeopathic patient for 28 years and I had treatments for variety of problems till now and for some problems i had, the doctors here in usa told cannot be cured and only suppressed. But i got it cured by homeopathy medicines..But like allopathy medicines..it is not instant and u have to tolerate the pain for a while iin the beginning. the duration in homeopathy treatment for some problems can last for some years. but the end result of that treatment will be u will have gotton rid of the problem and not suppress like the allopathy do.
most of them are not ready to do. "Like they tell in ads here -who has time for headaches- most people these days dont have time for health and want instant remedy"

Normally homeopathy doctors do not give medicines for small and silly problems ..they say its a small problem let it go on its own or suggest some natural remedy.
My homeo doctor refuses to give me medicines for some problems telling thats small prob or not uncommon and it will go on its own. They try do avoid medicines as much as possible so that the body learns how to handle things. thats true..
homeo medicines do not have any side effects- my experience of 28 years.

People should start realising the old proverb "HEALTH IS WEALTH"
and act accordingly.

U People might have started to think i may be in this profession in some way by my lecture..
No way ..I'm in no way related to this profession. But I'm a faithful patient of HOMEOPATHY. I follow a lot of natural remedy for the common problems and even after that if i dont see any improvement i go to doctor.

17th June 2005, 10:53 PM
Hi everyone,
please read this below article...

18th June 2005, 01:53 AM
Hi napolims
That was intereting to hear. Even my family is into Homeopathy and my sister uses it for the kids too..
I have no personal experience so far but sure believe its amazing science!!
Thanks bye

28th June 2005, 11:55 PM
vibhuti/(sacred) ash or lime (can use even after taking off the juice)
can be used to clean brass/silver.If lime juice or rind is used to clean, wash it well and wipe it dry.